HomeMy WebLinkAbout88-03 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 88-03 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO SUBMIT THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE'S "INDIVIDUAL MS4 APPLICATION FORM FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH SMALL MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS AUTHORIZED UNDER 40 CFR 122.26" TO THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes the Mayor or his designee to submit the City of Fayetteville's "Individual MS4 Application Form for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems authorized under 40 CFR 122.26" to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. PASSED and APPROVED this 17th day of June, 2003. ATTEST. By: iU4.14-4-1 /11.010" SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By ./I// DAN COODY, Mayo ADEQ • ARKANSAS Department of Environmental Quality • INDIVIDUAL MS4 APPLICATION FORM FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH SMALL MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS AUTHORIZED UNDER 40 CFR 122.26 The enclosed form may be used to apply for coverage for the NPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). Only a copy of the attached authorized Individual MS4 Application form will be accepted by this Department. Return the completed form to: Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality NPDES Branch, Storm Water Section P.O. Box 8913 Little Rock, AR 72219 According to 40 CFR 122.26(b)(8), "municipal separate storm sewer means a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains): (1) Owned or operated by a State, city, town, borough, county, parish, district, association, or othcr public body (created by or pursuant to State law)... including special districts under State law such as a sewer district, flood control district or drainage district, or similar entity, or an Indian tribe, or an authorized Indian tribal organization, or a designated and approved management agency under section 208 of the Clean Water Act that discharges into waters of the United States. (2) Designated or used for collecting or conveying storm water; (3) Which is not a combined sewer; and (4) Which is not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) as defined in 40 CFR 122.2 The following entities are required to obtain coverage under this permit if it: (1) Is located fully or partially within an urbanized area as determined by the 2000 Decennial Census, or (2) Is designated for permit authorization by ADEQ pursuant to 40 CFR 122.32. Include a USGS 7.5 topographic map (or equivalent topographic map with a scale between 1:10,000 and 1:24,000 if cost effective) extending one mile beyond the service boundaries of the municipal storm sewer system covered by the permit application. NOTE: DO NOT LEAVE BLANK SPACES IN THE NOTICE OF INTENT. IF ANY QUESTION DOES NOT APPLY, MARK "N/A" IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. USE "NONE" IF THE FACILITY IS NOT REQUIRED TO MONITOR. • WATER DIVISION 8001 NATIONAL DRIVE / POST OFFICE BOX 8913 / LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72219-8913 / PHONE 501-682-2199 / FAX 501-682-0910 www. ad eq. state. ar. u s Individual MS4 Application Form / Revision date 3/14/2003 •rkansas Department of Environmental Qui. NPDES Branch, Water Division P.O. Box 8913 Little Rock, AR 72219 (501) 682-2199 INDIVIDUAL MS4 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGERS OF STORM WATER RUNOFF ASSOCIATED WITH SMALL MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS I. OPERATOR INFORMATION Small MS4 Name: City of Fayetteville Owner Type: Small MS4 Address: 113 West Mountain ❑ FEDERAL ® PUBLIC City: Fayetteville State: Arkansas Zip: 72701 Urbanized Area or Core Area: Fayetteville — Springdale County(ies): Washington ❑ STATE ❑ OTHER Enter the Latitude and Longitude of the approximate center of the Small MS4: Small MS4 Latitude: 36 degrees 04 minutes Small MS4 Longitude: 94 degrees 09 minutes 06 seconds 22 seconds II. CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Tim Conklin Telephone: 479-575-8267 Director: Planning, Community Services and Title: Engineering III. RECEIVING STREAM INFORMATION Name of Major Receiving Water(s): Illinois River — Clear Creek, Goose Creek and tributaries Beaver Lake — West Fork, Middle Fork, White River and tributaries Are any of the Major Receiving Water(s) on the latest Clean Water Act section 303(d) list of impaired waters or have an approved TMDL? ®Yes 0 No ❑N/A If yes, list the Receiving Water(s): West Fork (of the White River) White River (into Beaver Reservoir) WATER DIVISION 8001 NATIONAL DRIVE / POST OFFICE BOX 8913 / LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72219-8913 / PHONE 501-682-2199 / FAX 501-682-0910 www.adeq.state.ar.us Individual MS4 Application Fonn / Revision date 3/14/2003 •rkansas Department of Environmental Quality NPDES Branch, Water Division P.O. Box 8913 Little Rock, AR 72219 (501) 682-2199 IV. PERMIT LISTING List all ADEQ permits received or applied for under any of the following programs: Hazardous Waste Management program undcr RCRA: NA UIC program under SDWA: NA AR0020010 NPDES , SIC 4952, Paul Noland WWTP ARROOC299 Water-NPDES, Fayetteville Municipal Airport, storm runoff AR10B241 Water-NPDES, Fayetteville Municipal Solid Waste, storm NPDES program under CWA: runoff Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program under the Clean Air Act: NA Non -attainment program under the Clean Air Act: NA National Emission Standards for Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS) preconstruction approval under the Clean Air Act: Dredge or fill permits undcr section 404 of CWA NA #14207 Individual — Proposed/preliminary- City of Fayetteville Waste Water project including the new west -side plant and associated line work. Preliminary application August 2002. #17821 Nationwide 12,14 — Driveway culvert replacements and sanitary sewer crossing associated with the Old Missouri Road improvements, 404 permit issued November 27, 2002. WATER DIVISION 8001 NATIONAL DRIVE / POST OFFICE BOX 8913 / LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72219-8913 / PHONE 501-682-2199 / FAX 501-682-0910 www.adeq.state.ar.us Individual MS4 Application Form / Revision date 3/14/2003 •ansas Department of Environmental Qua. NPDES Branch, Water Division P.O. Bo: 8913 Little Rock, AR 72219 (501) 682-2199 V. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM INFORMATION Is the MS4 operator relying on another governmental entity to satisfy one or more permit obligations? ❑Yes ®No ❑N/A If yes, describe: Minimum Control Measures/Best Management Practices (BMPs): (1) Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts BMP (s): Measurable Goals: Start & End Dates Public Outreach/Education Plan Establish a storm water steering committee, or task force, or focus group to assist with the identification of the target audience and to assist with the development of a plan for an effective public education program. Year 1 Storm water Educational Material Develop to the information and may school training and disseminate storm water education information general public and other groups to be identified. Such will be developed by the City with Public input include brochures, telephone hotline, potential curricula, stenciling of certain storm drains and of volunteer educators. Year 1-5 City Web Page Add website. storm water information and reference links to the city's Year 2-5 Green Business Program Develop and distribute sheets for industry including restaurant storm water BMP and impact fact -specific business to reduce pollution, grease, into the storm sewer system. Year 3-5 Pets and livestock Develop in a certain detected and distribute educational percentage reduction in discharges in material which in litter or animal municipal storm water. will result waste Year 4-5 WATER DIVISION 8001 NATIONAL DRIVE / POST OFFICE BOX 8913 / LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72219-8913 / PHONE 501-682-2199 / FAX 501-682-0910 www.adeq.state.ar.us Individual MS4 Application Form / Revision date 3/14/2003 illSkansas Department of Environmental Qu NPDES Branch, Water Division P.O. Box 8913 Little Rock, AR 72219 (501) 682-2199 (2) Public Involvement/Participation BMP(s): Measurable Goals: Public Involvement Notice of a public meeting, citizen panel established (refer goal two below), volunteers organized to assist with the location of outfall/illicit discharges and to stencil certain storm drainage. Year 1-2 Citizen Panel or Storm water Technical Advisory Committee or Task Force Establish a citizen panel, or storm water technical advisory committee, or task force, or focus group to assist with the development of the storm water pollution prevention plan. Produce final recommendations and provide advertising, including radio spots, to promote the program and participation. Year 1-2 Community clean-ups A certain percentage of the community will in community clean-ups. Such clean-ups may, include volunteer stream teams to involve and citizens in water quality activities and clean-ups. be participating or may not, educate Year 3-5 Citizen watch groups Citizen watch neighborhoods; completed groups established outreach to every in a certain percentage of different population sector Year 4 (3) Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMP(s): Measurable Goals: Start & End Dates Storm water drainage system reap Illicit discharge ordinance Develop a map of the Ordinance in place; training for public employees percentage of sources storm drainage system. develop the illicit discharge plan; completed; a certain of illicit discharges determined. Year 1-2 Year 2-3 Illicit discharge detection A certain percentage of illicit discharges detected eliminated; a certain percentage of households in household hazardous waste special collection and participating days. Year 3-5 Illicit discharge reduction "Most" illicit discharge sources detected and eliminated. Year 4-5 WATER DIVISION 8001 NATIONAL DRIVE / POST OFFICE BOX 8913 / LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72219-8913 / PHONE 501-682-2199 / FAX 501-682.0910 www.adeq.state.ar.us Individual MS4 Application Form / Revision date 3/14/2003 Skansas Department of Environmental Quilt NPDES Branch, Water Division P.O. Box 8913 Little Rock, AR 72219 (501) 682-2199 (4) Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control BMP(s): Measurable Goals: Ordinance/Plan Review the policies associated receive guidance noted in a procedure City's existing ordinances, regulations with control construction and input from the committees minimum control measures one and/or to receive information from the and site runoff; previously two; develop public. Year 1 Site inspection Review the City's existing ordinances, regulations policies associated with site inspections with input from the committees previously noted control measures one and/or two; a certain compliance achieved by construction operators and guidance and in minimum rate of Year 1-2 Compliance "Maximum" compliance improved clarity and waterbodies. with ordinance; an amount of reduced sedimentation of local Year 3-5 Improved water quality An amount of increased numbers of sensitive aquatic organisms in local waterbodies. Year 4-5 (5) Post -Construction Storm Water Management In New Development and Redevelopment BMP(s): Measurable Goals: Start & End Dates Post -Construction Strategy Develop strategies and plans with the committees previously noted measures one and/or two, such strategies and/or non-structural BMP's. guidance and input from in minimum control to include structural Year 1-2 Post -Construction Ordinance Strategies codified by ordinance mechanism. or other regulatory Year 2 Reduction of new pervious areas Reduced percentage of new impervious surfaces associated with new development as compared to total impervious areas and as further developed with guidance and input from the committees previously noted in minimum control measures one and/or two. Year 3 Improved water quality An amount of improved clarity local waterbodies. and reduced sedimentation of Year 4-5 WATER DIVISION 8001 NATIONAL DRIVE / POST OFFICE BOX 8913 / LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72219-8913 / PHONE 501-682.2199 / FAX 501-682-0910 www.adeq.state.ar.us Individual MS4 Application Form / Revision date 3/14/2003 •kansas Department of Environmental Qu2 NPDES Branch, Water Division P.O. Box 8913 Little Rock, AR 72219 (501) 682-2199 (6) Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations — BMPs: BMP(s): Measurable Goals: Start & End Dates Plan Develop a Pollution prevention plan with new BMP's and revised procedures; provide employee training materials; provide procedures for drainage catch basin maintenance and cleaning; provide procedures for street sweeping. Year 1-2 Employee Training Training for appropriate employees; recycling program fully implemented. Year 2-3 Pollution Prevention Plan Some pollution prevention BMP's incorporated municipal master plan; a certain percentage reduction pesticide and sand/salt use; maintenance schedule established. into a in for BMP's Year 3-4 Good Housekeeping Results A certain percentage reduction in floatables discharged; a certain compliance rate with maintenance schedules for BMPs; controls in place for defined areas of concerns. Year 4-5 VI. CERTIFICATION OF PERMITTEE For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency: By either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this application, a principal executive officer of a Federal agency includes (i) the chief executive officer of the agency, or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g., Regional Administrator of EPA). "I certify that the cognizant official designated in this Notice of Intent is qualified to act as a dully authorized representative under the provisions of 40 CFR 122.22(b). If no cognizant official has been designated, 1 understand that the Department will accept reports signed by the applicant 1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Typed or Printed Name. D Signature: ' ' DIVISION 8001 NATIONAL DRIVE / POST OFFICE BOX 8913 / LITTLE . •' K, ARKANSAS 72219-8913 / PHONE 501-682-2199 / FAX 501-682-0910 www.adeq.state.ar.us Individual MS4 Application Form / Revision date 3/14/2003 Title: Mayor, Ci7 of F;yetteville Date: (p Y eD NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Resolution No. 88-03 Document "Y� T 06/17/03 Res 88-03 w/copy of MS4 Application 2 06/04/03 staff review form draft resolution copy of Res. No. 24-03 copy of memo to mayor/city council copy of memo to mayor copy of Itr to Dunn copy of memo from Hanlon 3 06/20/03 memo to Jim Beavers NOTES: FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Jim Beavers Engineering p`,( From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman �1 City Clerk's Division Date: June 20, 2003 Re: Resolution 88-03 Attached is the executed copy of the above resolution passed by the City Council, June 17, 2003, authorizing an Individual MS4 Application Form to ADE) which also is signed by the mayor. I am returning to you three originals and keeping one original for the clerk's file with the resolution. These items will be microfilmed and recorded with the city clerk's office. If anything else is needed please let the clerk's office know. /cbp Attachment(s) cc Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor • 0 STAFF REVIEW FORM — FINANCIAL OBLIGATION x AGENDA REQUEST _ CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City Council meeting ofJune 17, 2003 ges Gg 1203 0-03 FROM: Jim Beavers Engineering Name Division CPE Services Department ACTION REQUIRED: 1. Public presentation by staff concerning the proposed Storm water Phase II permit and program. 2. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the City of Fayetteville's "INDIVIDUAL MS4 APPLICATION FORM FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH SMALL MUNICIAPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS AUTHORIZED UNDER 40 CFR 122.26", such application form as furnished by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality to the City of Fayetteville. 3. Guidance from the Mayor and the City Council concerning the proposed Storm water Phase 11 program. COST TO CITY. $To be determined — see memo Cost of this Request 4470-9470-5817.00 Account Number 02097 Project Number 200,000 Category/Project Budget 2003 0 Funds Used To Date 2003 $200,000 Remaining Balance 2003 Bridge and Drainage Program Category/Project Name Drainage and Phase II Program/Project Category Name Sales Tax Fund Name BUDGET REVIEW: x Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Budget Manager Date CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: 71//241 %lLti S/ ? Date Accounting Manager • 74w44--�Sl2i/d3 City Attomcy Date Purchasing Manager Date • C5/a, Ida STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval U(vtston'Iiead 74 (ovix2-7 (,j3 -6z. ce an Internal Services Director Chief Adminis live icer Date Mayor Date Received in Mayor's Office Cross Reference: Prev Ord/Res it: Orig. Contract Date: Orig. Contract No: New Item: Yes x No a�— • • STAFF REVIEW FORM Description Strom water Phase II permit application Meeting Date June 17, 2003 Comments: Budget Manager Reference Comments: Page 2 Accounting Manager Internal Auditor City Attorney Purchasing Manager Finance and Internal Services Director Chief Administrative Officer • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO SUBMIT THE CITY OF FAYEII"EVILLE'S "INDIVIDUAL MS4 APPLICATION FORM FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH SMALL MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS AUTHORIZED UNDER 40 CFR 122.26" TO THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS• Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Ark< hereby authorizes the Mayor or his designee to submit the City of F ,yet 1 s "Individual MS4 Application Form for Discharges of Storm��t s iated with Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems auth j f nder 0 CFR 122.26" to the Arkansas Department of Environment -0Q PASSED and APPROVED this 17th day ofThne, 2003. Lea A APPROVED: By S , City Clerk H ►N COODY, Mayor • • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Engineering Division To: Dan Coody, Mayor Fayetteville City Council Thru: Tim Conklin, Director CPE (L Gary Coover, City Engineer &t Staff Review From: Jim Beavers, Engineering.ada Date: May 15, 2003 Re: City Council Meeting June 17, 2003: Storm water Phase II NPDES: * Staff presentation, * Resolution authorizing the Mayor to submit the City's Individual Permit Application, * Request for additional guidance. 1. Background The City of Fayetteville, in compliance with Federal Law, is required to submit a permit application to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) for the "Phase II" National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water requirements. The application may be approved by the City Council and signed by the Mayor or his specified designee. The Phase 11 Rule (Federal Code 40 CFR 122) required that affected entities submit a permit application by March 10, 2003. The entities will then have up to 5 years to develop and implement the plan required by the permit. The plan will rely upon public involvement and the implementation of"Best Management Practices" to reduce pollutants and improve water quality. The Federal Rule states that "Implementation of best management practices consistent with the provisions of the storm water management program required pursuant to this section and the provisions of the permit required pursuant to 122.33 constitutes compliance with the standard of reducing pollutants to the "maximum extent practicable." (Re: 40 CFR I22.34.a). 1 • • The Federal Rule encourages the use of "General Permits" when such General Permits are available. The Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6 has jurisdiction over the State of Arkansas. The EPA Region 6 has delegated the ADEQ as the "Permitting Authority" for the State of Arkansas. The EPA and the ADEQ have not been able to meet the Rule deadlines and furnish the General Permit applications. As of this date, ADEQ is reviewing a draft General Permit furnished by the EPA. Approximately February 7 2003, ADEQ advised the Cities and other MS4's ("Municipal separate storm sewer") to submit a simple letter requesting to be covered under the General Permit when such permit was made available (refer to enclosures 4,5 and 6). On February 18, 2003, the Fayetteville City Council approved Resolution 24-03 which stated: That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes the Mayor or his designee to submit the City of Fayetteville's "Storm Water Phase II" permit application to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality". Resolution 24-03 was based upon supporting documentation which included the draft General Permit. By letter dated February 27, 2003 to ADEQ, the City of Fayetteville requested coverage under the Storm water requirements (re: enclosure 6). Additional storm water Phase 11 background information is included in the accompanying enclosures. 2. Current Status On, or about March 13, 2003, the Headquarters of EPA notified those EPA regions which had not completed the general permit to require Individual Permits or other means of compliance in lieu of waiting on the future General Permits (re: enclosure 9). Subsequently, ADEQ prepared an Individual Permit and provided such permit application via email to the MS4's. Various Cities and entities have met through the Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Focus Group to review the individual permit application. City of Fayetteville staff has prepared the enclosed Individual Permit Application based upon the application form submitted by ADEQ and the EPA series of Storm water Phase 1I Final Rule Fact Sheets. The permit requires measurable goals. The permit does not require the specific and detailed storm water management plan. The Public, the City and ADEQ will have the opportunity to revise and update the permit requirements as the City's Storm water Management Plan is developed and implemented. Due to: (a) the knowledge that the previous Resolution, 24-03, was based upon supporting documentation of the draft General Permit (thus not the specific individual permit) and (b) the potential costs of the storm water program as the plan is developed, staff requests an additional Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the enclosed Individual permit. 2 • • 3. Potential costs/budget. Implementation. The EPA estimates that the first year costs of the program will range from $1.39 to $7.83 per capita. For a City of 50,000 this will be 569,500 to $391,500. (Source. EPA Region 6/Brent Larson). Administration. The EPA estimates that the annual costs to administer the program will range from $1.23 to 55.73 per capita. For a City of 50,000 this will be 561,500 to S286,500. (Source: EPA Region 6/Brent Larson). The Regulation (Rule) lists the national average annual costs as $9.16 per household. Please note that we understand that the estimates given represent a significant range of values. Plan reviews, reporting, inspections and drainage system maintenance will be key elements of the permit. Certain Phase 1 municipalities have found it necessary to add maintenance crcws dedicated to additional maintenance of inlets, boxes, catch basins, ponds, ditches, channels ... A more accurate determination of the costs will be determined as the plan is developed. Those involved in developing the formal program and plan must be cognizant of the effects upon already stressed personnel and maintenance budgets. B. Funding. The City of Fayetteville has budgeted 5200,000 Sales Tax (Capital Improvement Program) money for the design and initial implementation of the storm water Phase 11 program. Storm drainage maintenance is a regularly budgeted item with the Transportation (Street) Division's budget. The City of Fayetteville may be interested in investigating a Storm Water Drainage utility for the perpetual administration of the program. Such investigation of forming a utility will include guidance from the citizens and elected officials. Potential sources for funding include: General Funds, Sales Tax, General Obligation Bonds, Impact and Service Fecs, Special Assessment Districts and a Storm Water Utility. Based upon presentations at EPA seminars, the Storm Water Drainage Utility appears to he a popular approach for Phase I Cities in Oklahoma and Texas. Average charges for residential properties are $2 00 -3.00 per month. Commercial and Industrial charges are based upon measured impervious area. The Arkansas Legislature approved regulations in 2001 (Bill 1737) to allow the formation of storm water utilities and regional storm water utilities. 4. Actions required/Request. A. Information. Staff requests the opportunity to provide a public presentation concerning the storm water Phase 11 program to the City Council. 3 B. City Council action. 1. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the City of Fayetteville's "INDIVIDUAL MS4 APPLICATION FORM FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER ASOCIATED WITH SMALL MUNICIAPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS AUTHORIZED UNDER 40 CFR 122.26", such application form as furnished by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality to the City of Fayetteville. 2. Guidance from the Mayor and the City Council concerning the proposed Storm water Phase II program. Enclosures 1. Proposed Permit Application, "INDIVIDUAL MS4 APPLICATION FORM FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER ASOCIATED WITH SMALL MUNICIAPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS AUTHORIZED UNDER 40 CFR 122.26", such application form as furnished by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. 2. Copy of previous Resolution 24-03 dated February 18, 2003. 3. Memorandum dated January 24, 2003, Storm Water Phase II Requirements. 4. Draft letter format from ADEQ to the City of Fayetteville, via Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning, February 7, 2003. 5. Memorandum dated February 26, 2003, Re. Storm water Phase II proposed letter to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality 6. Letter from the City of Fayetteville to ADEQ dated February 27, 2003. 7. Copy of EPA Headquarters letter, March 2003. 4 RESOLUTION NO. 24-03 • A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO SUBMIT THE CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE'S "STORM WATER PHASE II" PERMIT APPLICATION TO THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes the Mayor or his designee to submit the City of Fayetteville's "Storm Water Phase II" permit application to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality PASSED and APPROVED this 18th day of February, 2003. APPROVED: By ATTEST: By: ,4o SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Engineering Division To: Dan Coody, Mayor Fayetteville City Council From: Jim Beavers, Engineering Date: January 24, 2003 Re: City Council Meeting February 18, 2003, Storm water "Phase II NPDES" requirements - Supplemental information. 1. Introduction: A. March 10, 2003 application deadline. The City of Fayetteville, in compliance with Federal Law, is required to submit an initial application to the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) no later than March 10, 2003 for the "Phase II" National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water requirements. B. Background. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, more commonly known as "The Clean Water Act" (CWA) was enacted October 18, 1972 (PL 92-500). This law required and enabled Local, State and Federal water quality programs and requirements. Goals of the CWA include the elimination of discharged pollutants to Waters of the U.S. and to restore all waters to "fishable and swimable". Polluted storm water runoff, including chemicals, nutrients, sediments and siltation, has been cited as a cause of impairment for waterways and water bodies. This impairment contributes to loss of aquatic habitat, loss of aesthetic value, loss of recreational waterways and potential threats to public drinking water supplies and public health. The 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act (CWA) authorized the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate non -point source discharges including storm water discharges. The regulation has been implemented through a phased program using the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Page 1 of 9