HomeMy WebLinkAbout23-03 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 23-03
Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas
hereby approves a renewal contract in the amount of Fifty -Seven Thousand Five
Hundred Fifty Dollars (557,500.00) with Community Access Television, to
provide public access television services from March 1 through December 31,
2003. A copy of the renewal contract, marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
PASSED and APPROVED this 18th day of February, 2003.
By: A44& cz
• •
This Agreement is made this (e rh day of renta f% 2003, by and between the City
of Fayetteville, a municipal corporation ("City"), and Community Access Television, a
nonprofit corporation ("CAl"), who agrees as follows:
1. The City desires to provide support for the use of cable television public,
educational, and government ("PEG") access channels provided pursuant to
federal law.
2. The purpose of the public access television is to provide training for the public for
public access television productions and to ensure "first-come, first-served non-
discriminatory" programming, in accordance with the First Amendment, as a
limited public forum for citizens.
3. The City is currently in negotiation with Cox Cable Company for renewal of a
franchise to operate cable facilities within the City. This contract for the public
access television station is contingent upon the City retaining a franchise contract
with a cable operator, such as it is at present.
4. The franchise agreement with Cox Cable Company provides that certain channel
capacity be provided for PEG access for non-commercial programming.
5. The City's Telecommunications Board Ordinance #4219 provides for a standing
body to advise the City Council on telecommunications issues and to coordinate
and oversee use of the public rights of way designated for public, educational, and
governmental use on any telecommunication system serving the City of
6. The City has determined that it will provide support for PEG access and that it
will provide physical space and equipment located at the PEG Center, 101 W.
Rock Street, Fayetteville.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth
herein, the parties agree as follows:
• •
SECTION 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. In exchange for the funding provided by the City
to CAT, pursuant to this Agreement, CAT shall provide the following services and report
progress in each area to the Telecommunications Board on a monthly basis:
A. OPERATE PUBLIC ACCESS CABLE CHANNEL. Operate the public access cable
channel for non-commercial, public/community access programming purposes in a
manner that is consistent with the principals set forth in this contract and the
Telecommunications Board Ordinance. CAT will:
o Devise and monitor equipment check-in, check-out procedures and
provide reports quantifying the amount of usage
o Schedule and monitor editing facilities and studio, maintaining scheduling
records, and coverage documents, should any request for review be
o Operate the public access channel for a minimum of 40 hours per week,
Monday through Friday
o Have at least one staff member present during the required customer
service hours to assist citizens with their productions.
B. PROVIDE EQUAL ACCESS. CAT will honor the First Amendment rights of
members of the community who wish to use the public access station. CAT will
provide access to the use of the equipment, facilities, channel, and services
provided hereunder to all members of the community for non-commercial
programming purposes, whether individuals, groups, or organizations, on a first-
come, first-served non-discriminatory basis, pursuant to operating rules
promulgated by CAT which are in compliance with the City's operating rules for
the PEG Center (Addendum A).
operation of the public access channel shall be in compliance with the City's operating
rules of the PEG Center. CAT will file such policies with the Telecommunications Board
and the City, and any changes in CAT policies will be posted on the web site and
presented to the Telecommunications Board and the City as an informational item 15
days prior to implementation. CAT will:
o Devise and maintain administrative policies
o Provide budget for review by Telecommunications Board, allocating for
public outreach at least $1,380 of the city's annual funding for public
access television services. This will consist of at least 5% of the CAT
Manager's time used for public outreach and the printing and distribution
ofa quarterly newsletter.
o Define process for CAT's communication with and coordination of its
activities in accordance with the Telecommunications Ordinance, so as to
inform the Telecommunications Board in a timely manner
o All communication between the City and the CAT with regard to
contractual matters will be directed through the Cable Administrator, or
any other such representative as may be appointed by the City, and the
CAT's duly appointed representative. In the event ofa disagreement over
the administration of this agreement, either party may appeal to the
Telecommunications Board who shall make recommendations to the
Mayor or City Council, as may be required.
Provide to the Telecommunications Board the policies specifying the
following within 30 days of the execution of this contract:
o Priorities for expenditures to be compatible with both current and
emerging technology standards maintained by the city
o Decision-making process and criteria for program frequency and selection
of fill-ins
o Public access utilization goals with minimum standards for non -repeat
D. DEVELOP FUNDING — CAT will develop a plan for generating revenue at a
minimum of 25% of the amount provided by the City, in order to subsidize
additional growth.
o CAT will develop a general underwriting policy
o CAT will hold a minimum of two fundraising events per year
o CAT may form fundraising partnerships with other 501 C3 non-profit
organizations that provide services in its cablecast area. CAT and its
fundraising partners combined shall not cablecast more than 4 fundraising
events per year
o CAT will seek and devise a timely procedure for solicitation and
collection of donations and other contributions to be recorded on a
monthly budget process. These procedures could include, but not be
limited to, telethons, web -based donation collections, etc.
administer the public access channel and facilities in compliance with the
Telecommunications Board Ordinance, with applicable laws, rules, regulations,
and with the franchise agreement between the City and Cox Cable Company. All
business and information maintained by CAT or the CAT Board of Directors is
subject to the terms of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
F. TRAINING AND PROMOTION. CAT will train city and area residents in the
techniques of video production, and provide technical advice in the execution of
productions. CAT will:
o Create and provide training curriculum to emphasize video proficiency
and production quality in public access programming
o Certify a minimum of 20 new producers per year
o Include public service requirement as part of the certification process that
results in at least one cablecast quality program per trainee
• •
o Promote the use of the Public Access channel to the extent that 300 new
locally produced programs are cable casted per year. Only the following
categories of program sources will be included:
• Programs made by Independent CAT Producers whether or not they
use CAT facilities
• Programs made by local citizens who are not Independent CAT
• Programs produced by CAT for the purpose of allowing local citizens
to express themselves. Such programs shall be open to participation
by all citizens on an equal basis
• Programs produced by independent producers using CAT contract
production services
o Encourage the use of the digital video editing capabilities and stay abreast
of emerging technologies
o Create a monthly schedule of relevant workshops to publish on the public
access television channel's bulletin board and its web site.
G. PLAYBACK/ CABLECASTING. CAT will provide for playback/cablecasting of
programs on the public access channel. CAT shall cablecast a minimum of 40
hours of local original, replayed and imported programming per week. This
excludes the community message board. CAT will:
o Develop a policy and method for the scheduling of public access programs
and cablecast programs on the public access channel
o Maintain accurate cablecast logs and report number of programs per
month in each of the categories specified by the operating and
programming policy
o Maintain a tape library of all produced shows to be available for review
and use at the PEG Center
o A copy of all live and/or taped programs are required to be held for 4 days
past the original date of play if said programs are not submitted to the
videotape library
o CAT shall require access producers to sign an agreement warranting that
the program they are submitting does not contain:
i. any violation of any state or federal law relating to obscenity
ii. any material that is libelous, slanderous, or other defamation of
character, or an unlawful invasion of privacy
iii. any advertising or material which promotes any commercial
product or service
iv. any use of material which violates copyright law; or any material
contrary to local, state or federal laws, regulations, procedures and
H. INFORMATION. CAT shall submit quarterly and annual reports, as defined
by the Telecommunications Board, on the operations of the public access channel
• •
and other such special reports as listed below to the Telecommunications Board
and the City. The first such report shall be due within 30 days of acceptance of
this contract:
o Reports of stolen or damaged equipment within one working day of'
learning of each occurrence
o Requests for changes in any procedures or rules pertaining to protection or
preservation of City owned equipment and facilities
o All corporate documents, including but not limited to the CAT's by-laws,
articles of incorporation, certification of compliance with affirmative
action plan and EEO standards, and a list of Board members
o At any reasonable time and as often as the Telecommunications Board or
the City may deem necessary, the CAT shall make available to them, or
any of its authorized representatives, all of CAT's records related to all
matters covered by this Agreement and shall permit the
Telecommunications Board or the City to audit, examine, make excerpts
and copies of such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices,
materials, payrolls, records of personnel, conditions of employment and
other data relating to matters covered by this Contract
o During the term of this Contract, the CAT shall cause to be delivered to
the Telecommunications Board and the City copies of all notices of
meetings of its Board of Directors, setting forth the time and place thereof.
Such notice shall be delivered in a timely manner to give adequate notice
and shall also include an agenda
o Minutes of all meetings, if taken, and materials distributed in meetings of
the CAT's Board of Directors, or committees thereof, shall be submitted to
the Telecommunications Board and the City
o At such times and in such form as the Telecommunications Board or the
City may require, the CAT shall furnish such statements, records, reports,
data and information deemed pertinent to matters covered by this
1. PROMOTION. CAT will actively promote the use and benefit of the public access
television station and facilities to cable subscribers, the public, and Cox Cable
o Maintain web site for publication of all reports and scheduled events
o Create a quarterly newsletter distributed via mail and direct delivery to
members, producers, University of Arkansas and business partners
o Provide promotional spots/bulletin boards on the station that promote the
use and benefits of the public access television station and facilities to
cable subscribers and the general public.
SECTION 2. PERFORMANCE. CAT will he evaluated through three phases of
performance measurement and review, including a 90 day initial new contract
probationary period, quarterly evaluations, and an annual performance review.
• •
o CAT shall undergo a 90 day probationary period to ensure that all
fundamental elements of this contract are being met on a daily basis.
While overall performance in meeting the goals for the year cannot be
measured within this 90 day time period, the following terms must be met
without fail on a daily basis or the contract will be subject to immediate
termination during this probationary period:
i. If there is a substantial breach of any of the terms of this contract
within the first 90 days, it can be immediately cancelled upon
determination by the Telecommunications Board with
recommendation to City Council
ii. Any intentional non-compliance with public record-keeping or the
Arkansas FOIA, which is brought to the attention of the
Telecommunications Board under its procedures for filing
complaints through the Cable Administrator, will be considered a
breach of this contract.
o Quarterly evaluations will be performed in accordance with the criteria set
by the Telecommunications Board, consistent with the process for
oversight as specified in the Telecommuncations Ordinance
o A Performance Review shall be conducted by CAT and presented to the
October meeting of the Telecommunications Board in order to ensure
timely delivery of information to the City Council during annual budget
i. This review shall include an opportunity for CAT public access
users and cable subscribers to provide input. In tum, the
Telecommunications Board will evaluate the CAT Performance
Review, basing the evaluation on the terms of this contract and
citizen input. The Telecommunications Board will present its
performance assessment and recommendations to the City Council
in November and begin the process of negotiation for the following
contractual year that begins January I.
ii. All Telecommunication Board findings and recommendations
regarding the Performance Review will be provided as feedback to
CAT. In the event that the Board recommendation is for non-
renewal of the CAT contract, an exit interview will be conducted
to discuss all relevant facts.
performing services for the City on City -owned property and that while on such property,
CAT shall not engage in any activity that is not directly related to the services provided
pursuant to this Agreement. Ownership title to all capital acquisition, supplies, material
or any other property purchased with funds received under this Contract, is vested with
the City, and possession of such property shall, upon termination of the Contract, revert
to the City unless otherwise provided for by the City, in writing. Any equipment secured
• •
through fund-raising efforts to benefit the public access television station shall remain the
property of the city's PEG Access Center. Ownership of the library of programs
collected during the performance of this contract shall, upon termination of this contract,
revert to the city.
o All changes to the facility and equipment array shall be approved by the City
before being undertaken
o The City shall make at least two telephone lines available for CAT's business use
CAT shall be responsible for reimbursing the City, on a quarterly basis, for this
expense at a rate of $20 per line per month
o CAT shall be responsible for its own long distance telephone calls
o CAT shall be responsible for paying the costs of their listing in the telephone
o The City shall furnish and maintain up to three computers for the office use of the
CAT. This is in addition to those computers that are part of the video systems.
o The City shall provide access to the world wide web for the CAT
o There shall be no charge to citizens of Fayetteville for the use of cable casting
time on the public access channel, nor for the use of the facilities or equipment.
However, CATs fees and charges may apply for such services as, but not limited
to, instructions on video production and Internet use, video tapes, video tape
duplication, annual producer's fee and contracts for video productions.
o The City shall be responsible for the payment of the Access Center
utilities, routine building and grounds maintenance and maintenance of the
o The CAT may use the City's current copier at the Access Center for a
charge of $.039 per copy. Additionally, the CAT may use the copier
located at the City Administration Building for the standard charge as is
allocated per copy to the City Departments and Divisions. If the City
upgrades the copier located in the Access Center, CAT shall pay an
adjusted charge per copy, up to, but not to exceed the standard City rate
charged to City Departments and Divisions as determined annually.
o Copy machine maintenance costs will be paid by the City.
o The City shall repair and maintain the video equipment except as
otherwise noted All in-kind maintenance shall be mutually agreed upon
by the City and the CAT
o CAT shall make minor repairs to equipment used for public access
productions such as repairing microphones, cables, cleaning recording
heads, and camera lenses
o Certain equipment, to be designated by the City, shall not be available for
public access checkout. The reserved equipment shall be used only for
government productions, CATs contract productions, and CAT's
promotional programs. Use of the reserved equipment will be only by
CAT Staff and City Staff certified by a procedure established by the City.
o Use of the PEG Center video equipment and facilities will he coordinated
by the City using a reservation system readily available at all times. This
in no way relieves the CAT of the responsibility of making sure that all of
the City's equipment used for public access purposes is checked out and
returned in good working order.
o CAT will notify the City immediately of any problems with the equipment
o All video production equipment owned by the City and used for public,
educational and/or government access productions shall be covered under
the City's insurance policy.
SECTION 4. CONTRACT PERIOD. Initial contract period will be from March 1, 2003
until December 31, 2003 (with the exception for probation noted above). However, this
agreement may be renewed for two (2) consecutive one (1) year terms. Each such annual
renewal term shall be subject to a favorable recommendation from the
Telecommunications Board to the City Council, approval of renewal by the City Council,
and budget approval by the City Council. In addition, either party may cancel this
contract, at any time after the probationary period, with a thirty (30) day written notice.
SECTION 5. FUNDING. The City hereby agrees to pay CAT the monthly sum of
$5,750 for services performed under the terms of this contract. Each monthly payment
will be remitted on or before the 15i° day of each month, beginning March 15, 2003.
The Contractor agees to provide the City with a monthly financial report, based on a
modified accrual method, summarizing activity during the preceding 30 day period. Said
report shall include income and balance sheet statements. Contractor shall have an
independent certified public accountant complete an official review of its financial
records annually. This report shall be submitted to the City by the last day of the third
month after the end of Contractor's fiscal year.
SECTION 6. LEGAL AUTHORITY. CAT assures and guarantees that it possesses the
legal authority to enter into this Agreement. Further, that the person or persons signing
and executing this Agreement on behalf of CAT have been fully authorized by CAT to
execute this Agreement. That such authority is evidenced pursuant to a proper,
appropriate and official motion and resolution, which was passed and approved
specifically to enter into this Agreement and shall legally bind CAT to all the terms,
performances, and provisions here set forth. A copy of such resolution shall be provided
upon execution of this Agreement. The City may exercise its right to either temporarily
suspend or permanently terminate this Agreement if there is a dispute as to the legal
authority of CAT or the person signing the Agreement. The City shall not be obligated to
pay CAT for any performance of the provisions of this Agreement after the City has
suspended or terminated this Agreement as provided in this Section
SECTION 7. PERSONNEL. CAT shall adequately staff the public access operation to
meet the services and duties outlined in this agreement. Staff for public, educational, and
• •
government channels will be expected to work together in a cooperative manner with all
groups using the facility. Personnel policies shall be established by CAT and shall be
available for examination by the City.
Upon termination of an employee by the City Cable Administrator, and in the event that
the CAT's manager wishes to hire the employee over the objections of the Cable
Administrator, an appeal of the action may be brought by the Cable Administrator to the
CAT's Board of Directors. Similarly, upon termination of an employee by the CAT, and
in the event that the Cable Administrator wishes to hire the employee over the objections
of the CAT's manager, an appeal of the action may be brought by the CAT's manager to
the Telecommunications Board.
SECTION 8. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. CAT shall comply with all applicable equal
opportunity, affirmative action, and ADA laws or regulations, including those of the City
of Fayetteville.
SECTION 9. INSURANCE. CAT shall obtain and keep in force during the term of this
agreement a policy of public liability and property damage insurance. The coverage, at a
minimum, shall be in the following amounts:
General Liability
a. General Aggregate
b. Products/Completed Oper. Aggr.
c. Personal and Advertising Injury
d. Each Occurrence
e. Fire Damage (any one fire)
f. Medical Expense (any one person)
Worker's Compensation for all employees as required by Arkansas Statute.
Bonding: CAT shall obtain a fidelity bond covering all persons handling funds
received or disbursed and/or signing or co-signing checks to disburse funds under this
agreement, within 10 days of the contract execution. The fidelity bond shall be in an
amount equal to l0% of the city grant award or $5,000, whichever is less. CAT shall
furnish the city proof of an adequate fidelity bond prior to the first payment of funds
under this agreement.
initiate or sponsor political or religious programming. The staff shall work on a content
neutral basis and shall not determine programming content except for programs produced
for the purpose of promoting the use of the channel. Staff produced programs, such as
short -takes and contract productions shall be open to participation by all citizens on a
first-come, first-served, non-discriminatory basis. Though, the facility can be used for
legitimate first amendment purposes, no portion of the funds received by CAT shall be
used to directly produce any programs nor participate in any CAT -sponsored activities
that establish any religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof.
• •
SECTION 11. PUBLICITY. In any news release, sign, brochure, or other medium
disseminating information prepared or distributed by or for CAT, mention shall be made
of the City of Fayetteville having made the project possible, i.e. "'Community Access
Television' is a project partially funded by the City of Fayetteville."
SECTION 12. HOLD HARMLESS. It is expressed understood and agreed by both
parties that the City is contracting with CAT as an independent contractor and that as
such, CAT shall save and hold the City, its officers, agents and employees harmless from
all liability of any nature of any kind, including costs and expenses for, or on account of,
any claims, audit exceptions, demands, suits or damages of any character whatsoever
resulting from injuries or damages sustained by persons or property, resulting in whole or
in part from the performance or omission of any employee, agent or representative of
CAT. This Agreement shall not be construed in any manner or form as a waiver of that
Tort Immunity as set out under Arkansas Law.
SECTION 13. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The CAT covenants that neither it nor any
member of its Board of Directors currently has any interest or shall acquire any interest,
direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of
services required to be performed under this Agreement. The CAT further covenants that
in the performance of this Agreement no person having such interest shall be employed
or appointed as a member of its Board of Directors.
The CAT further covenants that no member of its Board of Directors or its staff or
employees shall possess any interest in or use their position for a purpose that is or gives
the appearance of being motivated by desire for private gain for themselves, or others
particularly, those with which they have family, business, or other ties.
No officer, member, or employee of the City and no member of its governing body who
exercises any functions or responsibilities in the review or approval of the undertaking or
carrying out of this Agreement, shall participate in any decision relating to the Agreement
which affects his or her personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership, or
association in which he has a personal financial direct or indirect interest; or have any
personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof.
CONTRACT ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
between the parties hereto, and any prior agreement, whether written or oral, shall have
no force or effect. Any subsequent agreements will have no effect unless properly
executed in writing and recorded as an addendum to this Agreement.
SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this
agreement is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,
such section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word will be deemed as a separate,
distinct and independent provision, and such holding will not effect the validity of the
remaining provisions of this agreement.
• •
ATTEST: �,(�
By: /14•01..1/ /'
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Sondra Smith, City Clerk
Title: er-c>'ck� C 67--iar4
Dan Coo
y, Mayor
1. The use of alcohol, tobacco products and illegal drugs is strictly prohibited in the PEG
2. Contractor's and City's employees shall not park in the spaces in front of the Access
3. Food and drink shall not be taken into the production areas which includes all editing
bays, the studio control and cable casting areas and the Multi -Media Editing and Internet
Access room.
4. PEG Center users shall not leave items to be stored in the PEG Center without
permission from the Public Access Manager or the Cable Administrator. In the event that
there is a disagreement about what can be stored in the PEG Center, the city shall make
the final decision.
5. PEG Center users shall not leave unattended items such as coats, hats, cups, props,
dishes, papers, books, magazines, food, drinks and other items in inappropriate places.
Each user shall leave the break room and other rooms in the PEG Center in a reasonable
state of order and neatness.
6. All equipment use shall be entered into the appropriate reservation book before being
7. If a producer is 20 minutes late or more, without notification, for an equipment
reservation, the equipment may be reserved by another producer.
8. In order to maintain the Conference-Breakroom as a space for use by the public and
all PEG Center personnel, the door between the CAT Manager's office and the
breakroom shall act as a permanent partition and remain locked except under dire
9. Public Access Contractor and City shall each bear one-half of the costs of supplies
used by everyone in the facility's break room.
10. The staffs for the public access and government channels will be working closely
together at the PEC Center. Members of both staffs will be expected to work in a
cooperative manner.
1 I All persons shall behave in a respectful, courteous and orderly manner while in the
PEG Center.
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i'd �/a- CAS'
AQ -*fail
Midizoe: 74(ar
Resolution No. 23-03
Resolution 23-03
Staff Review Form w/attachments
1/6/03 memo to mayor/city council
draft contract
blank contract
blank contract
memo to Marvin Hilton
notes from Weis and Sondra Smith
To: Marvin Hilton
Cable Administration `�p��(
From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman t)1
Clerk Division
Date: February 18, 2003
Re: Res. No. 23-03
Attached are executed copy of the above resolution and contract to provide access television
service from March 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003 with Community Access Television.
George Weis has received a copy of this contract.
The original contract will be microfilmed and filed with the city clerk's office. If anything else is
needed please let the clerk's office know.
Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor
• •
For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of February 18, 2003
Marvin Hilton
Cable Administration Administration
Name Division Department.
Passage of a resolution accepting a contract for public access television services from
March 1, 2003 until December 31, 2003.
Cost of this Request
Account Number
Project Number
1, 000
Public Access
Category/Project. Budget Category/Project Name
11, Soo
Cable Administration
Funds Used To Date Program Name
51, `Sou
Remaining Balance Fund
)(, Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached
Budget Mana
Admin isr rut
ve Services Director
/„� 5 ThW y.S 14 x-14103
to Int e: nal Auditor Date
Purchasing Officer
:A :cord Ha or
D le::ran:t. i:oord nat or
Di .,ion Head
A.nin_e.rative Services Director
Date Cross Reference
tN siafre We Of,F,cef-
C��eF �M
New item:
Prev Ord/Res b:
Ortg Cor'ract E:ate:
0;-ct C;;n•. ract Number:
Description Meeting Date
Comments: Reference Comments:
Budget Manager
Accounting Manager
City Attorney
Purchasing Officer
ADA Coordinator
Internal Auditor
Grants Coordinator
January 6, 2003
The Mayor and Council
From: Hugh Earnest
Chief Administrative Officer
Subject: Public Access Television Contract
2002 was the last year of the five year contract for services between the City and
Community Access Television. Last fall, the Telecommunication Board prepared a
Request for Services and received two responses. After considerable discussion and
evaluation of the merits of the two proposals by a sub -committee formed for this specific
task, Community Access Television was recommended by the sub -committee as the
preferred provider. The recommendation was forwarded to the Telecommunication
Board and the Board accepted the recommendation at their January 22nd meeting.
Current Situation
The contract with CAT was negotiated by a sub -committee of the Telecom Board with
input from a number of interested parties. The contract, a copy of which is attached, is
very specific in detailing performance requirements expected of CAT. Several of the
more significant requirements are listed as follows:
✓ The CAT budget requires that a minimum of 2% of the City annual funding be
allocated for public outreach
✓ CAT is expected to develop a plan for generating revenue to decrease reliance on
City funds.
✓ The contract also contains language clearly delineating CAT's responsibility in
training producers in public access programming.
✓ In the area of performance monitoring, the contract contains three important steps
A 90 day probationary period
A quarterly review process
An annual performance review
1 Failure in any of these areas will subject CAT to immediate recommendation of
cancellation by the Telecommunication Board to the City Council.
113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 479621-7700
FAX 4794768757
• •
✓ The contract itself runs through December 31°, 2003 with renewal possible for
two (2) consecutive one year terms.
✓ Either party may cancel this contract, at any time after the probationary period,
with a thirty (30) day written notice.
The Telecommunication Board and the sub -committee who worked on the contract all
deserve our heartfelt appreciation for producing a document that clearly defines for both
parties the work product expected. It is our recommendation that the Council approve the
contract as submitted.