HomeMy WebLinkAbout145-03 RESOLUTION• • RESOLUTION NO. 145-03 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2 IN THE AMOUNT OF THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS ($36,780.00) WITH RJN GROUP, INC. TO UPDATE THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM MODEL; AND APPROVING A CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS ($3,220.00) FOR SAME. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves Contract Amendment #2 in the amount of Thirty -Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Dollars ($36,780.00) with RJN Group, Inc. to update the Wastewater Collection System Model. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a contingency in the amount of Three Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Dollars ($3,220.00) for same PASSED and APPROVED this 7th day of October, 2003. By: a SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROV D: By DAN COODY, Mayor • • • • AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FAYETTEVILLE WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT SEWER COLLECTION IMPROVEMENTS, WEST SIDE WHEREAS, on February I, 2000, the City of Fayetteville (the Owner) and RJN Group, Inc. (the Engineer) entered into an agreement for Engineering Services in connection with the construction of Fayetteville Wastewater System Improvements Project, particularly the West Side Sewer Collection System Improvements including development of design flows. The scope of these services included preliminary studies, preliminary design, wastewater system modeling and loading predictions resulting in Preliminary Design Reports and Loading Reports setting forth the findings; and WHEREAS, RJN Group, Inc has substantially completed those services required under the original scope including preparation and submittal of the Preliminary Design Report; and WHEREAS, The City of Fayetteville has requested that the original contract scope be expanded to include additional services relating to and consistent with the work originally contracted; WHEREAS, RJN Group, Inc. agrees to provide the requested additional services; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the Owner and the Engineer, the parties hereto, stipulate and agree that the Agreement for Engineering Services dated February 1, 2000, is hereby amended in the following particulars: SECTION IV - SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY THE ENGINEER Additional Services- RJN Group, Inc. shall provide the additional services set forth in Attachment "A", dated September I, 2003 and titled "City of Fayetteville -EVALUATE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTS". These services shall update the original wastewater collection system computer model to reflect currently existing and approved development In addition, the scope of additional services includes the analysis by the updated computer model for six different development scenarios. 1 • • SECTION XI — TIME OF BEGINNING AND COMPLETION Additional Services- The time of performance for the additional service is as follows: COMPLETION OF COLLECTION SYSTEM MODEL UPDATE- 60 DAYS DEVELOPMENT SCENARIO LOADING ANALYSIS- 14 DAYS/SCENARIO SECTION XII — FEES AND PAYMENTS Section "A" is amended as follows, reflecting the original contract value, Amendment No. 1 and Amendment No. 2: DESCRIPTION CONTRACT VALUE I -Original Contract $636,267.00 2 -Amendment No. 1 $124,903.03 Subtotal $763,170.03 3 -Amendment No 2 $ 36 780.00 Current Total $799,950.03* * Contract Value is not -to -exceed upper limit of costs SECTION XVI — MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS E. Arkansas Freedom of Information Act City contracts and documents, including internal documents and documents of subcontractors and sub -consultants, prepared while performing City contractual work are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). If a Freedom of Information act request is presented to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, RJN Group, Inc. will do everything possible to provide the documents in a prompt and timely manner as prescribed in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (A.C.A. §25-I9-101 et seq.). Only legally authorized photocopying costs pursuant to the FOIA may be assessed for this compliance. F. Modifications to Agreement Changes, modifications or amendments in scope, price or fees to this Contract shall not be allowed without formal contract amendment approved by the Mayor and the City Council in advance of the change in scope, cost, fees, or delivery schedule. All other provisions of the original agreement with Amendments remain in full force and effect. 2 • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be duly executed this MIA, day of ©t r , 2003. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS RJN GROUP, INC. By: ATTEST Sondra Smith, City Clerk 3 By: 471 M /Gell.,, ATTEST 7,-,,,, 4.„,,...„ • • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE EVALUATE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTS SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Fayetteville desires to evaluate the impact of proposed residential development on its wastewater collection system and lift stations. The hydraulic computer model developed by RJN Group, Inc. in 2000 as part of the Westside Sewer System Improvement Project will be updated to include new sewer lines 10 -inches in diameter and larger constructed since 2000 and design flows based on new water accounts added since 2000. The updated model will be utilized to evaluate the impact of new development on the collection system. After the model is updated to 2003 conditions, the City may request RJN to evaluate the impact of specific proposed developments. A specific scope of services is as follows: 1. Project Administration A. Perform Project Initiation activities. B. Consult with City staff as needed. C. Meet with City staff to discuss the results of specific evaluations. 2. Update Existing Model A. Based on new water account data provided by City, the Engineer will update the year 2000 base flow by basin. B. The Engineer will revise the flow hydrographs in the hydraulic model based on Task 2.A above. C. Utilizing the actual flow data hydrographs in the 2000 model and the 2003 water account data, the Engineer will run the model to projected 2003 conditions. D. Utilizing the wet -weather design storm data developed in the 2000 model, the Engineer will update the wet -weather model to reflect 2003 base flow conditions. 3. Evaluate Proposed Development A. Based on information provided by the City, the Engineer will develop dry -weather hydrographs for each development requested to be evaluated by the City. It is anticipated that the City will provide the point of connection to the existing collection system and the number of units for each development.(The cost proposal assumes a total of six (6) developments will be evaluated.) • • B. The Engineer will input the developed hydrographs into the updated model and perform a model analysis of the proposed development. It is anticipated that two model runs will be completed for each development. These are as follows: 1) Dry -Weather Analysis — This analysis will evaluate the collection system and lift station's capacity to transport the projected flow to the Wastewater Treatment Plant during dry weather. 2) Wet -Weather Analysis — This analysis will evaluate the impact of the proposed development on the collection system during wet weather conditions. the wet -weather condition will be a 5-year/60-minute design storm. Report Based on the results of the hydraulic analysis, the Engineer will prepare a brief letter report describing the results of the analysis of each proposed development. The report will include the following: A. Summary of projected flow from each proposed development. B. Results of the model analysis of dry -weather conditions. C. Results of the model analysis of wet -weather conditions. D. A tabular and graphical description of any sewer lines or lift stations that have inadequate capacity to transport flow from the proposed development. 2- CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ESTIMATED FEE 10/1/2003 1 Cost Est -evaluate new developments.amdMng Project: Evaluate New Developments TASK DESCRIPTION HOURLY RATE WORK Total Cost Estimate ($) J Estimated Manhours PD hr PM hr PE hr CE hr CL hr Project Administration 8 2 0 0 6 1,710 Update Model 4 16 100 96 2 18,420 Evaluate Dcvclopments/Rcport (6) 6 12 144 0 12 16,650 Total Estimated Cost 18 30 244 96 20 36,780 10/1/2003 1 Cost Est -evaluate new developments.amdMng 1 • • NAME OF FILE: Resolution No. 145-03 w/Amendment No. 2 CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Document 1 09/22/03 Staff Review Form w/attachments: draft resolution memo to Mayor/City Council ADH letter to Greg Boettcher proposed Amendment No. 2 proposed developments -Scope of Services proposed Estimated Fee 2 10/13/03 memo to Greg Boettcher NOTES: X AGENDA REQUEST X CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW • STAFF REVIEW FORM • For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: October 7,2016' €65- /6/7 /6_3 /y5 -6j FROM: Greg Boettcher Name ACTION REQUIRED: Passage of February 1, 2000, •con in.ggeacy`pf $3,220.00 of the wastewater collect Water/Wastewater Water/Wastewater Division Department of a resolution aaiPubtni Amendment No.2 to RJN Group's contract increasing the contract value by $36,780.00, establishing a and authorizing expenditure of up to $40,000.00 for the updating ion system model, plus running six different loading scenarios. COST TO CITY: $40,000.00 Cost of this request 5400.5700.5314.00 Account Number $368,095.00 Water/Wastewater Program Category / Project Name $82,458.54 Wastewater System Improvements Funds Used to Date Program / Project Category Name 98047 $285,636.46 Water and Sewer Project Number Remaining Balance Fund Name BUDGET REVIEW: Budget Manage Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Date CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: 26,./ 1. 8420.16-3 Acc•unting Manager Date DD _ glz3la3 City Atto nwey Date l�Uryc(. Interna; ditor Date 9/aa 103 Purchasing Manager Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Division Read Depar ment Director Fina e S Internal Services Dir. Date `F- 17-03 Date (I'42)-°-3 Date 41 ChiG� inistra t�/ ter D- e 9/5/ Date Cross Reference New Item: Yes Previous Ord/Resf: Orig. Contract Date Orig. Contract Number Rec'd in Mayor's Office No 1 -Feb -00 Staff Review Form - Page 2 • Description Meeting Date Comments: Budget Manager Accounting Manager City Attorney Purchasing Manager ADA Coordinator • Internal Auditor s3 of2 hoc Ci-eis 5) 1 Grants Coordinator Reference Comments: • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2 IN THE AMOUNT OF THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY DOLLARS (536,780.00) WITH RJN GROUP, INC. TO UPDATE THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM MODEL; AND APPROVING A CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS ($3,220.00) FOR SAME. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves Contract Amendment #2 in the amount of Thirty -Six Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Dollars ($36,780.00) with RJN Group, Inc. to update the Wastewater Collection System Model. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayett- it 4r nsas hereby approves a contingency in the amount of Three Th nP T o Hu dyed Twenty Dollars ($3,220.00) for same. PASSED and APPROVED this 7th day of Oct =y, r, 2003. Al I ONDRA SMITH, City Clerk y COD'AN COODY, Mayor • City Council Melt of October 7, 2003 Agenda Item Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: Hugh Earnest, Chief Administrative Officer From: Greg Boettcher, Water/Wastewater Director 4 K/ Date: September 19, 2003 Subject: Resolution approving contract amendment with RJN Group for the updating of the sanitary sewer system collection system model RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends approval of an authorization totalling $40,000.00, said amount including a contract amendment with RJN Group, Inc of Dallas, Texas in the amount of $36,780.00 plus a contingency in the amount of 53,220.00. BACKGROUND Continuing growth and unpredictable development patterns represent significant impacts on sections of Fayetteville's wastewater collection system, confirming the need for an ongoing program of capacity management. While the city has historically conducted long-range system studies to define infrastructure system needs, this method of periodic analysis is not addressing short-term, localized system issues. In a current climate of concentrated growth patterns, long project lead times and limited resources; capacity management must be a continous process employing proactive strategics. The early identification of capacity shortfalls has been endorsed by the Fayetteville City Council in response to the recent upgrading of the Hamestring Lift Station. Supporting this forward- looking approach is the continuing pressures from the Arkansas Department of Health, using its development review and permitting authority as leverage for an improved capacity management process. In response to these imperatives, the City Administration has researched feasible and economical methods to analyze the wastewater collection system and to develop a capacity management process. Process goals include defining existing capacity of the wastewater infrastructure system (pipes, pumps and pressure force mains), predicting the loadings committted by current service obligations and monitoring depletions of reserve capacity by proposed new developments. DISCUSSION In 2000, as part of the wastewater system facility planning process, RJN Group prepared a computerized model of the municipal sewer collection system (major pipelines, pump stations and force mains). Under this February I, 2000 agreement the current population and flow information was incorporated into a computerized model, with future flow patterns, then predicted to establish design parameters for the wastewater system improvement project. In order to address the city's current capacity management • City Council Meetlffg of October 7, 2003 Agenda Item Number concerns, this computer model could be updated to reflect current conditions, then updated as significant new developments are approved. With such a resource, wastewater collection system capacity could he evaluated on a continuing basis, rendering meaningful determination of the system's ability to accept the additional loadings from any proposed new developments. Benefits of a case-by-case analysis include immediate recognition of capacity shortfalls, prediction of development related capital costs at the time of review, and the creation of realistic schedules for improvement projects that sustain proper levels of service to our customers. The incorporation of a capacity management component into the development review process will strengthen many decision areas including growth management, planning, impact assessment, financial planning, project prioritization and capital project budgeting. Recognizing that a current wastewater collection system model is a necessary element of capacity management, the most cost-effective and expedient approach is the updating of the existing 2000 model using RJN Group. A proposal for these services, including analysis of six (6) different new development scenarios has been obtained (copy attached). The cost proposal for S36,780.00 is deemed a reasonable cost for the scope of services, further substantiating the need for this to develop a capacity management strategy to the continuing concerns of the Arkansas Department of Health over the ability of the infrastructure system to handle new developments. The concerns of this regulatory agency have been detailed in a recent communication to which the City Administration has responded (copies enclosed). The performance of the collection system modeling is expected to fully satisfy the stated concerns of the Arkansas Department of Health, enabling continued review/permitting of developments in Fayetteville. Updating of the collection model is predicted to require 60 days after development data is received from the city and each scenario analysis is predicted to require 14 days. The magnitude of the Fayetteville wastewater collection network, the complexity of the system components and the large number of variables that impact system adequacy prevent the manual analysis of the system. In order to accurately assess and manage capacity of Fayetteville's wastewater system, a computerized calibrated and up-to-date simulation of the facilities must be performed using specialized software and qualified collection system modelers. This need has been discussed with both the Water and Sewer Committee and with the Fayetteville City Council, all parties confirming the need for a more accurate means of managing system capacity. The approval of this contract amendment will provide a means of defining and evaluating wastewater collection system capacity issues, and correlating the impact of new developments upon infrastructure adequacy. BUDGET IMPACT The $40,000.00 expenditure for updated collection system modeling was not foreseen or included in the Fiscal Year 2003 Budget. With the proposed approach using a contract amendment with RJN Group, the funds may be secured from the unencumbered fund balance in the Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Planning Services identified as Project 98047. Use of funds from this source is an appropriate expenditure consistent with fund purposes. � • • �" Arkansas Department of Health !� / 1 48J5 West Markhmn Street • Little Rock. Arkansas 72205-3867 • Telephone (501) 661-2000 ,_, Fay W. Boorman, MD, MPH, Director Mike Huckabee, Governor ‘Tr August 11, 2003 Greg Boettcher, P.E. Water & Wastewater Director City Of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Re: Sewer System Capacity Dear Mr. Boettcher: RECEr�fE AUG 1 5 2003 CR A S OFFICILL E We are concerned that development in Fayetteville is occurring faster than increases in sewer capacity and that continued development will result in sewage flows exceeding the sewer system capacity unless improvements are made by Fayetteville. We are concerned about continuing to approve plans for developments in Fayetteville. We are requesting the following information: 1. An overall system layout map showing the current collection system and indicating the capacities of each pump station and the limiting main segment capacity for each interceptor. 2. Current peak and average flows for each pump station and each interceptor. 3. If any overflows are currently occurring due to lack of capacity, please indicate the locations and frequency on the overall system layout map. 4. An overall system layout map showing all existing mains and all proposed mains which have been approved by Fayetteville. 5. Projected design flows at "build out" for each pump station and:interceptor. Keeping Your.Hometown Healthy "An Equal Opportunity Employer- 6. A status report on proposed West Side Sewage Treatment plant and collection system improvements. 7. Any proposed improvements to the sewer system not included in the West Side Sewage Treatment plant and collection system project and a time table for Implementation of those proposed improvements. If you have any questions, or if you would like to meet to discuss this issue, please feel free to conta6t us at 501- 661-2623. Sincerely, Craig S. Corder, P.E. Engineer Supervisor Division of Engineering Cc: David Jurgens, Fayetteville Waterworks • AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES - FAYETTEVILLE WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT SEWER COLLECTION IMPROVEMENTS, WEST SIDE WHEREAS, on February I, 2000, the City of Fayetteville (the Owner) and RJN Group, Inc. (the Engineer) entered into an agreement for Engineering Services in connection with the construction of Fayetteville Wastewater System Improvements Project, particularly the West Side Sewer Collection System Improvements including development of design Flows. The scope of these services included preliminary studies, preliminary design, wastewater system modeling and loading predictions resulting in Preliminary Design Reports and Loading Reports setting forth the findings; and WHEREAS, RJN Group, Inc has substantially completed those services required under the original scope including preparation and submittal of the Preliminary Design Report; and WHEREAS, The City of Fayetteville has requested that the original contract scope be expanded to include additional services relating to and consistent with the work originally contracted; WHEREAS, RJN Group, Inc. agrees to provide the requested additional services; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the Owner and the Engineer, the parties hereto, stipulate and agree that the Agreement for Engineering Services dated February I, 2000, is hereby amended in the following particulars: SECTION IV - SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY THE ENGINEER Additional Services- RJN Group, Inc. shall provide the additional services set forth in Attachment "A", dated September 1, 2003 and titled "City of Fayetteville -EVALUATE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTS". These services shall update the original wastewater collection system computer model to reflect currently existing and approved development. In addition, the scope of additional services includes the analysis by the updated computer model for six different development scenarios. 1 • • SECTION XI — TIME OF BEGINNING AND COMPLETION Additional Services- The time of performance for the additional service is as follows: COMPLETION OF COLLECTION SYSTEM MODEL UPDATE- 60 DAYS DEVELOPMENT SCENARIO LOADING ANALYSIS- 14 DAYS/SCENARIO SECTION X11 — FEES AND PAYMENTS Section "A" is amended as follows, reflecting the original contract value, Amendment No. 1 and Amendment No. 2: DESCRIPTION CON'T'RACT VALUE I -Original Contract $636,267.00 2 -Amendment No. 1 $124 903.03 Subtotal $763,170.03 3 -Amendment No 2 $ 36 780.00 Current Total S799,950.03* * Contract Value is not -to -exceed upper limit of costs SECTION XVI — MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS E. Arkansas Freedom of Information Act City contracts and documents, including internal documents and documents of subcontractors and sub -consultants, prepared while performing City contractual work are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). If a Freedom of Information act request is presented to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, RJN Group, Inc. will do everything possible to provide the documents in a prompt and timely manner as prescribed in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (A.C.A. §25-19-101 et seq.). Only legally authorized photocopying costs pursuant to the FOIA may be assessed for this compliance. F. Modifications to Agreement Changes, modifications or amendments in scope, price or fees to this Contract shall not be allowed without formal contract amendment approved by the Mayor and the City Council in advance of the change in scope, cost, fees, or delivery schedule. All other provisions of the original agreement with Amendments remain in full force and effect. 2 • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be duly executed this day of , 2003. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS RJN GROUP, INC. By: By: Dan Coody, Mayor ATTEST ATTEST Sondra Smith, City Clerk 3 • • • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE EVALUATE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTS SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Fayetteville desires to evaluate the impact of proposed residential development on its wastewater collection system and lift stations. The hydraulic computer model developed by RJN Group, Inc. in 2000 as part of the Westside Sewer System Improvement Project will be updated to include new sewer lines 10 -inches in diameter and larger constructed since 2000 and design flows based on new water accounts added since 2000. The updated model will be utilized to evaluate the impact of new development on the collection system. After the model is updated to 2003 conditions, the City may request RJN to evaluate the impact of specific proposed developments. A specific scope of services is as follows: 1. Project Administration A. Perform Project Initiation activities. B. Consult with City staff as needed. C. Meet with City staff to discuss the results of specific evaluations. 2. Update Existing Model A. Based on new water account data provided by City, the Engineer will update the year 2000 base flow by basin. B. The Engineer will revise the flow hydrographs in the hydraulic model based on Task 2.A above. C. Utilizing the actual flow data hydrographs in the 2000 model and the 2003 water account data, the Engineer will run the model to projected 2003 conditions. D. Utilizing the wet -weather design storm data developed in the 2000 model, the Engineer will update the wet -weather model to reflect 2003 base flow conditions. 3. Evaluate Proposed Development A. Based on information provided by the City, the Engineer will develop dry -weather hydrographs for each development requested to be evaluated by the City. It is anticipated that the City will provide the point of connection to the existing collection system and the number of units for each developmcnt.(Thc cost proposal assumes a total of six (6) developments will be evaluated.) • B. The Engineer will input the developed hydrographs into the updated model and perform a model analysis of the proposed development. It is anticipated that two model runs will be completed for each development. These are as follows: 1) Dry -Weather Analysis — This analysis will evaluate the collection system and lift station's capacity to transport the projected flow to the Wastewater Treatment Plant during dry weather. 2) Wet-Wcather Analysis — This analysis will evaluate the impact of the proposed development on the collection system during wet weather conditions. The wet -weather condition will be a 5-year/60-minutc design storm. 4. Report Based on the results of the hydraulic analysis, the Engineer will prepare a brief letter report describing the results of the analysis of each proposed development. The report will include the following: A. Summary of projected flow from each proposed development. B. Results of thc model analysis of dry -weather conditions. C. Results of thc model analysis of wet -weather conditions. D. A tabular and graphical description of any sewer lines or lift stations that have inadequate capacity to transport flow from the proposed development.