HomeMy WebLinkAbout103-03 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO.103-03 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPROPRIATION TO THE DOWNTOWN DICKSON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT (DDEP) IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($20,000.00) TO PROVIDE PLANNING, DESIGN, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FOR THE REMAINDER OF FY2003; AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($20,000.00) FOR SAME. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves an appropriation to the Downtown Dickson Enhancement Project (DDEP) in an amount not to exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) to provide planning, design, and economic development services for the remainder of FY2003. Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment in the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for same. PASSED and APPROVED this 15th day of July, 2003. • ATTEST. By: SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk APPROVED: By City of Fayetteville, Arkansas • Budget Adjustment Form Budget Year 2003 Department: Finance & Internal Services Division: Information Technology • Program: Information Technology Date Requested 6/24/2003 Adjustment Number Project or Item Requested: $20,000 is needed in the Transfer to Downtown Dickson Enhancement account. Project or Item Deleted: None. $20,000 from the Use of Fund Balance account. • Justification of this Increase: The additional funding is needed to fund the Downtown Dickson Enhancement Project group for the remaining six months of 2003. Justification of this Decrease: There is sufficient funding remaining in fund balance to comply with City policy. Increase Budget (Decrease Revenue) Account Narne Account Number Amount Project Number Transf to Dwntn Dickson 1010 6600 5734 00 20,000 Decrease Budget (Increase Revenue) Account Name Account Number Amount Project Number Use of fund balance 1010 0001 4999 99 20,000 Approval Signatures Requested By Date udget ana Department Director nance & Intemervices Dir for Mayor ,4-2 7- 0) Date Date Dat 6 /7 Date Budget Office Use Only Type: A B C Date of Approval Posted to General Ledger Posted to Project Accounting Entered in Category Log Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date Initial Date NAME OF FILE: Resolution No. 103-03 w/budget adjustment CROSS REFERENCE: Item # Date Document 1 06/27/06 Staff Review Form w/attachments draft resolution memo to mayor/city council copy of Application Form Request for Public Fund for Calendar Year 2003 2 07/18/03 memo to Hugh Earnest NOTES: X AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW • STAFF REVIEW FORM For the Fayetteville City Council Meeting of: • July 15, 2003 71/5/43 /03 Drain rival 64kL11 t,M FROM: Hugh Eamest Name Administration Division Administration Department ACTION REQUIRED: A resolution authorizing additional funding for Downtown Dickson Enhancement Project and a budget adjustment in the amount of $20,000. COST TO CITY: $20,000.00 Cost of this request 1010 6600 5734 00 Account Number Project Number Funds Used to Date Remaining Balance Program Category / Project Name Program / Project Category Name Fund Name BUDGET REVIEW: Budget Manag e Budgeted Item Date X Budget Adjustment Attached CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: [J4lio 41 2-�1011L ounting Manage' (rig City AD ttor ey h1221013. Dat= Internal A icor D to iIo3 Date 47 C)CO 1 fl3 Date Purchasing Manager STAFF RECIDATION: Division Head Department Director Finance 5 Internal Services Chie Dir. rative Officer Date Date G•14)_o3 Date Date Mayor Date Cross Reference New Item: Rec'd in Mayor's Office Yes No Previous Ord/Res#: Orig. Contract Date Orig. Contract Number RECEIVED *'JUN 2 7 2003 CITY OF FAYETIEVII.LE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 'raft Review Form - Page 2 • Description - Meeting Date Comments: Budget Manager Accounting Manager City Attorney Purchasing Manager ADA Coordinator Internal Auditor Grants Coordinator Reference Comments: • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN APPROPRIATION TO THE DOWNTOWN DICKSON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT' (DDEP) IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY TI-IOUSAND DOLLARS ($20,000.00) TO PROVIDE PLANNING, DESIGN, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FOR THE REMAINDER OF FY2003; AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF TWEN I Y THOUSAND DOLLARS ($20,000.00) FOR SAME. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby approves an appropriation to the Downtown Dickson Enhancement Project (DDEP) in an amount not to exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars (520,000.00) to provide planning, design, and economic development services for the remainder of FY2003. 1 Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Fayettevillert.Arkansas hereby approves a budget adjustment in the amount -of TWer Thousand Dollars (S20,000.00) for same. 4A. PASSED and APPROVED this 15th day of/July, 2003. APPROVE : : i ;;;.°S-1 , 1 ATTEST: B SONDRA SMITH, City Clerk 1M GOODY, Mayor FAYETTEVIPLE • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS Date: June 25, 2003 To: The Mayor and City Council From: Hugh Earnest Chief Administr'at'ive Officer Subject: Additional Funding for Downtown Dickson Enhancement Program Background The City Council, as part of the deliberations on the 2003 budget, authorized an appropriation of $20,000 for the first six months of this year to assist DDEP in implementing their program. The Council requested that the Contract for Service required from all non -profits contain language requiring specific deliverables within a certain time frame. DDEP compiled with the request and placed in the contract a number of issues that were to be addressed by them. Copies of the contract provisions are attached. Current Situation The president of the DDEP Board Mrs. Sharon Hoover, presented the Council with an excellent report at their meeting on June 17th. The report specifically addressed those issues listed in the contract for services. In addition, the DDEP report went into great detail describing the many and varied activities being addressed by DDEP. The Council, as part of their funding for the six month period, agreed to consider an additional appropriation following the receipt of the status report. Recommendation It is my recommendation that the Council authorize, by resolution, an appropriation of $20,000 for the remainder of FY2003. 1 believe that the excellent work product presented to the Council and their prompt response to the contract demands merits a vote of confidence from the City. We will see that the DDEP Board continues to focus on the merger of the several improvement districts, that they assist us in determining the best course on which to proceed in improving the many festivals that are held and that they are a premier participant in the upcoming Downtown Master Plan. 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 479-521-7700 FAX 479.575-0257 • City of Fayetteville • Application Form REQUEST FOR PUBLIC FUNDS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2003 1. Organization: Name, Address, Telephone & Fax: Downtown/Dickson Enhancement Project, Inc. 118 North Block Street P. O. Box 3573, Fayetteville, AR 72702-3573 501-571-3337 Fax 501-571-4297 A. Is this a eon -profit organization? _X_Yes. B. Tax-exempt status and Federal ID Number: 501 (c) (3) 71-0800252 2. Project Director. Name, Address, Telephone & Fax Bootsie Ackerman, Executive Director Downtown/Dickson Enhancement Project, Inc. 118 North Block Street P. O. Box 3573, Fayetteville, AR 72702-3573 501-571-3337 Fax 501-571-4297 3. Title, Date, Goals and Brief Description of Project The Downtown/Dickson Enhancement Project, Inc. (DDEP) began in 1996 and was incorporated in 1997 as a non-profit venture. We are a group of more than 200 business owners, property owners and residents located within our district, bordered by College Ave, Lafayette Street, Arkansas Ave, and 6 th Street. Our common charge is to keep the district healthy economically, while maintaining its unique character. We serve the community as an advocate for the Downtown Dickson area and provide planning, design, and economic development assistance to the City of Fayetteville. With the city planning staff we have developed a master street plan for the district, served on the committee for rezoning the district, have assisted in the collaboration of the parking districts, and helped with the redesign of problem areas on Dickson Street. As an economic development arm for Fayetteville, we respond to numerous inquiries regarding business and development opportunities as well as assist in touring visiting dignitaries. Through our image campaign and numerous other group promotions we have helped in advertising our district's unique amenities. DDEP's annual Fine Arts Festival and Designer House bring tourists and locals to our area. Our involvement in other development efforts, like the Cultural Arts District, and the parking districts allow us to assist in the coordination of programs and provide a forum for discussion. We promote residential use in the district and serve on the committee to rezone the downtown district. And, every year we apply for grants and pursue funding for projects in our district. This year much of our time has been spans working with the city and the contractor to assist in facilitation of the Dickson street improvements. DOE' • • • /998 founding goals : • Develop and implement a cohesive promotional strategy to enhance public awareness of the best qualities and economic growth of the area. • Establish a comprehensive plan for shaping the infrastructure of the Downtown/Dickson area that imparts a sense of place and identity. • Encourage mixed use developman. • Promote historic preservation and adaptive reuse. • Ensure the Downtown/Dickson area is pedestrian friendly while simultaneously accommodating vehicular traffic. • Promote and encourage broad choices of cultural, recreational, art and entertainment alternatives. 2003 initiatives set from our annual board retreat: funding • hire a part time development officer- part time staff position has been reassigned to be development and communication coordinator- interviewing applicants • review membership fees, benefits, sponsorships - will be responsibility of part time staff • research grants and foundations - applied for federal grant in 2003 • develop funding with the University of Arkansas- pledge of $3000. board business and development • set fund raising targets for board members • develop our vision for board members involvement- participating in board training session June 22-24 • develop a system by which the City of Fayetteville can evaluate actives of DDEP- periodic reporting executive director • become actively involved in the parking districts, the cultural district, the downtown rezoning committees • pursue improvement district status • assist the City of Fayetteville staff • assist Walton Arts Center in developing the Cultural district communications and publicity • create a brand identity and develop a more comprehensive name for the organization- new logo is printed using a variation of our name • get a rendering of Dickson Street enhancement printed and posted in Dickson Street- signage is located at coma if Dickson and West • establish a web site- www.downtowndickson.com • produce a power point presentation to use as marketing tool- design committee has completed phase 1 sidewalk master plan power point • develop an image campaign — media, web site, newsletter • improve the newsletter content and format — in process • market the organization better to build membership — First Thursday, Image campaign 2 • • Value of Cash from Other Sources Value of In Kind Match from Other Sources: Total Pro ect Cost: 5. Proposed Funding Period (from) June 1, 2003 (to) December 31, 2003. Will project cross calendar years? X Yes 6 Describe the mission and history of your organization, including current funding Our mission is to develop and implement a plan to enhance and promote, while preserving and extending, the existing best qualities of the core of our city. In 1995 and 1996 a group of volunteers struggled with defining a mission to enhance the historic center of town. Charged with improving linkages between the beautiful Square with its offices and retail and Dickson Street with its entertainment and dining, it became clear that improving the vitality of downtown would take an encompassing and cooperative approach. The group resolved that success could come only from a multifaceted long-term project with broad involvement by residents, businesses, the City of Fayetteville, the University of Arkansas, and the Walton Arts Center. The Downtown / Dickson Enhancement Project began with a core group who began by organinng their efforts and securing public and private support. Funding commitments were obtained for the first three years based on annual review. By laws were defined and non-profit status was secured. Committees to focus on marketing, design and fund raising were established. In April 1997 a full time director was hired and the protect began in earnest. Through a series of public workshops in 1997, priorities and directions were formulated In 1998 the University of Arkansas Community Design Center was hired to design a conceptual plan for the revitalization of Dickson Street. With this plan DDEP was able to secure federal appropriations for the improvements of the street and in 2001 construction began. At this time main areas of focus included. improvements of the physical appearance of the district, organizing and building consensus of those in the arca , promotion of retail establishments and special events, and image building. In addition, the group began to assist all festivals in the area In June 2000 DDEP engaged a Marketing and Special Events Coordinator, part time staff, to accommodate the needs of the growing organization. By continuing to manage this ambitious multi -pronged marketing, promotion and urban design effort, DDEP is keeping its district a delightful place to live. Furthermore, its efforts are a significant factor in enticing well over 570,000,000 in investment in downtown and a steady increase in sales and HMR tax from downtown establishments. Funding sources from January- Juncl, 2003 are: the City of Fayetteville, Fayetteville AS.P Commission, Downtown businesses, member dues, Promotions, in kind contributions, interest from our money market account 3 a t ua,yt)/ r r $11,490/Yr $140,415/Yr ATAn nt 0 }Funds1Rep""�uesfediFr m°eEbeVii510 jFayette ilk: $20;OOd Value of Cash from Other Sources Value of In Kind Match from Other Sources: Total Pro ect Cost: 5. Proposed Funding Period (from) June 1, 2003 (to) December 31, 2003. Will project cross calendar years? X Yes 6 Describe the mission and history of your organization, including current funding Our mission is to develop and implement a plan to enhance and promote, while preserving and extending, the existing best qualities of the core of our city. In 1995 and 1996 a group of volunteers struggled with defining a mission to enhance the historic center of town. Charged with improving linkages between the beautiful Square with its offices and retail and Dickson Street with its entertainment and dining, it became clear that improving the vitality of downtown would take an encompassing and cooperative approach. The group resolved that success could come only from a multifaceted long-term project with broad involvement by residents, businesses, the City of Fayetteville, the University of Arkansas, and the Walton Arts Center. The Downtown / Dickson Enhancement Project began with a core group who began by organinng their efforts and securing public and private support. Funding commitments were obtained for the first three years based on annual review. By laws were defined and non-profit status was secured. Committees to focus on marketing, design and fund raising were established. In April 1997 a full time director was hired and the protect began in earnest. Through a series of public workshops in 1997, priorities and directions were formulated In 1998 the University of Arkansas Community Design Center was hired to design a conceptual plan for the revitalization of Dickson Street. With this plan DDEP was able to secure federal appropriations for the improvements of the street and in 2001 construction began. At this time main areas of focus included. improvements of the physical appearance of the district, organizing and building consensus of those in the arca , promotion of retail establishments and special events, and image building. In addition, the group began to assist all festivals in the area In June 2000 DDEP engaged a Marketing and Special Events Coordinator, part time staff, to accommodate the needs of the growing organization. By continuing to manage this ambitious multi -pronged marketing, promotion and urban design effort, DDEP is keeping its district a delightful place to live. Furthermore, its efforts are a significant factor in enticing well over 570,000,000 in investment in downtown and a steady increase in sales and HMR tax from downtown establishments. Funding sources from January- Juncl, 2003 are: the City of Fayetteville, Fayetteville AS.P Commission, Downtown businesses, member dues, Promotions, in kind contributions, interest from our money market account 3 a t ua,yt)/ r r $11,490/Yr $140,415/Yr • • • 7. Describe the persons or groups who will benefit from your project, including the estimated number of people served. The more business activity we keep in sole proprietorship , the more money goes back in our community. The healthier our downtown district , the more of an assct we provide for those communities looking to relocate to an area. This quality of life represents a successful city. We believe ow involvement in the district represents a commitment of large group of constituents to maintain and nourish our distrix Our hope is to serve all the citizenry of Fayetteville. Citizens from all pans of town will benefit from the enhanced quality of life DDEP promotes and will enjoy city revenues generated by the return on their investment through increased sales, HMR tax and ad valorem taxes. The entire City of Fayetteville profits by a economically healthy Downtown Dickson District. 8. Describe how your project will be evaluated. The evaluation process has two parts, an internal checks and balances , and annual review from our funding agencies and/or private supporters. Once a year the board of directors holds a retreat to reevaluate our goals and initiatives . We create action items, and discuss long range planning. Every meeting thereafter, these items are reassessed and reevaluated to make sure we stay on track of. Since serving the community, not monetary gain is ow charge, we hope that this annual binds will serve as a base line monitor. In addition, a contract for services with the City has been created which provides fair accountability and responsibility for both groups. A formal accounting audit is completed periodically by an ousidc local accounting firm. BUDGET see attached 2003 budget OtIONEWA71UNS • Applicant agrees to compo, wait all late and City purchasing policies and procedures (available from City Purchasing Office) • Applicant certifies that project will comply with all nonstscrimination statues and will be fully handicapped acnrssib/e Name of Applicant: Sharon Hoover Signature of Applicant ( Date rAtI,rlov3 Title: President Organization: Downtown/Dickson Enhancement Project, Inc. 4 • Applicant agrees to compo, wait all late and City purchasing policies and procedures (available from City Purchasing Office) • Applicant certifies that project will comply with all nonstscrimination statues and will be fully handicapped acnrssib/e Name of Applicant: Sharon Hoover Signature of Applicant ( Date rAtI,rlov3 Title: President Organization: Downtown/Dickson Enhancement Project, Inc. 4 FAYETTEVA.LE TIE CITY OF EAYETTEVIUE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Hugh Eamest Administration From Clarice Buffalohead-Pearman City Clerk Division Date: July 18, 2003 Re: Res. 103-03 Attached please find an executed copy of the above referenced resolution passed by City Council, July 15, 2003 regarding appropriation to the Downtown Dickson Enhancement Project and a budget adjustment for said purpose. The original resolution will be recorded in the city clerk's office and microfilmed. If anything else is needed please let the city clerk's office know. fcbp Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor K-euln Sjrin5a,-