HomeMy WebLinkAbout112-00 RESOLUTION• RESOLUTION NO. 112-00 MICROFILMED A RESOLUTION APPROVING AD00-23 AMENDING THE MASTER STREET PLAN BY ACCEPTING A LESSER DEDICATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG WEST SIXTH STREET JUST WEST OF SOUTH SCHOOL AVENUE ONLY WHERE THE FOOTPRINT OF AN EXISTING STRUCTURE ENCROACHES INTO THE REQUIRED MASTER STREET PLAN RIGHT-OF-WAY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS* Section 1. That the City Council hereby approves AD00-23 amending the Master Street Plan by accepting a lesser dedication of right-of-way along West Sixth Street just west of South School Avenue only where the footprint of an existing structure encroaches into the required Master Street Plan right-of-way. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st day of August , 2000. • ATTpri: 10`��t� By: Heather Woodruff, City Cleric/ 4 APPROVED: By: F ed Hanna, Mayor ve,r. NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: 4024,z74-7‘, // Date Contents of File Initials gl00 4,a-altleSL//%-* VW I i _ ..Jef j-/71100 //n zi, /, ;"Li, , SZ (or 2d -4 or,i-ao Aax,e) _frn igee,gif Ay7, si.Akz, ‘,/,7,7-, 4.t. Do 4 iii at 067„, .4 ,1E i a, ah ofrzeYl jaidivn Aze 9 00 Yig,so _g aim X AGENDA REQUEST CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW STAFF REVIEW FORM • For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of August 1, 2000 SYR t Rt VZ 0471 FROM: FROM: Tim Conklin Planning Public Works Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: An ordinance for (AD 00-23) amending the City's Master Street Plan by accepting a lesser dedication of right-of-way along W. Sixth Street Just west of S. School Ave. only where the footprint of an existing structure encroaches into the required Master Street Plan right-of-way. COST TO CITY: Cost of this Request Account Number Project Number Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name Funds Used To Date Program Name Remaining Balance Fund BUDGET REVIEW: Budget Manager Budgeted Item _ Budget Adjustment Attached Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: Purchasing Officer Dda GRANTING AGENCY: Internal Auditor Date Date " ADA Coordinator -11.°144.-C4) Date Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this request. Planning Commission voted 7-0-0 on June 26, 2000 to recommend approval and to forward the request to the City Council for final consideration. Diregtor stra:1!%. Services Director Date Cross Reference New Item: Yes 7 Date 7- '� Prev Ord/Res #: /LLQ= Orig Contract Date: Date Orig Contract Number: • • Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 2000 Page 26 AD 00-23.00: Administrative Item (The Mill District, pp 523) was submitted by Tom Bourdeaux of Town Creek Builders on behalf of Mill District LLC for property located at the northwest comer of West 6`h Street and South School Avenue. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and I-1, Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial. The request is for a lesser dedication of right of way along a portion of West 6'h Street than is required by the Master Street Plan due to an existing structure. Odom: The next item that we have on tonight's agenda is item 8, AD 00-23.00: Administrative Item (The Mill District, pp 523) was submitted by Tom Bourdeaux of Town Creek Builders on behalf of Mill District LLC for property located at the northwest corner of West 6'h Street and South School Avenue. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and I-1, Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial. The request is for a lesser dedication of right of way along a portion of west 6`h Street than is required by the Master Street Plan due to an existing structure. Staff's recommendation is approval of the administrative request subject to the following conditions. First, only the right-of- way which would otherwise encroach the existing structure shall be subject to the lesser dedication. Item 2, the building in question will remain and be incorporated into the proposed design theme for the Mill District project on this site. Staff, do we have any further conditions of approval? Conklin: There are no further conditions of approval. Odom: Do we have a signed conditions of approval? Conklin: No. Odom: I'd ask the applicant to please come forward at this time. Sharp: My name is Robert Sharp. I'm the architect for the Mill District LLC. Tim asked us to get this item taken care of before we went through large scale development because it does effect our plan fairly substantially. There is an approximately 2000 square foot brick commercial building that is currently not in the street right- of-way but if a dedication is made it would be in the street right-of-way. We would like to keep this building and integrate it into the project and so we are asking that the right-of-way along 6`h Street between the utility easement and School Avenue remain as it is. We would like a little space around the building so we can add aesthetic features to bring it into the rest of the project. So, we are asking not just for the building footprint but for the area to each side of it. We are in the process of taking this through the Board of Adjustment and at that point we will have drawings and elevations and they can approve the design at that point. • • Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 2000 Page 27 Odom: So, Robert, what you are telling me is that you are not in agreement with condition of approval 1 which is to only take the right-of-way which is being encroached by the building? Sharp: Right. We would like to get about 15 feet to the east and west of that building if possible. That's the area we plan, right now it doesn't have ADA bathrooms. We are going to use that area to modernize the building. PUBLIC COMMENT: Odom: Let me do this. Is there any member of the audience that would like to address us on this issue? Public: I'm sorry, I came in late, what's the issue? Odom: We are on the last item for our agenda tonight which is AD 00-23 which is the Mill District Project. Would you like to address us on that issue? Public: No, I was here for the rezoning on Deane Solomon Road. I thought the meeting was at 5:30. Odom: Yes, the meeting started at 5:30 and we are now at the last item on our agenda. Anybody else like to talk on this item before us9 COMMISSION DISCUSSION: Odom: Seeing none I'll close the floor to public comment and bring it back to the applicant. Staff do you want to comment on the additional 15 feet that they are wanting? Conklin: Typically we try to get the right-of-way that's required on the Master Street Plan. This allows us to put our sidewalk back, allows green space between the curb and sidewalk. Staff is only recommending that the right-of-way not be dedicated where the existing footprint is located I have not heard anything tonight that would change my recommendation with regard to just giving up the right-of-way where the building is located. Hoffman: Mr. Chair. Odom: Commissioner Hoffman. • • Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 2000 Page 28 Hoffman: I would be concerned about not dedicating right-of-way to the east because that is a very busy intersection and I'm sure the turn lanes and other traffic islands and features will at some point be installed. So, I would not be in favor of decreasing the amount of right-of-way towards the intersection. I think I would Just have to go with the staff recommendation, really, on the whole thing because this is such a heavily traveled site I don't think it could support an additional 15 feet on either side just because that road is so crowded now. Odom. Anybody else? Bunch: Question for the applicant. Odom: Mr. Bunch. Bunch: Maybe I was not listening closely enough, the reason you stated for the additional 15 feet of right-of-way on the east and on the west was for aesthetic purposes but then you started talking about bathrooms? Sharp: We are trying to integrate into the rest of the project. The other buildings on the site_are much_bigger than this and one of the things we are trying to do is make the building a little bit, give it a little more of a presence by extending it to the east and to the west. Also, that area is where we are going to put in new services like handicapped accessible bathrooms and things like that. Bunch: That could not be accomplished by extending to the north? Sharp: We could, yes. Bunch: Where you already own the property? Sharp: Right. It just artistically worked out better but it's not a huge thing. MOTION: Hoffman: Mr. Chair? Odom: Yes Commissioner Hoffman. Hoffman: I do want to encourage this development. I think it's going to be an important development for the south side of town and I think it has the look that is so important in filling our existing commercial areas in a mixed use development. • • Planning Commission Minutes June 26, 2000 Page 29 I'm very much in favor of that, however, the fact that the intersection is so busy I'm just unwilling, if you do have the option of building to the north, I understand that the bathrooms are probably on the south side. Be that as it may, I can move approval of this subject to staff comments. I'm sorry, I'm confused as to the number. Can somebody help me out with this? It's AD 00-23. So with that I make the motion subject to all staff comments. Allen: Second. Odom: We have a motion by Commissioner Hoffman and a second by Commissioner Allen to approve AD 00-23 subject to staff comments. Any further comments? Call the roll. ROLL CALL: Upon roll call the motion carries on avote of 7-0-0. Odom. Staff do we have any further items on our agenda for tonight? Conklin: There are no additional items. Odom. Commissioners do you have anything? We are adjourned at 6:35 p.m. • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE • 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Telephone: 575-8264 TO: Fayetteville Planning Commission FROM: Dawn T. Warrick, Associate Planner THRU: Tim Conklin, City Planner DATE: June 26, 2000 AD 00-23.00: Administrative Item (The Mill District, pp 523) was submitted by Tom Bourdeaux of Town Creek Builders on behalf of Mill District LLC for property located at the northwest comer of west 6" Street and south School Avenue. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and I-1, Heavy Commercial/Light Industrial. The request is for a lesser dedication of right of way along a portion of west 6`h Street than is required by the Master Street Plan due to an existing structure. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Staff recommends approval of the administrative request subject to the following conditions: 1. Only the right-of-way which would otherwise encroach the existing structure shall be subject to a lesser dedication. 2. The building in question (the Nugget building) will remain and be incorporated into the proposed design theme for the Mill District project on this site. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: Required YES 0 Approved 0 Denied Date: June 26, 2000 Comments* H:1 USERSICOMMOMDA WNT REPORTSI PCI6-26-001 towncrk_ded. wpd Mb • • The "CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL" listed in this report are accepted in total without exception by the entity requesting approval of this conditional use. Name: Date: BACKGROUND: The Master Street Plan requirement is the dedication of 55' of right-of-way from centerline on 6`h Street in front of the proposed Mill District project. The applicant is requesting at this time that this requirement be reduced for an area along 6th Street from the intersection with S School Ave. east to an existing utility easement (formerly an alley). The reason stated for this request is an existing two story building that they wish to include as a part of the overall development of the site In the area requested for a lesser dedication, the right-of-way from centerline measures 40'. Sixth Street in this location is currently a 5 -lane street which carries a large volume of traffic. There are no immediate plans on either AHTD or City CIP project lists to improve this portion of 6th Street. H:1 USERSICOMMONIDA WN7IREPORTSIPCI6-26-OO1rowncrk_ded. wpd 06/07/2000 12:04 5014428721 City of Fayetteville Planning Office VIA FACSIMILE ROB SHARP ARCHITECT PAGE 02 June 7, 2000 Dear Tim, Two items have come up in regard to our proposed development on the comer of 6t° St and School Ave. in Fayetteville. We wish to request an amendment to the Master St. Plan and a lesser dedication of Right of Way along the southern facade of a two-story building located on the comer of 6th and School. Master St. Plan Amendment 63) ^ 11 The amendment to the Master St. Plan we are requesting would entail the removal of the continuation of the West St. ROW, which now is located on the west portion of our property. We are requesting either the removal or relocation of this ROW to Prairie and thence east to school, or to Prairie and thence west to Government and then to 6th ST. The reasons we are requesting this amendment are several. -The proposed intersection of West and 6th would be less than 300 feet from the existing intersection of two primary arterials (6th and School). This separation between the lighted intersection of two primary arterials, and a potentially lighted . intersection of a collector ST. and an arterial, may not be far enough to satisfy State traffic standards. We are presently researching this issue. In any case it may not be enough to satisfy sound traffic planning. -Traffic along West Ave. does not warrant the existence of Collector St. status. Improvement of West is not currently on the city's Capital Improvement Plan and would in all likelihood meet staunch opposition from the residents along West. -The cost of installing the new collector street would be prohibitive in terms of • both dollars and land lost, and would probably render the project impossible to complete profitably. Request for a Lesser ROW Dedication A D 00-23 We are also requesting a lesser dedication of Right of Way along 6th St. This lesser dedication would only apply to the area adjacent to an existing two story . building near the comer of 6th and School. Current ROW along this section in front of this building is now 40 feet from the centerline. We are requesting that the existing right of way remain as is from the corner of 6th and School Avenue to the existing 27' utility easement (the former alley). This bulldmg is in good shape and is an important component of our development for this block. The 55' ROW P.O. Box 3494 Fayetteville, Arkansas 7270 2 frg) 06/07/2000 12:04 5014428721 • ROB SHARP ARCHITECT PAGE 03 component of our development. for this block. The 55' ROW rule from centerline on principal arterials was instituted so that a landscaped median might ultimately be placed down the length of 6th St. It is our understanding that the installation of this median is not likely to ever occur. Please post these requests for public notice as soon as possible so that we might resolve these issues and get our project started. Sincerely, M;11Dishiet-t;L'C i oi.-» [ r7£CX gv.G-J72 Thomas Bourdeaux, Manager st 411 P 0. Box 3494 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 3 e at a s �i/07 //.Y//. z 0 1 1 62 Ie' 11 P 4,228SQ.P1. I0 spy SQ. Pr. r 1 1 s' MOLT G EP MAPLE s' NOLL r — — — . _zap ear, s uouir ale. Pa Pt 1.464 Sa Pr. e• MAPLE 8' MAPLE 8' MARE Ana% op Lasses Dealca-r obi AA Sr 24 Y /a, SPATIA.4.4434 N89.O178'W III$6' N48'sw24•W 1994' • ( 6 TN STREET) 564.98'42'W 9011' 801.4122'1.1 802' Ir 14 I1= 12 1 1 1 • • DI (6T1 -I STREET) X R/W -4 --et. FAYETTEVA.LE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Tim Conklin, Planning Director From: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: August 9, 2000 Attached is a copy of the resolution amending the Master Street Plan. The original will be microfilmed and filed with the City Clerk. cc: Ed Connell, Engineering Clyde Randall, Engineering John Goddard, Info Tech. Scott Caldwell, Info. Tech. RESOLUTION NO. 112-00 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AD00-23 AMENDING THE MASTER STREET PLAN BY ACCEPTING A LESSER DEDICATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONG WEST SIXTH STREET JUST WEST OF SOUTH SCHOOL AVENUE ONLY WHERE THE FOOTPRINT OF AN EXISTING STRUCTURE ENCROACHES INTO THE REQUIRED MASTER STREET PLAN RIGHT-OF-WAY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS• Section 1. That the City Council hereby approves AD00-23 amending the Master Street Plan by accepting a lesser dedication of nght-of-way along West Sixth Street just west of South School Avenue only where the footprint of an existing structure encroaches into the required Master Street Plan right-of-way. PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st day of August , 2000. By f • �7D .GJa�u� Heather Woodruff, City Clem/ APPROVED: By: • t ed Hanna; Mayor