HomeMy WebLinkAbout30-16 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 30-16 File Number: 2015-0634 AppEAL OF A CONDITION OF ppl. 15-5253 TO REQUIRE THE DEVELOPER TO BUILD A CONNECTION TO FOX TRAIL: A RESOLUTION TO GRANT THE APPEAL OF A CONDITION OF PPL 15-5253 TO REQUIRE THE DEVELOPER TO BUILD A CONNECTION TO FOX TRAIL WHEREAS, the developers of PPL 15-5253 wish to develop their low density residential development which is outside the city limits without such a street connection and instead rely upon their to be constructed street stub out to the south toward undeveloped land which could lead to a connection of Fox Trail further south. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the appeal of the Fox Hills Subdivision developer to allow construction of the street intersecting Highway 45; and Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby modifies the conditions of PPL 15-5253 to remove the requirement to construct a street connecting to Fox Trail, but otherwise approves PPL l5-5253 with all other terms and conditions. PASSED and APPROVED on 111912016 Page 1 Pr¡nted on 1/19/16 File Number: 20110634 Resolution 30-16 Attest: Page 2 Pr¡nted on 1n9/16 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number: 2015-0634 113 West Mounta¡n Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Agenda Date= 111912016 ln Gontrol: City Council Meeting Agenda Number: 8.2 Version: 1 Status: Passed File Type: Resolution AppEAL OF A CONDITION OF ppl, 15-5253 TO REQUIR-E THE DEVELOPER TO BUILD A CONNECTION TO FOX TRAIL: A RESOLUTION TO GRANT THE APPEAL OF A CONDITION OF PPL I5-5253TO REQUIRE THE DEVELOPER TO BUILD A CONNECTION TO FOX TRAIL WHEREAS, the developers of PPL 15-5253 wish to develop their low density residential development which is outside the city limits without such a street connection and instead rely upon their to be constructed street stub out to the south toward undeveloped land which could lead to a connection of Fox Trail further south. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the appeal of the Fox Hills Subdivision developer to allow construction of the street intersecting Highway 45; and Section 2. That the City Council of the Cþ of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby modifies the conditions of PPL l5-5253to remove the requirement to construct a street connecting to Fox Trail, but otherwise approves PPL 15-5253 with all other terms and conditions. City of Fayetteviile, Arkansas Page I Printed on 1n1nn6 ffiæWMWW Re: PPL 15-5253 This letter is an appeal of the decision by the Planning Commission on December 14,2O!5 to require a connectiontoFoxTrail RdontheproposedPreliminaryPlat. ltisthedevelope/sbeliefthatconnect¡v¡ty¡s being provided to the south to a large developable tract of land that is adjacent to Fox Trail and the connection will happen at that time. Furthermore, this would be on an area of Fox Trail that does not have a median so this connection could then be a left out, right out and a left turn into the proposed subdivision from Fox Trail. The developer does not feel like the requested connection to Fox Trail meets the intent of connectivity due to the fact there is currently a large median in this area making the proposed connection a right out turn only. Also we have communication with a neighbor that opposes this connection and does not want a new road next to his house. We thank you for your consideration of this proposal and please call with any questions, Thank you. Sincerely; JORGËN5ËN +ASSOCIATES l-i: vrì ü r:ç¡r'e¡r¿r r; ¡#, $i;¡ ug.l.¡r'iS 124 W Sunbridge Drive, Suite 5 Fayetteville, AR 72703 Office'. 479.442,9127 Fax. 479.5823807 ßjw'.4,;(.)r'!iijí13*iìi.iíiì;öü.car :i RECEIVËD ffiËü å W RüÊffi cdli,'dË*iqåffi#Ë December 76,2015 City clerk City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR727Ot Attn: Sondra Smith GRAPIfIC SCALË j {fNEF) ì ÌÈh ' IPO ll USIll i-rv i :¡sr, I :& ¡:Á4K f ,{sr : =& I aìr¡ 11 4 l¡ rr r sìit I 9d ¡ û.ê I l¿tnf l¡ i ., i \ ?.rt¿¡.â,\r*il'¡:irii-F \i.t d,ffi \ \ rri,lrä!;:-¿ : f si .' 'l\'ä1,*:,ryî.i*.,.1--+::4" ï:\l-.ffiiËlLá:'\ \ ,.-'::4 ::+¿! -..,"'E 8f${i¡/]tiJ.* i -#---- '/j_/ -- S/ \ts¡t .ñ¡.----.-,...---- ---d|,.. .,,...-- "- --_ 1 )/\ -(lv.1\;&ú I E:{.$¡;l¡tt'ru','r' l,ì,,,,"";iji"'i:iEl._Þ .J: lÉ¿'f^:i ':m ..' 1 :¡;iå,r--r \/{r$"- -,X",'i( i ià !Ì,'*ri ô rËríËrsÈ ui{ti @! ¡û¡ ísÈi7 4rqsr*crt:*Ë i-r:r:ì. FNÞ!í síl:È 5Ëf sa ft5ihf j'- *{E S år4gssr"lgu$rgl4ä æJ* G¡5si€ b+?Ê¡s*Fi ¡hrr :$rri)4rrk \*'ìf*{drN"rêrtÁ7\rft ¡k+¡r4r¡t; î¡s,n4 Vs?Nr {ì ?¡ùrh ;4r({:;:r<øè,yâsr;g i^^r¡aq,rvlr&!r4d ¡' a&r Þs'r{'{ Í ! 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Þ'Àrt\ a rr.r'?rl r, ¿1 ' r:¡ .,::¡ V:;"rr .rı, {f if +? Ù Àa,. ry-. !Þ,r¡ti 3 id f¡(r{\t )lr s3t sr( :^\S¡'lf¡. :t:!A-. zr¿v ti\ ù crdrï r :r; rì iL, !¿rå rqi,i:li rj:& r ?.*,;Jr *!,j,4 {lnrirq \¿ jr.,:,a¡.,{ k, \ 6+r. rìryra*'r )ia wi!ri€\F-¿iclrti, rr- qf$si$r. tr-.-\\..\Aiñ isìs '-0cÂTlotir tÂYtûÊvtLLÉ. Á-qiçiA'tsrrs SllÈiì nll5: PAEUritlNÈtìY YtÂT CITY OF CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO ARKANSAS MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 2016 TO: FROM: THRU: DATE: SUBJECT: Fayetteville City Council Quin Thompson, Current Planner Andrew Garner, City Planning Director December 18,2015 PPL l5-5253: Preliminary Plat (EAST OF HVVY 45 & FOX TRAIL/FOX HILLS SUBDIVISION, 260): The applicant appeals condition of approval No. 2 required by the Planning Commission for PPL 15-5253. RECOMMENDATION: On December 14,2015 the Planning Commission approved Preliminary Plat 15-5253 (Fox Hills Subdivision) with conditions of approval. Condition of approval No. 2 requires that this new subdivision provide a street connection to Fox Trail. The applicant has appealed the Planning Commission decision to the City Council, requesting removal of condition of approval No. 2. BACKGROUND: This property is located at the southeast corner of Mission Boulevard and Fox Trail, and contains approximately 24.60 acres. The property is within the City of Fayetteville Planning Area. As the site is beyond one mile from the City limits it is not subject to all of the city's development regulations and is only reviewed for water service, general lot, block and street connectivity, and overall traffic and public safety. On December 14,2015 the Planning Commission approved Preliminary Plat 15-5253 (Fox Hills Subdivision) for a residential subdivision with 17 single family lots. The preliminary plat was approved with a condition of approval (No. 2) that states as follows: Condition #2 Planning Commission determination of street connectivity. Staff recommends in favor of street connection to Fox Trail for the reasons drscøssed p reviously in this report, but not to the east given the steep topography that makes development of a standard lot and block layout unfeasible. A street stub-out is proposed for future connection to the south. Proposal:The applicant has appealed the Planning Commission's requirement for condition of approval #2 in order to allow their subdivision to be developed without a connection to Fox Trail. DISCUSSION: Staff and the Planning Commission recommend that Condition of Approval No. 2 be upheld by the City Council primarily to improve overall traffic and public safety for this subdivision that has Mailing Address: l-l-3 W. Mountain Streeï Fayetteville, AR727 01. Wl/vrrrt.f ayettevi 1 le-a r. g ov somewhat limited visibility accessing Mission Boulevard from the new proposed intersection. A connection to Fox Trail would provide superior sight lines and a safer left turn onto Mission Boulevard. Secondarily, adding the street connection would be consistent with the Cityis longstanding policy for openness and connectivity within and throughout neighborhoods. Access and street connectivity: A connected street network is desirable from a city planning perspective for a host of reasons. A connected street network reduces traffic congestion by dispersing traffic and offering travel options for drivers. Parallel routes within connected networks provide different routes to destinations for convenience, variety, or to avoid congestion. These choices help all users of the transportation system by reducing travel delays associated with reliance on very few routes. Connected streets also encourage active transportation like walking and cycling, and have a measurable impact on community health. The property has frontage along Mission Boulevard and Fox Trail. The applicant proposes one connection to Mission Boulevard and a street stub-out to the south that can be extended with future development. Staff and the Planning Commission recommend allowing the subdivision to not stub out a street to the east given the steep topography that makes development of a standard lot and block layout in that direction unfeasible. However, staff and the Planning Commission recommend that a connection be provided to Fox Trailto the west. The median on Fox Trail does not need to be removed for a full access entry, and an entire buildable lot would not be lost if the connection is required (see attached sketch). An access point to Fox Trail will prevent this neighborhood from being an isolated dead-end subdivision in the near term where all traffic is funneled to one outlet on an arterial road. Connectivity to Fox Trail would be a safety and convenience benefit for citizens by providing a safer left turn location onto high-speed Mission Boulevard where a majority of residents will be traveling during AM and PM peak hours. This street connection would provide greater emergency vehicle access, more efficient trash and recycling pick up, and would be a benefit to pedestrians and cyclists who would have safe access onto Fox Trail. Fox Trail is a small two-lane roadway that is approximately 1.5 miles long. A connection to this roadway would provide opportunities for pedestrians to enjoy this amenity for walking, riding, and exercise outside of their immediate neighborhood. lf a connection is not provided pedestrians would have to take a circuitous route along high-speed Mission Boulevard before being able to access Fox Trail. Traffic safety:This portion of Mission Boulevard has some slight horizontal and vertical curves and is posted with a 55 mph speed limit. Staff required the applicant to evaluate the sight lines of the new proposed intersection for traffic safety. Additionally, the City Engineering Division conducted their own independent sight line study of the proposed intersection. As indicated in the applicant's study and City Engineering Division analysis (both attached), the proposed intersection will meet the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), City, and County standards for stopping distance and intersection sight lines. However, a sight line easement will likely be required to be dedicated prior to final plat to allow the developer to clear vegetation to ensure the minimum sight lines are maintained. The primary reason for the recommended street connection to Fox Trail is because it has better sight lines than the new proposed street intersection. This would improve the overall safety. Review of traffic safety is one of the primary approval and denial criteria for a preliminary plat pursuant to UDC Section 166.02(CX2). Further, as this subdivision is within the City of Fayetteville Planning Area, staff and the Planning Commission recommended this street connection consistent with the City's longstanding policies for openness and connectivity within and through neighborhoods in the City's jurisdiction. On December 14,2015 the Planning Commission approved PPL 15-5253 finding in favor of Condition of Approval No. 2 by a vote of B-0-0. CITY OF ARKANSAS CITY COUNCIL AGTNDA MEMO MEETING OF JANUARY 19, 2016 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Jordan, Fayetteville City Council Jeremy Pate, Development Services Director*F January 7,2016 PPL l5-5253: Fox Hills Subdivision Appeal of Connectivity Condition of Approval RECOMMENDATION: Based upon further research and discussion noted below, staff recommends that the City Council remove Condition of Approval No. 2 from the approval of PPL 15-5253, thereby removing the requirement for the western street to connect to Fox Trail, finding that current codes do not require this condition for subdivisions bevond one mile of the citv limits. On December 14,2015 the Planning Commission approved Preliminary Plat 15-5253 (Fox Hills Subdivision) with conditions of approval. Condition of approval No. 2 requires that this new subdivision provide a street connection to Fox Trail. The applicant has appealed the Planning Commission decision to the City Council, requesting removal of condition of approval No. 2. BACKGROUND: As discussed in the staff memo for this item, this property is located within the City's Planning Area, the territorialjurisdiction that the City has adopted as a future growth area in which certain regulations may be applied according to state statute. Within the Planning Area the City does not exercise zoning; that is exclusively a County jurisdictional matter. We do, however, have the ability to exercise certain subdivision regulations once a Planning Area is adopted. ln addition to this, state statutes give the County certain rights to exercise control over road regulations, including design specifications, road configuration and drainage if it affects County roads. Lastly, both the County and City have adopted regulations that differentiate the standards that apply within one mile of a municipality's boundary and outside of one mile. Our current code states that outside of one mile of the City's boundary, County subdivision regulations apply. This property lies approximately 1.5 miles beyond the City's boundary. It appears clear that the City can exercise subdivision regulations within our adopted Planning Area. lt is also noted that we have elected to differentiate which standards apply, based upon the distance from the city limits. ln most cases, ordinances requiring connectivity of streets for safety and convenience purposes would apply, even within the Planning Area. The City could also deny the subdivision plat if a traffic safety issue was created or compounded by the development, which is one of the criteria for denial adopted in our Unified Development Code. However, due to the distance from the city's boundary and the fact that the City and applicant engineers have studied sight distances and found they meet the minimum requirements with some clearing of vegetation, Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR727OI wwnr.f ayettevi Ile-a r.gov staff recommends the appeal as filed be granted. Washington County will review and apply their subdivision standards to the project with any conditions of approval, once the approval is final. 410 205 0 410 Feetm í4 E L,ti'\a iÐ ä.\ lt ii. MÁBì¡N Ê0¡D I I I I J t{">- I I t I û01.r5?69'000 CHRISNAN TÀMILY P.0, Box 1139 (Z0NlNG: C0UÈfm ! ¿.*^':.t' ').")- 0ri1-15766.000 EIIZABFIH BUCKTE'ì/ 2E19 rcX l8Álr. FoAD TAYËITÊVILLE, AR, 72703 [¿0NlNG: CoUNm ||] ili J!PJ-Eq 1) PLAf PAGÊ #2ô0 & 299. 2l PABCEL NUIú5En: 001-15i6?-000 û 001-15i63'000. 3) ]HIS PnoPEnry ß Nof AFFECTED BY rlrE 100 YEÂR lloio ÞlÂlñ AS PËß ÍlRli! #05l45C0230FDAÌED l''lAV 16,2009. 4) CUÂREtfi ZONlNc ; C0Uilft 1 OWILLING llNñ PÊÊ ACnìÉ. ¡I 1 "*- oor.rsra\lor ,/ t'ù r,taÀÏN ¿ ÀlNr BozotaNli \ì zo¡oru.ro*ut¡n,no¡o i'L./rr r¡nrrcl.rut, nR. 72703.2063 t?oflfrj6l c0uNmI IIIIII I IIt 'k" -- E'i¡JÏÀ/ 3S -- - -is.s-:B.i ù= - - - --1 SKTTCi-I ÜF PüS$f ßLT STRËËT ALIGhJMËî{T 0¡1.15765-000 JOE & KATHSYN 280.f Fox l¡AìL FAYENEVIUE, AR. izoN¡NG: CCUNTT) È t RqsN I IfI I II I Itl I, I ¡¡ ) SI El I I Ir I I 001- BOBi r.o.I rAYr tt I Ii \ I ù III lì \II I I I,t alII !dr.i\\i\t_li +::i It\,,)lo, þuu¡ú\ \æ:r.r\r f.åY(TrÉ' t\ {tq r*l ¿hì CITY OF TO: THRU: ËROM: MËËTING: SUBJËCT: PLANNING COMMISSION M=MO Fayetteville Planning Commission Andrew, Garner, City Planning Direclor Quin Thompson, Current Planner Corey Granderson, Staff Engineer @ N-jFDATËD I2-18-2t'rS PPL 1S-525S: Freliminary Plat {ñAST OF Hl,lrY 45 & FOX TRAIUFOX }llttS SUBDIVIS¡ON, 2ô0): Submitted by JORGËNSEN & ASSOCIATES, lNC. for property located EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF HWY. 45 & FOX TRAIL. The property is in THE FAYETTEVILLE PLANNING AREA and contains approximately 24.60 äcres. The request is for a 17 lot single-family subdivísion. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding PPL 15-5253 ffth conditions of approval. BACKGROUND: This property is located at the southeast corner of Mission Boulevard and Fox Trail, and contains approxímately 24.6 acres. The property is within the City of Fayetieville Planning Area. As the site is beyond one mile from the City limits it is not subject to all of the city's development regulations and is only reviewed for water se¡vice, general lot, block and street connectivity, and overall traffic and public safety. The surrounding zoning and land uses are depícted in Table t, aþle and Land Use Direetion from Site Land Use Zoning North Single famity residentia l/u ndeveloped Washi n gton County Agriculture/S in gle-farnily Residential I unit per acre South Single family residentia l/undevelocerl Washingion County Agriculture/Single-family Residential I unit per acre East Single famiÌy resldential/u ndevelooed ington County Agriculture/Sin1 Residential I unit per acre West Single family residential Washington County Agriculture/Single-family Residential 1 unit per acre Praposal: The applicant proposes a residential subdivision containing 17 single family lots. Water and SewerSystem: Water mains will be extended to serve the development. Septic syst€ms will serve individual lots. Adjacent Master Sfreef P/an Sfreels: Missíon Boulevard (AR HWY 45), a Master Street Plan designated Principal Arterial, and Fox Trail, a Local Street, are adjacent to this property- Mailing Address: 1L3 W Mount¿in Street Fayetteville, AR 72?û1 wv'w. ra yeu*ff ñ:å?,äål''o' u r5-5253 Fox Hills SÐ Page 1 ot 17 Right-olway to be dedícated:Right-of-way in the amount of 43.5 feet from eenterline of Missîon Bıulevard io be dedicated, and 50 feet of right-of-way (ROW) for the new streets in this subdivision. .Access and street connectivity. The property has frontage along Mission Boulevard and Fox Trail. The applicant proposes one connection to Mission Boulevard and a street stub-out to the souih. Stafl iecommends allowing the subdivision to not stub out a street to the east given the steep topography that makes development of a standard lot and block layout in that direction unfeasible. Howéver staff recommends that connection be provided to Fox Trailto the west, The median on Fox Trail does noi need to be removed for a full access entry, and an entire lot would not necessarily be lost if connection is required (see attached sketch). An access point io Fox Trail will prevent thÍs neighborhood from being an isolated dead-end subdivision in the nearterm where all traffic is funneled to one outlet on an arterial road. Connectivity to Fox Trail would be a safety and convenience benefit for citizens by providing a safer lefi turn location onto high-speed Mission Boulevard where a majority of residents will be traveling during AM peak hours. This street connection would provide greater emergency vehicfe access and reduced response times, more efficient trash and recycling pick up, and would be a benefiÊ to pedestrians and cyclists who would have safe âccess onto Fox Trail. Fox Trail is a small two-lane roadway that is approximately 1.5 miles long. A connection to this roadway would provide opportunities for pedestrians to enjoy this ameníiy fãr walking, ridíng, and exercise outside of their immediate neighborhood. lf a connestion is not provided pédestrians would have lo take a circuitous route along high-speed Mission Boulevard before being able to access Fox Trail. Traffic safety: This portion of Mission Boulevard has some slight horizontal and vertical curves and is posted with a 55 mph speed límit, Staff required the applicant to evaluate the site lines of the new proposed intersection fortraffic safety. Additionally, City Engineering Division conducted their own independent site line study of the proposed intersection. As indicated in the applicant's study and City Engineering Division analysis (both attached), the proposed intersection will meet the AmericanAssociation of Highway and Transporiation Officials (AASHTO), City, and County standards for stopping distance and intersection site lines. While anv t\rníno mavernent onto and Pubtic Comment: Staff has been in cornmunication with Washington County Planning staff specifically discussing their concerns with the safety of the subdivision's new intersection on Mission Eoulevard (email attached). At the Subdivision Committee meeting some surrounding neighbors spoke discussing traffic in the area, but they were not opposed to this development. RECOMMENDATION: ttaff recommends approval of PPL 1ã-5253 with the following conditions. Conditions of Approval : 1. Planning Commission determination of street improvements. Sfa¡Trecommends the following sfreef improvements: a. Ptanning Commission determination of the safefy of the proposed sfreef rntersecfron at Mission Batievard. Sfaff finds the proposed infersecflon will not create or compound a d angerou s traffic cond it ion. G:\ETG\Development Servires Revielv\2O1S\Development Review\'15-5253 PPL SW Gorner of Hwy 45 & Fox Trail (Fox Hills SD)\03 Planning Commíssìon\02-09-20,l5\Cornments and Redlìnes Planning Commission December'14,2O15 Agenda ltem 3 15-5253 Fox Hills SÐ Page 2 of 17 on MissLon 4,pulev?rd meets minimum standards for safetv. b. The applicant shall pay an assess/nent in the amount of $12,800 prior ta final plat for the removal of the temporary cul-de-sae, re-vegetation of the area, and construction of new sidewalk and curb. 2. Planning Commission determination of street connectivity. Staff recommends in favar of sfreef connection to Fox Trail for fhe reasons dlscussed previously in this report, but not fo fhe east given the steep topography that makes development of a standard lot and block layout unfeasible. A street sfub-ouú r's proposed for future connection ta the south. 3. As requested by the Washington County Planning Division, the cul-de-sac shall be pulled back slightly from the property lÍne to allow room for maintenance purposes for county road crews. Show this revision on the plans submitted for Pfanníng Commission. 4. A copy of septic permits for all lots less than 1,5 acres shall be provided prior to final plat. 5. Preliminary plat approval is valid for one year. All permits to complete construclion for all lots within this preliminary plat are required to be obtained within one (1) year, subject to extensions in accordance with the Unified Development Code. 6. All engineering and GIS department conditions included herein shall apply. All revisions shall be addressed prior to construction plan approval. 7. Signage shall be placed, and must remain, at stubbed-out streets or temporary cul-de-sacs indicating future street connection. Standard conditions of approval: 8. lmpact fees for fire, police, water, and sewer shall be paid in accordance with City ordinance. 9. Plat Review and Subdivision comments (to include written staff comments provided to the âpplioänt or his representative, and all comments from utility representatives: AR Western Gas, SWBT, Ozarks, SWEPCO, Cox Communications). 10. Staff approval of final detailed plans, specifications and calculations (where applicable) for grading, drainage, water, sewer, fire protection, streets (public and private), sidewalks, parklng lot(s) and tree preservation. The information submitted for the plat review process was reviewed for general concept only. AII public improvements are subject to additional review and approval, All improvements shall comply with City's current requirements. 1 1. Preliminary Plat development shall be valid for one calendar year" G:\ËTC\Developmeßt Services Review\201S\Developmenl Revlerv\15-5253 PPL S\^/ Corner of Hwy 45 & Fox Traif (Fox Hiils SD)\03 Planning CommÍssion\02-09-201S\Comments and Redlines Planning Commission December 14,2015 Agenda ltem 3 15-5253 Fox Hills SÞ Page 3 of 17 Planning Commission Action: È$ Approved D Forwarded t Denied Meeting Date: Þecember 1"4. 20tl Motion: ffiRTWN, IVIîH ALL TÛhêD¡T¡CIN$ RËCTL,IMENÜgD BY STAFï:, INCLUÐING I\ STRË[T ÇÜh¡NãCTIÜN T* Tf-^{H WU$T. Second: þ'fü$KlÊ\$ Vote: 8-0-0 Vote; TUÞGETJSTÂFF,IMPATT; Nor'le Attachments; ' Ëngineering Divísion comments. Sketch of possible slreet alignment. City 911 Coordinator comments " Washington County comments ' Request letier. Applicant's street improvement assessment " Site plan ' Sight distance exhiþit ' Close Up Mapr One Mile Map Planning Commission December 14,2Ð15 G:\ËT0\Þevelopment Seruiæs Revlew9Ù15\Bevelopmeni Revíew\15-5?53 PPL SW Gof ner Ðf Agenda ltem 3 Hwy 45 & Fox Ïrail (Fox flilìs SÞi\03 Planning Commission\Ð2-09-20f 5\Commenls ând Redlines l s-52S3 Fox Hills SD Pâge 4 of 17 r*^tåç] CITY OF Date: December 1,2015 To: Quin Thompson, Current Planner þ'rom: Corey Gr¿nderson, Staff Enginesr Re: Plat Review Com¡nents Subdivision Cornmittee Staff Memo Development: PPL 15-5253: Prelirninary Plat FOX tflLLS SUBDIVISION F.ngineer: Jorgensen & Associates In tersection Safety Comments : This plat proposes a nrw street that will intersect AR-45 acrôss from lhe existing Shelton Loop intersection, east of Fox Trail. It is the opinion of the Engineering Divísicn that traffic leaving this proposed street and turning right or left onto ÂR-45 wouid not creatc or exacerbate a dangerous traffic condition. As can be seen on the attached exhibit, both the right and ìeft turn movements from this proposed street have adeguate Stopping Sight Distances and {nterscction Sight Ðistances based on industry standards (AÀS}ITO, 201l). AASHTO's Ä Polic.v on Geometric Dcsign of Highwavs and Streets states that'-lf the available sight distance for an cntering or crossing vehicle is at least cqual to the appropriate stopping sight distance f'or the major road, then drivers have suflicient sight distance to anticipate and avoid collisions. f{owever, in scme câses å major-road vehicle may need to stop or slow to accornmodate the rnaneuver by a minor-road vehicle. To enhance traffìc op*rations, intçrsection sight elistances thât excecd stopping sight distâncss aÍe dcsirable along the rnajo: road." Thcse increased sight distances are called "interscction sight distances" and have beelr mct on this project in addition to the safety-rclated minimum stopping sight clistances âs tnentioned above and shown in the attached exhibit. Plan Comments: l. 'l'wo ¡roints of waterJinc looping have been shown at the end of the westernmost crtl-de-sac. Hither option will be acceptable, bur only one loop point nceds to be provided. 2. Waterline looping frorn the end of the dead-end iine at south cul-de-sac must be provided. l,ogical looping point is due west requiring offsite easements & construction. 3. Proposed watedine radius appears too tight. Provide rnanufàcturer's specitìcation for allowable deflection at each joint. Pipe deflection befiveen joints rvillnot be cc¡nsidered. Prc¡vide additional fittings. 4. Water nìeters have not been shown to sen'ice lots I 1 and 12. Show these on updated plan. 5. Original sight-distance comments and infi¡rmation have been attached to this memo for reference. Standard Comruents: L All designs are subject to the City's iatest design criteria (water, sevr'er, streets and drainage). Review for plat approval is not apprûval of public improvements, and ail proposed ìmprovements are subject to ftlither review at the tirne construction plans are submitted. h A5 lv4ailinç¡ Àriciress: 1.1 3 W. Mâr¡ELaitr Strent f-ayetievìile, Afì 72 101 rNGINËËRlhIC w\,./w. f ,1yet1ev ì I le - ;rr. g o r Planning Commission December 14,2O15 Agenda ltem 3 15-5253 Fox Hills SÐ Page 5 of 17 2. 3. 4. Any clamage to tire existing public strect cluc to construotion shall be repaired/replaccd at the o'¿'neri devel opers expense 'Water and sewel inrpact fee.s rvill appl1,'fbr the additional impact to the systern. The fèes rvili be based olr tl¡e proposcd meter size and rvill bc charged at the tirne of meter set. Notc. tþc f'ollowing portions of all projects will iypically not be revicrved by the Hngineedng Division uriril time o{'construction-ievel revieq'(unlcss specifically requested at plat revierv): o Storrn Se'*'el pipe/inlet siz-ing, gutter sprcad, profìlcs, or lldlit-y contlicts o Sanítary Ser,ver pipe sizing, pr<tfìlcs, or utilit¡' cont'licts o Waterlinc litting.s, callorrts. or utilif)" conllicts o Street ¡rrofileso Finc gradinglspot elevations 'l'he Ðngineer ol'Reoord shall: ,à. Review anrJ approvc nraterial submittals. Approved submittals shall bq sqbr¡iltqd to the Cit-v for gqfrclrrence bef,ore grading pcrrit is issued' b. Perf'orm "Full Time" Inspection fi:r thc utilify installatitln and shall be "ln- Charge" of the approval testing. c. Providc a qualilÌed ¡spresentativc lbr all te sting antf inspcction- d. Schedule tcsting rvith thc Pttblic \Uorks Inspector. e. Authorize geotechnical tcsting [atroratory to provicle rçporls directly to City in I'l)li' tì¡r¡nal. Reports shall bc submitted in a tirnely nlatlner. fì Preparc ¡naterial c{ata shects anel tcst re¡rorts rcc¡uired by the s¡recilications. g. Insure that claily inspection rr:ports ¿urcl cl.rta sheets arc submittccl to the City of Fayetleville's public rvot'ks inspector weckl-v in PDIi fì:nnat. 2012 St¡rndarcl Water & lìanitar5, iìewer Specifications & Dctails a¡:pl,v Demolitir:n shall not bcgin until the a¡:propriatc erosion crorìtrol mùâsures and recluirecl trcc prescrv¿¡tion fencing ¿rre installed Prior to lrroject.4ccepfance (Final Plat) the l'ollor.r'ing itcms r¡rustbe perlanned or provide<i to the satisfactic¡r ol' thc Engineering L)epartmcut: h. I he work sl:otvn orr thc civil site packagc rnu.st be complele and the items ou the fìnal punch list complctcd. i. VegetaÈion must be establishet{ in accorclance r,vith scction 169.04 o{'the {JDC and perirneter controls rcmoved. j. On* (I) set of as-built ct'arvings of the cornplefe pro,icct (excluding cletails) as a Ìrard cop,v. digital lilc .dwg, ancl PDF {irmrat: i. Public infiastructure ancl servi(:cs shall bc snn'eyed afier inst¿ll¿rtion in reìation to easemsnts, propcrty lines, and rights-oËrvay. I . More than 2 lt deviation of design alignment of shsll rcquirc ncw cascmcnt dcclication or acljusttne¡rt oI the utiiit)'/siorm drain, ii. P¡pflessional surveyor shall provic-le stan]p drarvings specilìcally idcntifyìng thc límits of' as-built survcy perfbrmed. iii. As-builts should incluclc the follo$.,iqg infonTration in a table; LingÍLr lìeet of nerv public 5. {;. B. k. newly dedicated ri ght-o l'-u'ay. Unit príce construcfion costs l-or revierv atrcl approval ancl a single 2 the amount of 25Yo ol'the public improvemen[s; Certificatio¡r that the strects, sidcwalk, storm sewer, water" fìre iine, installcd per approved plans anrl City of F ayctteviile requirements; year maintenance bonds in and ser,ver lines, clc., wcrcl. Planníng Commission December 14,2015 Agenda ltem 3 '15-5253 Fox Hills SÞ Page 6 of 17 i. Pr'nvid* alÏ Inspeetion Reports; approveel sulinrittels; Data Forns f rnnr L.ltility "þeci{icatittns {fneluding C¡.r¡rsuhants seweå'T'V report); cnmpnction test resrrlts" etc,,., nt, $ru"veyor's üertil"rcation ul Ëonrpliar,rce foL tnonunretlts and prnperty pi"ns. n. llonrJ. gttilrantße-;or letter of'uredit Ìilr ull sidewul.ks nut eonsil'ücted prinr tm finirl plnt approvrrl (1st}'lú olr the r:stimttud cest of conslrtctîon); Planning Commission December 14,2015 Agenda ltem 3 15-5253 Fox Hills SD Page 7 of 17 -{Ê-:-2- Ð5 :ågaË æ-Õ+-- -ffi /^*þ I I II IIItI ^8 æÞçrà .fs:u .-f'", I *'!*".{ {/} ur ¡q #a ç? Ëf (\J I t, ' --..,c.s !,t..¡*fr*ñf, l}u . , r.!J isu I .....t _o F]lå ll F .¿, =\Eeå gÁE Ë *L*:s\\ì 1I Planning Commission December 14,2015 Agenda ltem 3 15-5253 Fox Hills SD Page 8 of 17 ê =g Fz øz t ?i gzE 3 F- f ö Ê è = I v. ò ¡) a = ,t'r.eJi ri) \g\-' ' i¿-\- Ã.\ ,o 0\ \r,^ l-.1 llJ'lo t,'e \dó of; \*¿ lå [\e \* Ë rq\(JF : *.h*.ç,\v ";. \r-.^ ö II/ "\(\r1 \\ --. ,,, f -, .-, -L--!--lr {f ¡ã *P i_ fF-rYr i:: r '-" I.iJ ki ùåJ C) :iafTlì:*'#<{Fr k->aJ.ìÍ U ufü {-. trlFl 3R(n (J E nd8 Ðdo g.,',ï--*fut'¡ ¡\\ (?0xNG:iliiåtr4 I i1ffii ii E'.,ii \ r-åì1 i ¡\ ll lli ii tffit/: ú1jl. Bds F.0. ßÁTt ll l It,ttt,ls'lI.bt IlBl ¡I ttI ll¿t;I \ r.¡\\ € i T\i It I W >ttItI. -'t èN --À-¡"9\. t-\ T.\ 17 t , II III JIf a <a442f3'.û!0 Î;ir,t, ô åLÉL¡¡iç¡-t¡ Pn.î0x10314 taHtilû. {td.giîl ,u ,* !{0,¡Ð :.*-? k" --'-- el,'À/ w----Tstrdt5.-s*-*î tJ ztÈþ¿-**¡É.sÀ¿si.- ., ,-* dazrs¿<ci I I ,i-o I ,I f t, rç w*à i+å8.!.'T i i¡1tÎf¿ti:. Å1 ü-rì I :, m¡¡,rqg¡r".f,rr-t* ååftÈ E grssiùii 6 I tf I si*l mf I Ir ¡ I I 'rip---_* iøl4 ,2¡ ÉtËê9ì qeû II , t, .J ¡Êjrt5ì \t 1 1 Tt %",; ì rl rF""'- ì Illii þty' ,F ¡rl 4 î ¡¡åu !nBs; SKËTCI-{ *F Pü$$INtñ $TRFHT åLIGNMHNT P.c.80x1r39 ¡ i spr¡rco r. r, ¿¡-;*?ÂLr ¡ dc)Jti¡6: tOUl(ÎYJ \ criñElÌÁ¡¡ f¡r.{Ll c¡r.ìí'li.::l iût ¿ ü'lläiti U ãô{ Í,)l IFii,. l¿úVri&;Clr,¡{íE Þ I/ rl U rS#" rJ Pl,ÂI PÁ68 t2e A zyr 2l t;46€L llu|¿g:R 001.15?*î C!û &40ì'r5!3$ıfi 3l lHts îfrûPtH t/ is ñ'3r ÀÈFËctËs ËY T8¡ I 0¡ ìtÀi ã-00) PLAi¡t ÈS P;R fiF[( rt51 ( 3ç{?St ÛÀìÍÙ 'nÂY : 6, ?Û;r !J CJRnEtú¡ 20¡{ilû r CO.jt{lY I OdE}llrit Ul,fI P:F 4CÂg Bâ¡ { 57{6:8lI} glr¿ÂoÉill ¡uâ{lEY 291 S t{ix mt"t n0^0 fÂYtfiËlrLlÊ.rä ??te3 f¿0lulÌiGi Co'Lll'il.fì .0->ü-0$ (¿rro o ñî@.io ô <o Y.i: o { ssq+ãIJQ''{.a{x J î'!2 :f Gr' i: Nl Ø eøaì tP.s5 i Àü lsi' oi iø- - *---* - -*- "" J"tr l,'Î.'. l(Èf¿frlI lñei . lO0 l{ {N{r Èùr:lEilri e/ - <í+i t- -"/ ÞtJi . ¡'¡¿ iì tr*rrrúr irt 17{ rl-Þútù o(Q o(0,*ooo Y]Ð o o(tp oerä9-x 3 ?{T<¡F NdoA> o¡g à r,*¿*&¡ sa)vris|þi:ü& { TS ¿ffit Í S^ ({tcrÞ H DU r¿i91il.ü Þ.^il44Åru.3r(a&rÈ!trùr'l ñ1, q 4Éqàr #4 I t4åì"r i {&\ ¿tá er ñ4 &,, ¡.,J ¿ir:L- a Éså-HtußxÉnoÃ;,i¡",¡¡¡n -c.!ål!!3jjlll-f snctucnr _*rfiY,tli¡i:*:*o*roos(r&ms' .*,*,:fJiÌ.g:ii,"- +, ¡q t xð,ta¡iüî{r.Ì ftîF.)SN aùsÌBr3 sffiç-!9 _f. S ridìr¿iU¡læ.! !.wc !! ù.{ù rn^. ù¡ { ú $ùù ! þh , ts,ii ô' i!#]n{ r.xlî a*t .Àì 4llñ rkr! d-<n.{ hd - rìFkn¡rw..ílhrillrh¡rrvlri\s:ñr.r¡QÉfrtl$luù¡¡ i6¡ù¡rÞ rl &$d tuN :'ci{.* Fi,ir'ørrrùqrrlarrwdi'lclir¡' úr¡,ù,ry ri ¡ p,rì lr lS ,d h:¿.¡ nr lE J;!il:sl þÉ( .i !,!û ¡ùc:ß( ¡d ñr¿ lt (( ¡d.[ ¡il^¡ ¡r ¡'ùrô¡ i,* i{rÞo.is'¡r¿r ^iÑs ! ir iM ú-dcsl' }: :' }è. \(e r(ec\f.h::' $'L {lIrit1.fß¡\?j':ù1 Jrì0 À("¡ùj.r 4r., rtr ¡'.6 1ì,.t ¡&. tii{ rkra. twr; t:9 c !sr, ñtÈ r ¡þ, rrri'DÊ!ùrt rsèÞrcsrJlìr qþr?d jc,¡¡.r x{N{ ril' !ì | 1r aft' r.rto vú.tö' b!.r Þd'r:ûrÛãÀ\ Êúrrt lF. Suggested slreei nüntsÈ t.sers trÈ{ xpproved Iry áf¡e street nanri*g e *mrnìttcq. Flç;ssx cont¡ct the Âcådrëssã&g office $*r sÊt'e{:f r¡ênlår}$. Fh. 47$-575-938S ernaãå. dEålheø'È@-f*yuttevi!{e-êr.$slr SriÉÊi ITfLÉr Pf,Ëtìt¡lrùÀFY PLA'r r,rÀË l"ì ¡/'/#-iijl'r c ## ri l" i I /1¡\ ¡ ¡ -Garner, Andrew Subject:FW: New plat on Missiorr From: Juliet Richey Sen* Tuesday, November 24t 2A75 9:31 AM To: 'Fulcher, Jesse'; Melissa Wonnacott; 'Thompson, Quín' Cc CIay Grote (clay@aconcretesi.com); Ðonnie Coleman; Charles Ward SubjecH RE; New pfat on Mission Jesse and Quin: I understand that you will be receíving resubmittals on this project tomorrow. Çould you please forward me the resubmittals ônce you have them? I will forward them along to our road department and engineer for f urther review, My preliminary comments for thís project include: This plat must also be reviewed and approved by Washíngton County once the City has approved it. s¡Bht D¡stânce As the proposed roads will be County Roads, we have concerns regarding sight visibílity at the ¡ntersection of the proposed North/South Subdivìsion road and HWY 45. Has the HWY Dept cçmmented on this situation y€t? The county would require that sight distance visibilittT measurements be submitted for this intersection as per County code {reflective of AASHTO standards). I am a little confused by the included diagram referencing "stopping distance". ¡n addition to stopping distance calculations for HWY 45, there must also be adeguale distance for intersection sight distance and turning movements both coming into and leaving proposed intersection, I cannot tell if that is available or not wiÈh the presented information. What is the posted speed here; 45 rnph? ls there a different design speed? Sept¡c concerns¡ I have concerns regarding the septÍc systems on lots 1-L0. The placement of the test pits on a majority of these lots appearstobeuphítl fromproposedlotlocatÍons. lnadditionthereareseveral drainagewaysthatgothroughtheselots that w¡ll likely require drainage easernents, Will there be a setback from these easements/ stream areas required by ADH? Regardless, they will bisect the site, ând I think that should be taken into considerat¡on on the front end at Preliminary Plat (to assure that the lot layout as proposed is feasible). ROW ROWisrequiredattheendoftheproposedcul-de-sacattheterminusofthesouthernstreet. Thiseitherneedstobe obtained from the adjacent property owner or the cul-de'sac to be pulled back slightly so that ROW (for maintenance purposes) can be accommodated on this site. The County may have further comments as revieu¡ progresses. Thank you for including us in this preliminary review. Juliet Richey Washington County Planning Director 2615 Brink Drive Fayetteville, AR 72701 1479]|444-1724 Plannlng Commission December 14,2015 Agenda ltem 3 15-5253 Fox H¡lls SÞ Page 11 ot 17 ffiw JORGENSEN W&wÆ +ASSOCTATES q&frfrw 124 \'l åúnú:d,Ae DrivÐ. SuiÍe 5 fr.ryeltÈv¡ile, AR 72 /A3 Attrce 479.442.?l?"V Fax: 479.582.48û7 't t ." .. .:t'. : : :i;l:ì::i:4. I .ri' November 4,2A75 City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mounta¡n Street Fayetteville, ^R 727A1 Attn : Development Services Re: Fox Hills PPL Please find an application for a prefiminary plat for Fox Hitls Subdìvision. This site sits at the SW corner of Hwy 45 and Fox Trail and is outside the city limits. The current County zoning is Agriculture/Single Family/ 1 unit per acre. The property is roughly 24.60 âcres and is primarily all wooded with one ex¡st¡ng house and a few other barn type structures. There is no sewer to this site and there is a 12" waterline along the south side of Hwy 45 as well as a 6" líne along the east side of Fox Trail. A sight distance calculation has been performed for the proposed int€rsect¡on for both cars leavîng the site as well as vehicles traveling west and east bound on Hwy 454 and has been included with this submittal. There is a proposed future connection to the south but not to Fox Trail. We eliminated this connectivity due to the fact that Fox Trail is currently divided with a landscape island and it would be a right out only, We look forward to working with the City to make this project â succÊss. Sincerely; t Jr Planning Commission December 14,2015 Agenda ltem 3 15-5253 Fox Hills SÞ Page 12 ot 17 ffiw JoRGENSEN W&wÆ +ASSCCTATES W W :-.:r,r i;r,r, .'.'.,: "1.: i ':,.ji::ji,i r Sawcut existíng strèet: ¡ Remove existing curb & asphalt: . Install 210 l.f. of curb and gutter @ S15/1.f, ¡ BackfiTl& finish grade: r lnstall 775|.f. of sidewalk @ $18/1.f. r Re-vegetate: Please review and let us know if you have any questions. Thank you,. Sincerely; 124 W Sunbridge Drrve, Surte 5 Ëayetteville, AR 72703 Office: 479,442.91?7 f:ax: 4?9.582,4807 ,¡J$iw'{,\r iì{f Îsûlìü sfi*ri üs:'? : December & 20L6 City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 727AL Attn: Quin Thompson Re: Havenwood Subdivision Dear Quin; îhe quantÍties and costs for the removal of the temporary cul-de-sac, re-vegetation of the area, and construction of new sidewalk and curb have been included for your review. The total cost for each is as followsl 51,0û0.00 5 2,5oo.oo S 3,150.00 $ r.,s00,00 5 g,tso.oo 51,s00,00 Total! S 12,800,00 L. 3ırgensen, P.Ë, Planning Commission December '14,2D15 Agenda llem 3 15-5253 Fox Hills SÞ Page 13 of 17 GRÄPHIC SCAI-E ( rr ¡rÉ1) ,.H#tririi ,ì *lrø*t l,l\* "-":Ë:ftfffi'+t,'r: ¿''15ffi t5 *l t .ã'\* ta L:'l¿ I ilk ,', '::.thf, t, g'r'" ú i::'..: ì _--'a.-*___JrÞLr:{s_ JL ì:¡r I ..14 1l 17 ø ;í'í** I :0l>o'! 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Â\, (r Í " dnr û.s'iD{f {}¡È t0üÀl¡0ì: fÂYÉ:TÊf l!!Ë. ÂnKiNS^S SxEir llilt: SII¿ otsT¡üCE EVÁLuaYlot FOX HILLS SUBÐIVISIONLSD 15-5253 ö& Ð ô)lu ! *eLu no ' eÔ-ttr Ps5I I I I I t I t I I a I I 2Jåø() tJè ¡$r "rfunotn 'I I t I I l. IÍ I I I I ^-|r¡ I|' I , ¿'t2 SUBJECT PROPERTY ......r, \ffi .*t ¡ ¿n' - *wsry \\ ;^t -ra 'i l¡Boundary ¡---r '-. - -.:i----l nes¡ 0 0.25 0.5 1-M illtop Overlay Districi n Overlay District lgs pranníns Overv¡ew ¡ - r--p.7*""i:¡ - r .lr.?+ l. fn '!.1,',"'' ¡ LI .r-- : !.¡ ¿G. i ir-'.t -f ; !..¡ lGr i.., j+f. I ;{.:ì. t¡ fi I "lis ,¡tr- iir i -¡- -r i., rr¡ra Agenda ltem 3 15-5253 Fox Hifls SD Page 16 of 17 PPLI s-5253 rox HtLLs suBrlrvlsroN SUEJECT PROPERTY ', : , Design Overlay D i :0.2o/o Çhance i*-*=l ?^-^ ^ Attt ^i _ : Zone A, 1o/o Cha ff;7l Zone AE, 1% Cha ã[ Footprints 2010 in (500 - yr Floodplain) . Floodplain (100 - yr Floodplain) ce Floodplaín (100 - yr Floodplâin) 0 15C 300 6C0 900 1,2AO' Pgsl Agenda ltem 3 15-5253 Fox Hills SD Page 17 of '17 Ð epe RTP{ENTAr, Connrsp oNDENcE Or,rrcE oF THE, Clly ArroRNr=y TO: Mayor fordan City Council Kit Williams City Attorney Blake Pennington Assistant City Attonrcy Patti Mulford Paralegal CC: Don Marr, Chief of Staff ]eremy Pate, Development Services Director Andrew Garner, Planning ,tturto;). - { ^FROM: KitWilliams,CityAttorney ,iÇ :1 *- DATEr December 23,2AL5 RE: PPL L5-5253 (Preliminary Plat of Fox Hills subdivision) The proposed developer of Fox Hills Subdivision which is a mile or so out of town on Highway 45 East, but within our "plarming Area" has appealed the denial of their variance not to have to connect to another road intersecting Highway 45 slightty to the East of their proposed low density residential development. The developer agreed to dedicate right of way for and in the future turn the ending cul-de-sac of its road to stub out to the South toward a large field. You need to decide whether connectivity or safety concerns should require that the developer construct this additional street access for his proposed development.