HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-16 RESOLUTION.Æ /Æffi1'{i-;ìrcN, !WLç-#a"å%W.,Wffi) .W 'I 13 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolutiont 23-'16 File Number: 2015-0618 HUGG & HALL EQUIPMENT: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF A VOLVO MCI35C SKID STEER FROM HUGG &. HALL EQUIPMENT OF SPRINGDALE IN THE AMOLINT OF 547,221.00, PURSUANT TO A HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COLTNCIL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING CONTRACT, FOR USE AT THE WEST SIDE V/ASTEWATER TREATMENT FACiLITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the purchase of a Volvo MCI35C Skid Steer from Hugg &, Hall Equipment of Springdale in the amount of 547,221.00, pursuant to a Houston-Galveston Area Council cooperative purchasing contract, for use at the West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility. PASSED and APPROVED on 11512016 Attest: LisaBranson,Deputyciry..qàU."i'"Ïf Ë'í';:,ø 3r o v.*s)t,crt il i - ¿ "Ë P"?f",, "":P7,.\ì'5 ,-fllVìLl-ço -u'-^vts I lL' b-\r - ;à; Ø or--r-¿ ¡' tt-''i" o - '"'r'uií#",äx:st?;ÍÌr:tl?l¡b-ùiþ'"..è_ì Page 1 Pr¡nted on 1t7/16 C¡ty of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number: 2015-0618 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (47s) 575-8323 Agenda Date= 11512016 In Controlr City Council Meeting Agenda Number: A.23 Version: 1 Status: Passed File Type: Resolution HUGG & HALL EQUIPMENT: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF A VOLVO MCI35C SKID STEER FROM HUcc & HALL EQUIPMENT OF SPRINGDALE IN THE AMOUNT OF 547,221.00, PURSUANT TO A HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COLINCIL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING CONTRACT, FOR USE AT THE WEST SIDE V/ASTEV/ATER TREATMENT FACILITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section l: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the purchase of a Volvo MCI35C Skid Steer from Hugg & Hall Equipment of Springdale in the amount of 547,221.00, pursuant to a Houston-Galveston Area Council cooperative purchasing contract, for use at the West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility. City oî Fayetteviile, Arkansas Page I Printed on 1/6f2016 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2015-0618 Legistar File lD Lls/2oL6 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem Jesse Beeks/ sara Glenn 12/g/201,s Fleet operations / Ira nsportation Services Department Submitted By Subm¡tted Date Action Recommendation : Division / Department A resolution to authorize the purchase of one Volvo MC135C Skid Steer that is offered through Hugg & Hall Equipment of Springdale, AR for 547,22'l,.OO for the HGAC contract price. Budget lmpact: Project Number Budgeted ltem? Yes Does item have a cost? Yes Budget Adjustment Attached? No Shop Fund Fu nd Backhoes/Loaders Project Title Current Budget $ 279,752.34 Funds Obligated S Current Balance Item cost s ¿7,22'L.oo Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget 9ü 9700.L920.5802.00 Account Number 02076.20!5 v201 40710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Comments: Approval Date: CITY OF RKANS el A CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 2016 Mayor and City Council Terry Gulley, Director of Transportation Jesse Beeks, Fleet Operations Superintendent December9,2015 Purchase of one Skid Steer for Wastewater Treatment Plant TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION: That City Council approve the purchase of one Volvo MC135C Skid Steer that is offered through Hugg & Hall Equipment of Springdale, AR for the HGAC contract price of $47,221.00. BACKGROUND: Unit 695 is a 2011 Bobcat 5330 Sk¡d Steer with over 3,000 hours on it. This is a high use piece of equipment and is utilized in the bio solids for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. This is a rough environment to work in. This Volvo will provide several features the other options do not have. Solid tires and a heavier weight to help with the slippery terrain and traction; a 100" bucket, the largest offered; the windows are not covered to assist with cleaning and visibility; there is only one arm holding the bucket, allowing for a side entry. The ability to have a side entry door is the best safety feature, the current unit has trapped employees because of the front entry being blocked by the double arm bucket. DISCUSSION: Fleet recommends the purchase of one Volvo MC135C Skid Steer that is offered through Hugg & Hall Equipment of Springdale, AR for the HGAC contract price of 947 ,221.00. BUDGETISTAFF IMPAGT: Sufficient funds have been budgeted and collected for this purchase. This purchase was approved by the Equipment Attachments: PO - Purchase Requisition Committee on December B, 2015. Mailing Address: 113 W Mountain Street Fayetteville, A3, 72707 www-fayetteville-ar.gov q'lq ıo: !x-!llıoØtt tott¡¡iç ;. d,o!:o- .9 blJ>xút g5o, @)l?- Ð.=ö FEÉ. Ei . =d€ iP O.FE o) Ë 9Ëø o Ë'9G g'ı Ët E 9=o sıËLfL= J o(L orL ¡ eEr 3i3 E:e !e'= oã 0) É.:Ë it G =2tJ. sërÈ ØYO oPÈgC)rú ofL (, E,9 ú UJ ßr oð E E¡ T Ès33 cC _q o (s U) L c)û c) foo Por Catalog & Price Sheet Type Purchases Ouote Valid for 90 Davs Contract No.:EM06-15 Date Prcpared r t0t2912016 This Worksheet is prepared by Contractor and given to End User. If a PO is issued, both documents MUST be e-mailed to lawanda.james@h-gac.com. Therefore please fype or print legibly. Buying iCity ofFayettevillc CoDlr¿clor:Hugg & Hall Equipment Contsrl P¿rson: iJesse Beeks PrepÐr.d Byt Randy Moss Phonc:¡479444-3494 Phooc:479-761-t262 Fex:i479444-3425 F'.rr 479-361 -t 045 Email:beeks@fayettevi llc-ar. gov Em¡il l:randym@hugghall.com Eno¡12: Please elso send order coñfirmatlons to kelhv tÞalnnp @ronçüllant-vnl¡uo,¡nm Crtn¡oB / Price sh.€l Nsmc:l.9H - Volvo Pricing Catalog: Skid Steer Loaders Gcoeøl D*crlplio¡ ihru *,0",ofProdnctr ll : r': : 'r r '"il*:Þ¡¡i¡i¡i+tli¡#itåi:Ëi'i,ir;li¡i¡iiÈi\äiis'¡ii,$fjiÍÌlrei6a,l. CÁtritbc l.Pi¡ôèSltiÂi:tidtì¡:tidl Quan Dscription Unit Pr Totol iVolvo MCl35C $47,22 947,22 isee next oa¿e for machine soecs¡' Subtota¡ A 84722t Quan D€scriptioE Uoit Pr Trlâl 00" S¡L Bucket s 1,94 sl,94l iCuttíng Edge w/Bolts szsc $25( s( $( Totâl From OtherSheets, IfADy: Subtotel B $2, l 9l Check; Total cost ofUnpublished Options (B) cannot exceed 259lo ofthe tolaì of the Bæe Unit Price ulus Published Oolions (A+B).For tbis trsnsåclloß tùe percentâge ¡s: $49,4tlli.,{}È¡gy.¡r_tl qe_¡! l¿f ,tcl _+rtgJÍr$ttqri ryrlehì (Local)$2.94 'DI s50( b( s( s3,44:Suhtotâl D ss2,85 12x16.5 Brawler Solid Flex Treaded, Width over tíres 74.5" -Function control levers with Susp Vinyl Seat w/ Heat HGAC% off List {enter as % HGAC Pricel ç47,221