HomeMy WebLinkAbout16-03 RESOLUTION• RESOLUTION NO. 16-03 • A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE WILLING? 9S' yr THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TO UTILIZE FEDERAL -AID MONIES FOR THE FOLLOWING CITY PROJECT: WIDENING HIGHWAY 112 (RAZORBACK ROAD) FROM HIGHWAY 180 (6T11 STREET) TO GARLAND AVENUE WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville understands Federal -aid Surface Transportation Program funds are available for certain local projects at the following federal participating ratios: Work Phase Federal Share State Share City Share Preliminary Engineering 0% 100% 0% Right-of-way 80% 0 % 20% Utilities 80% 0% 20% Construction 80% 0% 20% Construction Engineering 80% 0% 20% City projects programmed but not Id to contract Right-of-way Utilities 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS• Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby agrees that the City will participate in accordance with its designated responsibilities in this project. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby authorizes Mayor Dan Coody or his designee to execute all appropriate agreements and contracts necessary to expedite the construction of this project. Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby pledges the City's full support and hereby authorizes the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department to initiate action to implement this project. PASSED and APPROVED this the 4's day of February, 2003. A•11p19ifr.0\% • By: Iran ra Smith, City crk APPROVED: By DAN COODY, Ma NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Resolution No. 16-03 Document NOTES: 1 02/04/03 Resolution 16-03 2 01/21/03 Staff Review Form w/attachments draft resolution: Federal Aid Project 1/15/02 memo to Street Committee 3/27/02 letter to Dan Flowers, P.E. 7/9/02 letter to Dan Coady 7/30/02 letter to Donald 0 Pederson 8/2/02 fax from Donald O Pederson 3 02/18/03 memo to Jim Beavers NOTES: • FAYETTEV?LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE • • To: Jim Beavers Engineering Division t� From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk's Division Date: 2/16/2003 Re: Res. 16-03 Attached you will find an executed copy of the above referenced resolution, passed by the City Council on February 4, 2003, expressing the city's willingness to utilize federal -aid monies for widening Razorback Road. If anything else is needed please let the city clerk's office know. /cbp Attachments cc: Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor Ad • • STAFF REVIEW FORM x AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of February 4 2003 FROM: Jim Beavers Engineering CPE Services Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: 1. Approval of a resolution to a cost share with the University of Arkansas to fund the preliminary engineering agreement with the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for preliminary engineering services relative to Razorback Road (Highway 112) from 6th Street (Highway 180) to Garland/Maple (Highway 112). The total costs of the agreement shall be $35,000.00 with the City's share to be one-half totaling $17,500.00. 2. Approval of the "Agreement of Understanding Between the City of Fayetteville and The Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department". 3. Approval of the "Federal -Aid Project Resolution" as submitted as "Attachment B" by the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department. COST TO CITY: 17,500 cost f this Request 4470.9470.5809.00 Account Number 02116 - 10 Project Number $350s000 Category/Project Budget 2003 Fun 0 Used To Date 2003 $332,500 Remaining Balance 2003 Street Imp vt Category/Project Name Cost Shares Program Name F les W: x Budgeted Item Budget lan, Budget Adjustment Attached Finance and Internal Services Director • • CO RACWRANT/LEASE REVIEW: eahL, . 1/1710) Accounting Manager Date City �Atto eye Date UIR-9 Purchasing Officer Date GRANTING AGENCY: ,C -u y (k7l03 Internal Audito{/ Date ADA Coordinator Date Grant Coordinator Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval 940€44- Diion Head Date Department Director Date Finance and Internal Services Director 1-1(-03 112/ �A Chie dminisive Officer Mayor /-1/-03 Date 7,643 Cross Reference New Item Yes x No Prev Ord/Res #: Date Orig Contract Date: Orig Contract No: • STAFF REVIEW FORM Description Razorback Road Agreement of Understanding Meeting Date February 4, 2003 Comments: Reference Comments: Budget Manager Page 2 Accounting Manager City Attorney Purchasing Officer ADA Coordinator Internal Auditor Grant Coordinator • . Attachment B • FEDERAL -AID PROJECT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE WILLINGNESS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TO UTILIZE FEDERAL -AID MONIES FOR THE FOLLOWING CITY PROJECT: Widening Hwy.112 from Hwy. 180 (C Street) to Garland Avenue WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville understands Federal -aid Surface Transportation Program funds are available for certain local projects at the following federal participating ratios: Work Phase Federal Share State Share Citv Shatz Preliminary Engineering 0% 100% 0% Right -of -Way 80% 0% 20% Utilities 804E 0% 20% Construction 804E 0% 20% Construction Engineering 804E 0% 20% City projects programmed Right -of -Way 0% 0% 100% but not let to contract Utilities 0% 0% 100% NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION I: The City will participate in accordance with its designated responsibilities in this project. SECTION II: Mayor Dan Coody or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute all appropriate agreements and contracts necessary to expedite the construction of this project. SECTION III: The City pledges its full support and hereby authorizes the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department to initiate action to implement this project. THIS RESOLUTION adopted this day of .,44.44 t. t.Oar. 0'20 03 -- ATTEST• (SEAL) • • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYEJTEVIL/ E, ARKANSAS • DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: FAYETTEVILLE STREET COMMITTEE Bob Davis, Chairman; Lioneld Jordan, Alderman; Don Marr, Alderman; Robert Reynolds, Alderman COPY: Mayor Dan Coody, Jim Beavers, Heather Woodruff, Hugh Earnest, Terry Gulley, Tim Conklin FROM: Greg Boettcher, Public Works Director DATE: January 15, 2003 RE: Razorback Road Improvement Project Federal -aid Surface Transportation Program BACKGROUND Representatives of the University of Arkansas met with Fayetteville City Administration m early 2002 to discuss the concept of improving Razorback Road from South Street north to the intersection of Garland Avenue and Maple Street. The University had developed a preliminary schematic of widening and wished to collaborate with the City on such capital improvement project. Smce this improvement would connect two pending improvement projects (Razorback Road improvements from 15th to 6t° Street and Garland Avenue Improvements from Wedington to Maple), it was deemed an essential link in a major transportation corridor. Also, since the road was under the jurisdiction of the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) as Highway 180, the improvement project could be eligible for state/federal assistance. Mayor Coody has requested the AHTD to consider funding of this critical road improvement project due to its connectivity to other major corridors. On July 9, 2002, the AHTD responded to this request by forwardmg an "Agreement of Understanding • between the City of Fayetteville and the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department". On July 30, 2002, Mayor Coody advised the University of Arkansas of the AHTD participation agreement and requested that the University of Arkansas financially participate in and support this activity. A fax was received from the University on August 2, 2002 from Mr. Pederson confirming the 50-50 cost share on the preliminary engineering cost of $35,000.00. Copies of the correspondence are attached. • • RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Fayetteville Street Committee approve the prehmmary engineenng activities on Razorback Road Improvement Project with the net cost to the City of Fayetteville being $17,500.00. This agreement shall need to then proceed to the City Council for approval and authorization of the mayor's execution of the Agreement of Understanding. • FAYETTEV4L.LE • w • Kii-z4F-4) March 27, 2002 Mr. Dan Flowers, P.E. Arkansas State Hwy. & Transportation Dept. P.O. Box 2261 Iitde Rock, AR 72209 RE: Surface Transportation Program (STP) Razorhact Road (State Hwy- 265) Fayetteville, Washington County, Axkamaas Dear deft Flowers, Faye teville's surface transportation system is becoming ineteasingly inadequate for the public's transportation needs. Continued community growth coupled with the unique demands of the University of Arkansas campus require infrastructure improvement projects that exceed local resources. To alleviate a pressing local transportation system deficiency, the City COW= funding assistance for the improvement of Razorback Road, beginning at Sixth St. and continuing north to Garland Avenue. It is understood that the S4 — 6 million project may obtain financial assistance under Arkansas Highway and Transportation Program (STP). Incorporation of the Razorback Road Project into the STP work plan is requested. In addition to providing a critically needed interior transportation corridor, this activity may provide long -team benefits by becoming an instinrtinmal drive of the University of Ariamsas. Discussions with Don Pederson, Vice Chancellor of Finance at the University of Arkansas have confirmed this project to be a high priority for them, as it is for the City The construction of this segment of Razorback Road is a crucial link between other transportation projects, and is essential for realization of full benefits from other projects North of this project, the improvement of Garland Aveane, from Maple Street to Wedington Drive is nearing start of construction. South of this project, improvement of Razorback Road from Sixth Street to Fifteenth St. is scheduled completion expected in the next two to three years. Full function and benefit of these transportation projects depends upon completion of the requested Razorback Road Improvements (see attached location map). Fayetteville has placed a strong emphasis on local transportation needs and is securing a consultant to perk= a.ccm r heasive traffic study. This expected traffic .wNEST I N4T f79e7 CWI-flW • • Dan Flowers Arkansas Highway lc Transportation Dept Page 2 analysis will further validate the need for Razorback Road Improvements as well as identify and prioritize other needs It is requested that the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department include this middle segment of Razorback Road Improvements in its STP funding schedule, granting this need a high priority. Should there be any questions, or if additional information is needed, please don't hesitate to contact me at 479-575-8330. Sincerely, cc Greg Boettcher, Public Works Director Tem Beavers, city Engines Don Pederson, University of Arkansas Jonathan Barnett, Arkansas State sway Commission • ARI AS STATE HIGHWAY COMSSION JOHN TPiUPTON, OWIWAR waoi J.W. BUDDY' BENAFIELD, Via Cw nim woWRY PLAINS MARY P. 'PRISSY' HICKERSON The Honorable Dan Coody Mayor of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 P.O. Box 2261 JONATHAN BARNETT Saar SPRINGS RECEI d EDARLS.ROSENBAUM LIME Root JUL 15 2002 DAN FLOWERS DIRECTOR OF COFFAYET7EVI an LLGiorwAYs Mo TRANSPORTATION LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72203-12t815QR'S OFFICE TELEPHONE No. (501) 569-2000 FAx No. (501) 569-2400 July 9, 2002 Dear Y Reference is made to your most recent letter requesting that we program a Federal -aid Surface Transportation Program (STP) City project to widen Highway 112 (Razorback Road) from Highway 180 (6t° Street) to Garland Avenue in Fayetteville. Enclosed is an Agreement of Understanding for the project that includes a sample resolution (Attachment B)_for.sour . City_Council to pass. Once_ the resolution is passed, please sign the Agreement and return it with a signed and sealed copy of the resolution to the Department. We will then execute the Agreement and return a copy to you. If you have any questions, please advise. Enclosure c: Commissioner Jonathan Barnett Chief Engineer Sincerely, apt- Dgn Flow Director of Highways and Transportation EAYETTEV4LLE *ECITY OP PAYHTTEVLL$ ARKANSAS • July 30, 2002 Mr. Donald O. Pederson Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration University of Arkansas 406 Administration Building Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE: Razorback Road Improvement Project Highway 180 (6th Street) to Garland Avenue Federal -aid Surface Transportation Program Dear Mr. Pederson, Following our meeting earlier this year to discuss improvement concepts for Razorback Road, I have pursued possible funding avenues for such a project. One such option was the use of the Federal -aid Surface Transportation Program (STP) to cover a portion of the road improvement project costs. In response to this request, the Arkansas _Highway_and Transportation Department has tendered an Agreement of Understanding for this project. In essence, the project scope involves the improvement of Razorback Road between 6th Street and Garland Avenue It has been indicated that the University of Arkansas is interested in the improvement of this road segment due to its connectivity with the campus. Similarly, the City of Fayetteville has interest in the road improvement due to its potential to improve the public transportation network. It appears that there are shared benefits from this proposed project that accrue equally to the University of Arkansas and the City of Fayetteville. Under the STP program, this project would be eligible for 80% federal aid towards allowable elements with a fimding ceiling of $1,000,000.00. The 20% local match, ineligible project activities and project costs above $1,000,000.00 must all be secured to complete this project's financing program. At this time, the amount of local matching fiords needed is not known as first the prehmmary engineering must be completed. Once this preliminary design is available, a project budget will be developed and funding sources secured. It is evident that this Razorback Road Improvement Project will have a cost far exceeding the $1,000,000.00, therefore, local match funding must be secured. Also, with the current economic conditions and the limited capital improvement funding in the municipal budget, the use of municipal resources alone may not be feasible for completion of the projects financing program. 113 WEST MOUHTAYI 72701 479421-7700 rtv 17517! Fr.!7 - • • • Donald Pederson University of Arkansas Page 2 In view of the University of Arkansas's interests in and benefits from this project, would a funding partnership be possible with the University and City being equal partners in the local match requirements? With respect to municipal utility relocation, the City of Fayetteville's Water & Sewer Division would bear the costs, and with respect to additional rights-of-way, the University would provide easements/right-of-way at no cost to the project. These cooperative participations may bring the local share of the project costs within our collective resources. I would appreciate the University's consideration of this partnership as this represents the only viable financing program for the Razorback Road Improvement Project. While it is important that these arrangements be confirmed, these are not an immediate prionty It is considerably more important that the "Agreement of Understanding" be approved enabling the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department to place the preliminary engineering design on its schedule. At such time as the preliminary design enters the work flow, a payment of 535,000.00 will be required. To confirm the University of Arkansas's interest in this project and its intent to partner with the City on such improvement, it is requested that the University of Arkansas agree to fund 50% of the preliminary engineering costs, or 517,500.00. If you wish to meet to discuss this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 575-8331. In order that this matter may be presented to the City Council at its August 20, 2002 meeting, I will need to complete our arrangements no later than Fnday, August 2, 2002. Sincerely, alt Dan Coody Mayor cc: Greg Boettcher, Public Works Director Jim Beavers, City Engineer Steve Davis, Budget Manager • 09/02/2002 13:35 • 4795755400 LP4IV OF A K NSAS rC us UNIVERSITY#ARKANSAS University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration 406 Administration Building Fayetteville, AR 72701 v l Fax #479-575-5400 Number of pages including cover. ;. Date' 8-a--(:),' Company sent to: Company name: Cid( °- rCtAt • ATTN: A-19-6 FAX Number. Phone Number. Sent from: ) 55- isa 5') Sender's name: Don Pnrlprcnn Phone Number. ( 479 ) 575 5R2R Message/Notes: 4&s 8,4 taAta QYv\R9- If you have problems with this transmission, please call (479) 575-5828 4111 • • 08/02/2002 13:35 4795755400 a IV ur anKat s • Donald Pederson University of Arkansas Page 2 r/+vc u. In view of the University of Arkansas's interests in and benefits from this project, would a funding partnership be possible with the University and City being equal partners in the local match requirements? With respect to municipal utility relocation, the City of Fayetteville's Water & Sewer Dit.zston would bear the costs, and with respect to additional rights-of-way, the University would provide easements/right-of-way at no cost to the project. These cooperative participations may bnng the local share of the project costs within our collective resources. I would appreciate the University's consideration of this partnership as this represents the only viable financing program for the Razorback Road Improvement Project. While it is important that these arrangements be confirmed, these are not an immediate priority It is considerably more important that the "Agreement of Understanding" be approved enabling the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department to place the preliminary engineering design on its schedule. At such time as the preliminary design enters the work flow, a payment of 535,000.00 will be required. To confirm the University of Arkansas's interest in this project and its intent to partner with the City on such improvement, it is requested that the University of Arkan agree to fund 50% of the preliminary engineering costs, or 517,500.00 If you wish to meet to discuss this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at lep/OZ 575-8331. In order that this matter may be presented to the City Council at its August 20, / 2002 mecting, I will need to complete our arrangements no later than Friday, August 2, 2002. Sincerely, Dan Coody Mayor cc: Greg Boettcher, Public Works Director Jim Beavers, City Engineer Steve Davis, Budget Manager