HomeMy WebLinkAbout43-95 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 4 3- 9 5 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF $8,276.87 IN LEGAL FEES TO THE NIBLOCK LAW FIRM REGARDING THE INCINERATOR DISENGAGEMENT LAWSUIT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1.That the Council hereby approves payment of $8,276.87 to the Niblock Law Firm for legal services during the period of May 3, 1994 thru November 11, 1994; August 4, 1994 thru September 28, 1994; October 4, 1994 thru December 29, 1994; January 11, 1995 thru February 14, 1995 (Niblock) and January 3, 1995 thru January 25, 1995 (Gay) regarding the incinerator disengagement lawsuit. A copy of the statement of charges is attached hereto marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of March, 1995. ATTEST: By: /5401CL Traci Paul )11C/11 , City Clerk APPROVED: By: PH 150.11 521.5512 • STATEMENT THE NIBLOCK LAW FIRM FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS 72701 EXHIBIT A DRAWER 818 20 EAST MOUNTAIN ST 2-15-95 DATE City of Fayetteville • c/o Mayor Hanna's Office 113 West Mountain St. Tayetteville, Ar 72701 DETACH AND RETURN TIS S SirUe TH RE TTANCE (079977 FE9 18 1995 .111•11•10.111M1=1••••••••••••••••01.0.00110SOIres AMOU.NT REMITTED .5 BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD SERVICES SEE ATTACHED BILLINGS Niblock Law Firm 1424-40 Gay billing for August/Septe., 1994 Gay billing for October through December, 1994 Gay billing for January, 1995 Niblock Law Firm 1424-41 OTHER: 8913.95 470.40 774.35 5,125.87 1,125.00 -Ttyi PL To PA`, C 8 Z . MAKE PAYMENT TO NIBLOCK LAW FIRM -YOUR CHECK 15 YOUR RECEIPT 1 .•••11, STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT THE NIBLOCK LAW FIRM Fayetteville, City of TELEPHONE 1501) 521-5510 DRAW.ER 818. 20 .EAST MOUNTAIN STREET FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS 72702 ,/,Ig2IselLY-4-5_1. 1995 1424/40 Ref IATTER: Services since 1424-39 billing hc, 'PST.) A/c 1424/40 Page 1 DATE LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH FEBRUARY 15, 1995 05/03/94 05/20/94 06121/94 06/23/94 01/12/94 G9/20/94 09/28/94 10/04/94 11/21/94 EXPENSES, Balance 05/27/94 Outside Office to City Board and prep. Outside Office to Bentonville Court Review Notice of Appeal/Points confer with Rose/ correspond Receive/Review correspondence Receive/Review Tolling Agreement WRN confer with Gay x 2 WRN confer with Gay To Board meeting and prep for same Confer with Rose and with Gay HOURS 1.00 3.00 0.50 O .25 0.25 0.75 O .25 1.00 O .25 LEGAL SERVICES TOTAL ADVANCES and PAYMENTS RECEIVED Brought Forward 00-00-00 Other client expenses to reimburse Gay on expenses to LR for oral arguments 4-17-94 AMOUNT 125.00 375.00 62.50 ' 0.00 0.00 93.75- 31.25 125.00 31.25 843.75 0.00 SUB -TOTAL $ 70.20 BALANCE DUE 1 913.95 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT THE NIBLOCK LAW•FIR'M Fayetteville, City of TELEPHONE (SOO 521-5510 DRAWER Elle 20 EAST MOUNTAIN STREET FAyETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS 72702 15 1995 (----------F slarta-ry , A/c 1424/41 Ref MATTER: Services since 1424-40 billing A/c 1424/41 Page 1 DATE HOURS AMOUNT L EGAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH FEBRUARY 15, 1995. O 1/11/95 RLN confer w/Gay re brief 0.25 01/12/95 RLN confer w/Gay and work on 1.50 brief O 1/12/95 Clerk research 2.50 O 1/13/95 WRN review Union Brief 1.00 O 1/13/1;5 RLN work on brief -appeal 0.75 O 1/13/95 WN work on brief 2.00 3.50 02/14/95 WRN outside office. to City Board meeting and preparation fOr4 SaMe 18.75 112.50 125.00 125.00 56.25 250.00 437.50 LEGAL SERVICES TOTAL $ 1125.00 E XPENSES, ADVANCES and PAYMENTS RECEIVED Balance Brought Forward 00-00-00 0.00 SUB -TOTAL 0.00 BALANCE DUE $ 1125.00 Katherine C. Gay Attorney at Law 103 North College Fayetteville. AP 72701 (501) 521-9889 December 9. 1994 City of Fayetteville 113 \Ai est Mountain Street Fayetteville. AR 72701 Re: Barnhart v. C itv of Fayetteville, et al. Washington County E-89-1170 Statement of Account - August and September. 1994 08/04/94 Correspond to Jerry Rose and City Clerk. telephone conference Joyce Cooper ,75 hour P.O. box 10 Fayetteville. AQ 72702 FAA: (501) 521-0105 091:9/94 Telephone conference with Jerry Rose .25 hour 09/20/94 Telephone conference with Walter Niblock. with Jerry Rose, conference with Wi alter Niblock. pick up :transcript. research 2.75 hours • 09/22/94 Telephone conference with Kent Hirsch .25 hour 09/26/94 Office conference. with Kent Hirsch .25 hour 09/28/94 Telephone .conference N.% ith Walter Niblock .25 hour • Total 4.5 hours @ $100.00/hour = $450.00 Photocopies 102 @ $.20 = $20.40 Balance due = $470.40 cc: f avboncl.bil • 103 North College Fayetteville. AR 72701 (501) 521-9889 City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville. AR 72701 • Katherine C. Gay Attorney at Law January 6, W94 Re: Barnhart v. City of FavetteVille. et al. Was:1Mo.! on C ouno, E-89-11 —0 Statement of Account - October. November. and December. 1994 10/04/94 Telephone conference with Jerry Rose. prepare for and attend City Board meeting 10/05/94 Receive and review Motion for Extension of Time from appellantr prepare.response, revise Mayes .affidavit, and send documents for filing 10/06/94 Telephone conference with Larry Burkes 11/22/94 Telephone conference with Jerry Rose 12/29/94 Telephone conferences with Jerry Rose .and WoodY Bassett Total 7.25 hours @ $100.00/hour = Photocopies 354 @ $.20 = Postage = Balance due = cc: Filelaybond.bil FILE COPY P.O. 13cx 10 Fayetteville. AR 72702 FAX (501) 521-0105 1.75 hours 4.50 hours .25 hours .25 hours .50 hours $725.00 $35.40 $13 95 $774.3$ • 103 North aHese Fayetteville. AR 72701 (501) 521-9889 GAY of Fayetteville 113 ‘k est Mountain Street FaYetteville AR 72701 Katherine C. Gay Attorney at Law Februai-v 12. 1995 Re: Barnhart v.. Citv of Fayetteville, et al. Washington County E-89-1170 Statement of Account --January, 1995 01/03/95 Work on appellate brief 01104/05 Work on appellate brief 01/05/95 Work on appellate. brief 01/06/95 Work on appellate brief 01/09/95 Work on appellate brief 01/10/95 Work on appellate brief 01/1 1 95 Work on appellate brief 01/12/95 Work on appellate brief 01/13/95 Work on appellate brief 01/16/95 File and transmit appellate brief 01/24/95 Respond to appellant's Motion for Extension of Time 01/25/95 'Telephone conference with fern Rose Total 48.50 hours @ $100.00/hour = Box 10 Fayetteville. AR 72702 FAX (501) 521-0105 1.50 hours 3.25 hours 7.00 hours 6.50 hours 7.25 hours 1.00 hours 3.00 hours 7.00 hours 9.75 hours 1.00 hours 1.00 hours .25 hours $4,850.00 • • 103 North College Fayetteville, AR 72701 (501) 521-9889 cc: • Katherine C. Gay Attorney at Law Expenses: Photocopies 120 @ $.20.= Kinko's (print & bind brief) = Federal Express = University Law Library (cop cases) Total Expenses = Balance due = $24.00 $199.37 $15.50 $37.00 $275.S7 $5.125.87 • P.O. box 10 . Far AR 72702 FAX (501) 5210105