HomeMy WebLinkAbout172-03 RESOLUTION• • RESOLUTION NO. 172-03 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FAYETTEVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT STAFF TO APPLY FOR AND ACCEPT A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF FORTY-THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS (543,820.00) FROM THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESS ROAD, PARKING, AND UTILITIES TO SERVE THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS CORPORATE HANGAR. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes the Fayetteville Municipal Airport staff to apply for and accept a grant in the amount of Forty -Three Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Dollars (543,820.00) from the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics for the construction of an access road, parking, and utilities to serve the University of Arkansas corporate hangar. PASSED and APPROVED this 18th day of November, 2003. eco Trek It/!I, t^ ATTEST: By SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By DAN COODY, May • • ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS APPLICATION FOR STATE AIRPORT AID The City/Eeaaty of Fayetteville , herein called "Sponsor", hereby makes application to the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics for State funds pursuant to Act 733 of 1977, for the purpose of aiding in financing a project for the development of a municipal airport located in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, Washington County. Date of Request: October 30, 2003 Name of Airport: Fayetteville Municipal Airport / Drake Field (FYV) Name and address of City/County Commission sponsoring request: City of Fayetteville, Airport Dept. Person to contact about project: Ray M. Boudreaux, 4500 S School Ave. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone/Fa* Number: 479-718-7642 ?kens/Fax Number. 479-718-7646 Name and address of Engineering Firm (If Applicable): McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc.Contact Person: Wayne Jones, P. E. PO Box 1229, 1810 N College Ave., Fayetteville AR 72702 Number: 479-443-2377 ph, 479-443-9241 fax Describe the work to be accomplished: Construction of an access roadway, parking, and utilities to serve the University of Arkansas corporate hangar. State and Local Project Costs: Please indicate: 50-50% Match X 75-25% Match 90-10% Match Total Local Local State Cost of Project $58,427.00 Share/Funds 14,607.00 Share/In-Kind Share 43,820.00 Federal AIP Projects: Total Cost of Project Federal Share (90%) Local Share (5%) State Share (58) $ $ S • • State Airport Aid Application Page Two Provide the information listed below as it applies to your project: FUNDS: Source of Funds: State Funding: Arkansas State Department of Aeronautics Local Funding: Fayetteville Municipal Funds, Economic Development Fund Source of In -Kind Services: N/A Estimate starting date of project: 11/24/03 Estimate completion date of project: 05/01/04 Project will be for: New Airport Existing Airport XX Is land to be leased or purchased? NO Description of land and cost per acre: Provide the Federal AIP Grant Number (AIP Projects Only) State Representatives for your area: State Senator Sue Madison State Representative Bill Pritchard - District 8 • • State Airport Aid Application Page Three The Sponsor agrees to furnish the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics a copy of the legal instrument affecting use of the property for an airport. In application for a new landing site or expansion of existing facility, the FAA Form 7480.1, Notice of Landing Area Proposal, must be approved by FAA before review for grant can be made by the state. No land purchased with State Grant Funds may be sold or disposed of without State Commission approval. All requests for sale or disposal of property will be considered on an individual case basis. No airport accepting State Grant funding may issue an Exclusive Rights Lease. All applications for navigational aids (such as NDB or ILS) must have FAA site approval before a state grant can be approved. All Grant applications involving Federal Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funding must be accompanied by the approved FAA application. If this project is approved by the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics, and is accepted by the sponsor, it is agreed that all developments and construction shall meet standard FAA construction practices as outlined in the specifications of this agreement. Runways, Taxiways, Parking Ramps, etc., shall have a base and a thickness that will accommodate the weight of aircraft expected to operate at this airport. All grant applicants (City and/or County) are totally responsible for compliance with all Federal, State, County and City Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, Rules, Regulations, and Executive Orders concerning contracts and purchases for which this grant is approved and issued. All grant applicants must submit with their applications a completed Contract and Grant Disclosure and Certification Form. (Form F -1 -Pages 162). It is understood and agreed that should the sponsor fail to start this project within three (3) months of the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics' date of acceptance, that this grant is null and void. It is also agreed that this project, except FAA funded projects, shall be completed within one year from the date of acceptance of this grant by the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics. Applications for extension will be entertained if circumstances beyond the sponsor's control occur. Funds will be disbursed according to Department procedures and final inspection of completed project. (See Instruction Page). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sponsor has caused this Application for State Airport Aid to be duly executed in its name, this 31st day of October 20 03 . `iilh of ,FF; ettevi IL onsor Autho ized Signature Ra M. BoudreDirector Ti e NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date • Resolution No. 172-03 Document • 1 11.18.03 Res. No. 172-03 w/copy of grant application 2 10.30.03 memo to mayor 8 city council draft resolution break -down of eligible site work costs copy of grading plan 11.18.03 staff review form 11.24.03 memo to Ray Boudreaux NOTES: • • /i/i8/03 /7l AA,vsrsp i, City council meeting of: November 18, 2003 td �R7A 7<r45 Agenda item number: avant" CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Hugh Earnest, Chief Administrative Officer FROM: Ray M. Boudreaux, Director Aviation and Economic Development DATE: October 30, 2003 SUBJECT: Award U of A Aircraft Hangar Project RECOMMENDATION: Approve a grant application and acceptance of grant award to the State Department of Aeronautics in the amount of 543,820 to assist in the funding of the access road for the new hangar for the U of A on the southwest corner of the executive ramp. Total project cost 5620,835. BACKGROUND: The U of A Aviation Department signed a lease with the City of Fayetteville to lease a hangar from the City that would accommodate their aircraft, a Beech Jet 400 and a King Air 200. The City Council approved the project with economic development funds in the amount of $400,000. The Council additionally approved a grant from the State Department of Aeronautics in the amount of $200,000 which is the maximum available for building construction. We will apply for an additional 75/25 grant for the access road in the amount of $43,820. The new hangar will be constructed on the southwcst corner of the new executive ramp. DISCUSSION: Currently the U of A aircraft are housed in two separate buildings on the airport. They lease one hangar and pay a monthly hangar fee for space in the FBO hangar. McClelland Consulting Engineers was contracted to design the building and prepare bid documents for the project. The bids were received October 23, 2003. The low bidder was Architectural Contractors, Inc. at $532,000. Following negotiations to determine whether or not a reduction in size and scope would result in a measurable savings it was determined that very little could be changed and still have the quality structure desired. Reducing the size of the hangar by 20 feet • Aviation and Economic Development Department 4500 South School, Suite F Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 (479) 718-7642 Ray M. Boudreaux, Director rhoudreaux@c i. faycttevi Ile.ar. us • • in width (1600SF) and the size of the office by 4 feet in depth (124SF), along with some minor changes to the HVAC and utility systems would only reduce the cost of the building by 6.9%. The basic reason for the increase in price from the previous project was the change in loading requirements with the 2000 International Building Code which is estimated to have increased the base bid by approximately 15%. We will initiate owner change orders to reduce the cost of several items that will not affect the quality of the structure or the utility of the building following further study by the engineer and in consultation with the contractor. We have met with the U of A and they agree with this course of action. BUDGET IMPACT: A budget adjustment is attached to increase the budget for the project to $591,300 plus a 5% contingency of $29,565. The amount includes the bid amount of 5532,000 and the design and project oversight amount of $59,270 plus the 5% contingency of $29,565 for a total project cost of $620 835. Funds are available for the project including $400,000 from the Economic Development fund plus $200,000 from the State grant for the hangar and $43,820 from the State grant for the access road for a total available of $643,820. Aviation and Economic Development Department 4500 South School, Suite F Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 (479) 718-7642 Ray M. Boudreaux, Director rboudrcaux@ci.fayetteville.ar.us RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TI -IE FAYETTEVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT STAFF TO APPLY FOR AND ACCEPT A GRANT IN 1'HE AMOUNT OF FORTY-THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS ($43,820.00) FROM THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF AERONAUTICS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESS ROAD, PARKING, AND UTILITIES TO SERVE TI -IE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS CORPORATE HANGAR. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes the Fayetteville Municipal Airport staff to apply for and accept a grant in the amount of Forty -Three Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Dollars ($43,820.00) from the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics for the construction of an access road, parking, and utilities to serve the University of Arkansas corporate hangar. • ri ines- PASSED and APPROVED this 18th day of November, 2003. v: i1 J `, SONIDRA.S'MITH, City Clerk • • 0 r 0NRI33NI0N3 '1VIO18f1S SUBTOTAL, CONSTRUCTION C O O W X D m OZmmCrD-oZDI 0X.I-{W� CWU'rW- T. Zfh*KcnZ CD Cr x m m m 2P 7i cri 20 r- Gn u)7 r w W N CO V N N A N CA N O 0 0 0 0 0 NOIldId3S30 MI31I A.LIiNVflO '1S3 rrwoggo T T Z 0 in to to to to to M C N -x-kA to - Z V CO CA N Cr Co CA 0 i :rsimn-kiyibbb m CT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 EA 0- A U N CST W�0�0f�D OM CO N In N C71 N A in O -1E V V 0 A O m 0 0 0 0 T T O W O <xjm M-10 < O Z • P m Z K D O oc• Tzm T T Y V V W r O r D m o Tomo O m 0 o n 0 T -I m N r 0 SW -Off CM AIN GJT1U ALSO ASPHALT. HEW ASPHALT 10 11A1DI OSSINO ASPHALT WOES r Punw .w 10 NC NOIOV D n.su UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS CORPORATE HANGAR 124' X 60' METAL BUILDING FINISH FLOOR ELEV. - 1244.00 7 L SEE 5HT. 3 FOR LEGEND NOT CALLED OUT PROPOSED 14 flt0:011011 +41 sour uvAnoM Cove PAD FOR Ct710D13I10 SMT PARKING LOT GRADING PLAN 1 STO REVIEW FORM - FINANCIAL OBLIGON X AGENDA REQUEST X CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: November 18,2003 FROM: Ray M. Boudreaux Name Aviation & Economic Development General Government Division Department Award contract to construct a hangar for the U of A to Architectural Contractors, Inc in the amount of $532,000 plus a 5% project contingency of $29,565. Approve a budget adjustment for the project in the amount of $220,835. Approve t,nlication and acceptance of a state Department of Aeronautics grant of $43,820 for access road workorwfto Mayor for -signature. COST TO CITY: $ 4r5,82c..co ReaW✓c 31(noS e Cost of this request Category/Project Budget 4470;0941- (Oat $ j 19,Un t Account Number 03027.1 Project Number U of A Hangar Construction Program Category / Project Name Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name Remaining Balance Sales Tax Capital Tmprovements Fund Name BUDGET REVIEW: Budget Manager X Budgeted Item Date Budget Adjustment Attached CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: AccoC Dat f (fico' i Date icor Purchasing Manager ire 1113103 Date 1113103 Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Dep- rtment Director Finance rnal Services Dir. Chief dministrative Off e4o D //-4/6s3 Date Datc )/45 �t Date Received in Mayor's Office 11/c3 fr>c3 Date Cross Reference: Previous Ord/Resf: 63-03,64-03,123-03 Orig. Contract Date: Orig. Contract Number: New Item: Yes No XX • Staff Review Form - Page 2 • Description U of A Hangar construction contract Meeting Date November 18,2003 Comments: Reference Comments: Budget Manager Accounting Manager City Attorney c.ap Tl1c o -cc het. bQ-Lv& i • FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE • To: Ray Boudreaux Aviation & Economic Development From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk Division Date: November 24, 2003 Re: Res. No. 172-03 Attached please find an executed copy of the above referenced resolution passed by the City Council, November 18, 2003, authorizing the staff to apply and accept a grant from the Arkansas Department of Aeronautics. The original resolution with attachments will be recorded in the city clerk's office and microfilmed. If anything else is needed please let the city clerk's office know. /cbp cc* Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor