Section 1. That the City Council hereby adopts the updated "Minimum Standards for
Operations and Commercial Activities" for the Fayetteville Municipal Airport -Drake Field replacing
the current document and its revisions. A copy of the minimum standards is attached hereto marked
Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof.
PASSED AND APPROVED this6th day of June , 2000.
Heather Woodruff, City Cie
Fred Hanna, Mayor
NAME OF FILE: 7�.14-yL 7c- a o
Contents of File Initials
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ORIGINALLY ADOPTED: February 16, 1981 Resolution 25-81
AMENDED: May,18, 1993 Resolution 50-93
UPDATED AND REPLACED BY: June 6, 2000 Resolution
• •
Item A: Fuel and Sales 19
Item B: Multiple Service Providers/Combination
Activities (Full service FBO's) 20
Item C: Aircraft Charter and Taxi Service 21
Item D: Aircraft Rental and Sales 22
Item E: Aircraft Engine, Airframe and Accessory
Sales and Maintenance 23
Item F: Flight Training 24
Item G: Crop Dusting and Spraying 25
Item 1-1: Avionics Sales and Maintenance 25
Item I: Non -Public Fueling 27
Item J: Specialized Services 27
Item K: Hangar Construction and Rental 28
Item L: Basic lease Terms and Conditions 28
Item M: Construction of Corporate Hangars
By Others Than the Fixed Base Operator 30
• •
It being necessary to protect the public health, safety and interest at Fayetteville Municipal
Airport, the following procedures and minimum standards are hereby promulgated and
adopted for the use of any land or facility at said Airport.
As used herein, the following terms shall have the meaning listed:
AIR OPERATIONS AREA: -(AOA) That portion of the Airport designated for use by aircraft
and including all runways, taxiways, ramps, aprons and any other areas so delineated for
use by aircraft, inside the perimeter fence.
AERONAUTICAL ACTIVITY: - Shall mean any activity which involves, makes possible, or is
required for the operation of aircraft or which contributes to, or is required for, the safely of
such operations and shall include, but not by way of limitation, all activities commonly
conducted on airports, such as charter operations, pilot training, aircraft rental, sight seeing,
aerial photography, crop dusting, aerial advertising and surveying, air carrier operations,
aircraft sales and services, sale of aviation petroleum products, whether or not conducted
in conjunction with other included activities, repair and maintenance of aircraft, sale of
aircraft parts, sale of maintenance of aircraft accessories, radio, communication and
navigation equipment and any other activity which, because of its direct relationship to the
operation of aircraft, can appropriately be regarded as an "aeronautical activity"
AIRCRAFT: - Any contrivance now known or hereafter invented, used or designed for
navigation of or flight in the air.
AIRPORT: - Shall mean Fayetteville Municipal Airport, Fayetteville, Arkansas owned and
operated by the City of Fayetteville as a Department.
AIRPORT BOARD: - Shall mean the five member Board, appointed by the Mayor to provide
guidance for Airport Development.
AIRPORT MANAGER: - Shall mean the Manager of the Airport as designated by the City of
Fayetteville or his/her designated alternate.
• •
AIRPORT TRAFFIC AREA: - Shall be as defined in the current Federal Aviation Regulations,
Part 1, and as such may be amended from time to time.
CITY COUNCIL: - Shall mean the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Council as duly constituted
at any time.
DRIVER: - Any person who is in actual physical control of a vehicle.
MASTER PLAN: means the scaled dimensional layout of the entire airport, indication of
current and proposed usage for each identifiable segment as approved by the City of
Fayetteville Council and the Federal Aviation Administration.
MINIMUM STANDARDS: - The qualifications established herein, as amended from time to
time by the City Council upon recommendation of the Airport Manager, setting forth the
minimum requirements to be met as a condition for the right to conduct any commercial
activity on the Airport.
MOTOR VEHICLE: - any ground vehicle that is self-propelled.
MOVEMENT AREA: - the area which is under the direct control of the tower, it includes 500
feet perpendicular to and either side of the runway centerline, 200 feet outward from each
threshold and a 118 foot area which encompasses each taxiway.
PERSON: - Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company or association; and
including any trustee, receiver or similar representative thereof.
PILOT: - Any person who is responsible for control of an aircraft.
No person, firm, association, corporation or entity, incorporated or otherwise, shall use the
Airport for any commercial activity, unless approved by a written permit, lease agreement
or Letter of Agreement from the City of Fayetteville/Airport Manager.
The following rules and regulations shall be observed in the use, operation and conduct of
or on the Airport:
FEDERAL AIR TRAFFIC RULES. The rules of the Federal Aviation Administration for aircraft
operated anywhere in the United States, and presently or hereafter effective, are hereby
• •
referred to, adopted and made a part hereof as though fully set forth and incorporated
SAFEGUARD OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY. The Airport Manager or his/her designated
representative shall at all times have authority to take necessary and legal actions to
safeguard any person, aircraft, equipment or property at the Airport.
LEASE OF AIRPORT PROPERTY. The City of Fayetteville may lease property within the
building area or other portions of the Airport for the construction of hangars, buildings,
aprons, taxiways and auto parking lots in accordance with the approved Airport Master Plan
and Airport Layout Plan.
Leased land from which any building, hangar, or structure is removed after due notice will
be cleaned and put back in its original condition by the Lessee.
All lease requests for property on the Airport must be submitted through the Airport
Manager's office. Only AFTER approval has been given by the Airport Manager may any
property be subleased or assigned.
No structures may be erected beyond the building restriction line or in conflict with the
approved Airport Layout Plan, unless revision are made to the Plan and approved by the
Fuel flowage fees are applicable for all fuel dispensing activities, whether commercial or
private, based on the established City Ordinance, Title IX (9), chapter 91.16 currently
approved and placed in effect by the City Council.
Lien for charges will be used to enforce the payment of any charge made for repairs, routine
invoicing improvements, storage or care of any personal property, made or furnished by the
City or its agents, in connection with the operation of the Airport. The City shall have a lien
upon such personal property, which shall be enforceable as provided by law.
Lien possessory right will be used to enforce the payment of any such charge. The Airport
Manager may retain possession of such personal property until all reasonable, customary
and usual compensation shall have been paid in full.
Unauthorized signs. No signs or non -aeronautical equipment or portable buildings/house
trailers may be erected, moved in or installed on the Airport property except as may be
specifically authorized by the Airport Manager with the concurrence of all City, State, and
Federal regulations and codes.
• •
Surreptitious activities Any person observing suspicious, unauthorized or criminal activities
should report such activities immediately to the Airport Manager/staff or Police.
Wrecked/damaged/disabled aircraft. Every owner and pilot of any aircraft damaged as a
result of an accident, and each of them, shall be responsible for the prompt removal of the
aircraft following release by the FAA or the National Transportation Safety Board. No
aircraft in a non -airworthy condition so disabled as to give the appearance of a wrecked
plane, or otherwise so damaged as to be unsightly, shall at any time be parked or tied down
out of doors in public view. Such damage or disabled aircraft held for inspection or for
determination of whether to be repaired, shall at all times be stored inside a hangar until
such determination shall be made. Within 30 days from any determination that such
disabled aircraft is to be held for salvage, it shall be permanently stored from public view in
a hangar or approved enclosure. No such aircraft shall be stored on the Airport except as
herein provided. Aircraft awaiting component parts such as a rudder, aileron, horizontal
stabilizer or other movable surface, shall not be considered disabled or unsightly provided
such waiting period does not exceed 30 days. An extension of time shall be granted by the
Airport Manager if such conditions are justified. Said extension shall not be unduly withheld.
Repairs to aircraft. No aircraft shall be repaired on any part of the landing or take -off area,
and all outside repairs shall be made at the places designated by the Airport Manager for
such purpose.
Agricultural spraving operations shall not be conducted from the Airport since no facilities
are available for this purpose as established by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Damage to Airport. Any person, corporate or individual, and the owner of any aircraft or
vehicle causing damage of any kind to said Airport, whether through violation of any of
these rules or through vandalism or any act of negligence, shall be liable therefore in and
to the Airport.
Injury to person. Persons entering upon Airport grounds do so at their own risk and with no
liability incurring to the Airport for any injury or damage to person or property Further, any
person desiring to use the Airport shall observe and obey all valid laws, resolutions, orders,
rules and regulations promulgated and enforced by the Airport or by any authority having
jurisdiction over the conduct and operation of the Airport including the FAA. It shall be
incumbent upon the user/tenant to be familiar with these regulations.
Licensed pilots. Only properly registered Aircraft and persons holding current airman and
medical certificates issued by the FAA shall be authorized to operate aircraft upon the Airport
except as provided in this Resolution. This limitation shall not apply to students in training
under licensed instructors nor to public aircraft of the Federal Government or of a State,
territory or political subdivision thereof, or to aircraft licensed by a foreign government with
• •
which the United States has a reciprocal agreement covering the operation of such licensed
NOTE: Use of the Airport by ultralight vehicles/motorless aircraft, shall be subject to prior
approval by the Airport Manager and shall be in accordance with FAR PART 103 and any
other rules set by the Airport.
Intoxicants and narcotics prohibited. No person under the influence of an intoxicant or
narcotic shall operate or fly in any aircraft upon or over the Airport; provided however, such
prohibition shall not apply to a passenger when accompanied by a nurse or caretaker in an
aircraft apart from the pilot.
Foreign object. No foreign objects, including bottles, cans, scrap or any object that may
cause damage to an aircraft shall be left upon the floor of any building or upon any part of
the surface area of the Airport.
Authorized persons - Air Operations Area: responsibilities.
Any person who has authority to enter the AOA and who permits an unauthorized person
to accompany him or her shall be responsible for ensuring that such unauthorized person
remains accompanied by an authorized person at all times while in the AOA.
Any person entering the AOA shall ensure that any gate through which entry is gained is
properly closed after they enter and is to notify the Airport Manager promptly if such gate
does not close properly. If vehicle access is used to enter, the vehicle operator, after
proceeding through the open gate will stop, and wait until the gate is closed before
proceeding to his or her destination. Gate closure cycle time will be approximately 15
Vehicular traffic operations - Air Operations Area No person shall operate any vehicle in
the AOA (Air Operations Area) unless such person is licensed to operate such vehicle on the
public highways of this State, or unless such vehicle is licensed for operation on such
highways or is specially authorized for operation on Airport property only.
No person shall operate any vehicle on any part of the Movement Area without first
obtaining permission from the Control Tower, or after its closure, advising of position and
intentions by use of the Common Traffic Advisory Frequency.
Every person operating a vehicle in the AOA shall obey the lawful order, signal or direction,
by voice, hand or otherwise, of the Control Tower or of any Airport staff member, Airport
Rescue and Fire Fighting staff member or law enforcement officer.
No person shall operate any vehicle in the AOA unless authorized to do so by the Airport
Manager or his/her designated representative. Every person operating a vehicle in the AOA
• •
shall do so in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Airport
No person shall operate any vehicle on any part of the AOA, in a negligent manner or while
the operator is under the influence of intoxicating beverages, narcotics or any substance
which could adversely affect the full and rational exercise of a driver's mental or physical
faculties, or when the vehicle is in an unsafe condition or equipped or loaded so as to
endanger persons or property or in a manner unsafe for weather or ground surface
All persons on the Movement Area shall obey the following Airport Control Tower light
No person shall operate any vehicle on the landing or ramp areas unless such vehicle is
equipped with a two-way radio in operational condition.
All aircraft, motor vehicles and ground equipment while inside the AOA must be adequately
lighted or marked with suitable reflectors during the hours of darkness or periods of reduced
visibility during the daylight hours, reduced visibility is defined as any ground visibility less
than 500 feet.
All ground self-propelled vehicles except emergency equipment responding to an alarm shall
yield the right-of-way to any aircraft in motion. All aircraft shall hold their positions during
an emergency unless otherwise directed by the Control Tower.
Pedestrians and aircraft shall at all times have right -of way over vehicular traffic. All vehicles
shall pass to the rear of taxiing or parked aircraft.
No person shall operate, park or stop any vehicle in any aircraft parking area, landing
areas, ramp or taxiway except as authorized by the Airport Manager.
No person who has not been authorized previously by Airport Management to do so, shall
park any vehicle or aircraft in a space adjacent to his or her leased hangar area, except the
occupying tenant.
No person shall operate or park any ground vehicle in any area that is not designated by
the Airport Manager or other signs or markings. The operator shall comply with any
• 1
directions, instructions, signs or limitations as they might apply to vehicle operations or
parking of said vehicles.
No person shall operate any vehicle at speeds greater than fifteen (15) miles per hour upon
any area of the AOA with the exception of the Movement Area, in which vehicles shall not
operate at speeds greater than thirty five (35) miles per hour.
Emergency vehicles while on emergency runs/training and official Airport vehicles being used
in the performance of official duties are excluded from this section when necessary to
accomplish an emergency or official mission; however, such vehicles shall at all times be in
conjunction with Control Tower instructions.
Fueling of Aircraft. Aircraft shall not be fueled while the engine is running or while in a
hangar or other enclosed place.
All aircraft being fueled shall be clear of all hangars and structures.
All fuel trucks will be equipped, operated and maintained in accordance with the National
Fire Protection Association, Incorporated, NFPA Manual 407 "Aircraft Fuel Servicing."
Persons or aviation businesses wishing to supply and dispense aviation fuel for their private
use must first apply for a permit and comply with the "Minimum Standards for Self Fuelers"
before initiating their self fueling program.
Public sale of automobile gas for use in aircraft will not be permitted on the Airport.
Aviation or auto fuels will not be stored within a hangar and all fuel which is supplied to the
Airport for aeronautical use will pay the applicable flowage fees as specified by City
Tiedown of aircraft. All aircraft not hangared shall be tied down or secured at night and
during inclement weather. Aircraft owners or their agents are responsible for the tiedown
or security of their aircraft, (this includes supplying their own ropes) at all times and
particularly during inclement weather
Running aircraft engines. On aircraft not equipped with adequate brakes, the engine shall
not be started until and unless the wheels have been set with blocks attached to ropes or
other suitable means for removing them.
No airplane will be propped, started or left running without qualified personnel at the
No engine shall be started or run inside any building.
• •
No engine shall be started, run or warmed up until, and unless the aircraft is in such position
that the propeller stream or jet blast will clear all buildings and groups of people in the
observation areas.
Damage to runway lights. Any person damaging any field light or fixture by operation of
an aircraft or otherwise shall immediately report such damage to the Airport Manager
Persons causing damage to runway and taxiway lights, as a result of negligent operation
of an aircraft or willful acts will be liable for replacement cost of the light(s) and/or fixtures
Taxiing aircraft. No person shall taxi an aircraft until he/she has ascertained there will be
no danger of collision with any person or object in the immediate area.
Aircraft will be taxied at a safe and prudent speed, and in such manner as to be at all times
under the control of the pilot.
Aircraft not equipped with adequate brakes will not be taxied near buildings or parked
aircraft unless an attendant is at a wing of the aircraft to assist the pilot.
There shall be no taxiing of aircraft by engine power into or out of hangars.
Parking aircraft. Unoccupied aircraft shall not be parked or tied down on or within five
hundred (500) feet of the centerline of the runway. All unhoused aircraft shall be parked in
the areas designated by the Airport Manager for that purpose.
Aircraft will not be parked in such a manner as to hinder the normal movement of other
aircraft and traffic unless specifically authorized by the Airport Manager as an emergency
measure or in an unusual situation
It is the responsibility of the pilot when leaving a parked aircraft unattended to see that the
brakes are set or that the plane is properly chocked and/or tied down.
Loading/unloading of aircraft. Pilots are prohibited from loading or unloading aircraft with
the engine(s) running with the exception of medical emergencies
Authority to suspend operations. The Airport Manager may suspend or restrict any or all
operations whenever such action is deemed necessary in the interest of safety.
Take -offs on apron, etc. No take -offs or landings shall be made on the apron, parking
ramp or taxiway except by special permission of the Airport Manager.
Common courtesy. Aircraft entering the traffic pattern shall exercise caution and practice
courtesy so as not to cause aircraft already in the pattern to deviate from their course.
• •
Altitude and noise of engines. No aircraft shall be operated over the City of Fayetteville at
an altitude of less than one thousand (1,000) feet above the ground. Aircraft engines shall
not be accelerated nor decelerated while over said city in such manner as to distract, excite
or disturb persons on the ground, regardless of altitude.
Parachute iumping prohibited - Parachute jumping is prohibited except when special
arrangements have been made which are authorized by the Airport Manager and
coordinated with the Control Tower.
Dropping or pulling of obiects or banners from aircraft prohibited. No person in any
airborne aircraft shall cause or permit to be thrown out, towed, discharged or dropped within
the City, any object or thing, except loose water or loose sand ballast when absolutely
essential to the safety of the aircraft occupants.
Special procedures. The Airport Manager may, in the interest of safety or for special events,
designate special traffic procedures for certain operations, such as air shows, lighter than
air operations, banner towing, ultralights, etc... Prior approval from the Airport Manager is
required. This allows time for safety coordination with the controlling agency for such events.
Fire regulations. Every person going upon or using the Airport or its facilities in any manner,
shall exercise the greatest care and caution to avoid and prevent fire.
Smoking or open flame within fifty (50) feet of any aircraft or fuel truck is prohibited.
Compressed flammable gas shall not be kept or stored upon the Airport, except at such
place as may be designated by the Airport Manager.
No flammable substance shall be used in cleaning motors or other parts of an aircraft inside
a hangar or other building.
No one shall smoke, ignite a match or lighter in any building, except in offices, waiting
rooms or buildings where it is specifically permitted by the Airport Manager.
Hangar entrances shall be kept clear at all times.
The floors in all buildings shall be kept clean and free from oil. Volatile, flammable
substances shall not be used for cleaning floors.
No boxes, crates, cans, bottles, paper, tall grass/weeds or other litter shall be permitted to
accumulate in or about a hangar.
At least two 20B portable fire extinguishers will be available within 50 feet of the fuel pumps
or truck where the open hose discharge capacity of the fuel pump is not more than 200
• •
gallons per minute; at least one wheeled 80B fire extinguisher where the open hose
discharge capacity is more than 200 gallons per minute, but not more than 350 gallons per
minute; at least two wheeled 80B fire extinguishers where the open hose discharge capacity
is greater than 350 gallons per minute.
All aviation fuel nozzles will have "dead man" controls which will shut off the fuel flow when
the nozzle hand control is released. No "lock open" type nozzle shall be permitted for fueling
Only when the pilot or crew member is on board the aircraft will a fueling operation take
place while passengers are aboard. The aircraft will be unoccupied during fueling
operations unless the pilot or crew member is aboard.
In all matters related to aircraft fueling safety the provisions of NFPA Manual 407 "Aircraft
Fuel Servicing" published and available from the National Fire Protection Association,
Incorporated, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02210, shall prevail (as updated
or amended from time to time).
Any fuel which becomes spilled through the fueling procedure, fuel farm loading and
unloading procedure or fuel which is spilled from any portion of any aircraft is the
responsibility of the owner of the aircraft or fueling agency involved. It is their responsibility
to clean up the spill. The clean up procedure will conform to those set forth by the
Department of Pollution Control and Ecology and all other City, State and Federal
guidelines. Under no circumstances is fuel to be "washed down", but instead it shall be
absorbed with an approved material and disposed of in the manner specified by City, State
and Federal guidelines. All costs of such clean ups shall be borne by the
owner/company/tenant involved.
NOTE: The Airport Manager is authorized to exclude from the Airport, permanently or for
a limited time, any vehicle violating any of these regulations. In addition, the exclusion can
be extended to any other vehicle belonging to the same owner or operated by the same
Aircraft painting: Aircraft painting is prohibited in all buildings except those approved as
paint shops. All such facilities will abide by all local, -City, State and Federal regulations in
place and as amended from time to time by the governing bodies. Any violations and
subsequent fines/fees which may be levied shall be borne by the party involved in the
Knowledge of rules implied. By publication of this Resolution as required by law, all persons
will be deemed to have knowledge of its contents However, the Airport Manager is directed
to have copies of the Resolution printed and available to all persons requesting such a copy
1 •
Copies will be available at all times in the Manager's office, and copies will be furnished to
owners and operators of aircraft based on the Airport.
Conflict in rules. If and where there is conflict in these and the Federal Aviation Rules (FARs)
the latter shall prevail.
Penalty for violation. Any person operating or handling an aircraft in violation of any of
these rules or refusing to comply herewith, may, at once, be ejected from the Airport, or may
for any period of time, not exceeding fifteen (15) days, be denied use of the Airport by the
Airport Manager. When extreme circumstances or conditions exist, said violator may be
deprived of the further use of the Airport and its facilities for such period of time as may
appear necessary for the protection of life and property.
Any violation of these Standards, as adopted by Resolution, shall be subject to all applicable
laws of the City of Fayetteville Police and Fire Departments and punishable by fine. This
section is cumulative of all other penalties for violation of Federal, State and Local laws,
rules, regulations and ordinances.
Prosecution for an offense under this Resolution does not prevent the use of other
enforcement remedies or procedures, including administrative measures applicable to the
person charged with the conduct involved in the offense.
If any provision of this Resolution is held insufficient as the basis of criminal prosecution as
provided herein, the same shall nevertheless be a ground for revocation or suspension of
any license, permit or privilege issued under this Resolution.
For any violation hereof, a law enforcement officer or other appropriate enforcement official
may require the person cited to sign a written or printed notice to appear in court. If the
person cited signs such notice, the officer or other appropriate official may permit the person
to proceed without further detaining him/her at that time. Signing the notice shall not be an
admission of guilt.
Refusal of the person cited to sign the notice, or failure after signing the notice to appear in
court as required, shall be grounds for suspending a license/permit or other privileges at the
Nothing in this article shall prevent the issuance of a warrant of arrest on the same charge,
and trial and conviction thereon as in other cases.
The Manager may request any person committing a violation to cease said activity or leave
the Airport, and may eject any person who fails to comply with such request
In any case in which the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Pollution Control
and Ecology or the Environmental Protection Agency or any other governing agency assesses
a civil penalty against the Airport for any Federal/State/Local Regulation violation, the City
of Fayetteville shall be reimbursed by the person whose act, or failure to act, caused the
violation resulting in the civil penalty or by the person whose employee, agent, servant or
independent contractor caused the violation resulting in the civil penalty. This shall be the
analogues with concern to any other penalty caused by the person whose act or failure to
act causes a violation.
Termination of permits/leases/contracts: Any person, who continues to violate the
regulations as established in this Resolution shall forfeit his or her rights to the use of the
facilities. Issuance of multiple citations or warnings for violations in a 12 month period will
be deemed as a basis for conducting a review of the operator/tenant/contractor by the City
of Fayetteville. Judgments made based on this review shall be considered binding and cause
for termination for their permit/lease/contract.
Saving clause. Should any part of this Resolution be invalid or unconstitutional, no other part
shall necessarily be affected thereby.
Any person, firm or corporation desiring to enter into any form of commercial activity of any
nature upon the premises of the Fayetteville Municipal Airport shall first obtain permission
from the Airport Manager. Each application shall be made in writing and filed with the
Airport Manager, setting forth in detail the following information.
a. The name and address of the applicant, to include all owners of the company.
b. The proposed services/business the applicant will offer/operate.
c. The names and qualifications of the persons to be involved in conducting such
d. The amount of land/facility or proposed building to be involved in the activity.
e. The tools, equipment, services and inventory, if any, proposed to be furnished
in connection with such activity.
f. The number of persons to be employed.
• •
g. The hours of proposed operation.
h. The number of aircraft, if any, applicant will provide.
The requested or proposed date for commencement of the activity and the
term of conducting the same;
The estimated cost of any structure or facility to be furnished, or proposed
rental of an existing facility, the proposed specifications for same, and the
means or method of financing such construction or acquisition of facilities.
k. The specific types and amounts of insurance coverage applicant will provide
and maintain.
Upon the filing of such an application with the Airport Manager, and provided it meets the
requirements set forth in Section 5, it shall be referred to the Mayor and the Airport Board
with any recommendations that Airport Staff deem necessary.
Any like business, already in operation shall be notified by first class mail of any application
which would incorporate a duplication of a business currently in operation/existence.
Upon approval of any such application as submitted or modified, the Airport Manager shall
cause to be prepared a suitable lease/contract/permit setting forth the terms and conditions
of the land/facility to be utilized or built, which lease/contract/permit shall in every instance
be conditioned upon:
Original and continued compliance with the Standards required for each
particular commercial activity approved; shall refer and incorporate these
Standards by reference;
b. That any structure or facility to be constructed or placed upon said Airport
shall be constructed in a manner to conform to all safety regulations of the
state of Arkansas, the City of Fayetteville, the FAA and any other governmental
entity having regulatory authority in connection therewith, and shall be in
compliance with the requirements of current building codes and fire
regulations of the City of Fayetteville; and that any construction once
commenced will be diligently prosecuted to completion.
c. Shall reserve the right in the City Council to modify or add to the Standards for
operation at the Airport.
Each applicant for permission to conduct commercial activities at the Airport shall satisfy the
Airport Manager of the following:
a. That such applicant has a history of management and personnel ability in
conducting the same or similar, or comparable type of service or activity in a
good and workmanlike manner;
b. That such applicant have the financial responsibility and ability to provide
facilities and services proposed;
c. That the applicant has or can reasonably secure necessary certificates from the
FAA or other authority where the same are required for the activity proposed;
That the applicant has or can furnish suitable indemnity insurance or bond to
protect and hold the City harmless from any liability in connection with the
conduct of the activity proposed.
e. Thot such applicant can and will at all times meet standards of all Local, State
and Federal bodies having regulatory authority over the Airport and the
f. That such applicant will maintain his exclusively leased area in an adequate
manner at all times, subject to the approval of the Airport
Manager and where applicable, such maintenance shall include landscape
maintenance and assurance of safe operation conditions;
That the applicant shall have in his employ and on duty during the appropriate
business hours, trained personnel in such numbers as are required to meet the
minimum standards set forth in an efficient manner. In addition, these
employees will wear appropriate garments;
h. The applicant shall operate in a moral and ethical manner at all times. This
shall constitute behavior which does not infringe on the rights or property of
others and conducting all aspects of business in a fashion which shows due
trust to the public. The business shall operate and conduct itself in a manner
reflecting the moral principles acceptable to society as a whole;
• •
i. Each commercial operator shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City
of Fayetteville of and from any claims of liability for personal injury, death, or
property damage resulting from its operation at the Airport,
j. No person shall engage in any commercial activity for furnishing services to
the public at the Airport unless:
(1) Said service is furnished on a fair, equal and nondiscriminatory basis
to all users thereof, and
(2) Fair, reasonable and non - discriminatory prices are charged for each
unit of sale or service, provided that reasonable and non -
discriminatory discounts, rebates or other similar types of price
reduction may be made to volume purchasers.
k. At all times, the operator will comply with all Local, State, Federal, FAA
and EPA regulations and requirements. Any associated fees levied to
the Airport as owner in connection with a profit oriented operation shall
be passed along and borne by the operator/tenant deriving benefit
from the use of the Airport's property/assets.
In considering every application for establishing commercial activities, the Airport Manager
shall give due consideration to each applicant without regard to race, sex, national origin
or any unjust discrimination.
Item A. Fuel and Oil Sales
Item B. Multiple Aeronautical Service Providers/Combination Activities (Full
Service FBO's)
Item C.
Item D.
Item E.
Item F.
Item G.
Item H.
Item I.
Item J.
Item K.
Item L.
Item M. Construction of Corporate Hangars by Others than the Fixed Based
Aircraft Charter and Taxi Service
Aircraft Engine, Airframe and Accessory Sales and Maintenance
Aircraft Rental and Sales
Flight Training
Crop Dusting and Spraying
Avionics Sales and Maintenance
Non -Public Fueling
Specialized Services
Hangar Construction and Rental
Basic Lease Terms and Conditions
NOTE: An FBO may be defined loosely as any person, firm, or corporation performing any
function or activity which involves, or makes possible, or is required for the operation
of aircraft, or which contributes to or is required for the safety of such operations. The
City may wish to advertise for a multiple service FBO and accept proposals from only
those willing to furnish certain specified services, but the City may not refuse to
negotiate with others who wish to provide a lesser number of services so long as
land/space is available to conduct such activities
• •
In addition to meeting all requirements of this Standard, every person conducting the
following specific activities shall meet the additional requirements as hereinafter set out:
Persons conducting aviation fuel and oil sales on the Airport shall be required to provide:
1) Electric pumps and storage tanks having a capacity equal to the minimum
tank truck load deliverable for each grade of fuel which has been approved
by the Airport Manager. Mobile and fixed pumping equipment must have
reliable metering devices, be certified by the State Bureau of Standards at least
once a year and must comply with all City, State and Federal regulations and
2) Shall provide properly trained, and uniformed line personnel on duty at least
eight hours of every calendar day, or as required by the activity level projected
seven days a week, (upon approval of the Airport Manager) and on call by
readily accessible means at other hours during the day or night.
3) The ability to perform minor repairs coupled with the requirement of proper
tools, jacks, towing equipment and tire repair equipment necessary to service
the types of aircraft expected to utilize the Airport on a regular basis; proper
equipment for changing engine oil, towing, washing aircraft and aircraft
windows and windshields, for recharging or energizing discharged aircraft
batteries and starters.
4) Shall provide conveniently located heated and air conditioned lounge or
waiting rooms for passengers, and airplane crews of itinerant aircraft together
with sanitary rest rooms and public telephones.
5) Shall provide adequate towing equipment and parking and tiedown area to
safely and efficiently move aircraft and store them in all reasonable expected
weather conditions.
6) Shall maintain adequate inventory of at least two brands of generally accepted
grades of aviation engine oil and lubricants.
7) In conducting refueling operations, every operator shall install and use
adequate grounding facilities at fueling locations to eliminate the hazards of
static electricity and shall provide approved types of fire extinguishers or other
equipment commensurate with the hazard involved in refueling and servicing
aircraft. The operator shall be required to have fueling personnel participate
in fire, rescue or other emergency training when provided by the Fayetteville
Fire Department or the Airport Staff and as required by FAR 139.
8) Shall provide for the adequate and sanitary handling and disposal, in
accordance with State and Federal standards, away from the Airport, of all
trash, waste, and other materials, including but not limited to used oils,
solvents and other waste materials. The piling or storage of crates, boxes,
barrels, and other containers will not be permitted within the leased premises.
9) The operator must provide all security items required by Part 107 of the
Federal Air Regulations and the Airport Security Plan.
At least one fixed base operator at Fayetteville Municipal Airport shall perform the services
and meet the requirements prescribed by the following sections:
ITEM A. Fuel and oil sales;
ITEM C. Aircraft charter and taxi service;
ITEM D. Aircraft engine, airframe and accessory sales and
ITEM E. Aircraft rental and sales; and
ITEM F. Flight training.
This is not to be construed as an exclusive right. No person shall be prohibited from the
service and maintenance of his or her own aircraft and equipment, as long as this service
or maintenance complies with all regulations set forth in this document and the applicable
State, Local and Federal regulations.
Said Fixed Base Operator shall abide by all rules, regulations and operating practices set
forth by these Standards, and all City, State and Federal regulations incorporated by
reference herein and all specific terms as provided in their Lease agreement.
Insurance minimums for a Fixed Base Operation shall be set at $2,000,000
Hangar Keepers Liability and Public Liability Insurance, with the City of
Fayetteville listed as an additional insured. This can be adjusted from time to
time commensurate with activity levels and Airport usage, (coverage may
increase dependent on type and number of aircraft serviced at any one time).
• •
Persons operating aircraft charter and taxi service shall provide:
1) Passenger lounge, rest room and telephone facilities.
2) Adequate table, desk or counter for checking in passengers, handling ticketing
or fare collection, and the proper handling of luggage.
3) Shall have available properly certificated suitable aircraft with properly
certificated and qualified operating crew, one of said crew shall be located at
the Airport and on an "on call" basis as may be necessary for on demand
4) Insurance coverage shall be required in the following amounts or in amounts
as may be considered reasonable based on a case by case review of proposed
Bodily injury
Property damage
Passenger liability
$500,000 each person
$1,000,000 each accident
$500,000 each accident
$500,000 each passenger
Bodily injury
Property damage
$500,000 each person
$1,000,000 each accident
$500,000 each accident
5) Such insurance shall be kept current at all times by the operator
until such time as the operator's permit is relinquished or canceled.
6) All current licenses and certificates issued by the F.A.A. for use in
this particular operation shall be kept current at all times by the
operator until such time as the operators permit is relinquished or
• •
Persons conducting aircraft rental and sales activity shall provide:
1) Suitable space for consummating sales and/or rentals and the keeping of the
proper records in connection therewith.
2) Hangar storage space for at least one aircraft to be used for sales or rental.
3) For rental, at least one airworthy aircraft suitably maintained and certificated.
4) For sales activity of a new aircraft, a sales or distributorship franchise from a
recognized aircraft manufacturer of new aircraft and at least one
demonstrator model of such aircraft.
5) Adequate facilities for servicing and repairing the aircraft or satisfactory
arrangements with other operations licensed by the Airport/Mayor on the
Airport for such service and repair.
6) There shall be available, at least during eight hours of the working day, a
properly certificated pilot capable of demonstrating new aircraft for sale.
Current medical and airman's certificate checks are required prior to the rental
of any aircraft.
7) The minimum stock of readily expendable spare parts, or adequate
arrangements for securing spare parts, within a reasonable time, required for
the type of aircraft and models sold.
8) Current up-to-date specifications and price lists for types and models of new
aircraft sold.
9) Proper check lists and operating manuals on all aircraft rented and adequate
parts catalogue and service manual on new aircraft sold.
10) All current licenses and certificates issued by the F.A.A. for use in
this particular operation shall be kept current at all times by the
operator until such time as the operator's permit is relinquished or
• i
11) Insurance coverage shall be required in the following amounts or in amounts
as may be considered reasonable based on a case by case review of proposed
Bodily injury
Property damage
Passenger Liability
$500,000 each person
$1,000,000 each accident
$500,000 each accident
$500,000 each passenger
Bodily injury
Property damage
$500,000 each person
$1,000,000 each accident
$500,000 each accident
12) Such insurance shall be kept current at all times by the operator
until such time as the operator's permit is relinquished or canceled.
All persons operating aircraft engine, airframe and accessory maintenance facilities to the
public for hire shall provide:
1) In case of airframe or engine repairs, sufficient hangar space to house any
aircraft upon which such service is being performed.
2) Suitable inside and outside storage space for aircraft awaiting repair or
maintenance or delivery after repair and maintenance have been completed.
3) Adequate shop space to house the equipment and machine tools, lacks, lifts
and testing equipment to perform top overhauls as required for FAA
certification and repair of parts not needing replacement on all single engine
land and light multi -engine land general aviation aircraft.
4) At least one FAA certified air frame and power plant mechanic available
during eight hours of the day, five days per week and on an "on call" basis as
5) Facilities for washing, cleaning, and waxing aircraft if operator engages in
said business.
6) Suitable equipment (i.e. tractors, tow bars, jacks, dollies, and other equipment
as might be needed to remove the largest type of aircraft that normally could
be expected) to promptly remove from the landing area any disabled aircraft
as soon as permitted.
7) All current licenses and certificates issued by the F.A.A. for use in this
particular operation shall be kept current at all times by the operator until
such time as the operator's permit is relinquished or canceled.
8) Insurance coverage be established on a case by case basis, contingent on the
size of each operation. In no instance shall the minimum insurance be less
than the following amounts:
Bodily injury $500,000 each person
$1,000,000 each accident
Property damage $500,000 each accident
Hangar Keepers $1,000,000 each accident
(coverage depends on type and number of aircraft serviced
at any one time)
Such insurance shall be kept current at all times by the operator
until such time as the operator's permit is relinquished or canceled.
All persons conducting flight training activities shall provide:
1) All required F.A.A. certifications and licenses as appropriate for the training
which is proposed, i.e. single-engine, multi -engine, instrument rating, private
license or commercial license.
All current licenses and certificates issued by the F.A.A. for use in
this particular operation shall be kept current at all times by the
operator until such time as the operator's permit is relinquished or
2) A listing of the types of aircraft as may be required to give flight instruction.
3) Adequate office and classroom space for at least five students and proper rest
room facilities.
4) Adequate mock-ups, pictures, slides, film strips or other visual aids necessary
to provide proper ground school instruction, (instruction which will allow for
passing the written portion of airman training).
5) Insurance coverage shall be required in the following amounts or in amounts
as may be considered reasonable based on a case by case review of the
proposed activity:
Bodily injury $500,000 each person
$1,000,000 each accident
Property damage $500,000 each accident
Passenger Liability $500,000 each passenger
Bodily injury
Property damage
$500,000 each person
$1,000,000 each accident
$500,000 each accident
6) Such insurance shall be kept current at all times by the operator
until such time as the operator's permit is relinquished or canceled.
Persons seeking to conduct crop dusting or spraying of agricultural chemicals shall be
permitted to refuel planes at Fayetteville Municipal Airport, however, storage or transfer of
agricultural chemicals at the Airport is prohibited due to lack of adequate facilities which
meet EPA standards.
All persons conducting maintenance and sales of avionics equipment shall provide:
1) Suitable office space for operating and conducting sales and/or maintenance
and the keeping of proper records in connection therewith.
• •
2) Adequate facilities for servicing, repairing and sales of avionics equipment or
satisfactory arrangements with other operators licensed by the Airport/Mayor
on the Airport for such service, sales and repairs.
3) There shall be available, at least during eight hours of the working day, a
properly certificated service person capable of demonstrating equipment for
sale to the public and for repairing or servicing of avionics equipment.
4) The minimum stock of readily expendable spare parts, or adequate
arrangements for securing spare parts within a reasonable time, required for
the types of avionics supplied and sold.
5) Current up-to-date specifications and price lists for types and models of
avionics supplied, sold, or repaired.
6) Proper check lists and operating manuals on all radio/navigational equipment
sold or repaired and adequate parts catalogued and stocked.
7) Any signs to be placed on Airport property shall be in compliance with all City
of Fayetteville codes and ordinances and then be approved by Airport
8) Insurance coverage shall be established on a case by case basis, contingent
on the size of each operation. The minimum base coverage follows:
Hangar Keepers Liability $1,000,000 each accident
Products Liability $1,000,000 each accident
NOTE: Insurance coverage limits shall reflect appropriate amount based
on risk exposure.
Bodily injury
Property damage
$500,000 each person
$1,000,000 each accident
$500,000 each accident
Such insurance shall be kept current at all times by the operator until
such time as the operators permit is relinquished or canceled.
9) All current licenses and certificates issued by the F.A.A. for use in
thus particular operation shall be kept current at all times by the
operator until such time as the operator's permit is relinquished or
Any non-public fueling of aircraft shall be in compliance with the Minimum Standards for
Non -Public Self-Fuelers requirements approved by the FAA for Fayetteville Municipal Airport.
A copy of these standards and a permit may be obtained from the Airport Manager.
A specialized aircraft repair service operator is a person engaged in a business capable of
providing one or a combination of Federal Aviation Agency -approved shops for the repair
of aircraft radios or propellers or instruments and accessories for general aviation aircraft
up to and including executive -type jet and helicopter. This category shall include the sale of
new and/or used aircraft radios or propellers or instruments and accessories, but shall not
be an exclusive right.
1) Facilities shall be approved by the Airport Manager or the City Council upon
review of the proponent's application and financial capability in accordance
with the Standards set forth in the Resolution.
2) The lease terms and conditions shall permit the applicant to engage only in
those specific commercial aeronautical activities as he/she so states in the
application Changes in the nature of his commercial pursuits, which
necessitate additional facilities or the enlargement of the original facilities, will
require formal application to the Airport Manager and appropriate
concurrence with the Minimum Standards.
3) All applications for facilities for special operations or combinations thereof
shall be subject to all other applicable provisions of the Minimum Standards
for Operations and Commercial Activities
4) Insurance shall be required based on size and type of activity.
Persons seeking to construct or lease structures or facilities for storing aircraft shall be
required to satisfy the City Council/Mayor that:
1) The premises leased shall be kept clear of weeds and accumulation of other
noxious growth of vegetation.
2) The leased premises shall be used solely for the purpose of storing aircraft and
such other duly authorized activities
3) The premises and improvements shall be maintained in good condition and
4) No signs will be placed on the structure or premises without prior approval of
the Airport Manager.
5) All paving and other construction shall be permanent and fire resistant and
shall be kept compatible with the design, material and landscaping of the
basic structures of the Airport.
6) Detailed plans and specifications of all construction and architectural design
shall require the written approval of the Airport Manager before any
construction takes place.
7) Any proposed building or structure will first file for an airspacing study and be
shown on an Airport Layout Plan for the approval of the FAA prior to initiation
of said construction.
It is the intention of the Airport Manager to write a lease requiring the Fixed Base Operators
to provide certain services. It is also the intention of the Airport Manager that all leases be
"net" leases. That is, that total costs for amortizing the investment and maintenance and
administrative costs be borne by the operator. Facilities may be constructed by operators
provided they meet the minimum requirements established by the City of Fayetteville and title
is to be vested in the City upon completion, subject to the rights of the mortgagor.
For the purpose of maintaining and operating the Airport and providing the public facilities
thereon, certain charges are made. The following lease terms and conditions outline this