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1 RESOLUTION NO. 71-03 • A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROPOSAL FROM THE SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER (SRC) AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS IN THE AMOUNT OF TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS AND SIXTY-FOUR CENTS ($23,639.64) WITH A NOT -TO -EXCEED COST OF TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00) FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A CITIZEN SURVEY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a proposal from the Survey Research Center (SRC) at the University of Arkansas in the amount of Twenty -Three Thousand Six Hundred Thirty -Nine Dollars and Sixty -Four Cents ($23,639.64) with a not -to -exceed cost of Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) for the development and implementation of a citizen survey. PASSED and APPROVED this 20th day of May, 2003. FAYETp r . • F (f r Witt 4tE • �� 46Aie rre ' lS+�' By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By: yt • • _ • it I k /w -j1-03 ORIGINAL UNIVERSITY/ARKANSAS MICIR OFTLIVIE» amino 123 Hot: Hall • Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701-1201 • (501) 575-4222 • (501) 575-2474 (FAX) • src@uark.edu Survey Research Center Memo To: Kevin Springer, Budget Manager, Budget & Research, City •f Fa tteville Front John K Stokes Director Research & Sponsored Programs CC: Molly Longstreth Ph.D, Director Survey Research Center Date: 7/24/2003 Re: Amendment to the agreement between the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas (UA) acting for and on behalf of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Campus, Survey Research Center ("SRC"), 123 Hotz Hall, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701 and the City of Fayetteville The following statement replaces the first sentence under the heading of 'Cost of Services and Payment', The City of FayettevHle will pay SRC twenty-three thousand, six hundred, forty dollars ($23,639.64). One- half ($11,819.82) to be paid by August 17, 2003 and the balance ($11,819.82) within thirty (30) days after completion of the Project.' Replacing the original sentence of The City of Fayetteville will pay SRC twenty-three thousand, six hundred, forty dollars ($26,640.00). One-half ($13,320) to be paid by August 17, 2003 and the balance ($13,320.00).' 1 RECEIVED AUG 01 2003._ CITY OF FAYETT'EVILLE • CITY CLERK S OFFICE The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity/af mnnative action Institution. • UNIVERSITY'ARKAN SAS meim 123 Horn hall • Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701-1201 • (501) 575-4222 • (501) 575-2474 (FAX) • src©uark.cdu Survey Research Center UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS SURVEY RESEARCH CEN'T'ER AGREEMENT This Agreement dated this 4th day of June, 2003, is by and between the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas (UA) acting for and on behalf of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Campus, Survey Research Center ("SRC"), 123 Hotz Hall, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701 and the City of Fayetteville. PURPOSE This Agreement sets forth the work to be performed by the SRC for the City of Fayetteville as described in Exhibit A ("Project") and the terms and conditions governing the relationship between the parties. SURVEY The SRC will perform the work described in the Project in a timely fashion using standard academic survey research protocols, in a manner consistent with scholarly performance and with the utmost regard for privacy. COST OF SERVICES AND PAYMENT' The City of Fayetteville will pay SRC twenty-three thousand, six hundred, forty dollars ($26,640.00). One- half (S13,320.00) to be paid by August 17, 2003 and the balance (513,320.00) within thirty (30) days after completion of Project. City of Fayetteville shall make payment to University of Arkansas, ATTN: Survey Research Center. The cost center number of '0112 11081-22-3111' should be included on the remittance. The bases for the cost to perform the Project are as follows. The SRC will design a questionnaire in conjunction with the City of Fayetteville, critique and field test the questionnaire, submit questionnaire and related correspondence to the UA Institutional Review Board, mail letters to sample members with addresses, conduct telephone interviews, clean and analyze data; write a technical report and present findings to one or two audiences important to the City of Fayetteville. TERMS The SRC will begin the Project on approximately June 4, 2003 and complete the Project on approximately October 31, 2003. DELIVERABLES The SRC will deliver the following to City of Fayetteville within two weeks (10) working days after completion of Project: A Data Report, which will include a simple codebook and frequencies of the variables. The data will be delivered electronically in Excel. A Technical Report will also be written. It will include up to two charts or figures and up to six or so bivariatc analyses. Please note that the latter pertains to tables rather than variables. If numerous groups arc represented in one report, however, the means of responses will be reported for each group. CHANGES Any changes to this Agreement or its terms and conditions shall be mutually agreed to by a written amendment to this Agreement. For UA External Use Only 12-22-98 The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. • • IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, University and the City of Fayetteville entered into this Agreement effective as of the date first hereinabove written and have executed two (2) originals each of which are of equal dignity. CFIY OF FAYEITEVILLE, ARKANSAS By: Name: Title: Date: BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNI SITY OF ARKANSAS Nam By: hn K. Stokes Title: Director, Research & Sponsored Programs Date: C 7 "'Ca For UA External Use Only 12-22-98 UNIVERSITY/ARKANSAS mzfi 123 Hotz Hall • Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701-1201 • (501) 575-4222 • (501) 575-2474 (FAX) • src©uark.cdu Survey Research Center Exhibit A Project Description Survey of Fayetteville Citizens for the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas June 3, 2003 This is a description of the Project to survey the citizens of Fayetteville, Arkansas for the City of Fayetteville. Research Design Telephone survey The Survey Research Center (SRC) will conduct a telephone survey of citizens of Fayetteville, Arkansas, including initial letters, for the numbers of completed interviews needed to assure an estimated sampling error of+ 5 percent. Additional Fayetteville households will be screened in order to augment the number of surveys completed by African American and Hispanic/Latino households The interviews are scheduled to take 15 minutes. In addition, the data will be analyzed with at least one multivariate analysis so as to indicate with more confidence phenomena of interest. Table 1 shows the cost of the survey. Questionnaire Design & Field Testing The SRC will work with officials of the City of Fayetteville to design a questionnaire that addresses the City's objectives for the survey. The 2003 questionnaire will draw on the instrument that the City of Faycttevillc used to survey its citizens in 2001. With City officials, the SRC will develop additional and/or alternative questions to solicit opinions on issues germane to the current objectives. SRC staff will critique the questionnaire, in consultation with the City. In addition, the SRC, in conjunction with the City, will develop the letter, introductory scripts and any desired press releases. The questionnaire and related correspondence must he reviewed by the University of Arkansas (UA) Institutional Review Board (LRB), a process the SRC will facilitate. The IRB reviews the questionnaire and associated correspondence for its suitability for the people who will be surveyed. If the City has the equivalent of the institutional review hoard, the City will facilitate that review process. If time allows, the questionnaire will be tested in at least four ways. SRC staff will critique it. Experienced interviewers will administer it to each other and critique it. Thirdly, five community members, chosen conveniently, will be asked to review it and their responses the University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity/affirmative action uuutution. • • • Exhibit A Description of a Project to Survey the Citizens of Fayetteville for the City of Fayetteville Survey Research Center, University of Arkansas June 3, 2003 will be recorded and analyzed. The SRC will subsequently field test approximately 25 questionnaires before beginning the survey. These findings will be shared with City personnel for review. Adjustments to the telephone interview will be made to correct errors or implement desired changes. Prior to the start of telephoning, a letter will be mailed to all sample members for whom addresses are available up to 35 percent, informing them of the nature of the survey and their important role in taking it. The letter establishes credibility for the survey and prepares recipients to receive the call when it comes. City residents are more amenable to answering telephone surveys if they are aware of the survey. The letter is even more effective than general publicity in informing citizens of the survey. The letters will be printed on City of Fayetteville letterhead and mailed in City envelopes. Please note that the letters will be sent to approximately one-third of the 3,065 sample members. The remaining sample of 4,397 will be called only. These compose the screening sample. The effectiveness of the research design depends partially on personalizing the mailings. Therefore, the SRC will print the envelopes, rather than using labels and affix stamps rather than using a machine stamp. Furthermore it is optimal if the City' s representative(s) can personally sign the letters. if not, a printed signature may be used. Letters will likely need to be copied due to the signatures. It is the SRC's preference that the City, in conjunction with the SRC, prepare a press release or set of press releases so as to inform the 70 percent of residents who will not receive pre -interview letters of the survey and its purposes. Sample The SRC will complete surveys of at least 373 citizens of Fayetteville. The estimated sampling error associated with this number of surveys is + 5 percent if a simple random sample is drawn. A random sample of telephone numbers generated for the City of Fayetteville will be purchased. In order to garner the desired number of completed interviews, each telephone number will be called as many as six times. The SRC cannot guarantee response rates, however optimistic we may be about them. Although the SRC follows methods demonstrated to improve response rates, subject to the client' s preferences, we can only carefully follow the agreed-upon research design. Only adults (people age 18 or older) will be interviewed. To improve the gender ratio, 2 • • Exhibit A Description of a Protect to Survey the Citizens of Fayetteville for the City of Fayetteville Survey Research Center, University of Arkansas June 3, 2003 these estimates include costs of selecting household respondents based on the last birthday. To select by the last birthday, the interviewer asks to speak with the adult in the household who is at home, and who was the last to celebrate a birthday. Oversampling Minority Ethnicity Populations According to the 2000 Census of Population' African American and Hispanic/Latino residents compose approximately 5 percent each of Fayetteville's population. It is likely that citizens from these two groups hold opinions on the survey topics that differ from those held by citizens of the majority ethnicity. Both African American and Hispanic/Latino respondents tend to under -respond to surveys. Because they compose a small fraction of the population and they respond to surveys in percentages lower than their representation in the population, proportionately more households from these two groups will be surveyed. To obtain an estimated sampling error of+ 15 percent, approximately 42 people need to be surveyed. This will provide 22 African American and 22 Latino/Hispanic completed responses. Without the additional screening, it is estimated that 11 African American and 4 Hispanic/Latino residents will complete the survey. In order to obtain surveys from the additional 18 Hispanic/Latino and 11 African American households the SRC will call as many as 4,397 additional telephone numbers. These numbers will be screened only. Any household members who identify themselves as African American or Hispanic/Latino will be interviewed until the desired number of completed interview is obtained. Please note, however, these estimates guarantee only that the SRC will call all of these numbers at least six times, if appropriate. The SRC cannot guarantee that 22 surveys will be completed by African American and 22 by Hispanic/Latino Fayetteville residents however diligent the effort. Hispanic/Latino respondents will be interviewed by bi-lingual interviewers. All interviewers are trained to forward Spanish-speaking respondents to the Spanish-speaking 'Census of Population 2000. U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, DP - 1. Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000. Data Set: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SFI) 100 -Percent Data Geographic Area: Fayetteville township, Washington County, Arkansas. Washington, DC. http://factfinder.census. gov/servlet/QTTable?ds_name—D&geo_id-06000US0514391283 &gr_na me=DEC_2000_SF 1 _U_DP 1 &_l ang=en. 3 • • Exhibit A Description of a Project to Survey the Citizens of Fayetteville for the City of Fayetteville Survey Research Center, University of Arkansas June 3, 2003 interviewers. It is also possible that the SRC maybe able to have a significant number of African American interviewers who will handle many of the interviews with African American respondents if it is possible to identify African American citizens in advance. Survey Publicity The SRC recommends that the City announce the survey in the issues of any of its publications or other appropriate communications media that will he published prior to or coincidentally with the survey. The SRC will gladly provide information needed in the announcement. Deliverables Communication about progress will be made to the principal investigator every week during the period of telephoning or mailing. After the study, the SRC will provide a Data Report. It will include a simple codebook and frequencies of the variables. The data will be delivered electronically in Excel. A Technical Report will also be written. It will include up to two charts or figures and up to six or so bivariate analyses. Please note that the latter pertains to tables rather than variables. If numerous groups are represented in one report, however, the means of responses will be reported for each group. Multivariate analyses. In addition, the SRC will devote approximately 40 hours to analyzing the findings using multiple variables to explain topic(s) of interest to the City. The form the analyses will take depend primarily upon the questions of interest. The SRC will work with the principal investigators from the City of Fayetteville to develop the questions of interest congruent with possible analyses and to prioritize the analyses desired. 4 • • Exhibit A Description of a Project to Survey the Citizens of Fayetteville for the City of Fayetteville Survey Research Center, University of Arkansas June 3, 2003 Table 1 Cost estimates of telephone survey implemented with an initial letter, over -sampling of African American and Hispanic citizens and a multivariate statistical analysis 1 2 Telephone survey 402 LE +/- .05 3065 4397 7462 15 Yes, partially Yes Completions Estimated sampling error Sample size for mail & phone Sample size for oversample Total sample size Questionnaire Length (min.) Letter Multivariate analyses WAGES Hourly rate pre -July 1 Total Production Hours Total wages pre -July 1 Hourly rate post -July 1 Total Production Hours Total wages post -July 1 Total Wages STAFF SALARIES Hourly rate pre -July 1 Staff time (Hours) Total staff pre -July 1 Hourly rate post -July 1 Staff time (Hours) Total staff post -July 1 Total Salaries DIRECT MATERIALS & SUPPLIES COSTS Printing costs Postage Stationary & envelopes Long Distance Travel 5 $9.71 540 $5,240.22 $10.20 540 $5,504.66 $10,744.87 $39.07 123 $4,803.90 $40.24 123 $4,947.76 $9,751.66 $100.00 $488.07 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 • • • Sample Translating • Ad in Hispanic newspaper Respondent incentives Interviewer rewards Other materials, equipment & supplies Total Materials & Supplies Total Indirect Costs (26 percent)(UA) TOTAL SURVEY • Exhibit A Description of a Project to Survey the Citizens of Fayetteville for the City of Fayetteville Survey Research Center, University of Arkansas June 3, 2003 $996.23 $320 00 $40.00 $50.00 $59.46 $1,019.34 $3,143.10 50.00 $23,639.64 Table 2. Proposed Time Line for Survey of Citizens of Fayetteville Design questionnaire Telephone Survey 15 -minute survey, with initial letter and screen for additional African American and Hispanic residents Weeks Dates 5 Evaluate questions and revise questionnaire Submit questionnaire and letter for IRB review Program telephone interviewing system and test 2 2 2 Conduct field tests and review responses Address, print and sign letters and mail 1.5 Conduct interviews Clean and analyze data and write report Revisions and final report 1 May 15 — June 20 June 16- June 24 June 20 June 27 — 11 July 14 —July 18 July 7 — July 15 4 July 20 — Aug 18 6 2 Aug 19 — Sept 26 Sept 29 — Oct 24 6 NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date • Resolution No. 71-03 . Document • 1 05/20/03 Res. 71-03 2 05/05/03 Staff Review Form w/attachments draft resolution" memo to mayor/city council copy of letter from U of A copy of proposal from U of A 3 05/27/03 copy of memo to Kevin Springer NOTES: • FAYET T'E\ LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Kevin Springer Budget & Research Division ��,p From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman "' 0 City Clerk's Division Date: 5/27/2003 Re: Resolution No. 71-03 Attached hereto is an executed copy of the above resolution passed by the City Council authorizing the proposal for citizen survey in the amount of$25,000.00 with the University of Arkansas, Survey Research Center. This information has been recorded in the city clerk's office and will be microfilmed for archives. If anything else is needed please let the city clerk's office know. /cbp Attachment(s) cc Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor • X AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW STAFF REVIEW FORM For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: 411 ,S/ad/2a°3 5nwei 11-41441}' eatekt,/1/44 May 20, 2003 FROM: Kevin Springer Name Budget & Research Division Finance & Internal Services Department ACTION REQUIRED: Approval of a proposal from the Survey Research Center (SRC) at the University of Arkansas for the development and implementation of a Citizen's Survey. The cost of the proposal is $23,639.64 with a not -to -exceed cost of $25,000.00. COST TO CITY: 25,000.00 $ Cost of this request 1010.1330.5315.00 Account Number Project Number 34,100 Services and Charges Category/Project Budget $ Funds Used to Date $ Remaining Balance Program Category / Project Name 1,454 Budget & Research Program / Project Category Name 32,646 General Fund Name BUDGET REVIEW: Budget Ma ger X Budgeted Item '3o—o3 Date Budget Adjustment Attached CONTP.ACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: %LfZ�Hn iv Accounting Manager [/ City Attlorney f/-2-7/aa Date • I Jt rnal Au tor 1 Purchasing Manager Date 5Ja1b3 Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposal from SRC. k. SpA -..,,,e Division Head Department D. ector Financ & Internal Services Chief A istra ve Off Mayor cer 4 Dir. Date S--)- -03 Date J ti -3 Date Date Date Cross Reference New Item: s/2/o3 Eli Yes No Previous Ord/Res#: Orig. Contract Date Orig. Contract Number Description • Staff Review Form - Page 241/ Citizen's Survey - UofA Survey Research Center Comments: Budget Manager Accounting Manager City Attorney Purchasing Manager Internal Auditor Finance & Internal Services Director Chief Administrative Officer Meeting Date Reference Comments: May 20, 2003 • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROPOSAL FROM THE SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER (SRC) AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS IN THE AMOUNT OF TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS AND SIXTY-FOUR CENTS ($23,639.64) WITH A NOT -TO -EXCEED COST OF TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00) FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A CITIZEN SURVEY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkanss hereby approves a proposal from the Survey Research Center (SRC),.. }"i` e University of Arkansas in the amount of Twenty -Three Thousand S'• H nd d Thirty -Nine Dollars and Sixty -Four Cents ($23,639.64) wit a 1 i t- o-exee d cost of Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) or#crc' d; • oprne t and implementation of a citizen survey. te. PASSED and APPROVED this 20th day o A B% SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk DAN COODY, Mayor FAYETTATILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TO: Mayor Dan Coody and City Council THRU: Hugh Earnest, Chief Administrative Officer Stephen Davis, Finance & Internal Services Director FROM: Kevin Springer, Budget Manager DATE April 29, 2003 SUBJECT: 2003 Citizen's Survey - Proposal from the University of Arkansas (Survey Research Center) Background During 2001, the Budget & Research Division mailed out a citizen's survey to 1,200 households. The purpose and benefit was to use the survey results as an informational and a public relations tool between the government and its citizenry. This report assisted City Council and upper management in determining citywide goals and to fulfill the need for gauging how well the City performs in its operations and programs. The goal after this survey was completed, was to send out additional surveys biennially. By performing a survey every other year a benchmark can be developed to show how newly formed programs are benefiting citizens. Current Status City staff has been in the process of conducting a Citizen's Survey for 2003. In looking at the whole process, it has been determined that it would be in the City's best interest to contract out the development and implementation of the survey. This is due to several reasons that are listed below. • Accuracy: A consultant who specializes in surveys is skilled in instrument and sampling designs, statistical reweighting of data, and data analysis. • Credibility: A consultant is perceived as unbiased and will have a neutral interpretation of results. • Cost: A consultant will have the skills and tools available to develop and conduct the survey with the most efficient use of time. A consultant will also have an employee base that can perform at a lower hourly rate of cost. • Staff Time: Currently, staff docs not have the required time to conduct a Citizen's Survey in 2003. 2003 is the year that the 2004-2008 Capital Improvements Program process is performed. In addition, City Council has requested that the 2004 Annual Budget process be started a month sooner than normal and that a zero -based budgeting process be started for three City departments. To meet the needs of the City in contracting out a Citizen's Survey, City staff has been in contact with the Survey Research Center (SRC) at the University of Arkansas. The Director of SRC, Molly Longstreth, Ph.D, has met with staff and has submitted a proposal to perform a Citizen's Survey for the City of Fayetteville. The proposal is attached to this memo for your information and consideration. Purchasing Considerations The City of Fayetteville is exempt from bidding procedures for this proposal. This is due to State Law § 19-11-251 allowing agreements between Intergovernmental Agencies such as the University of Arkansas. Budget Considerations The cost of contracting out the survey development and implementation will be $23,639.64. In addition to the base cost, staff is requesting an additional $1,360.36 (5.7%) of contingency to be included, making the total requested amount for approval of $25,000. Currently there is sufficient funding available in the Budget & Research Division to fund the requested $25,000 without using additional General Fund balance. This is due to six months of staff vacancies that occurred in 2003. Recommendations Staff recommends approval of the proposal from the University of Arkansas' Survey Research Center for $23,639.64 with a not to exceed amount of $25,000. If you have any questions concerning this survey proposal or the Citizen's Survey process in general, please feel free to contact either myself, Stephen Davis, or Hugh Earnest. Thank you for your attention to this matter. • • UNIVERSITYQ/ARKANSAS maw 123 Hotz Hall • Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701.1201 • (501) 5754222 • (501) 575-2474 (FAX) • src®uark.edu Survey Research Center MEMORANDUM DATE: April 29, 2003 FROM: Molly Longstreth, Ph.D. TA{ Director TO: Hugh Earnest, Chief Administrative Officer Stephen Davis, Finance and Internal Services Director Kevin Springer, Budget Manager City of Fayetteville The proposal with the revised schedule and budget is attached. If you have questions or need additional information, please let me know. Thank you, again, for this opportunity. The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. • • UNIVERSITY4ARKANS AS 123 Hot: Hall • Fayetteville. Arkansas 72701-1201 • (501) 575-4222 • (501) 575-2474 (FAX) • srcCuark.edu Survey Research Center Proposal to Survey Citizens of Fayetteville for the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas April 10, 2003; Revised April 23, 2003 The staff at the Survey Research Center (SRC) are pleased to have the opportunity to propose methods for surveying the citizens of Fayetteville, Arkansas for the City of Fayetteville. Research Design Telephone survey Table 1 provides estimate costs to conduct telephone surveys of citizens including initial letters, for the numbers of completed interviews needed to assure estimated sampling errors of+ 5 percent. Additional Fayetteville households will be screened in order to augment the number of surveys completed by African American and Hispanic/Latino households The interviews are scheduled to take 15 minutes. In addition, the data will be analyzed with at least one multivariate analysis so as to indicate with more confidence phenomena of interest. Table 1 shows the cost of the survey. Ouestionnaire Design & Field Testing The costs estimated herein presume that the SRC would work with officials of the City of Fayetteville to design a questionnaire that addresses the City's objectives for the survey. It is presumed that the 2003 questionnaire will draw on the instrument that the City of Fayetteville used to survey its citizens in 2001. With City officials the SRC would develop additional and/or alternative questions to solicit opinions on issues germane to the current objectives. The estimates include the costs of SRC critiques of the questionnaire, in consultation with the City. In addition, the SRC, in conjunction with the City, would develop the letter, introductory scripts and any desired press releases. The questionnaire and related correspondence must be reviewed by the UA Institutional Review Board (IRB), a process the SRC would facilitate. The IRB reviews the questionnaire and associated correspondence for its suitability for the people who will be surveyed. If the City has the equivalent of the institutional review board, similar to federal government agencies, the SRC would contribute, but presumes the City would facilitate that review process. If time allows, the questionnaire would be tested in at least four ways. SRC staff will critique it. Experienced interviewers would administer it to each other and critique it. Thirdly, a few community members would be asked to review it and their instantaneous responses (stream The University of Arkansas is an equal opporruntry/affumative action institution. • • Proposal to Survey the Citizens of Fayetteville for the City of Fayetteville Survey Research Center. University of Arkansas April 23, 2003 2 of consciousness) would be recorded and analyzed. A convenience sample of community members, chosen for their average or modest reading skills, would be paid an incentive for testing the questionnaire. The SRC would field test approximately 25 questionnaires before beginning the survey. These findings would be shared with City personnel for review. Adjustments to the telephone interview would be made to correct errors or implement desired changes. Prior to the start of telephoning, a letter would be mailed to all sample members for whom addresses are available informing them of the nature of the survey and their important role in taking it. The letter establishes credibility for the survey and prepares recipients to receive the call when it comes. City residents are more amenable to answering telephone surveys if they are aware of the survey. The letter is even more effective than general publicity in informing citizens of the survey. The estimates for interviews with initial letters presume that addresses would match with 30 percent of the randomly generated Fayetteville telephone numbers (Table 1). These estimates presume that the letters would be printed on City of Fayetteville letterhead and mailed in City envelopes. Please note that the letters will be sent to approximately one-third of the 3,065 sample members in Column 2. The remaining sample of 4,397 will be called only. These compose the screening sample. The effectiveness of the research design depends partially on personalizing the mailings. Therefore, the SRC prints the envelopes, rather than using labels and affixes stamps rather than using a machine stamp. Furthermore it is optimal if the City's representative(s) can personally sign the letters. If not, a printed signature may be used. Because the letter increases response rates, the time needed to conduct each survey is reduced. For these estimates, net savings are gained in each case. The larger the sample size, the larger the savings. In addition to the pre -interview letter, it is also recommended that the City, in conjunction with the SRC, prepare a press release or set of press releases so as to inform the 70 percent of residents who would not receive pre -interview letters of the survey and its purposes. Sample For telephone surveys of approximately 373 citizens, the estimated sampling error is + 5 percent if a simple random sample is drawn. The estimates in this proposal presume that a random sample of telephone numbers would be purchased. Initial reports indicate that the coverage of Fayetteville with these numbers would exceed 95 percent.