Section 1. That The City Council hereby approves an Agreement for Engineering
Services to RJN Group, Inc., in the amount of $638,267 for Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements
Project, sewer collection system improvements, west side; and authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk
to execute said agreement. A copy of the agreement is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made
a part hereof.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 1" day of February , 2000.
By: ./(/- G'
Heather Woodruff, City Cler
Fred Hanna, Mayor
NAME OF FILE: KF. /70K�./ 11-DeeEE,eta S&2V10E5 O AX/1 £DaA Zvc;
CROSS REFERENCE: tem; A-3 //7, -Df
Contents of File
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This Agreement entered into and executed this day of Faq, 2000, by
and between the City of Fayetteville acting by and through its Mayor her wafter called the
"OWNER" and RJN Group, INC. with offices located in Dallas, Texas hereinafter called the
Whereas, the "OWNER" is planning to construct sanitary sewer improvements to direct
wastewater flows to the proposed West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant; and
Whereas the "OWNER'S" forces are fully employed on other urgent work that prevents their
early assignment to the aforementioned work; and Whereas, the "ENGINEER'S" staff is adequate
and well qualified and it has been determined that its current work load will permit completion of
the plans for the project on schedule;
Now therefore, it is considered to be in the best public interest for the "OWNER" to obtain
assistance of the "ENGINEER'S" organization in connection with said engineering services. In
consideration of the faithful performance of each party of the mutual covenants and agreements
set forth hereinafter, it is mutually agreed as follows:
The "OWNER" agrees to employ the "ENGINEER" to perform, and the "ENGINEER" agrees to
perform, professional engineering services in connection with the project set forth in the Sections
to follow; and the "OWNER" agrees to pay and the "ENGINEER" agrees to accept, as specified
in the Sections to follow as full and final compensation for work accomplished in the specified
The City of Fayetteville has elected to construct a new wastewater treatment facility on the west
side of the city and divert flow originating in the Illinois River Watershed to the proposed plant.
This Project will include the Phase I engineering including development of design flows and
conceptual engineering necessary to implement the sewer improvements. Phase II services will
include the final engineering design, bidding assistance, and construction administration services
for the proposed sewer improvements in the Illinois River Watershed.
City of Fayetteville, AR
January 27, 2000
West Side Wastewater Collection System Improvements liege 1
The "OWNER" will furnish any specifications, standards and other information which may relate
to the project including GPS survey data and water usage information, free of charge, to the
"ENGINEER" on magnetic media.
Services to be furnished by the "ENGINEER" during Phase I - Preliminary Design generally
include the development of design flows for the East Side and West Side Wastewater Treatment
Plants and collection system improvements; and conceptual design for the sewer improvements in
the Illinois River Watershed necessary to divert wastewater flow from the East Side Plant to the
West Side Plant. A detailed scope of services to be provided by the "ENGINEER" is included in
Appendix "A" attached hereto and made part of this agreement.
The Phase I work will result in a Preliminary Design Report along with any technical
memorandums that may have been developed during the progress of the work. The City shall be
furnished ten (10) copies of the Preliminary Design Report.
A Preliminary Scope of Services to be provided by the "ENGINEER" during Phase II is included
in Appendix "A-1" attached hereto and made part of this Agreement. Services to be furnished by
"ENGINEER" during Phase II are generally described in Section IV thru Section IX as follows.
If any items described in Section IV thru Section IX conflict with items in Appendix "A-1 ", then
"A-1" will govern. A final Phase II Scope of Services will be negotiated after completion of the
Phase I - "Preliminary Design".
The project will be designed and constructed to meet sewer standards in accordance with the
"OWNER'S" Water and Sewer, and other related Standards. Construction specifications shall be
based on "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction Edition 1996 of the AHTD" and
latest special provisions, Engineer's Technical Specifications, and City of Fayetteville
Specifications relating to the design of this project. The preliminary design report shall be
submitted by the "ENGINEER" and approved by the "OWNER" prior to beginning final design
During the final "design" phase of the project, the "ENGINEER" shall conduct final designs to
prepare construction plans and specifications including final construction details and quantities,
special provisions, cost estimates, make final field inspection with "OWNER", make any needed
plan changes as a result of the final field inspection and all other work required to advertise and
receive bids.
Prior to the start of construction, the "ENGINEER" shall establish benchmark for elevation
control and tie layout work to Fayetteville's GPS.
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Page 2
• •
The "ENGINEER" shall hold conferences throughout the design of the project with
representatives of the "OWNER" and other consultants involved in the project to the end that the
design, as perfected, shall have full benefit of the "OWNER'S" knowledge and be consistent with
the current policies and construction practices of the "OWNER". The "OWNER" reserves the
right to accept or reject any or all plans for errors or omissions, but this stipulation will not relieve
the "ENGINEER" of responsibility for the design of the project.
Review of the work as it progresses under this Agreement shall be made at the "OWNER'S"
City Engineer's office.
The "ENGINEER" shall submit two (2) sets of preliminary plans and three (3) sets of the final
plans for field inspections.
The final submission for the construction contract shall consist of the following:
A. One (1) copy of all design calculations.
B. Three (3) sets of final plans, contract documents and specifications.
The originals of all drawings, specifications and contract documents. All design drawings
on magnetic media shall be submitted on disks compatible with AutoCAD® Release 14
The estimated cost of construction and a detailed estimate of time in calendar days
required for completion of the contract.
During the "Bidding" phase of the project, the "ENGINEER" shall provide all engineering and
administrative services needed to obtain bids for the construction project, evaluate the bids, and
consult with and advise the "OWNER' as to the acceptability of the best bidder.
During the "Construction" phase of work, the "ENGINEER" shall provide administrative and
engineering services including resident construction observation and inspection services to
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West Side Wastewater Collection System Improvements
January 27, 2000
Page 3
determine whether the Contractor has met the requirements of the design plans and specifications.
The "ENGINEER" shall review the Contractors progress payment requests based on the actual
quantities of contract items completed and accepted, and shall make a recommendation to the
"OWNER" regarding payment.
Subcontracting by the "ENGINEER" of any of the services provided herein shall require prior
approval by the "OWNER".
The "ENGINEER" shall begin work under this Agreement within ten (10) days of notice to
proceed and shall complete the Phase I - Preliminary Design within 300 calendar days. Phase II -
Final Design schedule will be determined by the "OWNER" and "ENGINEER" after completion
of the Phase I - Preliminary Design.
A. Phase I - Preliminary Design Services
For, and in consideration of, the services to be rendered by the "ENGINEER", the
"OWNER" shall pay the "ENGINEER" on the basis of actual salary costs for work time
directly connected with work chargeable to the project, plus payroll additives and general
overhead costs of 180 % of direct labor costs, plus direct reimbursable expenses
associated with the project, plus a fixed fee which are payable as follows:
1) "Preliminary Design" phase services, not to exceed: $ 587,513.00
2) Fixed fee for "Preliminary Design " services $ 50,754.00
3) Engineering contract amount for "Preliminary Design" phase
services not to exceed $ 638,267.00
The basis of this upper limit and justification for the fee is contained in Appendix "B"
attached hereto. Subject to the City Council approval, adjustment of the upper limit may
be made should the "ENGINEER" establish and the "OWNER" agree that there has been
or is to be a significant change in scope, complexity or character of the services to be
performed; or if the "OWNER" decides to shorten the duration of work from the time
period specified in the Agreement for completion of work and such modification warrants
such adjustment.
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West Side Wastewater Collection System Improvements
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Page 4
Appendix "C" covers the classification of personnel and the salary rate for all personnel to
be assigned to this project by the "ENGINEER". The breakdown of costs between the
various tasks as given in Appendix C is a convenience and is not intended to set a
maximum cost for any of the work tasks. Costs may be transferred from one work task to
another so long as the maximum cost as given above is not exceeded.
Invoices shall be submitted to the City on a monthly basis. The City will make every effort
to pay such invoices within 30 days of date the invoice is approved. However, payment
within 30 days is not guaranteed and the City will not be held liable for interest or late fees
due to delayed or late payment.
Final payment for Preliminary Design services shall be made upon the "OWNER'S"
approval and acceptance with the satisfactory completion of the "Preliminary Design"
phase for the project.
"Final Design" Services
The fee and payment schedule for "Final Design" Services will be negotiated between the
"OWNER" and "ENGINEER" after completion of the Phase I - "Preliminary Design".
"Bidding" Phase Services:
The fee and payment schedule for "Bidding" Phase Services will be negotiated between
the "OWNER" and "ENGINEER" after completion of the Phase I - "Preliminary Design".
"Construction" Phase Services:
The fee and payment schedule for "Construction" Phase Services will be negotiated
between the "OWNER" and "ENGINEER" after completion of the Phase I - "Preliminary
E "Geotechnical Investigation" Services:
The extent of geotechnical investigative services associated with final design will be
negotiated after completion of the Phase I - "Preliminary Design".
F. "Special" Services:
The extent of "Special" services, such as preparation of detailed easements and/or
construction staking, will be negotiated after completion of the Phase I - "Preliminary
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West Side Wastewater Collection System Improvements
January 27 2000
Page 5
The "OWNER" may at any time, by written order, make changes within the general scope of the
contract in the work and services to be performed. If any such change causes an increase or
decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, performance of this contract, an equitable
increase or decrease shall be made in the upper limit contract amount, including fee or time of
required performance, or both, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly.
Changes, modifications, or amendments in scope, price, or fees to this contract shall not be
allowed without a formal contract amendment approved by the City Council in advance of the
change in scope, price, or fees.
Any claim by the "ENGINEER" for adjustment under this clause must be asserted with thirty (30)
days from the date of receipt by the "ENGINEER" of the notification of change; provided,
however, that the "OWNER" if it decides that the facts justify such action, may receive and act
upon any such claim assessed at any time prior to the date of final payment under this contract.
Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be cause for a dispute concerning a question of fact within
the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled SECTION XVII MISCELLANEOUS
PROVISIONS, (1) Dispute Resolutions. However, nothing in this clause shall excuse the
"ENGINEER" from proceeding with the contract as changed.
All documents, including original drawings, disks of CADD drawings and/or cross sections,
estimates, specification field notes, and data are and remain the property of the "OWNER" The
"ENGINEER" may retain reproduced copies of drawings and copies of other documents.
It is understood that the "OWNER" will have the right to suspend or cancel the work at any time.
A. Postponement - Should the "OWNER", for any reason whatsoever, decide to postpone
the work at any time, the "OWNER" will notify the "ENGINEER" in writing, who will
immediately suspend work. Should the "OWNER" decide during such suspension not to
resume the work, or should such suspension not be terminated within a year, the work
shall be cancelled as hereinafter provided.
Cancellation - should the "OWNER", for any reason whatsoever, decide to cancel or to
terminate the use of the "ENGINEER'S" service, the "OWNER" will give written notice
thereof to the "ENGINEER", who will immediately terminate the work. If the "OWNER"
so elects, the "ENGINEER" may be instructed to bring a reasonable stage of completion
to those items whose value would otherwise be lost. The "ENGINEER" shall turn over
all data, charts, survey notes, figures, drawings and other records or information collected
or produced hereunder whether partial or complete. Upon such termination of the
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Page 6
"ENGINEER'S" services, the "ENGINEER" shall be paid on a proportional amount of
the total fee, less prior partial payments, based on the ratio of work done to the total
amount of work to be performed.
A. Any disputes resulting from claims shall be subject to mediation through the Mayor of
Fayetteville, and all efforts shall be made by both parties to settle the dispute prior to any
legal action by either party.
Responsibility for Claims and Liability - The "ENGINEER" shall save harmless the
"OWNER" from and against damages, injuries, claims, property damage, arising out of or
resulting from the performance of work caused by negligent acts or omissions of the
"ENGINEER", or those of its subcontractors, its agents, or its employees rendering of
services under this contract.
General Compliance with Laws - The "ENGINEER" shall comply with all federal, state
and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work. The "ENGINEER" shall be a
professional engineer, licensed in the State of Arkansas.
D. Engineers Endorsement - The "ENGINEER" shall endorse and recommend all plans,
specifications, engineer's opinion of construction costs, and engineering data finished by
it. All design shall be checked in accordance with accepted engineering practices. All plan
quantities shall be checked and verified.
The "OWNER" and the "ENGINEER" each binds itself and its partners, successors, executors,
administrators, and assigns to the other party of this Agreement, except as above, neither the
"OWNER" nor the "ENGINEER" shall assign, sublet or transfer its interest in this Agreement
without written consent of the other. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating any possible
personal liability on the part of any officer or agent of any public body which may be party hereto.
The "ENGINEER" warrants that it has not employed or retained by company or person, other
than a bonafide employee working solely for the "ENGINEER", to solicit or secure this contract,
and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bonafide employee
working solely for the "ENGINEER", any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or
any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract.
For breach or violation of this warranty, the "OWNER" shall have the right to annul this contract
without liability.
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West Side Wastewater Collection System Improvements
January 27, 2000
Page 7
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as
of the date and year first herein written.
By: ,/ ti By: in aio
Mayor Aut
f z^ �� 4A4l
City Clerk
Attachments: Appendix "A"
Appendix "A-1"
Appendix "B"
Appendix "C"
rized Representative
- Phase I Scope of Services
- Phase II Scope of Services
- Professional Services Cost
- Labor Rates
City of Fayetteville, AR.
West Side Wastewater Collection System Improvements
January 27 2000
Page 8
Project Director
Project Manager
Senior Engineer
Civil Engineer
Resident Engineer
CADD Technician
Engineering Direct Labor Overhead Expenses
$35.05 - $45.50/hr
34.62 - 36.75/hr
24.04 - 32.00/hr
19.25 - 25 50/hr
21.10 - 24.05/hr
19.48 - 23.50/hr
10.00 - 17.80/hr
1/ McClelland Consulting Engineering services will be at cost with no markup.
City of Fayetteville, AR
West Side Wastewater Collection System Improvements
January 27, 2000
Appendix C
• •
The following is a summary of the tasks that the ENGINEER will perform under this
agreement. The CITY desires to phase in the recommendations of the Facility Plan prepared by
CH2MHiII and RJN Group, Inc. for Year 2000 to Year 2020 to accommodate future development
and rerouting of a portion of the collection system to the proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant
in the Illinois River Watershed (Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant).
This will basically include rerouting the existing system that flows to the Gregg Street,
North Street, Poplar Street, Porter Road, Hamestring Creek, and Farmington Lift Stations to the
proposed West Side Plant site. It may also include rerouting of the flow from the area tributary
to the Old Wire Road Lift Station. Preparation of a final design flow report will also be required.
A summary of tasks associated with each of these items is included in the following sections.
Upon receipt of Notice to Proceed the ENGINEER will perform the following tasks:
1. Project Administration
a. Perform Project Initiation activities.
b. Perform general administration and project management activities.
c. Finalize agreements with subconsultants.
d. Perform ENGINEER's internal project control including budgeting, scheduling,
and quality control activities.
2. Coordination Meetings
a. Attend project kickoff meeting with City staff and other consultants involved in
b. Attend monthly meetings with City staff and other design consultants. Provide
written documentation of each meeting. A total of six (6) meetings are included.
c. Meet with City of Farmington early in project to discuss their plans for recently
annexed area
Janumy 27, 2000
A (1)
d. Meetings will also be held with Arkansas DEQ, AHTD, and DOH as necessary.
e. Attend two meetings with City's Water and Sewer Committee.
3. Coordination with Other Consultants
The ENGINEER will coordinate its services with other consultants that the City may
employ for design of other portions of the project. This will include coordination with
treatment plant design firms for design flows and coordination of locations and connections
to various portions of the interceptor sewers. It is anticipated that a total of eight (8)
meetings with other consultants will be required.
4. Public Relations
In conjunction with McGoodwin, Williams, and Yates Consulting Engineers, the
ENGINEER will assist in planning and conducting three public meetings One meeting
will be conducted at the beginning of the preliminary design phase, the second meeting
will be at the completion of the preliminary design. The third meeting will be as
5. Design Flow Report
This task will include updating and finalizing existing and projected design wastewater
flows and required capacities of proposed interceptor sewers. This consists of analyzing
existing flows (where available from the City's permanent metering network) tributary to
the Gregg Street, Hamestring Creek, North Street, Old Wire Road, Porter Road, and
Poplar Street lift stations and updating the hydraulic model developed during the Master
Plan Study. The ENGINEER, based in part on information provided by Black & Veatch
for the Nolan Wastewater Treatment Plant, will provide design flows for the proposed
Illinois River Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Nolan Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Specific tasks include:
a. Review flow data provided by City for areas tributary to lift stations listed above.
b. Review previous SSES reports as necessary.
c. Update Year 2000 flow projections by basin. Projections will include water usage,
customer count, and population projection based on water usage data by customer
provided to ENGINEER by OWNER.
d. Update Year 2020 flow projections by basin and watershed.
e. Update hydraulic model geometry to reflect new plant location.
January 27, 2000 A (2)
f. Utilizing updated flows and updated model, perform hydraulic capacity analysis to
finalize required interceptor capacities.
g. Evaluate sizing of interceptors for "ultimate buildout" versus 2020.
h. Utilizing the previously developed flow projections and hydraulic model develop
design flow loadings for the Nolan Wastewater Treatment Plant and proposed
Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant including:
1) Average dry -weather flows and hydrographs
2) Five to seven-day extended wet -weather flow
3) Maximum daily and 30 -day flow
4) Peak flow rates for design storm (Will be based on projections for a
5-year/24-hour storm with a concurrent 5-year/60-minute storm event.).
Obtain and review Master Plan flow projection database with CH2MHil1. Review
final flow projections with CH2MHi11.
1. Conceptual Design
The ENGINEER will evaluate alternatives for the rerouting of the existmg Illinois River
Watershed Wastewater Collection System to the proposed West Side Wastewater
Treatment Plant. The conceptual design will include the following:
• Alignment Study
• Conversion of Existing Force Mains to Gravity Sewers
• Evaluation of Existing Lift Stations
• Construction Methods/Materials
• Utility Coordination
• Survey Work (as required)
• Geotechnical Investigations
• Odor Control Evaluation
• Wetlands Identification
• Preliminary Design Report
For the purpose of developing the Scope of Services, the conceptual design phase is
presented for each of the areas that may be rerouted.
January 27, 2000
A (3)
• •
Old Wire Road Lift Station.
Based on the evaluation of the Nolan Wastewater Treatment Plant by Black & Veatch, a
minimum design flow for the plant will be established. This evaluation should determine
if the Old Wire Road Lift Station will continue to pump to the Nolan Wastewater
Treatment plant for the near future. As the White River Watershed develops and more
flow is transported to the Nolan Wastewater Treatment Plant, then flows to the Old Wire
Road Lift Station may be diverted to the Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant The
conceptual design phase would include the following for this station.
a. Obtain and review as -built records and existing easements for the existing force
main from Gregg Street to Old Wire Road.
b. Obtain and review as -built records and shop drawings for the existing Old Wire
Road Lift Station.
c. Perform drawdown -return test to determine actual capacity of lift station.
d. Based on flow projections developed under previous tasks, evaluate alternative of
converting existing force main from Gregg Street Lift Station to a gravity sewer.
e. Evaluate alternative of keeping Old Wire Road Lift Station in operation to pump
peak wet -weather flow to the existing Nolan Wastewater Treatment Plant.
f. Should task "e" above determine that the existing force main cannot be converted
to a gravity sewer, perform an alignment study to determine location of new
gravity sewer from Old Wire Road to Gregg Street. This task will include an
evaluation of construction methods through the Paradise Valley Golf Course.
Conduct preliminary geotechnical investigations as necessary.
h. Perform preliminary utility investigation.
North Street Lift Station
The North Street Lift Station currently pumps to the White River Watershed via Mini
System 18B/C. Flow tributary to the lift station would be diverted to the proposed plant
by construction of a new interceptor from North Street to the vicinity of the Poplar Street
Lift Station. The conceptual design would include the following.
a. Obtain and review existing easement documents for the Poplar Street Lift Station
Force Main.
b. Complete an alignment study for the proposed interceptor sewer.
January 27, 2000
A (4)
c. Conduct preliminary geotechnical investigation as necessary.
d. Perform preliminary utility investigation.
e. Evaluate option of leaving North Street Lift Station in operation to pump excess
wet -weather flow to the White River Wastewater Treatment Plant, thereby
reducing the size of the interceptor to Poplar Street.
f. Develop construction cost estimates.
Poplar Street Lift Station,
The wastewater flow from the areas tributary to the North Street Lift Station and Poplar
Street Lift Station will be rerouted to the proposed Westside Plant by gravity This will
be through a new interceptor along Skull Creek to the vicinity of the Gregg Street Lift
Station or along Poplar Street and the U of A property west to the vicinity of the Porter
Road Lift Station. Specific tasks include:
a. Obtain and review City's planometric maps.
b. Perform alignment study of each alternative.
c. Perform preliminary geotechnical investigation as necessary.
d. Perform field survey as necessary.
e. Perform preliminary utility investigation.
f. Develop construction cost for each alternative evaluated.
g. Perform property ownership research.
Grege Street Lift Station
Wastewater flow from Gregg Street can be rerouted to the proposed plant site whether by
construction of a gravity sewer or by upgrading the pumping capacity of the station and
pumping flow to the headwaters of Clabber Creek. The pumping alternative would result
in the construction of a significant shallower interceptor sewer from along Clabber Creek
to Hamestring Creek. Either option will require a thorough review of the Public Law
1366 requirements. Specific tasks include:
a. Review legal opinion by City Attorney on requirements of Public Law 1366.
b. Identify potential routing alternatives and perform alignment study of each
January 27, 2000 A (5)
c. Perform property ownership research.
d. Perform drawdown -return test to determine actual pumping capacity of Gregg
Street Lift Station.
e. Develop cost estimates for leaving lift station in operation alternative.
f. Develop cost estimates for construction of gravity sewer alternative.
g. Evaluate construction methods and materials.
h. Perform preliminary geotechnical investigations as necessary.
i. Perform preliminary utility investigation.
j. Perform surveys as necessary.
Porter Road Lift Station
The Porter Road Lift Station will be abandoned and flow rerouted to the proposed
Wastewater Treatment Plant through an interceptor along Hamestring Creek. The
following conceptual design tasks will be performed:
a. Obtain and review existing easement documents for the Hamestring Creek Lift
Station force main.
b. Obtain and review as -built records for Hamestring Creek Lift Station force main.
c. Obtain and review as -built records for Crystal Springs Lift Station.
d. Perform alignment study for proposed interceptor sewer.
e. Perform property ownership research.
f. Perform preliminary geotechnical investigation as necessary.
g. Perform survey as required.
h. Perform preliminary utility investigation.
i. Develop construction cost estimates.
January 27, 2000
A (6)
• •
Hamestring Creek Lift Station to Proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant Site
Wastewater flow from the Gregg Street, Porter Road, and Hamestring Creek Lift Stations
will be rerouted to the new plant site. The conceptual design will include the evaluation
of alternatives to 1) construct a new lift station near the existing Hamstring Creek Lift
Station and pumping the flow to the new plant site or 2) construct a deep gravity sewer
from the Hamestring Creek Lift Station to the new Wastewater Treatment Plant site and
then construct a lift station at the headworks of the plant. Specific tasks will include:
a. Perform property ownership research
b. Based on previous tasks, finalize peak flows to proposed Wastewater Treatment
c. Perform preliminary geotechnical investigations as necessary.
d. Perform surveys as necessary.
e. Perform preliminary utility investigation.
f. Develop preliminary routing alternative.
Evaluate construction methods and materials.
h. Develop construction cost estimates for each alternative.
i. Determine present worth or life cycle cost for each alternative.
Based on flow projections and hydraulic modeling tasks, evaluate flow equalization
basin at the proposed Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Owl Creek and City of Farmington Lift Stations
There are several alternatives that will be evaluated for rerouting of wastewater flow from
these stations. One alternative is to leave the existing Owl Creek Lift Station and force
main in place. A second alternative would be to reroute the Owl Creek and City of
Farmington force mains to the new Wastewater Treatment Plant site. A third alternative
would be to abandon both lift stations and construct a new lift station near the confluence
of Owl Creek and Goose Creek and construct a force main to the proposed plant site. This
alternative would allow the City of Fayetteville and Farmington to serve the areas that are
developing to the west and north of Farmington. Specific tasks include:
a. Perform drawdown -return test to determine actual pumping capacity of each lift
January 27, 2000
A (7)
b. Complete property ownership research.
c. Perform preliminary alignment studies of each alternative.
d. Develop construction cost estimates for each alternative described above.
e. Conduct meetings with Cities of Fayetteville and Farmington staff to discuss
alternatives. Two (2) meetings are anticipated.
f. Perform geotechnical investigations as necessary.
Perform survey as necessary.
h. Perform preliminary utility investigation.
2. Wetlands Determination/Endangered Species Determination
During the conceptual design phase, the ENGINEER will perform the following tasks:
a. Conduct review of existing source documents including USGS Maps, Washington
County Soil Surveys, National Wetlands Inventory Maps, and aerial photography
for any features that may indicate likelihood of wetlands.
Compare the proposed routes of sewer/lift station construction with the existing
source document data review, including any alternative routes evaluated in the
preliminary design.
c. Prepare preliminary exhibit of any locations with potential for wetlands in vicinity
of proposed sewers/lift stations.
d. Review preliminary exhibit with City staff.
Conduct field investigation "walk through" of any locations with potential for
wetlands in vicinity of proposed sewers/lift station accompanied by qualified
wetlands ecologist. Document approximate boundaries of any wetlands determined
in walk through, and photograph/video tape findings as appropriate.
f. Update preliminary exhibit of locations with wetlands impact in vicinity of
proposed sewers/lift stations.
Contact regulatory agencies in outlining jurisdictional parameters and wetland
permitting requirements, if applicable.
h. Prepare preliminary design subreport for wetlands summarizing results of data
January 27, 2000
A (8)
analysis/walk through and provide preliminary recommendations/cost impacts
related to sewer line/lift station construction in wetlands vicinity.
i. Conduct review of existing data for identification of endangered species in vicinity
of proposed sewers/lift station(s) construction. Contact relevant regulatory
agencies after preliminary review of data.
3. Odor Control Evaluation
In order to identify and mitigate potential odor problems, the ENGINEER will perform the
following tasks during the conceptual design phase:
a. Sewer Lines/Force Mains
January 27,2000
1) Modify hydraulic model developed during Wastewater Collection System
Masterplan as required.
2) Conduct predictive computer modeling of proposed sewer system (15 inches
and larger in diameter) utilizing Pomeroy/Parkhurst Model to predict
sulfide buildup and identify "hot spots" for sewer line/force main odor
control. Conduct sampling of existing sewer system for sulfide content to
calibrate model, where required.
3) Conduct odor control cost/benefit analysis of alternatives for existing
known odor problem areas and potential odor generation locations identified
in predictive computer modeling. Alternatives will include, but will not be
limited to, active controls, chemical addition, oxidant addition,
minimization of turbulence in new design and opportunities for solids
deposition, biofilters, and minimum velocity design.
4) Review cost/benefit analysis with City staff, including recommended
5) Prepare preliminary design report for sewer line/force main odor control
summarizing cost/benefit analysis and recommended plan (with exhibits as
A (9)