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159-03 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER # 10 TO THE CONTRACT WITH CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDRED SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED ONE DOLLARS ($206,701.00) TO INSTALL LOW VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT AT THE NEW FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby approves Change Order # 10 to the contract with Crossland Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of Two Hundred Six Thousand Seven Hundred One Dollars (5206,701.00) to install low voltage equipment at the new Fayetteville Public Library. A copy of Change Order # 10, marked Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED and APPROVED this 215I day of October, 2003. T: Byt 7OntMutt—) SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By: 1.01 DAN COODY, May r 2 0 0 0103 ITION AIA DOCUMENT Change Order (It:grunions on reverse side) G701-2000 PROJECT: CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 10 (Name and address) DATE: 26 SEPTEMBER 2093 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER:2°°°°1343° 21 MAY 2092 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 401 WEST MOUNTAIN STREET FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS 72701 TO CONTRACTOR: (came and arldrers) CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC ATTENTION: JOHN PRIEST- PROJECT MANAGER 2510 WEST HUDSON ROAD ROGERS ARKANSAS 72756 CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACT FOR: THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include. where dill lik able. any unds,puted ammo° attributable to pre 'Jiffy OW M Co .ICI fl Change Ihrrenms OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER Provide fire alarm and detection system, security intrusion system, closed circuit television system, and voice and data cabling systems work as described in Proposal Request 10, excluding conduit for these systems. The original (Contract Sum) (Fristereesetod44.0.m.kkm-Pries+ .as $17,633,931.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders s 957,822.80 'Fhe (Contract Suni)+GesesP84thisid-kAakiikkkkmalki.:44 prior to this Change Order was $ 190991079329 The (Contract Sum) cr.) .knn1a".4 MAYin""" Pri".4 will be (increased) (J sd) by this Change Order in the amount of s 206,700.90 The new (Contract Sum) 4c.t16461400.4440N44444.40-Pfitei including this Change Order will be 08,798,45410 The Contract Time will be (ineraag-u1).(-1--44 (unchanged) by ( 0 ) days. 'Me date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is 19 JULY 2994 NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sun), Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum l'rice which have 'leen authorized hy Construction Change Directive for which the cred or time are in dispute as described in Subparagraph 7.38 o( AIA Document Aim. Not valid until signed by the Architect, Contractor and Owner. AFHJ ARCHITECTS PO BOX 790 FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72702 el (Typed name) Associate Arthited BY 2Ptice015 DATE CROSSLAND CONST. CO. INC. PO BOX 907 ROGERS, AR 72756 CONTRACTOR (Ivprd name) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 WEST MOUNTAIN ST FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72701 OWN (Typed name) • re) JOHN PRIEST BY e/04/0 3 DATE !titynature) MAYOR DAN COODY BY /det7,9, DATEi 02000 The American Institute of Architects. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. 1 td, 0 2 0 0 0 Ai*. AIA DOCUMENT G701-2000 CHANGE ORDER The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006-5292 02000 AiA09 AIA DOCUMENT G701-2000 INSTRUCTIONS The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006-5292 2 Instructions GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE. This document is intended for use in implementing changes in the Work agreed to by the Owner, Contractor and Architect. Execution of a completed G7o1 form indicates agreement upon all the terms of the change, including any changes in the Contract Sum (or Guaranteed Maximum Price) and. Contract Time. RELATED DOCUMENTS. This document was prepared for use under the terms of AIA general conditions, including AIA Document Azoi, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, and the general conditions contained in AIA Document A1o7, Abbreviated Owner -Contractor Agreement Form for Construction Projects of Limited Scope—Stipulated Sum. USE OF CURRENT DOCUMENTS. Prior to using any AIA document, the user should consult the AIA, an AIA component chapter or a current AIA Documents Price List to determine the current edition of each document. REPRODUCTIONS. AIA Document G7o1 is a copyrighted work and may not bezreproduced or -excerpted from in substantial part without the express written permission of the AIA. The G7oi document is intend- ed to be used as a consumable—that is, the original document purchased by the user is intended to be con- sumed in the course of being used. There is no implied permission to reproduce this document, nor does membership in The American Institute of Architects confer any further rights to reproduce G7o1 in whole or in part. A limited license is hereby granted to retail purchasers to reproduce a maximum of TEN copies of a com- pleted or executed G7m, but only for use in connection with a particular project. COMPLETING THE G701 FORM DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE IN THE CONTRACT Insert a detailed description of the change or reference specific exhibits describing in detail the change to be made in the Contract by this Change Order, including any Drawings, Specifications, documents or other supporting data to clarify the scope of the change. DETERMINATION OF COSTS Insert the following information in the blanks provided, and strike out the terms in parentheses that do not apply: • the original Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price; • the net change by previously authorized Change Orders (note that this does not include changes authorized by Construction Change Directive unless such a change was subsequently agreed to by the Contractor and recorded as a Change Order); • the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price prior to this Change Order; • the amount of increase or decrease, if any, in the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price; and • the new Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price as adjusted by this Change Order._ CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Insert the following information in the blanks provided, and strike out the terms in parentheses that do not apply: • the amount in days of the increase or decrease, if any, in the Contract Time; and • the date of Substantial Completion, including any adjustment effected by this Change Order. EXECUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT When the Owner and Contractor, in concurrence with the Architect, have reached agreement on the change to be made in the Contract, including any adjustments in the Contract Sum (or Guaranteed Maximum Price) and Contract Time, the G7oi document should be executed in triplicate by the two par- ties and the Architect, each of whom retains an original. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates u5. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date • Resolution No. 159-03 Document • 1 10.21.03 Res. 159-03 w/change order 2 10.06.03 Staff Review Form w/attachments draft resolution memo to mayor & city council memo to city council copy of memo to Bob Kohlor copy of potential change orders copy of proposed change order copy of potential change order charges proposal request detail outline low voltage system price proposal copy of Itr from Beaver Electric Corp. 3 10. A7, Qj memo to Louise Schaper NOTES: X AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW • STAFF REVIEW FORM let5 111 etazkzoci 09-30-031)04:20 aliptenic701,7 eo *o 2.4 For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: October -142003 FROM: Louise Schaper Library General Govemment Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: To approve a contract adjustment in the amount of $206,701 with Crossland Construction Company for low voltage equipment including fire alarm and detection system, security intrusion and detection system, and digital communications cabling systems to be installed in the new Fayetteville Public Library located at 401 W. Mountain Street. COST TO CITY: $206,701.00 21,891,640 Cost of this request Category/Project Budget 4150k9150-5804-00 16,304,454 Account Number Funds Used to Date 99073 5,5871186 Project Number Remaining Balance New Library Program Category / Project Name New Library Program / Project Category Name Library Construction Fund Sales Tax Improvement Fund Fund Name BUDGET REVIEW: 2udget Manager X Budgeted Item Date Budget Adjustment Attached CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: Accounting Manager 0 if City Attot-ney / Date Io /Date I ternal Miditor Ucips /03 Date l° I It -3 Purchasing Manager Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Division Head Department Director Financ & Internal Services Dir. e(' 1A- LC1 Date Date Date Date -- /PAZ 3 Cross Reference New Item: Previous Ord/Res#: Yes 7°424 3 Pe - 5.3 - Oa. Orig. Contract Date 561 0A Orig. Contract Number RECEIVED SEP 3 0 2003 CITIOFFAYE tVILIE Mayor Description Date Staff Review Form - Page 2 Meeting Date Odober14,2003 Comments: Budget Manager Accounting Manager City Attorney Purchasing Manager Internal Auditor Finance & Internal Services Director Chief Administrative Officer Reference Comments: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER # 10 TO THE CONTRACT WITH CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO HUNDRED SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED ONE DOLLARS ($206,701.00) TO INSTALL LOW VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT AT THE NEW FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby approves Change Order # 10 to the contract with Crossland Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of Two Hundred Six Thousand Sev9n--- • Tithed One Dollars ($206,701.00) to install low voltage equipmersoCat the new Fayetteville Public Library. A copy of Change Order # 10; nib {Kra Exi ibit "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof. ,----- j 1 nri I PASSED and APPROVED this 21s1 day f October420 i 3 A WITH, City Clerk N COODY, Mayor For City Council Agenda October 14, 2003 To: Mayor Dan Coody and City Council From: Louise Schaper, Library; Hugh Earnest, Urban Development Date: October 1, 2003 Subject: To approve a contract adjustment in the amount of $206,701 with Crossland Construction Company for low voltage equipment including fire alarm and detection system, security intrusion and detection system, and digital communications cabling systems to be installed in the new Fayetteville Public Library located at 401 W. Mountain Street. Background From the beginning of the design process of the new hbrary the architects and library management teams have strived for efficiency and effectiveness in planning for operations. These essential components — fire detection, security, and communications — are critical in the assurance of life safety and long term life cycles for building operations. This request for a contract adjustment includes intrusion detection cabling and equipment, IP -based closed circuit surveillance cabling and equipment, fire alarm and detection cabling and equipment, and communications cabling (copper + fiber optic) and equipment. This item was deferred for further study prior to the City Council approving the construction contract between the City of Fayetteville and Crossland Construction Company. See attached table. We have used the additional time to conduct value engineering, design analysis, and drawing revisions. Over the past twelve months countless meetings with contractors, subcontractors, and vendors have been held to isolate the best equipment and pricing for the long-term benefit of the project. The associated contract for this work achieves to position the building in the most efficient and cost-effective manner by awarding the work to the vendors with the most compatible systems and pricing available. Status Crossland's procurement process included a bid request by subcontractor Beaver Electric resulting in SBC Communications winning the bid for providing Communications cabling and equipment and the IP -based CCTV cabling and equipment Simplex Grinnell won the bid for cabling and equipment for Fire Alarm and Detection and Building Intrusion Detection. The procuring process of the low voltage equipment includes long lead times. It is important that this process commence in a timely manner to ensure enough time for manufacturing, delivery, and testing. Conduit for this work is not included in this contract and will be procured under a separate document. Recommendations We recommend that City Council approve the contract adjustment in the amount of $206,701 for the low voltage equipment. Date: December 11,2002, rev. 1/16/03, 1/23/03, 5/5/03, 9/29/03 To: Fayetteville City Council Aldermen From: Louise Schaper, Executive Director, Fayetteville Public Library Subject: Project Budget and Contract Approvals This table identifies those requests related to the construction of the Blair Library that Council has approved, as well as forthcoming requests. Our intent is to ensure that Council is aware of all requests that are within our 523,341,655 budget for the tumkey project as approved by the FPL Board on May 2, 2002 and those items that are outside of this budget. At this time, there am no items approved or requested outside of this budget. Some of the forthcoming items, i.e. furnishings, may be procured directly by the FPL Foundation. We have added to this table those items related to the CIP funded site improvements (utility burial, drainage, sidewalks etc.) approved in CIP ($671,995). Item Within budget? Source(s) Budget Est. date approval Date Approved Amount Notes Blair Library Construction, Furnishing and Equipping Crossland contract for construction Yes sales tax + private 5/21/02 $17,633,931 Includes site funds $221,995 improvements for off - from CIP Contingency Yes sales tax • private $830,000 5/21/02 $700,000 $167,676 approved remaining contingency of Exterior cladding: APC replacement Yes sales + tax private $949,658 11/02 11/19/02 $402896 Deferred will planned lintels be at and « stairwell from contred. APC entrance as brick will clad towers. Low voltage equipment Yes sales + private tax 10/14/03 $206. ma 90 Deferred from contract Low voltage conduit Yes sales + private tax 4Q03 Deferred from contract Landscape Yes sales • private tax 1004 Deferred from contred Intenor signage Yes sales + prrvate tax 2004 Deferred from contract AV Equipment Yes sales + private tax 2004 Deferred from contred Meeting room enhancements Yes sales • private tax 2004 Deferred from contred Technology related items Yes sales + private tax $470,000 2003-04 Furnishings Yes private $980,000 2003-04 Includes work shelving, seating, stations etc Smart e.g. conveyor, library, Yes sales « private tax $.659,751 5/03 5/03 $395,632 Conveyor self -check, RFID RFID Self -check Moving costs Yes sales + pnvate tax $30,000 2004 Unfunded and cut items. No $0 N/A Such as staff signage package, room divider, lockers, meeting piano. full Off-Srte improvements Off-site improvements (see first item above) Yes, CIP 5/21/02 $221,995 In Crossland funded from improvements Contract CIP site project but West Avenue underground utilities Yes, CIP $101,806 10/14/03 West Ave underground utility permanent equipment for power and residences. • AmirmoezFosterHaileyJohnson MEMORANDUM To: Bob Kohler Copy: Sean Wagner From: Jim Foster Reference: Fa &Air Library, PR 10 Architects & Planners Scptcmbcr 26, 2003 The Arch' ommend approval of the low voltage equipment and cable included in t ttached partial response to Proposal Request 10. To be resolved later is the amount required for conduit for these systems. After the project was bid low voltage was broken out as $340,000. Exhibit C to the Agreement removed $340,000.00 from the bid amount for fire alarm and detection systems, security intrusion systems, closed circuit television systems, and voice and data cabling systems work as required by Section 16720, Section 16726, Section 16729, and Section 16740. The overall project budget was concurrently adjusted to include several deferred items including $260.000 for low voltage systems and $16,000 for cable tray system. Out of these two $276,000 budget items there has been committed $33,478.95 in Change Order #4 and Construction Change Directive 46 with a maximum amount of $20,000 to allow conduit rough in to proceed. The attached Potential Change Order #22 in the amount of $206,700.90 has been thoroughly reviewed by the design team and should be considered as Change Order 10 to the contract. Low voltage systems were redesigned to reduce scope and accommodate newer more flexible technology. The remaining sum in the budget for the balance of this work, after the limit of CCD 6 is reached, will be $15,820. Every effort is being made to stay within this budget but realistically we expect the final cost to exceed this budget line item. Post Office Box 790 • 100 West Center, Suite 302 • Fayetteville, AR 72702 • 479-442-5565 • FAX 479-442-8849 • Crossland Construction Company Fayetteville Public Library 2A0720 401 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Poteilial Change Orders I Detailed Report Date Range: All Dates Printed on: 9/17/03 0033 PCO a22 - PR #10 Low Voltage System Date 9/17/03 Category Reason Reference User Defined Field Pending Architect DirectNe Total Orig Est Total Prop'd Days Reqed Days Apped Date Recrd Date Done Closed Notify Total Orig Est Total Prop'd ,Total Apped 0.00 O.CO No No OW 206,70090 0.W COR No PCCO No Reference Document Notes Item No 1Company- Budget Allocation 'tern Description ccoi fAmirmoezFosterHailevJohnsi Approximate Changes Low Voltage System Budget Code Orig Esti Prop And Appr Amt Item Notes CO No 0.00 1 700.90 OW RECEIVED SEP 2 2 2003 AMIRMOEZ • FOSTER HAILEY • JOHNSON so. ContralAdministration G709 Work Changes Proposal Request • (Instruct ons on the rev rse 4) PROJECT (Name and address): FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 401 WEST MOUNTAIN STREET FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 OWNER (Name and address): CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 WEST MOUNTAIN STREET FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 FROM AntiaRkAUBUDDMOCVASSOCIATE ARCHITECT AMIRMOEZ FOSTER HAILEY JOHNSON PO BOX 790 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72702-0790 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): CROSSLAND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC. ATTN: JOHN PRIEST, PROJECT MANAGER PO BOX 907 ROGERS ARKANSAS 72756 Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contrac: Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Within TFtil ( 10 ) days Ire Contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Architect. in wicting. of the dale on which proposal submission is anticipated. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORD(R, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS, PROPOSAL REQUEST NUMBER Ten 10) DATE OF ISSUANCE: CONTRACT FOR: Distribution List: Owner Architect Consultant Contractor Field Other May 13, 2003 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DATE: MAY 21, 2002 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 2000073-00 ESCRIPTION (Insert a weitten description of the Work): Provide a proposal for incorporating additional scope of work consistent with attachments. This work is subject to the overhead and profit limits established in paragraph of Exhibit 'C' of the Contract for Construction. This scope of work includes: Fire Alarm and Detection, Building Intrusion Detection, IP -based Closed Circuit Surveillance, and Communications Cabling System. This will require complete and detailed information from the electrical sub- contractor and third tier sub -contractors. The format for the proposal is included below. Due to integration requirements with the Owner's future network equipment, we are requesting a minimum of four (4) separate qualified third -tier contractors for the communications cabling systems. There are specific qualifications for third tier sub -contractors for the Communications Cabling specified in Section 16740 (rev.4/2003), and copies of required certifications must be attached to the proposal. Pricing is requested to be in the detail indicated in the Proposal Request Detail Outline attached. ATTACHMENTS (Lrs; attached documents that support description): A. Proposal Request Detail Outline B. Specifications Section 16720, Fire Alarm and Detection System C. Specifications Section 16726, Secunty Intrusion and Detection System D. Specifications Section 16740, Digital Communications Cabling Systems E. Seven sheets of Drawings with latest revision date of 05/08/03: LV -101, LV -101.5, LV -102, LV -103, LV -104, LV -104.5, LV105, REQUESTED T TH • abeiswne-La•-s-n-s SSOCIATE ARCHITECT James R. Foster, FAIA (Signature) (Printed name and title i • Docpment G709 Work Changes Proposal Request .0 2001 The American Inst.:cre of Architects • Washington. OC • wwwaa on; To recut popyrigni viciations at AlA Contract DC:Comer:5 e.marl The Ametean Institute ot Architects- legal COunSel _payee.- Org GRAND TOTAL FOR CHANGE CCC OH/P for Subs at 2.50% CCC Overhead © 15.00% %oot @PU08333 CCC Insurance © Subcontractor Total Labor Direct Cost Material Direct Cost Total Cost Summary Leerier Electric Z Cu 3 CD Subcontractor Pricing 0 CD if. n -9 SI 1 Material & Labor Direct Cost Project Name: Potential Change Order # Date: Description of Request: 4-9 0 = CA ia 'CCTV is based cc 'value engineered 'extent or the labor q s Iintrvion defechan -, g c 3 03 0 I. If Z .5 9 c n E r II pg. r so r• 3 a, E g !,' I, — q b' 3 4° 0 a $ 206,700.90 2,145 45 1 IA 429.09 CA $ 204,062 00 $ 204,062 001 444, n C 3 a coax cable system and! Please note that the alter 97 i C • 3 .. g -t and matenai related to the I Id material for any the relr cabling system The attic e es i a a i a :in is for fire alarm & dote Description of Wol ..... Quantity POTENTIAL CHANGE ORDER REQUEST Fayetteville Public Library 22 9/17/03 Days Requested PrIce Good For 14 Days PR at10 • Modifications to Low Voltage System al ta c i• '‘,7 n - a WWI g ; • c a 0 2 " r -) 3> -I 0 -4 o —t 0 -t. n :he apprcnif c4 nate deduct tor the W. 5 L•li...g E it"-. a -t--. a 3 2 T . is• 4. • v a Is 3 i s •• a 9 - 5 lc rk MATERIAL SU xf< AS APPLICABLE MATERIA I Cost 1 Sub P . TOTAL] BTOTAL 8 375% C = .= cc/ ][. CA 071 . el Oil . 0 0 0 vo 1•2 g a* .-.) d.). .-.) c n c = -%m co n (7, -. .. MA-7FM 062.00 062 00 ricing 4. I. 9. 9.* 4. 999. 4996 see v. v. 4A 4A 401 I Material Cost .1" co — > 3 R. 3 0 ..< I—. . Dez•Foster-Hailey.Johnson of Fayetteville, Arkansas [Layout Eng & (1) Laborer Carpenter & (2) Laborer [Concrete Finisher [Carpenter & (1) Laborer [Laborer 0 co 13 0 3 g -• [Operator w/ Equipment [Description CCC Crew Type LABOR SUB' LABOR BURDEN LABOR' hr R: 2; hr hr R. -7 7, 7, 7 Hours 777,77777,Z hr Crew Type 0 -9, ni o 0o 3..t• -• 6 401 .t. 4. 4A --4, s 40 401 I Labor Cost IA *A 4A 4 4A 4A V* 0 0 19 --... 2 en 4, -4, 130 00 1 -4 0 8 5r.[ 10 2500 1 8 30 00 1 so oo I g • Sent By: Crossland Construction;• 14795713748; Jul -11,03 5:49PM; Page 2 LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEM PRICE PROPOSAL PROPOSAL REQUEST #10 For FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 401 WEST MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ARCHITECT: Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. 119 North 2nd Street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1420 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Crossland Construction 2510 West Hudson Road Rogers, Arkansas 72756 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Beaver Electric Corporation 208 N. Block P. O. Box 1071 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 PHONE• 442-8755 FAX: 442-0938 SEP -17-2003 17:04 BEAVER ELECTRIC CO. • • BEAVER ELECTRIC CORPORATION 208 N. Block P.O. Box 1071 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 Phone: (479) 4424755 Fax: (479) 442-0938 PROPOSAL CONTRACT Date: 09-17-03 Crossland Construction 3015 East Skelly Drtve Tulsa, Ok 74105 Ph.479-571-2322 Fax 479-571-3748 Ph.620.429-1414 Fax 620.429-8948 Att. John Priest, Subject: Request for change order* C -0010R3, Re: Low Voltage Proposal, Dear Mr. Priest, P.01/0e Change Order Num: Mal Be advised of the following changes to Fayetteville Pubfic Library per Work Change Proposal number Ten. As request new fire alarm per Section 16720, security intrusion and detection system per Section 16725, IP -Based network CCTV Monitoring System per section 16729 and digital communications cabling systems per Section 16740. Scope of Work: Provide new low voltage systems per drawings dated 0508.03 and the following sheets LV -101, LV - 101.5, LV -102, LV -103, LV -104, LV -104.5 and LV -105. Bid *1 Simplex Scope of Work MMMMnal Tu Labor Fire Alarm and Detection Cabling $ 3,100 Included $ 6,173 $ 4644 Total Fire Alarm and Detection Equipment $ 9,7377 q pment $ 24,750 Included $ S.9B4 $ 1.537 $ 32.281 Fire Alarm and Detection Conduit Scope of Work Material Tax Labor O&P Total Building Intrusion Detection Cabling $ 3,950 Included $ 5,185 $ 456 $ 9,592 Building Intrusion Detection Equipment $ 4,276 Included $ 3.950 $ 411 3 3,537 Building Intrusion Detection Conduit (Beaver, SEF -1? -2003 1?:05 BEALEEP ELECTRIC co. • • Page 2 Bid et2 SBC Scone of Work Material Communications t atlling (copper) Communications Cabling (fiber optic) $ 41,460 Communications Cable Tray $ 6,433 Communications Related Equipment Communications Conduit(Beaver) P.M 'CZ • September 17. 2303 Tax Labor Q841 Total Included $ 30.955 $ 3,620 Included $ 4,080 $ 526 Scone of WorkMaterial Tax Labor O&P IP based CCN System Cabling $ 53,342 Included f 4,500 E 2,892 IP -based CCN System Equipment THIS PRICE tS LUMP SUM IP -based CCTV System Conduit (Heaver) Communications Alternate Cosi Savings different Data Rack (dedua) $ <1 800 00> Communications Alternate Cost Savings different Patch Cable (deduct) $ <2.000.00> $ 76.035 $ 11.039 Total $60,734 ALLOW 4-8 WEEKS FCR DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT AFTER WRITTEN RELEASE AND EQUIPMENT SUBMITTIAL APPROVAL Prices quoted will be canceled W not accepted within 30 days. Terms are Net 30 days. All cabling win be tested at time of rough in, K any wiring problems after rough in are detected, cables will be repaired at an additional cost Furthermore, if any electrical equipment are damaged (cut pull strings, mud rings removed, mud rings not cut in by sheetrock ect) will be replaced at additional cost. Please review the folowirg exclusions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Overtime. (Our pnce is based on a continuous wont schedule with normal working hours from 7:OOam. To 3:30 Monday thru Friday. Saw cutting of existing concrete. Patching of existing concrete and sheetrock. X-raying of existing concrete. Removal of concrete and sheelrock spats. Backing for Low Voltage equipment. Painting. Please respond in venting ASAP. /John Williams Project Manager CcAustin Blevins FAYETTEV&LE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE • To: Louise Schaper Fayetteville Public Library From: Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk Division Date: October 27, 2003 Re: Res. No. 159-03 Attached is an executed copy of the above resolution, approved by the City Council on October 21, 2003, authorizing Change Order No. 10 to the contract, with Crossland Construction Company, Inc. to install low voltage equipment at the new library. Also, this date Mr. Bob Kohler picked up four original signed change orders from the city clerk's office. This resolution and attachments will be recorded in the city clerk's office and microfilmed. If . anything else is needed please let the clerk's office know. /cbp attachments cc Nancy. Smith, Internal Auditor