HomeMy WebLinkAbout65-00 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 65-00 • MICROFILMED A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE REVISED PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS POLICY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS' Section 1. That the City Council hereby adopts the revised Physical Fitness for Law Enforcement Officers Policy. A copy of the policy is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16'h day of May , 2000. ^'t� APPROV • OP s . 7 j �. AT1ESTi ,� By: Nr Heather Woodruff, City Cler By: 5 red Hanna, Mayor • NAME OF FILE: 4//,/e21 -s. -c 6Z.SC DD CROSS REFERENCE: • Date Contents of File Initials 1--X/rr " (a/A 71 ,,1 ea, r /! fr stzaif,,LAea, g -aa as �0�da Syr,o fron7 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE • EXHIBIT A M MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Fred and City Council Members From: Eldon RobertsYsistant Chief of Police Subject: Revised Physical Fitness for Law Enforcement Officers Date: April 27, 2000 Enclosed is a copy of proposed revision to our department's policies and procedures conceming physical fitness. We last revised our policies in January of 1999. For your convenience the items deleted from our current policy have a single line through the information. All additions to the current policy are indicated by shading over or underlining the information. These changes do not alter the intent of the original policy. These changes clarify the procedure and redefine the definition of Uniformed sworn personnel. Also, the cost of utilizing this fitness policy is included in the 2000 budget and should not increase. The proposed change to our policy is being presented to you and the City Council for formal approval. According to Arkansas Code Annotated 14-51-302, policies must be approved by the governing body of the municipality (by resolution of the City Council). If you have any comments or questions, please contact me. • • • EXHIBIT A FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT FAYETTEVILLE,ARICANSAS POLICIES, PROCEDURES, AND RULES Effective Date June ??, 2000 Number 33.1.1 Subject PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS Reference ISpecial Instructions Distribution All Personnel t Reevaluation Date 1 Year No.Pages -8- I. PURPOSE The purpose of this po to establish standards and programs to ensure the physical readiness of officers to perform the frequent and critical physically demanding essential functions of their jobs. fitness. of the Department is m ove employee performance d e fety, and to reduce the possibility of premature death, heart attack, stroke, respiratory disease or other illness related to lack of physical activity. II. DISCUSSION Physical fitness for law enforcement officers is job- related and fitness tests have undergone court scrutiny and have been accepted as job related. Another concern is employee health. With the initiation of this program an effort will be made to improve employee physical fitness, employee performance and safety and to reduce the threat of illness caused by lack of physical III. POLICY A. All entry level and sworn uniformed personnel shall comply with the fitness standards set forth within this policy. 1. Entry level personnel are those applying for a police officer position with the City of Fayetteville. 2. Sworn uniformed personnel are those sworn employees at or below the rank of licuLena�,L sergeant. Lieutenants will remain at Phase I which (33.1.1) Page 1 x4. A -AA Pe m • • requires mandatory participation and voluntary compliance. 3. Testing will be conducted bi-annually on dates set by the Fitness Coordinators. B. Physical Fitness Testing Procedures For Applicants. 1. Wien an app 1LLaLsun 1.S LOwylcled, a me�lii. V1 ill , aloJig with viy pIsfSl�.a aCLsv.Ly ie3OSLLIU? KU) 1 LOILI&IeLCU Ly cite app l�afL. 2. Prior to a final offer of employment, those applicants still eligible shall be subject to a standard physical fitness test as designated by this policy. 3. Failure to meet any of the established Physical Fitness Standards .will result in no offer of employment to the applicant. C. Physical Fitness Testing For Incumbent Sworn Uniformed Personnel. 1. Incumbent personnel will be assessed to determine their level of fitness. A Fitness • Coordinator will review the assessment with the employee in order to determine a starter program, which will assist the employee in achieving department standards. 2. Incumbent personnel will be introduced to the program in phases. (a) Phase I (1st year) Mandatory Participation/ Voluntary Compliance. The following components will be dealt with in both Phase I and Phase II: 1. Medical irAliness limtness screening testing education 4. Individualized exercise prescription. (b) Phase II (After 1st year) Mandatory Participation/ Mandatory Compliance. 1. Department standards must be met. D. Compliance 1. Phase I. (33.1.1) Page 2 perform the essential physical tasks of the job. ci Phase I should consist of the following: * medical screening * periodic fitness testing * fitness education * individualized exercise prescription * no compliance to a standard or to exercise is required. 2. Phase II. (a) Mandatory participation as defined in Phase I. This reflects a very basic rationale for the program - if an officer has a serious enough medical or physical problem that he/she cannot take the fitness test exercise, then he/she could not be expected to al medical and erformance review stems from Phase I are in place. (c) Mandatory compliance of the following Absolute Standards will be adhered to: • 1.5 mile run (min/sec) 16:28 • 300 meter run (seconds) 71.0 • 1 RM bench press (ratio) .64 BEERIEI • Maximum push ups (#) • 25 1 minute sit ups (#) 29 • Vertical jump (inches) 16.0 (33.1.1) Page 3 • • (d) The compliance process is defined as follows: 1. uutyty Wlll LG ylveu au vyyosLua.iLy Lu LetebL a ba11u l.luu . 1G J. Wl Lv11b.bC ut L2le exLile ft plow • Lalnlal lla sbLsyl.Staly %ueabui GS elny U 26.1.1,Coutliallce wiLh Depaltntent DitecLiges) A 3 Procedures for Fitness Testing (a) The 1.5 mile run measures aerobic power (cardiovascular endurance). 1 Participants should warm up and stretch thoroughly prior to the test. 2 The participant runs 1.5 miles as fast as possible. 3 Upon completion, a mandatory cool down period is enforced. The participants should walk slowly for about 5 minutes immediately after the run to prevent venous pooling (i.e. pooling of the blood in the lower (33.1.1) Page 4 • • extremities which reduces the return of blood to the heart and may cause cardiac arrhythmias). (b) The 300 measures strength. meter run anaerobic 1 Participants should warm up and stretch thoroughly prior to the test. 2. The participant runs 300 meters as fast as possible. 3. A mandatory cool enforced, as with mile run. down is the 1.5 • 5 Spotters take the bar, place it on the rack and increase the poundage. 6 Repeat steps 3, until the 1RM is This should approximately 5 trials. 4 and 5 reached. take to 6 7. Convert the 1RM free weight bench press score to the estimated 1RM Universal bench press score by using the following formulas: Males: Estimated 1RM Universal = (1.016 x free weight 1RM) + 18.41 (c) The one maximum (RM) ben 1 measures absolute Females: strength which involves forcing a muscle group to exert a maximum force. 1. Two experienced spotters must be used, one on each end of the bar. 2 Starting weight for men is about 2/3 of body weight. Starting weight for women is the bar (45 lbs) . 3 With the subject in the supine position, spotters lower the bar to level of subject=s chest. Subject should have a shoulder width grip on bar. 4 Spotters then release the bar and the subject presses to full extension while exhaling. Estimated 1RM Universal = (.848 x free weight 1RM) + 21.37 (d) The Push-up Test measures the muscular endurance of the upper body (anterior deltoid, pectoralis major and triceps). 1. The hands :are placed about shoulder -width apart, with fingers pointing forward. The administrator places one fist on the floor below the subject's chest. If a male is testing a female, a 3 -inch sponge may be placed under the sternum to substitute for a fist. (33.1.1) Page 5 • 2. Starting from the up position (elbows extended), the subject must keep their back straight at all times and lower their body to the floor until their chest touches t h e administrator's fist. The subject then returns to the up position. This is one repetition. 3. Resting is only allowed in the up position. 4. The total correct performed is the score. number of push. -ups recorded as (e) The Sit-up Test m the abdominal endurance. 1. The subject starts by lying on their back, knees bent, heels flat on the floor, with their fingers laced and held behind their head. 2. A partner holds their feet down firmly. 3. The subject then performs as many correct sit-ups as possible in one minute. 4. In the up position, the subject should touch his/her elbows to his/her knees and then return until their shoulder blades touch the floor. 5. The score is the total number of correct sit- • ups. Any resting should be done in the up position. 6 Breathing normal as making does breath. should be as possible and sure the subject not hold their Neck remains in the neutral position. The Vertical Jump measures leg power. This test is administered with shoes on. 2. Stand adjacent to endicular to the A ri ! i h dominant hand Apr to the wall. and wall side 3. With heels flat and slightly apart, reach up, extend arm fully and touch the wall with fingertips. 4 Bend knees, crouch down, arms down by side and jump vertically with maximal effort. Touch the wall with fingertips at height of ,jum 5. A measurement of the distance between the subject standing reach and the farthest point (33.1.1) Page 6 • touched vertical taken. is taken 1/2 inch. during the jump will be The measurement to the nearest 6 Perform 3 trials using the best score for the test. (g) DEFINITIONS Uniformed sworn personnel Defined as Lieutenant, Sergeants, Patrol officers, and Detectives. Fitness coordinators Trained and certified as a Physical Fitness Specialist to implement a fitness program based on the standard or ord. according to American College Medicine. Medical History Ouestioner and Physical Activity Readiness Ouestionnaire(PAR-01 Screening tools used to identify individuals who should not be tested in a field setting without physician clearance. Informed consent form Informs the participant about the nature of the testing procedures and includes the potential benefits and risks of the testing. Body composition The proportion of fat, muscle, and bone that make up the body. Blood .pressure The force that moves blood through the circulatory system. • Highrisk factors for Coronary Heart Disease The factors that would increase the likelihood of a cardiovascular event. These include: 1 Personal history of cardiovascular disease 2. Cigarette smoking 3. Hypertension a. Blood pressure greater than 140/90 mmHg b. Anyone taking antihypertensive medicine 4. Elevated blood cholesterol level a. Total cholesterol greater than 200 mg/dl b. LDL greater than 130 mg/dl c. HDL less than 35 mg/dl d.HDL ratio greater than 5 •Family history Diabetes Medllitus 7. Sedentary lifestyle 8. Visceral Obesity 9. Serious medical conditions whereby the risk of exercise outweighs the benefits 10. Age a. Age is only a risk factor when males are older than forty-five and females are older than fifty-five. LDL Cholesterol The lipoproteins which bind to arterial walls and create plaque. HDL Cholesterol The lipoproteins which assists in the removal of excess cholesterol from the blood. Total Cholesterol A sum of the very low density lipoprotein (33.1.1) Page 7 • levels, the low density lipoprotein, and the high density lipoprotein. Absolute standard The same fitness standards are used evaluate all personnel. • endurance. These muscles are used while lifting, carrying, and dragging. Maximum Push up Test to This test measures the muscular endurance of the upper body which is used while lifting, carrying, and pushing. Absolute strength The amount of tension a muscle can exhibit in one maximal contraction. Dynamic Strength or Muscular endurance The ability to contract the muscle repeatedly over a specific period of tune without undue fatigue. Three minute step test The purpose of this test is to me rate in the recovery period after sA of stepping. One and a half mile run The purpose of this test is to measures the aerobic power or cardiovascular endurance of the participant. It tests pursuit tasks and use of force that lasts over one to two minutes. Three hundred meter run This test measures anaerobic power which is used during sprints or any short intense use of force. 1 RM ( Repetition Maximum) bench press test This test measures the absolute strength in the upper body. These muscles are used while lifting, carrying, or pushing heavy objects. One minute sit up test This test measures abdominal muscle Sit and Reach Test This test measures the range of motion in the muscles in the back of the legs (hamstrings), gluteus, and lower back. These muscles are used while lifting, carrying, pushing, dragging, and extracting. Vertical Jump This test measures explosive strength in the i ' - which is used while lifting, arpushing, dragging, and extracting. (33.1.1) Page 8 • X AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW STAFF REVIEW FORM • RECEIVED APR 282000 CITY OF FAY L. L MAYOR'S OFFICE For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of May 16, 2000 FROM: Eldon Roberts' Name Police Police Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: Approve a resolution to adopt the. revised Physical Fitness For Law Enforcement Officers Policy. COST TO CITY: No additional cost Cost of this Request Account Number Project Number Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name Funds Used To Date Program Name Remaining Balance Fund S7-Rfr /QE Vie FoRY BUDGET REVIEW: X Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Budget Manager Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: GRANTING AGENCY: Accounting Manage Date Internal Auditor Date 4, �Qw 27oa City Atto�ney Date ADA Coordinator Date Purchasing Officer Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Council approve a resolution adopting the Physical Fitness For Law Enforcement Officers policy. Division Head Date Cross Reference 17-0 New Item: Yes No Mayo Date Prev Ord/Res #: Orig Contract Date: STAFF RRVIIN POO Description Adoption of revised Fi tnagq PB9iry Comments: Budget Coordinator Accounting Manager City Attorney Purchasing Officer ADA Coordinator Internal Auditor Reference Comments: Page 2 Meeting Date 5/16/00 FAYETTEVMLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Eldon Roberts, Assistant Police Chief From. Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: May 22, 2000 Attached is a copy of the resolution adopting the revised Physical Fitness for Law Enforcement Officers Policy. The original will be microfilmed and filed with the City Clerk. J" • • • • RESOLUTION NO. 65-00 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE REVISED PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS POLICY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS• Section 1. That the City Council hereby adopts the revised Physical Fitness for Law Enforcement Officers Policy. A copy of the policy is attached hereto marked Exhibit "N' and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16i° day of May , 2000. , -, ,. t ~J APPROV ., r e ...,4 ^ By: �P. s red Hanna Mayor qv f a ATjEST• 'e v , • By:fz4 . 4 jr t„D Heather Woodruff, City Clerk