HomeMy WebLinkAbout31-16 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (4791 575-8323 Resolution: 3l-16 File Number: 2016-0006 AMEND THE 20T6 ADOPTED BUDGET: A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2016 ADOPTED BUDGET BY REAPPROPRIATING $7I,748,7OO.OO IN BONDED OR ONGOING CAPITAL PROJECTS, OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS AND GRANT FUNDED ITEMS WHEREAS, capital projects often are constructed and paid for in more than one calendar year which requires the funds appropriated in the initial year for the project to be reappropriated to the subsequent year to complete the project; and WHEREAS, certain outstanding obligations and grant funded items must be reappropriated to complete these obligations or grant funded projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby approves an amendment to the 2016 Budget to reflect 571,748,700.00 in bonded or ongoing capital projects, outstanding obligations and grant funded items as shown on the worksheet attached to this Resolution. PASSED and APPROVED on 111912016 Attest: Lisa Branson, Deputy City Clerk Page I Printed on 1/19/16 C¡ty of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number: 2016-0006 I 13 West Mountein Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Agenda Date:111912016 ln Control: City Council Meeting Agenda Number: C. 1 WHEREAS, capital projects often a¡e constructed and paid for ln requires the funds appropriated in the initial year for the project to year to complete the project; and WHEREAS, certain outstanding obligations and grant funded items these obligations or grant funded projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Status: Passed File Type: Resolution more than one calendar year which be reappropriated to the subsequent must be reappropriated to complete COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Version: 1 AMEND THE 2016 ADOPTED BTJDGET: A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2016 ADOPTED BUDGET BY REAPPROPRIATING $7I,748,7OO.OO IN BONDED OR ONGOING CAPITAL PROJECTS, OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS AND GRANT FUNDED ITEMS Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby approves an amendment to the 2016 Budget to reflect $71,748,700.00 in bonded or ongoing capital projects, outstanding obligations and grant funded items as shown on the worksheet attached to this Resolution. C¡U oî Fayettev¡ilø, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 1f21/2016 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form ä#3"$-##ü6 l-*gistar File åS zf Lsf æüre City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem Kevin springer r2/3L/2ors -Budget & lnformation Management / Finance & lnternal Services Department Submitted By Submitted Date Action Recommendation: Division / Department A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE 2016 ADOPTED BUDGET BY REAPPROPRIATING 57T,748,7OO IN BONDED OR ON- GOING CAPITAL PROJECTS AND OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS AND GRANT FUNDED ITEMS. Budget lmpact: Project Number Budgeted ltem? Yes Does item have a cost? No Budget Adjustment Attached? NA VARIOUS Fu nd VARIOUS Project Title Current Budget 5 try,268,000.00 Funds Obligated $ Current Balance VARIOUS Account Number VARIOUS Item Cost Budget Adjustment s $ lt,t4g,7oo.oo Remaining Budget v201 4071 0 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Num ber: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OF RKANS el A CITY COUNCIL AGTNDA MEMO MEETING OF JANUARY 20, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Don Marr, Chief of Staff PaulA. Becker, Chief Financial Officer Kevin Springer, Budget Director December 31,2015 201 6 Budget Re-appropriation Request RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended to amend the 2016 Adopted Budget by re-appropriating $71,748,700 in bonded or ongoing capital projects and outstanding obligations and grant funded items. ln addition, staff is recommending approval of any changes to this request that may arise due to finalizing the 2015 year end which would result in a decrease in the total authorized budget. BAGKGROUND: Budget appropriations for 2015 expired December 31, 2015. Equipment and supplies or services must have been received by December 31 in orderto be charged to the 2015 Budget. Some departments have items or services that were budgeted in 2015 but were not delivered or complete by year-end. ln these cases, unspent amounts for those projects and items need to be re appropriated, since they were not included in the 2016 Budget. ln the case of capital improvement projects, unspent funds are added to any amounts appropriated in the 2016 Budget. Because of the need for project continuation, staff recommends approval of the attached Re-appropriation budget request at the January 19,2016 City Council meeting. City Council is requested to amend the 2016 Adopted Budget by re-authorizing up to $71 ,748,700 for purchase commitments and capital improvements as follows: 1 - Bonded Capital Plojects 2 - Grants / Donations / Reimbursements 3 - Operational Obligations S i.1,s66,sos S 780,486 159,040 5,192,780 s 2,71,5,790 153,536 16,759,689 2,995,676 312,576 4 - Capital lmprove Grand Total s 30,035,686 s 4t,7L3,Ot4 5 7t,748,7OO A finolized listing of the copitol projecl re-oppropriotions will be submitted to City Councilos on informotionol item during the First Quorter of 2O16. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Streei Fayettevil le, AR 7 27 0'J- www.fayetteville-ar.gov Pleose find ottoched o schedule of copitol projects by lmprovement Type which were included in the 2015 Budgei thot were not fully expended during the 20.l5 fiscol yeor. The 2015 estimoted unreserved fund bolonce/refoined eornings for the respective funds reflected the cosi of the requested re-oppropriotion. These re-budgeled iTems, therefore, do not impoct the estimoted fund bolonce omounts which were forecosied in the 20i ó Budget. The re-outhorizotion of prior yeor's opproprioted projects ond items ore normol budget operoting procedures ond ore generolly for one-time expenses. Approvol of this request will ollow the 201ó Budget lo be increosed to reflect the ottoched informotion. Severol of the requested re-oulhorizotions include revenue offsel in the form of gront revenues. Totolrequested re-budgels for ollfunds ore in the otioched worksheet. These omounts will require City Council oction. For your informolion, o summory by Funding Source ond lmprovemenl Type is included following this memo. The re-oppropriotion omounts ore broken out into fwo seporote cotegories: ' Obligoled:These items hove Controcts/Purchose Orders olreody issued on them during 2015 ond the City will nol receive the item ond/or service unTil 201 ó.. Unobligoted:These iiems did not hove ony Controcts/Purchose Orders issued on lhem os of 2015. BUDGET/STAFF IMPAGT: The eslimoled fund bolonce for the 201ó Budget wos bosed on lhe ossumpiion thot lhese 2015 funds would be either spent in 2015 or be re-opproprioted. The funds do nol increose the use of operoting reserves ond lhis request simply retoins project funding for identifíed ond scheduled copilol improvemenls for the current fiscolyeor. lf you hove ony queslions concerning fhe ottochment or the procedure, pleose feel free to conloct either Poul A. Becker (525-8330) or Kevin Springer (575-8226). Thonk you for your ottention lo this request. Attachments: 2016 Appropriations (Summary by Fund) 201 6 Appropriations (Detail) 2016 Appropriations (Summary by Fund) FUNDING SOURCE 1010 - General 2100 - Street 2I3O - Parking 2t8O - Community Development Block Grant 2230 - Special State Grants 2250 - Parks Development 2300 - lmpact Fee 2930 - Drug Law Enforcement 4270 - Replacement & Disaster Recovery 4470 - Sales Tax Capital lmprovements 4520 - Sales Tax Construction Bond 4560 - Parking Deck Project 4570 - HMR 20L4 Bond Capital lmprovement 5400-Water&Sewer 5500 - Recycling & Trash Collection 230,613 1,69g,505 t,gtg,ttg t23'713- t'tåi;3li "li:,11i zo,9g0 1,057,535 1,079,515 g7,576 - 97,576 5,334,319 1,,062,937 6,397,155 t36,926 3,557,232 3,694,059 gg,05l_ gg,05l_ s,o6z,ß; ,,)ïií?1tt ,r,it),'r1! 9,032,012 5,074,449 14,1.06,461, 376,70r 11.9,294 4g4,gg5 2,t59,1,95 37 2,!59,232 2,546,930 16,61_9,159 Lg,L65,ggg 3,306,31_0 l_,035,099 4,341,409 Ig7,g1,g 522,320 710,139 1,,431,,656 1_,957,130 3,399,796 30,0351696 , 4L,7L3,0L,4 7L,749,7O0 i: ' NON OBLIGATED ] OBLIGATED 5550 - Airport 9700 - Shop öiän¿-îotrl*' TOTAL 2016 Appropriations ( Detai I ) cårE99RY 1 - BONDS 4s2o - sales rax co"iiiü.tiól'eoná-- - Street lmprovements: 06035 - Transportation Bond Street lmprovements 4560 - Parking Deck Project Transportation I mprovements: 11028 - Entertainment District Parking Facility 4570 - HMR 2014 Bond Capital lmprovement Parks & Recreation lmprovements: 02002 - Regional Park Development Other Capital lmprovements: 1.4022 - WAC Facility Expansion (HMR 2014 Bond) 9qH9AIF-D g,o32,or2 376,701, 289,398 1,,868,797 NON -o-P!*GarED Io-TAL 5,O74,449 14,106,461 tr8,294 494,995 - 2gg,3gg 37 1,868,834 11,566,909 5,192,780 L6,759,688 2Ot6 Appropriations ( Deta i I ) CATEGORY 2 - GRANTS . J.u^N".Pl ll9 s€-v-FcE 1010 - General Fire lmprovements: 31503 - Fire FEMA Grant - Operations/Safety Eqp Police lmprovements: 31307 - COPS Hiring Grant - 2Ot3 31501 - HSI ICAC Task Force 36033 - Police lnternet Crimes Against Child Grt 37042 - Police Bulletproof Vests Partership 38071, - Police IRS Reimbursements 38078 - Police DEA Reimbursement G ra nts/Donations: 31301 - Police DTF State Crime Fund Grant (DCF) 33044 - Police Department Donations 33045 - Police Law Enforcement State Forfeitures 33046 - Police Law Enforcement Fed Forfeitures 33047 - Fire Department Act 833/46/Misc Revenue 33048 - Animal Services Miscellanous Donations 33049 - Animal Services Clinic Donations 33051 - Parks & Recreation Donations 36024 - Historic Preservation Travel & Training 36029 - Fire - Donations 38067 - Police STEP Grant 38070 - Police High lntensity Drug Trafficking 39012 - District Court Automation 39022 - Police JAG LocalSolicitation 39024 - Police IRS/Treasury Forfeitures : NON OBLIGATED OBTIGATED 4,960 66,970 76,095 445,131 306 !3,902 5,902 L4,936 9,392 179 17,373 127,900 !23,359 8,009 72,O33 2,490 62,645 9,345 784 t07,LL7 13,245 14,t93 97,765 3l"L,l_95 TOTAL 76,095 445,r3L 306 13,902 5,902 14,936 9,392 179 L7,373 127,90O 123,35g 8,008 72,033 2,490 62,645 14,305 784 '1.07,1.r7 L3,245 14,L93 97,765 378,L65 2Ot6 Appropriatio ns ( Deta i l) çIIF-9.ORY 2 - GRANTS 2180 - Community Development Block Grant Operational: Community Development Block Grant Z23O - Special State Grants G ra nts/Donations: 31306 - NEA School Street Grant 31504 - USDA Farmers' Market Promotions Grant 2930 - Drug Law Enforcement Grants/Donations: 38070 - Police High lntensity Drug Trafficking 5500 - Recycling & Trash Collection Recycling & Trash Collection lmprovements: 3!302 - Keep Fayetteville Beautiful CLPP 3L304 - Curbside Value Partnership Grant 33028 - Solid Waste E-Waste Grant (ADEQ) Grants/Donations: 31-505 - Boston Mountain Recyclìng Distrist Grant 2 - GRANTS Tota| oBLrG-AI--ED NON gBl!,gArED ,LgLåt r,o57,535 L,078,515 - 29,720 - 58,856 20,980 28,720 58,856 89,051 89,051 588 588 6,327 6,327 20,404 20,404 8,000 8,000 180,486 2,7L5,!9O 2,895,676 2016 Appropriations ( Deta i l) CATEGORY FUNDING SOURCE 3 - OPERATIONAL 1.010 - General Other Capital lmprovements: 43020 - Wellness Program 57018 - Sales Tax Capital (4470) Transactions 57032 - Transfers to Shop Fund (9700) 59027 - Economic Development Services O pe ratio na l: Obligated: All Traffic Solutions "Traffic Suite Software" Obligated: ALS Technologies lnc "Chemical Munitions" Obligated: Aurora DNV LLC "Armasight CO-LR 3 Alpha" Obligated: CelleBrite USA Corp "Cellebrite Software Maintenar Obligated: Cruse Uniforms & Equip lnc "Uniforms" Obligated: LaRue Tactical Obligated: LexisNexis Matthew Bender "Crime Reporting Softvr Obligated: Scott Frame & Art LLC "FPD Display Case" Obligated: Preferred Office Prod lnc "scanning of Paper Plat p¿ Obligated: Austin Permit Service lnc "Contract Services - Plan F Community Resources lmprovements: 50033 - Raze and Removals Tracking ltems: 5LO22 - Public Access Television Fees Operational ltems: 51501 - Bicycle Coordinator Contract OBLIGATED OBLIGATED 41,250 4,939 864 4,717 3,099 5,674 12,997 5,707 864 1.1,673 2,750 9,905 105,372 17,500 1,000 TOTAL 8,805 !o5,372 17,500 42,250 4,939 864 4,717 3,099 5,674 L2,997 5,707 864 1.L,673 2,750 2,300 4,317 9,6L43,613 2,300 4,3L7 6,001 2OL6 Appropriatio ns ( Deta i I ) CATEGORY 3 - OPERATIONAT 2100 - Street O peratio na l: Obligated: BSC Holding lnc "Crushed Rock Salt" Obligated: S&R Trucking "Waste Disposal for Construction" 5400-Water&Sewer Operational: Obligated: Angst, Ervin L "Contractor Labor for Repairs" Obligated: Staffmark lnvestment LLC "Temporary GIS/Utility St Obligated: Environmental Consulting Op Tracking ltems: 51,401, - Fay Alert System Communication Plan 5500 - Recycling & Trash Collection Tracking ltems: 51,401, - Fay Alert System Communication Plan 3 - OPERATIONAL Total 4-ClP 1010 - General Other Capital lmprovements: 13031 - Woolsey Architectural Assessment 15031- Economic Development Strategic Plan Police lmprovements: 1,4020 - CDC Telephone Recording System 2100 - Street Transportation I mprovements: 02053 - Sidewalk lmprovements 1500L - Willow Bend Development Cost Share 15002 - Winter Weather Operations Center oBlr9|IFD 23,303 8,254 700 4,906 23,840 NON OBLIGATED TOTAT 23,303 9,254 700 4,806 23,840 r,t01. 7,140 1,101 7,1.40 159,040 1,073 59,473 153,536 9,925 17'J.,O99 500,000 378,9L5 3L2,576 92,156 1,073 59,473 9,925 263,255 500,000 378,91_5 2016 Appropriations ( Deta i I ) çår.E90-!y"" " "."4-ClP FUNDING SOURCE 2130 - Parking Other Capital lmprovements: 15003 - Spring Street Parking Deck lmprovements 15004 - Meadow Street Parking Deck lmprovements Transportation lmprovements: 06001 - Parking Lot lmprovements and Overlays 1.IO28 - Entertainment District Parking Facility 2250 - Parks Development Parks & Recreation lmprovements: O2OO2 - Regional Park Development 02013 - Neighborhood Park Development O2O1,4 - Other Park & Safety lmprovements (2250) L300L - Community Park lmprovements 2300 - lmpact Fee Fire lmprovements: 07003 - Fire lmpact Fee lmprovements (#4) 08046 - Fire Traffic Preemption Signals Water & Sewer lmprovements: 07002 - Water lmpact Fee lmprovements (#1) Wastewater Treatment I mprovements: 07OO4 - Wastewater lmpact Fee lmprovements (#2) Police lmprovements: 07001- Police lmpact Fee lmprovements (#3) NON 9B_t_19_åI_F,q,_*g_-q_lF.slF.p- 9,973 20,000 r,075 34,785 870,L45 L49,6!9 28,891 L4,L82 252,939 30,000 1,,596,239 l-,539,049 t39,107 " '"t_9Jr! 9,973 20,000 1",075 34,785 6,2O4,463 'J.49,619 28,891. L4,L82 252,939 30,000 'J.,596,239 L,539,049 275,933 5,334,3L8 1.36,826 2016 Appropriations ( Deta i l) 9årF9"ofy 4-CtP FU_lr.ïNq:ouRçF. " 4270 - Replacement & Disaster Recovery Other Capital lmprovements: 04038 - Replacement Copier Funds Vehicles & Equipment lmprovements: 05042 - Fleet - Vehicles/Equipment Under S10,000 447O - Sales Tax Capital lmprovements Parks & Recreation lmprovements: 02001 - Lights of the Ozarks 02045 - Forestry/Safety & ADA Compliance (4470) 08001- - Tree Escrow 14006 - Fayetteville Sr Center Pkng Lot/Drainage 15010 - Walker Park Sr Act¡vity & Wellness Ctr L5011 - Parks Safety & ADA 15012 - Forestry & Habitat lmprovements Fire lmprovements: 02006 - Fire Facility Maintenance 03019 - Fire Apparatus Purchases 100L5 - Fire Mobile Radios 10017 - Fire lnformation Technology Updates Trail lmprovements: 02016 - Trail Development 15016 - Lake Fayetteville Trailhead (BGSO) 15017 - Mud CreekTrailLighting NON OBLIGATED OBL¡GATED 105,039 9,885 11,085 62,927 201,401 6,970 24,924 15,000 27,675 , TgTÁL 105,039 9,885 11,085 62,927 201,401 6,970 24,924 15,000 27,675 1.23,45'J. 2L,L35 1.6,067 9,617 1,945,4O7 276,739 250,000 123,451 2r,135 1.6,067 9,617 884,628 27,022 250,000 L,060,779 249,717 2OL6 Appropriations ( Deta i l) -çfIE--9_^o-F_Y*."_ _ 4-ClP FUNDING SOURCE Other Capital lmprovements: 02046 - Building lmprovements O2O6t - Television Center Equipment 04001 - Telecommunication Systems Upgrades 11004 - Parking Lot lmprovements (City Employee) 12005 - On-Screen Graphics Generator Upgrade 13004 - City HallAudio-Visual Renovation 13005 - Citywide Building lns Appraisal Study 13013 - Wayfinding Regional Signage Program 13014 - Remote Meeting Recording 13015 - Television Center Digital Conversion 13046 - Tyson Factory Sale / lmprovements t40OZ - Animal Services lmprovements 14003 - City Clerk Document Management Equipment L4005 L4013 15007 Location Production System {Media) Kessler Mountain Acquisition Digital Signage lmplementation 1-5008 - Woolsey Homestead Historic Restoration 15009 - Building Efficiency lmprovements ,:. , , NON OBLIGATED OBLIGATED 4,000 682,547 2'J_,955 33,375 43,536 6,816 63,565 35,000 64,866 3,569 3'1,194 725,382 18,473 44,742 6,669 67,4LO 15,000 23,130 21.,964 L9r,t82_ TOTAL 2'1.8,546 686,547 21.,955 33,375 43,536 6,81_6 254,747 35,000 64,966 3,569 249,740 725,382 18,473 44,742 6,669 77,590 L5,000 4t,665 2t,964 16,180 18,535 201,6 App ropriations ( Deta i I ) c.ôTEGO*RY 4-CtP FUNDING SOURCE Police lmprovements: 02047 - Police Building lmprovements 02062 - Police Specialized Equipment 06002 - Police Technology lmprovements 06003 - Police Unmarked Vehicles 08013 - Police Tandburg Video Arraignment System 11006 - Police Equipment Replacement 11008 - Police Speed Display Signs 13011 - Police Bulletproof Vests 14008 - Police Network/Server Replacements 15014 - Police Automated External Defib (AED) 15015 - Police Mobile Video System Replacement Transportation I mprovements; 02052 - ln-House Pavement lmprovements 02053 - Sidewalk lmprovements 02063 - Traffic Signal lmprovements L5018 - Wireless Traffic Signal Control OBLIGATED 4,973 31",330 2t5,9gg NON _o^g"LlgilED 10,088 L8,853 35,665 49,709 18,000 29,308 1.,425 1,4,857 79,',J_92 1,259 35,000 1_89,384 1-90,532 297,319 40,000 -r9I¡t 15,061 L8,853 66,995 49,709 l_8,000 29,308 1,425 1,4,857 79,tg2 1,259 35,000 405,382 180,532 297,319 40,000 2Ot6 Appropriations ( Deta i I ) çår"ç-G-g'[Y-._.,. 4-CtP FUNDING SOURCE lnformation Technology lmprovements: 02055 - Geographic lnformation System (GlS) 02056 - Local Area Network (LAN) Upgrades 02057 - Microcomputer / Printer Replacements 02094 - Document Management 04047 - Fayettevil le-AR.gov Technical lmps 05055 - Software Upgrades - City Wide 07010 - Budgeting & Planning Software System 08025 - Time and Attendance 09031- Storage Area Network (SAN) 10013 - lT Assessment and Project Management L3007 - Enterprise Data Warehouse System 15005 - Desktop Management System L5006 - Web Security Filtering Bridge & Drainage lmprovements: O2O97 - Stormwater Quality Management 02108 - Other Drainage lmprovements Street lmprovements: 0211,6 - Street ROW / lntersection / Cost Sharing 06008 - Rupple Road - Wedington to Mt. Comfort 06035 - Transportation Bond Street lmprovements 10011 - Old Wire Road-Mission to Crossover 1.402t - Tiansportation Master Plan New World Logos/Aegis Computer Systems: L3008 - ERP Upgrade/Replacement 1-4009 - Police Records Management System NON OBLIGATED OBLIGATED 8,000 36,755 18,597 1,6,269 28,086 57,776 14,456 47,360 !7,000 54,667 21,372 97,000 11,800 16,836 96,O29 t23,got 432,967 297,213 695,169 500,826 499,7r9 t2,830 !8,394 "_""._T"_9JSj 36,755 18,597 1.6,269 28,086 65,776 14,456 47,360 17,000 54,667 21,372 97,o0o 11,800 16,936 385,920 385,785 432,967 297,213 'J_,962,36L 500,826 499,71.8 477,481 777,573 289,89L 261.,984 1,267,192 464,65! 759,r79 20L6 Appropriations ( Deta i I ) c-ôrE9-oßy 4-CtP FUNDING SOURCE 5400-Water&Sewer Water & Sewer lmprovements: O20I7 - Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 02067 - Water and Sewer Cost Sharing 04020 - Water Line Projects As Needed 04039 - Water/Sewer lmpact Fee Cost Sharing 10005 - South Mtn Pump Station Repair & Replace 10006 - Benson Mountain Pressure Plane Upgrade 10007 - W/S lmprovements Defined by Study 11010 - lrrigation Reels - WWTP - Water/Sewer Relocations - Bond Projects tt}t2 - Waterline - Huntsville (265 - Van Hoose) 11013 - Wetlands Bank Construction tt0t4 - White River NPDES UAA and APCEC Action 12009 - Water System Rehabilitation/Replacement 13018 - Wastewater Treatment/Water Quality lmps 1,40L1" - Fire Alarm System for W/S Ops 1,4012 - Rain Garden Project Grant 1-40L5 - Regional Park Waterlines 14018 - Sewer Rehabilitation - Ramsev/Overcrest NON OBLIGATED OBTIGATED Wastewa 02032 02068 02069 10008 1.O027 15023 ter Treatment lmprovements: - W.W.T.P. Building lmprovements 592,072 2,1,85 Upgrade/Replace Lift Stations - W.W.T.P. Plant Pumps and Equipment - W.W.T.P. Disinfection System Replacement (UV) Phosphorus Standards Management Filter Cell Replacement - W.W.T.P. 2,192,769 96,796 59,999 870,594 29,905 325,000 534,454 L00,660 827,t97 48,333 350,000 'J.4,998 3,291,,649 L,O51,757 24,5L2 17,800 527,592 2,339,865 485,524 49,869 L20,806 58,002 60,434 1,000,000 JOJAL 2,784,841. 96,796 62,1.84 870,594 29,905 325,000 610,21.2 100,660 862,978 48,333 350,000 38,626 3,291,649 1,261,462 24,5L2 17,800 533,546 2,415,748 501,910 65,519 370,505 720,524 60,434 1,ooo,ooo 75,758 35,78t 23,628 209,705 5,9s4 75,883 16,386 15,650 249,699 662,527_ 2016 Appropriations ( Deta i I ) ç^rFG-gBY 4-CtP F9_IPlN"G 90uRçE Water & Sewer Services lmprovements: 02064 - Water & Sewer Rate/Operations Study 02065 - Water Meters 02066 - Backflow Prevention Assemblies 03038 - Utilities Financial Services lmpvs 13016 - Business Office Technology lmprovements 13017 - Business Office Printer Replacements 13019 - Water/Sewer Equipment Expansions 15019 - Utilities Technology lmprovements 15020 - Water/Sewer Building-Office I m provements Street lmprovements: 06035 - Transportation Bond Street lmprovements Citywide I mprovements: 09028 - Fiber Optic Cable Capital Water Mains (5600): 14010 - Water Tank lmprovements 1,502I - Water Storage & Pump Station Maintenance i " ,:)t NoN OBLIGATED OBLIGATED 998 54,849 15,00; 3,044 5,620 391,763 80,987 t64,LL8 445,L20 63,190 82,165 30,000 30,000 272,037 12,000 L43,9t7 to4,969 56,491 699,232 36,405 _"*T.gJ"* 165,1L6 499,969 63,190 82,L65 45,000 30,000 275,O91, 12,000 r49,437 496,732 56,491" 780,219 36,405 2Ot6 Appropriations ( Deta i l) cATEGOFY 4-ClP FUNDING SOURCE ssoo - Recycring a riàlrr öãii"ition - Other Capital lmprovements; L3030 - Access Control & Security System Recycling & Trash Collection lmprovements: 070I2 - Materials Recovery Facility lmprovements 09019 - Recycling Containers ADEQ Grant Purchase 10001 - Solid Waste Compactors 10003 - Westside Recycling Drop Off Facility 10004 - Solid Waste Commercial Rate Study 1,3021, - Solid Waste Office & Trans Station Exp t4O!9 - Waste Reduction & Recycling Plan 15024 - Container Maintenance Building Upgrade 15025 - Solid Waste Containers Citywide I mprovements: 09028 - Fiber Optic Cable 9PIL9åJ.F.P NON -9qH9AI-ED 1.,757 33,276 30,852 406,941. 10,673 11_0,000 252,42L 25,000 14,93! L06,788 3,182,759 123,551 TOIAL 1,757 33,276 30,852 406,941. 10,673 110,000 3,435,L90 'J_23,551. 25,000 t4,931, 106,788 2OL6 Appropriations ( Deta i I ) c-årF9_o.ßJ 4-CtP FUNDING SOURCE 5550 - Airport Other Capital lmprovements: 13030 - Access Control & Security System Aviation I mprovements: 05046 - Airport Expansion Equipment (AtP#21 REV) L3023 - Airport ARFF Personal Protective Gear 13025 - Airport Roof Replacements 13026 - Airport Self Serve Station Upgrade L3027 - Airport Fire Sprinkler Repl White Hangar 1-4014 - Airport Terminal Apron Rehabilitation 15026 - Airport Lighting lmprovements 1"5027 - Airport Boiler lmprovements 15029 - Airport Engineering Consultant Services 1-5030 - Airport Pavement Painting & Signs 9700 - Shop Other Capital lmprovements: 12007 - Shop lmprovements Vehicles & Equipment lmprovements: 02076 - Fleet - Backhoes / Loaders O2O78 - Fleet - Light / Medium Utility Vehicles 02079 - Fleet - Heavy Utility Vehicles 02080 - Fleet - Other Vehicles / Equipment 02081 - Fleet - Police / Passenger Vehicles 02082 - Fleet - Recycling/Trash Vehicles/Equip 02083 - Fieet - Tractors / Mowers 4 - CIP Total OBLIGATED OBTIGATED 27,500 3,428_ 59,503 97,399 45,ggt 106,246 279,000 t7,992 'J.4,200 953,552 14,685 1,046 40,01-8 L,232 L83,500 10,000 L40,000 39,38L 7,754 25,000 74,399 167,364 L86,640 357,295 1,52,464 297,195 396,269 162,797 237,117 "_. . ,Tg-r-êI 1,,046 40,018 L,232 21.1,,000 10,000 140,000 42,g]g 7,754 25,000 59,503 171,777 213,355 'J.86,640 463,53L 431,464 315,t77 LO,46g t,'J,!6,349 251.,802 30,035,686 4L,7t3,OL4 7t,749,700 5L,780,760