HomeMy WebLinkAbout174-04 RESOLUTION• RESOLUTION NO. 17 4- 0 4 A RESOLUTION APPROVING COST-SHARING WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30,000.00 TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION STUDY WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville's Guiding Principles give a high priority to a well- maintained city infrastructure and facilities, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville wishes to create greater ease of mobility through an effective transportation system, and; WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the City of Fayetteville to partner with the University of Arkansas to address the transportation and parking needs that confront the citizens of Fayetteville. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves cost- sharing with the University of Arkansas in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 to participate in the University of Arkansas Campus Transportation Study. PASSED AND APPROVED this l51 day of November 2004. ATTEST: By: � That) / Clerk SON RA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor • NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Date Resolution No. 174-04 Document 1 10/14/04 memo to mayor & City Council 2 draft resolution 3 University of Arkansas Campus Transportation Study 4 Stakeholder Involvement 5 Staff Review Form 6 email from Tim Conklin 7 email to Sondra Smith 8 email to Tim Conklin 9 email from Tim Conklin 10 memo to Tim Conklin 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 City Council Meeting of November 2, 2004 / 111 Agenda Item Numberumag ,. y CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO istanvS/ oaf To: Mayor and City Council From: y Tim Conklin, Community Planning and Engineering Services DirectorC• Date: October 14, 2004 Subject: Approval of a $30,000 Cost Share to Participate in the University of Arkansas Campus Transportation Study RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a resolution authorizing the payment of $30,000 to the University of Arkansas as a cost share for the U of A Campus Transportation Study. BACKGROUND The City has opportunity to partner with the U of A to address the ongoing issue of providing adequate and needed parking as both the U of A and City continues to develop. This need is identified in the U of A's project's "understanding and goals" as stated below: • One early manifestation of the University's growth is the need for more buildings and more parking. One parking deck has been constructed, another is under construction and a third deck is being planned for the North Campus. The impacts of these structures must be addressed early in the study and integrated with the possible planning of another deck proposed in the Downtown Master Plan to jointly serve businesses in the Dickson Street corridor and University students This shared use facility will be the focus an extension of the transportation study and performed in collaboration with the City of Fayetteville. Martin, Alexiou, and Bryson (MAB), Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering, have been hired by the 13 of A to complete the Campus Transportation Study. MAB will be making a 20 minute presentation to the City Council at the Oct. 26t1 agenda session. BUDGET IMPACT Staff has identified existing budgeted capital funding of $30,000 that may be used to participate in cost sharing with the U of A to study potential joint use parking garages in the downtown area. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING COST-SHARING WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30,000.00 TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION STUDY. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville's Guiding Principles give a high priority to a well-maintained city infrastructure and facilities, and; WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville wishes to create greater ease of mobility through an effective transportation system, and; WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the City of Fayetteville to partner with the University of Arkansas to address the transportation and parking needs that confront the citizens of Fayetteville NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, approves cost-sharing with the University of Arkansas in an amo„ $30,000.00 to participate in the University of Arkansas Campus. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of Novembe2004. APPke), ED: Arkans hereby ut�no' to emceed Study. • • UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS CAMPUS TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND GOALS The University of Arkansas is experiencing significant growth which is anticipated to continue into the foreseeable future. This growth brings with it pressure on limited land resources and the transportation infrastructure serving the campus. This is further compounded by the campus being located within a region that is expected to almost double its population over the next 20 years, placing unprecedented demands on the region's transportation system and necessitating new approaches to addressing future transportation needs. The anticipated growth of the flagship campus requires the preparation of a Transportation Master Plan. This will accompany the update of the 1998 Campus Master Plan that will be concurrently undertaken by University staff. The development of the Transportation Master Plan must be undertaken within the context of regional transportation issues, goals, and plans, as well as Campus Master Plan goals. The City's recent Traffic and Transportation Study, which outlines the City's transportation needs and priorities for the next 20 years, identifies traffic congestion as the highest priority but stresses solutions which increasingly emphasize reducing vehicular traffic, multi-modalism, and smart growth. It also identifies the University as a major travel generator, and highlights the need for close cooperation in developing solutions. The Transportation Master Plan also must reflect the University's commitment to sustainability principles, and enhancing the pedestrian environment and aesthetics of the campus. The University is seeking forward -thinking, sustainable transportation solutions that not only address mobility but also contribute to the University's mission and vision. One early manifestation of the University's growth is the need for more buildings and more parking. One parking deck has been constructed, another is under construction and a third deck is being planned for the North Campus. The impacts of these structures must be addressed early in the study and integrated with the possible planning of another deck proposed in the Downtown Master Plan to jointly serve businesses in the Dickson Street corridor and University students. This shared use facility will be the focus an extension of the transportation study and performed in collaboration with the City of Fayetteville. The 1998 Campus Master Plan provides a starting point for the Transportation Master Plan. It identified a number of transportation problems and issues, proposed design principles to guide circulation and parking, and offered recommendations, many of which may still be valid today. Several improvements recommended in that plan have been implemented. Several supplemental, narrowly focused, traffic studies have added to the Master Plan but the broader context of this study is needed for adequate planning. • • STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT A critical element is stakeholder involvement to ensure all possible information is factored into the study, all concerns and desires are heard, and the best possible solutions and plan results. All these in turn will help build support and consensus for the transportation plan and recommendations. Some of the projects that may be proposed by the University have implications for the surrounding neighborhoods and the traveling public, in addition to fulfilling the University's mission.. Community and neighborhood groups have made it clear that they want to be heard and actively participate. The University recognizes that broader participation will help identify and avoid unacceptable impacts, and develop effective mitigation strategies that balance the benefits and impacts of the projects. Moreover, by conducting studies in an open forum, consensus can be reached step-by-step to ensure broad buy -in of the findings and recommendations by all stakeholders. Committees and public hearings with the consultants will be held over the next year. The process will begin with a series of introductory meetings including the consultants and a core group of stakeholders. We hope to achieve consensus and support for our mission and any additional direction from the Executive Committee. We will also seek approval of the Executive Committee toward the end of the process. A Steering Committee, mostly comprised of deans, has been formed, and they will be the next group to meet with the consultants. A Technical Committee of planners, engineers, public safety, and transit professionals from the University, City, Regional Planning Commission, Mack -Blackwell Rural Transportation Center, UAPD, and AHTD will meet frequently with the consultants. The process will be managed by a core group of University Parking and Transit and Facilities Management staff. The process will include workshops/charettes with the public, and many stakeholder groups. The Mayor and City Council's involvement and approval is important, and the consultants will meet with them throughout the process. Other critical stakeholders will be Regional Planning, AHTD, Neighborhood Associations, cyclists and trails advocates, Transit providers, Faculty and Staff Senates, ASG, Campus landscape and Grounds and Buildings and Facilities Committees, Campus Design Review Board, Engineering Research Center, Agricultural Research Center, Athletics, Housing, the Student Union, Student Services, Students with Disabilities office, emergency responders (Fire, Police, CEMS), the Fayetteville Planning Commission, Fayetteville Public Schools, Washington County, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Downtown Dickson Partners. Of course all members of the University Community and the general public will have ample opportunity to provide input and comments. • • STAFF REVIEW FORM - FINANCIAL OBLIGATION X AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: November2,2004 FROM: Tim Conklin Name CPES CPES Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: Appoval of a $30,000 Cost Share with the University of Arkansas to Participate in the U of A Campus Transportation Study. COST TO CITY: $30,000.00 Cost of this request S 30,000.00 Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name 2130.9130.5314.00 $ Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name 02041 $ 30, 000.00 S1-444 PAititimq Project Number Remaining Balance FundName BUDGET REVIEW: Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Budget Manager Date CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: Accounting Manager Date Internal Auditor Date (p City Attor$ey f0/ 4IOM Date Purchasing Manager Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Division Head Department Director Finance a Internal Services Dir. Chief Mayor istrative Officer Date /O_i%eet Date /`D- lo- a/ Date Date Date Received in Mayor's Office haeS12SLoidlik Date gri Cross Reference: Previous Ord/Res#: Orig. Contract Date: Orig. Contract Number: New Item: Yes No Amber Wood - Martin Alexiou Bryson U of Aansportation Consultants Page 111 From: Tim Conklin To: Anthes, Jill; Coody, Dan; Earnest, Hugh; Huneycutt, Jay; Santos, Kevin E.; Smith, Sondra; Wood, Amber Date: 10/15/04 4:04PM Subject: Martin Alexiou Bryson U of A Transportation Consultants Sondra - Please add to the Nov. 2 Council Tentative Agenda a presentation to be made at the Oct. 26 agenda session the following: U of A Campus Transportation Plan - A Presentation (20 minutes) by Martin, Alexiou, and Bryson, Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering consultants for the University of Arkansas Campus Transportation Plan. Tim Conklin, AICP Director of Community Planning & Engineering Services City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: 479-575-8267 Fax: 479-575-8202 planning@ci.fayetteville.ar.us Sondra Smith - Informational Item Page 1 • • From: Tim Conklin To: Smith, Sondra Date: 9/23/04 9:29AM Subject: Informational Item Please put on the October 26, 2004 agenda session at the beginning of the meeting the following: Presentation of the University of Arkansas Transportation Plan by Martin, Alexiou, Bryson consultants (20 minutes) Thanks. Tim Conklin, AICP Director of Community, Planning 8 Engineering Services City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: 479-575-8267 Fax: 479-575-8202 planning@cilayetteville.ar.us CC: Anthes, Jill; Coady, Dan; Earnest, Hugh; ksantos@uafphpl.uark.edu Clarice Pearman - UofA cost share Page 1 From: Clarice Pearman To: Conklin, Tim Date: 11/9/04 9:59AM Subject: UofA cost share Is there an agreement for this amount to go with the resolution passed by the Council on Nov. 1st? If so, please see that the city clerk gets an agreement to attach to the resolution. Thanks. Clarice Clarice Pearman - Re: UofA cost share Page 1 From: Tim Conklin To: Pearman, Clarice Date: 11/9/04 3:30PM Subject: Re: UofA cost share »> Clarice Pearman 11/09/04 09:59AM »> Is there an agreement for this amount to go with the resolution passed by the Council on Nov. 1st? There is not an agreement to go with the resolution. Thanks. If so, please see that the city clerk gets an agreement to attach to the resolution. Thanks. Clarice Tim Conklin, AICP Director of Community Planning & Engineering Services City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,.AR 72701 Phone: 479-575-8267 Fax: 479-575-8202 planning@cilayetteville.ar.us FAYETTEALE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS City Clerk Division DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE f 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: (479) 575-8323 To: Tim Conklin CPE Director From: Date: Re: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk Division November 16, 2004 Resolution No. 174-04 The City Council passed the above resolution November 1, 2004, authorizing a cost share to participate in transportation study with the University of Arkansas. I have attached a copy of the resolution with the appropriate signatures. The resolution will be recorded in the city clerk's office and microfilmed. If anything else is needed please let the clerk's office know. /cbp attachments cc: Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor