HomeMy WebLinkAbout143-00 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 143-00 A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID NO. 00-69IN THE AMOUNT $125,103.43 TO TOTAL DATA SERVICES, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN IBM AS/400 MODEL 720 REPLACEMENT FOR THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, AND IN THE AMOUNT OF $76,937 TO INFO WORKS, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN IBM AS/400 MODEL 270 FOR THE FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT; AND APPROVAL OF A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FOR SAID COMPUTER UPGRADES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby awards Bid No. 00-69 in the amount of $125,103.43 to Total Data Services, Inc. for the purchase of an IBM AS/400 Model 720 replacement for the City Administration Building, and in the amount of $76,937 to Info Works, Inc. for the purchase of an IBM AS/400 Model 270 for the Fayetteville Police Department. A copy of the bid tabulation is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Section 2. The City Council hereby approves a budget adjustment by increasing Fixed Assets, Acct. No. 4470 9470 5801 00, Project No. 98102 1 in the amount of $65,920 and Fixed Assets, Acct. No. 4470 9470 580100, Project No. 970101 in the amount of $84,271 by decreasing Fixed Assets, Acct. No. 4470 0947 4708 00 in the amount of $22,400 and Interest Investments, Acct. No, 4470 0947 4708 00 in the amount of $127,791. A copy of the budget adjustment is attached hereto marked Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 17i° day of October , 2000. APPROVEqv By: Fred Hanna, Mayor ATTES ' By: 0 u NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Date Contents of File Initials - GO d -k0D-6 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE COMPUTER SYSTEM AND APPLICATION SOFTWARE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 BID SCHEDULE 2 3 BID SUBMISSION PROCEDURE 3 4 AWARD OF BID 5 A. EVALUATION 5 B. REFERENCES 6 5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 6 6 WARRANTY & MAINTENANCE 7 8 HARDWARE/OPERATING SYSTEM INFORMATION AND BID FORM A. Information 7 Vendor Criteria 8 B. Bid Information and Costs - City Hall AS/400 8 Scope of Work 9 Existing hardware 10 Target System Hardware 11 Existing Operating System 13 Target System Operating System 14 Additional Hardware/software 17 C. Bid Information and Costs - Police Dept. AS/400 17 Scope of Work 17 Lotus Domino Installation 18 Existing hardware 19 Target System Hardware 20 Other Related Hardware 22 Existing Operating System 22 Target System Operating System 22 Software to be moved from old to new 24 Additional Hardware/Software 24 9. Bid Summary Form 10. Financing Options 25 26 i 0 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (hereafter called "The City") is requesting Bids from qualified respondents to provide computer equipment, operating system, application software, and maintenance to upgrade/replace two of The City's current IBM AS/400 computer systems, operating systems, and application software. This bid document provides the necessary information for vendors to submit to The City a bid for these items. vendors may submit a bid for all or part of these items. These specifications exhibit the intent and purpose of The City regarding the requirements to be met; and they shall be so considered by the vendor. Accordingly, the vendor admits and agrees that they are not complete in every detail and that work and materials not indicated or expressly mentioned in these specifications, but which are manifestly necessary for the full and faithful performance of the systems in accordance with the true intent, will be included in their bid and incorporated into the work the same as if indicated and specified. The systems offered shall be complete in every respect, inclusive of all design, components, auxiliary equipment, hardware, parts and labor, manuals, and maintenance, whether or not specifically defined herein, which are necessary to achieve a completely operational system. It is The City's intent to commence final negotiations with the respondent whose response is deemed most advantageous to The City. The City may conduct post -bid discussions with any or all respondents. "Post -bid discussions" may include but are not limited to: a. Request for additional information; b. Demonstrations; The City may reject any or all bids. The City, currently, has two IBM AS/400 systems to be upgraded/replaced. One AS/400 is a 9406-310 serial number SlOA2507 located in City Hall, and is used primarily for finance and accounting functions. The City Hall AS/400 currently has eight remote sites connecting to communication lines. The second AS/400 is a 9402-400 serial number S1005LKG used by the Police Department for public safety and courts. Both systems utilize New World Systems software and are connected together via passthrough line. Page 1 of 27 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 2, BID SCHEDULE The following BID Schedule will be observed in this REQUEST FOR BID. Advertise bid document Receive Bids At: Open Bids retiz City of Fayetteville Purchasing Dept., Room 306 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, Ar 72703 City Hall Room 306 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, Ar 72703 ADDroximate Dates for: DATE September 15, 2000 September 28, 2000, 11:00 am September 28, 2000, 11:00 am Bid Review September 28, 2000 Vendor Selection September 28, 2000 Contract Negotiations September 28,29, 2000 Recommendation to Board Agenda Session October 10, 2000 To Board of Directors for Approval October 17, 2000 Notify Vendor(s) October 18, 2000 Page 2 of 27 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 3, BID SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Two copies of the bid documents must be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked with the name of the vendor and titled as shown below: BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The "INVITATION TO BID" form in front of the Table of Contents must be completely filled in. 11. Respondent must provide The City with his/her bid signed by an employee having legal authority to submit bids on behalf of the respondent. The entire cost of preparing and providing responses shall be borne solely by the respondent. 12. The City reserves the right to request any additional information it deems necessary from any or all respondents after the submission deadline. 13. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted in response to this request for bid. 14. All materials submitted in response to this request becomes the property of The City upon delivery. 15. The City reserves the right to issue amendments and/or addendums to the original request for bid. 16. The request for bid is not to be construed as an offer, a contract, or a commitment of any kind; nor does it commit The City to pay for any costs incurred by respondent in preparation of bid. 17. Errors in bid: Respondent and their authorized representative or agent shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the conditions, requirements, and specifications of this request for bid. Page 3 of 27 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 8. Default: In case of default after bid acceptance, The City may, at its option, hold the accepted bidder or respondent liable for any and all resultant increase costs as penalty for such default. 9. Submission procedure: Respondent will use the format of this bid document when responding. Use of the numbering and headings in the bid document will be used and fall in the same sequence whenever using the comments page or additional pages. All responses must be organized in the same manner as this bid document. A blank is provided next to each question, statement, or request for information. ALL BLANKS WILL BE ASSUMED TO MEAN "NO RESPONSE", If you cannot meet the requirement, you will place the word "EXCEPTION" in the blank. You will also note each exception on a "COMMENTS" page by stating the section and number of the requirement excepted. The order of the material to be returned will be as follows: a. "Invitation to Bid" page in front of the Table of Contents summarizing bid and identifying vendor; b. The completed bid document provided by The City in its entirety. C. Detailed narrative of those items ("EXCEPTIONS") needing further explanation. d. Any additional materials necessary to further define your product(s). 10. RECEIPT OF BIDS All bids are to be received at the following address on or before the scheduled date and time listed below: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROOM 306 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 WEST MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 Page 4 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: BIDS WILL BE OPENED AT 4. AWARD OF BID A. EVALUATION 11:00 am, September 28, 2000 11:00 am, September 28, 2000 The intent of this request for bid is to enable The City to acquire computer hardware, system and application software that meets or exceeds the requirements of The City as stated in the bid document. The City reserves the right to accept the best bid for The City and is not required to accept the lowest priced bid. The City also reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All Respondents will be evaluated on their experience, reputation, proposed design, costs quoted, services offered, financial strength and ability to provide the system which best meets the needs of The City. The City will be the sole judge of what comprises the best and most advantageous bid. The following considerations will be used to evaluate each bid: 1. FUNCTIONS 2. Compliance with the provisions of the bid document. The ability of the bid to meet or exceed The City's requirements. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to meet The City's anticipated future needs. The ability of the hardware to provide a growth path that will allow expansion of memory and disk storage and not require future conversion to a different operating system or application programming language. Ability of the Respondent to directly support the system, including installation, training, and maintenance. Maintenance reliability and response time. Cost of maintenance. 3. SUPPORT The amount and quality of support that the vendor will provide The City. Page 5 of 27 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE The amount of vendor support that will be available for implementation assistance, and on -going modifications. 4. COST All of the costs required to purchase, install, train, modify, and update the proposed hardware, system software, and application software along with any professional services required and their associated expenses. 5. EXPERIENCE/REPUTATION Vendor's performance record in meeting the requirements of their existing customers. Number of satisfied customers using proposed hardware and/or software in local government. The financial stability of the vendor. Number of experienced vendor support personnel. 6. FINANCING OPTIONS Most cost effective use of City funds. 7. ABILITY TO MEET DEADLINES Determined by contact with vendor's existing customers. B. Respondents must provide a list of references of locations where the respondent has installed a system of similar size and design as the one they are proposing. 5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Any and all pre -contract verbal agreements and/or commitments will be reduced to written form and all written agreements will be signed by an authorized representative of the bidding company and included as a part of the attached bid and any ensuing contract. B. The attached bid, including all addenda, will become a part of any resulting contract and shall control in the event of any conflicts with any other provision of the contract. C. In the event of default on either party, all litigation shall take place and be governed by the laws of the State of Arkansas and Washington County. D. All prices/costs included in this bid must be guaranteed not to be increased for at least 90 days from the bid opening date for contracting purposes. E. All materials submitted by the bidder as a part of its bid shall be Page 6 of 27 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE considered the property of The City. The City reserves the right to request any additional information necessary for clarifying the bid as submitted. F. The City reserves the right to accept and/or reject any, all, or part of any bid that it deems not in the best interest of The City. G. The bid MUST include the following right of cancellation: "For any financed and/or long term purchase, rental, lease or lease/purchase, The City reserves the right of cancellation, on any annual contract anniversary date, of any or all contract items if adequate funds are not appropriated." All information submitted by any vendor, in addition to that required herein, must refer to the section number and specific item number. Any bidder may submit "General Comments" provided they are brief and specific. 6. WARRANTY & MAINTENANCE Warranty and Maintenance to be covered by IBM Corp. Bid prices for maintenance will reflect the IBM Maintenance price. 7. HARDWARE/OPERATING SYSTEM INFORMATION AND BID FORM The City has surveyed the marketplace for possible hardware options to accomplish the objectives of The City. All equipment included in the REQUEST FOR BID must be NEW. ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT in current production by the manufacturer. Bid of this project will include removal of the AS/400's from packing materials, initial startup of all electrical systems of the units, installation of the operating system, migration of all our current data, peripherals, software and testing to ensure that setup; and migration were successful. Installation will also include the setup and testing of the IBM ECS line. Both the IBM AS/400's (and all specified components) and the specified setup and installation are to be bid according to the bid form as individual line items. However, the vendor who receives the bid will be responsible for the AS/400 hardware, delivery, setup, installation, reloading of previous software, reloading of previous data, installation of v4r5 and testing to see if system is completely operational. The system will be awarded as a whole unit including conversion and installation, parts will not be purchased separately. Page 7 of 27 • • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE Vendor criteria: For consideration any vendor wishing to Bid on the specified units must be a 1. IBM Premier Partner 2. The person submitting the bid must be hold a current certification from IBM and submit a copy of the certifications with the bid - in the following areas 1. IBM certified Specialist AS/400 Technical Solutions design V4R4 (or above)- test 366 b. IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 Technical Solution Implementation V4R4 (or above) - test 367 This is to ensure that all technical guidelines for IBM equipment are followed and understood. 10. The vendor must be able to install the unit (IBM will not be involved in the installation of a 8xx box) and the vendors employee who does the installation must hold a current certification from IBM and submit a copy of the certification with the bid - in the following: a. IBM certified Specialist AS/400 Technical Solutions design V4R4 (or above)- test 366 b. IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 Technical Solution Implementation V4R4 (or above) - test 367 This is to ensure that all technical guidelines for IBM equipment are followed and understood. 4. For Domino installation and configuration the person installing Domino should hold the following IBM certification and it should be submitted with the bid: AS/400 Domino for AS/400 Specialist - test #353 B. City Hall AS/400 Upgrade/Replacement The following pages contain information and bid form for the upgrade/Replacement of the City's AS/400 located in City Hall. The bid will include installation including the CISC to RISC upgrade. Page 8 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE City Hall AS/400 CISC to RISC Upgrade Scope of Work The Vendor will assist The City of Fayetteville with planning, preparation and performing the CISC to RISC upgrade on the AS/400 system. The Vendor's involvement in this project will consist of the following work steps: 1. Creation of the written project task plan 2. Telephone support for project tasks 3. General planning tasks Physical planning AS/400 CISC system preparation 4. AS/400 RISC system upgrade tasks performed onsite RISC system installation support confirming hardware and software received Analysis of RISC upgrade preparation Document application software RISC upgrade requirements Pre -conversion tasks preparing, planning and reviewing for RISC conversion Conversion tasks from source CISC system to the new RISC system Initial load tasks on RISC system from CISC system tape backup Licensed program installation tasks for RISC program products Final RISC system upgrade tasks 5. System Synchronization tasks performed onsite Test converted RISC system software and user applications Identify and perform re -sync tasks for programs and data to complete upgrade to RISC system Perform final RISC upgrade testing Confirm completion of RISC upgrade The City of Fayetteville will be responsible for the following project tasks. These tasks are required for the successful completion of the project upgrade: 1. Review and approval of project plan 2. Creation of system testing plan 3. Performing AS/400 backups as defined 4. Support of The Vendor's personnel, as project tasks 5. Perform system testing after upgrade operational status in the project plan required, in execution of completed to confirm user Page 9 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE EXISTING CITY HALL AS/400 HARDWARE Product Description Qty Purchase Price Monthly Maint. 9406-310 System Unit W/D 11/19 SIOA2507 1 507.00 0022 9348-001 Lcl Src Rack Mnt 1 0090 FC.5052 Located on System Unit 1 1105 Single Disk Kit (320 MB) W/D 6/ 4 2043 64MB Processor W/D 3/1998 1 2612 EIA 232/V.24 One -Line Adapter W 1 2619 16/4 Mbps Token -Ring Adapter W/ 1 2621 Removable Media Device Attach W 1 2623 Six Line Comm Controller W/D 12 2 2654 EIA 232/V.24 Two -Line 20E W/D 8 2 2655 EIA 232/V.24 Two -Line 20 W/D 8/ 3 2961 240Vf 10A, 6ft linecord 1 3103 32MB Main Storage W/D 3/1999 1 28.00 5042 System Unit Expansion Rack W/D 1 5043 Cnvrt Prmry Rk to Scdry Rk W/D 1 5052 Storage Exp Unit (16 Units) 1 203.00 5143 Power Supply (400W) 1 5514 Alt IPL Specify for 8MM 1 5520 Complete System Specify W/D 3/1 1 5540 Sys Console on Twinax WSC 1 6112 Mag Storage Device Controller 1 6140 Twinaxial Workstation Controlle 3 6390 7.OGB 8mm Cart Tape Unit (SPD) 1 6501 Tape/Disk Device Controller 1 6512 Disk Unit Ctir for RAID W/D 6/2 1 6606 1.96GB Disk Unit W/D 6/1998 5 9023 V.24 Cable 20 ft enhanced W/D 3 2 9083 Locking Line Cord Plug Specify 1 9153 STD MFIOP W/D 6/1998 1 9240 400 Watt standard PS W/D 6/2000 1 9243 Std Feature Power Supply W/D 6/ 1 9245 Std Battery Back Up W/D 6/2000 2 9304 Base 64MB Main Storage W/D 6/19 1 9503 8mm MULIC Mod Upgrade W/D 6/199 1 9612 Std EIA 232/V.24 One-Line/A W/D 1 9337-225 1.94 GB Usk (2 DRV-RA 000024677 1 175.00 0044 Device Parity Protection 1 1213 970Mb Disk Unit Feature 5 9877 6.Om Attachment Cable 1 9902 Do Not Integrate 1 9337-225 1.94 GB Usk (2 DRV-RA 000024680 1 175.00 0044 Device Parity Protection 1 1213 970Mb Disk Unit Feature 3 9877 6.Om Attachment Cable 1 9902 Do Not Integrate 1 9348-001 1/2" Reel to Reel Tap 000026938 1 152.00 9331-001 8-inch Diskette Unit 000033507 1 218.00 Total Monthly Maintenance 1,240 00 Annual Maintenance $14,880.00 Page 10 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE Proposed Hardware City Hall Target System Product Description Qty Purchase Monthly Price Maint 9406-720 AS400e Server 0008 7208 Ultra SCSI Attachment 0024 9348-002 Lcl Src Stnd Alone 0044 Device Parity Protection (RAID) 0203 Side by Side Install 0348 PCI Cable - V.24/EIA232 20-Ft 0367 Operations Console PCI Cable 0381 Remote Control Panel Cable 1501 Interactive Card (70 CPW) 2062 Model 720 Processor (256MB) 2729 PCI External Tape Controller 2745 PCI Two -Line WAN ICA 2746 PCI Twinax Workstation IOA 2748 PCI Raid Disk Unit Controller 2824 PCI LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP 2924 English 3004 256MB Main Storage 5027 Software Version V4R5 5153 Redundant Power Supplies 5514 Alt IPL Specify for 8MM 6817 8.58GB 10k rpm Disk Unit (S/ 7128 DASD Expansion Unit 8817 Opt Base 8.58GB l0k rpm Disk(S/ 9082 14 Foot Line Cord Specify 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 Page 11 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 9083 14 Locking Line Cord Specify 1 9330 PCI Integrated Expansion Unit 1 9364 System Unit Expansion 1 9738 PCI Base 100/10Mbps Ethernet IO 1 9745 Base PCI Two -Line WAN IOA 1 9406-720 Price Monthly Maintenance 7852-40Z External V.34 (AS/400 TSP Model 1 38.00A 7852-40Z Price Annual Maintenance 7208-342 20GB 8MM Cartridge Tape 1 7019 5-8mm AME Data Cartrdge Media K 2 9212 12 Meter SCSI Cable 1 9300 Publication Language - English/ 1 9800 9ft.(2.7M) 125V, 15A US/Canada 1 7208-342 Price Monthly Maintenance Hardware Target System Price Monthly Maintenance Annual Maintenance Current City Hall Software Base System software Product Description Serial Qty 5763-DCT Language Dictionaries OOOOL8912 1 1592 Basic One -Time UpgChg P30 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 Page 12 of 27 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 5763-PT1 Performance Tools/400 OOOOL8916 1082 Basic One -Time UpgChg P30 1114 Basic One -Time UpgChg P30 PTM 9001 Asset Registration 5763-PW1 Application Developme OOOOM1592 1 1146 Basic OTC UPG P30 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5763-QU1 Query/400 W/D 2/2000 OOOOL8914 1 2235 Basic OTC UPG P30 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5763-RG1 ILE RPG/400 W/D 2/200 OOOOL8915 1 0217 Basic One -Time UpgChg 230 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5763-WP1 OfficeVision W/D 2/20 OOOOL8913 1 0268 No Charge Users in Base 1 0270 OTC UserBase Upg Per User Chg 24 1666 Basic One -Time UpgChg P30 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5763-XW1 Client Access Windows OOOOGV792 1 2874 P30 Max User Cap 1 2876 Full Price per use 81 9001 Asset Registration 1 5755-AS3 AS400 System Software OOOOB3255 1 1411 C/A Windows Family (5763-XW1) 1 1412 C/A (5763-XY1) 1 1413 C/A (5763-XA1) 1 1504 OfficeVision 5763-WP1 1 1505 Language Dictionary 5763-DCT 1 1508 Query 5763-QU1 1 1512 ILE RPG 5763-RG1 1 1525 Performance Tools/400 5763-PT1 1 1526 Application DevToolset 5763-PW1 1 1610 Performance Tools Mgr 5763-PT1 1 1984 OS/400 DASD HW update 1 2924 English Upper/Lower Case (SBCS) 1 3407 8MM Data Cartridge 1 3508 Refresh 1 3520 Ship Release V3R2 1 7550 SoftCopy Lib on CD-ROM Media PU 1 7594 Pub - ADTS for OS/400 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 Proposed Software City Hall Target System Product Description Qty 5716-DCT Language Dictionaries License Page 13 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 0772 Basic OTC Upg P20 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5769-PT1 Performance Tools/400 V4 1 0817 Upg P20 BOTC Perf Tools (From V 1 0877 Upg P20 BOTC PT/400 Mgr (From V 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-PT1 OTC 5769-PW1 ADTS 1 0912 Upg P20 ADTS 5763PW1,5716PW1 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-PW1 OTC 5769-QU1 Query 1 0123 Basic OTC P20 UPG (5716/5763-QU 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5769-QU1 OTC 5769-RG1 ILE RPG for AS/400 1 1002 Upg P20 BOTC ILE RPG (From V3) 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-RG1 OTC 5769-XW1 Client Access Windows Family 1 1731 Upg P20 BOTC CA WINDOWS (From X 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 Page 14 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE . REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 5769-XW1 OTC 5733-SM3 IBM SW Subscription 3 Yr Prepay 1 2222 Basic OTC P20 1 5733-SM3 OTC 5769-SS1 Operating System 1 0277 P20 Basic OTC OS/400 1 1476 Upg chg PSF AnySpeed 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-SS1 OTC 5769-AC3 Cryptographic Access Provider 1 1 0005 IPLA CRYPTO 128 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-CE3 IBM AS/400 Client Encryption 12 1 1644 Per Use Client Encryption 128-B 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5755-AS5 SYSTEM PROGRAM ORDER 1 2105 LANG DICTNRIES OS/400 (DCT) 1 2501 OS/400 (5769-SS1) 1 2504 OV/400 (5769-WP1) 1 2508 Query (5769-QU1) 1 2512 ILE RPG (5769-RG1) 1 2516 CA WINDOWS (5769-XW1) 1 Page 15 of 27 . CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 2525 Perf Tools (5769-PT1) 1 2526 ADTS (5769-PW1) 1 2529 TCP/IP/400 (5769-TCl) 1 2553 IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 1 2556 Perf Manager (5769-PM1) 1 2562 Crypto Acc Prov 128 bit(5769-AC 1 2582 Client Encryption 128-bit(5769- 1 2585 Java Tools 1 2586 Java Kit (5769-JV1) 1 2591 WebSphere Application Server(57 1 2610 PT/400 Mgr (5769-PT1) 1 2683 Any speed Print Support 1 2924 English U/L SBCS Primary 1 3410 CD-ROM Media 1 3550 Version 4 Release 5 1 8136 OS/400 Backup and Recovery 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5755-AS5 OTC Software Target System OTC ADDITIONAL HARDWARE/SOFTWARE NOT LISTED If additional hardware or software is required that is not listed in the bid forms please check here and attach listing to bid form. Page 16 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE C. Police Department AS/400 The following pages contain information and bid form for the upgrade/replacement of the City of Fayetteville Police Department's AS/400 located in the Police Building. The bid will include installation price, however installation may be done in house. AS/400 Unload / Reload Scope of Work The Vendor will assist Fayetteville Police with planning, preparation for and upgrading the AS/400 system hardware to a model 270. The Vendor's involvement in this project will consist of the following work steps: 4. Creation of a written project task plan 5. Telephone support for system preparation tasks 6. Performance of system upgrade preparation tasks Research IBM PTF PSP databases Develop Memory Pool Sizes and Activity Level Values Map IOP connections from model 400 to model 270 Develop configuration for moving Ethernet line to 100 MB Ethernet line Develop configuration for twinax controllers and devices moved to new IOP Confirm planning for system objects (outqueues, job queues, data queues, journals, message queue entries) not saved for restore on the model 270 7. Confirm system hardware upgrade and configuration Verify operational status of upgraded hardware Create configuration objects for new hardware components 8. Unload / Reload from the model 400 to the new model 270 Restore model 400 system backups on 8mm tape to the new model 270 Move system connections from the model 400 to the new model 270 Modify LAN network communications line to use the ethernet IOP Modify the twinax controllers and devices to use the new IOP Correct any configuration problems after system upgrade Fayetteville Police will be responsible for the following project tasks. These tasks are required for the successful completion of the project upgrade: Review and approval of project plan Page 17 of 27 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE Creation of system test plan Performance of system preparation tasks; backups, scheduling outages, etc. Support of The Vendor's personnel, as required, in execution of project tasks Perform system testing after each upgrade to confirm the system operational status Lotus Domino Installation on AS/400 Objective: 1. Install Lotus Domino for AS/400 to run as a native application on an existing AS/400. 2. Configure AS/400 dial -up connection to local ISP for e-mail exchange. 3. Configure Lotus Domino for AS/400 SMTP to provide the ability to send and receive internet mail via Domino Server. 4. Configure Domino Server for access by standard Notes Client via Ethernet LAN. 5. Configure Domino Administrative Client. 6. Configure (5) Lotus Notes Clients. Tasks: (minimum to be performed) 1. Conduct a planning meeting with the assigned resources. 2. Resources should include: Customer Project Manager, PC Administrator, Network Administrator, AS/400 Administration, AS/400 Programming. 3. Research and apply applicable PTF's. 4. Review and verify TCP/IP configuration. 5. Verify that a PC is available and configured for use as Administrative Client. 6. Install the Domino for AS/4000 software. 7. Verify the installation completed successfully. 8. Setup the Domino Server (First Server). 9. Setup 5 Domino Clients and verify e-mail functions, including internet mail. 10. Provide documentation of all tailoring parameters, names, address, etc.. 11. Conduct a training session for up to 5 people for administration of the Domino system. 12. Conduct a training meeting for up to 5 end users on how to use Notes (2-3 hours) EXISTING POLICE DEPARTMENT AS/400 HARDWARE Product Description Qty Monthly Maint Page 18 of 27 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 9402-400 System Unit W/D 6/1998 000055LKG 1 97.00 0044 Device Parity Protection (RAID) 1 2131 Model 400 Processor (32MB) W/D 3/1 1 2609 EIA 232/V.24 2-Line Adapter W/D 3/ 2 10.00 2612 EIA 232/V.24 1-Line Adapter W/D 3/ 1 2617 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 CSAM/CD W/D 3/ 1 2623 Six -line Communications Cntrl W/D 1 2960 120V, 15A, 6ft linecord 1 3110 64MB Main Storage 2 5025 Software Version V4R3 1 5135 Feature Power for System Unit W/D 1 5514 Alt IPL Specify for 8MM 1 5520 Complete System Specify W/D 3/1999 1 6050 Twinaxial Workstation Controller 3 6148 Twinaxial 8-port Workstation Exp W 1 6390 7.OGB 8mm Cart Tape Unit (SPD) W/D 1 6522 Disk Unit Controller for RAID W/D 1 6606 1.96GB Disk Unit W/D 6/1998 1 6607 4.19GB Disk Unit 6 7000 Panel Keylock W/D 6/2000 1 7108 Expansion Gate W/D 6/2000 1 7117 Integrated Expansion Unit W/D 6/20 1 51.00 9023 V.24 Cable 20 ft enhanced W/D 3/19 6 9172 Base Twinax MFIOP W/D 8/1998 1 9244 320 Watt Pwr Sup - 7117 Exp Unit W 1 9319 Std Disk Package System Unit W/D 6 1 9520 CDROM W/D 2/2000 1 9606 Base Disk Unit 1.967GB W/D 3/1999 1 9612 Base EIA 232/V.24 1-Line Adapter W 1 Total Monthly Maintenance 158.00 HARDWARE TARGET SYSTEM - Police Department AS/400 Upgrade Product Description Qty Purchase Monthly Price Maint 9406-270 AS400e Server 1 0008 7208 Ultra SCSI Attachment 1 0041 Device Parity Protection -All 1 0205 RISC to RISC Data Migration 1 0348 PCI Cable - V.24/EIA232 20-Ft 3 0367 Operations Console PCI Cable 1 Page 19 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 0382 Remote Control Panel Cable 1 1413 125V 14-Ft Line Cord 3 1460 3m HSL Cable 2 1463 2m SPCN Cable 1 1518 Interactive Capacity Card 1 2250 Model 270 Processor 1 2749 PCI Ultra Mag Media Ctlr 1 2763 PCI RAID Disk Unit Ctlr 1 2842 PCI Hot -Plug IOP 1 2924 English 1 3025 512ME Main Store 2 4317 8.58GB 10k rpm Disk Unit (PCI) 9 4525 CD-ROM 1 4745 PCI WAN IOA 2 4746 PCI Twinaxial Workstn IOA 1 4838 PCI 100/10Mbps Ethernet IOA 1 5027 Software Version V4R5 1 5075 PCI Expansion Tower 1 5514 Alt IPL Specify for 8MM 1 5544 Sys Console on Op Console 1 7002 HSL enabler 1 7104 System Unit Expansion G/A Sep 01 2 7133 DASD Concurrent Maint Cage 1 9771 Base PCI 2-Line WAN w/Modem 1 Page 20 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 9406-270 Monthly Maintenance 7208-342 20GB 8MM Cartridge Tape 1 7019 5-8mm AME Data Cartrdge Media Kit 2 9212 12 Meter SCSI Cable 1 9300 Publication Language - English/US 1 9800 9ft.(2.7M) 125V, 15A US/Canada 1 7208-342 Price Monthly Maintenance 9910-P15 PW9125 1500va 1 EXT110-127V,50/60Hz Hardware Target System Price Monthly Maintenance OTHER RELATED HARDWARE IBM InfoPrint 40 Laser Printer 1 4402 Duplex 1 4162 Ethernet 10/100Base TX 1 4332 Memory SIMM - 32MB 1 4530 Printer Stand 1 IBM InforPrint 40 Laser Printer Total Page 21 of 27 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE SOFTWARE BASE SYSTEM - Police Department AS/400 Product Description Serial Qty 5716-DCT Language Dictionaries OOOOQ2318 1 0721 Basic One -Time Charge P10 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 SOFTWARE TARGET SYSTEM - Police Department AS/400 Product Description Serial Qty License 5716-DCT Language Dictionaries OOOOQ2318 1 0721 Basic One -Time Charge P10 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5716-DCT OTC 5769-SS1 Operating System 1 0276 P10 Basic OTC OS/400 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-LNT Lotus Domino Enterprise for AS/400 1 1903 IPLA Per Use Notes 50 1906 IPLA Per Use Designer 2 2011 Enterprise 1 2924 English Upper/Lower Case (SBCS) 1 5859 V5.0 128-Bit CDROM (Encryption) 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5769-LNT OTC 5733-SM1 IBM SW Subscription 1 Yr Prepay 1 2211 Basic OTC P10 1 5733-SM1 OTC 5755-AS5 SYSTEM PROGRAM ORDER 1 Page 22 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 1925 V3R6/7 or V4R1/2 to V4R3/4 PTFs 1 2105 LANG DICTNRIES OS/400 (DCT) 1 2501 OS/400 (5769-SS1) 1 2504 OV/400 (5769-WP1) 1 2508 Query (5769-QU1) 1 2511 DB2 Qry Kit (5769-ST1) 1 2512 ILE RPG (5769-RG1) 1 2516 CA WINDOWS (5769-XW1) 1 2526 ADTS (5769-PW1) 1 2529 TCP/IP/400 (5769-TC1) 1 2547 Integr. For WindowsServer 5769-WSV 1 2553 IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 1 2556 Perf Manager (5769-PM1) 1 2585 Java Tools 1 2586 Java Kit (5769-JV1) 1 2591 WebSphere Application Server(5769- 1 2924 English U/L SBCS Primary 1 3410 CD-ROM Media 1 3550 Version 4 Release 5 1 8136 OS/400 Backup and Recovery Fc 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration Fc 1 5755-AS5 OTC Software Target System OTC Page 23 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE SOFTWARE MOVED FROM OLD HARDWARE User must RPO-remove these products from the inventory of the base system: 5769-WP1 5755-AS5.2504 5769-QU1 5755-AS5.2508 5769-ST1 5755-AS5.2511 5769-RG1 5755-AS5.2512 5769-XW1 5755-AS5.2516 5769-PW1 5755-AS5.2526 ADDITIONAL HARDWARE/SOFTWARE NOT LISTED If additional hardware or software is required that is not listed in the bid forms please check here and attach listing to bid form. Page 24 of 27 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 9 . HARDWARE/OPERATING SOFTWARE BID SUMMARY A. City Hall AS/400 9406-720e Server OPERATING SYSTEM ADDITIONAL HARDWARE/SOFTWARE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE INSTALLATION I" 040 414Y0lDIN HmidoIM 3btvnON0P TOTAL HARDWARE/OPERATING SYSTEM/INSTALLATION B. Police Department AS/400 9406-270e Server OPERATING SYSTEM ADDITIONAL HARDWARE/SOFTWARE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE INSTALLATION INSTALLATION, SETUP, TRAINING LOTUS DOMINO ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE TOTAL HARDWARE/OPERATING SYSTEM/INSTALLATION W Sq A COST COST Page 25 of 27 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 10. HARDWARE FINANCING INFORMATION As an option, the City requests that all of the hardware and software of this bid be shown acquired through a Lease agreement. Show the following information for the Hardware Lease. A. City Hall AS/400 LEASE Option 1 - 36 Monthly Payments: Monthly Payment: Option 2 - 48 Monthly Payments: Monthly Payment: Option 3 - 60 Monthly Payments: Monthly Payment: Option 4 - Other: If you have alternative financing options, you may attach additional information. B. Police Department AS/400 VVkT:1i31yV#N0to) ZI Option 1 - 36 Monthly Payments: Monthly Payment: Option 2 - 48 Monthly Payments: Monthly Payment: Option 3 - 60 Monthly Payments: Monthly Payment: Option 4 - Other: LEASE If you have alternative financing options, you may attach additional information. Page 26 of 27 11 City Hall AS/40 System Upgrade Bid 00-69 9406-720 AS/400e Server 0008 7208 Ultra SCSI Attachment 0024 9348-002 Lcl Src Stnd Alone 0044 Device Parity Protection (RAID) 0203 Side by Side Install 0348 PCI Cable - V.24/EIA232 20-Ft 0367 Operations Console PCI Cable 0381 Remote Control Panel Cable 1501 Interactive Card (70 CPW) 2062 Model 720 Processor (256MB) 2729 PCI External Tape Controller 2745 PCI Two -Line WAN IDA 2746 PCI Twinax Workstation IDA 2748 PCI Raid Disk Unit Controller 2824 PCI LANNVANNVorkstation IOP 2924 English 3004 256MB Main Storage 5027 Software Version V4R5 5153 Redundant Power Supplies 5514 Alt IPL Specify for 8MM 6817 8.58GB 10k rpm Disk Unit (St 7128 DASD Expansion Unit 8817 Opt Base 8.58GB 10k rpm Disk(S/ 9082 14 Foot Line Cord Specify 9330 PCI Integrated Expansion Unit 9364 System Unit Expansion 9738 PCI Base 100/10Mbps Ethemet 10 9745 Base PCI Two -Line WAN IDA 78624OZ External V.34 (AS/400 TSP Model 1 7208-342 20GB 8MM Cartridge Tape 1 7019 5-8mm AME Data Cartrdge Media K 2 9212 12 Meter SCSI Cable 1 9300 Publication Language - English/ 1 9800 9ft.(2.7M) 125V, 15A US/Canada 1 Total Hardware T • i�i i�rii% Total Data, Inc Info Works, Inc REAL Huber & Assoc 17,250.00 $ 17,020.00 $ 17,940.00 $ 19,090.00 750.00 740.00 780.00 830.00 93.75 93.00 97.50 130.75 93.75 93.00 97.60 103.75 21,000.00 20,720.00 21,840.00 23,240.00 13,125.00 12,950.00 13,650.00 14, 525.00 1,950.00 1,924.00 2,028.00 2,158.00 1,275.00 1,258.00 1,326.00 11411.00 562.50 555.00 585.00 622.50 4,500.00 4,440.00 4,680.00 - 4,980.00 2,700.00 2,664.00 2,808.00 2,988.00 7,680.00 7,578.00 7,987.20 8,499.20 3,000.00 2,960.00 3,120.00 3,320.00 10,500.00 10,360.00 10,920.00 11,620.00 637.50 629.00 663.00 705.50 712.50 703.00 741.00 788.50 85,830.00 84,687.00 89,263.20 95,012.20 414.75 420.00 409.50 435.75 414.75 420.00 409.50 435.75 5,135.00 5,070.00 5,070.00 5,395.00 796.32 786.00 786.24 836.64 5,931.32 5,856.00 5,856.24 6,231.64 $ 92,176.07 $ 90,963.00 $ 95,528.94 $ 101,679.59 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- 5716-DCT Lnguage Dictionaries 1 0772 Basic OTC Upg P20 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5769-PT1 Performance Tools/400 V4 1 0817 Upg P20 BOTC Perf Tools (From V 1 260.70 251.00 257.40 273.90 0877 Upg P20 ROTC PT/400 Mgr (From V 1 430.55 414,00 425.10 452.35 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-PW1 ADTS 1 0912 Upg P20 ADTS 5763PW1,5716PW1 1 3,100.75 2,983.00 3,061.50 3,257.75 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-QU1 Query 1 0123 Basic OTC P20 UPG (5716/5763-OU 1 758.40 730.00 748.80 796.80 9001 Asset Registration 1 5769-RG1 ILE RPG for AS/400 1 1002 Upg P20 ROTC ILE RPG (From V3) 1 2,944.00 2,736.00 2,808.00 2,988.00 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-XW1 Client Access Windows Family 1 1731 Upg P20 BOTC CA WINDOWS (From X 1 4,345.00 4,180.00 4,290.00 4,565.00 9001 Asset Registration 1 5733-SM3 IBM SW Subscription 3 Yr Prepay 1 15,720.21 15,919.00 15,521.22 16,516.17 2222 Basic OTC P20 1 5769-SS1 Operating System 1 0277 P20 Basic OTC OS/400 1 1476 Upg chg PSF AnySpeed 1 948.00 4,556.00 4,975.85 936.00 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-AC3 Cryptographic Access Provider 1 0005 IPLA CRYPTO 128 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5769-CE3 IBM AS/400 Client Encryption 12 1 1644 Per Use Client Encryption 128-B 1 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 5755-AS5 SYSTEM PROGRAM ORDER 1 2105 LANG DICTNRIES OS/400 (DCT) 1 2501 OS1400 (5769-SS1) 1 2504 OV1400 (5769-WP1) 1 2508 Query (5769-QU 1) 1 2512 ILE RPG (5769-RG1) 1 2516 CA WINDOWS (5769-XW1) 1 2525 Pert Tools(5769-PTi) 1 2526 ADTS (5769-PWt) 1 2529 TCP/IP/400 (5769-TC1) 1 2553 IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 1 2556 Pert Manager (5769-PM 1) 1 2562 Crypto Acc Prov 128 bil(5769-AC 1 2582 Client Encryption 128-bN(5769- 1 2585 Java Tools 1 2586 Java Kit (5769JV1) 1 2591 WebSphere Application Server(57 1 2610 PT/400 Mgr(5769-PT1) 1 2683 Any speed Print Support 1 2924 English U/L SBCS Primary 1 3410 CD-ROM Media 1 3550 Version 4 Release 5 1 8136 OS1400 Backup and Recovery 1 19.75 25.00 25.00 25.00 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 Total Software $ 28,427.36 $ 31,794.00 $ 32,112.87 $ 29,810.97 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Hardware $ 92,176.07 $ 90,963.00 $ 95,528.94 $ 101,679.59 Total Software 28,427.36 31,794.00 32,112.87 29,810.97 Installation 4,500.00 7,300.00 5,500.00 ' 6,500.00 Total System - City Hall $ 125.103.43 $ 130,057.00 $ 133,141.81 $ 137,990.56 • Police Department AS/400 Upgrade Bid 00-69 Integrated Total Data Inforworks REAL Huber &Assoc Tech. Inc. 9406-270 AS400e Server 1 $ 2,960.00 $ 2,960.00 $ 3.120.00 $ 3,320.00 0008 7208 Ultra SCSI Attachment 1 0041 Device Parity Protection -All 1 0205 RISC to RISC Data Migration 1 0348 PCI Cable - V.24/EIA232 20-Ft 3 277.50 278.00 292.50 311.25 0367 Operations Console PCI Cable 1 92.50 93.00 97.50 103.75 0382 Remote Control Panel Cable 1 92.50 93.00 97.50 103.75 1413 125V 14-Ft Line Cord 3 1460 3m HSL Cable 2 666.00 666.00 702.00 747.00 1463 2m SPCN Cable 1 1518 Interactive Capacity Card 1 14,430.00 14.430.00 15,210.00 16,185.00 2250 Model 270 Processor 1 2,960.00 2,960.00 3,120.00 3,320.00 2749 PCI Ultra Mag Media Ctlr 1 962.00 962.00 1,014.00 1,079.00 2763 PCI RAID Disk Unit Ctlr 1 2,220.00 2,220.00 2,340.00 2,490.00 2842 PCI Hot -Plug IOP 1 1.332.00 1,332.00 1,404.00 1,490.00 2924 English 1 3025 512MB Main Store 2 3,031.04 3,031.00 3,194.88 3,399.68 4317 8.58GB 101k rpm Disk Unit (PCI) 9 13,320.00 13,320.00 14,040.00 14,940.00 4525 CD-ROM 1 307A0 307.00 323.70 344.45 4745 PCI WAN IDA 2 629.00 629.00 663.00 705.50 4746 PCI Twinaxial Workstn IDA 1 555.00 555.00 585.00 622.50 4838 PCI 100110Mbps Ethernet IDA 1 666.00 666.00 702.00 747.00 5027 Software Version V4R5 1 5075 PCI Expansion Tower 1 4,440.00 4,440.00 4,660.00 4,980.00 5514 Aft IPL Specify for 8MM 1 5544 Sys Console on Op Console 1 7002 HSL enabler 1 148.00 148.00 156.00 166.00 7104 System Unit Expansion G/A Sep 01 2 1,110.00 1,110.00 1,170.00 1,245.00 7133 DASD Concurrent Maint Cage 1 629.00 627.00 663.00 705.50 9771 Base PCI 2-Line WAN w/Modem 1 50,827.64 50,827.00 53,575.08 57,005.38 6866 20GB 8MM Cartridge Tape 1 4,810.00 5,070.00 5,070.00 5,395.00 7019 5-8mm AME Date Cartrdge Media Kit 2 745.92 786.00 786.24 836.64 9212 12 Meter SCSI Cable 1 9300 Publication Language - English/US 1 9800 9ft.(2.7M) 125V, 15A US/Canada 1 5,555.92 5,856.00 5,856.24 6,231.64 9910 PW91251500va 1 1,081A4 1,315.00 1, 139.58 1,212.63 EXT110-127V,50160Hz -- ---- 1,081.14- --- 1,315.00- 1,139.58 1,212.63 Total AS/400 Hardware 57,464.70 57,998.00 60,570.90 64,449.65 Other Related Hardware IBM InfoPdnt 40 Laser Printer 1 2,675.00 2,743.20 2,914.65 2137 4402 Duplex 1 443.00 455.20 449.65 426.75 4162 Ethernet 10I10oBase TX 1 412.00 423.20 476.10 396.75 4332 Memory SIMM - 32MB 1 319.00 327.20 347.65 306.75 4530 Printer Stand 1 344.00 352.80 396.90 330.75 0.00 4,193.00 4,301.60 4,584.95 3,598.00 Total Hardware $ 57,464.70 $ 62,191.00 $ 64,872.50 $ 69,034.60 $ 3,598.00 Software 5716-DCT Language Dictionaries 000002318 1 0721 Basic One -Time Charge P70 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 ERR Operating System 1 276 P10 Basic OTC OSI400 1 386A0 410.85 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 ERR Lotus Domino Enterprise for ASI400 1 • 1903 IPLA Per Use Notes 1906 IPLA Per Use Designer 2011 Enterprise 2924 English Upper/Lower Case (SBCS) 5859 V5.0 128-Bit CDROM (Encryption) 9001 Asset Registration 5733-SMI IBM SW Subscription 1 Yr Prepay 2211 Basic OTC P10 5755 SYSTEM PROGRAM ORDER 1925 V3R6/7 or V4R112 to V4R314 PTFs 2105 LANG DICTNRIES OS/400 (OCT) 2501 OS1400 (5769SS1) 2504 OV/400 (5769-WP1) 2508 Query(5769-QU1) 2511 062 Cry Kit (5769ST7) 2512 ILE RPG (5769-RG1) 2516 CA WINDOWS (5769-XW1) 2526 ADTS (5769-PW7) 1 2529 TCP/IP/400(5769-TCl) 2547 Integr. For WindowsServer 5769-WSV 2553 IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 2556 Perf Manager(5769-PMl) 2585 Java Tools 2586 Java Kit (5769JV7) 2591 WebSphere Application Server(5769- 2924 English U1L SBCS Primary 3410 CD-ROM Media 3550 Version 4 Release 5 8136 OS1400 Backup and Recovery Fc 9001 Basic Asset Registration Fc Total Software Additional Software reaquired Police System Total System Hardware Total Software Installation Installation, setup training Domino Total System - Police Department is 3,948.00 4,230.OD 3,666.00 470.OD 957.60 1,026.00 889.20 946.20 4,254.60 4,558.00 3,950.70 4,203.95 1,680.00 1,600.00 1,560.00 1,660.00 21.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 $ 10,861.20 $ 11,439.00 $ 10,477.00 $ 7,716.00 4,700.00 $ 57,464.70 $ 57,998.00 $ 60,570.90 $ 69,149.65 $ 0.00 10,861.20 11,439.00 10,477.00 7,716.00 0.00 3,600.00 2,700.00 4,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 6,800.00 4,800.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 0.00 -___-_-_-_------------------ S 78,725.90 $ --------------- 76,937.00 $ ---------------- 81,547.90 $ --------------- 81,865.65 $ 0.00 Total Additional Hardware (printer awarded separately) $ 0.00 $ 4,193.00 $ 4,301.60 $ 4,584.95 $ 3,598.00 INVITATION TO BID • BID # DATE ISSUED: DATE AND TIME OF OPENING: 00-69 Sept. 18, 2000 September 28, 2000 at 11:00 a.m. BUYER: DATE REQUIRED: City of Fayetteville, AR 30 DAYS ARO F.O.B BUYER'S PHONE # GUARANTEED DELIVERY DATE: Fayetteville, AR 501)575-8289 Within five weeks of placing order with IBM orp. ITEM # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Per Attached Specifications Please indicate pricing as requested in the body of the bid document. 9. A City Hall AS/400 9406-720e 1 $ 847687.00 OS/400 Operating System Upgrade I $ 31,794.00 7852-40Z 1 $ 420.00 7208-342 1 $ 5,856.00 Annual Maintenance 1 $ 6,415.00 Installation Services 1 $ 73300.00 $1369472,00 B Police Department AS/400 9406-270 1 $ 503827.00 9910-1,15 UPS 1 $ 1,315.00 OS/400 Operating System 1 $ I L439.00 7208-342 8mm Tape Drive 1 $ 5,856.00 IBM InfoPrint 40 Laser Printer 1 $ 4,193.00 Installation Services 1 $ 7,500.00 $ 81,130.00 TOTAL BID PRICE $ 2175602,00 RESTRICTIONS OR EXCEPTIONS IBM Rebate Form TO THE BID MUST BE NOTED: 1 EXECUTION OF BID Upon signing this Bid, the bidder certifies that they have read and agree to the requirements set forth in this bid proposal, including specifications, terns and standard conditions, and pertinent information regarding the articles being bid on, and agree to furnish these articles at the prices stated. UNSIGNED NAME OF FIRM: PHONE: FEDERAL ID#: BEDS WELL BE Info Works, Inc. 501-228-9631 640840819 REJECTED BUSINESS ADDRESS: CITY AND STATE: ZIP: 3 Office Park Drive, Suite 103 Little Rock, Arkansas 72211 AUTH ED SIGNA TITLE: DATE: Thomas M. Stovall, PRESIDENT 9/28/2000 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE COMPUTER SYSTEM AND APPLICATION SOFTWARE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 BID SCHEDULE 2 3 BID SUBMISSION PROCEDURE 3 4 AWARD OF BID 5 A. EVALUATION 5 B. REFERENCES 6 5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 6 6 WARRANTY & MAINTENANCE 7 8 HARDWARE/OPERATING SYSTEM INFORMATION AND BID FORM A. Information 7 • Vendor Criteria 8 B. Bid Information and Costs - City Hall AS/400 8 Scope of Work 9 Existing hardware 10 Target System Hardware 11 Existing Operating System 13 Target System Operating System 14 Additional Hardware/software 17 C. Bid Information and Costs - Police Dept. AS/400 17 Scope of Work 17 Lotus Domino Installation 18 Existing hardware 19 Target System Hardware 20 Other Related Hardware 22 Existing Operating System 22 Target System Operating System 22 Software to be moved from old to new 24 Additional Hardware/Software 24 9. Bid Summary Form 10. Financing Options • i • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (hereafter called "The City") is requesting Bids from qualified respondents to provide computer equipment, operating system, application software, and maintenance to upgrade/replace two of The City's current IBM AS/400 computer systems, operating systems, and application software. This bid document provides the necessary information for vendors to submit to The City a bid for these items. Vendors may submit a bid for all or part of these items. These specifications exhibit the intent and purpose of The City regarding the requirements to be met; and they shall be so considered by the vendor. Accordingly, the vendor admits and agrees that they are not complete in every detail and that work and materials not indicated or expressly mentioned in these specifications, but which are manifestly necessary for the full and faithful performance of the systems in accordance with the true intent, will be included in their bid and incorporated into the work the same as if indicated and specified. The systems offered shall be complete in every respect, inclusive of all design, components, auxiliary equipment, hardware, parts and labor, manuals, and maintenance, whether or not specifically defined herein, which are necessary to achieve a completely operational system. • It is The City's intent to commence final negotiations with the respondent whose response is deemed most advantageous to The City. The City may conduct post -bid discussions with any or all respondents. "Post -bid discussions" may include but are not limited to: a. Request for additional information; b. Demonstrations; The City may reject any or all bids. The City, currently, has two IBM AS/400 systems to be upgraded/replaced. One AS/400 is a 9406-310 serial number SlOA2507 located in City Hall, and is used primarily for finance and accounting functions. The City Hall AS/400 currently has eight remote sites connecting to communication lines. The second AS/400 is a 9402-400 serial number S1005LKG used by the Police Department for public safety and courts. Both systems utilize New World Systems software and are connected together via passthrough line. Page 1 of 26 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 2, BID SCHEDULE The following BID Schedule will be observed in this REQUEST FOR BID. Advertise bid document Receive Bids At: City of Fayetteville Purchasing Dept., Room 306 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, Ar 72703 Open Bids At: City Hall Room 306 • 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, Ar 72703 Approximate Dates for: Bid Review Vendor Selection Contract Negotiations Recommendation to Board Agenda Session To Board of Directors for Approval Notify Vendor(s) • DATE September 15, 2000 September 28, 2000, 11:00 am September 28, 20000 11:00 am September 28, 2000 September 28, 2000 September 28,29, 2000 October 10, 2000 October 17, 2000 October 18, 2000 Page 2 of 26 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 3, BID SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Two copies of the bid documents must be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked with the name of the vendor and titled as shown below: BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 141010 V6101 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The "INVITATION TO BID" form in front of the Table of Contents must be completely filled in. 11. Respondent must provide The City with his/her bid signed by an employee having legal authority to submit bids on . behalf of the respondent. The entire cost of preparing and providing responses shall be borne solely by the respondent. 12. The City reserves the right to request any additional information it deems necessary from any or all respondents after the submission deadline. 13. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted in response to this request for bid. 14. All materials submitted in response to this request becomes the property of The City upon delivery. 15. The City reserves the right to issue amendments and/or addendums to the original request for bid. 16. The request for bid is not to be construed as an offer, a contract, or a commitment of any kind; nor does it commit The City to pay for any costs incurred by respondent in preparation of bid. 17. Errors in bid: Respondent and their authorized representative or agent shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the conditions, requirements, and specifications of this request for bid. • Page 3 of 26 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 8. Default: In case of default after bid acceptance, The City may, at its option, hold the accepted bidder or respondent liable for any and all resultant increase costs as penalty for such default. 9. Submission procedure: Respondent will use the format of this bid document when responding. Use of the numbering and headings in the bid document will be used and fall in the same sequence whenever using the comments page or additional pages. All responses must be organized in the same manner as this bid document. A blank is provided next to each question, statement, or request for information. ALL BLANKS WILL BE ASSUMED TO MEAN "NO RESPONSE". If you cannot meet the requirement, you will place the word "EXCEPTION" in the blank. You will also note each exception on a "COMMENTS" page by stating the section and number of the requirement excepted. The order of the material to be returned will be as follows: a. "Invitation to Bid" page in front of the Table of Contents summarizing bid and identifying vendor; . b. The completed bid document provided by The City in its entirety. C. Detailed narrative of those items ("EXCEPTIONS") needing further explanation. d. Any additional materials necessary to further define your product(s). 10. RECEIPT OF BIDS All bids are to be received at the following address on or before the scheduled date and time listed below: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT re• l; CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 WEST MOUNTAIN FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72701 • Page 4 of 26 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: BIDS WILL BE OPENED AT 4, AWARD OF BID A. EVALUATION 11:00 am, September 28, 2000 11:00 am, September 28, 2000 The intent of this request for bid is to enable The City to acquire computer hardware, system and application software that meets or exceeds the requirements of The City as stated in the bid document. The City reserves the right to accept the best bid for The City and is not required to accept the lowest priced bid. The City also reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All Respondents will be evaluated on their experience, reputation, • proposed design, costs quoted, services offered, financial strength and ability to provide the system which best meets the needs of The City. The City will be the sole judge of what comprises the best and most advantageous bid. The following considerations will be used to evaluate each bid: 1. FUNCTIONS Compliance with the provisions of the bid document. The ability of the bid to meet or exceed The city's requirements. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to meet The City's anticipated future needs. The ability of the hardware to provide a growth path that will allow expansion of memory and disk storage and not require future conversion to a different operating system or application programming language. Ability of the Respondent to directly support the system, including installation, training, and maintenance. 2. MAINTENANCE Maintenance reliability and response time. Cost of maintenance. 3. SUPPORT • The amount and quality of support that the vendor will provide The City. Page 5 of 26 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE The amount of vendor support that will be available for implementation assistance, and on -going modifications. 4. COST All of the costs required to purchase, install, train, modify, and update the proposed hardware, system software, and application software along with any professional services required and their associated expenses. 5. EXPERIENCE/REPUTATION Vendor's performance record in meeting the requirements of their existing customers. Number of satisfied customers using proposed hardware and/or software in local government. The financial stability of the vendor. Number of experienced vendor support personnel. 6. FINANCING OPTIONS Most cost effective use of City funds. 7. ABILITY TO MEET DEADLINES Determined by contact with vendor's existing customers. • B. REFERENCES Respondents must provide a list of references of locations where the respondent has installed a system of similar size and design as the one they are proposing. 5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Any and all pre -contract verbal agreements and/or commitments will be reduced to written form and all written agreements will be signed by an authorized representative of the bidding company and included as a part of the attached bid and any ensuing contract. B. The attached bid, including all addenda, will become a part of any resulting contract and shall control in the event of any conflicts with any other provision of the contract. C. In the event of default on either party, all litigation shall take place and be governed by the laws of the State of Arkansas and Washington County. D. All prices/costs included in this bid must be guaranteed not to be increased for at least 90 days from the bid opening date for contracting purposes. • E. All materials submitted by the bidder as a part of its bid shall be Page 6 of 26 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 Aulk COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE considered the property of The City. The City reserves the right to request any additional information necessary for clarifying the bid as submitted. F. The City reserves the right to accept and/or reject any, all, or part of any bid that it deems not in the best interest of The City. G. The bid MUST include the following right of cancellation: "For any financed and/or long term purchase, rental, lease or lease/purchase, The City reserves the right of cancellation, on any annual contract anniversary date, of any or all contract items if adequate funds are not appropriated." I. All information submitted by any vendor, in addition to that required herein, must refer to the section number and specific item number. Any bidder may submit "General Comments" provided they are brief and specific. 6. WARRANTY & MAINTENANCE 1. Warranty and Maintenance to be covered by IBM Corp. Bid • prices for maintenance will reflect the IBM Maintenance price. 7. HARDWARE/OPERATING SYSTEM INFORMATION AND BID FORM A. INFORMATION The City has surveyed the marketplace for possible hardware options to accomplish the objectives of The City. All equipment included in the REQUEST FOR BID must be NEW, ORIGINAL EOUIPMENT in current production by the manufacturer. Bid of this project will include removal of the AS/400's from packing materials, initial startup of all electrical systems of the units, installation of the operating system, migration of all our current data, peripherals, software and testing to ensure that setup; and migration were successful. Installation will also include the setup and testing of the IBM ECS line. Both the IBM AS/400's (and all specified components) and the specified setup and installation are to be bid according to the bid form as individual line items. However, the vendor who receives the bid will be responsible for the AS/400 hardware, delivery, setup, installation, reloading of previous software, reloading of previous data, installation of v4r5 and testing to see if system is completely operational. The system will be awarded as a whole unit including conversion and • installation, parts will not be purchased separately. Page 7 of 26 • Vendor Criteria: • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00 - 69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. For consideration any vendor wishing to Bid on the specified units must be a 1. IBM Premier Partner - InfoWorks is Currently an IBM Premier AS/400 Business Partner 2. The person submitting the bid must hold a current certification from IBM and submit a copy of the certifications with the bid - in the following areas: a. IBM Certified Specialist AS/400 Technical Solutions Design V4R4 JOHN SYMONDS - Copy of Test 366 included in bid. b. IBM Certified Specialist AS/400 Technical Solution Implementation V4R4. JOHN SYMONDS - Copy of Test 367 included in bid. This is to insure that all technical guidelines for IBM equipment are followed and understood. 3. The vendor must be able to install the unit (IBM will not be involved in the installation of a Bxxbox) and the vendors employee who does the installation must hold a current certification from IBM • and submit a copy of certifications with the bid - in the following: a. IBM Certified Specialist AS/400 Technical Solutions Design V4R4. JOHN SYMONDS - Copy of Test # 366 included in the bid. b. IBM Certified Specialist AS/400 Technical Solution Implementation V4R4. JOHN SYMONDS - Copy of Test #367 included. This is to insure that all technical guidelines for IBM equipment are followed and understood. 4. For Domino installation and configuration the person installing Domino should hold the following IBM Certification and it should be submitted with the bid: AS/400 Domino for AS/400 Specialist JOHN SYMONDS - Copy of Test #353 include in this bid. Response: InfoWorks W-2 Full-time Salaried Employee, John Symonds, is responsible for submitting all technical aspects and systems assured this Bid response and he will be responsible for managing, as well as, providing his own technical skills in all aspects requested for technical labor in this contract. Ginger Paul, Certified Lotus Notes Developer and Cathy Rose who holds the following certifications will assist John: Certifified Lotus Instructor & Developer. B. City Hall AS/400 Upgrade/Replacement InfoWorks Acknowledges & Accepts • The following pages contain information and bid forms for the upgrade / Replacement of the City's AS/400 located in City Hall. The bid will include installation, including the CISC to RISC Upgrade. Page 8 of 26 • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00 - 69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE • City Hall AS/400 CISC to RSIC UPGRADE: SCOPE OF WORK InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. InfoWorks will assist The City of Fayetteville with planning, preparation and performing the CISC to RSIC Upgrade on the AS/400 System. InfoWorks involvement in this project will consist of the following work steps: 1. Creation of the written project task plan Accepted by IWI 2. Telephone Support for project tasks Accepted by IWI 3. General Planning Tasks Accepted by IWI Physical Planning AS/400 CISC System Preparation 4. AS/400 RISC System Upgrade Tasks to be Performed by InfoWorks, Onsite: Risc system installation support confirming hardware & software received - Analysis of RISC upgrade preparation, including 5798-TBU for Version 3.2. - Document application software RISC upgrade requirements - Pre -conversion tasks preparing, planning and reviewing for RISC conversion - Conversion Tasks from source CISC system to the new RISC system - Initial Load tasks on RSIC system from CISC system tape backup Licensed program installation tasks for RSIC program products Final RISC system upgrade tasks 5. System Synchronization tasks to be performed by InfoWorks, onsite. Test converted RISC system software and user applications Identify and perform re -sync tasks from programs and data to complete the Upgrade to the RISC system Perform final RISC upgrade testing Confirm completion of RISC upgrade Accepted by IWI. 6. InfoWorks will have Buddy Robinson and Bruce Flowers available for telephone Support and for backup services onsite if necessary. Both technicians have been involved in many CISC TO RISC Upgrades. The City can call our references and inquire about each of our technicians, i.e., Call Baptist Medical Center for Pat Given and ask about the 9406-F80 to 9406-720 CISC to RISC in May, 2000, which was performed by Buddy Robinson. Or, Call Madison County, Canton, MS for Todd Cameron and ask about John Symonds skills and how valuable of an asset he has been to their county governments overall AS/400's & WAN. See the tabbed section in this bid for a partial list of InfoWorks references. The City of Fayetteville will be responsible for the following project tasks. These tasks are required for the successful completion of the project upgrade: 1. Review and approval of project plan 2. Creation of system testing plan 3. Performing AS/400 backups as defined in the project plan • 4. Support of the Vendor's personnel, as required, in the execution of project tasks 5. Perform system testing after upgrade completed to confirm user operational status Page 9 of 26 ty of Fayetteville R QUBST FOR BID # 00 - 69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE is EXISTING CITY HALL AS/400 HARDWARE Product Description Serial Qty LJ InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. Purchase Maint 9406-310 System Unit W/D 11/19 OOOOA2507 1 507.00 0022 9348-001 Lcl Src Rack Mnt 1 N/O 0090 FC.5052 Located on System Unit 1 N/O 1105 Single Disk Kit (320 MB) W/D 6/ 4 N/O 2043 64MB Processor W/D 3/1998 1 N/O 2612 EIA 232/V.24 One -Line Adapter W 1 N/O 2619 16/4 Mbps Token -Ring Adapter W/ 1 N/O 2621 Removable Media Device Attach W 1 N/O 2623 Six Line Comm Controller W/D 12 2 N/O 2654 EIA 232/V.24 Two -Line 20E W/D 8 2 N/O 2655 EIA 232/V.24 Two -Line 20 W/D 8/ 3 N/O 2961 240V, 10A, 6ft linecord 1 N/O 3103 32MB Main Storage W/D 3/1999 1 N/O 5042 System Unit Expansion Rack W/D 1 28.00 5043 Cnvrt Prmry Rk to Scdry Rk W/D 1 N/O 5052 Storage Exp Unit (16 Units) 1 203.00 5143 Power Supply (400W) 1 N/O 5514 Alt IPL Specify for 8MM 1 N/O 5520 Complete System Specify W/D 3/1 1 N/O 5540 Sys Console on Twinax WSC 1 N/O 6112 Mag Storage Device Controller 1 N/O 6140 Twinaxial Workstation Controlle 3 N/O 6390 7.OGB 8mm Cart Tape Unit (SPD) 1 N/O • 6501 Tape/Disk Device Controller 1 N/O 6512 Disk Unit Ctlr for RAID W/D 6/2 1 N/O 6606 1.96GB Disk Unit W/D 6/1998 5 N/O 9023 V.24 Cable 20 ft enhanced W/D 3 2 N/O 9083 Locking Line Cord Plug Specify 1 N/O 9153 STD MFIOP W/D 6/1998 1 N/O 9240 400 Watt standard PS W/D 6/2000 1 N/O 9243 Std Feature Power Supply W/D 6/ 1 N/O 9245 Std Battery Back Up W/D 6/2000 2 N/O 9304 Base 64MB Main Storage W/D 6/19 1 N/O 9503 8mm MULIC Mod Upgrade W/D 6/199 1 N/O 9612 Std EIA 232/V.24 One-Line/A W/D 1 N/O 9348-001 1/2" Reel to Reel Tap 000026938 1 152.00 9337-225 1.94 GB Dsk (2 DRV-RA 000024680 1 175.00 0044 Device Parity Protection 1 N/O 1213 970Mb Disk Unit Feature 3 N/O 9877 6.Om Attachment Cable 1 N/O 9902 Do Not Integrate 1 N/O 9337-225 1.94 GB Dsk (2 DRV-RA 000024677 1 175.00 0044 Device Parity Protection 1 N/O 1213 970Mb Disk Unit Feature 5 N/O 9877 6.Om Attachment Cable 1 N/O 9902 Do Not Integrate 1 N/O • 9331-001 8-inch Diskette Unit 000033507 1---_----- 218.00A Total Monthly Maintenance 1,240.00 Annual Maintenance 14,880.00 Page 10 of 26 0 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE Proposed Hardware City Hall Target System Product Description Serial Qty 9406-720 AS400e Server 1 0008 7208 Ultra SCSI Attachment 1 0024 9348-002 Lcl Src Stnd Alone 1 0044 Device Parity Protection (RAID) 1 0203 Side by Side Install 1 0348 PCI Cable - V.24/EIA232 20-Ft 8 0367 Operations Console PCI Cable 1 0381 Remote Control Panel Cable 1 1501 Interactive Card (70 CPW) 1 • 2062 Model 720 Processor (256MB) 1 2729 PCI External Tape Controller 2 2745 PCI Two -Line WAN IOA 4 2746 PCI Twinax Workstation ICA 1 2748 PCI Raid Disk Unit Controller 1 2824 PCI LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP 2 2924 English 1 3004 256MB Main Storage 4 5027 Software Version V4R5 1 5153 Redundant Power Supplies 1 5514 Alt IPL Specify for 8MM 1 6817 8.58GB 10k rpm Disk Unit (S/ 7 7128 DASD Expansion Unit 1 8817 Opt Base 8.58GB l0k rpm Disk(S/ 1 9082 14 Foot Line Cord Specify 1 InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. Purchase Monthly Price Maint 17,020.00 195.00 F N/C N/O N/C N/O N/C N/O N/C N/O 740.00 N/O 93.00 N/O 93.00 N/O 20f720.00 145.00 F 12,950.00 94.00 F 1,924.00 N/O 1,258.00 N/O 555.00 N/O 4,440.00 N/O 2,664.00 N/O N/C N/O 7,578.00 N/O N/C N/O 2,960.00 N/O N/C N/O 10,360.00 N/O 629.00 69.00 F 703.00 N/O N/C N/O Page 11 of 26 r] CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 9083 Locking Line Cord Plug Specify 1 N/C N/O 9330 PCI Integrated Expansion Unit 1 N/C N/O 9364 System Unit Expansion 1 N/C N/O 9738 PCI Base 100/10Mbps Ethernet IO 1 N/C N/O 9745 Base PCI Two -Line WAN IOA 1 N/C N/O 9406-720 Price --------- --------- 84,687.00 ------ ------ •* PRICE INCLUDES IBM PACKING THE OLD 9406-310 SYSTEM AND PAYING FOR FREIGHT REMOVAL ! Monthly Maintenance 503.00 7852-40Z External V.34 (AS/400 TSP Model 1 420.00 38.00A P --------- ------ --------- ------ 7852-40Z Price 420.00 Annual Maintenance 38.00 7208-342 20GB 8MM Cartridge Tape 1 50070.00 78.00 F 7019 5-8mm AME Data Cartrdge Media K 2 786.00 N/O 9212 12 Meter SCSI Cable 1 N/C N/O 9300 Publication Language - English/ 1 N/C N/O 9800 9ft.(2.7M) 125V, 15A US/Canada 1 N/C N/O --------- ------ --------- ------ 7208-342 Price 5,856.00 Monthly Maintenance 78.00 --------- ------ Hardware Target System Price $ 90,963.00 Monthly Maintenance 581.00 Annual Maintenance 38.00 Current City Hall Software Base System Software Product Description Serial Qty 5763-DCT Language Dictionaries 0000L8912 1 1592 Basic One -Time UpgChg P30 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5763-PT1 Performance Tools/400 OOOOLS916 1 • 1082 Basic One -Time UpgChg P30 1 1114 Basic One -Time UpgChg P30 PTM 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 Page 12 of 26 I CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE Product Description Serial Qty 5763-PW1 Application Developme OOOOMI592 1 1146 Basic OTC UPG P30 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5763-QU1 Query/400 W/D 2/2000 OOOOL8914 1 2235 Basic OTC UPG P30 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5763-RG1 ILE RPG/400 W/D 2/200 OOOOL8915 1 0217 Basic One -Time UpgChg P30 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5763-WP1 OfficeVision W/D 2/20 OOOOLS913 1 0268 No Charge Users in Base 1 0270 OTC UserBase Upg Per User Chg 24 1666 Basic One -Time UpgChg P30 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 5763-XW1 Client Access Windows OOOOGV792 1 2874 P30 Max User Cap 1 2876 Full Price per use 81 9001 Asset Registration 1 5755-AS3 AS400 System Software 0000B3255 1 1411 C/A Windows Family (5763-XW1) 1 1412 C/A (5763-XY1) 1 • 1413 C/A (5763-XA1) 1 1504 OfficeVision 5763-WP1 1 1505 Language Dictionary 5763-DCT 1 1508 Query 5763-QU1 1 1512 ILE RPG 5763-RG1 1 1525 Performance Tools/400 5763-PT1 1 1526 Application DevToolset 5763-PW1 1 1610 Performance Tools Mgr 5763-PT1 1 1984 OS/400 DASD HW update 1 2924 English Upper/Lower Case (SBCS) 1 3407 8MM Data Cartridge 1 3508 Refresh 1 3520 Ship Release V3R2 1 7550 SoftCopy Lib on CD-ROM Media PU 1 7594 Pub - ADTS for OS/400 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 Proposed Software City Hall Target System Product Description Serial Qty 5716-DCT Language Dictionaries 1 0772 Basic OTC Upg P20 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 • 5769-PT1 Performance Tools/400 V4 1 0817 Upg P20 BOTC Perf Tools (From V 1 InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. License N/C N/C 251.00 Page 13 of 26 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. 0877 Upg P20 BOTC PT/400 Mgr (From V 1 414.00 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 N/C 5769-PT1 OTC 665,00 5769-PW1 ADTS 1 0912 Upg P20 ADTS 5763PW1,5716PW1 1 2,983.00 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 N/C 5769-PW1 OTC 2,983.00 5769-QU1 Query 1 0123 Basic OTC P20 UPG (5716/5763-QU 1 730.00 9001 Asset Registration 1 N/C 5769-QU1 OTC 730,00 5769-RG1 ILE RPG for AS/400 1 1002 Upg P20 BOTC ILE RPG (From V3) 1 2,736.00 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 N/C 5769-RG1 OTC 2,736.00 5769-XW1 Client Access Windows Family 1 1731 Upg P20 BOTC CA WINDOWS (From X 1 4,180.00 9001 Asset Registration 1 N/C 5769-XW1 OTC 4,180,00 5733-SM3 IBM SW Subscription 3 Yr Prepay 1 2222 Basic OTC P20 1 150919.00 5733-SM3 OTC 15,919.00 Page 14 of 26 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. 5769-SS1 Operating System 1 0277 P20 Basic OTC OS/400 1 N/C 1473 F1atFee Basic OTC PSF AnySpeed 1 4,556.00 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 N/C 5769-SS1 OTC 4,556.00 5769-AC3 Cryptographic Access Provider 1 1 0005 IPLA CRYPTO 128 1 N/C 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 N/C 5769-CE3 IBM AS/400 Client Encryption 12 1 1644 Per Use Client Encryption 128-B 1 N/C 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 N/C • 5755-AS5 SYSTEM PROGRAM ORDER 1 2105 LANG DICTNRIES OS/400 (DCT) 1 N/C 2501 OS/400 (5769-SS1) 1 N/C 2504 OV/400 (5769-WP1) 1 N/C 2508 Query (5769-QU1) 1 N/C 2512 ILE RPG (5769-RG1) 1 N/C 2516 CA WINDOWS (5769-XW1) 1 N/C 2525 Perf Tools (5769-PT1) 1 N/C 2526 ARTS (5769-PW1) 1 N/C 2529 TCP/IP/400 (5769-TC1) 1 N/C 2547 Integr. For WindowsServer 5769- 1 N/C 2553 IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 1 N/C 2556 Perf Manager (5769-PM1) 1 N/C 2562 Crypto Acc Prov 128 bit(5769-AC 1 N/C Page 15 of 26 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 2582 Client Encryption 128-bit(5769- 1 N/C 2585 Java Tools 1 N/C 2586 Java Kit (5769-JV1) 1 N/C 2591 WebSphere Application Server(57 1 N/C 2610 PT/400 Mgr (5769-PT1) 1 N/C 2683 Any speed Print Support 1 N/C 2924 English U/L SBCS Primary 1 N/C 3410 CD-ROM Media 1 N/C 3550 Version 4 Release 5 1 N/C 8136 OS/400 Backup and Recovery 1 25.00 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 N/C • 5755-AS5 OTC-_--25.00 Software Target System OTC $ 310794.00 ADDITIONAL RARDWARE/SOFTWARE NOT LISTED InfoWorks acknowledges & accepts. If additional hardware of software is required that is not listed in the Bid forms, please check here X and attach listing to bid form. 5798-TBU Interest/Upgrade Kit Cisc to Risc 1 5902 V3R2 to RISC on 8MM 1 N/C 9406-820 AS ALTERNATE BID FOR PROCESSOR ONLY VERSUS 9406-7201 SEE BID PAGE 27 C. Police Department AS/400 InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. The following pages contain information and bid form for the upgrade Replacement of the City of Fayetteville Police Department's AS/400 Located in the Police Building. The bid will include installation price, however, installation may be done in house. AS/400 Unload / Reload Scope of Work InfoWorks will assist Fayetteville Police with planning, preparation for and Page 16 of 26 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE Upgrading the AS/400 system hardware to a Model 270. InfoWorks, Inc. involvement in this project will consist of the following work steps: 4. Creation of a written project task plan - InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. 5. Telephone support for system preparation tasks 6. Performance of System upgrade preparation tasks InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. • Research IBM PTF PSP databases • Develop Memory Pool Sizes and Activity Level Values • Map IOP connections from Model 400 to Model 270 • Develop configuration for moving Ethernet Line to 100MB Ethernet Line • Develop Configuration for twinax controllers and devices moved to new IOP • Confirm planning for system objects (outqueues, job queues, data queues, Journals, message queue entries) not saved for restore on the Model 270. 7. Confirm system hardware upgrade and configuration InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. • Verify operational status of upgraded hardware • Create configuration objects for new hardware components 8. Unload /Reload from the Model 400 to the new Model 270 InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. • Restore Model 400 system backups on 8mm tape to the new Model 270 • Move System connections from the Model 400 to the new Model 270 • Modify LAN network communications line to use the Ethernet IOP • Correct any configuration problems after system upgrade Fayetteville Police will be responsible for the following project tasks; These tasks are required for the successful completion of the project Upgrade: InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts, • Review and approval of project plan • Creation of system test plan • Performance of system preparation tasks; backups, scheduling outages, etc. • Support of InfoWorks personnel, as required, in execution of project tasks • Perform system testing after each upgrade to confirm the system operational status. Lotus Domino Installation on AS/400 Objective: 0 InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. Page 17 of 26 • • • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE Lotus Domino Installation on AS/400 InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. Objective 1. Install Lotus Domino for AS/400 to run as a native application on an existing AS/400. 2. Configure AS/400 dial -up connection to local ISP for e-mail exchange. 3. Configure Lotus Domino for AS/400 SMTP to provide the ability to send and receive internet mail via Domino Server. 4. Configure Domino Server for access by standard Notes Client via Ethernet LAN. 5. Configure Domino Administration Client. 6. Configure (5) Lotus Notes Clients. InfoWorks Tasks: ( Minimum to be performed ) InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. 1. Conduct a planning meeting with assigned resources. 2. Resources should include: Customer Project Manager, PC Administrator, Network Administrator, AS/400 Administration and AS/400 Programming. 3. Research and apply applicable PTF's 4. Review and verify TCP/IP configuration. 5. Verify that a PC is available and configured for use as Administrative Client. 6. Install the Domino for AS/400 software 7. Verify the installation completed successfully. 8. Setup the Domino Server (First Server) 9. Setup 5 Domino Clients and verify e-mail functions, including internet mail. 10. Provide documentation of all tailoring parameters, names, address, etc. 11. Conduct a training session for up to 5 people for administration of the Domino System ( Three days on site education ) includes (2)Books; One on maintaining a Domino Server & one on Implementing a Domino Infrastructure. Books are $300 & $ 225 each - Included in Bid Services Charge. 12. Conduct a training meeting for up to 5 end users on how to use notes, ( ONE DAY CLASS, includes (10)Books; Five on Introducing Notes Client and Five on Calender & Scheduling. Books are $20 each - Included in Bid Services Charge. * InfoWorks will provide Cathy Rose with Technology Associates from Little Rock, AR to handle all training, Cathy is a Certified Lotus Notes Instructor & Developer. Cathy's backup will be Ginger Paul who is a Certified Lotus Notes Developer, EXISTING POLICE DEPARTMENT AS/400 HARDWARE InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. Product Description Serial Qty Purchase Maint 9402-400 System Unit W/D 6/199 000055LKG 1 97.00 0044 Device Parity Protection (RAID) 1 N/O 2131 Model 400 Processor (32MB) W/D 1 10.00 2609 EIA 232/V.24 2-Line Adapter W/D 2 N/O 2612 EIA 232/V.24 1-Line Adapter W/D 1 N/O 2617 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 CSAM/CD W/D 1 N/O 2623 Six -line Communications Cntrl W 1 N/O 2960 120V, 15A, 6ft linecord 1 N/O 3110 64MB Main Storage 2 N/O 5025 Software Version V4R3 1 N/O 5135 Feature Power for System Unit W 1 N/O 5514 Alt IPL Specify for 8MM 1 N/O 5520 Complete System Specify W/D 3/1 1 N/O Page 18 of 26 • • • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 6050 Twinaxial Workstation Controlle 3 N/O 6148 Twinaxial 8-port Workstation Ex 1 N/0 6390 7.OGB 8mm Cart Tape Unit (SPD) 1 N/0 6522 Disk Unit Controller for RAID W 1 N/0 6606 1.96GB Disk Unit W/D 6/1998 1 N/0 6607 4.19GB Disk Unit 6 N/O 7000 Panel Keylock W/D 6/2000 1 N/O 7108 Expansion Gate W/D 6/2000 1 N/O 7117 Integrated Expansion Unit W/D 6 1 51.00 9023 V.24 Cable 20 ft enhanced W/D 3 6 N/0 9172 Base Twinax MFIOP W/D 8/1998 1 N/O 9244 320 Watt Pwr Sup - 7117 Exp Uni 1 N/0 9319 Std Disk Package System Unit W/ 1 N/O 9520 CDROM W/D 2/2000 1 N/O 9606 Base Disk Unit 1.967GB W/D 3/19 1 N/O 9612 Base EIA 232/V.24 1-Line Adapte 1 N/O --------- ------ Total Monthly Maintenance 158.00 HARDWARE TARGET SYSTEM - Police Department AS/400 II.Dorade Product Description Serial Qty Purchase 9406-270 AS400e Server 1 2,960.00 0008 7208 Ultra SCSI Attachment 0041 Device Parity Protection -All 0205 RISC to RISC Data Migration 0348 PCI Cable - V.24/EIA232 20-Ft 0367 Operations Console PCI Cable 0382 Remote Control Panel Cable 1413 125V 14-Ft Line Cord 1460 3m HSL Cable 1463 2m SPCN Cable 1516 Interactive Capacity Card 2250 Model 270 Processor 2749 PCI Ultra Mag Media Ctlr 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 N/C N/C N/C 278.00 93.00 93.00 N/C 666.00 N/C 14,430.00 Maint 92.00 F N/O N/O N/O N/O N/O N/O N/O N/O N/O 76.00 F 1 2,960.00 69.00 F 1 962.00 N/O InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. Page 19 or 26 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 • COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 2763 PCI RAID Disk Unit Ctlr 1 2,220.00 N/O 2842 PCI Hot -Plug IOP 1 1,332.00 N/O 2924 English 1 N/C N/O 3026 512MB Main Store 2 30031.00 N/O 4317 8.58GB l0k rpm Disk Unit (PCI) 9 13,320.00 N/O 4525 CD-ROM 1 307.00 N/O 4745 PCI WAN IOA 2 629.00 N/O 4746 PCI Twinaxial WOrkstn IOA 1 555.00 N/O 4838 PCI 100/10Mbps Ethernet ICA 1 666.00 N/O 5027 Software Version V4R5 1 N/C N/O 5075 PCI Expansion Tower 1 4,440.00 122.00 F 5514 Alt IPL Specify for 8MM 1 N/C N/O • 5544 Sys Console on Op Console 1 N/C N/O 7002 HSL enabler 1 148.00 N/O 7104 System Unit Expansion 1 1,110.00 51.00 F 7133 DASD Concurrent Maint Cage 1 627.00 N/O 9771 Base PCI 2-Line WAN w/Modem 1 N/C N/O --------- ------ 9406-270 Price 50,827.00 Monthly Maintenance 410.00 7208-342 20GB 8MM Cartridge Tape 1 5,070.00 78.00 F 7019 5-8mm AME Data Cartrdge Media K 2 786.00 N/O 9212 12 Meter SCSI Cable 1 N/C N/O 9300 Publication Language - English/ 1 N/C N/O 9800 9ft.(2.7M) 125V, 15A US/Canada 1 N/C N/O --------- ------ --------- ------ 7208-342 Price 5,856.00 • Monthly Maintenance 78.00 Page 20 of 26 InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 9910-P15 PW9125 1500va EXT110-127V,50/60 1 1/315.00 N/O P 9910-P15 Price 1,315.00 --------- ------ --------- ------ Hardware Target System Price $ 57,998.00 Monthly Maintenance 488.00 Infoworks acknowledges and accepts. OTHER RELATED HARDWARE Info Works acknowledges and accepts. IBM InfoPrint 40 Laser Printer 1 2,675.00 4402 Duplex 1 443.00 4162 Ethernet 10/100 Base TX 1 412.00 4332 Memory SIMM - 32MB 1 319.00 4530 Printer Stand 1 344.00 IBM InfoPrint 40 Laser Printer Total $ 4,193.00 Annual Maintenance 720.00 SOFTWARE BASE SYSTEM - Police Department AS/400 Product Description Serial Qty 5716-DCT Language Dictionaries OOOOQ2318 1 0721 Basic One -Time Charge P10 1 9001 Asset Registration 1 SOFTWARE TARGET SYSTEM - Police Department AS/400 Product Description Serial Qty License 5716-DCT Language Dictionaries OOOOQ2318 1 0721 Basic One -Time Charge P10 1 N/C 0771 Basic OTC Upg P10 1 N/C 9001 Asset Registration 1 N/C • 5716-DCT OTC N/C Page 21 of 26 Infoworks acknowledges and accepts. • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 5769-SS1 Operating System 1 0276 P10 Basic OTC OS/400 1 N/C 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 N/C 5769-LNT Lotus Domino Enterprise for AS/ 1 1903 IPLA Per Use Notes 50 4,230.00 1906 IPLA Per Use Designer 2 1,026.00 2011 Enterprise 1 4,558.00 2924 English Upper/Lower Case (SBCS) 1 N/C 5859 V5.0 128-Bit CDROM (Encryption) 1 N/C 9001 Asset Registration 1 N/C • 5769-LNT OTC 9,814.00 5733-SM1 IBM SW Subscription 1 Yr Prepay 1 2211 Basic OTC P10 1 1,600.00 5733-SM1 OTC 1,600.00 5755-ASS SYSTEM PROGRAM ORDER 1 1925 V3R6/7 or V4R1/2 to V4R3/4 PTFs 1 N/C 2105 LANG DICTNRIES OS/400 (DCT) 1 N/C 2501 OS/400 (5769-SS1) 1 N/C 2504 OV/400 (5769-WP1) 1 N/C 2508 Query (5769-QU1) 1 N/C 2511 DB2 Qry Kit (5769-ST1) 1 N/C 2512 ILE RPG (5769-RG1) 1 N/C • Info Works acknowledges and accepts. Page 22 of 26 . CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 2516 CA WINDOWS (5769-XW1) 1 N/C 2526 ADTS (5769-PW1) 1 N/C 2529 TCP/IP/400 (5769-TCI) 1 N/C 2547 Integr. For WindowsServer 5769- 1 N/C 2553 IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 1 N/C 2556 Perf Manager (5769-PM1) 1 N/C 2562 Crypto Acc Prov 128 bit(5769-AC 1 N/C 2582 Client Encryption 128-bit(5769- 1 N/C 2585 Java Tools 1 N/C 2586 Java Kit (5769-JV1) 1 N/C 2591 WebSphere Application Server(57 1 N/C • 2924 English U/L SBCS Primary 1 N/C 3410 CD-ROM Media 1 N/C 3550 Version 4 Release 5 1 N/C 8136 OS/400 Backup and Recovery 1 25.00 9001 Basic Asset Registration 1 N/C 5755-AS5 OTC 25.00 Software Target System OTC And New Software /MES Upgrade OTC 11,439.00 N/O - Not Offered N/C = No Charge A = Annual Maintenance Price F = ESA 7x24 Full Coverage P - ESA 9x5 Prime Coverage SOFTWARE MOVED FROM OLD HARDWARE InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. User must RPO-remove these products from the inventory of the base system: 5769-XW1 5755-AS5.2526 5716-DCT 5755-AS5.2516 5769-PW1 5755-AS5.2105 5769-WP1 5769-RG1 5769-AC3 5755-AS5.2504 5755-AS5.2512 5755-AS5.2562 5769-ST1 5769-QUI 5769-CE3 • 5755-AS5.2511 5755-AS5.2508 5755-AS5.2582 Page 23 of 26 CITY OF FAYETTEVILL REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 • COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE ADDITIONAL HARDWARE / SOFTWARE NOT LISTED InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. If additional hardware or software is required that is not listed in the bid forms, please check here x and attach listing to bid form as follows: SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION OPTIONAL PRICES: Type of Charge Model 270/P10 Model 720/P20 1 Year Charge $ 1,600.00 $ 5o600.00 2 Year Charge 3,893.00 10,900.00 3 Year Charge 4,547.00 15,919.00 4 Year Charge 5,905.00 20o669.00 5 Year Charge 7,188.00 25,166.00 * SEE BID PAGE # 27 FOR ALTERNATE BID FOR ADDITIONAL MEMORY FOR THE 9406-270 PROCESSOR, MAY BE NEEDED TO HAVE BETTER SPEED FOR THE DOMINO NOTES SERVER. ** HARDWARE EXTENDED MAINTENANCE OPTION - ONE, THREE & FIVE YEAR EXAMPLES ** IBM (EMO) Pre -Paid Extended Maintenance Options which may be financed with Lease Hardware Monthly Charge Annual 3-Yr. Charge 5-Yr. Charge Products CHARGE Pre -Paid Pre -Paid 9406-720 $ 503.00 $ 5,507.22 $10,496.66 $ 18,868.68 7208-342 $ 78.00 $ 854,00 $ 1,627.71 $ 2,925.96 9406-270 $ 410.00 $ 4,488,97 $ 8,555.91 $ 15,380,03 **ALL Hardware Quoted has a 16L year, 1-year onsite warranty at no charge. All Pre -Paid Maintenance quotes are for 2nd and subsequent years as applicable. 9. HARDWARE / OPERATING SOFTWARE BID SUM[KARY A. CITY HALL AS/400 9406-720e SERVER C 0 S T HARDWARE (Includes removal of old 9406-310) $ 90,963.00 OPERATING SYSTEM & Software Subscription $ 31,794.00 ADDITIONAL HARDWARE / SOFTWARE $ N/A ANNUAL MAINTENANCE - Pre -PAID EMO for 2v° Year $ 6,415.00 (Includes 9406-720, 7582 & 7208) INSTALLATION $ 7,300,00 ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE: 45 Days + ( Within five weeks of order entry ) • TOTAL HARDWARE / OPERATING SYSTEM / INSTALLATION $ 136,472.00 Page 24 of 26 InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts. • • • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 9. HARDWARE / OPERATING SOFTWARE BID SUMMARY (CONTINUED) B. Police Department AS/400 9406-270e Server C O S T OPERATING SYSTEM & Software Subscription ADDITIONAL HARDWARE (Printer) / SOFTWARE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE - Pre -PAID EMO for 2nd Year (Includes 9406-270 & 7208) INSTALLATION INSTALLATION, SETUP, TRAINING LOTUS DOMINO ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE: 45 DAYS TOTAL HARDWARE / OPERATING SYSTEM / INSTALLATION $ 57,998.00 $ 11,439.00 $ 4,193.00 $ 5,343.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 87,273.00 10. HARDWARE FINANCING INFORMATION As an option, the City requests that all of the hardware and software of this Bid be shown acquired through a Lease agreement. Show the following information for the Hardware Lease and/or IBM State & Local Government IPMA Financing. InfoWorka acknowledges and accepts. A. City Hall AS/400 9406-720 Amount Monthly INFORMATION Financed Payment Option 1 - 36 Month Lease IBM HARDWARE 90,963.00 $ 2,723.00 IBM SOFTWARE 31,794.00 986.89 TOTAL Monthly Payment: $ 3,710.72 Option 2 - 48 Month Lease IBM HARDWARE 90,963.00 $ 2,105.71 IBM SOFTWARE 31,794.00 759.06 TOTAL Monthly Payment: $ 2,864 77 Option 3 - 60 Month Lease IBM HARDWARE 90,963.00 $ 1,729.48 IBM SOFTWARE 31,794.00 $ 622.64 TOTAL Monthly Payment: $ 2,352.12 Option 4 - 60 Month Lease IBM HARDWARE 90r963.00 $ 1,729.48 IBM SOFTWARE 31,794.00 $ 622.64 IBM SERVICE 5-Yr EMO 21,794.64 $ 416.30 InfoWorks Services 7,300.00 $ 141.10 TOTAL Monthly Payment: $ 2,909.52 ( See attached IBM Global Financing rate chart for specifics ) Page 25 of 26 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • REQUEST FOR BID # 00-69 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE • B. Police Department AS/400 Amount Monthly INFORMATION Financed Payment Option 1 - 36 Month Lease IBM HARDWARE 57,998.00 $ 1,705.21 IBM SOFTWARE 11,439.00 390.72 TOTAL Monthly Payment: $ 2,095,93 Option 2 - 48 Month Lease IBM HARDWARE 57,998.00 $ 1,318.25 IBM SOFTWARE 11,439.00 300.52 TOTAL Monthly Payment: $ 1,618.77 Option 3 - 60 Month Lease IBM HARDWARE 57,998.00 $ 1,082.77 IBM SOFTWARE 11,439.00 $ 246.51 TOTAL Monthly Payment: $ 1,329.22 Option 4 - 60 Month Lease IBM HARDWARE 57,998.00 $ lo082.77 IBM SOFTWARE 11,439.00 $ 246.51 IBM 9406-720 5-Yr EMO 15,380.00 $ 293.78 IBM 7208-342 5-Yr EMO 2,926.00 $ 55.89 IBM Printer Hardware 4,193.00 $ 80.09 InfoWorks Services 7,500.00 $ 144.96 TOTAL Monthly Payment: $ 1,904.00 NOTE: SEE ATTACHED IBM SERVICE SUITE QUOTES FOR PRE -PAID MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS (EMO) Terms of financing from IBM Credit Corporation: (See attached IBM Global Financing rate chart for specifics, located behind this page.) IBM Global Services will allow the City of Fayetteville the right of cancellation "For any financed and/or long term purchase, rental, lease, or lease/purchase; The City reserves the right of cancellation, on any annual contract anniversary date, of any or all contract items if adequate funds are not appropriated." Note: All prices quoted will remain firm for 90 days from 9/28/2000 and include all freight, installation charges, and setup charges. Interest rates are firm for 30 days. InfoWorks acknowledges and accepts all terms and conditions of the bid. SEE PAGE 27 FOR ALTERNATE BID - OPTION Page 26 of 26 FAYETTEVIPLLE 0 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIEEE, ARKANSAS October 2, 2000 TO: Mayor Hanna THRU: John Maguire, Administrative Se ' s irector FROM: Scott Huddleston. Information Technology Manager� SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM FOR APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF IBM AS/400 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADES. Staff recommends the purchase of an IBM AS/400 Model 720 from Total Data Services, Inc. for $125,103.43 to replace the current AS/400 located at City Hall, and the purchase of an IBM AS/400 Model 270 from Info Works, Inc. for $76,937 to replace the current AS/400 located at the Fayetteville Police Department. The City currently utilizes two IBM AS/400 midrange computer systems for its primary business applications. One system, located at City Hall, primarily runs New World Systems, Inc. Finance and Accounting software. This software includes applications for General Ledger transactions, Budget, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Inventory, Project Accounting, Purchasing, Utility Billing, Vehicle Maintenance, Payroll, Human Resources, Inventory, Animal Licensing, and Parking Enforcement. The City Hall system and application software were originally purchased in 1991. The processor and operating system were upgraded in 1995 and additional disk drives were added in 1996. Thoughout this time period, several upgrades to the application software were also implemented. Each software upgrade, while increasing functionality and utility, increased demand on the system's resources. This increased demand along with the increased number of transactions being processed and stored on the system, have caused this system to reach ninety plus percent of its capacity. Additionally, the operating system for this AS/400 is no longer supported by IBM as of March 2000, and will not be supported by New World Systems software after January of 2001. The City's second AS/400 system, located at the Fayetteville Police Department, runs New World Systems, Inc. Public Safety software, which currently includes Police Records, Computer Aided Dispatch, Property Evidence, and interfaces to mobile computers in the police vehicles. This system is also reaching ninety percent capacity. Additional capacity is needed to bring the Fayetteville Municipal Court on-line and to integrate their court records system with the Fayetteville Police Department's record system. Currently the Court and Police Department are on separate non -compatible platforms. The integration would allow the court personnel to enter court related data, query booking records, etc. as needed and utilize pass-thru capabilities to City Hall records. Preliminary review of upcoming Public Safety software upgrades indicate that these upgrades will require more disk space and 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 521-7700 • 0 processing power than is available on the current system. In conclusion, both of the City's AS/400 systems have reached their capacity and are in need of upgrade. The City Hall AS/400 currently has disk drives and controllers, tape drives, and communication cards that have been basically running non-stop for almost ten years. Its current operating system was installed six years ago and is no longer supported. The Police Department AS/400, through heavy utilization, has no more capacity for software upgrades or new software additions. These system upgrades will update and replace hardware and operating systems software expanding capacity and providing capacity for future growth. Attached are the Agenda Request, a budget adjustment, and a summary of the bid responses. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas • Budget Adjustment Form • Budget Year Department: Sales Tax Capital Improv. Date Requested 2000 Division: Information Technology 10/04/2000 Project or Item Requested: Additional funding is requested for AS400 Upgrades. Justification of this Increase: The funding will provide the additional mainframe capacity to allow installation of the Municipal Court package and to upgrade processors on the general application AS400. Account Name Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Account Name Fixed Assets Project or Item Deleted: EXHIBIT B Adjustment # The funds for this adjustment are from increased investment earnings and from the remainder of Live Scan Fingerprint project.. Justification of this Decrease: The Live Scan project is being postponed. Increase Expense (Decrease Revenue) Amount Account Number _ P_rJo'ect Number 65,920 4470 9470 5801 00 98102 1 84,271 4470 9470 5801 00 _ 97010 1 Decrease Expense (Increase Revenue) Amount Account Number ProjectNumber 22,400 4470 0947 4708 00 _ Interest Investments 127, 791 4470 0947 4708 00 Approval Signatures _ /6 - y_ Z-CP6 Requeste2 By Date �o_�� Bud t Manager Date e lrtment Dj for A n. a ices ' Jer C y ate IDale� Mayor Date Blue Copy: Budget & Research / Yellow Copy: Requester Budget Office Use Only Type: A B Date of Approval Posted to General Ledger Posted to Project Accounting C 0 E Entered in Category Log H. I BUDGE71 PROJEC7SI Bad_AdjWA_20001A400_UPG. WK4 �=..i■ STAFF REVIEW FORM X Agenda Request Contract Review Grant Review FOR THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF October 17, 2000 FROM: Scott Huddleston Information Technology Administrative Services ame ivision epartment ACTION REQUESTED: Approve attached Budget Adjustment, and Award Bid# 00-69 to Total Data Services, Inc for an IBM AS/400 model 720 and to Info Works, Inc for an IBM AS/400 model 270.. COS ITOTHE CITY: $ 202,040.43 $ 65,0000 AS/400 System Upgrade Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name 4470-9470-580100 $ 0.00 Account Number Funds used to date Program Name 99010-1 $ 65,000 Sales Tax Capital Imp. Project Number Remaining Balance Fund BUDGET REVIEW: Budgeted Item X Budget Adjustment Attached Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: (G�R,ANTING AGENCY: /D S�� 11 1Cr u cH,�i�,B� 10L5Irsa Accou ' ga r Date Internal A ditor Date 'd-S" - Do ADA Coordinator Date 0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award Bid 00-69 and approve attached Budget Adjustment _A I ril61 . .. Za y.?-ea Cross Reference Date New Item Yes No Date Prev Ord/Res #: D t Orig Contract Date: �ae S FAYETTEVILLE 0 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Scott Huddleston, Information Technology From: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: October 23, 2000 Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 143-00 awarding Bid No. 00-69 to Total Data Services, Inc. The original will be microfilmed and filed with the City Clerk. The original budget adjustment has been forwarded to the Budget & Research Division. cc: Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor John Maguire, Administrative Services Director Peggy Vice, Purchasing Division Steve Davis, Budget & Research Division RESOLUTION NO. 143-00 A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID NO.00-69 IN THE AMOUNT $125,103.43 TO TOTAL DATA SERVICES, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN IBM AS/400 MODEL 720 REPLACEMENT FOR THE CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, AND IN THE AMOUNT OF $769937 TO INFO WORKS, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN IBM AS/400 MODEL 270 FOR THE FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT; AND APPROVAL OF A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT FOR SAID COMPUTER UPGRADES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council' hereby awards Bid No. 00-69 in the amount of $125,103.43 to Total Data Services, Inc.. for the purchase of an IBM AS/400 Model 720 replacement for the City Administration Building, and in 1the amount of $76,937 to Info Works, Inc. for the purchase of an IBM AS/400 Model 270 for the Fayetteville Police Department. A copy of the bid tabulation is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Section 2. The City Council hereby approves a budget adjustment by increasing Fixed Assets, Acct. No. 4470 9470 5801 00, Project No. 98102 1 in the amount of $65,920 and Fixed Assets, Acct. No. 4470 9470 580100, Project No. 970101 in the amount of $84,271 by decreasing Fixed Assets, Acct. No. 4470 0947 4708 00 in the amount of$22,400 and Interest Investments, Acct. No. 4470 0947 4708 00 in the amount of $127,791. A copy of the budget adjustment is attached hereto marked Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 17ih day of October , 2000. APPROVEV. By: Fred Hanna, Mayor ATTES By: lee