HomeMy WebLinkAbout177-03 RESOLUTION• RESOLUTION NO. 177-03 A RESOLUTION APPROVING ADM 03-27.00 AMENDING THE MASTER STREET PLAN, LESSENING THE RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION FOR STEARNS STREET, DESIGNATED A COLLECTOR STREET REQUIRING 70' RIGHT OF WAY, TO LOCAL STREET STANDARDS REQUIRING 50' RIGHT OF WAY, AND RECONFIGURING THE CONNECTION BETWEEN STEARNS STREET AND VANTAGE DRIVE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby approves the herein above mentioned change. PASSED and APPROVED this 18th day of November, 2003. By APPR% D: DAN COODY, Mayor NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date • Resolution No. 177-03 Document • 1 10.31.03 memo to mayor & city council draft resolution Craftan, Tulle & Associates, Inc. It copy of vicinity map copy of apartment plan memo to planning commission copy of 10.1 of Master Street Plan staff review form 2 11.21.03 memo to Dawn Warrick NOTES: • City Council Meg of November 18, 2003 /08/43 Agenda Item Number / 2 7 thtf 0.3-j ZOO/ Steams Weer CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Tim Conklin, Community Planning and Engineering Services Director !( From: Dawn T. Warrick, AICP, Zoning and Development Administrator ,r Date: October 31, 2003 Subject: Master Street Plan amendent — Stearns Street RECOMMENDATION Planning Staff recommends approval of a resolution amending the Master Street Plan to reclassify Steams Street from a collector to a local street and to reconfigure the connection of Stearns Street with Vantage Drive. BACKGROUND Property description: The subject property is located east of N. College Ave., between Joyce Blvd. and Zion Rd. Steams Street is currently designated a collector street on the Master Street Plan connecting Joyce Blvd. and Vantage Drive (a partially built north/south collector). Proposal: The applicant proposes to develop an apartment project north of the location where Stearns Street will connect with Vantage Drive. As a part of the project, an off-site connection to Stearns Street is proposed in order to provide additional access and connectivity for the development. Request: The request is to reclassify Steams Street in this location from a collector street requiring 70' of right-of-way to a local street which requires 50' of right-of-way. A change in the configuration of the intersection of Stearns Street and Vantage Drive is also proposed in order to provide a buildable lot south of the apartments for future development. The current configuration of this connection would cause the extension of Stearns Street to bisect a property leaving little or no ability for it to be properly developed. DISCUSSION The Planning Commission voted 7-0-0 in favor of the associated Large Scale Development for Stearns Street Apartments which included consideration of this Master Street Plan amendment as a condition of that approval on Monday, October 27, 2003. 1 • City Council Meaag of November 18, 2003 Agenda Item Number Steams Street is identified on the City's current Master Street plan. The purpose of this street is to provide a way for traffic to access Vantage Drive and to then be able to travel north to Zion Road or south to Joyce Street. The proposed change in classification and reconfiguration of Stearns Street will not detrimentally impact the intent of the Master Street Plan in this location. Traffic flow will be substantially the same. The Master Street Plan amendments which are being presented with the City's Traffic and Transportation Plan prepared by Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corp. does not show a collector street in this location indicating that Stearns Street would be reclassified should the new plan be adopted as proposed. BUDGET IMPACT None. The full street segment will be built by the developer of Steams Street Apartments as an off-site improvement when that project is constructed. 2 • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING ADM 03-27.00 AMENDING THE MASTER STREET PLAN, LESSENING THE RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION FOR STEARNS STREET, DESIGNATED A COLLECTOR STREET REQUIRING 70' RIGHT OF WAY, TO LOCAL STREET STANDARDS REQUIRING 50' RIGHT OF WAY, AND RECONFIGURING THE CONNECTION BETWEEN STEARNS STREET AND VANTAGE DRIVE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL SOF ,THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby approves the herein above mentioned change. PASSED and APPROVED this ATTEST: By: By. day of November, 2003 APPROVED: DAN N CO D ;MAYOR SSOONDRA-SMITH; CITY CLERK\2 • • • Crafton, Tull & Associates, Inc. 901 N. 47th Street, Suite 200, Rogers, AR 72756 479.636.4838 Far 479.631.6224 www.craftull.com Jeremy Pate City of Fayetteville, Planning 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72703 RE: Master Street Plan RNV Reduction Stems Street and Shepherd Lane CTA Job No. 021131-00 Dear Jeremy: October 29, 2003 RECEIVED OCT 3 0 2003 PLANNING DIV. Per this letter, we are formally requesting a reduction in right-of-way for Stems Street and Shepherd Lane to be presented at the next regular meeting of the City Counsel. We are requesting to reduce Shepard Lane from a collector street 70' right of way to a local street with 50' of nght of way. We are also requesting reducing Steams street from a 70' right of way to a 50 ft right of way. The following are our justifications: 1. The commercial center of Bames and Noble, Toys -R -Use ect...will prevent Shepard Lane from ever being a through street to 71 B which would be the intent of a collector type street. The only traffic that would utilize this street would be Local residential uses. 2. Stems street connects to Joyce Boulevard near the mayor intersection of Joyce and 71 B. Making Stems street a collector would create another significant intersection next to one of the busiest in Fayetteville. We fill it would make more since to direct the majority of traffic to the future intersection of Vantage dnve and Joyce which would be further east. Also, the section of Stems street that is already constructed, and RNV dedicated, is to local street standards, not collector street standards. For these reasons, along with constructing Vantage Drive as a boulevard, we fill that the reduction in street classifications are justified. Should you have any questions, or require any additional information, please contact us at your convenience. Very Truly Yours, 'Crafton, Tull & Associates, Inc. Jerry Kelso, P.E Architects, Engineers and Surveyors Celebrating 40 years of (Design !EXceffence and Dedicatee Service 1963 - 2003 n Z 0 \�SN.oN DR ❑ Q ❑ FRONT SIR • FRONTAGE FRONTAGE Z9Z RE11 TON DR' VANTAGE DANE ow Rat PARK NOV DR i E TEPR • • • J m r 0 D 0 z ti117 • L 1 @ ' Ei Y 1 ®. ♦ ,•wnu WOW* .. EMS NI N. ••I. .n �.or. n. I11!' 1 f STEARNS STREET APARTMENTS FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Grafton. Tull a Associate. Inc. ) .4 ld. C{f .+„=I.'�• ®. ♦ ,•wnu WOW* .. EMS NI N. ••I. .n �.or. n. 9 @ Grafton, Tull 8 Asaoelat.a, Inc. y{ 4 i I �L. aA i .,,_ ,® o1 .. ..Y P sr� w*. n. nuor m. ...o va. e.rniu<u. engin..,. 1 s„... roa iie' t1( STEARNS STREET APARTMENTS LALIII ARKANSAS Grafton, Tull 8 Asaoelat.a, Inc. �L. aA i .,,_ ,® o1 .. ..Y P sr� w*. n. nuor m. ...o va. e.rniu<u. engin..,. 1 s„... roa • • • FAYETTEVILLE TIIE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE PC Meeting of October 27, 2003 111 W. 51ountain Si. Fayetteville. AR 72701 Telephone: 501-5754261 TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Jeremy Pate, Associate Planner Matt Casey, Staff Engineer THRU: Dawn Warrick, A I C P , Zoning & Development Administrator DATE: October 21, 2003 LSD 03-38.00: Large Scale Development (Stearns Apartments, pp 136) was submitted by Jerry Kelso of Crafton, Tull, and Assoc. on behalf of Steams Street Apartments Limited Partnership for property located at the southwest corner of Vantage Dr. and Zion Rd. The property is zoned RMF -24, Residential Multi -family 24 units per acre, and R -O, Residential Office, and contains 23 acres. The proposal is to construct an apartment complex with 276 units proposed. Planner: Jeremy Pate Findings: Proposal: The applicant requests to construct an apartment complex within an RMF -24 and R -O zoning district comprised of 276 units (460 bedrooms in 23 buildings) and a 1250 SF clubhouse. The R -O parcel was approved by Planning Commission in April of 2003 as a Conditional Use to allow multifamily residential with a maximum density of 18 units per acre (see attached minutes). Conditions of approval specifically addressed a requirement for a mixture of building sizes and facades which would provide the appearance of a more diverse community of residential uses; elevations which were required to be submitted at the time of large scale development review; installation of sidewalks on the subject property; on- and off-site improvements; and a maximum density of 18 dwelling units per acre. Building elevations were submitted for review by Subdivision Committee on October 16, 2003. Based on comments received, the applicant revised the site plan to reflect three different building footprints with six different facades, including the clubhouse. The conditional use is applicable to only that portion of the site within the R -O zoning district; however, the applicant has continued the mixture of facades and footprints into the RMF -24 portion of the tract, in keeping with the spirit of the requirement. Surrounding Land Use / Zoning: Direction Land Use Zoning North Single family homes R -O, Residential Office R -A, Residential Agricultural South Vacant C-2, Thoroubhfare Commercial RMF -24, Res. Multifamily, 24 DU/Ac East Zion Valley Estates West Vacant Lots C-1, Neighborhood Commercial R -A, Residential Agricultural R:IRepons120031PCR£POR7SU0-?.UST) 03-38.00 (Smarm Si APtr).dx • • Right-of-way being dedicated: Vantage Drive (70 feet Collector), Stearns Street (50 feet Local), Shepherd Lane (50 feet Local). Stearns Street and Shepherd Lane require Master Street Plan amendments for lesser dedication of right-of-way. Street Improvements: Vantage Drive is proposed to be constructed with a boulevard cross- section, to City standards, with 22 -foot lanes (including on -street bicycle linkage) and a 10 -foot landscaped median. Shepherd Lane, the interior Collector Street that in the future connects Vantage Drive with Frontage Road, is proposed to be a Local Street with 50 -feet of right-of-way, 28 feet wide with paving, curb, gutter, and six-foot sidewalks on both sides. Stearns Street, an off-site street to the south, is proposed to be extended with 50 feet of dedicated right-of-way, with a 28 -foot street cross-section. Staff is in support of the lesser dedication of right-of-way and Master Street Plan Amendment for Steams Street and Shepherd Lane. Adjacent Master Street Plan Streets: Vantage Drive, Collector; Steams Street, Collector (off- site); Shepherd Lane, Collector Park land Dedication: City Council passed a waiver to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance 166.03k on October 07, 2003, Resolution 146-03, to approve money -in -lieu of land ($108,468). Tree Preservation: Existing canopy: 47% Preserved canopy: 21% Required canopy: 20% Mitigation required: None Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of LSD 03-38.00 subject to the following conditions: Conditions of Approval: Planning Commission determination of compliance with CUP 03-10.00 Conditions of Approval as stated in the attached minutes, including: • review of on- and off-site improvements; • sidewalk installation; • mixture of building size and facade to provide appearance of a more diverse community of residential uses; • submittal of building elevations; and • maximum density of 18 DU/acre 2. Planning Commission determination of street improvements. Stafffinds that the applicant's proposed street improvements meet those required by a developer for on - and off-site improvements, including Vantage Drive (50 feet wide, with landscape median, bike lanes and 6 -foot sidewalks. Stearns Street (28 feet wide w/curb, gutter and storm drains), and Shepherd Lane (28 feet wide with curb, gutter, storm drains and 6 -foot sidewalks on both sides.) All streets are to be constructed in accordance with City standards. 3. Planning Commission determination of the Master Street Plan Amendment proposals to reduce Stearns Street and Shepherd Lane, both Collector streets, to Local Streets. R: Ikepornt20031PCREPOR7S110-27VSt) 03.3800 (Stearns Si Aptr).doo • • The two Master Street Plan Amendments shall be considered as separate items by City Council. Staff is in favor of the proposed amendment to reduce the Collector Streets to Local Streets. 4. Planning Commission determination of a variance request for the 100 -foot building setback from a water surface in the pond area. Staff is in support of this variance request. The applicant intends to install a 4 -foot wrought iron fence around the pond for safety. 5. Street names shall be approved by the 9-1-1 Coordinator. 6. Parks fees are assessed for 276 multifamily units in the amount of $108,468. Fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of building permits. 7. A complete and detailed Landscape Plan shall be submitted and approved by the Landscape Administrator prior to building permit, complying with all requirements as set forth in the Unified Development Code. Standard Conditions of approval: Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with current City regulations to include 6 -foot sidewalks at the right-of-way line on both sides of Shepherd Lane and on the west side of Vantage drive north to Zion Road 9. All mechanical/utility equipment shall be screened using materials that are compatible with and incorporated into the structure. Equipment located away from the structure shall be screened using vegetation. 10. Trash enclosures shall be screened with access not visible from the street. 11. Plat Review and Subdivision comments (to include written staff comments provided to the applicant or his representative, and all comments from utility representatives - AR Western Gas, SWBT, Ozarks, SWEPCO, Cox Communications) 12. Staff approval of final detailed plans, specifications and calculations (where applicable) for grading, drainage, water, sewer, fire protection, streets (public and private), sidewalks, parking lot(s) and tree preservation. The information submitted for the plat review process was reviewed for general concept only. All public improvements are subject to additional review and approval. All improvements shall comply with City's current requirements. 13: Large scale development shall be valid for one calendar year. 14. Prior to the issuance of a building permit the following is required: a. Grading and drainage permits b. Separate easement plat for this project that shall include the tree preservation area. c. Project Disk with all final revisions A' IReparn170031PCREPORTS11017II SD 03-38.00 (Stearns Sr Apia) dm' • • LSD 03-34.00 Page 4 d. Completion of all required improvements or the placement of a surety with the City (letter of credit, bond, escrow) as required by §158.01 "Guarantees in Lieu of Installed Improvements" to guarantee all incomplete improvements. Further, all improvements necessary to serve the site and protect public safety must be completed, not just guaranteed, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 15. Additional conditions: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: yes Required Approved Denied Date: October 27, 2003 Comments: The "CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL", beginning on page two of this report, are accepted in total without exception by the entity requesting approval of this development item. By, Title Date K: IRrportnt200l!PCREPOR7S/0-27(LSD 0318.00 (Stearns St Alm) doe • • • PLANS AND POLICIES • 10 MASTER STREET PLAN Amended September 17, 1996, Street Classifications, Res. No. 97-96 10.1 Street Classifications Planning is required to connect Fayetteville to other population centers and to provide for circulation within the community. New development must be provided with proper access to alleviate problems associated with congestion and safety by requiring streets in sufficient number and of adequate size to accommodate peak traffic volumes. The Master Street Plan is a hierarchy of various street types. All streets within Fayetteville have been functionally classified in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the U. S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Functional Classification Study Manual. Functional classification is defined by the Northwest Arkansas Regional Transportation Study as: The grouping of public ways by likeness of service or purpose into classes or systems according to the character ojservice they are intended to provide. The frame of reference is the sense of service offered to and expected by the road user. Neither ownership nor administrative responsibility is relevant in grouping by function. The hierarchy offunctional classes reflects the type of traffic using each facility and how they function in relation to the overall street network. Streets within Fayetteville are classified as one of the following nine types: RESIDENTIAL STREETS provide for the lowest level of traffic and service. They provide access to residential property and are intended to be used only by local traffic. Design Service Volume: Speed: Traffic Lanes: Parking: Paved Width: Right of Way: Sidewalks: Tree planting areas: 300-500 15-20 mph Two 10' lanes Allowed 24' from back of curb 40' One 4', at least 5' from curb Two, at least 5' wide 401-0" Mini -nun I'.e510 er l tl(I1 Fayetteville, Arkansas • GENERAL PLAN 2020 • 2001 Revision 10-1 • • PLANS AND POLICIES • • RESIDENTIAL WITH ALLEY is a street type provided for "traditional neighborhood" development, with access to properties from rear alleys. These streets provide access to residential property and arc intended to be used only by local traffic. Design Service Volume: Speed: Traffic Lanes: Parking: Paved Width: Right of Way: Sidewalks: Tree planting areas: Curb cuts 100-300 10-15 mph Two 9' lanes Allowed 22' from back of curb 35' One 4', at least 4' from curb Two, at least 4' wide None 35 - 0" Minimum Ces:dent:o 'Ng .'l AIIev ALLEY is used in conjunction with the above residential street to provide rear access to properties, garages, and off-street parking spaces. Design Service Volume. Speed: Traffic Lanes: Parking: Paved Width: Right of Way: Sidewalks: Tree planting areas: Curb cuts: <200 5-10 mph Undefined Not Allowed 10' (one way) to 16' (two way) 20' None None Continuous access possible. No curb required LOCAL STREETS provide for the second lowest level of traffic flow and service. They Fayetteville, Arkansas • GENERAL PLAN 2020 • 2001 Revision 10-2 • • PLANS AND POLICIES • • provide access to abutting land uses and provide connections to higher order systems. They are not intended to provide for through traffic movements. Design Service Volume: Speed: Traffic Lanes: Parking Lanes: Paved Width: Right of Way: Sidewalks: Tree planting areas: Less than 4,000 vpd 20-25 mph Two 10' lanes Provided but not defined 28' from back of curb 50' Two 4', at least 6' from curb Two, at least 6' wide COLLECTOR STREE'T'S provide traffic circulation within residential, commercial, and industrial areas. They collect traffic from local or residential streets in neighborhoods and channel it into the arterial system. Connections between arterials should be indirect to discourage use by traffic from outside the neighborhood. In residential neighborhoods, frontage along collectors is discouraged; houses should front on local or residential streets. Design Service Volume: Speed: Traffic Lanes: Parking Lanes: Paved Width: Right of Way: Multi -use trail: Tree Planting areas: 4,000 vpd, 6,000 vpd with left turn bays 25-30 mph Two 1 l' travel lanes, 10' tum bays where warranted Two lanes provided. None when turn bay exists 36' from back of curb At least 70' Two at least 6' wide, at least 10' from curb Two, at least 10' wide HISTORIC COLLECTOR provides traffic circulation within the historic and developed parts of central Fayetteville. This type of collector street recognizes the right-of-way limitations associated Fayetteville, Arkansas • GENERAL PLAN 2020 • 2001 Revision 10-3 • • PLANS AND POLICIES • • with developing in "built -out" areas of the city. Design Service Volume: Speed: Traffic Lanes: Parking Lanes: Paved Width: Right of Way: Sidewalk 4,000 vpd, 6,000 vpd with left tum bays 25-30 mph Two 11' travel lanes, 10' tum bays where warranted Two lanes provided. None when tum bay exists 36' from back of curb At least 50' 6' MINOR ARTERIAL STREETS connect higher functional class facilities, etc. Residential frontage is strongly discouraged. Access should be from perpendicular local or residential streets. Design Service Volume: Speed: Traffic Lanes: Parking Lanes: Paved Width: Right of Way: Multi -use Trail: Tree Planting Areas i 12,200 vpd, 14,800 vpd with left turn bays 35-40 mph Four 12' travel lanes, 11' turn lanes possible at intersections None 52' from back of curb, 59' with turn lane At least 90' Two at least 6' wide, at least 10' from curb Two, at least 10' wide 90 -o Minimum Minor Arterial PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL STREETS carry high volumes of through traffic. They are designed as boulevards for beauty and safety. In areas where sufficient right of way is unobtainable, the minor arterial four lane section can be used. Fayetteville, Arkansas • GENERAL PLAN 2020 • 2001 Revision 10-4 • • PLANS AND POLICIES • • Design Service Volume: Speed: Traffic Lanes: Parking Lanes: Paved Width: Right of Way: Multi -use Trails: Median: Tree planting areas: 17,600 vpd, 20,600 vpd with Icft turn bay 40-45 mph Four 12' travel lanes, 12' turn lanes possible at intersections and at frequent intervals None 28' from back of curb each side of median At least 110' Two at least 6' wide, at least 10' from curb 20' minimum if no tum bay. May be reduced to 8' to accommodate turn bays Two, at least 10' wide, in addition to the median Prrncipcl Arterial Fayetteville, Arkansas • GENERAL PLAN 2020 • 2001 Revision 10-5 • • • PLANS AND POLICIES • FREEWAY/EXPRESSWAY STREETS are high speed, multi -lane facilities with a high degree of access control. These facilities serve the major centers of activity of a metropolitan area; and are designed for the longest trips by being well integrated with the arterial streets serving the area They should provide a high level of traffic service for travelers who do not have local destinations and wish to bypass the city. Design Service Volume: Speed: Traffic Lanes: Parking Lancs: Shoulders: Paved Width: Right of Way: Sidewalks: 28,300 vpd expressway; 44,800 vpd freeway 45-55 mph Four 12' lanes; where at grade intersections occur on expressways, right and left turn lanes shall be provided; no grade crossings allowed on freeways None; emergency parking permitted on shoulders 10' outside and 6' inside shoulders 80' from edge of paved shoulder 200'; 300' for State and Federal projects with more at interchanges; varying including shoulders None FREEWAY/EXPRESSWAY ;CX I_ 10.2 Master Street Plan 12 A listing of all of the streets classified and shown on the master street plan is in Attachment A. The detailed table identifies each street segment by name or proposed name, classification, existing number of lanes, proposed number of lanes, length, and proposed right-of-way width. Fayetteville, Arkansas • GENERAL PLAN 2020 • 2001 Revision 10-6 STAFFIEW FORM - NON-FINANCIAL LIGATION AGENDA REQUEST For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: November 18, 2003 FROM: Dawn Warrick Name Planning CP&E Division Department ACTION REQUIRED. Resolution approval. SUMMARY EXPLANATION: ADM 03-27.00 was submitted by Jerry Kelso of Crafton, Tull & Associates on behalf of Stearns Street Apartments Limited Partnership for property located at the southwest corner of Vantage Dr. and Zion Rd. The property is zoned RMF -24, Residential Multi -family 24 units per acre, and R -O, Residential Office, and contains approximately 23 acres. The request is to reduce the right of way for Stearns Street, currently a collector street requiring 70' right of way, to a local street requiring 50' right of way and to reconfigure the connection between Stearns Street and Vantage Drive. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval Am `3 7i14-tnfr'� Di�J/ision Head ity Attorney Department lirector Financ d Da e 11(3/01 Date Date 11-2 -o3 & Internal Services Dir. Date Received in Mayor's Office Cross Reference: Previous Ord/Rcs#: Orig. Contract Date: Orig. Contract Number. New Item: Yes No FAYETTEV1tLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Dawn Warrick Planning Division From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman e)Pit) City Clerk Division Date: November 21, 2003 Re: Res. No. 177-03 Attached is an executed copy of the above ordinance, approved by the City Council on November 18, 2003, approving ADM 03-2700 lessening the right of way dedication for Stearns Street This resolution and attachments will be recorded in the city clerk's office and microfilmed. The ordinance will also be filed at the courthouse. If anything else is needed please let the clerk's office know. /cbp attachments John Goddard, IT Scott Caldwell, IT Clyde Randall, IT Ed Connell, Engineering