HomeMy WebLinkAbout62-03 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 62-03 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MOBLEY CONTRACTORS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWO DOLLARS AND THIRTY-EIGHT CENTS ($1,644,402.38) FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO OLD MISSOURI ROAD FROM ROLLING HILLS DRIVE TO MUD CREEK; APPROVING A PROJECT CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($164,440.00) AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($79,000.00) FOR SAME. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards a construction contract to Mobley Contractors, Inc. in the amount of One Million Six Hundred Forty -Four Thousand Four Hundred Two Dollars and Thirty -Eight Cents ($1,644,402.38) for improvements to Old Missouri Road from Rolling Hills Drive to Mud Creek. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a Project Contingency in the amount of One Hundred Sixty - Four Thousand Four Hundred Forty Dollars ($164,440.00). Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment in the amount of Seventy -Nine Thousand Dollars ($79,000.00) for same. 7 ',.Y EP4SSED and APPROVED this 6th day of May, 2003. •1- •; 1 .%•'\, CJ �f m I f,^, • 1 • 1, • : • ALIT By. 40441 / / SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By: DAN COODY, Mayor • ►> MICR FILMED STAFF REVIEW FORM — FINANCIAL OBLIGATION AGENDA REQUEST x CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of N/A (for Mayor's approval) FJv6 f At z -03 FROM Sid Norbash Name Engineering Division CP& E Department ACTION REQUIRED: Approval of the Change Order No. 1 to the Construction Contract with Mobley Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $85,856.49 for OId Missouri Road Improvements Project. COST TO CITY: $85,856.49 Cost of this Request 4470-9470-5809-00 Account Number 00050-0020 Project Number $ 164,440.00 Contingency Category/Project Budget 2003 $7./50.00 Funds Used To Date 2003 $ 156~690 00 Remaining Balance 2003 OId Missouri Impvts Phase 1 Program Category/Project Name Street Improvements Fiogram/Project Category Name Sales Tax Fund Name BU . .T . EVI Budget Manager Budgeted Item 3,R.o� Date Budget Adjustment Attached CONTRACT/GRA /LEASE REVIEW: J e%y Accounting Manager Date City Attorne ram.. tiAcc-SIS Internal AudWor Date r—� Date 3/47s c/ Purchasing Manager Date ST RECOMMENDATION: Approval of C.O. #1 epartment a vector 3 nit a ices s m tor of mi I ayor ccr Date -/0-0 ate Received in Mayor's Office Cross Reference : Prey Ord t�cs N: 62-03) Orig. Contract Date: May 6, 2003 Orig. Contract No: 902 New Item: Yes No X • • • • STAFF REVIEW FORM Description Old Missouri Road Improvements, Construction contract C.O. #1 Meeting Date N/A Comments: Reference Comments: Budget Manager Accounting Manager Internal Auditor City Attorney Page 2 Purchasing Manager Finance and Internal Services Director Chief Administrative Officer • Construction Contract Chanes Order Old Missouri Road Improvements Change Order No. 1 •,79 //�� JAN — 9 200044 v ' �i�Y(10_2 Gf tt - Y;s/c-(1 Ower City of Fayenevilk 113 West Mountain Fayeuevilk, AR 72701 Project Name Number (CIPB) 0106-6050 (Bid No. 03-20) Date Prepared January 9. 2004 ConInctor Mobky Contncmxs - 705 Hatcher Springdak AR 72764 Phone 479-872-2253: Fax 479-872.2285 Description of Wort Included In Contract Asphalt pavement reconstmction and widening embankment cnnsrnrction. sidcwalksinds and access ramps. driveways. curb and gutter. reinforced concrete retaining walls. storm drainage pipe and sl ai res. and water and sewer line relocation. Changes and Rnsom Ordered (List Individual Changes as: A. B. C. 1). etc.) A Revised Quantity - The City revised the guanuly as descnhed The City -selected color of Solomon Color 1242 for the Concrete Retaining Wall with Textured Finish had an unles'sabk appearance and was rejected by The Ciry. The City replaced Solonnn Color M242 with Solomon Custom Color 16061303 12.5 RNC) of Solomon Color 1242 wn required in the original 'es -bid' concrete ma design. However. 25 lbs'cy of Solomon Custom Color/6061303 is requited for the new concrete mux design The new contract unit pace in:hwks the cost for this ahhl,nal color. B Added Item - The City Meter Operations directed the Contractor m provide and install pressure regulator behind the proposed water meters fur Butterfield Tail Ekmcnary School and Fayemealk Health and Rehabilitation Center. The pressure regulators and assorted piping wen 110t a part of the original contract, and should be considered an additional item C Revised Quantity - The City revised the quantity as described. The City ekced to repbce the existing 4-F7 sidewalk along the west side of Oki Missoun Road (Sta. 13+75 to Su 26-00) with a 6 -FT unbuffered sidewalk. I) Revised Quantity - The Ctry revised the quantity as described. The City is currently making improvements on Rolling Hills Dnve near die intenectnn of Old Missouri Rind and Rolling Hills Drive. Pan of the City's mtprovenens in l de replacing appmxurately 24 LF. of 24' Reinforced Concrete Pipe on the southwest comer of the unersectwn At an on-site meeting with the Contractor. the City directed Mobley Contractor to replace this seam of pipe wider de OM Missouri Rmd contract. E Revised Quantity - the depth of rock significantly varied between the geotechnkal borings along die northern section of the pmlwned improvements. The rock encountered (between the borings) during the sanitary sewer excavation wa. as shallow as Cinches below existing asphalt. There fixe, the estimated quantity was exceeded Contract Changes Bid Item No Bid Item Description Original Estimated Quantity Unn Contract Unit Price Revised Estimated Quantity Negotiated C . or As -Bid Pett Onginal Estimated Cont Revised Estimated Cosi A SP -10-3.2 Extra Color for Concrete Retaining Wall with Textured Finish 135 Cl' 5584.69 335 5596.52 5195.871.15 5199,8.34.20 II Extra Item No. 1 Treasure Regulator and Assorted Piping 0 EA 50.00 2 51,905.69 50.00 53.811.38 C 116-5.11 Concrete Sidewalk /Trail 3,500 SY 531.13 3,850 531.13 5108,955.00 5119,850.50 D 134.1h 24" RNafoned Concrete Pipe. Cass 111 38 I.F 576.84 62 576.84 52.919.92 54.76.08 E U8-5.1 Utility Rock Excavation 350 CI' 5136.13 830 5136.13 547,645.50 5112,987.90 5 mmalioo of ('rot 5355.391.57 5441,248.06 Net Coat for obis Change Order 585,856.49 Estimated Project Cost Estimated Project Cost Time Orange' Onginal Contract Date lune 3. 2003 Original Contract Construction Days (calendar days) 270 Additional Cakndar Days granted by this Change Order 45 New Contract Construction Tune (calendar days) 315 New Construction Completion Date April 13, 2004 Original Contract Amount 51,644,402.38 Prenously Approved Changes 50.00 This Change Order 585,856.49 New Contract Anaunr 51,730,258.87 THIS AGREEMENT 15 SUBJECT T(1 AI.I. ORIGINAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS ISSUED FOR REASONS INDICATED ABOVE R/LA& --a/y} ss� //�'�� 65{4 rC.P.� C eS/LA/ 6,15/.✓Oita �/ iPI 107 Engineer's Signature Title Date ACCEPTED BY CONTRACTOR a . - ' 0 kip Contnctoes Signs fee Title toG APPROVED BY OWNER / • %//� ���'�l1' — Mf ifs Signature / n FAYETTEVItLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS • DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Dan Coody, Mayor Thru: Hugh Earnest, CAO Tim Conklin, Director CP&E Gary Coover, City Engineer From: Sid Norbash, Staff Engineer Date: March 2, 2004 Re: Old Missouri Rd. Improvements Project Change Order #1 to the Construction Contract with Mobley Contractors, Inc. Background: The above referenced project is a Capital Improvement Project, which has been funded for construction for 2003-2004. The purpose of this project is to improve Old Missouri Road from Rolling I Tills to Brookhaven, as well as installation of mayor drainage improvements. Status: The construction phase of this project began in May 2003. At this time this project is approximately 70% completed Progress on this project has been delayed because a significant amount of solid rock excavation was required in order to install the new water and sewer mains Although 350 cubic yards of solid rock excavation was estimated by the engineers, the actual excavation exceeded this amount by another 480 cubic yards. Garver Engineers' letter of explanation is attached. Change of Scope: In addition to the solid rock excavation quantity there are other items of work that the • • contractor is being asked to perform per City Staffs request. These items are described below. (1) More solid rock was encountered than was estimated by the Engineer. This quantity change is an addition of 480 C Y. to the original estimated quantity of 350 C.Y. of solid rock excavation making the total 830 C.Y For more details regarding this item please refer to the attached letter by Garver Engineers, dated 1/10/04. The cost of this item is $65,342.40 (2) A portion of the existing sidewalk on West side of Old Missouri Rd. and North of Eaton Street was to be salvaged and left in place. The contract called for this sidewalk to be cut and replaced in various driveways and approaches These new patches would have created a very uneven appearance, and in many instances the elevation of the new curb did not quite match the old sidewalk. This added approximately 350 S.Y. of sidewalk to the contract. The cost of this item is $10,895.50. (3) The final color that was chosen by the City Staff was different from the one bid by the contractor. The color that was picked for bid appeared too pink, and had to be changed. The chosen color simply required more paint because it was darker. The cost of this item is $3,963.05. (4) Pressure Regulators and assorted piping were required by the meter division for Butterfield School and Fayetteville Health and Rehabilitation Center. These items were not included in the contract. The cost of this item is 53,811.38. (5) Approximately 24 feet of 24" storm sewer pipe was required to be replaced at the southwest corner of the intersection of Old Missouri Rd. and Stubblefield Rd., because the existing pipe was damaged and the alignment was not correct. The cost of this item is $1,844.16. • • (6) Because of the change of quantities and scope, Mobley requested that 65 additional days be added to the contract time. After negotiations with the City Staff and Garver Engineers, it was agreed upon by all parties involved that 45 additional days be allowed. Recommendations: The Staff recommends approval of Change Order #1 to the existing contract with Mobley Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $85,856.49. Also addition of 45 calendar days to the contract time. Funding: From the contingency funds. The Council has approved a project contingency in the amount of $164,440.00, per Resolution No. 62-03 (copy attached). Contingency $164,440.00 Used to date $ 7,750.00 (Eng. Contract Amndmt. #3) Balance $156,690.00 SN/sn Attachments: copy of Change Order #1 copy of Resolution 62-03 Garver Engineers' letter • RESOLUTION NO. 62-03 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MOBLEY CONTRACTORS, INC IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWO DOLLARS AND THIRTY-EIGHT CENTS ($1,644,402.38) FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO OLD MISSOURI ROAD FROM ROLLING HILLS DRIVE TO MUD CREEK; APPROVING A PROJECT CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($164,440.00) AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($79,000.00) FOR SAME BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards a construction contract to Mobley Contractors, Inc. in the amount of One Million Six Hundred Forty -Four Thousand Four Hundred Two Dollars and Thirty -Eight Cents ($1,644,402.38) for improvements to Old Missouri Road from Rolling Hills Drive to Mud Creek. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a Project Contingency in the amount of One Hundred Sixty - Four Thousand Four Hundred Forty Dollars ($164,440.00). Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment in the amount of Seventy -Nine Thousand Dollars ($79,000.00) for same. -•F "4 r PAS ED and APPROVED this 6th day of May, 2003. 4' •i'Nit cilip„ r 4: : �.\ ` . • •• BY: arldal q9 SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVE& By: DAN COODY, Mayor • Garver, Int. Engneers 3810 Front Street. Suite 10 Fayetteville. AR 72703 479-527-91W FAX 479-527.9101 WAN/ 9arverInc corn January 10, 2004 Sid Norbash City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE• Old Missouri Road Improvements - Requested Information Garver Project No. 0106-6050 Dear Sid: • scar GARVERIENGINEERS Please allow us to respond to your requests in your letter dated January 7, 2004. We have enclosed the information you requested regarding rock excavation and contract time extension for the Old Missouri Road Improvements project. This letter will provide additional information regarding items A and C, as referenced in your letter. We have enclosed a letter from Ron Mobley, Vice President of Mobley Contractors, Inc., dated January 8, 2004, which addresses your item 13. Item A — Rock Quantities We have enclosed the calculations and methods we used in estimating the rock excavation quantity for the bid item "Utility Rock Excavation." We plotted the known rock elevations (discovered from the borings), as shown on enclosed Plan Sheets 25 and 26. These sheets show the geotechnical boring locations and the depth of rock encountered during the boring. We estimated the rock excavation quantity for the sanitary sewer improvements as shown on the attached spreadsheets. As you know from working with us we spend significant effort to protect our clients' interests, especially the City of Fayetteville, and we appreciate the good working relationship we have with you. Because the rock excavation quantity we estimated originally was substantially low (before you requested this) we reviewed our procedures for estimating the quantity. We believe our estimates were reasonable based on the information we had available from the geotechnical investigation. We hope you will agree after reviewing the information presented. The problems were that the depth to rock varied substantially between the borings, the rock was just beneath the surface in several locations, and rock was even encountered during waterline construction. Four borings and three pavement cores were taken along the proposed improvements. All borings are near the waterline improvements and three of these borings are near the sanitary sewer improvements, where the majority of rock was encountered. The borings were concentrated more along the north • portion of the project, where the rock was encountered, to provide design guidance for the retaining walls, the sewer line construction, and other earthwork. Since the south end of the project was primarily an overlay of the existing street, the investigation was primarily limited to pavement coring. Examples of varying rock depths and extremely shallow rock can be seen at both the Sweetbriar and Elaine Avenue intcrscctions. The rock encountered on the 66 linear feet of sewer extending up Sweetbriar Avenue was less than 6 -inches below the top of asphalt. Also, the Contractor encountered rock less than one foot below the top of asphalt at the Elaine Avenue intersection. Encountering rock at this shallow depth required the Contractor to excavate rock even for the waterline construction in this Brentwood. TN • Fayetteville. AR • Huntsville. AL • Little Rock. AR • Madison. MS • Topeka, KS • Tulsa. OK Mr. Sid Norbash January 9, 2004 • • Page 2 of 3 area In order to provide the 36 -inches of minimum cover over the proposed 8 -inch waterline, and install the City -directed encasement pipe at various locations, the Contractor had to excavate over 130 cubic yards of rock for the waterline. Encountering rock at this shallow of a depth also delayed the waterline construction in this area. In addition to the additional quantity, the density of rock is a signficant reason for the delay in construction on the northern section of the roadway. In order to help schedule his work, the Contractor, at his own cost, had the density of the rock determined. Test results indicated certain sections of the rock had hearing pressures greater that 10,800 psi. With this knowledge, the Contractor investigated the option of blasting the rock in order to expedite the schedule. The blasting company determined the proposed sewer line was too close to other in-place utilities and therefore not an option. In an effort to maintain the construction schedule on this portion of the roadway, the Contractor has replaced the hoe - ram's rock hammer with a new special tip hammer and has worked longer hours and extended his work -week. So, thc obvious question is whether we should accomplish morc subsurface investigation during design. The geotechnical services fee for this project was $3,660. We have reviewed geotechnical fees for our recent and current street projects, similar in size to this project, for several municipalities and have determined that fees typically range from $3,000 to $5000. To gain more confidence in estimating rock excavation quantities and thc associated cost, the geotechnical services fee could easily double or triple. More borings would be required and potentially testing of the rock to determine density. Given the history of expectations for geotechnical fees by municipalities, we believe a proposed fee of $10,000 or more would have been rejected during contract negotiation for this project. However, we would be glad to work with the City to develop a more effective strategy for determining the appropriate amount and types of geotechnical services for your future projects. Just as a point of interest, we have not encountered this problem on any of our other projects in Fayetteville or Northwest Arkansas. Item C — Contractor's Progress Regarding thc Contractor's ability to work on the balance of the project during the excavation of this rock, we offer the following. Due to the roadway being raised, retaining wall and other construction, and no available corridor to detour traffic, the road is closed to traffic from Stubblefield to Elaine. As stated in our January 5, 2004 letter, the proposed sewer must be constructed, tested, and in service before the existing line can be abandoned. Once the old line is abandoned, the roadway embankment can be constructed followed by the pavement and curb and gutter. As shown on Change Order No. 1, the City has requested the Contractor to add several work items to his contract, primarily on the southern portion of the project. To date, the Contractor has accomplished a majority of these items but did not previously request additional time. The Contractor is only asking for the time lost on northern section of the improvements. Except for the final lift of surface course and pavement markings, the Contractor believes the southern portion of thc project can be finished by the original contract date. The only additional significant construction remaining on the southern portion includes driveways, ditch paving, and topsoiling. The Contractor believes he can maintain the current traffic flow while constructing these improvements. He also believes he can re -open the Stubblefield Road intersection to traffic by the original contract date. Therefore, the only remaining major construction would he north of Stubblefield, which is currently closed to traffic. We agree that additional time is warranted due to the limited construction activity on the northern section of the roadway. We recommend the City require the southern end of the project, south of Stubblefield Road, to be substantially complete as described in this letter by the original contract date. • Mr. Sid Norbash January 9, 2004 • • Page 3 of 3 There are minor construction items that could have been accomplished north of Elaine Avenue, but these items should not require a large amount of time. For the northern portion, we believe 45 additional calendar days is reasonable. This would place the end of construction in mid April, two weeks after the Contractor's current anticipated completion date. In conclusion, as stated in our December 4, 2003 letter, please know that we are carefully monitoring the work and will closely track the cost of the remaining pay items individually and in summary. In an effort to protect the City's interests, when rock was first encountered, our geotechnical engineer evaluated the rock to determine if it met the qualifications for "rock" as described in the specifications and helped us establish standards for qualification of rock for the remainder of the project. Since that time, Garver has been closely monitoring rock excavation with respect to qualification and quantity. Being able to foresee this overrun, we have been proactively making field adjustments in order to help offset this additional cost wherc appropriate. Examples of these adjustments include: > Raising portions of the sanitary sewcr profile where practical to reduce trench depth and rock excavation > Reducing the solid sodding quantity and seeding where applicable > Sparing the use of water for dust control > Relocating proposed sanitary sewer manholes to reduce the overall sanitary sewer length We are also tracking potential savings in othcr pay items involving waterline improvements, modular block retaining wall, and chain-link fence. Currently the final construction cost is projected to be approximately $1,730,250, which is 5% over the total original contract amount of $1,644,402. We are available to meet with you at your convenience to discuss any of these issues. If you have any questions, please call me. Respectfully, GARVER 1 ENGINEERS 1 • Kip Guthrie, PE Project Engineer CC: Ron Mobley JP.1 Jan 09 04 10:59a Gallo Fayetteville 47952 01 Jan -07-04 11:15 Mobley Contractors SO1 271 814 a Mobley CONTRACTORS, RK. 70i 1Lacher til laic. AR 72764 • Oface (179) 672-2253 1ax1479)a72-2285 TRANSMISSION BY FACSIMILIE (479) 527-9101 January 8, 2004 Mr Scott Bowles Garver Engineers. Inc. 3810 Front Street Suite 10 Fayetteville, AR 72703 RE: Old Missouri Road Improvements Time extension request explanation Dear Mr. Bowles: Mobley Contractors. Inc. earlier requested a time extension for the contract on the referenced project. This appeal was based on an unexpected amount of rock excavation for the sanitary sewer construction. Sanitary sewer work started on September 9, 2003. Although a total of fifty-five calendar days were scheduled for this installation, it has continued for one hundred twenty calendar days. To date rock excavation has reached 774.16 CY that is mom than double the original estimate quantity. The time extension request was determined by the sixty-five day difference between the estimated and actual days spent on installation of the sanitary sewer system. Although we anticipate completion in late March of 2004, our request is for the total impact of sanitary sewer construction delay. 0 you require further information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, MOBLEY CONTRACTORS, INC. 4 kik-4-11,-;_. Ron F. Mobley, Jr. Vice President RFM.Jr/sr P .01 • FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY Of FAYETIIVILLE. ARKANSAS • DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Sid Norbash Engineering Division �/�,p From: Clarice Buffalohead Pearman t''e City Clerk Division Date: March 15, 2004 Re: Mobley Contractors, Inc. I have attached three copy of the original change order signed by the mayor to the agreement with Mobley Contractors. This agreement will be recorded in the city clerk's office and microfilmed. If anything else is needed please let the clerk's office know. /cbp attachment(s) cc. Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor •• p...c3 MICROFILMED 11)2 - STAFF REVIEW FORM — FINANCIAL OBLIGATION AGENDA REQUEST x CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of N/A (for Mayor's approval) et/ Nlay eoM l lt't:;tnI % %rH, d ,n-vn FROM: , / Sid Norbash .('�✓ Engineering CP& E Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: Approval of the Amendment No. 3 to the Engineering Contract with Garver, Inc. Engineers in the amount of $7,750.00 for Old Missouri Road Improvements Project. COST TO CITY: 7,750.00 Lost of this Request 4470-9470-5809-00 Account Number 00050-0010 Project Number $ 1,957,518 Category/Project Budget 2003 $1.779.069 Funds Ustd To Date 2003 $178,449 Remaining Balance 2003 Old Missouri Impvts. Phase I Program Category/Project Name Street Im rovements Program/Project ra Category ategory Name Saes Tax Fund Name BUDGET ?VIEW: x Budgeted Item Budget Manager Date Budget Adjustment Attached COTRACT/G$ANT/LEASE REVIEW: aAditt _ aoticzi7/7lGy c„.A.cs)uctSg Man.agL/�� D2( vott City Attorney Date �//////''''''������tI -r�,,- 11710y Int 1/1 it) Date Purchasing Manager STAFF RECOMMENDATION: s ent I_ ector mance : . t Inte Approval LE4p.0 ate f Date ose • ices erector D / - /-11 -O e nicer ate 4291 0 Date Received in Mayor's Office Cross Reference • Prev Ord/Res #: 62-03 Orig. Contract Date: May 6, 2003 Orig. Contract No: 902 New Item: Yes_ No jS batt- • • STAFF REVIEW FORM Description Old Missouri Road Improvements. Engineenng contract Amendment #3 Meeting Date N/A Comments: Reference Comments: Budget Manager Accounting Manager Internal Auditor City Attorney Page 2 Purchasing Manager Finance and Internal Services Director Chief Administrative Officer FAYETTE`CI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS i DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Dan Coady, Mayor Thru: Hugh Earnest, CAO Tim Conklin, Director CP&E Gary Coover, City Engineer From: Date: Re: Sid Norbash, Staff Engineer December 19, 2003 ,/ Old Missouri Rd. Improvements Project Amendment #3 to the Engineering Contract With Garver, Inc. Engineers Background: The above referenced project is a Capital Improvement Project, which has been funded for construction for 2003. The purpose of this project is to improve Old Missouri Road from Rolling Hills to Brookhaven. Status: The construction phase of this project began in May 2003. At this time this project is approximately 60% completed. Change of Scope: In order to meet schedule, Mobley Contractors, Inc. officially requested to begin construction on Old Missouri Rd. starting May 19, 2003. At the time of Mobley's request to start, Butterfield School was still in session until June 3, 2003, and it was not feasible to close Old Missouri Rd. to the public. It was decided by the Staff that in order to establish a more reasonable schedule for construction, and to complete that portion of the construction in front of Butterfield Elementary School before school re -opens on August 18, 2003, Mobley Contractors, Inc be allowed to start mobilization traffic signage and clearing and grubbing without being charged time. This resulted in 20 extra days of • i construction management for Garver Engineers, from 270 calendar days to 290 days. The Staff was observing to see if in fact the construction time will actually go beyond the projected date, to see if amending the contract is needed. In the meanwhile solid rock was encountered during the installation of water and sewer lines, which slowed the progress. It is anticipated that the completion of the construction will go beyond the original estimated 270 days, and that the contractor will ask for additional days. This is mostly due to encountering solid rock excavation. Since it is required that the Engineer be authorized for the extra days of construction management, prior to the actual work, the Staff is submitting this amendment for approval. The Engineer's estimate of the cost of construction management was based on 270 days of construction, the additional cost for the extra 20 days needs to be approved and added to the Engineer's contract by approval of Amendment #3. Recommendations: The Staff recommends approval of Amendment #3 to the existing contract with Garvers, Inc. Engineers, in the amount $7,750.00. Funding: From the contingency funds. The Council has approved a project contingency in the amount of $164,440.00, per Resolution No. 62-03 (copy attached). SN/sn Attachments: copy of Amendment #3 Copy of Resolution 62-03 • RESOLUTION NO. 62-03 MICRO]FILMED A RESOLUTION AWARDING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MOBLEY CONTRACTORS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWO DOLLARS AND THIRTY-EIGHT CENTS ($1,644,402.38) FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO OLD MISSOURI ROAD FROM ROLLING HILLS DRIVE TO MUD CREEK; APPROVING A PROJECT CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FORTY DOLLARS ($164,440.00) AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF SEVENTY-NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($79,000.00) FOR SAME. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby awards a construction contract to Mobley Contractors, Inc. in the amount of One Million Six Hundred Forty -Four Thousand Four Hundred Two Dollars and Thirty -Eight Cents ($1,644,402.38) for improvements to Old Missouri Road from Rolling Hills Drive to Mud Creek. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a Project Contingency in the amount of One Hundred Sixty - Four Thousand Four Hundred Forty Dollars ($164,440.00). Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment in the amount of Seventy -Nine Thousand Dollars ($79,000.00) for same. EP,4SE SD and APPROVED this 6w day of May, 2003. �' s - f /• • •. i 6I ta•socil � re: � 1 3 •\Ifl:i7' A 0 By: , ALA SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED By: DAN COODY, Mayor Cartier, Inc. Engineers 3810 Fron; Street. Sado 10 Fayetiewile. AR 72703 479.527.9100 FAX 479-527-9101 www garverinc corn December 17, 2003 Mr. Sid Norbash City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 _a_gwt Ems' DEC 1 8 2003 GARVERIENGINEERS Re: Old Missouri Road Improvements Professional Engineering Services Contract Amendment No. 3 - Revised Dear Sid: Please consider this letter as our revised proposed Amendment No. 3 (originally submitted May 12, 2003) to our original engineering services contract for Old Missouri Road Improvements dated February 20, 2001. At your direction, we have increased the allowable construction time for Mobley Contractors from 270 to 290 calendar days in our letter to Mobley Contractors dated May 8, 2003. Since our agreement for construction support services is based on a construction contract time of 270 calendar days, we are requesting an amendment to provide our services for the additional time the City has given to the Contractor. Your approval of this amendment will allow the NTE amount for Construction Support Services to increase from $104,375 to S112,125, an increase of $7,750. We understand that the City has been waiting to see if the Contractor would finish construction early, potentially making this amendment unnecessary. However, with the additional amount of rock excavation encountered during construction of the sewer line, the Contractor will likely request additional time, even though he has not requested additional time to date. Please indicate your approval by signing in the space provided below. As always, we appreciate the opportunity to provide professional services to the City of Fayetteville and look forward to successful completion of this project. Please call me with any questions or comments. Thank you. Sincerely, GARVER ENGINEERS Brock Hoskins, P.E. Vice President/Project Manag. Approved:AL Title: Date: cc: Gary Coovcr/Tim Conklin Brentwood. TN • Fayetteville. AR • Huntsville. AL • time Rock, AR • Madison. MS • Topeka. KS • TuLsa. OK $l ; • . . . Hi 6 1 . AI ;2 . . 0 3E8 e 3 a . . 0 1 6 e . 0 . . �L38 0 ii : . . . I g t . . . . 11 ;t . . . . 11 R r ed;l; 0 . . . 2 . 1 8. 15 . . . . Mg ` • . • . M ; 1 . L - - r 1 IIIji ilai � ft Ifi nJI it 1 {g !!t 8i 11 $ w 311 $: i