HomeMy WebLinkAbout13-95 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 13-95
WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville is experiencing unprecedented growth; and,
WHEREAS, pressures for the growth of Fayetteville have resulted in the rezoning of
agricultural land for development without regard to the relationship among such areas and the
impact on required infrastructure; and,
WHEREAS, land zoned for residential, commerical, and industrial development,
sufficient to satisfy the development needs of the city for 1995, already exists; and,
WHEREAS, the adoption of a comprehensive land use plan, as specified in A.C.A. §14-
56-401 eteq. and in accordance with the principles of the 2010 General Plan, is needed for the
orderly development of the city in the future.
Section 1. A. No requests for the rezoning of parcels of agricultural land,
that have not been received by City Planning Staff prior to the passage of this
resolution, greater than two acres in size within the City of Fayetteville will be
considered until September 1, 1995, or until the adoption by the City Council of
a comprehensive land use plan, whichever is sooner.
B. If this provision is shown by the property owner to cause undue
hardship or that a compelling public interest would be served in the development
of the land, the City Council may grant a waiver to the property owner from this
provision, so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured.
Section 2. The Planning Commission and Planning Staff are hereby directed to
propose a comprehensive land use plan to the City Council by August 1, 1995.
Section 3. The comprehensive land use plan shall include, for the total area of the
City of Fayetteville and Fayetteville Planning Area.
A. A description of the proposed year 2020 boundaries and service
provision areas of the City.
Page 2
Resolution No. 13-95
B. The projected growth in population, industry, and commerce
to be accommodated within these boundaries by the year 2020.
C. The land area required to accommodate this growth, based on
the density considerations outlined in the 2010 General Plan.
D. An inventory of all undeveloped and underdeveloped land
within the area.
E. A plan for the accommodation of necessary growth in these
undeveloped and underdeveloped areas, including the reservation of open space
for parks, recreation, and the preservation of the character of the city, at all times
maximizing the utilization of existing infrastructure for the purposes of efficiency
and economy of development, and minimizing development where new
infrastructure would be required, or where existing infrastructure would be
overtaxed. The plan shall specify development densities appropriate to different
areas of the City, in accordance with sound principles of urban design, and shall
provide for transportation alternatives to automobiles, including pedestrian and
bicycle facilities.
Section 4. That the City Council hereby finds an emergency to exist in that the
passage of this resolution due to the unprecedented growth of the city is necessary to manage the
impact on the required infrastructure of the City and is therefore necessary for the health, safety,
and welfare of the community and shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and
PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of February , 1995.
l nsetj za J
Traci Paul, City Clerk
red Hanna, Mayor
RESOLUTION NO. 13-9S accommodate this growth,
A RESOLUTION CURTAIN -based on the density con-
ING THE CONSIDERATION sideration outlined in the
UNTIL A COMPREHENSIVE ti, An inventory of all unde-
LAND USE PLAN ISveloped 'and underdeve-
ADOPTED BY THE FAYET- Ioped land within the area.
TEVILLE CITY COUNCIL. E. A plan for the eccornmo-
WHEREAS. the 'City of ray. dation of necessary gfoWth
etteville it experienced un- in these undeveloped and
underdeveloped areas, in -
igpessu and, ; chiding the reservation of
W HE REwS, IP eFayett ;for
the growth of Fayetteville open sande for parks, trecre-
have aesultedto The rezon- of h, and ace preservation
the 'cion
Mg. WIo moagriculturalland for of the irnes character of the 'city,
development without !regard at 'all fifties m xistin ng (he
to the relalionthip among utilization of existing Infra -
such areas and the impact structure for the 'purposes
-of efficiency and economy
on required infrastructure; of development, and mini -
and. mizing development where
WHEREAS, land zoned for new infrastkucture would be
residential, commercial. and required. or where existing
industrial development, 'suf- infrastructure would be
ficient to satisfy the deve- overtaxed. The plan shall
loprnent needs of the city specify development densi-
for 1'995. already exists: ties appropriate to diffeient
and. areas, of the City in accor-
WHEREAS. the adoption of dancetwih sound principles
a comprehensive land 'use Of urban design, and shall
pan, as 'specified in A.C.A. provide for transportation al -
§14 -56.401 et seq. and in ternative to automobiles. in -
accordance with the prihci- eliding pedestrian and btcy-
pies of the 2010 General die 9acilities.
Plan. is needed for the or- Section 4. That the City
derly development of the Council hereby finds an
city to the future. emergency to exist in that
NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE IT the passage 01 this resolu-
RESOLVED BV THE CITY tion due to the unprece-
COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF dented growth o1 the city is
F A V E T T E'V I L.L E, necessary to menage the
ARKANSAS: impact on the required in -
Section 1. A. 'No requests frastrudture of the City and
for the rezoning of parcels is therefore necessary for
of agricultural land. that the health. safety, and wel-
have not been received bq ;fare of the community and
City Planning Staff prior to shall be n full force and ef-
the passage of this resolu-Pett .from and after its pas-
ann. greater than two acres sage and approval.
in size within the Cityof PASSED AND APPROVED
Fayetteville Will be consid•this 7tb day o1 February,
e'ed 'until September 3.1995.
1995, or 'until the adoptiortAPPROVED:
by the City Council of a By: 'Fred Hanna, Mayor
comprehensive land usOA7TEST:
Nan, whichever is •sooner By: Traci Paul
B. If this 'provieioh is showneity Clerk
by the property owner to
cause undue !hardship or
that a compelling public In-
terest would be served in
the devel'gpment •of the
land, the City Council may
great a 'waiver :to the 'prop-
ery owner from this provi-
sion. so that sub'stahtlal jus-
tice tray Ibe done' 'end the
public interest 'secufeJ.
Section 2. The Planning
Commission and Planning
Staff are 'hereby directed to
propose a comprehensive
land use plan to the City
Council by August 1. 1995.
Section 3. The com-
prehensive 'land use plan
shall include, for the total
area 'of th'e City of Fayette-
ville sad Fayetteville Plan-
ning area.
A. A 'deentiritich of the
proposed year 2020 bound-
arlee and service provision
areas' of the Cay.
E. The p'ojected growth in
populatIo.i. industry., and
commerce to be accommo-
dated within these ibounda-
ries by ilia year .2020 Gen-
eral Plan.
C. The land area required 'to
County of Washington �'j /�
I, O & ' �` c -�(��,\ hereby cer-
tify that I am the publisher of THE I ORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily
newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of
five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals
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a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business
to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County for a definite price
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