HomeMy WebLinkAbout28-03 RESOLUTION• • RESOLUTION NO?8 °3 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE BILL OF ASSURANCE SUBMITTED WITH ORDINANCE NO. 4411, PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2002 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby approves amendments to the Bill of Assurance, which was submitted with rezoning Ordinance No. 4411, passed and approved by the City Council on September 3, 2002. A copy of the revised Bill of Assurance, marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 18th Day of February, 2003. prETre • 1 �;,\ e By: By: �fAd& Mitt Sondra Smith, City Clerk APPR 0 VED: 0012 D• ICOODY, Mayor NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Resolution No. 28-03 Document NOTES: 1 02/18/03 Res. 28-03 2 02/04/03 Staff Review Form w/attachment 1/31/03 memo to mayor/city council copy of draft resolution w/attachment copy of revised bill of assurance copy of old bill of assurance copy of section minutes pertaining to this bill of assurance copy of revised bill of assurance w/markings 3 02/25/03 memo to Tim Conklin NOTES: FAYETTEtI LLE TIE CITY OF nAynTTEvnit, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE • To: Tim Conklin Community Planning & Engineering Services From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearmane' City Clerk Division Date: February 25, 2003 Re: Res. No. 28-03 Attached you will find an executed copy of the above resolution passed by the City Council February 18, 2003, approving a revised Bill of Assurance to attach to Ordinance No. 4411. Please retum a signed original revised Bill of Assurance to the city clerk's office to submit for the mayor's signature and attach to the resolution/ordinance. If anything else is needed please let the clerk's office know. /cbp cc Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor STAFF REVIEW FORM x Agenda Request Contract Review Grant Review For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of February 18, 2003. FROM: Tim Conklin, Interim Director Community Planning and Engineering Services Name Division Department ACTION REQUESTED: To approve ADM 03-3.00 to consider amending the Bill of Assurance associated with RZN 02-15.00 (Larry Garriott) for property located north of Persimmon Street and west of 46" Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. The amendment would alter the minimum lot widths, decrease the number of entrances onto 46" Street, and replace the required concrete privacy fence with a decorative fence. COST TO CITY: $0 Cost of this request Account Number Project Number Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name Funds used to date Program Name Remaining balance Fund BUDGET REVIEW: Budget Coordinator Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Chief Administrative Officer CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: ccounting Mana er City At-orney Purchasing Officer Date GRANTING AGENCY: ADA Coordinator Date Internal Auditor Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. Division Head Dep_ ,ent/i ctor7, Chie inistrative Off . ens A a r /—?/-c)3 Date Date Date Date Cross Reference New Item: Yes No Prev Ord/Res#: Orig Contract Date: • City Ccecil meeting of Feb. 18, 2003 FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: (479) 575-8264 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville City Council FROM: Sara Edwards, Associate Planner THRU: Tim Conklin, A.I.C.P., City Planner DATE: January 31, 2003 ADM 03-3.00: Administrative Item: An administrative item to consider amending the Bill of Assurance associated with RLN 02.15.00 (Larry Garriott) for property located north of Persimmon Street and west of 46ih Street. The amendment would alter the minimum lot widths, decrease the number of entrances onto 46'" Street and replace the required concrete privacy fence with a decorative fence. BACKGROUND: This property was rezoned on September 3, 2002 from A-1, Agricultural to R-1, Single -Family Residential. A Bill of Assurance was offered as part of the proposed rezoning. The 13111 of Assurance required a minimum lot width of 83 feet, two entrances onto 46th and a concrete privacy fence. The applicant is proposing to amend the Bill of Assurance to decrease the minimum lot width to 80 feet, to have one entrance onto 46'" Street, and to use a decorative fence in place of a concrete privacy fence. Approximately 51 of the lots arc proposed to be 80 feet wide with the balance of the lots remaining at 83 feet in width. The final number of lots and widths may vary due to minor changes in the subdivision design which are required to meet development ordinances. The lot width and entrance change was precipitated by the City requesting a right-of-way dedication for a collector street through the proposed subdivision. This will provide for Broyles Road to be extended to the north through the subject property from the proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant site. Due to the redesign of the subdivision the second entrance onto 46ih Street will not be necessary. The change in fencing type has been requested by the applicant. CURRENT STATUS: This will be the first time this change has been considered. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request to amend the 13111 of Assurance to reduce the lot widths to 80 feet and to reduce the number of streets onto 46th Street to one. Staff has no recommendation regarding the change in the fencing type. This is an architectural feature agreed upon by the developer and the adjoining neighborhood. There are no city regulations requiring fencing around subdivisions. K.1REPORIS12003CC REPOR7TFEBRU4R)UUA103-3 00 AMEMO. DOC RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE BILL OF ASSURANCE SUBMITTED WITH ORDINANCE NO. 4411, PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2002. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: That the City Council of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby approves amendments to the Bill of Assurance, which was submitted with rezoning Ordinance No. 4411, passed and approved by the City Council on September 3, 2002. A copy of the revised Bill of Assurance, marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this I8's Day of February, 2003. APPROVED: By: ATTEST: By: Sondra Smith, City Clerk DRAFT DAN COODY, Mayor • • (REVISED) BILL OF ASSURANCE FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE The buyer / devebpa of property loacd at the NW Come= of 466 & Pasiman Sweet may particularly described as approximately 59.60 Acres in put of section 11 and pot of section 12 ofTI6N, R 31W in Washington County Arkansas hereby vobntatily offal this Bill of Assurance and rotas into this binding swears= and contract with the City of Fayetteville Ahansas. The petition expressly grants to the City of Fayetteville the right to enforce any and a/I of the tests of this Bill of Ass tarns in the Chancay/Circuit Cowl of Washington County and agree this if Petitioner on Petition's hebs, assign; or successors violate any tens of this Bill of Assururce, substantial irreparable damage justifying injunctive relief has been done to the citizens and City of Faydzeville, Arkansas The Petitioner acknowledge that the Fayetteville Planning Commission and the Fayetteville City Council will mama* ndy upon all of the tarns and conditions within this Bill ofAssurance Petitioner hereby voluntarily offers issuances Wt Petitioner and Petitioner's property shall be restricted u follows; I. The use of Petitioners meaty shill be limited to siogbfunily only with 158 building los maximum. Minimum lot width shall be 80' u the setback line except at curve and cul de sacs 2. Exterior of hone shall have 80% brick. 3. Minimum house size shall be 1850 SF heated and auSandil)wKd space. 4. Each house shall have a 2 car garage. 5. All yards shall be sodded. 6. Roof pitch shall be T to 12^ with anchitemual shingle 7. A deosntive privacy fence shall be installed along Persimon & 466 sect IL Them shall be I entrance ono 466 war and 1 onto Pessimon Shed and each entrance will be Wdscged and steel fence installed similar to use tower's property. 9. All improvements shall be made to Persiton d aha Street as requited by the City. 10. Quality of consuuakm of all houses shall be reviewed and approved by an udlitdwal cotnrnittco. 11. Mainta nee of all common space shall be nude by • Propaty Owners Association. 12. MI mailboxes shall be decorative Mick and identiai throughout the pmjea. 13. The developer shall bmall um along the north property line extending from 466 Suns war 500'. Size shall be r and spaced 30' part where passible. Existing byes in this aro will be saved if possible. 14. Protective covenants shall be filed for control of all of the above items 15. Petitioner specifically agrees that all such restrictions and tabs shall run with the lard and bind all Mitre owner unless and until specifsally released by Resolution of the Fayetteville City Council. ITS Bill of Assurance shall be filed for rtmd in the Washington County Circuit Clark's Office and shall be noted on the Final PW, which includes some cc all of Petitioner's Plenary. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. and in agreement 'th all the tams and conditions stated Wove, n the own, developer or buyer (Petitioner) vohmarily offer all such assuarhcea. Date NOTARY OATI STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON Date AM now on this day of , 2003 append before me, Col Walker and alta being placed upon his oath more or affirmed this they agreed with the tams of the Bill Astsutnce and signed their num above My Commission Expun: Notary Public EXHIBIT "A" SEP -6-2002 01:26P FROM: M 1111.1. OP ASSURANCE FUR TUE CITY OF FAYETTGYII1l. TO:575O316 P:2/2 M The Mas I developer of prapaty leased et the NW Corea of 46s R Penman Shad neral pudiwbely dinaihed w pm irne.I. 59 611 AM, in p.n or maim IIalp.n f actin 12 of TI IRR.R 3IW to Walbbylm oetmty Mterm K esel, valuatanly offers this Bill of Abase and drops into this balks ape mol aM anfntt mat the airy Fayetteville, Adpiat This BIB of Aermrt it MW In use m the rvming u(tbc oboe deviled property. The peiltionn aprcnly pacts to IM Chya'I'aycnrvilk Ihr right In oefint oily and ell of the lams of this Bill of Asaeebc to the(len••syornruil Ont of WItaieRrai Coue and .pen that if Penne et Ieaedta, May. WOW nr .•.,vvas Howe Ip' oaM of fhb BIII of&vinarr, soda wind mpvtllc damage Budfghm Igpadn rtlief has beat dao to the Mihail Rat Cy of I•aytm+ilk Mtatdm The Pditt= Winowlalwes that me fhlynevtlle I'leomg Celmun.m W de Faetevine City Council wW tnfeably Any upon WI of tre lawn mal a.ulai.n. within thls BIB of Amaeee k wwdaag whether to approve PcIili..ei n tension replan Ytncnne. brachy voluntarily oITn crakes Wt Paltoia IM?dance s paopay Pall be roirwlul e. Billion f' Minima 'ceroakg b approved by me r.ymerll4 Cy fatxll. 1 The are of Pah:aaa', properly WIII K Imrlted to enpe.eedty only wth 15i building lase. PAIMMUa Ia width ,SII ac AI' W th.: amici lie mann at comms and ad de as 2 FeteAm of nano dol hale 1014 dick. 1. Minimum home sec dol lc If57 SF lased cud ale auditioned spot. 4. Each hum= 18.8 Oro a 2 a garage. 5. All wed' atoll be Sabi 6. Roof pint shall be 7It2 b 12' :.8 arch Octant shingles 7. A comae ptvaty fast doll he ittolksl shoo Patin= & 46s alrea. R. There dean be 2 ealnrcn onto abs coot rd 1 rob Pa roc Sues sod olt0 mann 51111 be ho0n»sd col steel Rom ind4d abaibr to the lowp•s poppy. Y. All improvements shell he vont m Perdiem & 46s Sana on nvviS by the Ci,. IB Quality ofce,nctimm of all Nocsa stall he reviewed and approved by lnfilcftni tsmmnime. I I. M.i.,taan' of all connect spat yuan be made by Papery throat Avocation 12. All mailboxes dull be de nsUni bol end 16m1Aol Olestene the plat 15. Ih 'lathe o dull .ut.11 Iran dud the not propery IIx Isamdlog from abs Sbta wee 10W. len J..R be r rad spaced 20• spit viten peatite txIntna hon in inn no will he ,awnl if p.Wu4 I4 Protective mecums ill be fad hu control of MI oythe Wave MM. 15. Petitkne specificity ern dot all ami rouictiuc nod lams del run with the hood pod bind all Gain owners .a.k..end unil,pccifeally mimed by Rdepluttm or lab Fayetteville City Owed Thn Bin ofAmamve tall be dltd b MEOW in IM Wka iagan County Cinch f1e1•e Officio alp rehtroees mcbInp II earths and shall be Irvkd use my Find Pyf or Range Snk Lkvebprprat *tiro includes mum .a all of Pdtbod's Property. In I I NOBS RT de up: or too Tor. and .n .tJcsmmt with all oho tams ped coelWem Rated above, es the pwep. aothwal valla . ui • dl ash enaneca Ihle S I A Ib llh ARKANSAS CI /I IN Y OF WASHINGTON 1 1 NOTARY OATH Ible And mew on Rua _ do or 2002. appeared bdo,t tee. lam Oadbu s'4 arta hen Plant gem his math nem or dRmod that they tread with the vim of diu (wll Annear reel .irmel Ther .virtu shire. My Commission Doer TkdayPuthe • • City Council Minutes September 3, 2002 Page 2 HAY GROUP: A resolution amending the 2002 Budget authorizing the employment of the Hay Group for work associated with personnel issues and for other purposes. RESOLUTION 137-02 AS RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. SKATE PARK: A resolution approving an agreement with Tony Hawk Foundation. The Foundation will provide a $5,000 grant to the Fayetteville Skate Park upon receiving the signed agreement. RESOLUTION 138-02 AS RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. HWY 180: A resolution affirming that the City of Fayetteville shall assume responsibility for the entire section of Highway 180 upon completion of the improvements from Township to Futrall. RESOLUTION 139-02 RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. Alderman Santos moved to approve the consent agenda. Alderman Reynolds seconded. The motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS RZN 02-15.00: An ordinance approving rezoning request RZN 02-15.00 as submitted by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Larry Garriott for property located north of Persimmon Street and west of 46th Street. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural and contains approximately 57.82 acres. The request is to rezone to R-1, Low Density Residential; and to accept the attached Bill of Assurance. The ordinance was tabled on the second reading at the August 20, 2002 meeting. Alderman Santos moved to suspend the rules and move to the third and final reading. Alderman Davis seconded. Upon roll call the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Williams read the ordinance. Mr. Dave Jorgensen presented a revised bill of assurance as a result of the meetings that thcy had had. They had agreed to go to 83 foot wide lot minimums with a maximum of 158 building lots. The second compromise was the 80% brick. The third item was 1,850 square foot houses minimum. Alderman Young asked if on the bill of assurance who the architectural committee would be. Mr. Jorgensen stated it would be the owners of the project at first, until 50% of the ownership takes over similar to the POA at which time the committee would be the property owners association. • • City Council Minutes September 3, 2002 Page 3 Ms. Sharon Davison, an area resident, expressed concern about the capacity of the sewer plant and the traffic. Mr. Gary Adams, an area resident, stated two years ago the city council had said no to a subdivision in the same area because there was not enough infrastructure there to support it. He thought very few changes had been made sincc then. He expressed concern about the traffic and the schools in the area beginning at capacity. The sewage system was three to four years away. Mr. Bcshem zeta???? an area resident, stated he thought the revised bill of assurance took care of a lot of his concerns. One major concern that he did not believe the developer could not address, which was 46th Avenue. He expressed concern about the width of the street and thc lack of sidewalks. He recommended that the city complete the improvements all the way to Hwy 16. In response to questions, Mr. Beottcher, Public Works Director, stated that there were currently no plans to improve 46th Street, but there were plans to improve Broyles street from the new sewer plant to Farmington and to use that as the primary egress and ingress. He thought it might be wise to look at a through street. Alderman Young stated the developers use to be required to sign a statement knowledge that they would not be guaranteed hook ups to thc sewer, but Mayor Coody had done away with that requirement. Alderman Thiel stated that had been something that this council had approved and she did not know why it had been done away with. It needed to stay in place Mr. Williams stated it had been a notice that they could not guarantee service. They did not really guarantee service anyway until they got a tap. This was to put people on notice before the' election. Certainly, Alderman Young stated he had wanted that notice to continue, he was sure that was what they were doing now. It would not change until they passed a resolution. Their sewer plant was being designed and they were moving forward. If it was done by resolution, it would continue until they passed another resolution. Mayor Coody asked shall the ordinance pass. Upon roll call the ordinance passed by a vote of 5-2, Santos and Jordan voting nay. ORDINANCE 4411 AS RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. OFF STREET PARKING: An ordinance amending Section 172.01, Off -Street Parking Lot Design Requirement, of the UDO to provide a method for reducing off-street parking requirements for properties that share a common parking facility and to revise parking ratios for certain uses. Ordinance was Icft on the first reading at the August 20, 2002 meeting. • FEB -11-2003 03: 0415 FRds: • (REVLSF3y1 RILL Of ASSURANn'. riot THE CITY 01 yAVF.TfEVILLI 70:5758202 P:2'2 •41 The buyer / dnwhew of ptopeny loaded d the NW Carta of 46a & Pasime Street mum articularly &salhod m appnvime¢ly 59.60 Amo m wet of section 11 and pee of section 17 M 116N. it e3I W�� y Asia hWy vauntally offers this Hill of Avmttdchw hen sht3I�l otrace with Ow City ea Ityaanilk. Mtasat. The pettumv etpresdy pian to the City of Fayetteville the eight to afore my and W of Ow teeno rd' R'll of Aswan: in the CTaecm/Ca.vit Cowl of Watmpwu County and arca that if Petition or 1'dtwoc a hat. Eddins.or atceownt violme any tam of this Bill ofAfNmaee auhueotial daWsnhk danusgejitshlYing mpsnctivc N'et ha bout date to the MIAMI aJ City of Paya'evilk. Aransas 'he h a^owled0a Hut the nsii Fayetteville Flag Cuuntissiot and elle rtycnc.We CeCouncil y nesonahlY Min 141 du laffn and wndeions within this Bill of Aswvwwc. Petitioner hacks v'duslmrily offer assurance. oat Patna: and I'aituluv s 1>Apaty Shall Pic 'oarkld as follows: ila ac of Paiu'oei s property scall be tibiad eo smyar mil only with 153 building kb ithuilmtun. Kamm lot width dull be 30' u the wawa line atm a W ma and eel tY Jet 2. prawn of henvievi .MB have W% Ani 1. Mmiatua house size Mall Ir 3350 SF Petted aid allvn:Wlatch stone 4. Lail hoe hall have a 2 m garage. 5. All yards shell he sodded. 6 Roof path shell he T w IT with achilecn ni chiral= A comer Ovary fawn van be Wailed along Persia -Ion & Kia sera That shall bc Loran onto ie am aid 1 onto carona Street sod each wane '^Il he landscaped aid sad haze amaulled MOW in the awes papacy. 9. All improvements shall A crock to Peesimon 8 Kan Stas to required by tat t'try. lu ej'uluy ofmnanaino os an 0omo .hall he mined rad stinal In en a4 ung commence 11. Man cemet of dl women Noce nail bc mak by o napery Haar Aawnediuo II. All ecalbe ass shall A: deexative hick and id'wit d lhnn about the palm. 11 la dneloper shalt Inwu tram along the amn poraty Hoe otadh'i tom sr Suvd west 500'. Size shall tc 2' and seed 30' apart whet paean. Esism'a aro in deo aro will be sand if pom'Mc 14. Proactive COMMIS andl he f led for avant of all of ds shove Items IS Patd'sui waci0tal Iy aeras oars all such ttsmeuas ad won* Mall no With die Iced out hid all future owners mks%ad until weif.Wly rekaal by R'Sulalion d trao rlytuniik fray Camtll. 1LH Bit of Amami: ball be tkd foe mend in the W alpon County Ciwalt Clot's Mtn sod doll a anal on to Final Pot which .'J"des snot oe all nI Itnliuna's Propayy. M WI1N lies WHEREOF. and a apeman with all la tam and a'dgdnns rad chose a the toote, dcvckiee.w nuya (Fanta':) wIwWly oITa all wO awinina NULARY OATS Uac STAIR Oh ARKANSAS COUNTY OF WASIIINGION ) And now a this day of 2W3.woa.d Mon me. Cal Water sad eta being placed upon his .Mtb swot anbmM aha dart weed wttl me ant of the Bill Asswact anti tend their morns a0me. My CMmmiaiaa Erysnn Whey Pu