HomeMy WebLinkAbout46-03 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO, 46-03 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND MOUNT SEQUOYAH ASSEMBLY, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF ABOUT 67 ACRES OF LAND FOR $1,300,000.00 AND A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $600,000.00 AS FIRST YEAR'S PAYMENT WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville desires to purchase about 67 acres of land on the east side of Mount Scquoyah now owned by Mount Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. to be used primarily as a nature park, preserving the natural habitat as much as possible with nature trails, picnic areas, benches, etc. and with small parking lots near access areas; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville invites the purchase of its development rights to this property by the Fayetteville Natural Heritage Committee for conveyance to the Ozark Land Trust; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville intends to work with adjoining landowners to allow them to purchase small buffer areas (as their backyards) along the edge of this property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the Offer and Acceptance Contract between the City and Mount Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. (attachcd as Exhibit A) in which the City purchases about 67 acres of Mount Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. land for $1,300,000.00. The City Council expressly authorizes Mayor Coody to sign the S700,000.00 mortgage note described in the Offer and Acceptance contract. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves the budget adjustment in the amount of $600,000.00 as the first year's payment on the 67 -acre purchase. PASSED and APPROVED this the Im day of April, 2003. a •• so e • • APPROVED: 7 / ▪ . a • / 1. I • • :0 v.! • , ,. By • : / • Alc STi ••• By. Sondra.Smith, City Cler .. • .../ .•. ' DA COODY, Mayor OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE CONTRACT 1. The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, a municipal corporation, offers to buy, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the following descnbed property: The East 895 feet of the Southeast Quarter (SE%) of the Northeast Quarter (NE'!.) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, Washington County, Arkansas, being all that part of said 40 acre tract not included in the plat of Western Methodist Assembly subdivision to the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas, containing 27.12 acres, more or less, and The Southwest Quarter (SW%) of the Northwest Quarter (NW%) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, Washington County, Arkansas, containing 40 acres more or less. 2 Purchase Price Subject to the following conditions, the City of Fayetteville shall, pay $ 1,300,000 to Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc., an Arkansas non-profit corporation, for the described property, which includes a cash payment of $ 600,000 at the time of closing and a mortgage note in the principal amount of $ 700,000, payable in five (5) annual installments of $140,000.00 plus 3% per annum interest on the unpaid balance, the first installment being due on the anniversary date of this contract and such date each year thereafter for the following four (4) years. The City of Fayetteville shall have the right to prepay the principal amount due, plus accrued interest, at any time. It is understood that the City of Fayetteville shall have full access to such land(s) and may implement improvements to said land in their normal course of improvement and maintenance of park or trails areas. Contingent Earnest Money Deposit: The City of Fayetteville shall, within two weeks after the full execution of this contract, tender a check for $ 13,000 to Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc., as earnest money, which shall apply on the purchase price and credited toward the cash payment at closing . This offer of purchase is contingent upon approval of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and, if they do not so approve, the earnest money deposit will be returned to the City of Fayetteville by the Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc.. If title requirements are not fulfilled or if Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. fails to fulfill any obligations under this contract, the eamest money shall be promptly refunded to the City of Fayetteville. If the City of Fayetteville fails to fulfill his obligations under this contract or after all conditions have been met, the City of Fayetteville fails to close this transaction, the earnest money shall become liquidated damages to Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. OFFER- AND ACCEPTANI CONTRACT Page 2 of 5 • 4. Conveyance and Limited Land Use: Conveyance will be made to the City of Fayetteville by General Warranty Deed,. This conveyance shall include mineral rights owned by the Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. The City of Fayetteville intends to use this land as a nature park, preserving the natural habitat as much as possible with nature trails, picnic areas, benches, etc., and small parking lots at access areas. Except where necessary to access the park, the trails and picnic areas shall not be located near existing homes. The City of Fayetteville shall invite the purchase of its development rights for this acreage by the Fayetteville Natural Heritage Committee for their conveyance of development rights to the Ozark Regional Land Trust. 5. Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. shall furnish a policy of title insurance in the amount of the purchase price from a title insurance company as selected by the City of Fayetteville. The City of Fayetteville and Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. shall equally share in the cost of said insurance policy. Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. agrees to allow the City of Fayetteville, if the City of Fayetteville so desires, at City of Fayetteville's expense, to survey the property. Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. agrees to cure any title problems which may result from any differences between the recorded legal descriptions of the property and the survey description. Said title problems, if any, must be solved prior to closing to the satisfaction of the City of Fayetteville. 7. Taxes and special assessments due on or before closing shall be paid by the Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc.. Insurance, general taxes, ad valorem taxes, special assessments and rental payments shall be prorated as of closing. Closing costs, except those heretofore mentioned, shall be equally shared between the City of Fayetteville and Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. 8. The closing date shall be within sixty ( 60 ) days after approval of this contract by the Fayetteville City Council. (,im. v act 9. Possession of the property shall be delivered to the City of Fayetteville on the date of closing. 10. Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. hereby grants permission for the City of Fayetteville or its employees or designates to enter the above described property and improvements for the purpose of inspection and/or surveying. 11. All fixtures, improvements and attached equipment are included in the purchase price. 12. Risk of loss or damage to the property by fire or other casualty occurring up to the time of closing is assumed by Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc.. • OFFER AND ACCEPTANPE CONTRACT Page 3 of 5 • 13. Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. shall disclose to the City of Fayetteville any and all environmental hazards of which Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. has actual knowledge. Upon acceptance of all conditions and terms of this Offer and Acceptance, the City of Fayetteville and Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. shall share equally the costs of any and all testing for the existence of environmental hazards. Should the existence of environmental hazards be known or determined, Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. shall cure such, at Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc.'s expense, or in the alternative, at the City of Fayetteville's discretion, the City of Fayetteville may cure such environmental hazard, and Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. shall indemnify the City of Fayetteville for all costs associated with said cure. 14. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arkansas. 15. This agreement, when executed by both the City of Fayetteville and Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. shall contain the entire understanding and agreement of the parties with respect to the matters referred to herein and shall supersede all price or contemporaneous agreements, representations and understanding with respect to such matters, and no oral representations or statements shall be considered a part hereof. 16. This contract expires, if not accepted by the Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. on or before the 28th day of February 2003. 17. NOTICE: THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, ASSERTS AND MT. SEQUOYAH ASSEMBLY, INC. HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THIS OFFER IS EXPRESSLY CONTINGENT UPON THE APPROVAL OF THIS OFFER OF PURCHASE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF FAYETTEVILLE AND THAT THE FAILURE OF THE COUNCIL TO SO APPROVE WILL MAKE ALL PORTIONS OF THIS OFFER NULL AND VOID, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE RETURN TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE OF THE $ 13 000 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT. • • OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE CONTRACT Page 4 of 5 Mt. Sequoyah Asse bl nc. arles allace, ehaimiatiTrtskci-oni WITNESS: City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, a muni al corpo tion Dan Coody, Mayor 100vtia.) nev;Liki Sondra Smith, City Clerk Date: • Date: Date: 24/D Date: c9/3/40 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this date, before the undersigned, a duly commissioned and acting Notary Public within and for said County and State, personally appeared Dr.Charles Wallace MUM refircse eta Mt Tr •-• ST CP c to me well known as the persoAwho executed the foregoing document, and who stated and acknowledged that thestssettlmtabaiffixamang he is r' -,c r err of Mt. Seouoyah assembly. Inc. andaili? duly authorized to execute the foregoing instsurarl for and in the name and behalf of said corporation, and further stated and acknowledged that tfiey so signed, executed and delivered said instrument for the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. WITNESS my hand and seal on this f ifTh day of Cc fpr -J cacti 2003. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ci - a 9 OFFICIAL SEAL A. WIWSTINE SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC - ARKANSAS WASHINGTON COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 12-09-2004 Notary Public • OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE CONTRACT Page 5 of 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this date, before the undersigned, a duly commissioned and acting Notary Public within and for said County and State, personally appeared Dan Coody and Sondra Smith, to me well known as the persons who executed the foregoing document, and who stated and acknowledged that they are the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, a municipal corporation, and are duly authorized in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing instrument for and in the name and behalf of said municipal corporation, and further stated and acknowledged that they had so signed, executed and delivered said instrument for the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. WITNESS my hand and seal on this day of /LiEricaidges' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: eV- 2o /o 2003. 1* EDWARD D. CONNELL Washfrgtoncounty my CC111nssionEip1ms 1,2010 Notarv Public t4, „ ILL() goitiRECORD--.- PEED OFTRUST .02-11kN ,• 2$1,,,fIgi,14- SI: - - ., • .,, • Date: Dearnter 31,21101 e,f.,WAS il I NeTON CO as:. • - -1: Grantor : MOUNT SEQUOYAFI ASSEMBLY, NC, an Arlentats regirpriftleiinprition, (trinatriyini,, .. . - :...t 2-...,-.. known as WESTERN METHODIST ASSEMBL.Y, a conioradon) by arid itiningh us ' . , :,.. authorized npossentative CHARLES WALLACE, pursuant to take of -the BOARD OF:. ; . - : TRUSTEES of MOLINT SEQUCIYAH.ASSEMBLY, INC, 7the Acnitihli." . Grantor's Man Address Cuthiding county): 150 NM Sicyfue Drive Payee -vane Wasbiogton County, Adaroas.72701. Trustee : PATRICIA R. SPRAYBERRY-HAIL Trustee's Mng Address (Inducting county): 3215 West 4th Sheet, Fon Worth, Tarrant Cowry, Teas 76107 Beneficiary: THE FOUNDATION OF THE CENTRAL TEXAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE. OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, a Toms on -profit corporation doing busbies esnbe CENTRAL TEXAS METHODIST FOUNDATION (the Foundation tt) Beneficiary's Mailing Address (incluifing easy): 3215 West sith Street Fon Worth Turam Camiy, Tens 76107 No ti(s) Date Denote 31. 2001 Ammon: THREE HUNDRED S1XTY-SEVEN 1140USAND FIVE HUNDRED and NO/100 DOLLARS (S367.500.00) Maker The Assmarly Payee: The Fmmdatisr. Find Maturity Date Direanher 1,2017 Property Onduding any Improvements now or hereafter placed opal* See Exhilit A. which is incorporatedherein by reference Prior Liens (including recording Informadon): NONE Other Extend= to Conveyance and Warranty: 1. This conveyance is nide and accepted rubjoa to the ftillowiog tauten, to de at= same an in effect at this tin= any arid all II:Stra dem reStriCtink covenants, WrICEI ions and M=1, if any, relatim to the hereirotove desmlsed property, tat only to the extent they are still in effect, glOW11 of record in the hatinabove mentioned County and Stan, and to all rating Inn, regulations and ordinances of mimicipal and/or otter gonna authorities, if any, but only to the went that they am still in effea, reining to die keninabove desailed propos/. This correeyaree Is made and accepted subject to the following testi:hem 2. All ertfmances, lava, ruks and residue= of every kind and character, if any, of am governs= &dimity to whisk theproperty is subjecu and 3. AD ad valorem tues, if any, assessable against tho prtverty kr the year &±is Deed ofTrust. For value received and to secant the payment of the no, Gramm conveys de property to the Trustee in mot Grantor warms and agrees ea defend the title to dr property. If Grantor performs all of the corranans and Pays dr DOW =Oda% to it mu; ditEk114101(INEFSRU3kassmituttbr cffea; and EkrefIciary stall rel=sc it at Grantor's onierec 6 CLOSING . 3595 N. COLLEGE Paw Eats Ow cermst FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 Pao:m.0)14 . • File No.: 1-15938 .."•. EXHIBIT, A .• C.1 Tract A: • .1• - ... „ cl.@• ,, -- A part of the S la of the NE1/4 of Section 15, T-l&N, R -30-W, WashingionC,itity . lying within the Western Methodist Assembly PIM, and bounded by Skyline prive;allattl-:- . • unplatted parcel of greamd bounded on the North side by Skyline Drive aiirl'enthelbailitlide by. ... Total Way and on the West side by Lots 65 &68, Weston Methodist ASSenils....1y,:....::#':. ....." • Also, Lots 60,61 62 & Lots 142 through 157 (inclusive), Western Methodist Assendily•Plat Mthe City, • of Fayetteville, ArIcansas, as shovm on plat of record in the plat records of Washington' aunty, Arkansas. Tract B: The East 895 feet of the SEI/4 of the NEI/4 of Section 15, T -16-N, R -30-W, Washingtai County, Arkansas, being all that pan of said 40 sae tract not included in the plat of Western Mediodist Assembly. Tract C: The SWI/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 14, T -16-N, R -30-W, Washington County, Arkansas, containing 40 acres, more or less. 2002000705 • rtkix-.-44:4•1j • • i • Street Right of WIYI V9IYFILED:FOR•RiCtiRD. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ; '110 'Pill • . . THAT tbo undraped, hereinafter ailed GRANTOR. for and In cduild_. amble madder -Aden, the receipt of vrWch is hereby acknoirledgedCde ale • • thepublic, hereinafter. called GRANTEX, a Street Right Of wi;. 4ndiW2iolsylc I ;1. 71:t.: eonstmet, maintain, operate, locate,. inspect, roma, rely and • remon 4stiaseis; a 4 diital;ige- 741ich ;_.y.711h Sated . structures and -public utilities, rah the right . of: ingnes ancitegreSi•to and ifieeo tlie aMmialba2747 following described lands lying istWASIM4G7IDIS courth, Anitatrises,'10,Trt ( THE EAST HALF OF TSOUTHWEST QUARTER OF rice Nor•tawesr QUART* HE OF SECTION FOURTEEN (14), IN TOWNSHIP SIXTEEN (16) NORTITtRANGE 30 WEST Oir THE T. :?..-iic1.2-1:y sm PRINCIPAL MEI:DIAN AS DOCUMENTED IN DEED RZCORDEDINBOOJC 1181 cor:, PAGE 70D IN THE WASHINGTON COUNTY CIRCUTT CLERIC'S OFFICE..” - . . • ••• • IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED between the parties HMO that the above daralita lands sal be - subject to the aforementioned purposes, BUT THAT this easement, ether than for parposes incident to- coastruction, repair, maintenance, removal and relaying, shall be limited alt permanant easenimil • following described lands: A 24' WIDE TRACT OF PROPERTY ALONG AND ADJACENT TO THE BASF PROPERTY • LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT RUNNING NOFtTil 9711' FROM THE scarrlizAfir CORNER CONTAINING 053 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Said GRANTEE t•eattiy covenant with ihe Gterron, their heirs, assIgm, or canton, to rePair any al MI denier= to the Wads above described, which mid GRANTEE, Its servants or agmts may cause, or reimburse Me GRANTOR, their heirs, assigns, or executors just compmation therefore GRANTOR shall rennin the Owoen of the above described lands, entitled to foil usage thereof for all purposes not inconsistent with the easement berein conveyed, except GPABTOR shall eat ma any permanent structures on or ova the above described permanent easement. Um undersigned GRANTOR, benby acknowledge, lc consurrame with the data of this ea:coast that! am an individual acting la my own right. GRANTOR: 2a1 :40 WITNESS roy band sod stal Ible22day of rchn_St. State of Texas County of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On this day, before me, a Notary Public &IQ commissiocied and acting for the Stole and Couoty aforetaido personally appeared _20,ACombling who acknowledged that he mu the Mama of MluSEHIILLYALT dl4FMTU Y INC *corporation, and tint he, as sneh being authorized so to do, bad eneuted the foregoing 1=17130e -0i for tin Palma therein contained, by stag the inane of tha corporation by himself as such oflactr. Witness coy hand and sal as such Notary Puha tbl • day at iteaff44•2 2000. My commission Expires: 5 - - At:03 Notary Public nINHILIKCCE MY 031003.01 RPM, lis73.2033 • 2000020100 • •••••••,,r q,.r On* 4;;;;;;-, •,••• "••••rPrkatts,;31,- ;tett.cs;:e...]:411: e I VOL••7.1C State of Oklahoma ) ) County of • •••yr•stlit On this thy. before mt. a Neter, Eabile di*/ cannalsiithed 14d!ict4i!ciitE.,24 CaiStaC"°!041 persanally appeared hIII-RONALD et Oflaithcs snicienvielgat thailthyriX thiekeryiefaxi MilatC4a SROUOYAR ASSEMBLY; WC moeratkoirii34 bilits .14 6dpi:sill:Si iota ditid ecithined:- the fonecting lastrumtat ler the purposes therein coatanuth bye:loin the name? the co . A much efflux% Whams my hand and seal as such Notary Pubre this 49 day of Prdri--' • 2009.1. ••: , . . . . ,• /l2th)2pe ret:da.1191.1) `.114 • . ACKICIONYLKOOEMEEff:.: . • • My commission Expires: iati‘-ata v 1 irr• a. •.9 or • 41‘../a 0. • No Public 2000020101 44.? • Budget Year 2003 Department: Division: Program: • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Budget Adjustment Form Sales Tax Capital Improvements • Date Requested 4/1/2003 Adjustment Number Project or Item Requested: $600,000 is requested in the Mount Sequoyah Land Purchase capital project. Project or Item Deleted: $13,000 from the Use of Fund Balance. To recognize $371,320 in revenue received from the Sale of Property to the University of Arkansas. Justification of this Increase: The funding is for the down payment of $600,000 for the purchase of 67 acres on Mount Sequoyah. Justification of this Decrease: There is sufficient fund balance remaining. This is from postponing the Budgeting & Planning Software ($150,000) and the Employee Parking Lot ($1471600) capital projects. $15,000 will be received from the Fayetteville Natural Heritage Group. $26,080 is from the Park Land Acquisition project. The $371,320 in revenue received in General Fund is from the sale of land to the U of A. Account Name Land acquisition Land acquisition Account Name Use of fund balance Donations Park improvements Gain/loss-sale of assets Increase Expense (Decrease Revenue) Account Number Amount Project Number 4470 9470 5805 00 1010 6600 5805 00 228,680 03017 1 371,320 03017 1 Decrease Expense (Increase Revenue) Account Nurnber Amount Project Number 4470 4470 4470 1010 0947 4999 0947 4809 9470 5806 0001 4881 99 00 00 02 187,600 15,000 03017 1 26,080 02016 1 371,320 Approval Signatures Requested By Budget Mana Department rector kJ" nternaol : 411 nan Mayor ices Dir tor Date Date Date -2. ov- C73 Date Date Budget Office Use Only Type: A Date of Approval Posted to General Ledger Posted to Project Accounting Entered in Category Log D E Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Q • WARRANTY DEED BE IT KNOWN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT, MT. SEQUOYAH ASSEMBLY, INC., an Arkansas non-profit corporation, hereinafter called GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, bargain sell and convey unto the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called GFtANTEE, and unto Grantee's successors and assigns, the following described land situated in the County of Washington, State of Arkansas, to -wit: •fre-c3 MICROFILMED The East 895 feet of the Southeast Quarter (SE%) of the Northeast Quarter (NE'/.) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, Washington County, Arkansas, being all that part of said 40 acre tract not included in the plat of Westem Methodist Assembly subdivision to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, containing 27.12 acres, more or less. ALSO, The Southwest Quarter (SW%) of the Northwest Quarter (NW%) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West Washington County, Arkansas, containing 40 acres, more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns, forever. And the said Grantors hereby covenant that they are lawfully seized of said to\ lands and premises; that the same is unencumbered, and that the Grantors will forever warrant and defend the title to the K.% said lands against all legal claims whatever. I A\ / • WITNESS the execution hereof on this garb, day of 1111111111111141111111111111 Doc ID: 0048 3 9000 TVD : REL Recorded 06/ 8/ 003 at 03:23:27 PM Fee Amt: ta.00 Peo I of 1 WashInaton Co ntv. AA Bette Stems Cir u t Clerk F11.2003-00027312 By: 2003. MT. SEQUOYAH ASSEMBLY, INC. rle ce, President n M. Le is, Tristee • Robert M. Davis, Trustee ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ss COUNTY OF WASHINGTON BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this date, before the undersigned, a duly commissioned and acting Notary Public within and for said County and State, personally appeared Charles Wallace, John M. Lewis, and Robert M. Davis, to me well known as the persons who executed the foregoing document, and who stated and acknowledged that they are the President, Trustee, and Trustee, respectively, of Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc., and duly authorized to execute the foregoing instrument for and in the name and behalf of said Mt. Sequoyah Assembly Inc. and further stated and acknowledged that they had so signed, executed and delivered said instrument for the consideration, uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. WITNESS my hand and seal on this MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: oFFicim. SEAL A. WIWSTINE SMITH NOTARY RAMC ARKANSAS WASHINGTON COUNTY MY COMMISSION WIRES: 12-09-2004 day of t --n 2003. kA r-, kAos% Notary Public 4 sEA-A/E14 -is-/-3o /1. crsia Ev-- Ned —3 • NJejo unago - sd nes UeteLmoo-cooeieculinN end GMS 11308 LlipinIJOOQJ pus Wel Lt:Ce:£0 CO0e/9140 uo pew sem juaturuisul sitii Amigo eitr 'itiunoo uo;t3Lutisem 4q i NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date • Resolution No. 46-03 Document • 1 04/01/03 Res. 46-03 w/Ex. A 2 03/19/03 Staff Review Form w/attachments memo to Council letter from BMW Investments, LLC letter from Fayetteville Natural Heritage Association maps of area copy of Sondra Smith memo copy of old agenda request w/attachments 3 Ifigio copy of memo to Hugh Earnest NOTES: i FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE • To: Hugh Eamest Administration From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk Division Date: 4/8/03 Re: Res. 4643 Attached please find an executed copy of the above referenced resolution passed by the City Council April 1, 2003 approving an Offer and Acceptance Contract to purchase approximately 67 acres, locate at Mt. Sequoyah in the amount of $1,300,000.00 and a copy of the approved budget adjustment The original resolution will be microfilmed and filed in the city clerk's office. If anything else is needed please let the city clerk's office know. /cbp Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor Kevin Springer, Budget & Research • , 6.5 • I 1 lavo3 STAFF REVIEW FORM X AGENDA REQUEST get-#-, CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW MI' `51Parilj For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of April 1,2003 Ar C, 0014141 FROM: Hittffi Earnest Administration Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: Approval of the attached Offer and Acceptance Contract between the city and Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. for the purchase of 67 Acres of land on the east side of Mt. Sequoyah for the price of $1,300,000, to be used for trails and natural habitat preservation purposes. Terms include $0.6 MM cash at closing and the remaining $0.7 paid in five (5) annual payments of $140,000 each plus 3% interest on the unpaid balance, beginning one year after closing. Approval of a Budget adjustment is also required. COST TO CITY: $33004)00 I5000 Mt. Seqmoyah Property Pur. Cost of this Request Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name 4470-9470-5805.00 Account Number 0317-1 Project Number 13,000 Land Acquisition Funds Used To Date Program Name 2,p00 Remaining Balance Fund BUDGET REVIEW: Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Budget Coordinator Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: GRANTING AGENCY: Acco g Man er —T3e Internal Auditor Date 1/V6 3 ttorney ate ADA Coordinator Date Purchasing Officer Date STAFF' RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acquisition of this property for the purposes intended since the opportunity to do such may never present itself in the future. Of the $0.684M initial cash requirement, funding sources include 5370, 0100 ± from the completed sale o112 acres to the U of A, with other sources identified in the attached memorandum. The $0.7MM note to Mt. Sequoyah Assembly will be made with annual payments over five years which will be budgeted on an annual basis.. Division Head —Trite Cross Reference Department Director Date AdminiiWative Services Director Chic o -aa Date 549 -os Date ate New Item: Yes X No Prey Ord/Res #: Orig Contract Date: Page 2 • STAFF REVIEW FORM Description Purchase of 67 Acres from Mt. Sepuoyah Assembly, Inc. Meeting Date April I, 2003 Comments: Reference Comments: Budget Coordinator Accounting Manager City Attorney Purchasing Officer ADA Coordinator Internal Auditor Page 2 FAYETTEALLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Date: From: Subject: March 20, 2003 The Mayor and Council Hugh Earnest Chief Administrative Officer Mt, Sequoyah Purchase Background On February 3, 2003, Mayor Dan Coody submitted an offer to purchase approximately 67 acres from the Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. The offer of $1,300,000 was accepted by a representative of the Assembly on February 14, 2003. The offer and acceptance contains a provision that the City agrees to make an initial cash payment of $600,000 to the Assembly within 60 days after the resolution authorizing the purchase, Current Situation What is before the Council is a resolution approving the attached offer and acceptance between the City and Mt. Sequoyah Assembly, Inc. for the purchase of 67 acres on the east side of Mt. Sequoyah for $1,300,000. The terms of the contract include $600,000 cash at closing with the remaining paid out over five (5) years in annual payments of $140,000 each plus 3% interest on the unpaid balance. These payments are to begin one year after closing. The listed price of $1,300,000 ($19,400/acre) from the Mt. Sequoyah Assembly has been verified by an independent audit commissioned by the City. His conclusion was that the property was valued at $1,407,000 ($21,000/acre) The assembly has committed to hold to their original amount. The monies for the initial down payment are to come from the below listed sources: • Sale of the former walker property (32 acres) to U of A. $371,320 • Allecatien-ef-tnenies-remaining-frent the-ketifts-tree-settlements=1-1-5/47450 Am-es.p2.. • Donation from Fayetteville Natural Heritage Group $ 15,000 • Earnest money committed • Park Development fund • Total cash authorization $ 13,000 $ 26,080 $600,000 The payment schedule committed to by the city for this property is as follows: Note: $700,000 at 3% over 5 years Anniversary Date 12 months after the date of closing: 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 479421-7703 FM 479-1576-8257 Year 1. 2. 3 4. 5. Balance 700,000 560,000 420,000 280,000 140,000 Principal 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 Interest@3% 21,000 16,800 12,600 8,400 4,200 Total Payment 161,000 156,800 152,600 148,400 144,200 Several other issues are of importance in this proposed purchase of this parcel. Mathias Property The Tree and Trail task force had been approached by representatives from Parks and Recreation relative to the possible purchase from settlement monies of 40 plus acres in the Clabber Creek watershed for $200,000. Rather than continue with this approach, we have been working very hard and successfully with the Mathias Corporation and have secured from them an agreement to deed to the City approximately 20 acres south of the creek. In addition, as can be seen from the attached letter, the corporation has agreed to deed similar land north of the creek after closing on the remainder of this land around June. The corporation will receive from the city a tax deductible receipt from the City for all lands so deeded. This arrangement is in the best interest of the public in that a greenway corridor will be protected in perpetuity and the corporation receives a value for the land so dedicated. A map showing the property in question is attached along the letter. Park Land Dedication Our Parks Department had proposed an expenditure of $30,000 as their part of the monies that was being requested from the Tree and Trail task force. We will use approximately $27,000 of that initial amount for this first payment. Fayetteville Natural Heritage Association This association has committed, as can be seen from the attached letter, to secure up to $650,000 over the next two years from donations and through working with various professional groups to identify and secure conservation grants from a variety of sources. The Council should be aware that the responsibility for all payments resides with the City and the commitment from this group, while commendable, will not relieve the City of the legal responsibility that will remain with the City to make the annual payments contained within the contract. Recommendation This is an opportunity to acquire a large parcel of relatively undisturbed ground located within an urban setting. Property of this nature and size is rarely being found in an urban setting. h is staff's opinion that the city council should seize this chance to preserve this large parcel for public enjoyment for this and future generations. Approval of a Budget Adjustment is also requested 2 February 17, 2003 Mayor Dan Coody RECEIVED City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain MAR 0 5 2003 Fayetteville, Alt 72701 CITY OF FAYETTEVIU.E MAYOR'S OFFICE Re: Clabber Creek Acreage Dear Mr. Coody: This letter will confirm our intention to deed the City of Fayetteville additional acreage along Clabber Creek as we discussed February 14, 2003. In order for us to obtain the lot split as required, we had to alter our prior commitment ofJanuary 9, 2003. We will deed the city all of the undeveloped and unused acreage in both the flood way and flood plain south of Clabber Creek and north of both Phase land Phase II of Clabber Creek Subdivision. The exact acreage we will deed is unclear at this time because we are still working on our large scale development but we estimate the total acreage, including park dedication and retention pond will be approximately 18 acres MOL. This, with the approximately three acres for park dedication in Phase I, will give the city control of approximately 21 acres south of the creek. We are in agreement to accept from the City of Fayetteville a tax deductible receipt in the amount of $5,000.00 per acre of flood way land and $23,125.00 per acre of flood plain land. At this point we anticipate closing on the property that will become Phase II by mid-March. In addition, we also agree to work with the city on the additional acreage north of Clabber Creek when and if we purchase that acreage. Right now our time frame is approximately mid-June to mid-July for closing on the property north of the Clabber Creek. h is our opinion that the highest and best use for this land will be as an addition to the trails corridor and will greatly benefit the neighborhood that will be created and the city as a whole. Thank you for your help in transferring this property to the city. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 750-9100. Sincerely, .2.1 ware Sam Mathias BMW Investments, LLC PO. BOX 6485 • SPRINGDALE, AR 72766 • (479) 750-9100 • FAX (479) 750-0953