HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-03 RESOLUTION• • RESOLUTION NO. 22-03 A RESOLUTION TO EXPRESS THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENT . TO EXTEND BROYLES ROAD NORTH TO WEDINGTON DRIVE NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby expresses its intent to extend Broyles Road north to Wedington Drive to provide right-of-way for 48 -inch sewer force mains and access to the site of the new wastewater plant. PASSED and APPROVED this the 4th day of February, 2003. • By: Ottc(a o -d Sondra Smith, City Clerk APPROVED: By DAN COODY, Mayo • NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Resolution No. 22-03 Document • v 1 02/04/03 Resolution 22-03 2 01/17/03 Staff Review Form w/attachments 1/17/03 memo to Coody, Boettcher, Earnest Beavers, Conklin copy of memo to Street Committee photocopy of map-Fyv West Side WWTP draft resolution 3 02/18/03 memo to Ron Petrie NOTES: • FAYETTEA LLE TNI CIT. Of FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE • To: Ron Petrie Engineering Division From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk's Division Date: 2/18/2003 Re: Res. 22-03 Attached you will find an executed copy of the above referenced resolution passed by the City Council on February 4, 2003, expressing the City Council's intent to extend Broyles Road north to Wedington Drive. If anything else is needed please let the city clerk's office know. /cbp Attachments cc Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor • • AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW STAFF REVIEW FORM For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of February 4, 2003 FROM: Ron Petrie Name Engineering Division CPE Services Department ACTION REQUIRED: 1. Approval of a resolution to support the extension of Broyles Road from Persimmon Street through the proposed Persimmon Place Subdivision to Wedington Drive. COST TO CITY: 0.00 Cost of this Request N/A Account Number N/A Project Number 0.00 Category/Project Budget 2003 $0.00 Funds Used To Date 2003 $0.00 Remaining Balance 2003 WWTP Catcgory/Project Name Water/Sewer Improv. Program Name Sales Tax Fund BUDGET REVIE udget Ma ager .N/A Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Finance and Internal Services Director CONTRACT/ NT/LEASE REVIEW: ` `7 Accounting Manager City Attomey /1/7/03 GRANTING AGENCY: L c ,jy2 /117103 /Date Internal Aud)¢r // %(D- Date IIl�lIce Purchasing Officer Date Date ADA Coordinator Date Grant Coordinator Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the action listed above. Division Head Jimilate..• 71174102 - Date Department Director Date Cross Reference New Item: Yes x No I — 11 — D3_ Prev Ord/Res N: Finance and Internal Services Director Date inistsativc Officer Orig Contract Date: Orig Contract No: • • STAFF REVIEW FORM Page 3 Description Broyles Road Extension Meeting Date February 4 2003 Comments. Reference Comments: Budget Manager Accounting Manager City Attorney Purchasing Officer ADA Coordinator Internal Auditor Grant Coordinator • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: 501-575-8206 ENGINEERING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Dan Coody, Greg Boettcher, Hugh Earnest, Jim Beavers, Tim Conklin Ron Petrie, Staff Engineer vi January 17, 2003 Proposed City Council Resolution to support the extension of Broyles Road from Persimmon Street through the proposed Persimmon Place Subdivision to Wedington Drive. Please find attached a memo from Greg Boettcher to the Street Committee dated January 15, 2003 that provides the background for this proposed street extension. Currently, Broyles Road terminates at Persimmon Street with traffic utilizing 46th Street to access Wedington Drive. The 59.6 acres of land that was rezoned the past year is located immediately to the north of this intersection. A subdivision, Persimmon Place, to be located on the 59.6 acres has recently been submitted for staff review. The vehicles from this proposed subdivision, Persimmon Place, would also utilize 46th Street as the major ingress/egress thoroughfare. This situation prompted Staff to explore the extension of Broyles Road to Wedington Drive to alleviate the adjacent property owner's concerns and also to provide an access road to the new wastewater treatment plant. This option would involve the Persimmon Place developers to construct Broyles road through their property and the City constructing approximately 1,320 feet of street from the subdivision to Wedington Drive. On January 15, 2003, the Street Committee was in agreement to the placement of this item on the upcoming City Council Agenda, with the condition that the upcoming ward meeting on January 27, 2003 favorably receives this concept. Attachments: Staff Review Form Memo from Greg Boettcher to Street Committee Site Drawing • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE—PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: FAYETTEVILLE STREET COMMITTEE Bob Davis, Chairman; Lioneld Jordan, Alderman; Don Marr, Alderman; Robert Reynolds, Alderman COPY: Mayor Dan Coody, Jim Beavers, Heather Woodruff, Hugh Earnest, Terry Gulley, Tim Conklin FROM: Greg Boettcher, Public Works Director DATE: January 15, 2003 RE- Broyles Road Extension Project Integrated Improvement Plan BACKGROUND Multiple public and private improvement projects are being planned for the west side of Fayetteville, particularly in the vicinity of Broyles Road and Persimmon Street. To the south of this intersection, the City of Fayetteville plans to construct the west side wastewater treatment plant, such project to commence final design phase in 2003. Part of this large scale development project will be the improvement of Broyles Road along the east property frontage and the construction of an adequate road system to service the plant site. The preliminary planning proposed that the primary access to the plant site be from the south, with Broyles Road to be unproved from Highway 62 (in Farmington) to the plant site. This access plan has been further evaluated in recent months, with a comparison of alternative being developed by the Engineering Department. Concurrent with these evaluations, a developer has proceeded with plans to develop a tract of land north of the intersection of Persimmon Street and Broyles Road, such land being proposed as a residential subdivision by the name of Persimmon Place. Internal reviews of the preliminary layout for this subdivision have precipitated discussions on alternate lot configurations that would accommodate the extension of Broyles Road northerly through the subdivision. An amended preliminary subdivision plan has been developed that capitalizes upon the infrastructure improvements being proposed as a part of the private development, aligning the internal street to match the planned extension of Broyles Road. This coordination of pnvate and public planning produces significant cost saving for the northerly extension of Broyles Road by leveraging the private investment. • • • • • A third consideration in the northerly extension of Broyles Road is the forthcoming need for a utility easement for the 48 -inch force mains from the proposed Hamestring Lift Station. The preliminary design of the west side line work for the wastewater system improvement project depicts the construction of new 48 -inch force mains along the conidor proposed for the extension of Broyles road to Wedington Avenue. The design of the Persimmon Place Subdivision will include the necessary considerations to accommodate this future construction with a minimum damage to infrastructure. Since it will be necessary at a later date to acquire the right-of-way for this force main, the acquisition of the street right-of-way now, with allowances for the future force main avoids redundant efforts and serves multiple public interests. Due to these interrelated and concurrent needs, the construction of the Broyles Road Extension, using the northerly connection alignment, offers a window of opportunity that the City of Fayetteville should capitalize upon. The coordination of planning, engineering, utilities and private interests can produce significant cost savings for the municipal operations; will promote the orderly growth of the public infrastructure; and leverages public/private resources for the greatest net benefit to all interests. DISCUSSION This new capital improvement project is the most economical access road solution for the new west wastewater treatment plant, the cost savings from the original plan being approximately $1,400,000.00. Even when the other alternatives are evaluated this approach has a cost advantage of $130,000.00-$500,000.00 from the next lowest alternative (use of 46t Street). Functionally, the northerly extension has advantages of improved alignment, minimal traffic mterference during construction, reduced conflict with existing land uses and compatibility with master street planning. The design of the new street will include appropriate considerations to allow the future construction of the 48 -inch force mains in the same right-of-way comdor, =ramming damages and interruptions during the later construction. The proposed right-of-way acquisitions will involve an estimated three property owners, the anticipated total right-of-way width being at least 70 feet for street and utility construction. RECOMMENDATION The construction of a Broyles Road extension using a northerly alignment from its intersection with Persimmon Street is recommended for acceptance by the Street Committee rc rrojecrsrayeuevwe vveSLJioe vvvv 1 rwuemauve.awy, u 11ItMUUJ UO:ca:oo Nm, JOSLIUWSKI • MMOION MINE STATE PROPOSED BROYLES ROAD EXTENSION /. IGMIMAT l PERSIMMON PROPOSED ROUTE FOR NEM AR' FORCE YIAIN SOO ACREScar PROPERTY RCY09ED NEN NEST SI NASTCNATCR TREATMENT PLANT EMIRS ROAD n to 1 g • .r /Av07Trwn.to C,rr LIMITS PROPOSED PERSIMMON PLACE SUBDIVISION 1 ears AN GIRLS CLUE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ENGINEERING DIVISION Fayetteville West Side WWTP atiN JPO motto F: RSP o.rt. Jan. 8 2003 AS SHOWN 100 .EM O> Yl[I M] • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION TO EXPRESS THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENT TO EXTEND BROYLES ROAD NORTH TO WEDINGTON DRIVE NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby expresses its intent to extend Broyles Road north to Wedington Drive to provide right-of-way for 48 -inch sewer force mains and access to the site of the new wastewater plant. PASSED and APPROVED this the 41h day of February, 2003. ATTEST: By Heather Woodruff, City Clerk APPROVED: DRg By: DAN COODY, Mayor