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RESOLUTION NO. 168-03 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER # 11 TO THE CONTRACT WITH CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF FORTY ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY-TWO DOLLARS ($41,342.00) FOR WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AT THE NEW FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby approves Change Order # 11 to the contract with Crossland Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of Forty One Thousand Three Hundred Forty -Two Dollars (541,342.00) for water and sewer improvements at the new Fayetteville Public Library. A copy of Change Order # 11, marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 18th day of November, 2003. By: atitai MLitt—) - SOND A SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By DAN COODY, Ma • Change Order (Instructions on reverse side) PROJECT: (Sant and address ) FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 401 WEST MOUNTAIN STREET FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS 72701 TO CONTRACTOR: (.Fame and address) CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC ATTENTION: JOHN PRIEST — PROJECT MANAGER 2510 WEST HUDSON ROAD ROGERS ARKANSAS 72756 2000,OPTION AIA DOCUMENT CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 11 DATE: 27 October, 2003 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 2000073-00 CONTRACT DATE: 21 MAY 2002 CONTRACT FOR: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION A G701-2000 OWNER 0 0 CONTRACTOR 0 FIELD 0 OTHER 0 ARCHITECT THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include. where applicable, any undisputed annum attributable to previously euruted Com&ucnon Change Uirectisas.) Provide water and sewer improvements in streets surrounding the library project as described in Proposal Request Six. The original (Contract Sum) ((:....,en.nd %$e..:...,,... R;...) s as s 17,633,931.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 1,164,523.70 The (Contract Sum) prior to this Change Order was s_18,798,454.70 The (Contract Sum) i-) will be (increased) (Jvecee+va) 40Reheoget)by this Change Order in the amount of s 41,342.00 The new (Contract Sum) EcriterenteedatcoMcluding this Change Order will be $ 18,839,796.70 the Contract Time will be (increased) Weer$184e44444mwhimgett) by twelve ( 12 ) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is 31 JULY 2004 NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum. Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive for which the cost or time are in dispute a> described in Subparagraph 7.}R of AIA t) current A2011. Not valid until signed by the Architect, Contractor end Owner. AFHJ ARCHITECTS PO BOX 790 FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72702 AIICIi)iCCT ftpsdnamr) Associate e i WC) MES FOSTER BY 21To, DATE CROSSLAND CONST. CO. INC. PO BOX 907 ROGERS, AR 72756 CONTRACTOR ftyp&namr) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 WEST MOUNTAIN ST FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 _/6943_ DATE 02000 The American Institute of Architects. provisions without written permission of the the violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: UnIkensed photocopying violates U3 MAYOR DAN COODY l/-18"03 DATE Reproduction of the material herein w substantial quotation of its AIA violates the copyright laws of rhe United States and will subject . copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. 1 02000 AIA® AIA DOCUMENT G701-2000 CHANGE ORDER The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington D C 20006-5292 02000 AIA® AIA DOCUMENT 6701-1000 INSTRUCTIONS The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006-5292 2 • • Instructions GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE. This document is intended for use in implementing changes in the Work agreed to by the Owner, Contractor and Architect. Execution of a completed G7m form indicates agreement upon all the terms of the change, including any changes in the Contract Sum (or Guaranteed Maximum Price) and Contract Time. RELATED DOCUMENTS. This document was prepared for use under the terms of AIA general conditions, including AIA Document Awl, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, and the general conditions contained in AIA Document Ato7, Abbreviated Owner -Contractor Agreement Form for Construction Projects of Limited Scope—Stipulated Sum. USE OF CURRENT DOCUMENTS. Prior to using any AIA document, the user should consult the AIA, an AIA component chapter or a current AIA Documents Price List to determine the current edition of each document. REPRODUCTIONS. AIA Document G7ot is a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced or excerpted from in substantial part without the express written permission of the AIA. The G7or document is intend- ed to be used as a consumable that is, the original document purchased by the user is intended to be con- sumed in the course of being used. There is no implied permission to reproduce this document, nor does membership in The American Institute of Architects confer any further rights to reproduce G7ot in whole or in part. A limited license is hereby granted to retail purchasers to reproduce a maximum of TEN copies of a com- pleted or executed G7or, but only for use in connection with a particular project. COMPLETING THE G701 FORM DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE IN THE CONTRACT Insert a detailed description of the change or reference specific exhibits describing in detail the change to be made in the Contract by this Change Order, including any Drawings, Specifications, documents or other supporting data to clarify the scope of the change. DETERMINATION OF COSTS Insert the following information in the blanks provided, and strike out the terms in parentheses that do not apply: • the original Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price; • the net change by previously authorized Change Orders (note that this does not include changes authorized by Construction Change Directive unless such a change was subsequently agreed to by the Contractor and recorded as a Change Order); • the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price prior to this Change Order; • the amount of increase or decrease, if any, in the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price;. and • the new Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price as adjusted by this Change Order. CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Insert the following information in the blanks provided, and strike out the terms in parentheses that do not apply: • the amount in days of the increase or decrease, if any, in the Contract Time; and • the date of Substantial Completion, including any adjustment effected by this Change Order. EXECUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT When the Owner and Contractor, in concurrence with the Architect, have reached agreement on the change to be made in the Contract, including any adjustments in the Contract Sum (or Guaranteed Maximum Price) and Contract Time, the G7m document should be executed in triplicate by the two par- ties and the Architect, each of whom retains an original. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates US. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date • Resolution No. 168-03 Document • 1 11.15.03 Res. 168-03 w/change order 2 10.30.03 memo to mayor & city council draft resolution copy of memo to Bob Kohler copy of potential change order request copy of memo to Ron Petrie copy of Garver Eng. Ltr to Jim Foster copy of summary of water & sewer amendment copy of Earthworks Construction work change proposal copy of Earthworks Construction work change request staff review form memo to city council memo to city council .3 1 I. • .I . D3 memo to Louise Schaper NOTES 45 • City Council Mccg of November 18, 2003 "fiM3 /A CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMOcam To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Hugh Earnest, Chief Administrative Officer From: Tim Conklin, Community Planning and Engineering Services Director Date: October 30, 2003 Subject: Approval of Change Order No.11 in the amount of $41,342.00 with Crossland Construction Company to replace deteriorated and undersized water and sewer facilities in the streets adjacent to the new library project RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 11 and the contract adjustment of $41,342.00 to Crossland Construction Company. BACKGROUND The new Fayetteville Public Library project covers an entire city block bounded by School Avenue, West Avenue, Rock Street and Mountain Street. The Engineering Division identified the following water and sewer line improvements for this project after the original contract was signed with Crossland Construction Company: • 416 linear feet of new 6" waterline in Mountain Street (between West Avenue and School Avenue) • 345 linear feet of new 8" waterline in School Street (between Rock Street and Mountain Street) • 200 linear feet of new 8" sanitary sewer in Rock Street (between West Avenue and School Avenue) • 390 linear feet of new 12" waterline in Rock Street (between West Avenue and School Avenue) DISCUSSION There are leaking, deteriorated and undersized old water and sewer lines in the streets adjacent to the new Fayetteville Public Library project. The Engineering Division has identified these lines to be replaced. The construction contract with Crossland Construction was signed prior to City review of these adjacent water and sewer facilities. 1 • City Council Meei'(ng of November 18, 2003 It is staffs recommendation that these old water and sewer lines be replaced as part of the library construction project so as not to leave deteriorating lines adjacent to the new building and undemcath the new streets. Since Crossland Construction Company is already under contract to provide some water and sewer facilities, this work represents an opportunity to utilize cost share funds at prices that have already been compctivcly bid. This work will merely constitute a scope amendment to the existing contract with Crossland Construction Company. The engineering design plans for these new water and sewer improvments have been completed by Garver Engineers and approved by the City of Fayetteville, and Garver Engineers has already been paid for their design services. This change order does not include an allowance for construction observation services at this time, as required by the Arkansas Department of Health. Construction observation services will be addressed in a future change order with the project architect MS&R. BUDGET IMPACT This $41,342.00 expenditure was not included in the original budget and contract with Crossland Construction Company for construction of the new library. It is staff s recommendation to pay for these additional improvements through the Water and Sewer Cost Share Account, which currently has a remaining budget of $238,257.00. # # # 2 • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER # 11 TO THE CONTRACT WITH CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF FORTY ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY-TWO DOLLARS ($41,342.00) FOR WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AT THE NEW FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby approves Change Order # 11 to the contract with Crossland Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of Forty One Thousand Three Hundred Forty -Two Dollars ($41,342.00) for water and sewer improvements at the new Fayetteville Public Library. A copy of Change Order # 11, marked Exhibit "A" ailed hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 18th day of Novemberf2003. I APPROVED? J WES \ By: I \. SONDRA SMITHIdity dick • AmirmoezFosterHaileyJohnson MEMORANDUM To: Bob Kohler Copy: Kip Guthrie Sean Wagner John Priest From: Jim Fo Reference: Fayette Public Library, Proposal Request 6 The en • ee d architects recommend approval of Crossland Construction Company's proposal for water and sewer changes requested by the City. The attached Potential Change Order was based on revisions issued June 17, 2003 by Garver Engineers incorporating final City comments. In addition to the cover letter from Kip Guthrie and a tabulation of additions and deletions, revised Drawings C106, C109, C116, C117, C118 and C119 and spec sections were issued. See copy of memo transmitting these documents to Ron Petrie, City Engineering. The net change is $41,342 but it includes deletion of work in this project as bid and addition of utility work never in the project budget. The credit is $39,437 for deletions from Sheet C109 related to the waterline on Rock Street and increased costs of $80,779 for the added utility work requested by the City. Please note that Crossland has requested 12 days extension of time as part of this change. We recommend approval of this time extension. It appears the next window to secure Council approval is to have this item requested by Halloween for consideration November 18. The Contractor would appreciate having this work authorized not later than this date. (Fa, Architects & Planners October 21, 2003 Past Office Box 790. 100 West Center, Suite 302 • Fayetteville, AR 72702.479-442-5565 • FAX 479-442-8849 as.vu ._ 040n.141Z _»LAND_STRUCT,m • • a 002 / § CCC Overhead Cr 15.00, /at / Subcontractor Total 1 Material Direct Cost Total fi 1 Subcontractor Pr !1 $wt2 it !a ii ,! a§ & � rOCR JIrnL nepelr, p1m9 3.11.111110$11 0/ I 1 Hmu le &Mall [I #! 1a ems 1` wterlal & Labor blrect Cost Project Name: al Change Order W Date: ription of Request: i G k 7i § Iambs -rated se !.s _ o . 2 g ■ r / _ -------- /)HMIs\lgk\ - .72|77 I. }f prtee earl need to be adjusted to reflect i prosrded m the said plans If tie auwt |. ,| f )eswlptlon of Work -- 700 !k G/ /0 ■ me\ b2% k « |i 1k (. 15. E. ] -1 -� & 22�: F 8/7 \\ }m-;® , T. odin cil & t 7 ' \( k}/ ■5- rt!= E t c f & -�--- s }2728 atatetlal Cost ' E \ ° • - E 8t, !Concrete Finisher !Carpenter & (1) Laborer (�■, -. `; -- ;r! zzz;za a hr EST e Good For to Days ke , f( * LABOR surf ABOR BURDEN LABOR' ! lr�Ti: A hr $ 0,,, 8§E§ 8888 v. Labor Cost £----- 80 00 888888' &,n ”t q§@ § _ _ • AmirmoezFosterHaileyJohnson MEMORANDUM To: Ron Petrie City of Fayetteville Engineering Department Copy: Kip Guthrie Sean Wagner From: Jim Foster Architects & Planers June 17, 2003 Reference: Fayetteville Public Library, Water and Sewer Improvements Per direction from Kip Guthrie, Garver Fngineers, transmitted is one set of revised water and sewer improvement documents. This work was previously issued to Crossland Construction for pricing as Proposal Request 16, February 25, 2003 These documents modify that PR. Attached are the following: Copy of letter from Guthrie dated June 17, 2003. Drawings C106, C109, C116, C117, C118 & C119 Specifications Brochure with Spec Sections 02610, 02731, 02732 & 02733 Post Office Box 790. 100 West Center, Suite 302 • Fayetteville, AR 72702.479-442-5565 • FAX 479-442-8849 • • Garver, Inc. Engineers 3910 Front Street. Suite 10 Fayeneville, AR 72703 479-527-9100 FAX 479-527-9101 vA w.garverinc.com June 17, 2003 AFHJ Attn: Jim Foster Post Office Box 790 100 West Center, Suite 302 Fayetteville, AR 72702 Dear Jim: GARVESENGINEERS Enclosed with this letter are three copies of newly revised water and sewer plans for the Fayetteville Library. These sheets incorporate the City of Fayetteville final comments and request for additional items to be added to the Plans. These revised sheets include major revisions to the "as bid" Plans. The major additions are as follows: > New 6" waterline in Mountain Street, > New 12" waterline in School Street, > New 8" sanitary sewerline in Rock Street, D. Revised waterline size in Rock Street. Included are revised sheets C106, C109, C116, three new sheets C117, C118, C119 and new specifications required for these improvements. Please submit one copy set to Ron Petrie at the City, and retain two sets for your use. 1 have sent one to Sean for his records I have personally met with the City regarding these changes; and the City has reviewed and verbally approved all the changes. Therefore, we are not expecting any further comments from the City and recommend these Plans be submitted to the Contractor. Please note that in the review comment letter from the City, Item 4a discusses that review and approval is still needed by the City's Meter Division regarding the meter size and location and the backflow prevention. The proposed location for these items are either inside the building or within the building 5 -foot perimeter. Therefore, this comment is outside of our current scope of services. However, we have instructed the Contractor in the Plans he must receive approval from the City regarding the meter location prior to installation. These revised and additional sheets, plus the enclosed specifications, should to be used in conjunction with the previously accepted as -bid plans for the Fayetteville Public Library. We understand this work will be added to the Library project by a change order being executed with Crossland Construction. Please note that the waterline in Rock Street was a part of the original bid. However, since the City has replaced the waterline in Rock Street from School Avenue to Locust Avenue the City has requested the Contractor construct a new waterline in School Ave to compensate for work performed by the City. Since the amendment number is unknown at this time we have left a space for this number to be inserted in the Plans and Specifications. 1:\Projects\2001t016100 Fay library\Adminkorrespd\Construction Corresp\Foster-hr-04-REVISED final water and sewer submittal.doc arenMood, TN • Fayeneville. AR • Huntsville. AL • Lints Rock, AR • Madison. MS • Topeka. KS • Tulsa. OK 1 • • We have included a breakdown on the Plans and with this letter showing the items that have been added and/or deleted from the Plans as a part of this amendment. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, GARVER ENGINEERS Kip Guthrie Project Engineer Cc: Sean Wagner J:Projats\2001`016100 Fay UbraryAdmin \correspd\Concwction Corresp\Foster-Itr-04-REVISED final water and sewer submital.doc Fayetteville Public Libra. Summary of Water and Sewer Amendment ADDITIONS TO THE PLANS ARE AS FOLLOWS: • Page 1 of 2 SHEET 009 SANITARY SEWER LINE IN ROCK STREET 1) 200 L.F. 8" PVC SDR -26 2) 194 TONS OF CLASS 7 GRANULAR BACKFILL 3) TWO (2) 4' I.D. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES 4) CONNECTION OF TWO ACTIVE SEWER SERVICES 5) ABANDON THE EXISTING SEWER LINE AS DIRECTED IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. WATERLINE IN ROCK STREET 1) 390 +/- OF 12" PVC C-900 DR -14 WATERLINE PIPE AS SPECIFIED EN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE'S WATER SPECIFICATIONS, AND ALL ITEMS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK. 2) 140' OF 8" PVC C-900 DR -14 WATERLINE FROM ROCK STREET TO THE BUILDING, AND ALL ITEMS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK SPECIFIC TO PVC PIPE. (THE AS -BID 6" DUCTILE IRON FROM ROCK STREET TO THE LIBRARY IS NOW AN 8" PVC) 3) 10" X 8 r WITH 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX AT STATION 3+00 +/- SHEET CI I8 WATERLINE IN MOUNTAIN STREET 1) 6" X 6" TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE 2) 8" X 8" CROSS 3) 2 (TWO) 6" X 4" REDUCERS 4) 11 (ELEVEN) 8" SWIVAL ADAPTERS 5) 8" X 6" REDUCER 6) 4 (FOUR) 8" GATE VALVES 7) 2 (TWO) 8" 90 DEGREE BENDS 8) 30 L.F. OF 8" PVC C-900 DR -14 WATERLINE (MEASUREMENTS FOR 8" WATERLINE STOP AT SOUTHERN GATE VALVE ON CROSS, SEE SHEET C119 FOR ADDITONAL QUANTITIES.) 9) 386 L.F. 6" PVC C-900 DR -I4 WATERLINE 10) 110 TONS OF CLASS 7 GRANULAR BACKFILL 11) CUT AND CAP EXISTING 4" WATERLINE 12) THRUST BLOCKING AS REQUIRED 13) CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR AS REQUIRED FOR THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS INSIDE THE SCHOOL AND MOUNTAIN INTERSECTION ONLY. 14) ALL ESSENTIALS NEEDED TO CONSTRUCT THE IMPROVEMENTS SEWERLINE IN MOUNTAIN STREET 1) EXCAVATE THE TWO SOUTHERN SERVICE LINES AT THE MAIN AND PROPERLY ABANDONE. SHEET C119 WATERLINE IN SCHOOL AVENUE 1) 345 L.F. OF 8" PVC C-900 DR -14 WATERLINE PIPE. 2) 2 (TWO) RECONNECT WATER SERVICE LINES 3) 8" 45 DEGREE BEND 4) 2 (TWO) 8" SWIVEL ADAPTERS Fayetteville Public Libra Summary of Water and Sewer Amendment • 5) 150 TONS OF CLASS 7 GRANULAR BACKFILL 6) THRUST BLOCK AS REQUIRED 7) ALL ESSENTIALS NEEDED TO CONSTRUCT THE IMPROVEMENTS Page 2 of 2 DELETIONS FROM THE "AS -BID" PLANS SHEET C 109 1) 226 L.F. OF 18" STEEL ENCASEMENT, 2) TAPPING OF EXISTING WATER LINE TO THE EAST AND ALL BENDS, REBARS, AND THRUST BLOCKS AS SHOWN NEAR STATION 7+50, 3) 12" X 10" REDUCER, 4) TEMPORARY 2" BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY, 5) 10" X 6" "T" AT STATION 3+00 +/- 6) 12" X 10" TAPPING SADDLE WITH 10" GATE VALVE 7) 390' +/- OF 10" PVC WATERLINE PIPE AND ALL ITEMS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK. 8) 140' OF 6" DUCTILE IRON WATERLINE FROM ROCK STREET TO THE BUILDING. 9) 170 TONS OF COMPACTED GRANULAR BACKFILL. QCT -1-2003 00.13 FROI: EAP.TSTRUCT 4174550660 TO: TO: EARTHWORKS CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTORS 8078 GATEWAY DRIVE NEOSHO, MO 84860 PHONE: 417-455-OZi3 FAX: 417.455-0660 E-MAIL WM®OPartCOM COMPANY: CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION ATTN: JOHN PRIEST FAX: 620-429.1412 PHONE: JOB: FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY SCOPE: WORK CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST 1) ORIGINAL BID CREDIT EAST PART OF ROCK STREET CREDIT DUCTILE TO C-900 NEW TOTAL ROCK STREET ADDITIONS: A) SANITARY SEWER ROCK STREET B) WATERLINE SCHOOL STREET C) SANITARY SEWER MOUNTAIN STREET D) WATERLINE MOUNTAIN STREET NOTES: 1) EXCLUSIONS: 1) SOLID ROCK EXCAVATION 2) CONCRETE & ASPHALT ROAD REPLACE 3) CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE 4) CONSTRUCTION FENCE REPAIR 5) 'BONDS, PERMITS & FEE'S NOTES: 1) QUOTE IS GOOD FOR 10 DAYS 2) BOND NOT INCLUDED 3) ALL OR NONE 4) OUR QUOTATION IS BASED UPON A STANDARD AIA OR AGC SUB -AGREEMENT THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO QUOTE THIS PROJECT. JUSTIN BURROWS ESTIMATOR NEW CONTRACT TOTAL: ADD TO OWNER: $30,246.60 ALL PRICES QUOTED ARE BASED OFF QUANTITIES GIVEN IN THE WORK CHANGE REQUEST. IF THESES QUANTITIES ARE INACCURATE THE PRICE WILL NEED TO BE ADJUSTED TO REFLECT ACTUAL QUANTITIES 434,889.00. 4573.40 $21,832.00 818,775.00 81,010.00 323,172.00 P:2.2 DATE: 10/012003 NO. PAGES: 1 TO: JOB: • • EARTHWORKS CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTORS 8078 GATEWAY DRIVE NEOSHO. MC) 64850 PHONE: 417-455-0223 FAX: 417-455-0660 E-MAIL: earth©joplin.com COMPANY: CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION .14 4‘ flAlz‘alaTit. -. DATE: 09/16/2003 ATTN: JOHN PRIEST NO. PAGES: 3 FAX: PHONE: FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY SCOPE: WORK CHANGE PROPOSAL REQUEST 1) SANITARY SEWER LINE IN ROCK STREET A) 200 LF OF 8" PVC SDR -26 B) 194 TONS CLASS SEVEN GRANULAR BACKFILL C) TWO 4' ID SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES 0) CONNECTION OF 2 ACTIVE SEWER SERVICES E) ABANDON EXISTING SEWER LINE TOTAL: $21,852.01 MATERIAL EQUIPMENT LABOR S6.130.44 86,423.48 $6,447.83 2 RLINE IN ROCK STREET A) 390' 0 C-900 B) 140' OF 8" PVC C) 10" X 8" • ITH 8" GATE VAL TOT TERIAL EQUIPMENT LABOR 15% OH&P $2,850.26 H&P $34,889 1 • • 3) WATERLINE IN MOUNTAIN STREET A) 6" X 6" TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE B) 8' X 8' CROSS C) TWO 6" X 4" REDUCERS D) ELEVEN 8" SWIVAL ADAPTORS E) 8" X 6" REDUCER F) FOUR 8' GATE VALVES G) TWO 8' 90 DEGREE BENDS H) 30 L.F. OF 8" PVC C-900 I) 386 L.F. OF 6" PVC C-900 J) 110 TONS CLASS SEVEN GRANULAR BACKFILL K) CUT & CAP EXISTING 4" WATERLINE L) THRUST BLOCKING TOTAL: 323,172.00 MATERIAL EQUIPMENT LABOR 57.656.84 $6,292.73 36,200.00 4) SEWERLINE IN MOUNTAIN STREET A) EXCAVATE SERVICE LINES AND ABANDON TOTAL: 11,910.00 MATERIAL EQUIPMENT LABOR 5258.35 $550.52 3852.00 5) WATERLINE IN SCHOOL AVENUE A) 345 L.F. OF 8' PVC C-900 B) TWO RECONNECT WATER SERVICE LINES C) 8' 45 DEGREE BEND D) TWO 8' SWIVAL ADAPTORS E) 150 TONS OF CLASS SEVEN GRANULAR BACKFILL F) THRUST BLOCKING AS REQUIRED TOTAL: 318,775.00 MATERIAL EQUIPMENT LABOR 55.387.61 55,125.57 35,812.91 15% OH&P $3,022.43 15% OH&P $249.13 15% OH&P 32,448.91 6) CREDIT FOR DEDUCTIONS ON WATERLINE ON ROCK A) 226 L.F. STEEL ENCASEMENT 8) TAPPING EXISTING WATERLINE & THRUST BLOCKS C) 12' X 10' REDUCER D) TEMPORARY 2' BLOW -OFF E) 106 X 6" TEE F) 12" X 10" TAPPING SADDLE W/ 10" GATE VALVE G) 390' OF 10" PVC H) 140' OF 6" DUCTILE IRON I) 170 TONS OF COMPACTED GRANULAR BACKFILL STREET CREDIT: $6,780 $1,200 3125 $375 $150 $1,700 $16,380 $4,900 $3,279 (TOTAL: • X AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW ST/ REVIEW FORM - FINANCIAL OBLIGIION For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: November 18, 2003 FROM• Gary R. Coover Name Engineering Community Planning & Engineering Div_sion Department ACTION REQUIRED: Approval of Change Order No. 11, adjusting the contract with Crossland Construction Company in the amount of $41,342.00 for water and sewer improvements in the streets adjacent to the new library project and4acludiag-a-biedget-attetsa44e-eever•-same? COST TO CITY: $41,342.00 S 305,128.00 Water & Sewer Cost Sharing Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Program Category / Project Name 5400.5600.5808.00 $ 66,871.00 Water & Sewer Improvements Account Number Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name 02067 $ 238,257.00 Water & Sewer Fund Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name BUDGET REVIEW: Budget Manager Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached /0,30 .6 3 Date CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: L e L co nting Manager City AttoKney 4(iICIPAr3 Date Date /1.0 c — 4-0 10130(0.1 erinall Auditor Date 10/3 103 Purchasing Manager Date STArF'RECO ATION: Staff recommends approval of the change order. Received in Mayor's Office isron He Date Depa/'tment Director Finance & Internal Services Dir. Chief Admini ative 0 icer -03 Date Date Date Mayor ate Cross Reference: Previous Ord/ResI: Orig. Contract Date: Orig. Contract Number: New Item: Yes No • Date: December 11, 2002, rev. 1/16/03, 1/23/03, 5/5/03, 9/29/03; 11/12/03 To: Fayetteville City Council Aldermen From: Louise Schaper, Executive Director, Fayetteville Public Library Subject: Blair Library Project Budget and Contract Approvals g•3 &10.5seavto 44 et 40 isfatA This table identifies those requests related to the construction of the Blair Library that Council has approved, as well as forthcoming requests. Our intent is to ensure that Council is aware of all requests that are within our $23,341,655 budget for the turnkey project as approved by the FPL Board on May 2, 2002 and those items that are outside of this budget. Some of the forthcoming items, i.e. furnishings, may be procured directly by the FPL Foundation. The second page identifies those items related to off-site improvements (utility burial, drainage, sidewalks etc.) approved in CIP ($671,995). Because additional off-site improvements have been requested by City departments and will be funded by these departments we list them here as well. Item Within budget? Source(s) Budget Est. date approval Date Approved Amount Notes Blair Library Construction, Furnishin • and Equipping Crossland contract for construction Yes sales tax + private 5/21'/02 $97,633?931 Includes site improvements funds $221,995 for off from - CIP Contingency Yes sales tax + private $830,000 5/21902 $700!000 $402(696 $167,676 remaining of approved contingency Deferred from contract. will be at entrance as planned and brick will lintels + stairwell towers. APC clad Exterior cladding: APC replacement Yes sales tax +private $949.658 11/02 1'1719/02 Low voltage equipment Yes sales tax + private 1021703 $206)701 Deferred from contract. Low voltage conduit Yes sales tax + private 4Q03 _ _ Deferred from contract Landscape Yes sales tax + private 1004 _ _ Deferred from contract Interior signage Yes sales tax + private 2004 Deferred from contract AV Equipment Yes sales tax + private 2004 Deferred from contract Meeting room enhancements Yes sales tax + private 2004 _ _ Deferred from contract Technology related items Yes sales tax + private private $470,000 $980,000 2003-04 2003-04 _ Includes shelving, seating, work stations etc. Fumishings Yes Smart library, e.g. conveyor, self -check, RFID Yes sales tax + private $659,751 5/03 5/03 $395,632 Conveyor RFID — — Self -check Moving costs Yes sales lax + private $30,000 2004 Unfunded cut and items. No $0 N/A Suchstaff signage package, room divider, lockers, full mee6rep piano. • iirisca3 4, 3 dwssIa d agl- eit49.5 Item Within budget? Source(s) Budget Est. date approval Date Approved Amount Notes Yes Off -Site Off-site CIP Improvements $221,995 Related to Blair 512.1'/02 Libra $221,995 In Crossland Contract, but funded from CIP site improvements project. Includes sidewalks etc. Off-site improvements (see first item above) West Avenue underground utilities Yes Off-site CIP $101,806 10/21'/03 $10.1!806 West Ave underground utility permanent power. Vendor is AEP/SWEPCO. West Avenue underground utilities to residences Yes Off-site CIP $110,117 11/18/03 - _ $110,117 Addition to Crossland. contract for installation of underground utilities to seven housing structures adjacent to Blair Library on west side of West Avenue. Water and sewer improvements in the streets adjacent to Blair Library Not in library budget. In Water & Sewer Funds Water and Sewer Funds $41,342 11/18/03 $411342 ___ Improvements to water and sewer that were identified after contract was signed with Crossland. Includes new 6' waterlines in Mountain; 8' waterline in School; 8' sanitary sewer in Rock and 12' waterline in Rock. These improvements are requested to correct leaking, deteriorated and undersized old water and sewer lines in the streets ad-acent to Blair Library. •