HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-04 RESOLUTION• RESOLUTION NO. 91-04. A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN ENGINEERING CONTRACT WITH RJN GROUP, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $226,978.00 FOR THE DESIGN AND BIDDING PHASE SERVICES FOR THE SEWER REHABILITATION PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the Agreement for Professional Engineering Services with RJN Group, Inc. (attached as Exhibit A) for the design and bidding phase services for the sewer rehabilitation project in the amount of $226,978.00. PASSED and APPROVED this 15th day of June, 2004. ATTEST: By: SO SMITH, City Clerk By: APPROVED: DAN COODY, Mayor • 1 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES APPENDIX A — SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR FINAL DESIGN PHASE This is Appendix A, consisting of 4 pages, referred to in and part of the Agreement For Professional Engineering Services between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS and RJN GROUP, INC. dated Initial: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE RJN GROUP, INC. The following contains additional Scope of Services tasks for the Final Design Phase. The CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE has been awarded grant funding to assist with sanitary sewer system rehabilitation improvements. The grant funding is from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) State and Tribal Assistance Grants Program and will be matched with 45 percent of local funding. It is anticipated that the grant will be administered by the Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission (ASWCC). It is anticipated that the project will include the construction of rehabilitation improvements in Basins 1-1 through 1-5,1-11, Mini System W-2 and W-27, and various other locations in the City as indicated on the attached project map-. The services under this Agreement will include assisting the City with EPA and ASWCC grant administration activities, preparing a preliminary engineering report, and final design and bidding services for the Project. The construction documents for the Project will include the improvements in Basins 1-1 - 1-5, I-11, and Mini System W-27 which was designed under a separate contract with RJN Group, Inc. Rehabilitation improvements will also be included for selected sewers in Mini System W-2 and various locations in the City will be designed under this Agreement. The previously designed improvements and improvements designed under this Agreement will be packaged as one construction project. The construction documents will conform with all requirements of the USEPA Grant. A summary of the improvements are included in Table A-1. The services to be provided under this Agreement are described in the following sections. PART A - PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 1. Project Administration a) Perform Project Initiation activities b) Perform general administration and project management activities. c) Finalize agreements with subconsultants. d) Prepare and submit monthly work progress reports to the CITY. e) Develop and maintain project Completion schedule throughout project. 2. Meetings a) Attend project kickoff meeting with City staff. b) Meet with ASWCC and AHTD as necessary to obtain permits for construction of project. A total of two meetings are anticipated. c) Prepare for and attend up to two City Council meetings to provide periodic updates on the progress of the final design as requested by the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3. EPA Grant Assistance Activities The Engineer will assist the City with EPA grant administration activities. This assistance may include, but not be limited to, the following: a) Technical support. b) Provide engineering narratives and Project data. c) Completion and filing of all permits/approval from regulatory agencies. AA -1 • • d) Representation at various meetings with the USEPA and/or ASWCC and City to coordinate the Project. e) Assist with developing preliminary and final Work Plans including Environmental Benefit Statement. 0 Preparation of project closeout and certificate of completion. g) Assistance with Performance and Financial Reporting at end of Protect. h) Assistance with preparing Categorical Exclusion Request. t) Prepare Quality Assurance Document if required by EPA. j) Assistance with complying with all NEPA requirements of the Project. PART B — PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT 1. Based on the Engineer's previously completed Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Report for Basins I-1 -15, I-11, and Mini System W27 and other investigations, the ENGINEER shall prepare and submit a Preliminary Engineering Report for the Project. The report will include, but not be limited to, the following: a) Descriptions of sewer deficiencies. b) Evaluation of feasible rehabilitation altematives. c) Economic justification of recommended improvements. d) Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. e) A summary of expected environmental benefits. The report shall define the Project in sound economic and engineering teens and will cite the specific benefits that are expected. The report will be presented to the City and representatives of the USEPA and ASWCC. PART C — DESIGN SURVEY 1. Surveys for Design a) The ENGINEER will perform field surveys to collect horizontal and vertical elevations and other information which will be needed for use by the ENGINEER in design and preparation of plans for the project. Information gathered during the survey shall include topographic data, elevations of all sanitary and adjacent storm sewers, rim/invert elevations of existing sewers, location of buried utilities where possible, structures, and other features relevant to the final plan sheets. The location of buried utilities will be based on information provided by utility companies and/or utility locates by Arkansas Call -One. ENGINEER will not be responsible for actual location of buried utilities and contract documents will require the Contractor to locate utilities prior to construction. The location of trees will be in accordance with the City's current specifications. b) Engineer Will Provide the Following Information: All plans, field notes, plats, maps, legal descriptions, or other specified documents prepared in conjunction with the requested services shall be provided in a digital format. All text data such as plan and profile, coordinate files, cut sheets, etc., shall be provided in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) format, all drawing files shall be provided in AutoCad (DWG or DXF) format (currently Release 2000). The minimum information to be provided in the plans shall include the following: 1) A Project Control Sheet showing ALL Control Points used or set while gathering data. Generally on a scale of not less than 1"40': 2) Coordinates on all P.C.'s P.T.'s, P.I.'s, Manholes, Valves, etc., in the same coordinate system as the Control. 2. Public Notification Prior to conducting design survey, ENGINEER or its SUBCONSULTANT will notify affected residents of the project in writing. The notification letter shall be on company letterhead and shall AA -2 • • include the following: project name, limits, Consultant's project manager and phone no., scope of survey work, and design survey schedule. PART D — UTILITY COORDINATION/PERMITS AND EASEMENTS 1. Utility Coordination/Permits During the design phase, the ENGINEER shall coordinate with all utilities, AHTD, railroads, and other agencies affected by the Project. These entities shall also be contacted, if applicable, to determine plans for any proposed facilities or adjustment to existing facilities within the project limits. The information obtained shall be shown on the plan sheets. The ENGINEER shall show the location of the proposed utility lines, and existing utility lines within the project limits. ENGINEER shall complete all forms necessary for CITY to obtain permits from AHTD, railroads, and other agencies and submit such forms to the CITY. CITY shall be responsible for forwarding the forms to the affected agencies for execution. A total of one (1) Highway Permits is anticipated. 2. Right-of-Way/Easement Preparation and Submittal a) The ENGINEER will conduct research for availability of existing easements where construction is probable. Temporary and permanent easements will be prepared based on available information. The CITY will negotiate and obtain the necessary easements. A total of 10 easements are anticipated. b) Revise easements as required to obtain approval from property owners. A total of 2 revisions are anticipated. 3. 404/Phase II Stormwater Permitting It is anticipated that the construction work for this Project will be under the requirements of the Nationwide Permit and no separate 404 permit will be required. The ENGINEER shall prepare the necessary paperwork to comply with the Nationwide Permit Requirements. The ENGINEER shall also prepare a SWP3 plan for the Project. PART E — CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS, CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, AND SPECIFICATIONS It is anticipated that the project will be bid as one. (1) construction package. 1. Final Engineering Design ENGINEER will conduct final engineering as follows: a) Prepare overall sanitary sewer layout sheets and an overall easement layout sheet(s). b) Prepare preliminary project plans and profile sheets which show the following: Proposed sanitary sewer plan/profile and recommended pipe size, and all pertinent information needed to construct the project. The plan and profile sheets will be prepared on a 1"-=40' scale horizontally and 1"=4' vertically. All drawings shall utilize CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE standards. c) Existing utilities and utility easements will be shown on the plan and profile sheets based on information obtained during the design survey or from information provided by Utility companies. ENGINEER will coordinate with utility companies and the CITY to determine if any future improvements are planned that may impact the project. d) The ENGINEER will prepare standard and special detail sheets for sewer line construction. These may include connection details between various parts of the project, tunneling details, bonng and jacking details, waterline relocations, and details unique to the construction of the project. e) The ENGINEER shall complete quantity takeoffs and prepare estimated Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for the Project. 0 The ENGINEER shall repackage and conform the previously completed design in Basins I-1-5, 1-11, and Mini System W-27 into one construction package to comply with the State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program. g) The ENGINEER shall include all EPA M/WBE Requirements in the Contract Documents. AA -3 • • • 2. Specifications Using ENGINEER's basic technical and CITY's General Conditions Project Manual specifications, prepare project specifications which shall include, but not be limited to: 1) bidding documents, 2) contractual documents, 3) conditions of the contract, 4) standard project forms, and 5) technical specifications. Project Manual shall incorporate CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's standard general conditions and forms and shall include required forms and specifications for the State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program. 3. Preliminary Construction Document Submittal a) The ENGINEER shall deliver five (5) sets of the Preliminary Engineering Report. b) The ENGINEER shall deliver three (3) sets of preliminary construction plans (90 percent complete) and two (2) sets of specifications and contract documents to CITY for review. Generally, plan sheets shall be organized as follows: Cover Sheet Plan & Profile Sheets Standard Construction Details Special Details (As applicable) c) The ENGINEER shall submit a preliminary estimate of probable construction cost with the preliminary plans submitted. It is anticipated that the overall project will include one (1) — construction project. d) The ENGINEER shall meet with CITY to discuss review comments for preliminary submittal. Two review meetings of each plan set submittal is anticipated. 4. Final Construction Document Submittal a) Following CITY approval of the preliminary documents, the ENGINEER shall prepare final plans and specifications and contract documents (each sheet shall be stamped, dated, and signed by the ENGINEER) and submit five (5) sets of plans and construction contract documents for CITY's final approval. AA -4 • • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES APPENDIX B — SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR BIDDING PHASE This is Appendix B, consisting of 1 page, referred to in and part of the Agreement For Professional Engineering Services between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS hereinafter referred to as CITY, and RJN GROUP, INC. hereinafter referred to as RJN GROUP, INC. dated Initial: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE RJN GROUP, INC. The following is the Scope of Services for the Bidding Phase. 1. Arrange for bidding notices to be sent to contractors publishing services and direct mailing to contractors of record. Notices shall comply with requirements of CITY, USEPA, and State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program administered by the Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission. The legal notice to be placed in legal notices section of a local newspaper shall be coordinated with CITY purchasing agent and an affidavit of publication secured. 2. Prepare addenda for drawings and Bid Documents as required and submit to CITY in timely manner such that addenda can be issued in accordance with Construction Contract General Conditions. 3. Secure updated state and federal wage rate decisions and incorporate by addenda into the Bid Documents. 4. Assist CITY in issuing and tracking Bid Documents, addenda and communications during bidding and maintain list of plan holders. Provide additional copies of plans and specifications for prospective bidders. RJN GROUP, INC. shall be responsible for costs of additional copies. 5. RJN GROUP, INC. shall attend Pre -Bid Conference to explain the project requirements and receive questions from prospective bidders. RJN GROUP, INC. shall consider the questions received and issue necessary clarifications and changes to the Bid Documents through the use of addenda. 6. Assist CITY in obtaining and evaluating bids and preparing construction contracts. Provide four (4) copies of the bid tabulation. Consult with and advise CITY as to the acceptability of subcontractors and other persons and organizations proposed by the prime construction contractor(s), hereinafter called "Contractor(s)," for those portions of the work as to which such acceptability is required by the Bid Documents. 8. Make recommendations regarding award of construction contracts. 9. Attend Water and Sewer Committee meeting and the ensuing City Council meeting to recommend action by the respective bodies. Prepare and present a recommendation complete with such supporting information as necessary for the bodies to make an informed decision on the action recommended. 10. Coordinate Contract Execution between the Contractor and City. 11. Coordinate and conduct a Pre -Construction Conference with Contractor, City, and other interested agencies. AB -1 CO a Q E 1 3. 404/Phase II Stonnwater Permitting f/1 a P e a. Rightof-WaylEasement Preparation (10 easements) b. Easement Revisions (2) 1 2. Right-of-Way/Easement Preparation N C S g C 1 PART D - UTILITY CORDINATION/PERMITS AND EASEMENTS Subtotal Ib. Property Mapping a. Field Survey 11 1. Surveys for Design 1 PART C - DESIGN SURVEY c g I� 1. Prepare and Submit Report PART B - PRELIMINARY ENGI co a V a II 3. EPA Grant Assistance Aactivitles 11_ Subtotal 11 c. Attend Two Council Meetings 11 b. Meet with Arkansas ASWCCand AHTD (2 Meetings) _ a. Attend Project Kickoff M 1 2. Meetings Subtotal e. Develop/Maintain Schedule d. Monthly Progress Reports (10) 1 c. Finalize Agreements with Subconsultants b. Perform General Administration 8 Pro a. Perform Project Initiation Activities a 1 PART A - PROJECT ADMINISTRA WORK TASK DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COST MT. SEQUOYAH AND VARIOUS LOCATIONS COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS EXHIBIT B-1 ity CoordlnationlPermlts Iect Administration 2 a O NEERING REPORT T jest Mgmt. Activities N N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 14 I 14 W N 76 01 CO CO 14 N N O O D N PD hr Estimated Manhours HOURLY RATE WORK N N A N N A A A N N 43 Ni 52 J 0 N 1.4 O 0 N C N A O" A PM hr 0 0 W 0 010 I 10 I 10 W A I 80 O CO COO N OJ 12 CO 1 46 10 O N A 0 PE hr _ A A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 12 N W 1 56 I 0 0 0 0 46000.160 CE hr N N O O O l 12 I N CO O O) 24 24 01 0I CO CO O O A.00004. 0 2 Q 0 N N 0 0 0 A A 0 0 0 40 40 60 I 50 A N N O 'O N A Na A A COOT hr MM W W CO T O 0 W 41 0) O O 0 N -S 0f O O 0 $ 920.00 $ 260.00 N N m N 0) b 0 15 2,926.00 N N O N Q o O 0 1 $ 920.00 I M -a 0 O b O 1$ 19,582.00 H t0 01 m N O O M -+ N pyo 0, G O 1 $ 32,648.00 $ 11,944.00 $ 4,724.00 VP A a A O O O 64 Co O Co O O O 4461M -W 01 N O 0 N r N 0 O O O 0 0 1$ 320.00 M A (-4,4 O O 0 1 $ 1,282.00 TOTAL LABOR MM N 3,300.00 $ 400.00 1 $ 985.00 I $ 1,500.00 I 1 $ 485.00 1 $ 885.00 I $ 685.00 Direct Cost (5) N 01 0 N N 0 W 0 O 0 M ' NbIH N O1 In tJJ a 0 CO O O O 0 N O 4Oj O q Co O M a 0 0 O M N N 0' O N , NNMN '', MN W P CO 0 O W A CO O O NIMM A -W W O 0 0 W 01 O 0 0 A N N O 0 0 M N b-..4V N OI 0 0 $ 2,926.0011 $ 28,659.001 1 $ 7,520.00 M N W tO O O In so -• - $ 20,567.00 1 MN (�y1 A OJ 0 O ((uu A A 00 O O $ 13,999.00 U $ 5,209.00 $ 5,025.00 H W 0) 01 O O NH61 " 001 N 0 O _. N N+ O O O O 0 O $ 320.00 1 $ 6,400.00 N N �. 003 N O O m 140-1 a 3 0 O o1 ^= 0 Labor Cost is calculated based on actual salary cost plus overhead factor of 1.74 plus 10 percent profit. Subtotal 11 11. Conduct Pre -Construction Meeting 11 8. Bid Recommendations to City 1 7. Review/Check Contractor References 6. Review Bids 1 5. Attend Pre -Bid Conference . Track Bid Documents Secure Wage Rate Information 2. Prepare Addenda —_ 11 1. Bidding Notices 11 PART F - BIDDING ASSISTANCE 11 4. Final Construction Documents Subtotal 1 c. Review Comments with City (1) c m 1 3. Document Submittal 1 Subtotal N m e. Takeoffs and Estimate of Probable Cost Ilk d. Prepare Standard and Special Detail Sheets _ c. Existing Utilities and Easement 1 b. Prepare Preliminary Pro 1 a. Prepare Lavout Sheets _ WORK TASK DESCRIPTION _ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COST MT. SEQUOYAH AND VARIOUS LOCATIONS COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS EXHIBIT 13-1 TOTAL I. Final Enalneerina 1 oordinate Contract Execution _ ttend Water and Sewer Committee/City Council D O o n 0 0 'O 3, ry Q m O_ c o = -1 m m 0 z CO A hnlcal Specl CD CD S _B =.5Z La p a C o u a iments dorm Previous Design(Basins 11-15,111,W27) o0 $ .v O 5 iect Plan and Profile Sheets(90percent) eet Manual iS AND SPECIE [1 set) (CATIONS co N D A003000.00000 A A 18 0 N Co MN C O O A N O O N O r O Estimated Man HOURLY RATE WORK 1 IN m O N 'O N A A co N O N N CO ;��o V> 40 0 12 A A N W N 'J 3 442 20 0042000:141•00420 I 24 24 0 0 0 0 24 24 ++ CO O 40 N N 0 0 0 - m 7.m ea N N P Ci O O O +O O O A N O P I 12 N 0 0 0 0 48 48 a. & N I 24 A 8 N I 80 I co ? m NW P T A 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 A O 76 76 W O m 0 coO O 00 0 I 80 N CADD hr 1 210 N A N N N N O N O N NCa A A I 14 0 10 N > A N O N N O A N N CIJOT hr 0 0 C a M m N O N G O MN + m A m N O O _ W N O O O 1 $ 460.00 N N -+ W O O O 1 $ 360.00 1 1 $ 1,420.001 1 $ 1,500.00 44444/141 N o 0 O O 0 01 CO O O 0 + O! O O 0 _ O V N O 0 1 $ 680.00 1 N O N CO W b O 1 $ 10,588.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 6,478.00 N 10 p O O 1 $ 1,760.00 MM _ r0 O 0 b O O O O O 1 $ 59,548.00 44 01 O O O 1 $ 14,500.00 44 N f l t N O O O 1 $ 4,208.00 1 N N O O 1 $ 32,266.00 1 N co G N 0 O 0 TOTAL 1 LABOR $ 750.00 '^ 1 $ 1,250.00 $ 585.00 $ 1,820.00 $ 750.00 1 $ 485.00 $ 200.00 i $ 200.00 1 1 $ 1,480.00 H N N O O N A O O o 6 _ 750.00 N O O o O N lu P O b O O O O in u a - a M N tC 0 O O 1 $ _ 13,992.00 I M N O J O O O 1 $ 460.00 I 1 $ 2,880.00 1 $ 360.00 I 1 $ 1,420.00 N N 0 O O O 1 $ 2,710.00 I M 01 Oa 0 O O $ 160.00 $ 1,072.00I M 0 Co O O O M W W 0 b O 1 $ 11,838.00 I 40M PN N J 1C CO 0 01 O O O O $ 3,268.00I ) $ 2,245.00 Mfi N N CO (0 O O O O O O N 0+ O 10 0 b O 1 $ 160.00 I N -aN A in 0 0 b O 1 $ 2,550.00I NN P N 0 CO O 0 N (DO s 0 1 $ 33,746.001 1 $ 3,020.00 I Total Cost Estimate ($) • • Table A-1 • SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Item Basins I1 -I5, I-11, and Mini System W-27 Sewer Improvements Basin I-5 Capacity Improvements Mini System W-2 and Various Sewer Improvements Subtotal Contingency Total Quantity 7,464 LF 3,085 LF 5 500 LF 16,049 LF Estimated Construction Cost ($) 1,430,767 649,118 749.845 2,829,730 320,465 3,150,195 0 z 6 • 0 c mc J - N J• • N J J m "k"' A Z D N 0 .9 m 0 2 co0 m SD m CO -s N O O C O 07 N 9 0 I'4 0 z 0 0 0 d m Q D 0) 0.. n O 3 rri r.77 Wees 77,71.1 0 m C ZE. 'G_ 077 777 i M O 5,0 0 EIMER I¢0 O A II cQ ira 0 rfl 0 40.7 !.v 4.0 O 4:03 . CO :cc), 107: 1.17 .1#07 aweN A4!N73tl C t0 FP V 0 0 z O 0 n co J N U 0) d a 0 d co m 0, 0 d 0 7,N A N 01 T 0) CD O M M 3 ▪ D 0 0 N er c (n m 0 0 r S a oz §2 co• o. { ) CO CD rn / co • o co 0 0 0 # $ / 7 ttk ooltA cn Att otttott tot k (0) Cc 711 3 kCat $ / \ \ cot ƒ \ \ 7 \ \ /tta Cttt ey \ k k I o \Ca - c !CID cp \ ƒ \ \ \ • 11. tit % • F 1 1 1 ewe /31A93V 0 5. 0 co 0 0 0 0 co 0 0) 0) & / • • AGREEMENT For PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS And RJN GROUP, INC. THIS AGREEMENT is made as of QJ(wn„, /S , 2004, by and between City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, acting by and through its Mayor (hereinafter called CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE) and RJN GROUP, INC. with offices located in Fayetteville, Arkansas (hereinafter called RJN GROUP, INC.). CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE from time to time requires professional engineering services in connection with the planning, design, permitting, construction, operation, maintenance, management, and financing of the Fayetteville Wastewater System Improvement Project and in particular Collection System Improvements related to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program (The "Project"). Therefore, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and RJN GROUP, INC. in consideration of their mutual covenants agree as follows: RJN GROUP, INC. shall serve as CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's professional engineering consultant in those assignments to which this Agreement applies, and shall give consultation and advice to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE during the performance of RJN GROUP, INC.'s services. All services shall be performed under the direction of a professional engineer registered in the State of Arkansas and qualified in the particular field. If Construction Phase Services are to be provided by RJN GROUP, INC. under this Agreement, the construction shall be executed under the observation of a professional engineer registered in the State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Amended §22-9-10I. SECTION 1 - AUTHORIZATION OF SERVICES 1.1 Services on any assignment shall be undertaken only upon written Authorization of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and agreement of RJN GROUP, INC. 1.2 Assignments may include services described hereafter as Basic Services or as Additional Services of RJN GROUP, INC. 1.3 Changes, modifications or amendments in scope, pnce or fees to this contract shall not be allowed without a formal contract amendment approved by the Professional Services -Design 2004.doc A — I 5/24/2004 • Mayor and the City Council in advance of the change in scope, costs, fees, or delivery schedule. SECTION 2 - BASIC SERVICES OF RJN GROUP, INC. 2.1 General 2.1.1 Perform professional design services in connection with the Project as hereinafter stated. The Scope of Services to be furnished by RJN GROUP, INC. during the Preliminary Engineering Design Phase is included in Section 2.2 hereafter and in Appendix A attached hereto and made part of this Agreement. The Scope of Services to be fumished by RJN GROUP, INC. during the Final Design Phase is included in Section 2.3 hereafter and in Appendix A attached hereto and made part of this Agreement. The Scope of Services to be furnished by RJN GROUP, INC.during the Bidding Phase is included in Section 2.4 hereafter and in Appendix B attached hereto and made part of this Agreement. The Scope of Services to be furnished by RJN GROUP, INC. during the Construction Phase, if any, will be finalized and contained in an amendment to this Agreement after Final Design is completed. The Scope of Services to be furnished by RJN GROUP, INC. during the Post - Construction Phase, if any, will be finalized and contained in an amendment to this Agreement after Final Design is completed. The preliminary Scope of Services to be furnished by RJN GROUP, INC. for Resident Services During Construction, if any, will be finalized and contained in an amendment to this Agreement after Final Design is completed. 2.1.2 RJN GROUP, INC. shall coordinate their activities and services with the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. RJN GROUP, INC. and CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agree that RJN GROUP, INC. has full responsibility for the engineering design. Professional Services -Design 2004.doc A — 2 5/24/2004 • • 2.2 Preliminary Engineering Report 2.2.1 Prepare and submit a Preliminary Engineering Report that describes the project's need, scope, and outcomes. The report will include a description of sewer deficiencies, problem statements, evaluation of possible alternatives, economic justification of recommended improvements, project cost estimates, and summaries of expected benefits and outcomes. The report shall define the project in sound economic and engineering terms and will describe the specific benefits expected. 2.2.2 Meet with CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, USEPA, and ASWCC to discuss the Report. Revise the report based on comments from the reviewing parties. 2.3 Final Design Phase (Construction Drawings, Contract Documents and Specifications) 2.3.1 Prepare for incorporation in the Contract Documents detailed drawings to show the character and scope of the Work to be performed by contractors on the Project (hereinafter called the "Contract Drawings"), and Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Agreement and Bond forms, General Conditions, and Specifications (all of which, together with the Contract Drawings, are hereinafter called the "Bid Documents") for review and approval by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, its legal counsel, and other advisors as appropriate, and assist CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in the preparation of other related documents. Bid documents shall be based on the appropriate Construction Specifications required by the State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program and shall be supplemented with the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's standard general conditions and forms and RJN GROUP, INC.'s Technical Specifications as appropriate. Bid documents shall include required forms for the Grant Program Text documents shall be provided to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in Microsoft® Word version 2000 software. Contract drawings shall be prepared using standard borders, sheet sizes, title blocks and CADD standards provided by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. RJN GROUP, INC. may use their normal software for the preparation of drawings but the final product shall be provided to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in Autodesk AutoCAD version 2000. Develop and include in Appendix A of this Agreement for approval by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, a project design schedule in which RUN GROUP, INC. shall include, in an acceptable level of detail, the steps and milestone dates to be undertaken by Professional Services -Design 2004.doc A — 3 5/24/2004 • i RJN GROUP, INC. in the completion of this final design. This Schedule shall include reasonable allowances for review and approval times required by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, and review and approval times required by public authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. This schedule shall be equitably adjusted as the Project progresses, allowing for changes in scope, character or size of the Project requested by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, or for delays or other causes beyond RJN GROUP, INC.'s reasonable control. The progress design schedule shall consist of a bar chart schedule depicting the duration of the -project and the discrete milestone activities which make up the project, but at a minimum shall include contract drawings, contract specifications, and design reviews as indicated in Section 2.3.9. When requested by the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's Water and Wastewater Director, prepare for and attend up to two City Council meetings to provide periodic updates on the progress of the final design. If the plans and specifications for the project require bids on altemates in addition to a base bid, there shall be no more than three (3) alternates, and the alternates shall be developed and described in accordance with Title 22, Article 9-203 of the Arkansas Code. 2.3.2 Prepare technical criteria, written descriptions, design data, and applications necessary for filing applications for permits from or approvals of the following applicable governmental authorities having jurisdiction to review or approve the final design of the Project and assist in securing approvals Actual Filing and Permit Fees will be paid by the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. Assist CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in consultations with appropriate authorities. Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission (ASWCC) Arkansas Department of Health (AHD) Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) Professional Services -Design 2004.doc A — 4 5/24/2004 • • Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department Railroad Authorities US Environmental Protection Agency 2.3.3 Advise CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE of adjustments in excess of five percent of the cost opinion for the Project caused by changes in scope, design requirements, or construction costs and furnish a revised cost opinion for the Project based on the final Bid Documents. 2.3.4 Advise CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE of final Opinion of Probable Project Costs 2.3.5 Furnish CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE with 10 copies of the final Bid Documents. 2.3.6 Determine land and easement requirements and provide consultation and assistance on property procurement as related to professional engineering services being performed. 2.3.7 Provide appropriate professional interpretations of data obtained through subcontract services for authorized Project services including property, boundary, easement, right-of-way, topographic, and utility surveys; noting zoning and deed restrictions. 2.3.8 Submit monthly Work progress reports to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 2.3.9 Design shall be reviewed by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, or such parties as CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall designate, at the 90 percent completion level. 2.3.10 See Appendix A for additional services or clarification of services to be provided by RJN GROUP, INC. 2.4 Bidding Phase 2.4.1 RJN GROUP, INC. will follow the USEPA and Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission statutory bidding protocol for the State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program. 2.4.2 Arrange for bidding notices to be sent to contractors publishing services and direct mailing to contractors of record. Notices shall comply with requirements of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program administered by the Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission, and the USEPA. The legal notice to be placed in legal notices section of a local newspaper(s) of countywide and statewide Professional Services -Design 2004.doc A — 5 5/24/2004 • circulation and shall be coordinated with CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE purchasing agent and an affidavit of publication secured. 2.4.3 Prepare addenda for drawings and Bid Documents as required and submit to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in timely manner such that addenda can be issued by RJN GROUP, INC. in accordance with Construction Contract General Conditions. All bidding protocols shall conform to USEPA and ASWCC statutory requirements. 2.4.4 Secure updated state and federal wage rate decisions and incorporate into the Bid Documents. Update wage rate decision by addendum if necessary. 2.4.5 Assist CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE by issuing and tracking Bid Documents, addenda and communications during bidding and maintain list of plan holders. Print and distribute copies of plans and specifications for all prospective bidders and plan rooms. Collect from prospective bidders an appropriate non-refundable fee to offset cost of reproducing and distributing Bidding Documents. RJN GROUP, INC. shall attend a Pre -Bid Conference to explain the project requirements and receive questions from prospective bidders. RJN GROUP, INC. shall consider the questions received and issue necessary clarifications and changes to the Bid Documents through the use of addenda. 2.4.6 Assist CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in obtaining and evaluating bids and preparing construction contracts. RJN GROUP, INC. shall prepare and submit bid certification documents to ASWCC and USEPA as necessary for review. 2.4.7 Consult with and advise CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE as to the acceptability of subcontractors and other persons and organizations proposed by the prime construction contractor(s), hereinafter called "Contractor(s)," for those portions of the work as to which such acceptability is required by the Bid Documents. 2.4.8 Make recommendations regarding award of construction contracts. 2.4.9 Attend Water and Sewer Committee meeting and the ensuing City Council meeting to recommend action by the respective bodies. Prepare and present a recommendation complete with such supporting information as necessary for the bodies to make an informed decision on the action recommended. Professional Services -Design 2004.doc A — 6 5/24/2004 • • 2.4.10 Develop and include in Appendix B of this Agreement, a bidding services schedule in which RJN GROUP, INC. shall include, in an acceptable level of detail, the steps and milestone dates to be undertaken by RJN GROUP, INC. in the completion of the bidding services. 2.4.11 See Appendix B for additional services or clarification of services to be provided by RJN GROUP, INC. 2.5 Construction Phase 2.5.1 The scope of Construction Phase Services, if any, will be negotiated following completion of Design Phase Services. 2.6 Post -Construction Phase 2.6.1 The scope of Post -Construction Phase Services, if any, will be negotiated following completion of Design Phase Services. 2.7 Resident Services During Construction 2.7.1 The scope of Resident Services During Construction, if any, will be negotiated following completion of Design Phase Services. SECTION 3 - ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF RJN GROUP, INC. 3.1 General If authorized in writing by the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Mayor and the City Council and agreed to in writing by RJN GROUP, INC., RJN GROUP, INC. shall furnish or obtain from others Additional Services of the following types that are not considered normal or customary Basic Services. The scope of Additional Services may include: 3.1.1 Grant and Loan Assistance Prepare applications and supporting documents for governmental grants, loans, or advances that are not included in services described in Appendix A. Professional Services -Design 2004.doc A — 7 5/24/2004 • • 3.1.2 Financial Consultation Consult with CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's fiscal agents and bond attorneys and provide such engineering data as required for any bond prospectus or other financing requirements. 3.1.3 Administrative Assistance Provide Contract and Project administration to the degree authorized by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3.1.4 Furnishing renderings or models of the Project for CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's use. 3.1.5 Miscellaneous Studies Investigations involving detailed consideration of operations, maintenance, and overhead expenses, and the preparation of rate schedules, earnings, and expense statements; feasibility studies; appraisals and valuations; detailed quantity surveys of material, equipment, and labor; and audits or inventories required in connection with construction performed by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3.1.6 Preparing to serve or serving as a witness for CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in any litigation or other proceeding involving the Project. 3.1.7 Extra Services Services not specifically defined heretofore that may be authorized by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3.2 Contingent Additional Services 3.2.1 If services described under Contingent Additional Services in Paragraph 3.2 are required due to circumstances beyond RJN GROUP, INC.'s control, RJN GROUP, INC. shall notify CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and request a formal contract amendment approved by the Mayor and the City Council prior to commencing such services. If CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE deems that such services described in 3.2 are not required, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall give prompt written notice to RJN GROUP, INC. If CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE indicates in writing that all or parts of such Contingent Additional Services are not required, RJN GROUP, INC. shall have no obligation to provide those services. Professional Services -Design 2004.doc A — 8 5/24/2004 • 3.2.2 Making revisions in Drawings, Specifications, or other documents when such revisions are: Required because of inconsistent approvals or instructions previously given by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, including revisions made necessary by adjustments in CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's program or Project Budget. Required by the enactment or revision of codes, laws, or regulations subsequent to the preparation of such documents. SECTION 4 - RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall, within a reasonable time, so as not to delay the services of RJN GROUP, INC. 4.1 Provide full information as to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's requirements for the Project. 4.2 Assist RJN GROUP, INC. by placing at RJN GROUP, INC.'s disposal all available information pertinent to the assignment including previous reports and any other data relative thereto. 4.3 Guarantee access to and make all provisions for RJN GROUP, INC. to enter upon public and private property as required for RJN GROUP, INC. to perform his services under this Agreement. 4.4 Examine all studies, reports, sketches, cost opinions, Bid Documents, Drawings, proposals, and other documents presented by RJN GROUP, INC. and render in writing decisions pertaining thereto. 4.5 Provide such professional legal, accounting, financial, and insurance counseling services as may be required for the Project. 4.6 Designate in writing a person to act as CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's representative with respect to the services to be performed under this Agreement. Such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's policies and decisions with respect to materials, equipment, elements and systems to be used in the Project, and other matters pertinent to the services covered by this Agreement. Professional Services -Design 2004.doc A — 9 5/24/2004