HomeMy WebLinkAbout67-03 RESOLUTION• •. RESOLUTION NO. 67-03 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF SIXTY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($61,000.00) TO THE OZARK REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENHANCEMENT AND REPAIR OF THE PUBLIC TRANSIT FLEET; AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THAT AMOUNT FOR SAME. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the transfer of funds in the amount of Sixty One Thousand DollarS ($61,000.00) to the Ozark Regional Transit Authority for the purpose of enhancement and repair of the public transit fleet. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a Budget Adjustment in the above amount for same. PASSED and APPROVED this 6th day of May, 2003. By: aA2(. -0 ALS) SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROV By: DAN COODY, Mayor NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Resolution No. 67-03 Document 1 04/15/03 Res. 67-03 w/Ex. A 2 04/23/03 Staff Review Form w/attachments draft resolution memo to mayor and city council letter to Hugh Eamest from Ozark Regional Transit copy of the budget adjustment copy of purchase requisition 3 05/12/03 memo to Hugh Earnest NOTES: • To: Hugh Ernest Chief Administrative Officer From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk's Division Date: May 12, 2003 Re: Resolution 67-03 Attached hereto is a copy of the above resolution passed by the City Council, May 6, 2003, approving the transfer of funds to Ozark Regional Transit Authority for enhancement and repair of the public transit fleet. This resolution also approves a budget adjustment for said purpose. A copy is attached. The original resolution and a copy of the budget adjustment will be microfilmed and filed in the city clerk's office If anything else is needed please let the city clerk's office know. • /cbp Attachment(s) cc. Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor Kevin Springer, Budget & Research X AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW • STAFF REVIEW :ORM • /�� /zOb 7_03 For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: May 6th FROM: Hugh Earnest Name Chief Administrative Officer Division Department A resolution appropriating $61,000 from Street Fund Balance for support of system enhancement and repair for the fleet operated by Ozark regional Transit. Approval of a budget adjustment establishing the appropriation is also requested. COST TO CITY: $61,000.00 $43,436 Transfer to ORT Cost of this request Program Category / Project Name 2100-4100-5723.00 Account Number Project Number $38,319 Funds Used to Date Program. / Project Category Name Street Remaining Balance Fund Name BUDGET REVIEW: Budget 74 Manager Budgeted Item x Budget Adjust^.ent Attached 54e/2�oi Date CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: Alet-uylz24� � A �Q Accounting Manager Date Int rnal Ali CDS itiAr City Attorney 2 Date 1 tor 46? 40.13 Date 4)a403 Purchasing Manager Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of request. Division Head Department ` rector i an e s Internal Services Dir. Cross Reference Date New Item: Rec'd in Mg yor s ,49/4°3 Office X.2 /'/ Yes No Date Previous Ord/Resit: 4:14-- 03 Date 1/17'o%, 777/ Date X343 Date . Orig. Contract Date Orig. Contract Number Description • Comments: Budget Manager Staff Review Form - Page 2 • Meeting Date Reference Comments: Acco nting Manager a/L- cwe DM244._�jQ is �/ n ‘ILS ' , � �A/D-()S /ai 7`{_e 'dU i444, Lap' �d City Attorney J IAo/xai.nlad Purchasing Manager ADA Coordinator Internal Auditor Grants Coordinator • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF SIXTY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($61,000.00) TO THE OZARK REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENHANCEMENT AND REPAIR OF THE PUBLIC TRANSIT FLEET; AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THAT AMOUNT FOR SAME. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the transfer of funds in the amount of Sixty One Thousand DollarS ($61,000.00) to the Ozark Regional Transit Authority for the purpose of enhancement and repair of the public transit fleet. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville hereby approves a Budget Adjustment in the above amount for - PASSED and APPROVED this 6th day of 4y, 2003. ATT By: RA SMITH, City Clerk OODY, Mayor FAYETTEVILLE • THE CRY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS Date: April 17, 2003 From Subject: The Mayor and City Council 1-Iugh Earnest CAO Additional Funding for Ozark Regional Transit Background In 2001 the City Council transferred all of our assets relative to the operation of our "Trolley" system to Ozark Regional Transit. Since that time, the system, which is managed under a contract with First Transit, has achieved some success in putting in place a very basic fixed route system in Fayetteville with a route now serving the Jones Center in Springdale. The individual assigned to this contract by First Transit is a Mr. Phillip Pumphrey. The Regional Transit Authority that hired First Transit is very pleased with the excellent job done by Mr. Pumphrey in managing a regional system with limited resources available for the operation Current Situation While the system has limited resources available to it given the lack of a dedicated funding source for its use, there are one time opportunities that are available within federal funding allocations that can be accessed through local match The city took advantage of just such an opportunity in 2002 when the Council appropriated $70,000 in cash, and $27,500 in in-kind match of equipment to match a Federal Access to Work program. Our monies allowed the system to secure a $200,000 grant which has been used to support a route up the Highway 71 corridor. Over the past several months, Mr. Pumphrey and 1 have been discussing several options for securing some much needed funds for improving the fleet that they operate. We have jointly identified several areas within either equipment replacement or repair where federal funds could be used with a match of 20% local funds. They arc as follows. 6 1 6 4 Totals Project Cutaway buses Shop Truck Gillig Restoration Repair of Trolleys 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 473621.7700 FAX 473676.8267 Total Cost $144,000 $36,000 $75,000 $50,000 $305,000 Fed Cost (80%) $ 115,200 $28,800 $60,000 540 000 $244,000 Local Match $28,800 $7,200 $15,000 510 000 561,000 • • 1 have attached a memo from Mr. Pumphrey detailing the rationale behind these requests. 1 have also asked Mr Pumphrey to attend the Agenda setting meeting on April 29th to answer any questions relative to this request. 1 have also asked him to present a short report on ridership and usage over the past year. Recommendation We are recommending that the Council appropriate $61,000 from the Street Fund balance for use as match. The return to investment from the City and system standpoint is advantageous and is in our best interest in that the system will be able to secure equipment and buses that will materially improve service delivery capability. As we stated several years ago, the ultimate success of this effort to provide a mass transit system for this region depends on identifying and committing a dedicated funding source for this important area. Unfortunately, such an effort just failed in the waning days of the last legislative session. 1t will behoove all of us to continue to work toward a regional solution with respect to funding. • • Ozark Regional Transit Authority P.O. Box 785 2423 East Robinson Springdale, Arkansas 72765-0785 April 17, 2003 Mr. Hugh Earnest, Chief Administrative Officer Fayetteville City Hall 203 Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Hugh: Over the last year, Ozark Regional Transit has taken over the 6th Street route, as well as adding a route from Downtown Fayetteville to the Jones Center in Springdale. These changes as well as the development of a new partnership with Razorback have made many new and improved transportation options available to the citizens of Fayetteville. This work truly could not have been done without the support of the city council, Mayor, City Staff, and yourself. Increased ridership on these new and improved routes validates • their decision to support this project 1 would like to express my gratitude for their support. Although recent legislation introduced this term would have immensely improved transit here as well as across the state, it unfortunately did not pass in this session. ORT has historically operated on a "shoestring" financially speaking. However, there exists an opportunity for the city of Fayetteville to leverage their money to further improve transportation locally. That is because we can purchase and refurbish equipment at a 20% local match, with the Federal Government paying the other 80% of the cost. These four projects include the following: 1. Purchasing 6 new cutaway buses to replace vehicles that have exceeded their useful life of 4 years and/or 175,000 miles, which would reduce our operating and maintenance costs, and allows us to obtain more fuel-efficient vehicles. The amount of this request for the local share is $28,800. 2. The next request is to allow us to buy a shop truck, which we currently do not have. Purchasing a new shop truck would allow us to buy a heavy-duty, 4 wheel drive, and outfit it with a lift gate for loading heavy equipment. Not only would it have a useful life of about 10 years, but it would allow us to respond in all types of weather, provide us a means to tow most of our fleet, which we currently are not equipped to do, as well as carrying more job specific equipment to emergency roadside repairs. Our current shop vehicle is a surplus van, which does not truly Ozark Regional Transit Authority * Telephone (479) 756-5901 * Fax (479) 756-2901 1 2 • • meet our most basic needs. The amount of this request for the local share is S7,200. 3. The next request is to pay for purchase, transporting and refurbishment of the four Gillig buses that we currently have, as well as the purchase and refurbishment of two more Gilligs to provide transportation for the Fayetteville Boys and Girls club Although we had attempted through two grants to pay for this project, both grants fell through. These vehicles are needed because our continued success in attracting riders will necessitate larger vehicles to meet that need. The amount of this request for the local share is S15,000. 4. The final request is for money being spent on the fleet acquired as part of the Job Access Reverse Commute Grant (IARC). These vehicles were or are approaching the end of their useful life, and each of the vehicles has required a large investment of labor and materials to keep them on the road. The amount of this request for the local share is S10,000. The total amount of money requested for the local share is $61,000. The amount of money that this will match is $244,000 from the FTA, for a total amount of $305,000. This match from the city of Fayetteville would make a tremendous difference to our customers as well as to our organization. I would like to thank you in advance for your consideration of request. Sincerely, Philip O. Pu phrey, Executive Director CC: Board of Directors, Ozark Regional Transit Authority Mr. Jeff Hawkins, Executive Director, NWAMPO Mr. Frank Tobey, Area Manager, First Transit Ozark Regional Transit Authority * Telephone (479) 756-5901 * Fax (479) 756-2901 2 Budget Year 2003 Department: Division: Program: • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Budget Adjustment Form Operations Transportation Street Administration • Date Requested 5/6/2003 Adjustment Number Project or Item Requested: $61,000 in the Transfer to Ozark Regional Transit account. Project or Item Deleted: None. From the Street Use of Fund Balance account. Justification of this Increase: Funding is for support of system enhancement and repair for the fleet. Justification of this Decrease: There is sufficient fund balance remaining to comply with City Policy.' Account Name Trans to Ozarks Reg Trans Account Name Use of fund balance Increase Expense (Decrease Revenue) Account Number 2100 4100 5723 00 Decrease Expense (Increase Revenue) Account Number 2100 0910 4999 99 Amount 61,000 Amount 61,000 Project Number Project Number Approval Signatures Requested By Budget Manager art me n Finance & In Mayor ces Director Date y.-/9 —0J Date Date �/ (^22-�3 Date S Date Budget Office Use Only Type: A B C (CO E Date of Approval Posted to General Ledger Posted to Project Accounting Entered in Category Log Date Date Date Date Initial Initial Initial Initis 1 A 1 1 ip • cJ V CI /7 10/44 :anew w 11 x 1 La I i 09 £ fLS nosh nnif. L. ls 1111101oNl tJt 7 4.. off, 'V N Yas �\ .c Z 4 J C