HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16 RESOLUTIONW 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Resolution: 06-16 File Number: 2015-0599 BID #16-0T REFLECTORIZED PAINT MARKINGS: A RESOLUTION TO AWARD BID #16-01 AND AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF REFLECTORIZED PAINT MARKINGS FROM ASPHALT STRIPING SERVICE, LLC IN VARIABLE AMOLINTS AND FOR VARYING LINIT PRICES AS NEEDED THROUGH THE END OF 2016 FOR USE BY THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards Bid #16-01 and authorizes the purchase of reflectorized pant markings from Asphalt Striping Service, LLC in variable amounts and for varying unit prices as needed through the end of 2016 for use by the Transportation Services Depaftment. PASSED andAPPROVED on l/5/2016 Attest: ä'iTii'Áig;,n :-5"- 1\<1-- =r i. .frâ !--; nnvrrrEvlLLE:. =a. ql-/z-1.4^ ^% .'È**-"2,:ú,lr¡¡¡:fåç.tts "4;;^,lP'Ì''Yn'o Page 1 Printed on 1ñ/16 G¡ty of Fayetteville, Arkansas Text File File Number:2015-0599 I 13 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-8323 Agenda Date:11512016 ln Control: City Council Meeting Agenda Number: A.6 Section 1. That the City Council of the City and authorizes the purchase of reflectorized paint variable amounts and for varying unit prices as Transportation Services Department. Status: Passed File Type: Resolution of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards Bid #16-01 markings from Asphalt Striping Service, LLC in needed through the end of 2016 for use by the Version: 1 BID #T6-01 REFLECTORIZED PAINT MAR]ilNGS: A RESOLUTION TO AWARD BID #16-01 AND AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF REFLECTORIZED PAINT MARKINGS FROM ASPHALT STRIPING SERVICE, LLC IN VARIABLE AMOUNTS AND FOR VARYING UNIT PRICES AS NEEDED THROUGH THE END OF 2016 FOR USE BY THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: City of Fayettev¡lle, Arkansas Page I Pr¡nted on 1/6nU6 City of Fayetteville Staff Review Form 20L5-0599 Legistar File lD Llsl2oL6 City Council Meeting Date - Agenda ltem Only N/A for Non-Agenda ltem Terry Gulley 12/1,1,/2015 - TransPortation Services / Tra nsportation Services Department Submitted By Subm¡tted Date Action Recommendation: Division / Department A resolution awarding Bid 16-01to and authorizing the purchase of Reflectorized Paint Markings from Asphalt Striping Service, LLC, in variable amounts, as needed through the end of calendar year 2016. Budget lmpact: Project Number Budgeted ltem? Yes Does item have a cost? Yes Budget Adjustment Attached? No Various Fund Various Project Title Current Budget 5 Funds Obligated S * Item Cost Budget Adjustment Remaining Budget $ Va rious Account Number Various Current Balance v20140710 Previous Ordinance or Resolution # Original Contract Number:Approval Date: Comments: The "item cost" and "current budget" boxes have been left blank because these items will vary depending upon the Transportation Division's fluctuating needs based on citizen service requests received, construction projects approved, and other variable factors. CITY OFffik CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 2016 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff FROM: Terry Gulley, Transportation Services Director DATE: December 11,2015 SUBJEGT: B¡d 16-01, Construction - Reflectorized Paint Markings RECOMMENDATION: A resolution awarding Bid 16-01 to and authorizing the purchase of reflectorized paint markings from Asphalt Striping Service, LLC, in variable amounts, through the end of calendar year 2016. BACKGROUND: The purchase of bulk construction materials and services is necessary to maintain current infrastructure and to implement the projects outlined in the Capital lmprovements Program and Annual Budget and Work Program. Sealed bids in accordance with State statutes, City ordinances, and purchasing procedures were publicly read and the results are attached to this memo. DISCUSSION: The low bid was submitted by Asphalt Striping Service, LLC. This vendor has been used in the past and their product meets all necessary specifications. BUDGET/STAFF IMPAGT: Funds for the acquisition of materials and services have been budgeted in various capital projects within the Sales Tax Capital lmprovements Fund and Street Fund operating programs. ATTACHMENTS: Bid 16-01 Tabulation Bid Submittal Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR727OI www.f ayetteville-a r. g ov CITY OF RKANS 1 2 ; Reflectorized Paint Marking - WHITE - 4 inch Reflectorized Paint Marking - YELLOW - 4 inch Reflectorized Paint Marking Arrows - WHIïE 4 Reflectorized Paini Marking (Words Only: Lane, etc) 5 Reflectorized Paint Marking - (Symbols only: Bike, ADA, Etc.) 6 Reflectorized Paint Marking - YELLOW (4 inch walk-behind trail striping) .NOTICE: Bld award CERTIFIED: B¡d l6-01, Gonstruction - Reflectorized Paint Markings contingenl upon vendor meeting minimum speclf¡catlons and fomal authorization by City officlals, U^{o 50,000 275,500 110 LF LF EA 1OO EA TOTAL BID BASED ON ESTIMATES = 30,000 LF EA BID:16-01 DATE: 1 t/20/15 TIME: 2:OO PM CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE t(-t ) CITY OF yflt[flvrj I ARKANS k AS City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Purchasing Division - Room 306 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR7270I Phone: 479.575.8220 TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf): 479.SZL.I3I6 INVITATION TO BID: Bid L6-0L, Construction - Reflectorized Paint Markings DEADLINE: Friday, November 20, 2015 before 2:00 PM, Local Time DELIVERY LOCATION: Room 306 - 11-3 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, AR727oI PURCHASING AGENT: Andrea Foren Rennie, CppO, CppB, aforen@fayetteville-ar.eov DATE oF ISSUE AND ADVERTISEMENT: Friday, oct. 23, z}Is & oct.30, 2015 INVITATION TO BID Bid 16-01, construction - Reflectorized paint Markings No late bids will be accepted. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes labeled with the name and address of the bidder. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the attached City of Fayetteville specifications and bid documents attached hereto. Each bidder is required to fill in every blank and shall supply all information requested; failure to do so may be used as basis of rejection. The undersigned hereby offers to furnish & deliver the articles or services as specified, at the prices & terms stated herein, and in strict accordance with the specifications and general conditions of bidding, allof which are made a part of this offer. This offer is not subject to withdrawal unless upon mutual written agreement by the Proposer/Bidder and City Purchasing Manager. Name of Firm: A *v-i rhi -J riïle: O lrJhe,YContact Person: E-MäiI: City: Signature: City of Fayetteville, AR Bid L6-01, Construction - Reflectorized paint Markings Page 1of 14 phone: Llzq- llL)l-L332 Stare: \ zip:72-723 oate: W 1t ?OlÇ ol Sonn ARKANSAS Ploiect Gheck List B¡d l6-01,'Gonsüumion - fiefleuorized Paint Harkings This checklist is for the Bidder's use in preparing & submitting a bid. lt is not intended to ínclude all details necessary to prepare a bid and shall not be used as a substitute for the requirements of the bid documeirts. lnformation is shown below only as a matter of convenience. Use of this checklist does not relieve the Bidder from the responsibility of meeting all requirements of the Specifications conceming the preparation of an acceptable'bid. Bidders are welcome to use this form as a coversheet for a sealed envelope; however, using this form itself is NOT a requirement. 5% B¡d Bond of the amount bíd accompanied by required documentation (Power of Attorney, etc.)- ln lieu of a bid bond, the bidder may submit a cashier's check from a bank located in the State of Arkansas for at least five percent (5%) of the amount bid (inclusive of any deductive alternates). Cashier's checks shall be made payable to the City of Fayetteville, AR. All addenda shall be signed, acknowledged, and submitted on the appropriate forms (submitting the actual addendums or marking acknowledgement on other bid pages). All line items shall be appropriately filled out and extended to reveal the line item price as well as the totalbid price. Total base bid should be calculated in the provided space. All pages provided with signature lines shall be appropriately signed, dated accordingly, and included with submitted bid documents. All b¡d documents shall be delivered in a sealed envelope to the address listed below before the stated deadline on tlle coversheet of the bid- All bids should be delivered with the name of the bidder (contractor) on the sealed envèlope as well as the bidders Arkansas Gontractors License Number. City of Fayetteville, AR Purchasing Division - Suíte 306 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR72702 CONTRACTOR NAME: , ;,.'l ARKANSAS CONTRACTORS Í.IC T¡SE NUMBER: !'rlt<¿ ö\\463 oo 4 tô City of Fayetteville, ,AR Actual specÍfication of ariy deficient item shall be noted on the bid sheet or separ¿te attachment. lf specifications of item bid differ ftom provided literature, deviation shall be documented and certified by the manufacturer as a regular production option. Upon sígning this Bid, the bidder certifies that: 1. He/she has read and agrees to the requirements set forth in this proposal, including specifications, têrms, standard conditiont and any pertinent information regarding the articles being bid on. 2. Unless otherwise noted and explained, the unit bid and listed meets or exceeds all of these requirements as specified by The City of Fayetteville. 3. The Bidder can and w¡ll ccmply with all specifications and requirements for delivery documentation and support as specified herein. 4. l, as an officer of this organ¡zation, or per the attached letter of authorization, am duly authorized ta certify the information provided herein is accurête.and.true. 5. Bidder shall comply with all State and Federal Equal Opportunity and Non-DiscriminatiorÍ requirements and conditions of employment in addition to all federal, state, and local laws. 6. Bidder shall disclose any possible confl¡ct of interest with the City of Fayetteville, including, but not limited to, any relationship with any City of Fayetteville employee. . Response shall disclose if a known. relationship exists between any principal or employee of your firm and any City of Fayetteville employee or elected City of Fayetteville official. lf no relationship exists, this should also be stated in your response. Failure to disclose such a relationship may result in cancellation of a purchase and/or contract as a result of your response. ,* r..) No KNowN RELATT'NSHT' Ð*srs 2.) RELATIONSH¡P EXISTS (Please explain): B¡dder will perform the Work in compliance with all applicable trench safety standards set forth in Occupational Safety and Health Adm¡nistration (OSHA) Part 1926 - Subpart P - Excavations. Æ A bidder on this projecf you are required to provide debarment/suspension certification indicating that you are in compliance with the below Federal Executive Order. Certificat¡on can be done by completing and signing this form. a- Federal Executive Order (E.O.) 12549 "Debarment and Suspension" requires that all contractors receiving individual awards, using federal funds, and all sub-recipients certify that the organizption and its principals are not debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded by any Federal department or agency from doing business with the Federal Government. b. Your signature below certifies that ne¡ther you nor your principal is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency. Unsigned bids will be rejected. ltems marked * are mandatory for considerat¡on. City of Fayetteville, AR Bid L6-01, Construction - Reflectorized Paint Markings Page 5 of 14 7. *NAME OF FIRM: LLC Purchose (sholl be issued to this name¡it ., Çvv t(g (*D/B/ Aor Corporation Name *BUSINESS ADDRESS: *CITY: ,'\ *srArE: AK .r,r'777t3 *PHONE: *E-MAIL: *BY: (PRINTED NAME) *AUTHORIZED SIGNATU RE: *DUNS NUMBER: Ô ¿. I}5:É153 CAGE NUMBER: *rAX rD NUMBER; -t - Ô) 6l 'O Xq Acknowledge Addend ums: Addendum No.- Dated: Addendum No.- Dated; Addendum No. Dated: Acknowledged by: Acknowledged by: Acknowledged by: City of Fayetteville, AR B¡d 16-01, Construction - Reflectorized Paint Markings Page 6 of 14 FAX: DATE REQUIRED: As scheduled with Project Manager EXECUTION OF BID - City of Fayetteville, AR Bid 16-01, Construction - Reflectorized Paint Markings Page 4 of t4 i=j * ¿ As'ô'" Bids shaf I be submitted on this bid farm Ìn its entiretv AND should be øccompqnied by descriptive Iiteroture on the products being bid. The Cíty intends on awarding this bid to a single vendor. ** A certified check or job specific bid bond, payable to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the project amount is required for all bids exceeding 520,000. lf awarded, a LAOTI perforrnancê and payment bond shall be submítted for ail ind¡vidual projects exceedi n g $ZO,OOO. THIS BID FORM CONTINUES ON THE NEXT PAGE - $go_?P_ rorAl BrD BASED oN ESIMAT *,s6 ?,ß['rL'5 sreve l{olsT 479-841-2332 ôteveholst@ymall.com lhllalt Sûup¿ã? So,t¿r¿ --- l30t Sunny Hill Driv¿ . Fcy.ttüì/¡¡lt, Æl(añses 727G! City of Fayettev¡lle Bid 1-6-0L, Construction - Reflectorized Paint Markings Bid Form \\y KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, ThAt WE Bond Number 717211,40 Asnhalt Strinino Service, LLC Western SuretyCompany BID BOND (Percentage) of 1301 Sunny Hill Dr. , Fayettgt.lle,- 38--14!, hereinafter referred to as the Principal, and western suretv Companv as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto citv of Fayetteví1le -''- ""'t -- nf 113 fil. Mountain St. , Fayettevilì-e, AR 72701 hereinafrer referred to as the Obligee, in the sum of Fi.ve ( 5 o/o) percent of the greatest amount bid, for the payment of which we bind ourselves, our legal representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, Principal has submitted or is about to submit a proposal to Obligee on a contract for- NOW, THEREFORE, if the said contract be awarded to Principal and Principal shall, within such time as may be specified, enter into the contract in writing and give such bond or bonds as may be specifìed in the bidding or contract documents with surety acceptable to Obligee, or if Principal shall fail to do so, pay to Obligee the damages which Obligee may suffer by reason of such failure not exceeding the penalty of this bond, then this obligation shall be void; othenruise to remain in full force and eflect. SlcNED, SEALED AND DATED {þis 20th ¿¿y s1 Novembe-r 20].5 Asphal-t Striping Service, ttc (Principal) (Seal) Western Suretv Companv By int Markin Form F5876 Know All Men By These of the State of South Dakota, constitute and appojnt M/estern Surety Company PO\ryER OF ATTORNEY- CERTIFIED COPY Bond No.'7 \'t 21A40 Presents, that IVESTERI'I SURÐTY COMPANY, a corporation dr:ly organized and existing r:nder the laws æd baving its principal office in Sioux Falls, South Dakota (the "Compmy"), does by these presents make, CHERYL ANN PANKEY its true a¡d lawñrl attorney(s)-ia-fact, with firll power and authority hereby conferred, to exerute, acknowledge and deliver for a¡rd on its behalf as Suety, bonds for: Principal: Asphalt Striping Service, LT,C Obligee: City of FayetteviJ-le Amount: 9500, o0o.0o and to bind the Compa.uy thereby as fully and to the same extert æ if such bonds were signed by the Senior Vice h'esident, sealed with the corporate seal of tbe Company ald dr:ly attested by its Særetary, hereby ratifring and confiming all that the said attorney(s)-in-fact may do within the above stated limitations- Said appointment is made under and by authority of the followi¡g bylaw of Western Surety Compmy which remairo in fi:ll force and effect. "Sætion ?. AJI bonds, policies, undertakings, Powers of ^A.ttorney or other obligations of the corporation shall be executed in the cor?orate nme of the Company by the President, Secretary, my.Assistant Særetary, lreasurer, or my Vice h'esident or by such other oftcers as the Boad ofDirestors may authorize. The P¡esident, ary Vice President, Secretary, any Assistmt Secretaly, or the Treasurer may appoh¿ Attorneys in Fact or agents who shall have authority to issue bonds, policiæ, or undertakings iq the na¡ne of the Company- The corporate seal is not næessary for the validity ofany bonds, policies, udertakings, Powe¡s ofAttorney or otha'obligatiom ofthe corporation- T'he signature of any such officer æd the corporate seal may be printed by f¿g5imils." All authority hereby conferred shall expire and terminate, without notice, unless used before midnight of 20\6 , but rmtil such time shall be irrevocable and in fi:ll force md effect. In Witness Whereof, Westem Surety Company has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice President, Paul T. Bruûat, æd its this 20th day of NoveÍtber , Feb 20 corporaúe 6¡1¡is 20th dayof November ,irtheyeæ 2OI5 ,beforeme,anotarypublic,personally Paul T. Bruflat, who being ^uo me duly srvorn, ælmowledged that he signed the above Power of AÈtorney as the aforesaid WESîERN SUR.ETY COMPÁNY and acknowledged said instrment to be the voh¡.nta¡y act a¡d said +tlTissh$gqrtblhÞhrlq\i +. i S. PETRIK i i@Ë;ffi;^",iåtî@ilr¡¡rsqstttttçttlbìrbtti + My Commission Exp¡res August 11,2016 I the uldersigned ofâcer ofWestern Surety Comparry, attached Power of Àttorney is Ín fi¡ll force and effect æd is set forth in the Power of Attomey is now i¡ force. In testimony wbereof, Novembe-r I have hereunto set my hæd a¡ld seal of W'estern Suety Company ùhis 20th ¿r" o¡ SURE COMPANY 201,5 )., appeared off.cer of a stæk corporation of the State of South Dakota, do hereby certifu that the irrevocabLe, and frrrthermore, that Sec¿ion ? ofthe bylaws ofthe Company as Fom F530ô-8-2012 2 01s Paul T.Vice President