HomeMy WebLinkAbout116-95 RESOLUTION•
Section 1. The Council hereby authorizes a contract in an amount "not to exceed"
$606,510 with CH2M Hill for a sewer system study and authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk
to execute same. A copy of the contract is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part
Section 2. The Council hereby approves a budget adjustment in the amount of
$533,286 by increasing Contract Services, Acct. No. 5400 5700 5315 00 and decreasing Sewer
Improvements, Acct. No. 5400 5700 5815 00 in the amount of $272,286 and Use of Fund
Balance, Acct. No. 5400 0940 4999 99 in the amount of $261,000. A copy of the budget
adjustment is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of September , 1995.
Traci Paul, City Clerk
CH2M HILL's Office Address 502 South Main, Fourth Floor, Tulsa, OK 74103
Project Name Fayetteville Wastewater System Facility Plan CH2M HILL Project No. 116583.D1
CLIENT City of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Address 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
CLIENT requests and authorizes CH2M HILL to perform the following services:
SCOPE: Assist the City of Fayetteville in development of a Wastewater System Facility Plan to address current
and future wastewater collection system and treatment needs. This effort includes development of technical
alternatives and assistance with regulatory interface and the public information exchange pertaining to the protect.
A detailed Scope of Work (dated June 14.1995) is contained in Attachment A and further describes the work tasks
to be performed.
1. Authorization to Proceed
Execution of this AGREEMENT by CLIENT will be authorization for
CH2M HILL to proceed with the work, unless otherwise provided
for in this AGREEMENT.
2. Salary Costs
CH2M HILL's Salary Costs, when the basis of compensation, are
the amount of wages or salaries paid CH2M HILL employees for
work directly performed on the PROJECT plus a percentage
applied to all such wages or salaries to cover all payroll -related
taxes, payments, premiums, and benefits.
3. Per Diem Rates
CH2M HILL's Per Diem Rates, when the basis of compensation,
are those hourly or daily rates charged for work performed on the
PROJECT by CH2M HILL employees of the indicated
classifications. These rates are subject to annual calendar year
adjustments and include all allowances for salary, overheads, and
fee, but do not include allowances for Direct Expenses.
4. Direct Expenses
CH2M HILL's Direct Expenses are those necessary costs and
charges incurred for the PROJECT including, but not limited to:
(1) the direct costs of transportation, meals and lodging, mail,
subcontracts and outside servkes, special CLIENT approved
PROJECT specific insurance, letters of credit, bonds and
equipment and supplies; (2) Cf -42M HILL's current standard rate
charges for direct use of CH2M HILL's vehicles, computing sys-
tems, laboratory test and analysis, word processing, printing and
reproduction services, and certain field equipment; and
(3) CH2M HILL's standard project charges for special health and
safety requirements of OSHA and telecommunications services
5. Cost Opinions
Any cost opinions or PROJECT economic evaluations provided by
CI -12M HILL will be on a basis of experience and judgment, but,
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116' R31C171.DOC
since CH2M HILL has no control over market conditions or
bidding procedures, CH2M HILL cannot warrant that bids,
ultimate construction cost. or PROJECT economics will not vary
from these opinions.
6. Standard of Care
The standard of care applicable to CH2M HILL's services will be
the degree of skill and diligence normally employed by
professional engineers or consultants performing the same or
similar services at the time CH2M HILL's services are performed.
CH2M HILL will reperform any services not meeting this
standard without additional compensation.
7. Termination
This AGREEMENT may be terminated for convenience on
30 days' written notice or for cause, if either party fails
substantially to perform through no fault of the other and does not
commence correction of such nonperformance within 5 days of
written notice and diligently complete the correction thereafter.
On termination, CH2M HILL will be paid for all authorized work
performed up to the termination date plus termination expenses.
such as, but not limited to, reassignment of personnel,
subcontract termination costs. and related closeout costs If no
notice of termination is given, relationships and obligations
created by this AGREEMENT will be terminated upon completion
of all applicable requirements of this AGREEMENT. except as
provided for under Article 10.
In the event the contract is terminated for any reason, the amount
of the Faxed Fee shall be prorated in accordance with the dollar
value of the work completed at the time of termination. No
termination expenses shall apply in the event the CLIENT
terminates the AGREEMENT for cause.
CLIENT to CH2M HILL will be on the basis of a Cost Target of
REV 7/93 FORM 124
$609,846 based on salary cost shown in Attachment 8 plus 86
percent of salary cost for general and administrative overhead plus
direct expenses plus a Fixed Fee of $73,440 The not to exceed
Total Contract Amount is $683,286.
Monthly invoices will be issued by CH2M HILL for all work
performed under this AGREEMENT. Invoices are due and payable
on receipt -Interest ,
Sauer -date of - .
credited .
In the event of a disputed or contested billing, only that portion so
contested will be withheld from payment, and the undisputed
portion will be paid. CLIENT will exercise reasonableness in
contesting any bill or portion thereof. No interest will accrue on any
contested portion of the billing until mutually resolved.
9. Limitation of Liability
CH2M HILL agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, the
CLIENT from and against liability claims an causes of action,
including defense costs that may anse or may be alleged to arise,
in connection with the sole negligence or willful misconduct or
omissions of CH2M HILL in direct connection wth this project. No
clause shall be constructed in any form or manner to waive that
Tort Immunity as set forth under Arkansas State Law.
614244 - • - - 0 -aggregate,
X000. This Provision takes precedence over any
conflicting Provision of this AGREEMENT or any document incorp-
orated into it or referenced by it
10. Severability and Survival
If any of the provisions contained in this AGREEMENT are held
illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining
provisions shall not be impaired thereby. Limitations of liability
indemnities, and other express representations shall survive
termination of this AGREEMENT for any cause.
11. Asbestos Of 44aza Sous Substances
C IENT that CH2M ue i _
liar t ran
12. Loan Monitoring Services
When CH2M HILL is providing PROJECT review and/or
construction monitonng services to lenders. CLIENT (Lender) wit;
to the maximum extent permitted by law, indemnify CH2M HILL
from all claims damages, losses, and expenses, including litigation
costs and attorney's fees, ansing out of or relating to CH2M HILL's
involvement or presence on or near the PROJECT.
CH2M HILL is not responsib'e for the duties and responsibilities
that belong to the borrower(s), developer(s), constriction
contractor(s), designer(s). testing laboratory(.es), t II -time
inspector(s). or other parties associated with the PROJECT not in
the employ of or a subcontractor to CH2M HILL
13. Interpretation
The limitations of liability and indemnities will app y whether
CH2M HILL's liability arises under breach of cortract or warranty.
tort, including negligence strict liability; statutory liability. or any
other cause of action, except the limitations will not appy to willful
misconduct or gross negligence for limitations of liabil.ty or sole
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116583\C171 DOC
negligence for indemnification Said limitations shall apply to
CH2M HILL's officers, affiliated corporations, employees. and
The law of the State of Arkansas shall govem the validity of this
AGREEMENT, its interpretation and performance and ary other
claims related to it
14. No Third Party Beneficiaries
Th.s AGREEMENT gives no rights or benefits to anyone other
than CLIENT and CH2M HILL and has no third party
beneficiaries CH2M HILL services are defined solely by this
AGREEMENT, and not by any other contract or agreement that
may be associated with the Project
15. Materials and Samples
Any items, substances, matenals, or samples removed from the
PROJECT site for testing analysis, or other evaluation will be
returned to the PROJECT site within 60 days of PROJECT
close-out unless agreed to otherwise CLIENT recognizes and
agrees that CH2M HILL is acting as a bailee and at no time
assumes title to said items, substances. materials. or samples.
16. Assignments
This is a bilateral personal services AGREEMENT Neither party
shall have the power to or will assign any of the duties or rights or
any claim arising out of or related to this AGREEMENT, whether
arising in tort, contract or otherwise, without the written consent
of the other party Any unauthorized assignment us void and
unenforceable. These conditions and the entire AGREEMENT
are binding on the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties
17. Subcontracting
It is anticipated that portions of the PROJECT work scope will be
completed with the assistance of subconsultants under CH2M
HILL's direction. Subcontract agreements with both the RJN
Group and McCelland Consulting Engineers are anticipated and
attached to this AGREEMENT. Additionally. Dr. Phil Taylor and
Dr. David Parker are anticipated to assist in the areas of
population growth projections and regional water quality impacts.
respectively. The CLIENT will be notified prior to utilizing the
services of any other subconsultants.
18. Time of Completion
The PROJECT scope of work is scheduled to be completed
within a 16 month time frame ending in December 1996 This
time period may be modified if there are changes in the work
scope or if there are delays outside CH2M HILL% control
19. Changes
Changes to specific work tasks in the scope of work are
anticipated as the PROJECT evolves and may affect the
estimated level of labor effort and the assoriated costs These
changes will not require a contract amendment unless the overall
authorized contract amount would be exceeded as a result of the
The CLIENT may make or approve modifications or additions to
the Scope of Work that require an amendment the
AGREEMENT If any such change causes an increase or
decrease in the cost of or time required for performance of this
AGREEMENT, the CLIENT will authorize an equitable change in
the contract amount and/or time in writing. If authorized, these
changes would be performed in accordance with the other terms
and cond•tiors of this AGREEMENT.
REV 7/93 FORM 124
Services. covered by this AGREEMENT will be performed in accordance with the Provisions stated on the back of this form and any
attachments or schedules. This AGREEMENT supersedes all prior agreements and understandings and may only be changed by wntten
amendment executed by both parties
Approved f..- LIE
By ll, 2 L vY�
Accepted for CC HILL, INC
By /1dyed�
Trtle Vice PresideSt'
Date 73 Date August 15. 1995
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REV 7/93 FORM 124
Attachment A
Fayetteville Sewer System Study
Scope of Work
June 14, 1995
The purpose and goal of the Sewer System Study is to identify and evaluate alternatives for
needed improvements and expansion of Fayetteville's wastewater collection and treatment
facilities. The overall project goal includes recommendations for the City in meeting State and
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations pertaining to sewer system overflows, as
well as applicable water and air pollution requirements.
The project initially includes the facility planning and this Scope of Work identifies the
associated work tasks. Additional tasks will be required to complete the project; however,
their particular need and scope of work cannot be developed at this time. Some of these
additional tasks might include such items as: specific stream sampling/modeling; Revolving
Loan Fund (RLF) program requirements including the application and rate/financing analysis;
additional assistance in the area of public information/involvement; National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulatory assistance; sampling and analytical testing;
environmental impact studies; and CORPS 404 permit assistance. The City of Fayetteville may
authorize some of these tasks to be performed when the need is identified and the work scope
can be defined. The Scope of Work for the design and construction phases cannot be
specifically defined until the completion of the Sewer System Study.
ENGINEER (CH2M HILL) agrees to furnish OWNER (City of Fayetteville) the following
specific services:
Article 1. Scope of Services
Task 1 -Workshop No. 1 (Initial Project Kickoff)
A. Upon receiving authorization to proceed, ENGINEER shall conduct a project
kickoff workshop in Fayetteville. The purpose of this workshop is to review
the scope of work, anticipated schedule, and project deliverables prior to the
actual start of the project. This effort is intended to confirm and clarify the
project's overall goals and the individual tasks that are foreseen to
accomplishing those goals. Summarize and document the discussions at the
kickoff workshop and distribute to participants.
B. The City and CH2M HILL project team will review the availability of current
information and focus on developing a common understanding for the existing
TUL1602.D1 U;123.doc -A-1
facilities, as well as their current condition and issues that will be involved
during the project Input from OMI will be included as a part of evaluating
current conditions.
C. Prior to the workshop, the OWNER will identify and assemble existing
information and past studies that applicable to the anticipated project work
efforts A brief overview of the available information will be provided at the
start of the workshop. This information will provide a common baseline of
information and serve as a resource for the work effort on this project. The
goal will be to maximize the use of previous information and findings and
avoid duplication of effort if the assumptions and conditions are still valid.
D. Review and discuss requirements of the Arkansas RLF. Develop approach for
incorporating these requirements into the Sewer System Study.
E. Discuss and develop an overall approach to be used during the project to keep
interested parties informed as to the project's status. This could include such
groups as:
1. Citizens of Fayetteville
2. Fayetteville City Council and Administration
3. Area Industries
4. Surrounding Communities
5. Special Interest Groups and Environmental Organizations
F. Discuss potential benefit in the formation of a Regional Task Force to develop
a consensus among stakeholders in allocation of the region's finite water
resources. If this appears to be beneficial and desirable, its implementation may
be authorized as an additional scope item.
G Provide a written summary to document issues discussed at the project
workshop and kickoff meeting.
Task 2 -Public Involvement
A. Conduct three separate public meetings to provide information to the general
public on the status and progress of the study. The OWNER will assist in
making preparations and arrangements for each of the meetings These
meetings will provide an opportunity to receive comment from the public and
to provide a response, as appropriate, during the planning process. The public
meetings are anticipated to occur upon completion of the following
• Workshop No. 2 (Existing Conditions)
• Workshop No. 3 (Screen Alternatives)
• Draft Sewer System Study
TUL6021)1IC123.doc -A-2
Attend and participate in one follow-up meeting with specific interest groups
following each of the three public meetings. The purpose of the follow-up
meeting will be to provide information and to identify potential constraints and
solutions for implementation of the desired altemative for Fayetteville. it is not
anticipated that any other meetings with groups or a public advisory committee
will be necessary.
Meet bimonthly during the anticipated 12 -month project duration with the
OWNER's Technical Committee to review the project's status. These meetings
would be scheduled to occur in conjunction with other project tasks and
activities to avoid separate preparation and travel.
C. Meet on three occasions during the anticipated 12 -month project with the
OWNER's policy committee (possibly the Environmental Concerns
Committee) to provide an overall project summary and status report. This
activity will be scheduled to coincide on the same day as the bimonthly meeting
with the OWNER's Technical Committee technical review committee.
D. Develop a brief informational summary such as a newsletter on a bimonthly
basis that is appropriate for use as a separate mailing or utility bill insert that
will serve to inform the general public on the goals and progress of the study.
Camera-ready copy will be provided and the OWNER will provide for
reproduction and distribution as appropriate.
E. Confirm that public participation Arkansas RLF program requirements are
integrated into the planning process and document that these requirements
have been met.
F. Document meetings with regulatory agencies and the issues that were
Task 3 -Regulatory Interface/Coordination
Meet early in the project with the Beaver Water District, Arkansas Department
of Pollution Control and Ecology (ADPC&E), the Oklahoma Water Pollution
Control Board, and EPA Region 6 to make them aware of the planning study
and approach being undertaken by Fayetteville.
B. Arrange and meet with ADPC&E and EPA Region 6 early in the project to
determine potential constraints relating to the identification of water quality
issues that will impact the issuance of a revised and/or new NPDES permit.
Solicit input from ADPC&E, Oklahoma Water Pollution Control Coordinating
Board, and EPA Region 6 upon competition of Workshop No. 2 (Task 9) and
TUTA602 1)11C 123 dot:
the initial definition of alternatives. As appropriate, incorporate regulatory
comments into the alternative development process.
Identify any state and federal regulations relative to both water and air
pollution that will be applicable in the planning process for improvements to
both the collection and treatment facilities.
Task 4 -Flows and Loads
A. Obtain from OWNER and OMI and review the following information: historic
flow and loading data for wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), previous and
projected industrial growth, descriptions of major industries, and wastewater
flow and pollutant concentration data for industries.
B. Population and employment estimates and forecasts by the City's Planning
Division for the year 2020 will be the basis for the planning effort and
projection of future flows and loads. Water -use projections being developed on
a separate project will also be made available by the OWNER and correlated
with the development of wastewater flow projections along with the planned
population growth.
C. Based on historic data and information developed in Task No. 7, develop
average per capita flows and loads to the WWTP. This data will then be used
to project average future flows and Toads. Segregate the projected flows and
loads between the White and Illinois watershed for the ultimate planning
conditions. Projected basin flows will be based on a breakdown of population
and industrial growth projections by subbasin developed from existing
transportation zone population and employment information provided by the
C. Based on Iustonc data, develop flow and Toad peaking factors and recommend
peaking factors to use as the basis for design. Use the recommended peaking
factors to estimate peak -hour flows (which will be used for sizing of hydraulic
elements) and the peak -month, peak -week, and peak -day loads to the WWTP
(which will be used to evaluate and size treatment facilities).
D. Document the results of this task in a draft technical memorandum (TM) and
submit to OWNER for review.
Task 5 -Treatment Plant/Sludge Land Application Facility Evaluation
A. Meet with the OWNER and OMI personnel onsite to define, in general, the
condition of the existing treatment facilities and its operational performance
record. A 1 -day evaluation shall be conducted utilizing personnel specializing
in wastewater process, electrical/instrumentation and control, mechanical, and
TUL\602.D1\C 123. doc -4-4
structural technical disciplines. Identify areas of the WWTP that may need to
be upgraded, replaced, or modified.
B. Confirm treatment capability of existing unit processes in relation to design
criteria and historical operating performance provided by OMI. (Determine
need for any additional "in -plant" process testing.)
C. Evaluate historical operation of the sludge reuse/disposal "sludge farm" and
assess its performance relative to its remaining capacity.
D. Document the results in a draft TM and submit to the OWNER for review. The
TM will categorize the condition of the existing facilities. General
recommendations for repair or modification will also be presented.
Task 6 -Sludge Treatment/Odor Mitigation Conceptual Design
A. Identify and define the existing facility capability to meet sludge stabilization
requirements of the 503 sludge regulations. Identify any testing or analysis
needed to evaluate the current treatment process capability.
B. Review ongoing pilot efforts, operational records, and preliminary
recommendations by OMI to meet 503 sludge stabilization requirements
through operational changes, as well as odor mitigation measures.
C Summarize existing information including previous studies relative to odor
abatement to serve as a basis for development of a conceptual design for the
anticipated digester improvements.
D. Conduct an onsite evaluation including a 3 -day workshop to assess and
evaluate available alternatives and development of a recommended approach.
This effort will be conducted outside schedule constraints of the overall Sewer
System Study. This approach will provide the City with the opportunity to
expedite identification and implementation of the recommended sludge
treatment and associated odor abatement facilities at the plant.
Assess potential odor sources in addition to the aerobic digestion process
within the plant and collection system that may contribute to complaints.
Identify potential mitigation measures to reduce potential odor sources.
F. Identify and define areas where there have been odor complaints that may be
related to collection system facilities. Evaluate sources of odors and
recommend structural and/or operational modifications to mitigate odor
TUL1602.D1CC123.doc -A-5
Document the evaluation and recommendations in a Conceptual Design Report
resulting from the workshop. This report would include budgetary cost
estimates and considerations of a phased implementation approach. Upon
review and acceptance by the City, this Conceptual Design Report would be
used to develop a design scope of work for consideration by the City.
Task 7- Collection System
A. Meet with OWNER's staff to define objectives and constraints associated with
the evaluation of the City's sewage collection system. Confirm existing
problem areas and establish priorities for evaluation.
Analyze flow data from major lift stations including Porter Road, Old Wire
Road, Gregg Street, Popular Street, and Lift Station No. 12 to determine
current flow rates. Compare to flow data obtained during previous studies and
develop dry- and wet -weather hydrographs for each subdrainage basin. Flow
data from major lift stations are to be provided by the City.
Using the above data, determine existing base flow loadings on a per capita
and employee or per acreage basis based on population and employment
information developed in Task No. 4.
D. Review water usage records (obtained in Task No. 4) and industrial
pretreatment records for large industrial users. Interview personnel at large
industries to determine future plant expansion plans.
Using population and employment projections and water usage projections
provided by the City in Subtask No. 4, project future wastewater flow rates by
Perform temporary flow monitoring to determine wastewater flow rates for
Greenland. Wastewater flow rates from Elkins is currently being determined as
part of the Illinois River Phase II Sewer Project. Flow data for the City of
Farmington will be provided by the OWNER.
G. Develop a City-wide collection system hydraulic model (SWMM) including all
sewers 10 inches in diameter and larger from information contained in the
White and Illinois River Watershed Sewer System Studies. The model
development assumes that the OWNER will provide the White River model
database in electronic format that is suitable for use in the SWMM model.
Provide model used in this study to the OWNER and train OWNER's staff in
its use
Using existing data and the additional flow data obtained in Subtask 7.F above,
calibrate the system model and assess the hydraulic conditions in the major
TUL\602.1mC123 doc -A-6
collection system lines, lift stations, and force mains. It is anticipated that the
model will be calibrated to existing dry -weather conditions and to one selected
storm condition.
H. Assess the City's current approach and ongoing sewer rehabilitation efforts to
eliminate bypasses and overflows and identify appropriate assumptions for
future inflow/infiltration (I/I) reduction. This effort will focus on the following:
• Reliability of Existing Flow Data
• Rehabilitation Impacts on the Plants
• Effectiveness of the I/1, Sewer System Evaluation Survey, and
Rehabilitation Efforts To -Date
• Direction and Focus of Future Rehabilitation Efforts
This assessment will be performed based upon existing information including
previous reports and hydraulic modeling results. A 4 -day value engineering
workshop approach will be used to assess existing information and to make
recommendations for future I/1 efforts. A summary (provided by RIN) of the
current and ongoing rehabilitation efforts will be the basis of evaluation during
the workshop.
The first priority will be in the western area of Fayetteville and a small area in
the southeast portion of the collection system. The goal will be to identify
short-term solutions and recommendations in these areas for needed remedies
independent of the longer-term recommendations. This will be done and
reviewed with the City on an accelerated basis while the other Sewer System
Study tasks are being accomplished.
Utilizing flows projected and provided by OWNER under Task 4 previously,
determine the existing collection system's capability to function under future
flow conditions. Through model simulation of 10 -inch pipes and larger in both
the White and Illinois watersheds, determine additional system improvements
needed from major collectors to interceptors and any lift station improvements
that may be required. These improvements will be ranked according to priority
based on 1, 5, 10, 15 years, and ultimate needs. These improvements will be
formulated based on the needs of each subbasin when it reaches ultimate
K. Provide maintenance management system software and a 586 pentium
computer with a monitor that is capable of utilizing the City's existing
hydraulic model information and system data. Existing Sewer system inventory
data from the Illinois River and White River Sewer Studies will be included in
1UL1602 D11C123.doc A-7
the maintenance management system. It is anticipated that the OWNER will
provide the database of information from the White River Study in electronic
format. Provide 6 days of onsite training.
L Summarize findings of the collection system evaluation in a draft TM for
review and discussion with the OWNER.
Task 8 -Assess Existing Stream Water Quality Conditions
A. Collect and evaluate existing information relative to water quality conditions
on the White, Illinois, and Arkansas Rivers. This would include previous
studies, as well as water quality sampling data that might be applicable to
discharge locations that could be potentially considered by Fayetteville
Ongoing study on Mud Creek will be included in this evaluation.
B. Review state and federal water quality regulations and stream standards that
must be maintained in the surface waters that are possible considerations for
new or additional discharge loading.
Assess the potential for and estimate the discharge requirements and NPDES
requirements for potential discharge locations. The purpose of this effort is to
generally identify the potential for and requirements of additional or new
NPDES discharges so that the various options and alternatives can be
realistically developed and screened for further consideration. This task does
not include actual modeling or stream sampling. Identify additional detailed
studies and evaluations that may be necessary.
D. Prepare a draft TM summarizing the findings of the water quality issues and
submit for review. Based on the projected flows and loads and permit limits,
identify the treatment requirements needed to meet the anticipated limits (such
as complete nitrification, disinfection, metals removal, etc.).
Task 9 -Workshop No. 2(Existing Conditions)
A. Prepare for and conduct a 3 -day workshop in Fayetteville The workshop will
be conducted the day following the plant evaluation. It is anticipated that the
workshop will be attended by the OWNER's staff and CH2M HILL's project
The workshop will be conducted by the project manager and be organized to
accomplish the following tasks:
1. Confirm projected flows and loads, including various scenarios
involving a potential second WWTP located in the Illinois
2 Categorize and prioritize the existing treatment facilities and
Discuss future discharge requirements relative to the White,
Illinois, and Arkansas River basins. Alternative nontraditional
options to discharge will also be reviewed and discussed.
4. Brainstorm and screen advanced treatment processes for
meeting the potential NPDES limits. Three treatment process
options will be identified at the workshop for further evaluation.
Review current sludge handling and disposal practices. Identify
modifications required to meet the recently promulgated 503
federal sludge regulations.
6. Evaluate concept for an additional WWTP (including location)
or expansion of the existing Paul R. Noland plant.
Review findings of the Collection System Evaluation in Task 7
and their impact on the concept of an additional WWTP.
C. Following the workshop, incorporate comments received and finalize the draft
TM on Flows and Loads (Task 4) and Water Quality Conditions (Task 8).
D. Make a brief presentation to City Council summarizing the status of the project
following each of the three scheduled public meetings.
Task I0 -Development of Alternatives
A. Options and alternatives discussed in the preceding Workshop No. 2 will be
developed and evaluated further. This process should result in the identification
of three or four primary alternatives, each consisting of collection system,
treatment, effluent discharge or reuse, and sludge handling recommendations.
B. Relative cost comparisons will be developed for each of the alternatives to
allow for a monetary evaluation and ranking.
Nonmonetary factors such as environmental impacts and implementability
factors for each of the alternatives will be summarized.
D. A TM summarizing the development of alternatives will be prepared and
submitted to the OWNER for review and comment. This will also serve as the
basis for the,workshop where the alternatives will be initially screened.
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Task 11 -Workshop No. 3 (Screen Alternatives)
A. Perform a workshop conducted by the Project Manager to be attended by
individuals representing the OWNER and Engineer. The first day of the
workshop will be designed to accomplish the following tasks:
1. Discuss costs associated with additional treatment capacity and
the specific location(s) under consideration.
Collection system impacts and alternatives associated with the
treatment options.
The second day of the workshop will be designed to accomplish the following
Evaluate treatment alternatives and select the alternative to
implement including location.
Evaluate final treated effluent disposal alternatives associated
with an increase in WWTP capacity.
3. Identify modifications to existing sludge handling and disposal
B. Summarize workshop activities and further develop screening information as
necessary. Based upon the results of this activity, identify the selected
alternative and document in a TM
Task 12 -Development of Selected Plan
A. Prepare a preliminary site plan showing location of the recommended facilities
including treatment, sludge handling improvements and collection system City-
wide map.
B. Prepare preliminary construction and operation and maintenance (O&M) cost
estimates for the recommended improvements. WWTP staffing estimates shall
also be prepared The cost estimates will be budget -level estimates as defined
by the American Association of Cost Engineers. The OWNER will provide the
ENGINEER with the City's current O&M budget, including line -item
Prepare a draft TM summarizing the recommended improvements and
presenting the preliminary site plan and construction and O&M cost estimates.
Submit the draft memorandum to the OWNER for review.
TUL\602 Dl\C 123.doc
A -1O
D. The selected plan may require further study and/or verification of NPDES
discharge limits and its impact on the receiving stream If specific stream or
wasteload allocation studies are required, there would be negotiated and
authorized by the OWNER when the work scope associated with the selected
alternative can be defined.
E. This scope covers preparation of an environmental assessment and submission
of an environmental information document as required by the RLF program.
Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is not anticipated at this
Task 13 -Sewer System Study Report
A. Incorporate comments received on the draft TMs into a draft Facility Plan
Report. A draft outline of the report is given below. Submit the draft report to
the OWNER for review.
Executive Summary
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Flow and loads
Section 3 Permit Limits and Treatment Requirements
Section 4 Existing Treatment Facility
Section 5 Treatment Alternative Development
Section 6 Sludge Handling and Disposal Alternative Development
Section 7 Existing Collection System
Section 8 Collection System Alternative Development
Section 9 Alternative Evaluation and Selection
Section 10 Selected Management Plan
Section 11 Costs and Implementation Plan
B Receive comments from the OWNER and incorporate them into a final Sewer
System Study. Because all information presented in the draft report will have
previously been submitted to and reviewed by the OWNER (in the form of TM
or meeting notes), it is anticipated that only minor review comments will be
Submit 20 copies of the Report to the OWNER, along with 15 copies of a
bound Executive Summary for use by City Council.
Task 14 -Sewer Overflow Basin Conceptual Design
A. The purpose of the conceptual design will be to identify optional approaches to
eliminating or storing potential sewer system overflows during wet weather
events until the flows can be reintroduced into the collection system and
TJL\602 D l \C 121 doc
A -1I
conveyed to the WWTP As a result of this activity, needed facilities will be
identified so that final design can proceed
Through discussion with the City and existing overflow reporting records,
establish locations along the 15th Street interceptors in addition to the
Salvation Army and Happy Hollow Lift Station locations where overflows
have historically occurred.
Utilize wet weather flow projections provided by the City (from ongoing RJN
project) to identify the cause and potential solutions for the overflow. Two
separate and independent overflow conditions are thought to exist. They are as
• Evaluation of the overflow near the Salvation Army will include
possible: 1) elimination of potential interceptor restrictions
down gradient from the Salvation Army; 2) providing additional
interceptor capacity, and 3) basin to contain and store projected
overflows until they can be reintroduced into the collection
The overflow at the Happy Hollow Lift Station is a direct result
of having to shut the lift station down to prevent overloading
the WWTP's headworks pumping capacity. Resolution of this
condition will include. 1) providing storage basin capacity at or
near the lift station or at the WWTP and/or along the gravity
force main route to the plant; and 2) evaluation of the lift
station's capacity to handle the project flows.
Evaluate existing excess flow equalization storage facilities at the WWTP and
integrate this capacity into potential solutions.
D. Develop overall system flow capacity analysis relative to the overflow
conditions near the 15th Street interceptors.
E Utilize the hydraulic model results and data input provided by RJN on other
City ongoing project work to evaluate several different scenarios to resolve the
overflow situation
F. The results of the analysis and evaluation will be summarized in a TM including
a recommended approach to resolving the overflow condition This will be
presented to the City staff in a workshop and a decision reached of the desired
approach. Applicable review comments will be incorporated along with
defining the specific design criteria for the proposed facilities. The final
outcome will be documented by finalizing the TM. This TM will be used as the
1111A602.])11C 123.doc
basis for facility design and can also be used as a submittal to reviewing
agencies if appropriate.
Task IS Project Management/Administration
A. At the beginning of the project, the ENGINEER's project manager will
prepare project instructions for use by the project team during the course of
the project. The instructions will outline procedures, summarize project goals
and objectives, present schedule and budget guidelines, present quality
control/quality assurance (QA/QC) procedures, and other information that is
pertinent to the successful completion of the project.
The ENGINEER will coordinate and manage execution of the overall project
tasks throughout the project among own staff and other team members
participating as subconsultants.
C. The ENGINEER's project manager will monitor the status of the project to
such that the project is completed within the agreed upon budget and schedule
The ENGINEER's project manager will discuss project status with the
OWNER designated representative on a monthly basis.
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Attachment B
Fayetteville Sewer System Evaluation
Hourly Rates*
1995 Average
Hourly Rate
$ 47.43
*Salary Cost plus 86 percent G&A
Budget Adjustment Form
Budget Year
Department: Public Works
Program: Sewer Mains Construction
Date Requested
September 5, 1995
Project or Item R quested:
Acciticnal funding is requested for the Sewer System Study
Project* 95041.
Project or Item Deleted:
Funding proposed for this request is the I (WY 16 West Sewer
Force Main, Project # 95043 and Use of Fund Balance.
Justification of this Increase:
Increased project scope of work. Original scope of work was
intended primarily as a wastewater treatment plant assessment.
The proposed scope of work is a detailed sewer system study to
assess sewer rehabilitation efforts, collection, treatment, discharge
as well as sludge management.
Justification' of this Decrease:
Project is proposed to be implemented m 1996. Fund
balance is sufficient to fund this request and comply with City
Account Name Amount
Account Number
Project Number
Contract Services .533,286 5400 5700
Account Name
Sewer Improvements
Uac of Fund Balance
5315 00
Account Number
Project Number
272,286 5400 5700
_ 261,000_ _5400 0940 _
proval Signatures proval
f5 / z 0/7 c
c & Svc -
`Department Director
Type: A B
5815 00
4999 99
Budget Office Use Only
Date of Approval
Posted to General Ledger
Entered in Category Log
Budget Office Copy