HomeMy WebLinkAbout126-00 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 1 26 -pp MICR OFTLMED A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID NO. 00-59 IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED$306,421 TO PHOENIX RECYCLING, FOR THE PURCHASE OF PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS TO BE USED IN THE 2001 VOLUME BASED PROGRAM; AND APPROVAL OF A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $140,421. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby awards Bid No. 00-59 in an amount not to exceed $306,421 to Phoenix Recycling, for the purchase of plastic garbage bags to be used in the 2001 volume based program A copy of the bid tabulation is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Section 2. The City Council hereby approves a budget adjustment in the amount of $140,421 increasing Recycling Supplies, Acct. No. 5500 5020 5225 00 by decreasing Use of Fund Balance. A copy of the budget adjustment is attached hereto marked Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. 06 P AND APPROVED this • ATTEST: By:f%�-� Heather Woodruff, City Cletk 5th day of September , 2000. APPROVED• e By: F Hanna, Mayor NAME OF FILE: 7614 -6S -Le. /i0 Oi --Q d CROSS REFERENCE: Date Contents of File Initials 9 -.-Do 4,e7444/7:0-; /,z� - 6_40 g-17-6.0 H (DDE 11 -T,4emzA Tiros/) £xhHz1z r 74 1-,5-00 1l �x rn % (6 ' l g2th lel /91)0765 rn7EAlr f 2k g-9-00 7492249 To AQ/ Czry Coindc._z•A Tag)? Ai yog J64,dilA /IA) i eyR-Qies blax/Anze-- ifri.0ln C/1E,42Za_T r. WE ; J�yfn V4 z Ol SIM 4144 -,59 AALA ii/4e r /'us m9 ADR /2 AS rig d-ihee44& IA9s Si -,79-0,0 2 ETT --W feO m ch,bg >P75.AL. _ e}/) / p/A Croy /o L'.fi y/ Zo rr, Y3/0o B_r oa-s9 / /� /� SDEG/R/ %Pyn5 9/- ei-OAi7io41.5 /rte: c/2 OD -S9 /- /� 4 _ �AS7�c /,t E�E�i4.L c cCC tr .�T �' J3 7Zn.t/ 5 ( ci7�/k✓, A9 c ♦ - 5 7-=A/_rY7ixyn SDEczF_rCArnnla (In AW -5 -Cr a frifDD STAPe- /e/ EV=,./_) ,,LL `D1CJr, 9 -47 -db 2yA-2771 2404 29-- Cz 77 67.? " -APF • City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Budget Adjustment Form EXHIBIT B : Budget Year 2000 Department: Division: Program: Public Works Solid Waste Residential Date Requested September 5, 2000 Adjustment # Project or Item Requested: $140,421 in the Recycling Supplies account of the Solid Waste Residential Program. Project or Item Deleted: Eeti gu,a None. $140,421 from the Solid Waste Fund 445riIS Use of Fund Balance account. Justification of this Increase: The funding is for the purchase of plastic garbage bags to be used in the volume based program The increase is needed to cover an overall 29% increase in cost and also a change in bag specifications. Justification of this Decrease: The Solid Waste Fund has sufficient Cash & Investments to comply with City policy. Increase Expen e (Decrease Revenue) Account Name Amount Account Number Project Number Recycling Supplies 140,421 5500 5020 5225 00 Decrease Expense (Increase Revenue) Account Name Amount Account Number Project Number Use of Fund Balance 140,421 5500 0950 4999 99 C Requested Artyrarall dirt ager Approval Signatures St -30-4W Date t -3e• -7492O Date -- Department Director Date Admin. Services Director Date Mayor Date Budget Office Use Only Type: A B C Date of Approval Posted to General Ledger Posted to Project Accounting Entered in Category Log Blue Copy: Budget & Research / Yellow Copy: Requester C:\DATA\FORM.PBA-ADARADfFI22. WKI FAYETTEVIIii,LE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE • TO: Fayetteville City Council THRU• Fred Hanna, Mayor Charles Venable, Public Works Director oell FROM: Cheryl Zotti, Environmental Affairs Administrator DATE: August 29, 2000 SUBJECT: Approval of Bid #00-59 and Budget Adjustment for Plastic Garbage Bags Staff requests the approval of bid #00-59 to the only qualified bidder, Phoenix Recycling, in the amount of $306,421 (tax included) for the purchase of plastic garbage bags to be used in the 2001 volume based program and a budget adjustment in the amount of $140,421. Staff received four bids; however, the two lowest bids did not meet bid specifications. The Frontier Bag bid of $214,295 was for a bag without draw tape closures. Phoenix Recycling submitted an alternate bid in the amount of $279,571 for bags in a buff color. Buff is a light tan color. Dyna Pak, which was originally recommended in the August 23, 2000 memorandum, notified staff on August 29, that they were retracting their bid and instructed staff to remove them from consideration. Therefore, the only remaining qualified bidder is Phoenix Recycling. Phoenix Recycling supplied the bags last year and staff has confidence they will supply high quality bags in the specified time -frame. Staff released a city wide survey requesting feedback on the volume based program. Prior to advertising for the purchase of garbage bags, staff evaluated the responses to determine citizen satisfaction with the size and quality of garbage bags provided. The survey indicated that 46% of the respondents would like a larger size garbage bag, so that it will fit a standard 32 gallon garbage can. Many residents also commented that the existing bags are too large for a standard kitchen can (13 gallons) and the 30 gallon bag is too heavy when full. Staff also received numerous complaints that the garbage bags are too thin resulting in bags splitting when carried to the curb for collection. Staff agrees with these concerns and is recommending modifications to the garbage bags. Staff recommends purchasing 33 gallon garbage bags for distribution and allowing residents to trade their 33 gallon bags for 13 gallon bags if that size better fits their household. Staff further recommends increasing the thickness of each bag to 1.2 mils in order to minimize breaks and punctures. All other bag charactenstics will remain the same. Staff presented these recommendations to the Environmental Concerns Committee on August 16, 2000. • • The cost of the garbage bags has increased significantly over last years $182,114 cost. A portion of the cost is from increased bag size, mil thickness, and total number of bags. However, there is in general an overall 29% increase in cost. Staff anticipates 2001 to be the last year bags will be purchased and distributed by the City. Staff requests approval of bid #00-59 and a budget adjustment. Purchase of these garbage bags are necessary to continue our volume based program Staff will be present at the council meeting to answer any questions that may arise. If you should have questions prior to these meetings, please contact me at 444-3498. 08/29/2000 14:24 19317661814 • 112 Hellon Drive • P. 0. Box 967 • Lawrenceburg, Tennessee 38464 To Whom It May Concem: Cheryl DYNA PAK CORP/• PAGE 01 Mruu>«Auu alRecyded Canes Reline it &cyan Bags PH: 1-800.759-3962 • 931-762-4016 • FAX: 931-766.1614 8-29-00 Due to the limited time constraints for delivery of product, and a back log on an automatic winder that DYNA-PAK has ordered. We regretfully must retract our bid on Bid # 00-59 for the City of Fayetteville, AR. We certainly apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you and your staff. The missing piece of equipment has been a let down to us as we have been to you. Again we do apologize and regret that we have all been put in this position. Sincerely, Dale Mildich VP Sales DYNA-PAK Corp. Z ET7 • • • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Solid Waste Division (501) 444-3498 BID #: 00-59 DATE ISSUED: July 31, 2000 DATE & TIME OF OPENING: August 17, 2000 - 2:30 P.M. — BEA M-G1Q BUYER: Peggy Vice, Purchasing Manager, Room 306, (501) 575-8289 C#z» DELIVERY DATE: October 18, 1999 F.O.B.: Fayetteville, Arkansas ITEM DESCRIPTION BAGS PER ROLL ROLLS UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1. Plastic Garbage Bags, 33 gal. 52 33,000 $ $ 2. Plastic Garbage Bags, 33 gal. 20 2,000 $ $ 3. Plastic Garbage Bags, 13 Gal. 66 12,000 $ $ 4. Plastic Garbage Bags, 13 Gal. 20 1,000 $ $ Subtotal $ Tax $ Total Bid Price: $ EXECUTION OF BID - Upon signing this Bid, the bidder certifies that they have read and agree to the requirements set forth in this bid proposal, including specifications, terms and standard conditions, and pertinent information regarding the articles being bid on, and agree to furnish these articles at the prices stated. Unsigned bids will be rejected. Items marked * are mandatory for consideration. • • *NAME OF FIRM: *BUSINESS ADDRESS: *CITY: *STATE: *ZIP: *PHONE: *FAX: *AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: *TITLE: *FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: PLEASE NOTE: ALL ITEMS MARKED * ARE CONSIDERED MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF BID FAILURE TO COMPLETE THESE ITEMS MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF BID • • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS BID # 00-59 SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS This request for bid is not to be construed as an offer, a contract, or a commitment of any kind; nor does it commit the city to pay any costs incurred by the bidder in the preparation of this bid. 1. All bids shall be submitted on forms provided by the City with the item bid and the bid number stated on the face of the sealed envelope. Bidders MUST provide the City with their bids signed by an employee or officer having legal authority to submit bids on behalf of the bidder. The entire cost of preparing and providing responses shall be borne by the bidder. 2. Bidders shall include all applicable local, state, and federal tax in this bid. The responsibility of payment shall remain with the successful bidder. Tax amount MUST show as a separate item. Bids received after the date and time set for receiving bids will NOT be considered. The City will NOT be responsible for misdirected bids. Vendor should call the Purchasing Office at (501) 575-8289 to insure receipt of their bid documents prior to opening date and time listed on the bid form. The City reserves the right to accept or refect any or all bids, waive formalities in the bidding and make a bid award deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City shall be able to purchase more or less than the quantity indicated subject to availability of funds. 5. Time is specifically made of the essence of this contract and failure to deliver on or before the time specified in the contract may subject the contractor to the payment of damages in the amount of $500 per calendar day. 6. All bid prices shall be FOB Solid Waste Division, 1560 South Happy Hollow Road, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701, and shall include all labor, materials, overhead, profit, insurance, shipping, etc., to cover the furnishing of the unit(s) bid. 7. Manufacturers Warranty shall apply to each unit as specified A copy of the applicable warranty MUST accompany the bid with any exception to the warranty clearly noted on the Bid Form. Any exception to the requirements of the City of Fayetteville MUST be noted on the Bid Form. If products other than those described on the bid document are proposed, the bidder must include complete descriptive literature and technical specifications. The City reserves the right to request any additional information it deems necessary from any or all bidders after the submission deadline. 9. All items marked "MANDATORY REOUIREMENTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF BID" MUST be completed and returned with the bid or the bid may be considered an non- • • responsive and rejected on that basis. 10. The bidder shall comply with all applicable Federal and Arkansas State Laws, the Charter and Ordinances of the city of Fayetteville, as amended, and all applicable rules and regulations promulgated by all local, state and national boards, bureaus and agencies. • • GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS FOR VOLUMETRIC WASTE COLLECTION General specification requirements are as follows for PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS FOR VOLUMETRIC WASTE COLLECTION. These are MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS ONLY and are not limited or restricted to the following. ALL UPGRADE OR DOWNGRADE VARIATIONS/DEVIATIONS/SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE CLEARLY ANNOTATED IN THE ABSENCE OF SUCH STATEMENTS, THE BID SHALL BE ACCEPTED AS IN STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH ALL TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE SUPPLIER SHALL BE HELD LIABLE Alternates will be considered provided each Supplier clearly states on the face of his proposal exactly what he proposes to furnish and forwards necessary descriptive material which will clearly indicate the character of the article covered by his/her bid. All bids are subject to Staff analysis. All Units Bid shall show deviations to line item specifications on the "Minimum Specification" attached with referral to each item. Utilizing a copy of these specifications with variations "highlighted" and specifics noted is suggested. Fifteen (15) examples of your plastic garbage bag with examples of graphics and text shall accompany all bids. The City of Fayetteville reserves the right to accept the best bid for the City, and is not required to accept the lowest priced bid. The City also reserves the right to reject any or all bids and will be the sole judge of what comprises the best and most advantageous unit to meet the needs of the City. 1. GENERAL: It is the intent and purpose of these specifications to secure for the purchaser the necessary products which will be capable of performing in a safe, practical and efficient manner consistent with accepted commercial standards. 2. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP • All products, materials, and workmanship shall be of the highest grade in accordance with modern practices. • • MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS 1. SCOPE: a. The scope of this section is to list the minimum acceptable features and performance specifications for plastic garbage bags for volumetric waste collection. Bidders are to have thoroughly read and understood these specifications prior to bid submission. Bidder certification of its bid document signifies that bidder meets or exceeds all specifications. If the product being bid does not meet all specifications, the bidder must submit with bid, a separate page with a complete explanation of each variance. If not identified on such list, then that bid will be disqualified. 2. GENERAL: a. Estimated Quantity: 33 Gallon Garbage Bags -1,704,000,13 Gallon Garbage Bags - 812,000. Delivery to be made in full truck loads with a release schedule to be supplied by the City. b. Delivery: The shipment must occur within six (6) weeks of the official notification of the Bid Award. c. Substance: Bags are to be constructed of 75% prime, virgin linear low blend resin and 25% recycled content. d. Film Thickness: The gauge of the film used to fabricate plastic bags shall be a minimum of 1.2 mils in thickness. e. Film Strength: The film shall meet the strength to failure specification of film, folds, and seals specified in testing (h) below. f. Bag Dimension: The bag must measure 33" in width and 38" in height. g. Bag Weight: The weight of 1,000 bags shall not be less than 98 pounds. h. Testing: We reserve the right to weigh and in other ways test random samples of any shipments received, and will refuse the entire shipment if the bags do not meet these minimal specifications. Dart Impact 120 Machine Direction Tear 175 Transverse Direction Tear 475 Load Capacity Lifted by drawtape Lifted by body of bag 50 lbs. 65 lbs. Bag Color: The plastic garbage bags shall be purple in color and non -transparent. Sample purple color to be provided by the City. • • J. Bag Printing: Each bag must have one complete impression of artwork (100 square inches) printed one color. k. Packaging: As specified on front page. 33 Gallon size: 32,000 rolls @ 52 bags per roll and 2,000 rolls @ 20 bags per roll; 13 Gallon size: 12,000 rolls @ 66 bags per roll and 1,000 rolls @ 20 bags per roll. Each roll shall be placed in a clear plastic bag with appropriate closure. 1. Construction: Bags shall have a flat bottom seal. No side seams. Closure is to be of drawtape. m. Samples: Fifteen (15) samples with the above specifications must be provided with Bid. References: Five (5) references by the bidder must be submitted of municipalities where successful bag programs are in progress using bags similar to those you are bidding. • • BIDDERS LIST PLASTIC Garbage BAGS Unisource EnviroBag Attn: Larry Minot Attn: Gordon Dancy 400 Shall 35 Capers Way Little Rock, AR 72203 Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Dyna -Pak Corporation Jedstock, Inc. Attn: Dale Mikich Attn: P.O. Box 967 1149 W. Front St. Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 Plainfield, NJ 07063 World Class Film Corporation Sandbagger Corp. Attn: Trevor B. Power Attn: 130 Fembrook Street P. O. Box 626 Yonkers, NY 10705 Wauconda, IL 60084 Mobil Chemical Company Union Camp Corp. Plastic Division Attn: 1169 Pittsford -Victor Road 2200-D Ave. "E" Freeman Field Pittsford, NY 14534-3877 Seymour, IN 47274 First Brands United Receptacle, Inc. Attn: Josey Randan7o, Sales Manager Attn: 6402 NW Fifth Way P. O. Box 870 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Pottsville, PA 17901 Bar Marketing Attn: Duane Davis P.O. Box 1109 Fayetteville, AR 72702 Frontier Bags, Inc Attn: Mark Gurley P. O. Box 200 Grandview, MO 64030 • • STAFF REVIEW FORM XXX AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Council meeting of September 5, 1999 FROM: Willie Newman Name Solid Waste Public Works Division Department ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of bid #00-59 to the only qualified bidder, Phoenix Recycling, for the purchase of plastic garbage bags to be used in the 2001 volume based program in the amount of $306,421 and approval of a budget adjustment in the amount of $140,421. COST TO CITY: $306,421 Cost of this request 5500-5020-5225.00 Account Number Project Number $ 166,000 Sanitation Supplies Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name S 0 Residential Collections Funds Used to Date Program Name $ 166,000 Solid Waste Remaining balance Fund BUDGET REVIEW: \10Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached B4dget Coordinator Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: /LENger ID OD -, lit)/ov Date Internal uditor Date C6-30cC Date ADA Coordinator Date City Attorn Purchasing Officer B-30-00 Date Grants Coordinator Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Cross Reference New Item: Yes No Prev Ord/Res #: Orig Contract Date: Orig Contract Number: FAYETTEVTLLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Willie Newman, Solid Waste From: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: September 12, 2000 Attached is a copy of the resolution awarding Bid 00-59 to Phoenix Recycling. The original will be microfilmed and filed with the City Clerk. cc: Nancy Smith, Internal Auditor Steve Davis, Budget and Research nj • • a• I l RESOLUTION NO. '26-00 A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID NO. 00-59 IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED$306,421 TO PHOENIX RECYCLING, FOR THE PURCHASE OF PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS TO BE USED IN THE 2001 VOLUME BASED PROGRAM; AND APPROVAL OF A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $140,421. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby awards Bid No. 00-59 in an amount not to exceed $306,421 to Phoenix Recycling, for the purchase of plastic garbage bags to be used in the 2001 volume based program. A copy of the bid tabulation is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Section 2. The City Council hereby approves a budget adjustment in the amount of $140,421 increasing Recycling Supplies, Acct. No. 5500 5020 5225 00 by decreasing Use of Fund Balance. A copy of the budget adjustment is attached hereto marked Exhibit B and made a part hereof. 4. p•AND APPROVED this 5t° day of September , 2000. h •. le -C�, APPROVED; re. en ' • �` ATTEST: • • By."* .4,19P lk Heather Woodruff, City Cle • By: