HomeMy WebLinkAbout179-04 RESOLUTION• RESOLUTION NO.17 9-04 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF $24,271.00 FROM TENCARVA MACHINERY COMPANY FOR TWO NEW DRY -PIT SUBMERSIBLE WASTEWATER PUMPS AT LIFT STATION #14 AND APPROVAL OF A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby accepts the low bid of $24,271.00 from TENCARVA Machinery Company for two new dry -pit submersible wastewater pumps at lift station #14 and approval of a budget adjustment attached as Exhibit A. PASSED and APPROVED this 16th day of November, 2004. ATTEST: .x.13 K/TR ''l.'. • ,z.s•': 0 Y •OF SGS%e o. ••••p =U• 5 :FAYETTEVILLE: 3 5• el '•9s" •.. AN%• ..) � '�.,,�'GTOA �q" SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk By: APPROVED: DA COODY, Mayor "ICH y of Fayetteville, Arkansas Budget Adjustment Form Budget Year 2004 Department: Water & Wastewater Division: Wastewater Treatment Program: Wastewater Treatment Plant Capital Date Requested Adjustment Number Project or Item Requested: $28,040 is requested in the Plant Pumps and Equipment WWTP capital project. $17,547 is requested in the Upgrade/Replace Lift Stations - WWTP capital project. Project or Item Deleted: $28,040 is proposed from the WWTP Building Improvements capital project. $2,683 is proposed from the Computer System Upgrades - WWTP capital project. $14,864 is proposed from the Testing Equipment - WWTP capital project. Justification of this Increase: Funds are being moved between projects to meet higher priority needs in the system. Justification of this Decrease: There are no immediate uses for these funds in the' above projects. Higher priority needs must be met first. c Account Name Plant equipment maint Plant equipment maint Account Name Building & grounds maint Minor equipment Minor equipment Increase Budget (Decrease Revenue) Account Number 5400 5800 5400 5800 Amount Project Number 5414 00 28,040 02069 1 5414 00 17,547 02068 Decrease Budget (Increase Revenue) Account Number 5400 5800 5400 5400 5800 5210 5400 5800 5210 Amount Project Number 00 28,040 02032 1 00 2,683 02071 1 00 14,864 02070 1 Approval Signatures Requested By Date Budge anage Date 71.9 -Of Depar e t Director Date Finance & Internal Services Director Mayor Date Date Budget Office Use Only Type: A B C D E Date of Approval Posted to General Ledger Posted to Project Accounting Entered in Category Log Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Resolution No. 179-04 w/budget adjustment Document 1 10/29/04 memo to mayor & City Council 2 draft resolution 3 copy of bid tabulations 4 copy of Invitation to Bid 5 copy of Tencarva proposal 6 copy of purchase requisition 7 Staff Review Form 8 memo to Greg Boettcher 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NOTES: 1 /a5 1 • • ii/, 4/0# /79 ye vile mearv4a/1 ific%arery/ City Council Meeting of November 16, 2004 <C/ -851 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Hugh Earnest From: Greg Boettcher l�r� Chief Administrative Officer Water/Wastewater Di ctor Date: October 29, 2004 . Subject: Resolution authorizing purchase of replacement wastewater pumping equipment from Tencarva Machinery Company for Lift Station 14 at the Fayetteville Industrial Park and approves a Budget Adjustment transferring capital funds between accounts. The funds for this purchase will be secured from the Upgrade /Replace Lift Stations Account. RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends approval of a resolution authorizing the purchase of two new pumps from Tencarva Machinery Company for $24,371.00. This purchase relates to the furnishing and installing of two new dry -pit submersible wastewater pumps at Lift Station Number 14 in the Fayettevile Industrial Park. Also included is a Budget Adjustment to transfer residual fiscal year 2004 capital fund balances into the proper accounts enabling priority improvments to be completed. BACKGROUND Lift Station Number 14's pumping units have been in service for a large number of years, have been rebuilt several times, have an outdated equipment design and have reached the end of their service lives. With the planned addition of backup electric power under the wastewater improvement project, the installation of the new pumps proposed herein will render this facility adequate for the forseeable future. DISCUSSION This work was advertised with sealed bids being opened on October 28, 2004, the four bids being ranked in descending order as follows: Schupe and Associates $31,454.00 Jack Tyler Engineering $29,186.31 Pumps and Power Company $28,015.00 Tencarva Machinery Company $24,371.00 Review of the bid finds the prices to be competitive and the expenditure justified, the equipment proposed by Tencarva Machinery Company meeting specifications (attached) . The funding for this activity will be secured from the 2004 wastewater treatment program capital account for Upgrade/Replace Lift Stations. BUDGET IMPACT The approval of the resolution will have no adverse budget impact; the wastewater treatment plant capital budget for 2004 enables completion of the proposed improvements. • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF $24,271.00 FROM TENCARVA MACHINERY COMPANY FOR TWO NEW DRY -PIT SUBMERSIBLE WASTEWATER PUMPS AT LIFT STATION #14 AND APPROVAL OF A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby accepts the low bid of $24,271.00 from TENCARVA Machinery Company for two new dry -pit submersible wastewater pumps at lift station #14 and approval of a budget adjustment attached as Exhibit A. PASSED and APPROVED this 16th day of November, 2004. ATTEST: By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By: p DAN COODY, Mayor CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Bid # 04-84 INVITATION TO BID DATE ISSUED: October 12, 2004 DATE & TIME OF OPENING: October 27, 2004 2:30 P.M. BUYER: Peggy Vice, Purchasing Manager, Room 306 - (479) 575-8289 F.O.B. Fayetteville, AR SPECIFICATION for DRY PIT SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS I-1. INTRODUCTION This specification concerns the replacement of two existing vertically coupled centrifugal pumps with submersible units in a dry -pit application. 1-2. DEFINITIONS Wherever used in this specification, the following terms shall be understood to have the following definitions: "Owner" shall mean the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, or its authorized agent. "Supplier shall mean the individual, partnership, or corporation, whose bid to supply the items an work specified herein has been accepted by the Owner. "Supplier shall also encompass any employee, partner, consultant, or subcontractor, to the winning bidder. "Work" shall mean the fumishing of all necessary equipment, ancillary items, and - services required herein. 1-3. PRE -APPROVED MANUFACTURERS Only pumps manufactured by Flygt, Yeomans, or KSB shall be considered compliant with this specification. No other equipment manufacturer shall be considered. 1-4. PRE-BID CONFERENCE A pre-bid conference is schedu or 25 October2004please call Stan Williams for the exact time. The purpose of this rence is to afford all prospective bidders the opportunity to pose any questions concerning this specification, the operating conditions (physical and hydraulic) to be experienced by the pumps, or any other aspect of this project. This conference shall also include a site visit of the lift station during which time • • prospective bidders shall be allowed to inspect, measure photograph, note, or otherwise document and determine the extent of the services and ancillary items necessary to facilitate successful installation of the pumps. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is required of all prospective bidders, either the pump manufacturer of its authorized representative. Failure to attend the conference will disqualify an otherwise compliant bid. 1-5. LOCATION or WORK and SERVICES All work and services required under this specification shall occur at and be specifically designed for the sewage lift station owned by the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, generally known as Lift Station #14 or as the Industrial Park Lift Station. The physical address of the station is: 1820 S Armstrong Road Fayetteville Arkansas 1-6. OWNERSHIP and DELIVERY of SUPPLIED MATERIALS Materials and equipment supplied under this specification shall remain the property of the Supplier until delivery to the Owner. All such material and equipment will only be accepted as a single delivery to the following address between the hours of 9:OOAM and 3:30PM local time: Paul R. Noland WWTF 1400 N. Foxhunter Road Fayetteville, AR 72701. Partial deliveries will not be accepted. 1-7. TERMS and CONDITIONS The Owner's standard purchasing terms and conditions shall apply to the Work specified herein. 1-8. SCOPE of WORK and SERVICES This specification concerns the supply of two (2) submersible pumps capable of warranted operation in a dry -pit application. It also includes the supplying of all ancillary piping, spool pieces, gaskets, flange bolts, stands, and brackets to effect installation to the existing suction and discharge manifolds. Factory authorized startup assistance is also required under this specification. Physical and electrical installation of the pump and all ancillary appurtenances will be the responsibility of the Owner. All submitted bids shall include the following submittal information: A certification of the warranty and statement of extended warranty if the manufacturers standard warranty is of less duration than that required herein, A detailed list of items to be supplied under the bid, A detailed set of installation instructions including a contact name and telephone number for technical support during the installation, Drawings indicating the intended location of installation of all ancillary items, • • A suggested acceptance test plan, A factory certified performance curve for each pump, and, a statement attesting to the intent to supply startup assistance. 1-9. DEMOLITION and CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS Removal and proper disposal of all non -hazardous debris and discarded items shall be the responsibility of the Owner. Should the Supplier's equipment be delivered with any hazardous material which is discarded during or following installation, removal and proper disposal of the hazardous material will be the responsibility of the Supplier. Such materials include petroleum distillates in quantities exceeding one (1) gallon, organic solvents in any quantity, heavy metals including lead, mercury, cadmium, or zinc. Declaration of a material as hazardous shall remain the sole discretion of the Owner. E-1. PUMP SPECIFICATION The pumps required herein shall be Flygt CT3201.638 or equivalent. The specific hydraulic operating point required is 1500 gpm at 41' TDH. The pumps shall exhibit the following general characteristics: Delivered operating voltage: Rotation speed: Maximum electrical input power: Length of supplied electrical cords: Impeller type: Discharge port diameter: Warranty: E-2. ANCILLARY ITEMS 230V, 3 phase 1760 rpm 25 kW 15 feet 2 vane, non clog 4" minimum 2 year, non prorated, parts and labor to repair. Spool pieces, adapters, flanges, and all other required ancillary items shall be of the same type and grade as those to be replaced. Where items are required and do not replace existing like function items, only those approved by the American Water Works Association shall be allowed. In reference to the physical connection to the existing discharge manifold, only increasing diameter pipe components and valves will be allowed If connection of the discharge flange of the pump to any existing discharge piping component would result in a reduction of pipe diameter that item shall be supplied for replacement under this specification. Supplied bolts and like fasteners shall be ASTM grade 8. The Supplier will be responsible for rectifying any alignment or connection issues with his supplied ancillary items. It is the intent of this specification that the Supplier provide whatever value added design services necessary for the Owner to easily install and connect the pumps to the existing suction and discharge manifolds. E-3. STARTUP ASSISTANCE The supplier shall allow a period on two calendar weeks for installation of the pumps. The calendar month will begin on the next business day following delivery. The Owner will notify the Supplier of its required startup date and keep the Supplier apprised of installation progress. It shall be the responsibility of the Supplier to accommodate the Owner's startup date within the installation period. • • } E-4. ACCEPTANCE At a minimum, a verification that the supplied pumps are operating a point on the supplied pump curves Electrical input shall be measured and compared against the empirically determined operating point to verify proper mechanical operation of the pump and motor system. The Bidder understands the Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities deemed to be in the City's best interest. Bidder agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receiving bids. COMPANY NAME E�%GA�vf3 /v'/fi!ff/NE,eY CONTACT PERSON TITLE ADDRESS TELEPHONE E -Mail �7ive--iv/cE,d4e2GE2 SACe"S Lic1G/i✓EE2 7/00. Ss oceme S .5-�C/.r/Gplce A"2 7270 2. 0.7e0P72 F, qn) 929- * SF.et9.v,te-Ali3g, sae ,Q ,/F�vc r -e viv : Co. -1 SIGNATURE: �w ger �l��ft'J �yJ All inclusive bids must be submitted no later than Oct. 27th, 2004 at or before 2:30 PM, to the City of Fayetteville, Purchasing Office, Room 306, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701 in a sealed envelope marked "'Bid 04-83 Submersible Pumps". Each bidder will be required to meet or exceed the specifications. Any deviation must be noted with specifications attached to bid. Questions should be directed to Stanley Williams OMI Construction Coordinator 1400 N. Fox Hunter Rd, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Phone: (479)443-3292, Fax (479)443-5613, Cell (479) 530-2074 Telephone (479) 872-8642 Fax (479) 927-9453 October 27, 2004 Purchasing Department City of Fayetteville Fayetteville, AR 72701 • CARVA MACHINERY COMPANY SERVING INDUSTRY SINCE 1978 Mailing Address P.O. Box 6324 Springdale, AR 72766-0324 Subject: Submersible Pumps BID #04-83 Dear Purchasing Department: Shipping Address 1106 Shaver St. Springdale, AR 72762 Page 1 of 2 We thank you for your interest in TENCARVA Machinery and the opportunity to submit this bid. For the application for City of Fayetteville, Armstrong Street Station we offer the following: Two (2) Yeomans/Chicago Pump Company Model 2235 CP6154 Non -Clog Wet/Dry Pit Pumps Featuring: • 8" inlet and 6" outlet • Passes a 4" solid • Cast Iron Casing and Impeller, Suction Cover, and suction elbow • Fabricated Steel Pump Support, 25 HP Submersible Cast Iron Motor, 1180 rpm, 1.15 Service Factor, Thermal Protection (Winding Thermostats), 230/3phase/ • Jacketed cooling system utilizing isolated heat transfer fluid • Permanently Lubricated Bearings designed for minimum 50,000 hours B-10 Life • Moisture Detection sensors • Class F insulation • Tandem Mechanical Seals SC vs. SC lower/Hardened Stainless vs. Carbon Graphite Upper) • 25 feet of Power cable • Freight charges to first destination • All necessary spool pieces, reducers and offsets, flanges, gaskets, bolts and nuts necessary to mate to your existing piping are included Total Price for two pumps and accessories: $24,371 Chattanooga, TN • Johnson City, TN • Knoxville, TN • Memphis, TN • Nashville, TN • Arden/eville, NC • Charlotte, NC Greensboro, NC • Greenville, NC • Wilmington,NC • Charleston, SC • Columbia, SC • Greer/Greenville, SC • Chesapeake/Norfolk, VA Richmond. VA • Salem/Roanoke, VA • Hanover/Baltimore, MD • Jackson, MS • Springdale, AR • Little Rock, AR tENCARVA � MACHINERY COMPANY (Submersible Pumps BID #04-83 page 2.) Note 1: Items not included in this Bid: Control Panel, Installation, wiring and taxes. Note 2: Pump warrantee requires an approved seal fail alarm circuit and over temperature shutdown for each pump. FOB Aurora, IL freight included, Delivery 10 weeks Option: Duplex Control Panel: Pump control/liquid level control provided within a NEMA 1 enclosure. Controls will include the following standard features: thermal -magnetic motor branch circuit breakers, across the line magnetic motor starters with overload protection on all phases, panel corrosion inhibitor, Tilt Float Switches, high water alarm circuit, lead pump/lag pump alternator, Seal fail alarm pump #1 and #2, elapsed time indicators, pump run lights, alarm silence switch, motor overload resetters, pump sequence selector switch, dry contacts wired to terminal blocks for high water alarm, and high pump temperature shutdown pump #1 and #2. Total price for Control Panel option: $9,062 FOB Fayetteville, AR, Allow 4 weeks for Delivery We appreciate your allowing us to bid this item and look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, P ``014 Steve Frankenberger, P E Tencarva Machinery Tencarva Machinery Selection list: Armstrong b .ufs Search Criteria: Flow: 1500 US gpm lead: 41 ft i olerance: --- % of head Fluid: Water Temperature: 60 °F SG: 1 Viscosity: 1.105 cP Vapor pressure: 0.2563 psi a Atm pressure: 14.7 psi a NPSHa: --- ft Advanced Criteria: Preferred Operating Area: --- Secondary Operating Point: --- Max temperature: --- °F Max suction pressure: --- psi g Max sphere size: --- in Max power: --- bhp Max suction specific speed: --- (Nss) Min trim: --- % of max diameter Min head rise: --- % to shutoff Curve Corrections: none --- Data Point ---- Flow: 1500 US gpm Head: 41.9 ft Eff: 71% Power: 22.1 bhp NPSHr: 12.1 ft -- Design Curve -- Shutoff Head: 69.2 ft Shutoff dP: 29.9 psi Min Flow: --- US gpm BEP: 71% eff @ 1395 US gpm -- Max Curve -- Max Pwr: 60 bhp @ 3198 US gpm 'umpfinderPlus vers 7.1 ft 100 80 60 40 20 0 15" 12.125" 11' _ N P S H r 20 0 • PUMP DATA SHEET Chicago Pump, Aurora, IL 50 0 6 0 • 10/27/04 Catalog: 2235 Subm Dry Pit Solids Handling 601-z vers 1 Pump: CP6154 Type: 2235 Synch speed: 1200 rpm Speed: 1160 rpm Dia: 12.125 in Curve no.: 40385 Specific Speeds Ns: --- Nss: --- Dimensions: Suction: 8 in Discharge: 6 in Pump Limits: Temperature: 104 °F Pressure: 115 psi g Sphere size: 4 in Power: --- bhp Motor: 25 hp Speed: 1200 Frame: 320 Standard: YCC Enclosure: TENV Sizing criteria sized by user 7 • 80 • 80 7 70 60 50 40 b h p - 20 US gpm 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Pump note: FOR TEMP. ABOVE 104 DEG. F (40 DEG C) REFER TO FACTORY FOR ASSISTANCE. Tencarva Machinery City of Fayetteville Armstron Lift Station Selection list: --- Jormance Flo% US gpm 1800 1500 1200 900 600 Evaluation: Speed rpm 1160 1160 1160 1160 1160 PumpfinderPlus vers 7.1 Head ft 34.9 41.9 48.1 54.1 60 • Pump Power %eff bhp 69 23 71 22.1 71 20.3 68 18 56 16.1 PUMP DATA SHEET Chicago Pump, Aurora, IL NPSHr ft 13.7 12.1 10.9 10.1 10 • 10/25/04 Catalog: 2235 Subm Dry Pit Solids Handling 60Hz vers 1 Pump: CP6154 Motor Motor %eff kW Hrs/yr Cost /kWh Finance & Internal Services Director: Budget Manager: IT Manager: Dispatch Manager: Utilities Manager: Other: RAvised 6/17/03 penal Instructions: Please use RMT2 address • ac CO m m a CO a 3 d r......°). p m CO y n c{ : S s � ,rN m •y1 ^j.t c - a 0 Address: PO BOX 6324 -.3 2 :'a NT. City Of Fayetteville (Not a Purchase Order) Shipping/Handling x o; .. m 0tD; C O-ga• .z 0 ya C 3zk a 61.209 N Orf t 1}"• i . tea: • ax5 N3�� fiiy. 'yy , Quantity Vendor Name: ,.� x r , ,n ,,. c .. • , �� i •t Tencarva•Machinery,Company .. - Lot N' lr�u'3 vi d.yyi Unit of Issue > to A m N } Unit Cost l- 80.00 60.00 M O O O 80.00 N O O O M O O O M O O O 60.00 00'06 M O O O 411 Oa > S W a CD 2 to CL H G 0 4. {Is> Jtn: +oap PP i o. •4.Ica k off' .0 Account Numbers r X) t ea. we l 0 3m a ° �, it Zip Code:Ship toioode a L f'fA . tt F "+ 72766-0324 x r ,95 t Fob Point: Subtotal: $24,371.00 Tax: 81,543.51 Total: 825,914.51 IProject/Subproject # i'",y; .• N. 0 ?; �t.;:xi Divison Head Approval: N % 1 v� co Z 0 N d = O z c Q co .. Requisition No.: doh N` O• A. Piv ., !Inventory # 'Quotes Attached Yes: No: Expected Uelrvery Uate: 0 N Y N 2 !Fixed Asset # X AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW STAFF IFIEW FORM - FINANCIAL OBLIGATIO. For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: November 16, 2004 FROM: Greg Boettcher Name Water & Wastewater Wastewater Treatment Plant Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: Resolution authorizing purchase of replacement wastewater pumping equipment from Tencarva Machinery Company for Lift Station 14 at the Fayetteville Industrial Park and approves a Budget Adjustment transferring capital funds between accounts. The funds for this purchase will be secured from the Upgrade /Replace Lift Stations Account. COST TO CITY: $24,371.00 $ 205,374.00 Upgrade/Replace Lift Stations Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name 5400-5800-5414-00 $ Account Number Project Number 112,033.02 Wastewater Treatment Improvements Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name $ 93,340.98 Water & Sewer Remaining Balance Fund Name BUDGET REVIEW: Budgeted Item X Budget Adjustment Attached Budget Manager Date CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: Accounting Mana r • er Date /o--z9-ay Internal Auditor Date City Attorney Date Purchasing Manager Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Division Head 41 Depainent Director Finance & Internal Services Dir. "L/ /aguiti 41,,,, /,„„ inistrative Officer Ma or I Date /0-Zrare Date Date 0-Z9_o9 Date Received in Mayor's Office Cross Reference: Previous Ord/Res#: Orig. Contract Date: Orig. Contract Number: New Item: Staff Review Form - Page 2 Date Yes No Taretili • City Clerk Division 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: (479) 575-8323 Fax: (479) 718-7695 city_clerk@clfayetteville.ar.us DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: From: Date: Re: Greg Boettcher Water/Wastewater Director Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk Division November 23, 2004 Res. No. 179-04 The City Council passed the above resolution, November 16, 2004, awarding Bid No. 04-84 to Tencarva Machinery Company. I have attached a copy of the resolution and budget adjustment for this item. The resolution with attachments will be recorded in the city clerk's office and microfilmed. If anything else is needed please let the clerk's office know. Thanks. /cbp attachments cc: Internal Auditor Barbara Fell, Budget & Research