HomeMy WebLinkAbout55-00 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. s c -o0 MICR OFTLMED A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE MASTER STREET PLAN TO REMOVE THE NORTH/SOUTH COLLECTOR STREET THAT IS LOCATED EAST OF CROSSOVER ROAD BETWEEN TOWNSHIP AND SICILLERN ROAD BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That_the City Council hereby approves the amending the Master Street Plan to remove the north/south collector street that is located est of Crossover Road between Township and Skillem Road. A copy of the amendment is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of April , 2000. APPROVED: By: ATTEST. By: Li! tater, 1751-'..eca, Heather Woodruff, City Cler Freti Hanna, Mayor • NAME OF FILE: • CROSS REFERENCE: Date Contents of File Initials Sa46.2,91't S5- oo a-71//ze_z-7- ii/9 4 (6/), DA 4 eitibd &Eder) b49,61.41f7 1).T•112.5.2-40 Al CePA 'CS/ ziA) A FAI Ca .3/4-0 3-16-m ..c a A sOTV_E 62-.0 Al 22_1- Al & re s 311g-00 ..//: 'Ai /eine. S V it -j • Master Street Plan Amendment 'Lot Split For Kirby Walker" cf Lui 2 • NW -NE 2011::....[ZO 0 Feet Lot Boundary Of Lot To Be Split Into Two Tracts I 1 IIr I) 4,7 Master Street Plan Collector Street 70' Right -of- Way Required • 1 I • • VICINITY MAP FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ZONING = R-1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (ORIGINAL TRACT) 13263 HERBEFET E. & RUTH ANN HAtiaTON 3200 SMEAR ROAD FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 F.O.B. (PARCEL A) NW CORNER LOT 40 • FOUND IRON PIN C) SC IRON PIN 13265 CARLE 0. & BLANCHE M. UDDELL 3210 SKRUERN ROAD FAYETTEWLLE, M 72703 W E 60' R/W CIESTING 4WATERLINE P.O.B. (PARCEL CO PROPOSED WATER METE2 Lot 40 of Brookbury Woods Subdivision as per plat on file in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Offido Recorder of Washington County, Arkansas. Ler 100" UE SWEPCO LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PARCEL A) A part of Lot 40 of Brookbury Woods Subdivision and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NW Corner of Lot 40 of Brookbury Woods Subdivision thence S88°06'01''E 70.00 Feet, thence SOUTH 30.00 Feet, thence WEST 29.76 Feet, thence S00021135°E 207.28 Feet, thence S71°07'43°E 176.61 Feet, thence S15°1632"W 162.66 Feet, thence West 162.92 Feet, thence /// N0O°21135"W 453.76 Feet to the F.O.B. Containing 1.07 Acres more / or less 9C£Sb MuS£ TZo00N ECSTNG POND 0 18028 <(' SAVANNA P.O.A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (PARCEL B) A part of Lot 40 of Brookbury Woods Subdivision and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the NW Corner of Lot 40 of Brookbury Woods Subdivision thence S88006'01°E 161.28 Feet to the P.O.B., thence 506°43'32°W 124.88 Feet, thence 535°08'02"E 134.95 Feet, thence S15°16'32°W 59.22 Feet, thence N71°07'431'0/ 176.61 Feet, thence NO0°21'35'W 207.28 Feet, thence EAST 29.76 Feet, thence NORTH 30.00 Feet, thence S88°0601"E 91.28 Feet to the F.O.B. Containing 0.79 Acres more or less. —Di Inf:F 255 , PARCEL (A) ( 1.07 0c) 20 U.E. CY" NEW SEWER UNE WEST 162.92' PARK AREA EGSTING MANHOLE iss fon 18030 N cre TEETH L & TERA D. WOODHOUS 1:41 To 2939 CHARLESTON CROSSING *-4 to FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 18031 ANDREW & MICHELE WORKMAN 2925 CHARLESTON CROSSING FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 LS 00-2 Walker File Copy pp 256 Planning Commission 3/6/00 Revised from PR - for SUBDIVISION MIS IS TO CERNY THAT THE ABOVE SURVEY WAS PERFORMED UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND ALL CORNERS WERE SET AS SHOWN ON NE ABOW PLAT AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOREDGE ARE CORRECT: DAt4D L. JORGENSEN ARCS 1118 DATE • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEV1LLE, ARKANSAS PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE 9 LS 00-2.00 Page I 113W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: 501-575-8264 TO: Subdivision Committee Members FROM: Sara Edwards, Development Coordinator THRU: Tim Conklin, Planning Director Ron Petrie, Staff Engineer DATE March 16, 2000 Project: LS 00-2.00: Lot Split (Walker, pp 256) was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Kirby and Cathy Walker for property located on Skillem Road at lot 40 of Brookbury Woods Subdivision. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 1.86 acres. The request is to split the property into two tracts of approximately 1.07 and 0.79 acres. Findings: The proposed lot split meets all of our zoning requirements. There was an issue at plat review regarding the lot width. The revision submitted has satisfied that issue. All other requirements have been met. Recommendation: Forward to full Planning Commission Conditions to Address / Discuss: 1. The applicant has obtained approval for a lot split from the Property Owners Association. However, we are waiting for a letter to substantiate the approval. 2. The property does adjoin a Master Street Plan Street. Staff is not recommending any dedication of right-of-way due the fact that the street can not feasibily be built. Any lesser dedication of right of way requires city council approval. Standard Conditions of Approval: 3. Plat Review and Subdivision comments (to include written staff comments mailed to the applicant or his representative, and all comments from utility representatives - AR Western Gas, SWBT, Ozarks, SWEPCO, TCA Cable) 4. Staff approval of final detailed plans, specifications and calculations (where applicable) for grading, drainage, water, sewer, fire protection, streets (public and private), sidewalks, parking lot(s) and tree preservation. The information submitted for the plat review A:\3-16-00\13:Walker.wpd -3/441/124t deug& • LS 00-2.00 Page 2 process was reviewed for general concept only. Al] public improvements are subject to additional review and approval All improvements shall comply with City's current requirements. 5. Payment of parks fees in the amount of $470.00 6. Sidewalk construction in accordance with current standards to include a 10 foot greenspace with a 6 foot sidewalk. 7. Additional conditions: a. Subject to City Council amending the Macter Street Plan b. SWFPCC) to have etrlucive lice of cewer eacement and eacement returned tn natural state. c. 1 etter from property nu/nem accoriation pernitting Int plit Subdivision Committee Action: X Approval 0 Forwarded to P.C. Meeting Date: March 16, 2000 Comments • Motion made hy 1-1nover to approve cuhjert to rommentc Inhncon ceronded motion. Hoffman concurred. Motion passed 3-0. The "Conditions of Approval" listed in the report above are accepted in total without exception by the entity requesting approval of this development item. Signature Date A:\3-16-0CALS_Walkenwpd FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE 501-575-8264 TO: Fayetteviille City Council FROM: Tim Conklin, City Planner DATE: March 31, 2000 SUBJECT: Master Street Plan Amendment A proposed lot split was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Kirby and Cathy Walker for property located on Skillern Road at lot 40 of Brookbury Woods Subdivision. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 1.86 acres. The request is to split the property into two tracts of approximately 1.07 arid 0.79 acres. At the March 16, 2000 Subdivision Committee, the lot split was approved subject to the Master Street Plan being amended (please see attached minutes). The property is divided by a proposed Master Street Plan Collector Street. Staff did not recommend any dedication of right-of-way due the fact that the street is located between two existing plated subdivisions which would place the street in the back yards of the existing houses. At the March 28, 2000 City Council Street Committee, the Committee recommended approval of the proposed Master Street Plan Amendment as presented by staff. Subdivision Minutes March 16, 2000 Page 7 LS00-2: LOT SPLIT WALKER, PP256 This item was submitted by Dave Jorgensen of Jorgensen & Associates on behalf of Kirby and Cathy Walker for property located on Skillern Road at lot 40 of Brookbury Woods Subdivision. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential and contains approximately 1.86 acres. The — request is to split the property into two tracts of approximately 1.07 and 0.79 acres. Sairtt Commission Discussion Hoffman: This is a lot split which can be approved at this level. Conklin: This does meet our zoning requirements for minimum lot width and lot area. The applicant has obtained approval for the lot split from the property owner's association. We have asked to have a letter from them for our file. We need to deal with the issue of amending the Master Street Plan. There is a collector street shown on the Master Street Plan that goes between Savannah and Brookbury and the lots back up to it. I do not believe this street can be built because these two subdivisions were constructed prior to the Master Street Plan street. You're dealing with numerous lot owners and it is physically in their back yard. It's my opinion that would not happen. We have Brookbury Crossing that have future stubouts that would connect over to Township. There is a proposed street that would connect Skillern Road to Highway 45 and Township. You would have to deal with 20 to 30 property owners, individually to acquire the right of way. Hoffman: Why was this put in after this was platted? Conklin: At the time, when these subdivisions were going, we had 26 public meetings to adopt the Master Street Plan and think it was a timing issue. Hoffman: Since this is not needed, we can make a recommendation to abandon this. Conklin: The City Council will have to amend the Master Street Plan. In my opinion, it would be difficult now to take that right of way from the backyards of the residents of Savannah and Brookbury Woods. The houses have been built. The question on this lot split was whether to require the right of way. My opinion is that we look at amending our Master Street Plan. Hoffman: Can we show the potential right of way to be removed pending the Master Street Plan amendment? That would cover us either way. Subdivision Minutes March 16,2000 Page 8 Conklin: Petrie: Jorgensen: Conklin: Rutherford: Hoffman: Jorgensen: Hoffman: I would include the right of way to be deleted pending the City Council's amendment to the Master Street Plan. I will take that forward. They need to add a note to the plat requiring the sewer line easement to be shared with SWEPCO and that easement should be returned to a natural state. Okay. We do own that property as park land area immediately to the west of this lot split. That is why they are concerned about the sewer easement being returned to a natural state. Skillern Road is a minor arterial. The requirement is a minimum 10 foot green space with a 6 foot sidewalk. The sidewalk will be required at the time of development. Is the applicant in agreement with these things? Yes. I would like for the minutes to reflect that we are in concurrence with amending the street plan. Public Comment None Hoover: Let's read the conditions into the record: the lot split shall be approved subject to a letter from the POA approving the lot split; an amendment to the Master Street Plan to be approved by the City Council; that for SWEPCO's exclusive use of the easement it will be returned to a natural state for the park land; and, that the sidewalk be developed at the time of construction. MOTION Commissioner Johnson made a motion to approve LS00-2 subject to the conditions. Commissioner Hoover seconded the motion. Commissioner Hoffman concurred. LS00-2.00 - Walker - One Mile Diameter RECEIVED APR 0 4 2000 CaYOFFAYMIVILUE CITYCLERK'Agifin Request Contract Review Grant Review For the Fayetteville City STAFF REVIEW FORM Council meeting of April • 18, 2000. FROM: Tim Conklin Name Planning Division Public Works Department ACTION REQUESTED: To approve a resolution to amend the remove the north/south collector street that is located between Township Street and Skillern Road. COST TO CITY: so Cost of this request Account Number Project Number Category/Project Budget Funds used to date Remaining balance Master Street Plan to east of Crossover Road Category/Project Name Program Name Fund BUDGET REVIEW: Budget Coordinator Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: Purchasing Officer Date GRANTING AGENCY: ADA Coordinator Internal Auditor Date Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Amendment. The Street approval the amendment Staff recommends approval Committee met on March 28, as presented by staff. of the Master Street Plan 2000 and voted to recommend 3-3A-00 Date .Mr -i . di/ Ma • Cross Reference New Item: Yes No Prev Ord/Res#: Orig Contract Date: FAYETTEOLLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE • To: Tim Conklin, Planning Director From: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: April 21, 2000 Attached is a copy of the resolution amending the Master Street Plan for your records. The original will be microfilmed and filed with the City Clerk. cc: Clyde Randall, Engineering Tony Webb, Planning RESOLUTION NO. cs-nn A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE MASTER STREET PLAN TO REMOVE THE NORTH/SOUTH COLLECTOR STREET THAT IS LOCATED EAST OF CROSSOVER ROAD BETWEEN TOWNSHIP AND SICILLERN ROAD BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby approves the amending the Master Street Plan to remove the north/south collector street that is located est of Crossover Road between Township and Skillern Road. A copy of the amendment is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this I 8th day of April , 2000. ATTEST. By,e0 Heather Woodruff, City Cler