HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-04 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 02-04 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ANNUAL CONTRACT RENEWAL WITH BAIRD, KURTZ & DOBSON (BKD), LLP, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FIFTY-NINE THOUSAND TI -TREE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS (559,325.00) TO PROVIDE. INDEPENDENT AUDIT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section ]. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the annual contract renewal with Baird, Kurtz & Dobson (BKD), LLP, in an amount not to exceed Fifty -Nine Thousand Three Hundred Twenty - Five Dollars ($59,325.00) to provide independent audit services to the City of Fayetteville. A copy of the engagement letter for services marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto, and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 6th day of January, 2004. .TOM t % ATTEST: By: d4,rJ SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By DAN COODY, Mayor Solutions tor Success 5000 Rogers Avenue. Sane 700 Fort Smith. AR 729012079 479 452.1040 Fax 479 452.5542 400 W. Capitol Avenue. Suite 2500 PO Box 3667 Lille Rock AR 722033667 501 372.1040 Fax 501 372-1250 200 E. 11th Avonuo PO Box 6306 Pine &u8. AR 71611-8306 870 534-9172 Fax 870 5342146 December 3, 2003 Audit Committee and Board of Directors Honorable Dan Coody, Mayor Mr. Stephen Davis, Finance and Internal Services Director Ms. Marsha Farthing, Accounting Manager City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 oktl.eom We are pleased to confirm the arrangements of our engagement and the nature of the services we will provide to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. ENGAGEMENT OBJECTIVES We will audit the general purpose financial statements of the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS as of and for the year ended December 31, 2003 in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Nonprofit Organizations. The objectives of our audit are: ✓ Expression of an opinion on the conformity of your financial statements, in all material respects, with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. ✓ Issuance of a report on your compliance based on the audit of your financial statements. ✓ Issuance of a report on your internal control over financial reporting based on the audit of your financial statements. ✓ Expression of an opinion on your compliance, in all material respects, with the types of compliance requirements described in the U. S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A- 133 Compliance Supplement that are applicable to each of your major federal award programs. ✓ Issuance of a report on your internal control over compliance based on the audit of your compliance with the types of compliance requirements that are applicable to each of your major federal award programs. Issuance of a report on your schedule of expenditures of federal awards Anent" tW lbwsm inn • • Audit Committee and Board of Directors Honorable Dan Coody, Mayor Mr. Stephen Davis, Finance and Internal Services Director Ms. Marsha Farthing, Accounting Manager City of Fayetteville, Arkansas December 3, 2003 Page 2 OUR RESPONSIBILITIES Auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, Government Auditing Standards and OMB Circular A -I33 require that we plan and perform: ✓ The audit of the financial statements to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether caused by error or fraud. 1 The audit of compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement applicable to each major federal award program to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether noncompliance having a direct and material effect on a major federal award program occurred. Accordingly, a material misstatement or noncompliance having a direct and material effect may remain undetected. Our audit of the financial statements is designed to detect misstatements and noncompliance that, in our judgment, could have a material effect on the financial statements taken as a whole. Consequently, our audit will not necessarily detect errors or fraud resulting in an immaterial misstatement of the financial statements. Likewise, our audit of compliance with the types of compliance requirements applicable to each major federal award program is designed to detect noncompliance having a direct and material effect on a major program. Consequently, our audit will not necessarily detect noncompliance having an indirect and material or an immaterial effect on any program. An audit also includes obtaining an understanding of internal control sufficient to plan the audit and to determine the nature, timing and extent of audit procedures to be performed. An audit is not designed to provide assurance on internal control over financial reporting or on internal control over compliance or to identify reportable conditions. However, we will communicate to you any matter that comes to our attention that we consider a reportable condition. Because of the limits in any internal control structurc, errors, fraud, illegal acts or instances of noncompliance may occur and not be detected. Also, in the future, procedures could become inadequate because of changes in conditions or deterioration in design or operation. Two or more people may also circumvent controls, or management may override the system. We are available to perform additional procedures with regard to fraud detection and prevention at your request, subject to completion of our normal engagement acceptance procedures. The actual terms and fccs of such an engagement would be documented in a separate letter to be signed by you and BKD. • • Audit Committee and Board of Directors Honorable Dan Coody, Mayor Mr. Stephen Davis, Finance and Internal Services Director Ms. Marsha Farthing, Accounting Manager City of Fayetteville, Arkansas December 3, 2003 Page 3 If, for any reason, we are unable to complete our audit of the financial statements or our audit of compliance with the types of compliance requirements applicable to each major federal award program or are unable to form or have not formed an opinion, we may decline to express an opinion or decline to issue a report as a result of this engagement. If we discover conditions that may prohibit us from issuing a standard report, we will notify you as well. In such circumstances, further arrangements may be necessary to continue our engagement. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES To facilitate our audit, management is responsible for making all financial records documentation and other financial and compliance related information available to us. At the conclusion of our engagement, management will provide to us a letter acknowledging certain responsibilities outlined in this engagement letter and confirming: • The availability of this information • Certain representations made during the audits for all periods presented • The effects of any uncorrected misstatements, if any, resulting from errors or fraud aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole Management is responsible for fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, for adjusting the financial statements to correct material misstatements and for identifying and ensuring compliance with the laws, regulations, contracts and grants applicable to your activities including your federal award programs. Management is also responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and compliance and setting the proper tone; creating and maintaining a culture of honesty and high ethical standards; and establishing appropriate controls to prevent, deter and detect fraud, illegal acts and instances of noncompliance. The results of our tests of compliance and internal control over financial reporting performed in connection with our audit of the financial statements may not fully meet the reasonable needs of report users. Management is responsible for obtaining audits, examinations, agreed-upon procedures or other engagements that satisfy relevant legal, regulatory or contractual requirements or fully meet other reasonable user needs. • • Audit Committee and Board of Directors Honorable Dan Coody, Mayor Mr. Stephen Davis, Finance and Internal Services Director Ms. Marsha Farthing, Accounting Manager City of Fayetteville, Arkansas December 3, 2003 Page 4 ENGAGEMENT FEES Our fees will be based on time expended plus charges for travel, long-distance telephone, copies, etc. and will not exceed $59,325. We will issue progress billings during the course of our engagement and our statements are due when received. Our engagement fee does not include any time for post -engagement consultation with your personnel or third parties, consent letters and related procedures for the use of our reports in offering documents, inquiries from regulators or testimony or deposition regarding any subpoena. Charges for such services will be billed separately. Our fees may increase if our duties or responsibilities are increased by rule making of any regulatory body or new accounting or auditing standards. We will consult with you in the event any regulations or standards are issued that may impact our fees. Our invoices arc due within 30 days. If our invoices for this or any other engagement you may have with BKD arc not paid when due, we may suspend or terminate our services for this or any other engagement. In the event our work is suspended or terminated as a result of nonpayment, you agree we will not be responsible for any consequences to you. OTHER ENGAGEMENT MATTERS AND LIMITATIONS Our workpapers and documentation retained in any form of media for this engagement are the property of BKD We can be compelled to provide information under legal process. In addition, we may be requested by regulatory or enforcement bodies to make certain workpapers available to them pursuant to authority granted by law or regulation. You agree that we have no legal responsibility to you in the event we provide such documents or information. To the extent permitted by the laws of the State of Arkansas, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless BKD and its personnel from any claims, liabilities, costs, and expenses relating to our services under this agreement attributable to false or incomplete representations by management, except to the extent determined to have resulted from the intentional or deliberate misconduct of BKD personnel. To the extent permitted by the laws of the State of Arkansas, you agree that any dispute regarding this engagement will, prior to resorting to litigation, be submitted to mediation upon written request by either party. Both parties agree to try in good faith to settle the dispute in mediation. The results of the mediation proceeding shall be binding only if each of us agrees to be bound. We will share any costs of mediation proceedings equally. • • Audit Committee and Board of Directors Honorable Dan Coody, Mayor Mr. Stephen Davis, Finance and Internal Services Director Ms. Marsha Farthing, Accounting Manager City of Fayetteville, Arkansas December 3, 2003 Page 5 If any provision of this agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable, no other provision of this agreement is affected and all other provisions remain in full force and effect. This engagement letter represents the entire agreement regarding the services described herein and supersedes all prior negotiations, proposals, representations or agreements, written or oral, regarding these services. It shall be binding on heirs, successors and assigns of you and BKD. If you intend to include these financial statements and our report in an offering document at some future date, you agree to seek our permission to do so at that time. You agree to provide reasonable notice to allow sufficient time for us to perform certain additional procedures. Any time you intend to publish or otherwise reproduce these financial statements and our report and make reference to our firm name in any manner in connection therewith, you agree to provide us with printers' proofs or masters for our review and approval before printing or other reproduction. You will also provide us with a copy of the final reproduced material for our approval before it is distributed. Our fees for such services are in addition to those discussed elsewhere in this letter. You agree to notify us if you desire to place these financial statements or our report thereon on an electronic site, such as the World Wide Web. You recognize that we have no responsibility as auditors to review information contained in electronic sites. BKD is a registered limited liability partnership under Missouri law. Under applicable professional standards, partners of BKD LLP have the same responsibilities as do partners in a general accounting and consulting partnership with respect to conformance by themselves and other professionals in BKD with their professional and ethical obligations. However, unlike the partners in a general partnership, the partners in a registered limited liability partnership do not have individual civil liability, directly or indirectly, including by way of indemnification, contribution, assessment or otherwise, for any debts, obligations or liabilities of or chargeable to the registered limited liability partnership or each other, whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise. If the above arrangements are acceptable to you, please sign the enclosed copy of this letter and return it to us BKD, LLP g Kib, LLQ • • Audit Committee and Board of Directors Honorable Dan Coody, Mayor Mr. Stephen Davis, Finance and Internal Services Director Ms. Marsha Farthing, Accounting Manager City of Fayetteville, Arkansas December 3, 2003 Page 6 The services and arrangements descnbcd in this letter arc in accordance with our understanding and are acceptable to us. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS BY (Name & Title)) DATE 12 /t'y (J 3 kk/rp 20030 LIENT/71997/ENG 12 52 3 Vii' fpYE7 '— S %, -r * �l • Clifton Gunderson LLP Certified Public Accountants & Consoltants October 4, 2002 • To the Partners of BKD LLP and the SEC Practice Section Peer Review Committee We have reviewed the system of quality control for the accounting and auditing practice of BKD LLP (the firm) in effect for the year ended May 31, 2002. A system of quality control encompasses the firm's organizational structure and the policies adopted and procedures established to provide it with reasonable assurance of complying with professional standards. The elements of quality control are described in the Statements on Quality Control Standards issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the AICPA). The design of the system, and compliance with it, are the responsibilities of the firm. In addition, the ftmr has agreed to comply with the membership requirements of the SEC Practice Section of the AICPA Division for CPA Firms (the Section). Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the design of the system, and the firm's compliance with that system and the Section's membership requirements based on our review. Our review was conducted in accordance with standards established by the Peer Review Committee of the Section and included procedures to plan and perform the review that are summarized in the attached description of the peer review process. Our review would not necessarily disclose all weaknesses in the system of quality control or all instances of lack of compliance with it or with the membership requirements of the Section since it was based on selective tests. Because there are inherent limitations in the effectiveness of any system of quality control, departures from the system may occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation of a system of quality control to future periods is subject to the risk that the system of quality control may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. In our opinion, the system of quality control for the accounting and auditing practice of BKD LLP in effect for the year ended May 31, 2002, has been designed to meet the requirements of the quality control standards for an accounting and auditing practice established by the AICPA, and was complied with during the year then ended to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of complying with professional standards. Also, in our opinion, the firm complied during that year with the membership requirements of the Section in all material respects. -..�..�.. L L A 1 1 r% in 1 l Naw. ..n.$ w..aIiingua.. IX HLB ..........1 • • Attachment to the Peer Review Report of BKD LLI' Description of the Peer Review Process Overview Member firms of the AICPA SEC Practice Section (the Section) must have their system of quality control periodically reviewed by independent peers. These reviews are system and compliance oriented with the objective of evaluating whether: The reviewed firm's system of quality control for its accounting and auditing practice has been designed to meet the requirements of the Quality Control Standards established by the AICPA. The reviewed firm's quality control policies and procedures were being complied with to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of complying with professional standards. The reviewed firm was complying with the membership requirements of the SECPS in all material respects. The Section's Peer Review Committee (PRC) establishes and maintains review standards. At regular meetings and through report evaluation task forces, the PRC considers each peer review, evaluates the reviewer's competence and performance, and examines every report, letter of comments, and accompanying response from the reviewed firm that states its corrective action plan before the peer review is finalized. The Transition Oversight Staff (formerly the staff of the Public Oversight Board), an independent oversight body, plays a key role in overseeing the performance of peer reviews working closely with the peer review teams and the PRC. Once the PRC accepts the peer review reports, letters of comments, and reviewed firms' responses, they are maintained in a file available to the public. In some situations, the public file also Includes a signed undertaking by the firm agreeing to specific follow-up action requested by the PRC. That file also includes the firm's annual report which contains information regarding the number of firm offices, firm professionals, and SEC clients for which the firm is principal auditor -of -record. Planning the Review To plan the review of BKD LLP, we obtained an understanding of (1) the nature and extent of the firm's accounting and auditing practice, and (2) the design of the firm's system of quality control sufficient to assess the inherent and control nsks implicit in its practice. Inherent risks were assessed by obtaining an understanding of the firm's practice, such as the industnes of its clients and other factors of complexity in serving those clients, and the organization of the firm's personnel into practice units Control risks were assessed by obtaining an understanding of the design of the firm's system of • • quality control, including its audit methodology, and monitoring procedures. Assessing control risk is the process of evaluating the effectiveness of the reviewed firm's quality control system in preventing the performance of engagements that do not comply with professional standards. Performing the Review Based on our assessment of the combined level of inherent and control risks, we identified practice units and selected engagements within those units to test for compliance with the firm's quality control system. The engagements selected for review included audits of clients that are SEC registrants, audits performed under the Govemment Auditing Standards, an audit performed under FDICIA, a multi -office audit and audits of Employee Benefit Plans. The engagements selected for review represented a cross-section of the firm's accounting and auditing practice with emphasis on higher - risk engagements. The engagement reviews included examining working paper files and reports and interviewing engagement personnel. The scope of the peer review also included examining selected administrative and personnel files to determine compliance with the firm's policies and procedures for the elements of quality control pertaining to independence, integrity, and objectivity; personnel management; and acceptance and continuance of clients and engagements. In addition, we tested compliance with the membership requirements of the Section, including those pertaining to independence quality controls and concurring partner review. Prior to concluding the review, we reassessed the adequacy of scope and conducted an exit conference with firm management to discuss our findings and recommendations. NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Resolution No. 02-04 wlletter agreement Document 1 12.8.03 memo to mayor & city council draft resolution copy of Res. No. 124-02 copy of contract staff review 2 1.9.04 memo to Marsha Farthing NOTES: FAYETTEViLLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE S //d/°f 6"4 Mur/e ' G,450, To: Mayor Dan Coody and the Fayetteville City Coun jl From: Marsha Farthing, Accounting Manager Date: December 8, 2003 Subject: Annual Audit Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the second year audit engagement with BKD,LLP. Background In August 2002 the City Council passed Resolution 124-02 approving a five year contract with Baird, Kurtz & Dobson (BKD), LLP, to provide independent audit services for the City. It is time to approve the engagement letter for services in connection with the audit for the year ending December 31, 2003. Discussion The City is required, under Arkansas statutes and applicable bond issues, to have an annual financial audit conducted by either Legislative Audit or a Certified Public Accounting firm licensed in Arkansas. Because of the requirements of bond indentures the City has for the past thirty plus years utilized the services of a private CPA firm to perform these mandated financial audits. BKD was selected by the City following the applicable procurement rules and regulations conceming the procurement of auditing services. The City entered into a five-year agreement in August 2002. Under this contract BKD will provide an annual audit of the City's financial statements and a review of the City's internal control system as required by state law. In addition to the financial audit, BKD also issues a report on internal control and compliance requirements for major federal award programs as required by the Single Audit Act. The single audit is the primary mechanism used by federal agencies to ensure accountability for federal awards to non-federal entities. Finally, BKD also provides technical assistance to the City in producing the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The CAFR includes the City's financial statements as well as statistical information required by the City's bond covenants. Budget Impact The cost of the 2003 audit is not to exceed $59,325. The audit has been budgeted in General Fund but the costs will be allocated to the various funds of the City. The increase in cost for the year 2003 is attributable to the increased time requirements for implementing GASB Statement 34. Other Items Staff will have a presentation of GASB 34 and the changes to the financial statements from the adoption of GASB 34 in the next few weeks. • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ANNUAL CONTRACT RENEWAL WITH BAIRD, KURTZ & DOBSON (BKD), LLP, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FIFTY-NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($59,325.00) TO PROVIDE INDEPENDENT AUDIT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the annual contract renewal with Baird, Kurtz & Dobson (BKD), LLP, in an amount not to exceed Fifty -Nine Thousand Three Hundred TweLtty- Five Dollars (559,325.00) to provide independent audit services -.tom ee I f iity� of Fayetteville. A copy of the engagement letter for services marked(Exhibit "A' is attached hereto, and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this EP day of January, 2004.1 APPROVE::� 1 ATT By: / ' =/ SONO °A SMITH, City Clerk L - D;A'ICOODY, Mayor RESOLUTION NO, 124-02 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH BAIRD, KURTZ & DOBSON (BKD), LLP, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FORTY-NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($49,900.00) FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2002, WITH ALL SUBSEQUENT ANNUAL EXPENDITURES SUBJECT TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL TO PROVIDE INDEPENDENT AUDIT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF FAYL 1 1 EVILLE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a contract with Baird, Kurtz & Dobson (BKD), LLP, in an amount not to exceed Forty -Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($49,900.00) for calendar year 2002, with all subsequent annual expenditures subject to City Council approval to provide independent audit services to the City of Fayetteville. A copy of the contract, marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto, and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 20th day of August, 2002. APPROVED: By: :IER WOODRUFF, vity Clerk DAN COODY, Mayo Ras /21t -OZ CONTRACT This professional services contract is executed this fe td day of ,QupAs , 2002 by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereinafter called thetity and BKD, LLP. WHEREAS, the City has issued a Request for Proposal for Independent Audit; and WHEREAS, BKD, LLP has submitted a proposal to provide such professional services; WITNESSETH: IN CONSIDERATION of mutual promises of the parties contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. BKD, LLP shall provide the City with the necessary professional services to audit all funds including those which are covered under the provisions of the Single Audit Act. 2. The term of the contract shall run from the date of execution until the 31" day of December, 2002, and shall automatically renew each year, subject to budget approval by the governing body of the City, for such terms as are required to perform the contracted professional auditing services for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2002 through December 31, 2006. 3. The professional accounting services shall be provided in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Request for Proposal, with the exception of §II.J.2., which is deleted entirely, attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A;" the Proposal to Provide Services, attached hereto and marked Exhibit "B;" and the Engagement Letter, attached hereto and marked Exhibit "C". Each of these Exhibits are hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth word for word in their entirety. 4. BKD, LLP shall be compensated for services rendered under this contract in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Exhibits. No work shall be performed beyond the present scope of this contract without express prior approval by the governing body of the City. 5. The City or BKD, LLP shall have the right to terminate the contract upon 30 days written notice. 6. In the event of a conflict between any terms and conditions of this contract and the Exhibits, the terms and conditions of the Exhibits shall take precedence in the following order: this Contract, Exhibit "C", Exhibit `B" and Exhibit "A". • • • les /.24e 02 7. Neither party may assign any of its rights or delegate any of its obligations under this agreement, without the express written consent of the other. 8. It is agreed that the failure of any party to invoke any of the available remedies under this agreement or under law in the event of one or more breaches or defaults by any party under the agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of such provisions and conditions and shall not prevent the parties from invoking such remedies in the event of any future breach or default. 9. Each paragraph of this agreement is severable from all other paragraphs. In the event any court of competent jurisdiction determines that any paragraph or subparagraph is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, all remaining paragraphs and subparagraphs shall remain in full force and effect. 10. This agreement shall be interpreted according to and enforced under the laws of the State of Arkansas. 11. This agreement contains the entire agreement of both parties hereto, and no other oral or written agreement shall be binding on the parties hereto. This agreement supersedes all prior agreements, contracts and understandings of any kind between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. This agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this professional services contract on or as of the date first written above. Woodruff, City CI CITY 0 FAYETTEVILLE an Coody Mayor AGENDA REQUEST X CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW ST F REVIEW FORM - FINANCIAL OBLIGATION For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: FROM: Marsha Farthing Name Accounting and Audit Finance and Internal Services Division Department Approve the second year engagement of a five year contract with BKD,LLP in the amount of $59,325 for annual audit services. COST TO CITY: $59,325.00 Cost of this request 1010-6600-5307-00 Account Number N/A Project Number 7oui/ $ 6 O/ 900 _ Services and Charges Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name S - Miscellaneous Funds Used to Date $ Go c00 Program / Project Category Name General Remaining Balance Fund Name BUDGET REV *'.W Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Budget Manager Date CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: Qty lattit.45 f WP/a3 7-1(1„ �7�fYQ� 1d& Date // Internal Audi r Date bunting . .anager City At rney Date Purchasing Manager Date STTAAFFY, RECOMMENDATION: Approve the second year of five year contract for annual audit. 7e)4 .( ) /e/.// /CIF Received in Mayor's Office Division Head Date Depaq mcnt Dir tor Finance & Internal Services Dir. Date A -(sem Date ve Officer Date Date Cross Reference: Previous Ord/Res#: Orig. Contract Date: Orig. Contract Number: New Item: Yes No • Staff Review Form - Page 2 • Description Meeting Date Comments: Budget Manager Accounting Manager City Attorney Purchasing Manager ADA Coordinator Internal Auditor Grants Coordinator Reference Comments: • FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIIIE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Marsha Farthing Accounting Manager From: Clarice Buffalohead-PearmanW City Clerk Division Date: January 9, 2004 Re: Resolution No. 02-04 • Attached is a copy of the above resolution passed by the City Council January 6, 2004, approving an annual contract with Baird, Kurtz & Dobson (BKD), LLP., for audit services. I have also attached one of two originals of the agreement with the mayor and city clerk's signatures. These items will be recorded in the city clerk's office and microfilmed. If anything else is needed please let the clerk's office know. /cbp attachments cc: Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor