HomeMy WebLinkAbout26-16 RESOLUTIONFile Number: 2015-0668 COMPENSATION FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS: A RESOLUTION TO ALLOW THE CITY ATTORNEY AS ALL OTHER CITY EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE ATTAINED THEIR TOP SALARY RANGE TO RECEIVE A ONE TIME SERVICE AWARD WHEREAS, all City employees were eligible to receive a salary increase in 2015 unless they were already at the top oftheir salary range; and WHEREAS, all City employees who were at the top of their salary range in2015 were eligible to receive a one time service award in lieu of a salary increase; and WHEREAS, all City elected off,rcials except the City Attomey are eligible and will receive a salary increase in January of 2076 based primarily upon the average merit employees' raise in 2015; and WHEREAS, the City Attomey may not receive a one time service award similar in percentage as the salary increases for the Mayor, City Council, District Judge and City Clerk without the express approval of the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that to treat the City Attorney similarly to all topped out regular City employees and to every elected official, the City Attomey should be entitled to receive a one time service award to take the place of the normal January salary increase called for in $ 31.45 (c) (3). PASSED and APPROVED on l/5/2016 Page 1 Printed on 1nh6 File Number: 2015-0668 Resolution 26-16 Attest: Page 2 Pilnted on 1nh6 C¡ty of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number: 2015-0668 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 57s-8323 Agenda Date= 11512016 ln Control: Ci$ Council Meeting Agenda Number: A.26 \ilHEREAS, the City Attomey salary increases for the Mayor, of the City Council. Version: 1 Status: Passed File Type: Resolution COMPENSATION FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS: A RESOLUTION TO ALLOW THE CITY ATTORNEY AS ALL OTHER CITY EMPLOYEES HAVE ATTAINED THEIR TOP SALARY RANGE TO RECEIVE A ONE TIME SERVICE AWARD WHEREAS, all Cþ employees were eligible to receive a salary increase in 2015 unless they already at the top oftheir salary range; and wHo were WHEREAS, all City employees who were at the top of their salary range in 2015 were eligible receive a one time service award in lieu of a salary increase; and WHEREAS, all City elected officials except the City Attomey are eligible and will receive a salary increase in January of 2016 based primarily upon the average merit employees' raise in 2015; and may City not receive a one time service award similar in percentage as the Council, District Judge and City Clerk without the express approval NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that to treat the City Attorney similarly to all topped out regular City employees and to every elected official, the City Attorney should be entitled to receive a one time service award to take the place of the normal January salary increase called for in $ 31.45 (G) (3). City oî Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Pfinted on 1/8n016 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form zCIr.s-CI668 % Legistar File lD u5l?;ot6 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem Don Marr t2/2g/2ots ^ tly-ott Administration / General Government Department - -;6ñittedEñã-Submitted By Action Recommendation: A Resolution to authorize the payment of a one time service award to any elected official who is topped out within their salary range. Budget lmpact: Does item have a cost? Budget Adjustment Attached ? General Fund Fund Project Title Current Budget S Funds Obligated Current Balance ti Item Cost Budget Adjustment 4,349.00 Remaining Budget l$30x,239.00 j 1010,0210.51XX.XX Account Number Project Number Budgeted ltem? Yes Yes NA 20140710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OF RKANS il A CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Thru: From: Date: Subject: Mayor Lioneld Jordan and City Council members Mayor Jordan Don Marr, Chief of Staff December 29,2A15 Compensation for Elected Offìcials PR9,P,9sAL: Listed below are the (salary) sections of the elected officials. The ordinance requires that we come to councíl to pay anything above the top of the salary range. For the last two (2) years during the saiary implementation for City employees, Employees who were topped out received a one time (non-guarantee each yeãr) service award if approved by the City Council so that this did not get in their base pay, but yet rewarded our most senior employees for their dedication in service and contributions to the City's performance. All employees received this in 2015. The elected officials pay is determined each January and is driven by the ordinance language listed below' 31.18 District Judge Compensation (A) The District Judge of Fayetteville's compensation shall fall within the current pay range determined by the most recent public sector survey conducted by the city, or independent survey contractor and any applicable state law. (B) Annually at the first payroll period coinc¡dent with or first fotlowing January J sj,.f PaY adjustment will,b'e made,equal tothe average percentage,pay ¡ncrease granted to regular full time non-civil service: city employees d r.rrinE the: previous calenda r yea r. (C).Curnulative annuat pay increases over time may not cause the,salary levelto exceed the salary range for the pos¡tion without City Council approval. Telecommunic¿tions Dev¡ce for the Deaí TDD (479) 521 1 3 16 1 I 3 West Mountain - Fayetev¡lle, AR 72701 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS 31.30 Office Of City Clerk-Treasurer (E) Satary. (1) The salary for a newly elected or appointed City Clerk-Treasurer shall be the same as the salary was for the outgoing City Clerk- Treasurer. (2) Upon re-election to the same position, the official shall retain their existing pay level. (3) Anhually at the first payroll period coincident with or first following January 1st, a pay adjustment will be made êqual to the average percentage pay increase granted to regular full-time non civil service city employees during thê p¡eviouS calendar year. (4) Cumulative annual pay increases over time may not cause the salary level to exceed the salary range'fo-i the position without City Council appioval. 31.45 City Attorney; Legal Department (G) Sa/ary. (1) The salary for a newly elected or appointed City Attorney shall be the same as the salary was for the outgoing City Attorney. (2) Upon re-election to the same position, the official shall retain their existing pay level. (3) Annually::at the first payroll period coíncident,with orfirst following January 1st, a pay adjustment will be made equalto the âvêrâgê¡pêrcentage pay Íncrease granted to regular full-time non civil service city employees during the previous cálendar year. (4) Cumulative annual pay increases over time may not cause the salary level to exceed the salary range fo-r the position without City Council approval. Rgcgm+rgndation: It is recommended that any elected official who is topped out should receive the one time service award if all other City staff received such award, and provided it is approved by the City Council. Only the City Clerk, City Attomey and District Judge have a cap on the payout. The Mayor's position and the Alderman's pay does not have this restricted cap (outlined below). So to be fair to all City officials/officers, it is recommended that any elected official who is at the top of the wage range, be paid the calculated amount as a one time payment and only if approved annually by the City Council. Telecommunications Device forthe Deaf TDD (479ì 521-1311¡I 13 West N4ountain - Fayetteville. AR 7270'l THE CITY OF FAYE'TTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 31.16 Aldermen, Compensation - (Haè no Gap) (A)Compensation for each alderman shall be in the amount of $1,042.00 per month without regular city benefits, except that aldermen may elect to participate in the City health insurance plan as a separate defined class. (B) (B) The amount Ín subsection (A) shall be automatically changed annually in January in a percentage amount equal to the percentage change, if any, in the compensation of the Mayor. This automatic change may be waived by the City Council upon adoption of an appropriate Resolution. 31.17 Mayor's Gompensation (has no cap) Compensation for the mayor shall be as follows: (A)The base salary shall be set at a level that is 5% greater than the average of the salaries of each chief and the department directors reporting to the Mayor. (B)The salary shall be adjusted one time per year, as provided above, at the payroll period coincidental with or following January 1st. The mayor may waive for himself or herself this salary adjustment by filing such written waiver with the City Clerk no later than January 3rd of the affected year. (C)Termination and replacement of an employee in the positions designated above is not cause for a pay increase or decrease at the time of such action. (D)A newly elected mayor shall make an irrevocable election in writing during his or her first two months in office whether or not to be paid an annual automobile allowance of $5,000.00 in equal monthly installments during the mayor's term of office. lf a mayor does not make such election in writing, the automobile allowance shall not be paid during the mayor's term of office. BUDÇET IMPACT: The cost to the City would be the average percentage pay increase granted to regular full{ime non civil service city employees during the previous calendar yeat which for the increases of 2016, this would be a 3.49%o increase for any elected off,rcial who is topped out. lelecommunications Device forthe Deaf TDD (479) 521-1316 1 I 3 \¡Jest À4ountain - Fayetteville, AR 72701