HomeMy WebLinkAbout102-16 RESOLUTION113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 102-16 File Number: 2016-0237 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT DONATION REVENUE: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,387.00 REPRESENTING DONATION REVENUE TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, in the amount of $29,387.00 representing donation revenue to the Parks and Recreation Department. PASSED and APPROVED on 5/17/2016 ��nniitn� ��`��G••G\�Y OF sG� FAYETTEVILLE •�_ z. Attest: TON •�� ���� 16111uiWO Sondra E. Smith, City Clerk Treasurer Page 1 Printed on 5118116 City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479)575-8323 Text File File Number: 2016-0237 Agenda Date: 5/17/2016 Version: 1 Status: Passed In Control: City Council Meeting File Type: Resolution Agenda Number: A. 8 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT DONATION REVENUE: A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,387.00 REPRESENTING DONATION REVENUE TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, in the amount of $29,387.00 representing donation revenue to the Parks and Recreation Department. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Page 1 Printed on 511812016 Connie Edmonston Submitted By City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2016-0237 Legistar File ID 5/17/2016 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda Item Only N/A for Non -Agenda Item 4/29/2016 Parks & Recreation / Parks & Recreation Department Submitted Date Division / Department Action Recommendation: A resolution to approve a budget adjustment in the amount of $29,387 recognizing and allocating donation revenue from citizens, organizations and businesses made to the Parks and Recreation Department. Budget Impact: 1010.multiple Account Number 33051.multiple General Fund Parks and Recreation Donations Project Number Budgeted Item? NA Current Budget Funds Obligated Current Balance Project Title $ 28,556.00 $ 2,107.00 I ? 49.4+� Does item have a cost? No Item Cost I Budget Adjustment Attached? Yes Budget Adjustment $ 29,387.00 Remaining Budget V20140710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number: Approval Date: Comments: There are various account numbers and project numbers needed for these donations. See detailed budget adjustment and donation breakdown. CITY OF ARle KANSAS MEETING OF MAY 17, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO FROM: Connie Edmonston, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: April 29, 2016 SUBJECT: Recognition of $29,387 in donations to the Parks and Recreation Department RECOMMENDATION: Parks and Recreation recommend the approval of a Budget Adjustment in the amount of $29,387 recognizing and allocating donation revenue from citizens, organizations and businesses made to the Parks and Recreation Department. BACKGROUND: Each year a variety of citizens, organizations and business make donations to assist with various parks and recreation programs. DISCUSSION: Approval allows for the recognition of funds so that the funds may be used towards the intended use as designated by the donating party. Donors included Friends for YRCC, Fayetteville Firefighters Association, Champions for Kids, and Bikes, Blues and Barbeque. A list of all of the donors is provided as an attachment. Parks and Recreation appreciates each of these donors which allows us to provide quality programs and services to our citizens. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Recognize donations in the amount of $29,387 within the appropriate accounts as shown below. Yvonne Richardson Community Center Programs: $17,651 Memorial Bench Program: $ 3,950 Gulley Park Concerts: $ 3,900 Dive -in Movies/General Maintenance: $ 2,711 Community Garden Program: 1,175 $29,387 Attachments: Staff Review Form Donation Breakdown Budget Adjustment Form Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ai.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 Revenue GIL Account Donation that donation was Date deposited in Parks & Recreation - Summary of Year -Ta -Date Donations Received but not recognized Check #, Cash, Donation Amount or charge Donation Received From Donation Group G_1L_Expense Account Funds are Rocoipt # to be spent from 1219120151019 0013t.4a156033o51.6 $750.00 Ckl$4521 Tool2n BBQ &More LLC ConcertS Parks SSD375D02 101052.20 5342 00 33061.6 1012312015 1010 0001 4615.01 330514 $1,345.00 ktulhpkr chairs C,Aaudett Hunn1wit, Susan Tonyrrwn, Betsy Hooper, Patria4 Balarld, JAnf Qud Hanks, GWr=, KµnIY Bench Donations - Chris Krighl Parks 150325353 & Others 1910-5260.5210 00 330514 10129/2015 1010 0001 4015 01 33051 4 $50.00 Ck P 10351 Ann r4airl Bench Donation • Chris Km ht Parks 150331641 1010.5260.5270 00 33051 4 ' 11'912015 1010,ow 4e15.Ot 33051 4 .5555.00 htuiliolo Chinks Mrs Donnie Dullon, Clifton Smart, Hunnicutt Fam Trust Sandra Thomas. Schneider Trust & Lucia Allen Bench Donat:uns - Chrts Knight Parks 150343024 & Others 1010 5280.5210.00 33051.4 1171x016 1010.0001.4815 00 333051 1 $9334 Cash I Various donations received- general Parks use Parks Maintenance - gencrat use Parks 1617006941 1010.52604400.00 33051.1 2/512016 1c100oi)1.a sop 33Ds1.:> S20.00 Cash Raphael Macias Corl Gardens Parks 1611=768 1010.5260.5400.Oo 33051.7 2/11/2016 1010.0001 4815 CO =516 5750,00 Ck# 4558 Toole s BBQ & More LLC Concert 5 Parks 160044944 110110.522U31500 33051.6 2118/2016 1070.0001 4815-003305'.6 $150.00 Ck#6619 Storm Orthodontics Concert $ Parks 16OD51292 1010.5220.8315.00 33051.6 217812016 10ta 0001.4al5.0033C51 6 $75040 Ck# 0054 S3im Chickens Conten $ Parks 160051290 1010.5220.5315.00 33051.6 31112016. 70104001.4815.00:3051,7 $20.00 Charge - Masteicard Gear is Lance community Gardens Parks /60065964 1D1D.5284540000 33057.7 31312016 ,01000014915.0033051,1 S40.00 Cash Barbara,NtCleiland £omrill nIt Gardens Parks 160069812 107o.5ze0.moo.6o 33p57.7 317/2016 10100001.4815-00330s1,7 $45300 Multiple pyrrils, Multiple donations from various inrllviduals CornmLimly Gardens Parks Multiple #'S 11710,5260.5400,00 33051.7 3/9/2016 10100D01.41115.00 33051.7 $172.00 Mullplepyrrits. Mulls le donations from various individuals Commurilly Gardens Parks Multiple #'s wio.529o. moo 334517 311012016 1010 0001 4a15 o0 3305' 6 S7.50001 Ck - ACH ml Whole Foods Market Concert 5 Parks 160077128 iolc.52245315.o0 33o57.5 31/412016 10100031,4a75,0033o51.7 538.00 Ck#8601 Carol DagSett Landscaping Conarril Gardens Parks 160079937 1010,5260 5400.00 330517 3115120161070o0o7.497s.o033051,1 52,50000 Ck# 1509 FaettevilleFkref(ohters Dive•inMovies Parks 1600$1648 1010.52205342 00 33051.1 3/1 5r2016 1010 0001 4815.00 33051 7 Sac 00 Multiple pyrnts. Melissa Wagner & Patricia McCa7llster Corri Gardens Parks 1600a1644 160001634 1010.5260.5400.00 330517 311612016ioio 0001,4615 00 330S1 7 S46.00 Charge ChristopherHailetl Community Gardens Parks 160092674 to tO.5260 5400,00 330$1.1 311712016111) 1 o Doo1 Aois,eo 334s1 7 S21 00 Ck# 3067 Nancy Harris Community Gardens Parks 160D84354 toio.526o.54 on 330si-7 312112016 1D100001,4a15,00 33057.1 $11501 Ck#10312 Bekka Development Co Ro mm for m0wona nlaqu T -n conlov Parks 160088395 10 io 5260.5404.00 33051 t 312312016 10160001.4815.00 33751 7 $2000 Cash Rachel Aller Comm unity Gardens Parks 160090395 1010 5260,5400 00 330517 312412016 1016.0001 x615.0"u 33051 7 $615.00 Multiple p ymts.. Allison Griffin.Si Wan i and Kevin Johnson Community Gardens Parks Milltiole #'S 3010.5250.5400.00 33051.7 312812016 1050 oaoi.4a1500 33051 7 Sal 00 Multiple p mts. Miederman Enterprises & Jonathon Eddln s Communay Gardens Parks I Multiple it's 10145260.5400.00 33051.7 313012016 10106001.4815.00330517 $6000 Ck# 2089 Kimberly Janos Comm u n ity Gardens Parks 16DO97939 10 10 5260. szoo W 33051.7 41612016 1010.0001,4a15.40330517 $2004 'Cash Raphael Macias Commori Common((Gardens Parks 160109035 1010,5260 WOW 33051.7 4/14120161oio40014a15.00330877 S4000 char ® YulinWent Community Gardens Parks 160114611 1010,5260.5400.0033051.1 411812016 i0io0001.da15.0333D51s $75000 Ck# 010224 Burri,oCanccDls._LC Concert Parks 160118333 loia$220.53150033051.8 41IW2016 1oro 0001.4ats.o0 33061.1 S200 Ckrr 52909 J. C. Penpr v Parks Malnlenance rlenerat use Parks 160119473 1010.5260.5400.OD 33051 1 _ 412212015 101.3 0001.4815.el 33-51 4 5200000 1 C01 3851 Monty Hcnd8rs6n Banca Donation Parks 160125084 1010.5260527o.00 =51,4 414612016 10,06001 4815.0033051 7 Paris Subtotal 575.00 511,738.15 Ck# 1284 Andrew Levo:r Communis Gardens Parks 1601218521 1010.S25o.54W.00 33051.7 1017112015 1070 omi.4atsa.wxios1.1ooi 540.00 CkY 3859 Eloise Pettit YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 150321367 101o.5za0.5342oo 334s1 tool 1012112015 1010,OCO1.4909,03 33051.1001 550.00 Ckt; 65803 The Bank of Fa eheville YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 1 50321 38 3 11018.5260.5342.00 33651 7OD1 }1 11 712 01 5 i07O.0oO7.4908.43337s1.7D01 $3100 Cash Chrissy Turner YRCC- PromotionalACtlyltles YRCC 150351776 1610,5280.5342.011 33457.1001 1211412015 1010 (1741,4808,03 33051.1001 51,040.00 Ck# 12069 133kes Blue$ & 880 YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 150379434 7074.mo, 534200 33051.1ooi 1/1912016 14100001.4am o3 33751 1o01 5273.48 I Cash March Bracket Challenge donatlons YRCC - Promotional AcWihes YRCC 160018082 1010.5280,5342.00 33051 1001 1/19/2016 lim,00wmoem 33051 1001 $50001 Ck# 2174 Margaret Walker YRCC • Promotional Activities YRCC 160018083 1010.5280.5342.00 33051 1001 1/1912016 10%0001.008.03 33051,1001 $511.00 Ck# 1912 Charlotte Martin YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 160018088 1010.5260 5342.00 33051 tact 21512016 1010.x(11.4600.03 33051.5001 ^37.06 Cash Marktia n Roberson YRCC - PronloNonal Activities YRCC 1600:38793 10195290.534200 33051 1001 211162016 1010.07014608,03330511461 590.00 Ck# 3114 Pettit Propeg Management YRCC- PrornotionalActivities YRCC 18004.1954 lo -.0 5200 5342 00 3305`.1001 2/2212016 1010,0307.4000 03 33051.1001 510,400.00 Ck# 1319 Southeast Fayetteville Community Cerler, Inc YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 160057371 jio%5200.534Z00 33051.10-D1 212512011$ 101. 0.03014 508 03 33051 1001 $200 00 i Ck# 95264 hfiecee Hill YRCC - PromcGonal Activities YRCC 160061046 ioiO.5250.5342OD =5i, loci 313/2016 1o1o01101.4808.03 33051 1901 5500.00 Cash Student Advisory AthleNc Com. YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 160069915 1010.5260 5342.00 33051 1001 4111/2016 1019 0001 4809.03 33051.1001 540 00 Ck# 3155 Pettit Property Management YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 160112753 1010.52e0.534z,ac 33051.1001 4118120% ;010.00014508.03 33051.1001 51,500.00 Ck# 1008 Phi Bela Si ma YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 160118343 1010.5280.5342.00 33051 1001 412212{}16 10 10, 000 1.4 009.Crj 33451.1x1 $21500 Cash March Bracket Challen e, - multiD_le donations YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 160125085 1010-5260.5342.00 33051 1001 412612016 10+000014808.03 33051 1041 $121 19 Ck# 16452 Unitarian universalist Fellowship YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 160129524 907o.5250.5342on 33om,lo 7 4125.1201610100001.•ta09.0333051.1001 -$3,50000 Ck# 5914 Cham ions For Kids .YRCC - Promotional Activities YRCC 1630128523 mo,52so.53410o33051-icai YRCC Subtotal $17.651,67 Total Park& & Recr. YTD Donations $29.397.82 Pre pared by - A. Bearden 4120116 4:17 PM KAFinamial Sawirws\Donalions Rocowed' 2015 & 2015 Parks loona"ns nut recognRod at 4-29.16.AJsj00nalion RcouipLh Total Donat1on5 Received This Year City of Fayetteville, Arkansas - Budget Adjustment Form (Legistar) Budget Year Division: Parks & Recreation Adjustment Number 2016 Dept.: Parks & Recreation Requestor: Alan Bearden BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: To recognize and allocate donation revenue received from citizens and businesses through late April 2016. RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE TOTAL Account Number 1010.0001.4999.97 1010.5280.5342.00 1010.5220.5342.00 1010.5260.5210.00 1010.0001.4815.00 1010.5260.5400.00 1010.5220.5342.00 1010.0001.4815.00 1010.5220.5315.00 1010.0001.4815.00 1010.5260.5400.00 1010.0001.4808.03 1010.5280.5342.00 1010.0001.4815.01 1010.5260.5210.00 29,387 29,387 Increase / (Decrease) Expense Revenue COUNCIL DATE: 5/17/2016 LEGISTAR FILE ID#: 2016-0237 Budget Director Date TYPE: DESCRIPTION: GLDATE: POSTED: Project.Sub# Protect Sub AT Account Name v.20160125 - 3,820 RE Use of Prior Fund Balance 1,120 - 33051 1001 EX Promotional Activities 750 - 33051 6 EX Promotional Activities 1,950 - 33051 4 EX Minor Equipment - 2,711 33051 1 RE Donation -Park Miscellaneous 211 - 33051 1 EX Building & Grounds Maintenance 2,500 - 33051 1 EX Promotional Activities - 3,150 33051 6 RE Donation -Park Miscellaneous 3,150 - 33051 6 EX Contract Services - 1,175 33051 7 RE Donation -Park Miscellaneous 1,175 - 33051 7 EX Building & Grounds Maintenance - 16,531 33051 1001 RE Donations - YRCC 16,531 - 33051 1001 EX Promotional Activities 2,000 33051 4 RE Donations - Park Bench Memorial 2,000 - 33051 4 EX Minor Equipment C:\Users\Ismith\App Data\Roaming\L5\Temp\f5dOf4cf-59fc-4776-b62b-1900d4421171 I of 1