HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16 RESOLUTIONW 1 13 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 09-16 File Number: 2015-0602 BID #16-05 CONCRETE PURCHASE: A RESOLUTION TO AWARD BID #16-05 AND AUTHORIZE THE PURCFIASE OF CONCRETE FROM TLTNE CONCRETE COMPANY AS PRIMARY SUPPLIER AND GCC READY MIX AS SECONDARY SUPPLIER IN VARIABLE AMOLINTS AND TO AUTHORIZE THE USE OF OTHER BIDDERS BASED ON PRICE AND AVAILABILITY AS NEEDED THROUGH THE END OF 2016 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE' ARKANSAS: Section l. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards Bid #16-05 and authorizes the purchase of concrete from Tune Concrete Company as primary supplier and GCC Ready Mix as secondary supplier in variable amounts and further authorizes the use of other bidders based on price and availability as needed through the end of 2016. PASSED and APPROVED on 11512016 Attest: Lisa Branson, Deputy *\<-,i'grIY OÈ -.-Oí1IÈ,¿;iii'óit.Y1tÈîs"!il.?:i''Pli/,Iti'--¡l'\-l.- ! .\' .l> . ":..'-:,lt: rnvrnEVILLE: 1: ?f¡6;rno-:f,..1îtb ¡f'.': .\.'- Þ-.--\..,' tt itì C¡ty of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number: 2015-0602 '113 West Mountain Street Fayettev¡lle, AR 72701 (47e) 57s-8323 Agenda Datez 11512016 ln Control: City Council Meeting Agenda Number: A. 9 Vercion:1 Status: Passed File Typel Resolution BID #16-05 CONCRETE PURCHASE: A RESOLUTION TO AWARD BID #16-05 AND AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF CONCRETE FROM TUNE CONCRETE COMPANY AS PRIMARY SUPPLIER AND GCC READY MIX AS SECONDARY SUPPLIER IN VARIABLE AMOUNTS AND TO AUTHORIZE THE USE OF OTHER BIDDERS BASED ON PRICE AND AVAILABILITY AS NEEDED THROUGH THE END oF 2016 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COTJNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE' ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards Bid #16-05 and authorizes the purchase of concrete from Tune Concrete Company as primary supplier and GCC Ready Mix as secondary supplier in variable amounts and further authorizes the use of other bidders based on price and availability as neededthroughthe end of20l6. City of Fayefieville, Arkansas Page I Pr¡nted on 1/AnU6 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 2015-0602 Legistar File lD tl5l2oL6 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem Terry Gulley 12/1.1./2O1s Tra nsportation Services / Submitted By srb-ñltt"-ãıffi'- Action Recommendation: A resolution awarding B¡d 16-05 to and authorizing the purchase of concrete from Tune Concrete Company as primary supplier, GCC Ready Mix as secondary supplier in variable amounts, and authorizing the use of other bidders based on price and availability, as needed through the end of calendar year 2016. Budget lmpact: Various Various Account Number Various Fund Va rious Project Number Budgeted ltem? Yes Does item have a cost? Yes Budget Adjustment Attached? No Project Title Current Budget S Funds Obligated S Current Balance Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget * ì$ v20140710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number:Approval Date: Comments: The "item cost" and "current budget" boxes have been left blank because these items will vary depending upon the Transportation Division's fluctuating needs based on citizen service requests received, construction projects approved, and other variable factors. CITY OFffi CITY COUNCIL AGTNDA MTMO MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 2OI6 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff FROM: Terry Gulley, Transportation Services Director DATE: December 11,2015 SUBJECT: B¡d 16-05, Concrete RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends a resolution awarding Bid 16-05 to and authorizing the purchase of concrete from Tune Concrete Company as primary supplier, GCC Ready Mix as secondary supplier in variable amounts, and authorizing the use of other bidders based on price and availability, as needed through the end of calendar year 2016. BACKGROUND: The purchase of bulk construction materials and services is necessary to maintain current infrastructure and to implement the projects outlined in the Capital lmprovements Program and Annual Budget and Work Program. DISCUSSION: Sealed bids in accordance with State statutes, City ordinances, and purchasing procedures were publicly read and the results are attached to this memo. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: Funds for the acquisition of materials and services have been budgeted in various capital projects within the Sales Tax Capital lmprovements Fund and Street Fund operating programs. Attachments: Bid 16-05 Tabulation Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayettevi I le, AR 7 2l 01. www.f ayettevi I le-a r. gov CITY OF r"avffilþ Bid:16-05 Date: l'lr20lf5 ïME:2:00 PM CITY OF FAYETTEV]LLE Bid 16-05, Concrete ÀPAC Central Tune Conctete ComPanY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 l3 ¡500 PSI l/1/4" Mil. Aggregate S¡ze,4" Slump 500 $95.00 $ 47,500.00 $82.50 $ 41,250.00 1000 PSI l/1/4" Max. Aggregalg Size,4'Slump 2,500 $97.00 $ 242,500.00 988.50 $ 221,250.00 1000 PSI t/1t4" Max. Aggregafe S¡ze l¡Vith Fiber leinforcement, 4' Slump, Commerc¡al Mix, 6 lb. sack 2,070 $1 03.00 $ 213.210.00 s92.50 $ 191.475.00 i000 PSI 1 1/4" Max. Aggregals Slzs,4" Slump, Comme¡c¡al ,¡x.7 lb, sack 100 $109.00 $ 10,900.00 $97.00 $96.50 $ 9.650.00 i500 PSI 3/C' Max, Aggregate SIze,4' Slump 300 $1 14.00 $ 34,200.00 $98.50 $ 29,550.00 rlowable Fill 50 $80.00 $ 4,000.00 $77.50 $ 3,875.00 l0; Celc¡uñ Chloride Admlrture. DrbÉlo bo added lo @ncfrte 100 $2.50 $ 250.00 $2.50 $ 250.00 ¡% calcium Chlor¡de Adm¡xture - ørbo fo bø addedloæncrclo 60 s5.00 $ 300.00 s5.00 $ 300.00 \ir Entra¡ninq Admixlute - Þiælo be addedlo@nêrcte 2,500 NO CHARGE $$,li.,'..'';NO CHARGE ù {ôt Wâlêr - ¿nêâ lô åá Bddêd lı concrelq 500 $3.00 s 1,500.00 $s.oo:$3.00 $ 1,500.00 500 $8.00 $ 4.000.00 s3.00 $ 1,500.00 ll4" Rock - D¡ìco lo bo added 3,000 $2.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 1.75 $ 5,250.00 :xpqsed Aggregate - Nice to be addedto @ncrele 50 $10.00 $500.00 $15.00 750.00 14 15 16 fvDe I Portlend Cement 100 NO BID $:$:,11.':,t:$145.00 $ 14,5oo.oo loncrête Sand 100 926.00 s 2,600.00 I $2p.00 ..$..' :':,?,eooigg 622.50 $ 2,250.00 \/lasonry Sand 50 s26.00 $ 1.300.00 r::NQ.ÞlD:ì $$24.50 $ 1,225.00 17 t8 \tôbilizâtiın Fee fAfter Hours & Weekêndsl I $500.00 $500.00 s¡o:oooþp;,r$ì:'i.r'!"0.,q00,00 $500.00 500.00 -'olored concrete Washout Fêe (Per Truckl 1 NO CHARGE $. iQoô:oo: .NO CHARGE $ TOTAL BID PRICE.$s69,260.00 'ss¡3;üs.gst $s2s,075.00 'NOTICE: Bld award ls cont¡nqent upon vondor mgetlng m¡nlmum sFec¡flcðtlons and fomat aulhorl4t¡on by CIty offlclãls.