HomeMy WebLinkAbout109-95 RESOLUTION• • RESOLUTION NO. 109-95 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $349 600. PLUS A CONTINGENCY OF $17,500. WITH BUILDING & UTILITY CONTRACTORS, INC., FOR THE 24" WATER I INE REPLACEMENT PROJECT ON 6TH STREET AND APPROVAL OF A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 1N THE AMOUNT OF $154,603. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Council hereby authorizes a contract in the amount of $349,600 plus a contingency of $17,500 with Building & Utility Contractors, Inc., for the 24" water line replacement project on 6th Street and authonzes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. A copy of the contract attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Section 2. The Council hereby approves a budget adjustment in the amount of $154,603 increasing Water Line Improvements, Acct. No. 5400 5600 5808 00, Project No. 95036 by decreasing Sewer Improvements, Acct. No. 5400 5700 5815 00, Project No 95043. A copy of the budget adjustment is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of August , 1995. ATTEST By: ILit Traci Paul, City Clerk APPROVED: By: /i4/ll: lye/ red Hanna, Mayor M City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Budget Adjustment Form • Budget Year Department: Public Works 1995 Division: Program: Water 6 Sewer Capital Water Mains Project or Item Requested: Additional funding in the amount of $154,603 is requested for the 6th Street 24" Water Line Replacement Project. Approval of this request will provide the funding necessary to complete the construction phase of this project. Justification of this Increase: Date Requested August 15, 1995 Adjustment # Project or Item Deleted: $154,603 in funding 16 West Sewer Force project will have a of $272,397. for the Highway Main Project. The remaining budget Scope on the 24" Water Line Replacement Project has been expanded to replace more 24" pipe than originally budgeted. Justification of this Decrease: The Highway 16 West Sewer Force Main Project has been deferred to 1996. Increase ( Decrease Revenue ) Account Name Amount Water Line Improvements _ 154,603 Account Name Sewer Improvements Account Number 5400 5600 5808 Decrease ( Increase Revenue ) Amount 154,603 Project Number 00 95036 Account Number Project Number 5400 5700 5815 00 95043 I' Requested By Approval Signatures 1.1 07/28/95 Budget Office Use Only Type: A B C D Date of Approval Posted to General Ledger Entered in Category Log F Budget Office Copy PRODUCER First Arkansas 512 S. Pine St. P 0 Box 8367 Pine Bluff, AR CE.RTIFICATEF INSURANCE 09/29/9 INSURED Insurance Ste. 100 71611 City of Fayetteville Purchasing Office, City Hall 113 West Mountain. Street Fayetteville, AR 727C1 1 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY ACNA Irsurarce Cos COMPANY B COMPANY C COMPANY D COVERAGES nits IS TO CERTIFY 'HAT THE POLCILS 01 INSURANCE LISTED BE.OW HAVE BEEN ISSUFC TO TFE INSURED NAMEDABCVF FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY RLCJIREVENT TFPV OR CONDITION CJ ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCJMENT WITH RESPECT TC WHICH THS CERTIFICATE MAY BF ISSUED OR MAV PERTAIN. THF INSURANCE AI -LORDED BY THF POI'CIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TEPMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SJCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER A GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL L ABILITY C.A MS MACE X OCCUR X OWNER S & CONTRACTOR S PROT BINDER AUTOMOBILE L ABIL'Y ANY AUTO AL. OWNED A.� CS SCHEDUL ED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NCN OWNEDA..'OS POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE IMM! DONYY) DATE(MM/DO/YY; GARAGE LIAB LITY ANY AUTO EXCESS LIABILITY „MOREL L AFORM OTHER --AN.. MBRELLA FORM 09%28/95 12/28/95 .IM ITS GENERAL AGGREGATE s2 000, O0O PROCUCIS-COMPICP AGO S PERSONA,.&ADV N..LIRV S EAO OCCURRENT.E .$2, 000, 000 R RE DAMAGE (Any are . it of E MEC EXP (Ary one person} S COMB NEC SIN3I E I IM,T $ SOD L" N..IIRY (Pei pet sort ROOT" N.URY (Pr r c dent) S PROPERTY DAMAGE Af C ONLY EA ACC DL NT $ C -•IFR T -AN A..'It ON Y: EACH ACC:CENT S AGGREGATE S WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS .IABILITY -HE PROPRIETOR! PARTNERSfEXECLITIVE OFFICERS ARE. NCL EXCL OTHER EACH OCCUR+F NCE $ AGGREGA'E $ STATUTORY LIM 'S EACH ACCIDENT S OSEASE-PDL CYI IV IT •S DSFASE EACH EMP, C"FE S DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATICNSIVEHICLES+SPECIAL ITEMS Prcject: 24 -Inch Water Line replacement, Fayetteville, AR Owner of Pro-ect: City of Fayetteville (See Attached Schedule.) CERTIFICATE HOLDER City of Fayetteville Purchasing Office, City Hall 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 7270- ACORD 25•S13/93)1 of 2 #3013 CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANOE. LED BEFORE THE EXPIRAT ON DATE -HERE OF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MA L DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT BUT FAILURE -0 MAIL SUC H NOTICE SHA.L IMPOSE NO OB L GATIC N OR LIABILITY OF ANY K ND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. �A ItTHRRI2ED REPRESENTATIVE jl ///1:11-A_-_(# N Lc2•la/ MIN o ACORD CORPORATION 1993. DESC) TIONS.(Continued from page 1.) Engineer as Additional Insured: McGoodwin, Williams, and Yates, Inc., 909 Rolling Hills Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703 Contractor of Project: Building & Utility Contractors, Inc. Cancellation Clause reads as follows: Coverage afforded will not be cancelled, materially altered, or non -renewed unless thirty (3C) days written notice has been giver. to the Owner:by certified mail. CISGEM 25213/93)2 of 2 #3013 AGENDA REQUEST X CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City FROM: Sid Norbash Name ACTION REQUIRED: Approval Replacement contract. STAFF REVIEW FORM Council meeting of N/A Enaireerina D:v:s:on .11 Public Works Department of the attached C.O. #1 to the 24" Water line COST TO CITY: none Cost of this Request Category/Project Budget Account Number Project Number BU I Funds Used To Jate Category/Project Name Program Name Remaining Balance Fund Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached IOc i3..43.0- 1Fop4 tdget Coordinator Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: Accounting( 14 ager f Cit' Attorney c)cam►\ Purchasing Officer 1 C' A 15 GRANTING AGENCY: Date AlCQ?rdinatox 11 1 r 41/41A; fillajCiaLV. IA Date Infernal Auditcr •J /e -jt 4S I0- - Date Date Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: s:on Head Department Director riAN rvices Director Mayor cdenofes ctdded material +„ Date Cross Reference Date Date /1/1101 Jate New ;ten: Yes_ No Prev Ord/Res #: Re\ 101 41j Orig Contract Date: CHANGE ORDER (Instructions on reverse side) No. - PROJECT 24 -Inch Water Line Replacement DATE OF ISSUANCE October 2, 1995 EFFECTIVE DATE October 2, 1995 OWNER City of Fayetteville, Arkansas OWNER's Contract No. Fy-248 CONTRACTOR Building and Utility Contractors, Inc. ENGINEER McGoodwin, Williams and Yates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents. Description: Inccrperation of changes in Contract Documents regarding Application for Progress Payment. Reason forChange Order: Requested by Owner. Changes to be incorporated into . the General Conditions and the Supple:nertary Corditior.s. Attachments: (List documents supporting change) Attached two-page description of charge. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: Origi . Contract Price NO CHANGE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: NO CHANGE • •inal Contract • Times Subs tial Completion• $ Ready f. final payment: daps or dolts Net changes from p.. ions Change Orders No. to No Net change from •reviods Change Orders No. to No _ _ $ _ days Contract Price prior to this Chan• - Order $ Contract Times prior to this ange Order Substantial Completion Ready for final payment: days or d. - Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order $ Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Or de days Contract Pnce win all approved Change Orders $ Contract Times with all approved Change Orders Suhs:artial Completion: Reach tor hnal payment: days or JAC% McGoodwin, Williams City RECON,ENDCD: & v.esr APPROV if By: jilt/Z.4 YV/ y 4.4.6l, ""Y By: haries`aii.1hingiartii, P.E. I' red 4 Date: October 2, 1995 Date of Fayetteville, AR CD: 0:-tober 2, 1993 EJC'DC NO. 1910--H-B (1991) [Edition) Preparar by the F:ngincers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed by 1 Fe Ass. Building & Uti_ity� A('C :Pit ED: Contra tors , Inc . t x Ily \)1,v(:�,�{s��: •..1,1f1_ `. Rouro'sn 'slut res. pinyOctober 2, 1995 rated General Contractors of Amenia • • CHANGE ORDER INSTRUCTIONS • A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Contract Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating change order items to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order may be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Contractor for approval. After approval by Contractor, all copies should be sent to Owner for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by Owner. If a change only applies to Contract Price or to Contract Times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. • 1 1 11 11 z 11 11 a a 11 will be incorporated,into a form of Application for Payment acceptable :o ENGINEER. Progress paymer.ts on account of Unit Pnce Work will be based on the number of units com- pleted. Application for Progress Payment: Replacement witY SC 14.2 14.2. At least twenty days before the Cate established for each progress payment (but not more often than once a month), CONTRACTOR shall submit to ENGINEER for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by CONTRACTOR coverng the Work completed as of :he date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equip- ment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the site or at another !ocat:on agreed :o in wnting. the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale. :nvoice or other documentation warranting that OWNER has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence that the materia's and equipment are covered by appropriate property insurance and ether arrangements to protect O WNER's in:erect :herein, all of which will be satisfactory to OWNER. The arnoun: of retainage w -:h respect to progress payments will be as stipu,ated :n the Agreement. CO.\TRACTOR's Warranty of Title - 14 3. CONTRAC IOR warrants anc guarantees that title :o al Work. materials anu equipment covered by any Application for Payment. whe•her incorporated in the Prosect or rot, wi 1 pass to OWNER no later than the time of payment free and clear of all Liens. Review of Applications for Progress Payment: Rev_sion see SC .4.4 14.4. ENGINEER wi:l, within ten days after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in w-ttmg a recommendation of payment and present the Application to OWNER. er return the Application to CONTRAC JUR inch - eating m writing EN'GINEER'S reasons for refusing :c recom- mend Payment. In the latter case, CONTRACTOR may make :he necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. Ten days after presentation of the Application for Payment to OWNER with ENGINEER'S recommendation. the amount recommended will (sub•ect to the provisions of :he last sen- terce of paragraph 14.7: become due and when due will be paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR 14.5. ENGINEER'S recommendation of any payment re- quested in an Application for Payment will constitute a repre- sentation by ENGINEER :o OWNER. based on ENGINEER'S on-site observations of the executed Work as an experienced and qualified resign professional and on ENGINEER'S review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules, that to the best of ENGINEER'S knowledge, infor- mation and belief: 38 14.5.1, the Work has progressed to the point indicated. 14 5.2. the quality of the Work is generaily in accor- dance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evalu- ation of the Work as a functioning whole pnor :o or upon Substantial Completion. to the results of any subsequent tests calved for in the Contract Documents, to a final determination of quanrues and classifications for Unit Price Work under paragraph 9. t;. and to any other quali- fications stated in the recommendation), and 14 5 3. the conditions precedent to CONTRAC IOR's being enti:'ed to such payment appear to have been fulfilled :n so far as it is ENGINEER's responsibility to observe the Work However. by recommending any such payment ENGINEER wil, not thereby be deemed to have represented that: (i) exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections have been made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to ENGINEER in the Cortrac• Documents or (ii) that there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle CONTRAC- TOR to be paid additionally cy OWNER or entitle OWNER to withhold payment to CONTRACTOR. 14 6 ENGINEER'S recommendation of any payment. in- cluding final payment. shall not mean that ENGINEER is responsible forCONTRAC:OR's means, methods. techniques. sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precau- tions and ,.rograms :ncidert :hereto. or for any failure of CONTRACTOR to comply with Laws and Regulations appli- cable to the furnishing or performance of Work. or for ary failure of CONTRALIUR to perform or furnish Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 14.7. ENGINEER may refuse to recommend the whole or any part of any payment if. in ENGINEER'S opinion, it wou.d be incorrect to make the representations to OWNER refered to in paragraph 14.5 ENGINEER may also refuse to recom- mend any such payment. or, because of subsequently discov- ered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections nr tests. r.u.lify any such payment previously recommended, to such extent as may be necessary in ENGINEER's opinion to protect OWNER from'oss because: 14.7.1. the Work is defective, or completed Work has been damaged requiring correction or replacement, 14.7.2. the Contract Price has been reduced by Writ- ten Amendment or Change Order, 14.7 3. OWNER has been required :o correct defec- tive Work or comp ete Work in accordance with paragraph 13.4, or 14.7.4. ENGINEER has actual knowledge of the oc- currence of any of the events enumerated in paragraphs 15.2.1 through 15.2.4 inclusive. OWNER may reft,se :o make payment of the full amount recommended by ENGINEER because: 14.7.5. claims have been made against OWNER on account of CONT RACTORs performance or furnishing of the Work, 11 m 11 31 11 11 SC 14.2. The ENGINEER, based upon data gathered during the construction process, will make an estimate of the value of the Work done and materials furnished in place during the previous estimate period. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the ENGINEER such detailed information including invoices from material suppliers as the ENGINEER may request to aid in the preparation of the progress payment estimate. All payment requests are subject to retainage as determined by the ENGINEER. Retainage shall be 1C% of said estimate until 50% of the work has been fully completed. At 50% completion, further partial payments shall be made to the contractor in full with no additional_ retainage unless the ENG:NEER determines that the project is not progressing sa isfactory, in which case additional retainage may be retained to a maximum of 10%. When the work is substantially completed, any retained amount may be paid to the contractor except the OWNER shall retain an amount sufficient to cover any work not yet completed. The release cf retainage will be determined by the ENGINEER. If the OWNER or ENGINEER shall at any time fail to make the CONTRACTOR a monthly estimate at the time herein specified, such failure shall not be held to violate cr void the Contract. N:te, the failure of the Contractor to provide an accurate and current schedule update shall be reason to reject CONTRACTOR'S request for progress payment. SC 14.4. Review of Applications for Progress Payment. Delete the last sentence of paragraph 14.4 of the General Conditic;s and replace with the following: After the required internal reviews and processing by the City of Fayetteville, the City will diligently proceed to make payment to t ne contractor, in accordance with the approved payment request, within 30 days. All efforts ;.111 be :rade to make payments within the 30 day period, but the City cannot guarantee the 30 days maximum time. 9 STAFF REVIEW FORM AGENDA REQUEST x CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of N/A FROM: Sid Norbash ✓1n Engineering Public Works Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED: Approval of Reconciliation Change order #3 to the construction contract with Building & Utility Contractors, Inc., for the 24" Water Line Replacement Project. COST TO CITY: 51.132.40 Cost of this Request 5400-5600-5808-00 Account Number 95036-0020 Project Number $424,650.51 24" Water Line Replacement Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name $403,650.51 Capital Water Mains Funds Used Pc Datc Program Name $21,000 Water & Sewer Remaining Balance Fund BUDS EVIEW: BudgeLoordi nator X Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Administrative Services Director 1 /CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: L �` ✓ fah Q ' X,(✓ %%',�L�kCP�1 AccourrEirl 3✓ai ager City Attoey��j� Purchasing Officer GRANTING AGENCY: Date ADA Coordinator N InfAI IC' t4rnal Au$itcr 1 (c- 2)-°i;; Date Date Date i ) 7'),, 1- - Date S FF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the Change Order. Crnal Cen--1Z ` (& -d %=K- Division Head Date Department Director Services Director mayor Date Date 6/441 Date Cross Reference New Item: Yes_ No ?rev Ord/Res il: Or:g Contract Date: Staff Review Form FAY TTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Kevin Crosson, Public Works Director Thru: Don Bunn, City Engineer Charles Venable, Assistant PWD / From: Sid Norbash, Staff Engineer shw Date: June 26, 1996 Re: 24" Water Line Replacement Building & Utilities Construction Co. Change Order #3 (Reconciliation) The above referenced change order was necessitated due to some extra work involved with this project. Please obtain the Mayor's approval. Change order and justifications are attached. SN/sn attachments • CHANGE ORDER (Instructions on reverse side) No. 3 Reconciliation PROJECT Fy-252 _ - 24 Tach Water Line Replacement DATE OF ISSUANCE June 12, 1996 EFFECTIVE DATE June 7, 1996 OWNER City of Fayetteville Arkansas OWNER's Contract No. CONTRACTOR Building and Utility Contractors, Inc. ENGINEER McGoodwin, Williams & Yates. Inc. You are directed to make the following charges m the Contract Documents. Description: Reconcile all quantities provided for additional work Reason for Change Order.. To reconcile contract quantities Attachments. (List documents suppor.:ng change) Attachments (2) Amend lump sum items and provide for payment for additional work CHANGE IN CONI'RAC: ('RICE Onginal Contract Price $ 349,600.00 CHANGE IN CONIRACT TIMES Ol lgina. onlract .Times Subslant.a: C plettor.: Read) for final p. -vert: days or dales Net changes from previous Change Orders No to No 2 Net change from previous . arge Orders No. r No $ 54,050.51 days Contract Price prior to this Change Order $ 403 650.51 Contract Tames prior to tilts Change Or. Substantial Completion. Ready for final payment days or dales Net Increase tderenes►) cfthis Changs Order $ 1,13240 Nei increase (decrease) . this Change 0 -der ___ days Contract Price with all approved Change Orders $ 404,782 91, —""- Contra fides with a'l approved Change Orders Sub nlial Completion: _ ady for final payment: days or dates McGoodwin, Wilharns & Yates, ]nc RECOMYS.NDED City of Fave,teville. Arkansas APPROV: Engineer (Aullioi vcd Sipnaltn:) /1Orl"ler Xulhimbed Sigpa:r.re) !via 1/4(er Date:Cid", /3/ fa Dale: J ul; e e2 `3 /9 �6 Building and Utility Contractors, Inc. CCFeT 13>• (1 M1.6¢a v / .. ontranar (A/ V iCu;hornd tiiBntare) Date: EJCDC No. 1910-8-13 (1990 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Doccments Committee and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America • • CHANGE ORDER INSTRUCTIONS 0.4 A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Contract price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating changeorder items to reduce the administrative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order may be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to Contractor for approval. After approval by Contractor, all copies should be sent to Owner for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by Owner. If a change only applies to Contract Price or to Contract Times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. rnass mut- .- RECONCILIATION ATTACHMENT TO CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 24 -NCH WATER LINE REPLACEMENT FAYET'EV IL LE ARKANSAS project No Fy-248 . � oa mad ow — Oster «.n Aame. •io ant a.a, wx. .acrd o.e.wa .m Nan 1 3675 . F 24' Diameter Ductile Iron Pipe 3675 3542 7000 133 93'000 2 300. F .6 Diameter Ouch. -on Pipe 300 206 20 CO 94 1 80000 3. 100 . F 1' Service Lae 100 600 100 600 Cc 4. 1OC L F 3l4• Service Lula 130 65 1C 30 35 350 00 5. Lump Suer 7 Connection at Ramey Jr HS 100% 100% 5.00030 6 5 Ea , Connecbon to Exstmg Service Meters 5 3 ' 000 00 2 2 000 00 7 4 Ea , Install Service Corporation Tao to Water Nan 4 5 500 00 1 500 CO • 6 1 Ea, 6' Gate VaNa and 24' x 6 Tee . DELETED 2.00000 9. 1 Ea Fire Hydrant 1 2.000 CO 10. lump Sum. Ile (Lme 1)b Exerting Pipe 130% 'OC% '5000 C0 ••11. Lump Sum, Te(Llne 1) at Old Fa-mmgton Road 130% 10C% '0,228400 28130 "12 Lump Sum. Tie (Line 1) at Staten 8.50 1C0% 'OC% 5,56200 56200 "12A Lump Sum Tb (Line No 1)0) Staten 12.80 100% 4.01350 100% 1,01050 "43. Lump Sum, To (Line 1) to Exatng Line at Stone Street100% 100% 4,023 00 .023 00 14. Lump Sum. Ile (Line 1) to Emtin9Lme 100% 100% 5800 CO I••15. Lump Sum, are Tap - DE.ETED 100000 100000 • 16 Lump Sum, Te(Line 2.Satnn 2.00) to Exemg Tee 103% 100% 5,34325 4.31325 17. Lump Sum, 7e (Lbs 2. Stationtemp 2.40; to Exg Lula 100% 100% 2)0000 '8 ldmp Sum, Te (Line 2, Satan 7473) to Basing Line 100% 130% 230000 "19 Lump Sum, Te (Line 2, Saran 11+61) to Ins ' OC% 130% 11 421 85 6,42'85 20 .ump Sum, Toe (Line 3; Satan 2.06) -DEL E'ED '0C% 130% 230000 2.00000 21. Lump Sum. Plug basing 6' Water Lme 10C% 100% 1 000 00 22 Lump St -n, Te (Lme 4) to Existing LOB 10C% 100% 14,457 90 23. Lump Sum, Tie (tine 4) to Existing IC Line 100% 100% 51169 14. .ump Sum,Tie(Line 4) to Exsbng Lew 100% 100% 4.062 2 25 260LF,7 Hot -Mood, Hot Lai Asphalt 260 428 2500 '68 423000 •26 45oLF,3• or greater to match Existing Hot-Maed,Hol Laid Asp 450 465 1000 15 450 CO 27 501 F Concrete for Concrete Drweway Repair 5D 65 50 CO 15 750 00 28 Lump Sum. Trench or Excavation Sarety System 130% 103% 2,000 00 29 Lump Sum. Change Location of .me No 2 130% 10C% •83471C •30600LF., Repacement of Sidewalk 600 220 1500 380 570000 '31- 1001 F., Replacement of 6 Concrete Sope 100 110 X100 10 20000 32 '00 L F., Replacement Curb and Gutter 100 113 2000 13 240 CO 33. 501 F, Concrete Flume 53 15 2000 35 70000. 14 400 ST Sod 400 435 500 35 17500 15 2 Ea , 2e sleeve -DELETED 1,56585 3,171701 '36 Lump Sum. Design of Traffic Control Plan for Hwy 62 103% 100% 750 00 "37 Lump Sum.Nighr1e-m 130% 2 908 50 100% 2.90850 "38 Lump Sem. 24•x 6 Tm d 6'valve o7 Lire No 4 130% 2056 D0 100% 205600 ( OrIOIna I Bld Item Changes 27.54410 26,711.70 i I Net Change 1,17260 Attachment to Change Order No. 3 24 -Inch Water Line Replacement Fayetteville, Arkansas Project No. Fy-248 The following additions are made to this project: Bid Item No. WATER LINE 1 11. Furnish 8 -inch valve to facilitate tie. Total Add This Iten $ 284.00 12. Furnish and install two 6 -inch valves. The method of tie to the existing system was altered. The additional 6 -inch valve was utilized to facilitate the final tie in the city. Total Add This Iten $ 562.00 12A. This item was added to provide a connection of the fire hydrant and sprinkler system to the newly -installed water line. Labor and material requirements are set out below: 15 hours for 410 backhoe @ $45/hour $ 675.00 63 Manhours @ $18.50 1,165.50 4 C.Y. Concrete for Reaction Backing @ $63 252.00 Materials (Invoice Attached) 1,918.00 Total Add This Item $ 4,010.50 13. This tie was altered and the 6 -inch and 2 -inch existing valves were removed and a 16 -foot piece of 6 -inch ductile iron pipe installed, and a 20 -foot section of 6 -inch pipe adjusted. Install 6 -inch valve. 4 hours for 410 backhoe @ $45/hour $ 180.00 16 Manhours, 4 -Man Crew @ $18.50/hour 296.00 1 Each 6" Gate Valve with Box @ $281 281.00 4 Hours Air Compressor @ $35 140.00 16 L.F. 6" Ductile Iron Pipe @ $7.88 126.00 Total Add This Item $ 1,023.00 • WATER LINE 2 16. The plans provide that the Contractor connect to an existing 24 -inch x 8 -inch tee and connect the 8 -inch line crossing the highway. The 24 -inch x 8 -inch tee was found not to exist. Additional material and labor were required to complete the tie. 6 Hours for 410 backhoe @ $45/hour 6 Hours for LinkBelt Trackhoe @ $95/hour 42.5 Manhours, 6 -Man Crew @ $18.50/hour 1 Day Service Truck @ $25 1 Each 1 Each 1 Each Furnish 24" x 8" Tee 8 x 6 Reducer 8" Gate Valve Flushing and Chlorination Fac's $ 270.00 570.00 786.25 25.00 1,304.00 104.00 284.00 1,000.00 Total Add This Item $ 4,343.25 19. Payment for 2 -inch pipe $ 569.85 Due to Line 2 relocation as set out in Change Order No. 2, this tie is different than bid. However, total fittings are less, since the one 45° bend was not required. Additional equipment and material required are as set out below: The reduction of material cost for the 24 -inch 45° bend not used is (1,050.00) An additional 24 -inch butterfly valve was installed at the City's request, to replace existing leaking valve: 12 Manhours, 4 -Man Crew @ $18.50/hour $ 222.00 2 Hours LinkBelt Trackhoe @ $95 190.00 1 Each 24" Butterfly Valve 2,880.00 Total Add $3,292.00 Additional work to connect to the 6 -inch line installed by the City crews. It was thought that the reaction backing required removal from the end of the line. It was determined that the concrete was in fact around a 6 -foot piece of pipe. At that point, the Contractor commenced and continued to lay Line 3. A11 pipe length and fittings were paid for under 6 -inch pipe (Bid Item 2). Extra hours and equipment actually used is set out below: 20 Manhours @ $18.50/hour $ 370.00 8 Hours for 410 Backhoe @ $45 360.00 175.00 5 Hours for Jackhammer @ $35 Total Add $ 905.00 • The method of tie was altered to provide for continuous flow which required additional reaction backing: 5 Hours for LinkBelt Trackhoe @ $95/hour 475.00 5 Hours for Dump Truck @ $60/hour 300.00 20 Manhours, 4 -Man Crew @ $18.50/hour 370.00 [Credit to City for 1/2 Labor Costs] (185.00) Lump Sum Rebar 330.00 17 C.Y. Concrete @ $53 901.00 Total Add $ 2,191.00 Additional materials and labor required to set hydrant at the correct location and depth: 2 Hours for LinkBelt Trackhoe @ $95/hour 12 Manhours, 4 -Man Crew @ $18.50/hour 2 Each 90° Bend @ $51 the fire 190.00 222.00 102.00 Total Add $ 514.00 Total Add This Item EXTRA WORK $ 6,421.85 37. [NEW ITEM.] To compensate the Contractor for night work. The City requested two ties on Line 1 be made at night so the numerous businesses in the area could have water service during the day, except 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. 141 Manhours $18.50/hour $2,608.460 Rental of Light (2 nights @ $150) 300.00 Total Add This Item $ 2,908.50 38. [NEW ITEM.] Furnish and install additional 24 -inch x 6 -inch tee. This tee and valve was required on Line 4 (near Mexican Original). 2 Hours for LinkBelt Trackhoe @ $95/hour 16 Manhours, 6 -Man Crew @ $18.50/hour 1 Each 24" x 6" Tee 1 Each 6" Gate Valve 1 Each Box 190.00 296.00 1,289.00 248.00 33.00 Total Add This Item $ 2,056.00 Total Add This Change Order $ 21,609.10 T T T a a- a / c,. en ,0 (0 U7 al m1 p N _ i i A W 0 C -c CO N Y 0 East Texas e } >' T a a a Arkansaw Meter &S Oklahoma Meter &S East Texas Utility Supply • u • CL a a CL a J (.0 (17 N •6 •6 2, d `m mR m x 0 X N rc c — - R Ym Q O w " Lu: Ld_1T L.DINIUT--01 COMST INC R. LIT[LITIES 7 Cr: • C -1 y X i 0 c H Ifi T T 0' C rJ W 0 Term•_ Cuts UJIner Purchase Order I' I-1Lr 10TH PROX FAYETTEVILLE WATER LINE isLomer Purchase Order 3 H C n+. O O Q iy 2 W .1 CL 0 c 400.000 y 0 CO 0' 0 RATE VALVE -J L co Q C L' W C 0 C 0 ON 0 Q` 450..000 C '0 r ,0 0 Y 4 1 z 0 r C 0 y c 0 0 iG O o) H JJ ft' CO c r H • 0] 1 • 0 O O 0 Ti Ti T -I N Pa 0 1. L Py O 0 Py Y -4 :J 1 • F i • • : c or Jo u` • • n w- r LL Ln cr as •• e. m fir` M o c c 0 c 5 a;L 3 o- Er 3 ca r re L sV CC u al n V y a c J u z • • r si u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CONTRACT CITY 24 -Inch Water Line Replacement Fayetteville, Arkansas Plans No. Fy-248 May, 1995 McGoodwin, Williams and Yates, Inc. Consulting Engineers Fayetteville, Arkansas ® 1995 McGoodwin, Wililams and Yates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ADDENDUM NO. 2 24 -INCH WATER LINE REPLACEMENT Fayetteville, Arkansas Plans No. Fy-248 Dated May, 1995 The Specifications and Contract Documents for the above project are hereby changed or clarified in the following particulars: SPECIFICATIONS Section 01025 - Measurement and Payment Page 01025-3, under paragraph H (Bid Items 10 through 24 - Tie or Plug to Existing System), add the following at the end of the paragraph: "The price bid also includes any crushed stone backfill and surface repair within city streets or parking lots." GENERAL Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum by returning the attached acknowledgment form by facsimile transmission to the Engineer at (501)443-4340. Also acknowledge receipt of the Addendum in the space provided on page 5-1 of the Bid. June 28, 1995 McGoodwin, Williams and Yates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 909 Rolling Hills Drive Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703 Phone (501)443-3404 FAX (501)443-4340