HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-04 RESOLUTION• RESOLUTION NO. 8 3- 0 4 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $761,000.00, TO APPROVE THE 2004 FUNDING AGREEMENT AND TO APPROVE THE 2004 CONSOLIDATED ACTION PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville's Consolidated Action Plan was developed by the Community Resources Division and approved by Mayor Dan Coody after a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development approved this Consolidated Action Plan and approved funding for the programs therein in the amount of $761,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the 2004 Funding Agreement, accepts the 2004 Community Development Block Grant of $761,000.00 from the Department of Housing and Development, and approves the 2004 Consolidated Action Plan which includes street overlay and repair, residential rehabilitation, assistance to Habitat for Humanity and redevelopment programs within the Community Development Target Area; as well as assistance to the Seven Hills Homeless Shelter, Elderly Taxicab Program, Low Income Transportation Program, Fayetteville Boys and Girls Club Targeted Program and administrative costs. PASSED and APPROVED this lst day of June, 2004. ATTEST: By. /tti J tYVvu��' SOhhhhAAAA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By: ,CC.ti DAN COODY, Mayor NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date • Resolution No. 83-04 • NOTES: 1 05/13/04 City Council Agenda Memo 2 draft resolution 3 05/14/03 copy of Community Development Consolidated Action Plan Block Grant 2004 4 copy of Notices of the 2004 Action Plan Public meetings 5 copy of publication in newspaper 6 copy of publication in newspaper copy of website page copy of wesite page calendar list copy of 10/23/03 public hearing copy of 11/10/03 public hearing 11/12/03 copy of certifications copy of Specific CDBG Cerifications copy of Optional Certifications copy of Specific Home Certifications copy of ESG Certifications copy of HOPWA Certifications copy of appendix to certifications copy of grant amount for 2004 05/18/04 Staff Review Form 06/03/04 memo to Yolanda Fields NOTES: t • • FAYETTEVILLE te /1/651 88—oaf aoo y CD 86/ rant aeapf4,aa_¢ - THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: May 13, 2004 TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Hugh Earnest Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2004 Funding Agreement Recommendation The staff recommends approval of this resolution. Background Fayetteville has been a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement City since 1975. The grants are based on a formula allocation that takes into account such as factors as population, percent of low/moderate income persons and the number of housing units. Each year the Community Resources Division submits an annual "Action Plan" and fimding request to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for CDBG funding. The plan is published for a 30 day public comment period and submitted to HUD for approval The City of Fayetteville's Consolidated Action Plan (CAP) has been approved for fiscal year 2004. Grant amounts vary each year dependent on funding levels authorized by Congress through the annual federal budget process. At this time, the City of Fayetteville CDBG program has been approved for funding in the amount of $761,000.00. We have attached a copy of the current city Consolidated Plan (CP) that lists the programs submitted by the city for funding that have now been approved for this fiscal year. Current Status The Council is being asked to approve the grant agreement for the 2004 fiscal year. • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE 2004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $761,000.00, TO APPROVE THE 2004 FUNDING AGREEMENT AND TO APPROVE THE 2004 CONSOLIDATED ACTION PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville's Consolidated Action Plan was developed by the Community Resources Division and approved by Mayor Dan Coody after a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development approved this Consolidated Action Plan and approved funding for the programs therein in the amount of $761,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS* Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the 2004 Funding Agreement, accepts the 2004 Community Development Block Grant of $761,000.00 from the Department of Housing and Development, and approves the 2004 Consolidated Action Plan which includes street overlay and repair, residential rehabilitation, assistance to Habitat for Humanity and redevelopment programs within the Community Development Target Area; as well as assistance to the Seven Hills Homeless Shelter, Elderly Taxicab Program, Low Income Transportation Program, Fayetteville Boys and Girls Club Targeted Program and administrative costs. PASSED and APPROVED this 1s` day of June, 2004. ATTEST: By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: BQ� it y: DAN COODY, Mayor t • City of Fayetteville COMMUNITY RESOURCES DIVISION Community Development Block Grant 2004 Consolidated Action Plan ae • i L.,,!^`•, v-_r.r.,, 4 `v 1.„ J L. 1e --- — _. "Helping to Build a Better Community" Community Resources Division Prepared for Submission to: The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development November 14, 2003 Equal Housing Opportunity Cit., of Fave;tecil e vi \ Roil FY RESOURCES DRRif(N • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED ACTION PLAN - 2004 COMMUNITY PROFILE The City of Fayetteville, county seat of Washington County, is located in the northwestern part of Arkansas and is regarded as the business and cultural center of the Metropolitan Statistical Area for Benton and Washington Counties, which has an estimated population of approximately 311,000. Fayetteville is situated near the tallest of the mountains in the Ozark Mountain Range and is the fourth largest city in the state. It is located approximately 185 miles northwest of Little Rock, Arkansas, 125 miles east of Tulsa, Oklahoma, 350 miles northeast of Dallas, Texas, and 210 miles south of Kansas City, Missouri. Fayetteville and Northwest Arkansas region have gained a national reputation as one of best places in the country to live and raise a family. The City and the region are experiencing rapid population growth and an increasing number of visitors. Fayetteville's population has increased from approximately 20,000 in 1960 to 58,047 according to the 2000 census. The City was settled in 1828 and was incorporated on August 23, 1870. The City operates under a Mayor -Council form of government,. in which a Mayor, City Attorney, City Clerk/Treasurer, Municipal Judge, and eight Aldermen are elected. Based on the population thresholds in Arkansas law, City Council adopted an ordinance that provides for staggered aldermanic terms. Beginning with the 2000 election, all terms for elected officials are four years. 1.10 City of Fayettevi Ile t'UA!MUNi9 Y uESOWICES nIA]SIOY • INTRODUCTION The City of Fayetteville is a participant in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Cities Program and is awarded funds annually to carry out eligible activities in pursuit of these statutory goals: • Provide Decent housing - - which includes: assisting homeless persons obtain affordable housing; assisting persons at risk of becoming homeless; retention of affordable housing stock; increase the availability of affordable permanent housing in standard condition to low-income and moderate -income families, particularly to members of disadvantaged minorities without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability; increasing the supply of supportive housing which includes structural features and services to enable persons with special needs (including persons with HIV/AIDS) to live in dignity and independence; and providing affordable housing that is accessible to job opportunities. • Provide a suitable living environment - - which includes: improving the safety and livability of neighborhoods; increasing access to quality public and private facilities and services; reducing the isolation of income groups within areas through spatial deconcentration of housing opportunities for lower income persons and the revitalization of deteriorating neighborhoods; restoring and preserving properties of special historic, architectural, or aesthetic value; and conservation of energy resources. • Expand economic opportunities - - which includes: job creation and retention; establishment, stabilization and expansion of small businesses (including micro businesses); the provision of public services concerned with employment; the provision of Jobs to low-income persons living in areas affected by those programs and activities, or Jobs resulting from carrying out activities under programs covered by the plan; availability of mortgage financing for low-income persons at reasonable rates using non-discriminatory lending practices; access to capital and credit for development activities that promote the long-term economic and social viability of the community; and empowerment and self-sufficiency for low-income persons to reduce generational poverty in federally'assisted housing and public housing. MM Cite of Fayetteville • • ( ))\L%IUNJI\ RESOURCES DIVISION Community Development Focus in 2004 Public Access and Participation: CDBG Activities are designed and carried out based on local needs. Through public meetings, consultation with area public and non-profit service agencies, informal discussion with citizens, studies, city staff, and special purpose committees, input from community stakeholders and resources holders are integrated to designate action priorities. Two formal public hearing was held to present and discuss proposed CDBG activities for fiscal year 2004. Non-profit agency representatives and others attended the meetings. Community Development staff has been active in the presentation of program information. Information was provided during National Community Development Week. Community Development program information is presented at local agency meetings including Mortgage Brokers Association, a University of Arkansas Political Science class and other non-profit agencies. Program literature in Spanish is also available in the office. City of Fayetteville program information and forms have been translated into Spanish. Staff continues to be very active in the Northwest Arkansas Housing Coalition and the newly created Community Development Directors Association of Arkansas. This is also working on the creation of a community group to work towards Attainable Housing. The hope is that the group will build a strong foundation as it works towards the ultimate goal of Attainable Housing. In accordance with Fayetteville's Citizen Participation Plan, the 2004 Consolidated Action Plan is submitted for a 30 day citizen review period. Citizen comments on the plan are encouraged and may be submitted to: Yolanda Fields, Director City of Fayetteville Community Resource Division 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 City of Fayetteville 1'OJITI WII' RES1)U RC'k.S UIPh1ON • • Citizen Comments: Comments were received from the South Fayetteville Community Development Corporation (SFCDC): It is with deep regret that the City of Fayetteville is not supporting some of the activities to construct new affordable homes with Habitat for Humanity and a resident led group in the target area as listed in the 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan. The city has provided very little support to Habitat to Humanity and none to the SFCDC. South Fayetteville Community Development Corporation (SFCDC) was awarded $80,000.00 in Community Development Block Grant funds to construct four affordable homes. A twelve month sub -recipient agreement was signed on August 21, 2001. SFCDC requested an extension until December 31, 2002, which was granted. A second extension was requested until June 31, 2003, this request was also granted. A third extension was granted until December 31, 2003. To date the group has built two homes on has been sold theother is up for sale. Two lots are currently held by the group. Construction on these lots is still pending. The City of Fayetteville has provided these extensions in an effort to support the affordable housing goal. Comments were received from Habitat for Humanity: We appreciate the continued support of the Community Development Block Grant funds over the years. It has been the difference of not being able to house very low incomefamilies or being able to. Housing Housing rehabilitation and housing issues are a primary focus of Community Development activities. The City is committed to the development of programs which address the need for housing for Low and Moderate Income (LMI) persons and families. In response to priority needs revealed during the development of the City's five year Consolidated Plan in 1999, the City has focused on developing of community partnerships with outstanding local entities with expertise in specialized housing activities. This cooperation will further the Attainable Housing effort in the City of Fayetteville. Attainable housing has become a topic of great concern for this division. Housing costs in Northwest Arkansas have increase at a considerable rate throughout the past 10 years according to the latest round of information from the 2000 Census. The cost of the median mortgage payment in the City of Fayetteville remains the highest in Northwest Arkansas at $916, an increase of 45 percent. It is the highest median mortgage payment of any city in Northwest Arkansas and 24 percent higher than the state median of.$737. The City of Fayetteville, Community Development program will work on the development of a plan to bring Attainable housing to the City of Fayetteville. This office is working with the Northwest Arkansas Housing Coalition (NAHC) and the committees of the organization to build a relationship with the local Public Housing Office. The HUD provided Technical Assistance will be a very important component in reaching the Attainable Housing goal. 4 or0 • ('itv of Fayetteville (UM.AIUNITV RI'FUURCI_S DIV! If A Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing The city is in the process of updating its "Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing" (Al) CDBG Program regulations require recipient jurisdictions to "affirmatively further fair housing," which flows from HUD's obligation under Section 808 of the Fair Housing Act. The AI is conceived as an effort to affirmatively further fair housing choice by identifying all impediments to fair housing choice which presently exist in the community, and to develop strategies and actions designed to reduce or eliminate the identified impediments. Further, the process of developing the AI will foster the collaboration of stakeholders and resource providers in the public, non-profit, and private sectors, thereby promoting relationship - building and consensus on fair housing issues. The AI process will help describe a clearer picture of housing conditions for LM1 households in Fayetteville, and aid us in defining current and future housing directions. Public Services Utilization of CDBG funds for the provision of public services, particularly those which serve LMI groups, has been, and continues to be a focus of the Community . Development Program. The Taxi Voucher program provides subsidized cab fare for our city's elder citizens, allowing an inexpensive transportation choice for many who would not have transportation available otherwise. This simple, cost effective program receives unwavering support from those who use it to go shopping, to the doctor, post office, church, out to eat, or any number of other destinations. The program is hugely successful in providing our elders opportunity to participate in community life and to live independently. Public Facilities - Community Needs CDBG has historically supported community services facilities projects in Fayetteville. Through the last decade, CDBG dollars have assisted construction, renovation or development of facilities for local non-profit organizations such as Youthbridge, Children's House, Head Start, Fayetteville Free Health & Dental Clinic, YRCC, as well as renovations and improvements to City parks, streets, sidewalks and other infrastructure. ;o • City of Fayei1 n i11e (nNINIUNI I V RESOURCES DI\ISIO\ • CONSOLIDATED ACTION PLAN - 2004 L AVAILABLE RESOURCES A. Resources- Federal /State The City is the recipient of a formula grant program, the Community Development Block Grant. Private non-profit organizations in Fayetteville are funded through competitive state and federal allocations, the local United Way campaign, private foundation grants, other special competitive grants, and private donations including fund-raising activities. The City anticipates the CDBG formula allocation in 2004 will be approximately $777,000. B. Resources - Municipal Government The City's Street Division has estimated $131,000 for street overlay and repair of streets located in the designated Community Development Target Area. The City's Budget Division has budgeted approximately $8,000 for maintenance of city -owned buildings occupied by area non-profit agencies performing public service activities. IL DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES A. Housing Services • Residential Rehabilitation This allocation provides forgivable and repayable low interest loans to low and moderate income persons for rehabilitation of owner -occupied housing. The following services are offered: • Comprehensive rehabilitation up to $20,000 • Emergency Repair up to $5,000 The program provides labor, materials, project management, Lead Based Paint (LBP) Hazard Control, and other associated costs to bring a home into compliance with State and City Housing Codes. Emphasis is placed on repairs that improve energy efficiency, those that alleviate deferred maintenance conditions, safety devices, and replacement of principal fixtures and components. $393,239 is allocated and includes salary and program delivery costs for management and oversight of all housing programs. • Location: Citywide, applicants are prioritized according to established criteria to give preference on the waiting list to those most in need of services. Priority criteria include: Very Low Income, Elderly, Disabled, Single -parent household, Lead-based paint hazards in homes, and homes located in the Target Area. • Page t ,, I0 Cit vnf'Faye! teville • COMMUNITY I Y It ESOU ROES DIl'!SION • Home Ownership This program would provide down -payment assistance and homebuyer training In an effort to assist in the homeownership dream this program will provide a source of down -payment funding and homeownership training for eligible residents of the City of Fayetteville. CDBG funds allocated - $10,000. • Habitat for Humanity of Fayetteville,. AR, Inc.. Habitat for Humanity (HFH -F) mission is to construct attainable housing. HFH -F was chartered in December 1992 and has assisted low income families by providing attainable homes. HFH -F is the builder and mortgage lender, homes are sold at no - profit and no -interest. Funds received from donations, club pledges, the religious community, community organizations, and in-kind donations and from 1-IFH-F homeowners' principle payments. Participants are in the 30-50% of median income range. Their monthly payments are 20-25% of their monthly gross income including taxes and insurance.. CDBG funds allocated - $8,000. Revenue Sources: Carpenters Club & Corp. Carpenters Club donors 90,000 Wal-Mart Shoe/Jewelry Divs. Golf Tournament 60,000 Dr Scholl's HFH Tin Cup 5K Run/Walk 30,000 Covenant Church Commitment 15,000 Habitat Hoops 15,000 Unspecified donations 7,545 B. Public Services • Seven Hills Homeless Shelter This project provides essential services (including meals, shelter, transportation, showers phone, laundry, clothing; etc ) and case management services to homeless men, women and children in an effort to enable them to return to a stable, self- sufficient lifestyle. Seven Hills is a dual-purpose facility. Providing a safe, supportive drop-in day center environment where men, women and children can come to gather resources, setplans, and move forward toward jobs, housing, and self- sufficiency. In winter, they provide an emergency cold -weather night shelter. In addition, the Transitional Housing program for men at Seven Hills provides eight residents with three to six month's room, board, life -skills training, life coaching, and other assistance to support their progress toward stable, independent living. They also receive weekly private goal-setting/progress sessions with a life coach, as well as 24-hour staff support in a drug and alcohol free environment. The center currently provides services 365 days per year Over 1,000 visitors are served each year, in over 18,000 visits. CDBG funds allocated - $25,000. Cilc of Fayetteville C(AI;NIINITI" HESUL:R(ES UTA Is10• • Location: 1561 W. 6th Revenue Sources: Private Foundation Grants 40,000 Individual contributions 25,000 Church contributions 15,000 Program fees 12,000 Fundraising events 15,000 Corporate Support 10,000 In-kind support 90,000 • Fayetteville Elderly Taxicab Program This program provides an alternative transportation choice for elderly residents of Fayetteville through subsidized cab fare. 200 elderly, low to moderate individuals will be served by this transportation program. CDBG funds allocated - $40,000. Location: Citywide • Transportation Program This program provides a transportation choice for qualified participants Low - moderate Income City of Fayetteville residents will receive subsidized transit fare. CDBG funds allocated - $10,000. • Fayetteville Boys and Girls Club This program will assist participants with homework help, academic, prevention and health & life skills programs. Participants will receive educational and recreational programming and activities in a safe and adult caring environment to aide them in their development during early school years. Participants will also benefit from structured time to relax and participate in activities such as playing on the playground or playing in the gym, listening to music, stretching and other whole group fun activities. This project is child -focused and is aimed at developing the total person academically, socially, emotionally and physically. Approximately 120 young people will benefit from the after-school program at Jefferson Elementary. An estimated 90% of all beneficiaries reside in the target area and are low/moderate income. CDBG funds allocated - $30,000 IciIta :o Fulda13. 11II; ;e.ujnt (e ours G,.v.c $ or 1 t? City of Fayetteville Cl')MIIUNITY RESOURCES DIA tSION C. Administration Administration funds are used for the salary and benefits of the Community Development Director, administration staff, office supplies, travel and training costs, some Fair Housing activities and other costs associated with administration of community development activities. Funding for the update to "Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing" has been included in this program. This study will provide valuable housing information which will be utilized to ensure compliance to the Section 808 of the Fair Housing Act and will assist in reaching the goal of attainable housing. CDBG funds allocated - $141,334. Location: Community Planning &City Engineering Building, 125 West Mountain Street D. Redevelopment Program Program activities conducted in the target area include code compliance, clearance and demolition and land acquisition for attainable housing. CDBG fund allocated - $114,871. III. Monitoring Communitv Development Programs will be monitored by the Community Development Division, State HUD staff and external auditors to ensure long-term compliance with federal, state and local regulations and statutes. Goals and objectives outlined in the Consolidated Plan will be reviewed periodically by the Community Development staff to ensure compliance to the plan. Housing Programs will be monitored by the CDBG Housing Program staff, State HUD staff and the City of Fayetteville Building Safety Division, when needed for compliance to building ordinances. All building ordinances must be met prior to final payment on all housing rehabilitation projects. Follow up visits will be made to all moderate rehabilitation project sites. Public Service Activities Sub -recipient agreements will be required for all public service activities. Monitoring area will include program performance, financial performance and regulatory compliance. Sub -recipient agreements will require documentation of activities and results. In addition, agreements will require an estimated project schedule and a project completion date. Agreement will outline procedures to be followed in the case a non-compliance situation may occur. lidpine 10 ft iiid a �:-JRC'r i; fLII"!if.ky.` (.•u;:,:iflp•df\. 1:(SJ{lit or 10 City of Favettetil Ile ('UV\U NI I'V Itn:SOURCES DIVISION • Redevelopment Programs will be monitored by the staff, State HUD staff and external' auditors. Code compliance issues are administered according to city ordinances and policy/procedures guide. Land acquired will be utilized for attainable housing in the target area. Program efforts will serve to advance the revitalization of the target area IV.. Lead -Based Paint Hazards Rehabilitation projects are evaluated and tested for lead-based paint hazards in accordance with the City of Fayetteville lead-based paint policy. The policy has been established based on current federal regulation for lead-based paint. This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis by CDBG staff. Id • Table DP -1. Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000 Geographic Area: Fayetteville city, Arkansas [For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see text] Subject •Number Percent Subject Number . Percent Total population 58,047 100.0 HISPANIC OR LATINO AND RACE Total population 581047 100.0 SEX AND AGE Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 2,821 4.9 Male 29,458 50.7 Mexican 2,012 35 Female 28,589 49.3 Puerto Rican 64 0.1' Under 5 years 3,792 6.5 Cuban 36 0.1 5 to 9 years 3,076 5 3 Other Hispanic or Latino 709 1.2 _ 10 to 14 years 2,881 5.0 Not Hispanic or Latino . 55,226 95.1 _ 15 to 19 years - 5,844 10.1 White alone 48,769 84.0 20 to 24 years 10,912 18 8 RELATIONSHIP 25 to 34 years 10,049 17.3 Total population - 58,047 100.0 35 to 44 years 7,305 12.6 In households 52,697 90.8 45 to 54 years 6,066 10 5 Householder 23,798 41.0 55 to 59 years - 1,791 3.1 Spouse 8,971 15.5 60 to 64 years 1293 2.2 Child . 12,411 21.4 65 to 74 years 2,356 4.1 Own child under 18 years - 10,596 18.3 75 to 84 year 1.842 32 Other relatives 1,739 3.0 85 years and over 840 1.4 Under 18 years 529 0.9 Median age (years) 26.9 (X) Nonrelatives 5,778 10.0 Unmarried partner 1,387 2.4 18 years and over 46,468 80.1 In group quarters . 5,350 92 Male 23,450 40.4 Institutionalized population . 1,420 2.4 Female 23,018 39.7 Noninstitutionalized population . 3,930 6 8 21 years and over 39,804 68.6 62 years and over 5,770 9.9 HOUSEHOLD BY TYPE 65 years and over 5038 8.7 Total households - 23798 100.0 Male 1 932 3.3 Family households (families) . 12,126 51.0 Female 3,106 5.4 With own children under 18 years 6,069 25 5 .... Married -couple famiy . 8,971 37.7 RACE With own children under 18 years .... 4,121 17.3 One race 56,643 97.6 Female householder, no husband present 2,278 9.6 White -50,212 86.5 With own children under 18 years .... 1 535 6.5 Black or African American 2,969 5.1 Nonfamiy households 11,672 49.0 American Indian and Alaska Native 730 1.3 Householder living alone . - 8,081 34.0 Asian 1,484 2.6 Householder 65 years and over - . 1,354 5.7 Asian Indian 219 0.4 Chinese 509 0.9 Households with individuals under 18 years 6,481 27.2 Filipino 70 0.1 Households with individuals 65 years and over .. 3,073 12.9 Japanese 70 0.1 Average household size 2.21 (X) Korean Vietnamese 130 153 0.2 0.3 Average famiy size 2 91 (X) Other Asian' 333 0.6 HOUSING OCCUPANCY Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 90 0.2 Total housing units - 25,467 100.0 Native Hawaiian 5 - Occupied housing units . 23,798 93.4 Guamanian or Chamorro 6 Vacant housing units 1,669 6.6 Samoan 5 - For seasonal, recreational, or Other Pacific Islander 2 74 0.1 occasional use . 119 0.5 Some other race 1,158 2.0 Two or more races 1,404 2.4 Homeowner vacancy rate (percent) . 2.7 (X) Race alone or in combination with one or more other races: Rental vacancy rate (percent) HOUSING TENURE 6.1 (X) White 51,429 88.6 Occupied housing units 23798 100.0 Black or African American 3,338 5.8 - Owner -occupied housing units . 10,047 42.2 American Indian and Alaska Native 1,317 2.3 Renter -occupied housing units 13,751 57.8 Asian 1,784 3.1 . Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 215 0.4 Average household size of owner -occupied units. 2.45 (X) Some other race 1,470 2.5 Average household size of renter -occupied units. 2.04 (X) - Represents zero or rounds to zero. (X) Not applicable. ' Other Asian alone, or two or more Asian categories. 2 Other Pacific Islander alone, or two or more Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander categories. ' In combination with one or more of the other races listed. The six numbers may add to more than the total population and the six percentages may add to more than 100 percent because individuals may report more than one race. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000. ?32 U.S. Census Bureau • • Household Income Ranges (Tract) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t r • •, 1. • Y.1 •I • .I. • • 1 • Y• •.• ., 1 .3;•:, a. . •. K;, • •p ••1 `.ti .. • i • • 1.. L.J• • ;.'i _ d. • ▪ • • • !'.•• .,. . • fr :fr HH {HH fr. •HH HH ;HH • ®"HH fro•'HH 1500:: 750 Inc: <$iOK Inc:;$10K-20K Inef $20•90K Inc: $30K 40K Inc:. $4000K Inc $50K -50K Inc: $60K -100K Inc; $100K+ • • - +• • _ • I• kARMINGTONa• _• _ t • J • '` • i • • . • . • • • • •.' • •_ 1•�._ . . . • • • • • • .i • 0 i• GREEn4.AN! —•.'• • • • • • • • eE1I'T". �+• L.. • _J; J I • • • • • Households in Poverty (Blk Grp) • = 3 HH in Poverty • -J L. i 1 !' -JOHNSON ''i f-• Ka—� air _ I). 1i' a • FAYEPrEVILLE J;y i Low/Mod Income Households iilow&Moderate Inc. a Water Area I :. ICensus Place i- - ---- Highway Percent Minority Households (Tract): 0.00 to 1.60 1.60 to 2.50 's$ »2.50 t0 3.00 !'3.0O to 4.00 FM44.00 to 20:00 Other SPRING U MEADOW w CENTER rn MOUNTAIN w -JAI IE O 0 y 1TH J x U cc U 5TH 6TH 9TH 13T JRIVATE x w NT LLEV ROCK SOUTH 1- N w 4TH 5TH x 13TH z z z 0 0 z CEN z Q ER Oz MOUNTAIN 1- 0 z_ Q O m 0 W - g LIGH s c 7TH w 0 w -J 0 0 2 9TH O z_ x 11TH 2 H 0 ELJ1 z CCLINTdjN FAIRLANE 0 0 15TH z 0 2 NANTUCKET— CCHESAPEAKE Community Development Block Grant Target Area - Fayetteville "Helping to Build a Better Community" Community Resource Division City of Fayetteville