HomeMy WebLinkAbout100-95 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 100-95 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT 1N THE AMOUNT OF $35,000 WITH PERRY BUTCHER & ASSOCIATES FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF THE GIRL'S SOF (BALL COMPLEX AT CRYSTAL SPRINGS. BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. The Council hereby approves a contract in the amount of $35,000 with Perry Butcher & Associates for the design and construction supervision of the girl's softball complex at Crystal Springs, and authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. A copy of the contract is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of July , 1995. APPROVED: By: A'T'TEST: By: ('AO.!' . /did .1 Traci Paul, City Clerk 2' iIGf ;red Hanna, Mayor T H E AMERICAN •I N S T i T T E O F ARCHITECTS AIA Drt(ument 11141 EXHIBIT A Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect 1987 EDITION Tab 1)0(1 aME.'l'T IIAS 1 tlPOR1A,\T LLGAL 0ANSEL)1 F.1 CES: LO SIfTA71OV 1X7771 AN ATTORNEY 15 E,VCHI RAGED W777I RE.SPFY 7 70 ITS 0tt1PLE770N 01? M1)DIFIC.471)N. AGREEMENT made as of the Seventh Nineteen liundred and BETWEEN the Owner r Yuma ami uautre») and the Architect: (A ante and aaarea) day of June Ninety-five. The City of Fayetteville Administration Building 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 in the year of Perry L. Butcher and Associates, Architects, P.L.L.C. 116 W. Walnut Rogers, ARkansas 72756 For the following Protect: (hu nude detailed desx rrph•m •9 Pre net t, frn wpm, addro.t and .i Pr Crystal Springs Softball Field Salem Road Fayetteville, Arkansas See Exhibit "A" for details The Owner and Architect agree as set forth below. Cop}right 191'. 1921, 19114, : 9'1, 1051 1958, 14:+1, 1963, 19t>4) Of Aic hitects I -2S tires' Yerk Avenue. N W , Washir.gton 1) ( gaolatinn of .15 provision• 3 i:h• wt a rnten pencr•si •n • If the CA subject tc legal pro,ecut nn of the scope of services. 1 a1', 19'0, 11T-4. 19 es_:: 198by The Amerik an Instirarr 20006 Reproduction of the material hereir. or sunstaonal v:ulatcs :he copvngl' 1 la3s of the Unlit d irate, and 3111 he AIA DOCUMENT 8101 • r )' Nr.R AR: 1111 ECT ACRFFMLN- • Fn. RTFES 111 EDIT ION • A:A° • * mg" 1 IIE A.MER]CANN INST TI El)? AR( HITEtTS, 1-14 NFW YORK Al ENI'_, N Sl , WA SHIM:- QN, 'r 1' 20006 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates IJ S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. B141-1987 1 E 'ITOR'S NOTE From time to time, the IS IA makes minor corrections and clarifications in its documents as they are reprinted. Changes in the 7/88 reprinting of the 1987 edition of B141 were made in Subparagraphs 2.6.1 and 11.3.2. Changes in this 6/92 reprinting were made in Subparagraph 2.6.10 and Paragraph 4.5. See Section C of the Instruction Sheet for a detailed description of these changes: TERMS ANI) CONDITIONS OF 1.1 ARTICLE 1 ARCHITECT'S RESPONSIBILITIES ARCHITECTS SERVICES (;REENIENT BETWEEN OWNER ANI) ARCHITECT 1.1.1 I'•'r Ar chacet', sen Ices consist de Ihose ,env':s per to: -)t d b} the Arch.tect. Archrecl s enlpleyees ane A-. 111ICC: ..)11141.111 •1111K as en,:nlerat d p) Artie:ts 2 and 4 .)' th•s 4grtt it en: r•d r•y .Rhe- senvices nc.ut.ed 111 Aric'e 12 1.1.2 The 4: chile': s sen is es 'hart I -e 'pt rttumet} As txl': JI ticush :r I, t111>1nn nr lsah •,-+Ictess on al skill rni uae Ant. the .n art]) progress 111 Ihr 41 nik I tiny.: it gat si a• the Ovne-, tin• Arth•tt st shall suhrn• 'cr the Ow -•t r s apprrs al .. s( hrdu t f.n the pertennatice of the Art h.te.(t • send, e, w•.,c" 11av be acj.:'ted as the Protee: Prot reds. and shat. Include a 1.•w afCCs tar periods (.1 :In:e rt quire': hit the ( bane: s review and Nor a;,pl ON a. sunnl.ssir ins tis aul ho: :t has ing l(.r:,dk non liver e.r Pit) C(1.m11s e:421r111':.rd hs :.'.n, M 1t duh• aper. n t d 1 r1 the Ow -a« shall 1111th emetic 101: r ,o :a' +le , awe :It est ceded :1v Ibr Aiehnrrt or Ow nil 1.1.3 The sen -ices ca Arne ',v ttu- Awee •^t re re sully, 1 t.) :!:e ire 1 m:ta: n -s i1 'wader: r Subparagraph . 1 S 1 ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF ARCHITECT'S BASIC SERVICES 2.1 DEFINITION 2.1.1 The 311 bile( t', 132+1. Sed.( rs (o n,:s: rf 'hose a ,cr'hec 111 Pa: ag: aphs 2.2 th11 lugs 2 :1 and ::rn 'ober send Cs leen: !ICC 111 At it'e : 2 as pan 'n Rt', st r•.tt, and inc l,.de rn mud: strut - tin A., trut- tuna.. fl rrh.mI( al .md e et tri, alt ng.nee:mk ,e t It Cs. 2.2 SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE 2.2.1 The .Archil ect ,ha:1 revira thr rowan) :11r11.sbt d In :-e 1 )tuner :n ascrta'n the req.:t-re( n's ct the .'ln tt t .Int: shad air t e at a ru'ua i.n.1rr't lrtLnp.•f purl): r.]uu enle•is UC`:`t Owns r 2.2.2 1 hr Art h•tt.t +•all pro) lire a prelim nan ev.d, a; 1)•' .11 tht Oa ne't's program. st:ad.:le a:ted ,)n'lra. tit .n •nr•.f:rt I et.11:rement%. tar- in Irmo.• 1• the iiher. •ul'1e11 11, •'( I'm11a 11 ins sett )r:'' i:'. subparagraphs : 1 2.2.3 The Architect ,ha:l re:.ew w 1111 ::t ; 11s a : a It rn i:i' Apar •a; hes t' design ..n,1 041,4E114 11.411 1): `t ]':.rt.I 2.2.4 Based :v.: :11( nl,:tual.t ag^e,1 uho.. prt)grar- s. h. .true and a nstnlctlo:: badge: -e]ulremems the 1-.:.11.•,: prepare. for apprl+v..l by the Overt r, st hr'na'c 1 )sig mem, nnl,ru-g of t.taw r•gs and rhes t-:1n...Men.' 1 L sI ran -g ••c s. Jr and :clan. •n,h p it ir' ne, 1 .n-ip1 rte is 2.2.5 '1.'hr .\t rho rt t 'hal estimate o' (J"U:.d [. n 1 Ain- 111111 I 'csls ,111.1: 1: r, the ; )v ner .I p': 1"'1 '211 0,1 asCli On t ..rre: t .den • I.:u (' 1 2.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2.3.1 aAsrd 111 t::e apprrlt ui St '•: n- Atli' :it sag:. 1 11 u•d aln atl..,ine-ts .111th ir /ed h, I• ens* m...11 [hr j•1°1212::. AIA DOCUMENT A141 • At \:: t.1 111111 111 ,111-(1\1\, I1.111A 1441 III::• sl hedule et c•u),vu;ion Nudge: :`e 4:: hit ,`311 prepare • 141' appr. ni..l by the : )wirer Design 1)evel )pn:en: 1)0,14111e111K oti'i'tmk el: draw ings and other d(; urate [s n 1 Ex a: (i dent rine Wt. 'CI' t! and character of the Pr. nes t as 111 an h. to grad strut tura:. mecha" jeal and elee:neat ,v'tems mater:a.s a.'d sue" ( Cher e:enlents as may be ap:pn•prig[( 2.3.2 1 he \refuted shill adv se the 0». ner 441 ..n, id1u,tnien1, Ir the nrchnl.nart tsin-ate •)f l'rn strut-;: )- 2.4 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE 2.4.1 13aaed nG the apps n ed :)e,ign 1 /et t lepme--.1 114:11 inc-ts and a'v thriller ad us[r.' en:, in 1"e s. op: or 4]..aluc 1if the Project :): n the odstrucrir- badge. 2111 h. rr via b) :i•r 4 'INN ner. the Architect shall p: eaare.:4.r apps +vat 1-t- 1 a- ( )w :rt l 4 nstruc ti. m 1)i )c.: ment, e' m -s[ r:g d• 1 )•awv ng, a: id ' pr, di '.- t1.HIs st tting lo: th .n detat. the req.:Irelnents 1.r the 0 11 1nR. 11.1n D: [.a ]':art:1. 2.4.2 1 he Art Iv te.1 ,• all :.sslsi the Ow net In the p1el•a1at:o- 1.1 the necessary -lidding 111'1112 ul nl. •u.lding Ioin.s :IR (n:.dl Ii m, of 'he ( .ntra. 1, and, the I. .)1 Ag:ceme nt he:ween :.`:e 4 )w ner arld Lor tract°. 2.4.3 1 he Ar'haett shad: A1V•,e the Os* vie- rt am :.dnl.[n enc• If' 2revu)11S prellnl.Ila rt C,1111a:e, 111 (u",".a tie 1 1.,1 1'd1 lined n\ 111,111gl, in re'. u renielits rr gt ne-a In 1: Kt It 2.4.4 Thr Ai. hre(1sball assist the l lw 111 r n- nect•.r w 1•h the r)w-t t', •tr,n 1nNlhllirt •( r 11:1-g dl tdime-n requrrtd 101 the 11)pVo\ al r g. sen.n:ental aathorities -3)ing lursdlt non tart Ills I':.)le.: 2.5 BIDDING OR NEGOTIATION PHASE 2.5.1 ':'ht 4-.!.11ei: toll 1w l:.g thr Owner', ap j r:+,a r the n -s1: Jin( •n J.)1 urs nI} and of flu .ate,t pre 1: u::an e,ti"1a:e o• 1.1n,uur' 1r• (..s1. shall ass:sr :b& r)w 'lel 1 - c Marr g .r neg•nra:ed proposals ant: a„1st :n awa:Jing a"d pr: p..r.ng • .+ntrat Is IU: .'Intra, tern 2.6 CONSTRUCTION PHASE -ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 2.6.1 a 114 111.et, •esp4,n.:I,)i:. 1.111 n ,1t 13.140:, sr:' 1r th. 4 • nisi r. L 11 )r ill 1s: a:.t : tlu' \g C. 1 't in . • n I1iC t e, w :;h '(' ddld •.1 1 r'11J. .•II ,,,1[11.!1, and '1' ir: mars 1 • ( t. 1:'11 111 th. 1-,4;11 , 1 . 1!`1 (:•.\I1:: , 1 [It II .I 1111 ,.It hn 1'.\'1,t: •: I•llta .. 'e :Ii.•..d: ,y sl.`,.. 11 1 • •Ip. n .'1 tIi \\ r, 2.6.2 The \rchueel 'hall pr. at. .,horns • 1'1 ••• . 1 I]: 1 , n :-acI •,.r 0.11+11ur1.1n as sri •rrth :111.1)) and ni ':a ; d 114 II 1/1 4 A 1)n...nlrnl A -n' t ,trial (orain] ins i11 :11; ( .antra t •, r (: instil], Ron. t 111:r11 A, X11 the date of this &ween:+.'. nolo .•the•))ise pr. nlded r th.s 4g:vert n• 2.6.3 flaws Ie ' 1:'.,,Ilitle, a:d hm tar n" sol .rwh ,::s ,.:• t Art-net,•'al]-u:-,tri,i 1...)•C t r . ru t,i a l:' 4:..I w 'o'rn A Li -cement 1.f :•-r Uw nr1 art 11, hat . 1 .t th t •+ sr: t • d • .rum 1.)' a 1114 h . nmol ,11.111 rap' 1 ..0::as r'a'1, w th•-c L. .,\'. 'Il.•.4. \ 1 \4 w\ • r•\..1,\1l WANING• ..rlicensed photocopying violates U.S. cooyr.ght aws and is subject to legal prosecation. B141-1987 2 2.6.4 The Architect shall be a representative of and shall adv .e and consult with the Owner (1) during construction until fi al payment to the Contractor is due, and (2) as an Additional S r - vice at the Owner's direction from time to time during the c r - rection period described in the Contract for Construction. T e Architect shall have authority to act on behalf of the Ow er only to the extent provided in this Agreement unless otherw e modified by written instrument. 2.6.5 The Architect shall visit the site at intervals appropri.te to the stage of construction or as otherwise agreed by t e Owner and Architect in writing to become generally famil ar with the progress and quality of the Work completed and to determine in general if the Work is being performed in a m ner indicating that the Work when completed will be in acc r dance with the Contract Documents. However, the Archit c shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on -s te inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. the basis of on-site observations as an architect, the Archit shall keep the Owner informed of the progress and quality the Work, and shall endeavor to guard the Owner agai st defects and deficiencies in the Work. (More extensive s te representation may be agreed to as an Additional Service, s described in Paragraph 3.2.) 2.6.6 The Architect shall not have control over or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, metho techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precauti• s and programs in connection with the Work, since these . re solely the Contractor's responsibility under the Contract Construction. The Architect shall not be responsible for e Contractor's schedules or failure to carry out the Work in accor- dance with the Contract Documents. The Architect shall of have control over or charge of acts or omissions of the Cont tor, Subcontractors, or their agents or employees, or of a other persons performing portions of the Work. y 2.6.7 The Architect shall at all times have access to the Work wherever it is in preparation or progress. 2.6.8 Except as may otherwise be provided in the Contr. ct Documents or when direct communications have been s cially authorized, the Owner and Contractor shall communi te through the Architect. Communications by and with the Arc i- tect's consultants shall be through the Architect. 2.6.9 Based on the Architect's observations and evaluations of the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the Architect s SII review and certify the amounts due the Contractor. 2.6.10 The Architect's certification for payment shall con ti - cute a representation to the Owner, based on the Archite 's observations at the site as provided in Subparagraph 2.6.5. d on the data comprising the Contractor's Application for P ment, that, to the best of the Architect's knowledge, infor a- non and belief, the Work has progressed to the point indicat d and the quality of Work is in accordance with the Cont ct Documents. The foregoing representations are subject to evaluation of the Work for conformance with the Cont .c Documents upon Substantial Completion, to results of sub e- quent tests and inspections, to minor deviations from the C•n- tract Documents correctable prior to completion and to s e cific qualifications expressed by the Architect. The issuance o a Certificate for Payment shall further constitute a representation that the Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount ce ti - Red. However, the issuance of a Certificate for Payment sh.11 not be a representation that the Architect has (1) made exha rive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality •r s quantity of the Work, (2) reviewed construction means, meth- ods, techniques, sequences or procedures, (3) reviewed copies of requisitions received from Subcontractors and material sup- pliers and other data requested by the Owner to substantiate the Contractor's right to payment or (4) ascertained how or for what purpose the Contractor has used money previously paid on account of the Contract Sum. 2.6.11 The Architect shall have authority to reject Work which does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever the Architect considers it necessary or advisable for implementa- tion of the intent of the Contract Documents, the Architect will have authority to require additional inspection or testing of the Work in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Docu- ments, whether or not such Work is fabricated, installed or completed. However, neither this authority of the Architect nor a decision made in good faith either to exercise or not to exer- cise such authority shall give rise to a duty or responsibility of the Architect to the Contractor, Subcontractors, material and equipment suppliers, their agents or employees or other per- sons performing portions of the Work. 2.6.12 The Architect shall review and approve or take other appropriate action upon Contractor's submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. The Architect's action shall be taken with such reasonable promptness as to cause no delay in the Work or in the con- struction of the Owner or of separate contractors, while allow- ing sufficient time in the Architect's professional judgment to permit adequate review. Review of such submittals is not con- ducted for. the purpose of determining the accuracy and com- pleteness of other details such as dimensions and quantities or for substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or systems designed by the Contractor, all of which remain the responsibility of the Contractor to the extent required by the Contract Documents. The Architect's review shall not constitute approval of safety precautions or, unless otherwise specifically stated by the Architect, of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. The Architect's approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. When professional certification of performance characteristics of materials, systems or equipment is required by the Contract Documents, the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon such certification to establish that the materials, systems or equip- ment will meet the performance criteria required by the Con- tract Documents. 2.6.13 The Architect shall prepare Change Orders and Con- struction Change Directives, with supporting documentation and data if deemed necessary by the Architect as provided in Subparagraphs 3.1.1 and 3.3.3, for the Owner's approval and execution in accordance with the Contract Documents, and may authorize minor changes in the Work not involving an adjustment in the Contract Sum or an extension of the Contract Time which are not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. 2.6.14 The Architect shall conduct inspections to determine the date or dates of Substantial Completion and the date of final completion, shall receive and forward to the Owner for the Owner's review and records written warranties and related documents required by the Contract Documents and assem- bled by the Contractor, and shall issue a final Certificate for Pay- ment upon compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 3 6141-1987 AIA DOCUMENT B 41 • OWNER -ARCHITECT AGREEMENT • FOURTEENTH EDITION • AIA® • ©1987 THE AMERICAN IN ITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violet-= U.S. copyright laws and Is subject to legal prosecution. • 2.6.15 The • nes: <r:a]] rrc-nre: a:.,1 cu n:: .111 Irr• 0,11 r el •rg ?entnn nice • •1 ihr (:u Ile a• Li (o -fret t ): l.nier •::t l el jtErelients.) the (:r•1luaci 1)4) tune-t•.1aIr'en-CL ]e'ttl er••ur the Ow Ile- 1 r l antra. for 1L(' A•, Lae.: • u'<nl mz b. <u. 11 ru]•1c,1.,ha.! he -mut N th 113.1r ih.t 1.11 r•ti•ulr,< 1:•42. u 1:•'1' 3n unto .rete• agrre.1 ,1]1, 11 2.6.16 IntcI]'lct311c.n• ane, C:.I.P n• of the 4:. ::1t. t .hi] hr 1111,1(& n• u 1:• the inlrn: € •f a:';1 re:.<onal'h :tie ]I•I. rrt 1.. Arc 1111:: at: I)(a. mcnn Ant ."31. be 111 Vnil1K o: r• the:.•nri 111 era( E'k• \\lien ii eking•ic h inlcr,rclatlr ]• A1:I nAla;.L,. vr•n•, it .41, h:t(. 1 ,haa endr.11 r d1 ,(.1111 Alt. -1u1 are r tnan. e b, ]•Deli ( )Lien; r.tlh (• MITA; :111 •111.1 "I): )a p41113 r. El/ clther a:.d •11,.11 n',t he 1 JIM 1111 a°.,.P• .11 1ntt•rp r:.:ll•.n, )r ..)-enderd n�Ln d 2.6.17 1 he An hrccI • de... ir•. n :lct'Iel• r: I. 11 1:(•111, :Ise Ener: •'.Il: •ie tlna 1: , v•v<Iril: n (11 the :u•cn: ex:ar•.It d 1: • e 4 I lin .1(1 '( IC: Il: 2.6.18 1] he ire h.n•, t -Kill ren,lrl u:!c, n 1let:,1311• • 1r C in :Al , I. rh<. t isp..tt. :e'er l:-aer. 11 (II e• :u^ he:uccr the ( )u net ai-11 n- 1. r r rela::ng 1.';• t :, Cr ll .: ,rrkre•• 1'1 :hr U.1 h ;< ix in de. 111 t .)nt in r•rl:• 2.6.19 The \reline( t .• o•' (:3311•, .i:•pt.ic• • a 1 n!l r. num r, bl.]u.Uug tht nG.;:•u in I:en\1-c Ihr (:u r.. a'.1 ( n;Irat (4,•, rx. e',11 1111 III( ..e re JIM?? t . .t.•h: ti( ell:.: a• Int . idet' in <fil•p..r. gr..; . n 1', •b,.1 be •I.hurt t , erli.tt. to •1:. < p'1.x den. d:. Ihr arm n-cn: r•d MCCt. 11'3I I :xle:ti] ARTICLE 3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.1 GENERAL 3.1.1 1 "e <e:' n. .ir.,..il•c,i In 11)1• \'tic]r a:c :.et n. (std A lie• u: I••. a IJentel: J r.: \i I ie ..:.In.] rt •11311 he prat. G,4" h. ilii I iu n: r a• 1•iI n it t d r :-h Ag cr:nr 1. in aCd thin I.) :-c tri'pi- •<, 111 In l 1 NA -II 111. e, 1 he .t:. u• ,.e.I'dl'ed W:.1t' Para{Ara:]), 3 _Anil ; { •h,ti 1 nn hr 1v 1 3 affil rued •,' . t.i• trued rt N -m: gl't Lr ( ;a Ile: It •I n:,;• rt •( r bet. ,.,',ler ( 1):n::gent A d, ilii. n,.l <e: 11. e, r I', r..i,t;p' • S me :et a red d. e 11 1 E. u111•11'4.4 • •'(.. 1h.'111 \rt I. tel t'• 1( ntn•: the A:, lig: •!:all n v.h the 1 iv, )r pn.: t., ,. n' nir..tI I.,„: h 1..4.1\ a: < It the l Ill n. r d.. m• that < 1,1. ‘I."‘ .. d: •t n•,ed r...er :'a' 1g' t;,h , • 3 e 11 i.v]i.ir. .1 the Ila Ile. • .1:112nrl'rur'p• 11r fin 111.:'4 ••'e Al. h'n..l bile Ou 4".e. 1'd.. Litz. 111 N'rnig 111.11 ail I,: 1'A•1 : 11:14!1 I , u•.ur,. "t idd; 114.11.11 <cr. I( cs an 11.•1 rc qucrt.. the \rt h n 1 t •• al: lir.. n 11)111 ltd 1i , I( p- 1'.LIC lht se <C -t IL e• 3 2 PROJECT REPRESENTATION BEYOND BASIC SERVICES 3.2.1 If i"I,:e e\t: IIV\e'c:rr•erroth 11 .1 Ihr •r: ;'d:. 1• C(•c r:hecm<l.haeregrp::.::1<•I: :1111:Ct..: t \:, 1111:,•••'31; rein lit )n( .): 'i,)rc Projrr 1 12c]•'e•I n•,.rll: • 11. .I•.i•t r , 1 •A lig 1,11' .tech ‘11•1111 11 u- sitz rt .I• ,-<h I Alt - 3.2.2 l'n.jecl R. p•c.ur..ln 4• •C.11 he let Ir11 rrr•I. •}rd 3n,1 Jan (t.1 I1\ the V. tale, • and : t ?n hflr.t •hat I•, rn:irn lain. 'ill 11.1:1• a, .Ig:re, Ia •,.: (•N:}" 31.1! \tt 11 It. 1 T' c suC(• it Ile• and line la: ..! 3114"1,1 II . f 1.11 It11 ' e!11: •4"n .iii r• 'ha.l he a• d. •. r. )rd El the :.1:11(11 • 4 .1. hill -311' 1 A2 t irenl a• 1,1 the d. Il ); the. .\e:rt h ten• .the.• .1Cera .e 3.2.3 1 hri nig'•h( t:h•c:A a11Cn• In '- t to I'r'.jz.: Represen 1311ve•.:' c .1rch Iet t '113.1 c- deav' ,r li p 1.v de :.Irthc- ;,r. 411 nl.n fig- the Ou--cr again.: de'ccl, and Lief CIe a•• In :' r \\ . irk. but the hr:.rhing of <a.h nn•jet: ter e•cn:a11•11 ,••311 nv 1-:1311'; the rtghl<. rt y•an.lb:l.ue• 111 eh tg311.m• 11:::1 Art-hi:cc1 1. de'e<ru 11( re Ihl. Agit: 1"t fl 3.3 CONTINGENT ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.3.1 \1akt g re. l'lrn. in ]):aN [lg.. •pet lfi( Au. •n• .r •nhe: C:n 11) t (•• N tier. <1. h ret i•irn• a•: • .1 no in•t•ttit 111111 AppelAah rr ui•l nl.;alie- 11111.11 given I.\ all' I )w11cr.:nt:11.111'g re•::<::)::< In..Lie nes r •an h. a.!pl.uicnn it the ( rm.": r , ri: )g. En 1: I. et t b,.dgc. . 2 rt ] iIrec h. Ihr c nacunent 11 :n I•1c n II t. Ide• .aN• 1 Ir }t.lau Ir.< •I]l seq. cn::.• ttie ,rc!-a:a:.:, it l'11e,311(3I1:- 11 . 3 Cue :• 1 C"ange• ret;u:rrd 3• a re<u]I 111 I m rel .:ai un t.1 .(.,.. .hi tin :s1,)::‘ 311 3 tar eln,en'cr. 3.3.2 ]'1,). wink .en 1: z. -c•. u red h:. ease 14 •.gnla. l::t n ...t P'111et : ne ucrg. hu: -1): rifled 1 i. ,lye q,:a a r•lh::,ln . the( ]u 11(r , .::'cd..lc .•1 Ili: et:' Ai r'x. 1 •r regi tiairg and . .rntr3.:.ng lel . r ml nuv )1l. t x, r]•: f, r sem 11 c• requilt,1 ;net r <1•1pa Lig• tali c. < 3.3.3 pie••an'g ] )rau .ng.. •pr.:hc a tel •n• a -ti . 41114" .it... men (alliin and • 1:•p. ,rung (.ata VA 3:11.31 .g t l n:• n 11 r . ]'4"I ):II 3l•. anti p' n dui n:`t r •ln 1. s• r .-tun:. 1P Ili Nth t •'3nge :Mc:. ant. 11. it•Irl1Cl1I In ( 11.111J: 1 )Tet to.', 3.3.4 •'ren (..ieg<rA Lir• In, mnec Il 11 .\ nh ei .3 uati::g ,,.11.11 :, n. •n• frill i -c.. h) :• e ( 1:3, t 11 .alt. n 3A1: -g A.:h•e.luc •t n• t 11): AL Ilgs. ‘11(4 (11 a: Ir: .41t. t .lt... Ilh•Iil1i1.111 '.,u ,:1 3.3.5 1' 1\.dnig.tn•1111.1•:,).; a n€ rr•r g r: p A,C 11: 111 .11 \\ I irk •:a' halter. ,\ the .): a .::r t ..u': ilia ng ..111.1 r... non Ala. ur nr<! Ing ,Cr% .t t. it yarn :n ...lime. u• In u I•.. •h: re]•I: t t n en: if ,us : \\1Ilk 3.3.6 Pu 1 id•ng .ern 1,a. Iliad( i1 .e,•Ir\ 'r, i:: .lc:3tllt .11 the ( r,.u..t t.4" hl -a I r t,( 1 Ir de:.: len. u•.:n the \\ i:rk s the n-Ira.1 : 1: h.'al u -e .l: prfl U:11.ln.r ett ci:`rtt e 1 h/d. tit& r l,rrr3: t lr . CAA 1111 ( t 1 • 'n.lrlr.•1)•' 3.3.7 Hi heir 4: <Cr\II e• net d;naur.c a' t\'e»,r e nue: lir 111 .31111• ,u••matz.l h} :•'( (,nitra.1111 111 .1111: r. r 1 n nc(:: •:: u th :•-e \\ rk 3.3.8 1': n 'ding -t;t 11 C< ''1 .11111LX 11 Ill NI:" .3 fl :h is "earl. k. .11'11:311111 :in uc.hng Ill .( );31 p•.)ttedule c'.&t p: Nhc-e the Al. III ;X 1 I. 1:3-tt the. e:. 3.3.9 Prr,an-k..1'IL ..n.Cnlr'.:r 3lternalc. ,.:•.1131C.r .:.,(Arms; 11111. 1: ph,\ lei '}; ,en -.1 e< r• t 1 N nh h dt.t:.g •A-gi a 3 111 (1 ): . 111,1111. In.II ?rl:)r t 1 alt %iii ilrlital .,1 the 3 )I1•1»1. tit n 1111%, meths :1114.‘c 3.4 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.4.1 re Adding 3113 ve<cd the ( ).4 -el • -t td• and p• 1g 111 1-1 -g 111: req.;i•t is ills .11 the Pr• net : 3.4.2 •4"1 n 11 lj: :in,.n. al :cAsiI:l It .•, r :her ,pet a. •...J't. 3.4.3 P:.•.Wiwi; .1anl:ng <arn. 1•. ••ala:ht' •tIAlie• I: ]:rn•pet::Ar' A./v.., AIA DOCUMENT 8141•:,u\F•1 Aht 3::1'1- 46411 VE\l • 111 Rl EEN1111 t:TE)\ • 4.11' • 19P' 1111 .M44;t .1\ ]c•- 11 . TI 1* Alit 111: 1.1-, -AC \Fq \(,Ph AVEN; F N W IX A<{{\6111,11:( 3'1.1111 .Ile C. duan• Ins 1•t (4.111 WARNING. Unlicensec photocopying violates U.S copyright laws and Is sublecl to 'egal prosecution B141-1987 4 3.4.4 Providing special surveys, environmental studies a d submissions required for approvals of governmental authorif or others having jurisdiction over the Project. 3.4.5 Providing services relative to future facilities, syste and equipment. 3.4.6 Providing services to investigate existing conditions .r facilities or to make measured drawings thereof. 3.4.7 Providing services to verify the accuracy of drawings .r other information furnished by the Owner. 3.4.8 Providing coordination of construction performed separate contractors or by the Owner's own forces and coor nation of services required in connection with constrncti performed and equipment supplied by the Owner. 3.4.9 Providing services in connection with the work of a c struction manager or separate consultants retained by Owner. 3.4.10 Providing detailed estimates of Construction Cost. 3.4.11 Providing detailed quantity surveys or inventories of material, equipment and labor. 3.4.12 Providing analyses of owning and operating costs. 3.4.13 Providing interior design and other similar servi required for or in connection with the selection, procurem or installation of furniture, furnishings and related equipm 3.4.14 Providing services for planning tenant or rental spa -s 3.4.15 Making investigations, inventories of materials or eq ip- ment, or valuations and detailed appraisals of existing facilities 3.4.16 Preparing a set of reproducible record drawings show- ing significant changes in the Work made during construct On based on marked -up prints, drawings and other data furnished by the Contractor to the Architect. 3.4.17 Providing assistance in the utilization of equipment or systems such as testing, adjusting and balancing, preparation of operation and maintenance manuals, training personnel or operation and maintenance, and consultation during operation. 3.4.18 Providing services after issuance to the Owner of he final Certificate for Payment, or in the absence of a final Cer- tificate for Payment, more than 60 days after the date of S ib- stantia] Completion of the Work. 3.4.19 Providing services of consultants for other than archi- tectural, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering por- tions of the Project provided as a part of Basic Services. 3.4.20 Providing any other services not otherwise included in this Agreement or not customarily furnished in accordance with generally accepted architectural practice. y n ARTICLE 4 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Owner shall provide full information regard ng requirements for the Project, including a program which shall set forth the Owner's objectives, schedule, constraints and ^ri- teria, including space requirements and relationships, flexi- bility, expandability, special equipment, systems and 2,ite requirements. 4.2 The Owner shall establish and update an overall budget for the Project, including the Construction Cost, the Owner's other costs and reasonable contingencies related to all of these costs. 4.3 If requested by the Architect, the Owner shall furnish eoi- dence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner's obligations under this Agreement. 4.4 The Owner shall designate a representative authorized to act on the Owner's behalf with respect to the Project. The Owner or such authorized representative shall render decisions in a timely manner pertaining to documents submitted by the Architect in order to avoid unreasonable delay in the orderly and sequential progress of the Architect's services. 4.5 The Owner shall furnish surveys describing physical characteristics, legal limitations and utility locations for the sae of the Project, and a written legal description of the site. The surveys and legal information shall include, as applicable, grades and lines of streets, alleys, pavements and adjoining property and structures; adjacent drainage; rights-of-way, restrictions, easements, encroachments, zoning, deed restric- tions, boundaries and contours of the site; locations, dimen- sions and necessary data pertaining to existing buildings, other improvements and trees; and information concerning available utility services and lines, both public and private, above and below grade, including inverts and depths. Al] the information on the survey shall be referenced to a Project benchmark. 4.6 The Owner shall furnish the services of geotechnical engi- neers when such services are requested by the Architect. Such services may include but are not limited to test borings, test pits, determinations of soil bearing values, percolation tests, evaluations of hazardous materials, ground corrosion and resis- tivity tests, including necessary operations for anticipating sub- soil conditions, with reports and appropriate professional recommendations. 4.6.1 The Owner shall furnish the services of other consul- tants when such services are reasonably required by the scope of the Project and are requested by the Architect. 4.7 The Owner shall furnish structural, mechanical, chemical, air and water pollution tests, tests for hazardous materials, and other laboratory and environmental tests, inspections and reports required by law or the Contract Documents. 4.8 The Owner shall furnish all legal, accounting and insurance counseling services as may be necessary at any time for the Project, including auditing services the Owner may require to verify the Contractor's Applications for Payment or to ascertain how or for what purposes the Contractor has used the money paid by or on behalf of the Owner. 4.9 The services, information, surveys and reports required by Paragraphs 4.5 through 4.8 shall be furnished at the Owner's expense, and the Architect shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness thereof. 4.10 Prompt written notice shall be given by the Owner to the Architect if the Owner becomes aware of any fault or defect in the Project or nonconformance with the Contract Documents. 4.11 The proposed language of certificates or certifications requested of the Architect or Architect's consultants shall be submitted to the Architect for review and approval at least 14 days prior to execution. The Owner shall not request certifica- tions that would require knowledge or services beyond the scope of this Agreement. 5 B141-1987 AIA DOCUMENT 0 41 • OWNER -ARCHITECT AGREEMENT • FOURTEENTH EDITION • AIA® • ©1987 THE AMERICAN INaTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. ARTICLE 5 CONSTRUCTION COST 5.1 DEFINITION 5.1.1 ]-:•r (.nrsrt.cu„n cos: 'haat. be ::a total I( s1 'tl matt ti .os: to the ( ner n: a.l ele 11)( 111s 1)t the P' ore .les pled n: si:et .fat. I„ the A -C -Ger: 5.1.2 The t'nnstnielit,n ( ust s• al. t:.t I,.dr Il.e tt.st at I orient n arket rates of aht.r and materials tat 111s!.rt] h, •et Ua ner..n.. tpicF t1)• Jesig[ltJ specified. 'Willi. -I'd 01 sj urlalie le IV del fir by re Arch.le( t. plus a real' in a' -le .illr)./ a n fn- the 1 ( u trot I.r s 1wer'ea1 and An Iii n addnl, in,a rt i -i •abl: a]] rn a -u for conungen: ies shall be '1)t ort d •1 .r market to 51 10 al the time of Tadd:ng And In: , -.Juges in :• e \X e, %aging c insi nte: 1,.^.. 5.1.3 (.(n4nR 11.111 l C,I .10e• "i r: L 11e the+ 1111"t nsa::.v•( I :"e An hitt t t 211d AIc hnrrt • t s;lhan:+, :he el Isis 1,f the Pant.. r,glits o; wa), li:.aur:ng 1)r talker 1 .Ists v. hi, .. are the rt sl•. r:: sil:ilih r; the O.+ ner as jm,c'dre r- An], e 5.2 RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION COST 5.2.1 F a1.anons of •hc CA). s P. ,Teat budget Per r•tp1a'r ewe:ates rat ( non ( ost a -d dew ed estuuales .11 strut non Ct s1. 1: and larparcr b. 1"e .lrt halt: t. Iel•trrrnl An h tt:is hes: µMgr en: as a t.es };n'2rL)Iess:.)::a. la11illar wtl: the et ristnit ti m i tilts:-) It is recngnvec•. hl w el era that ne. ther :re Arel :tel t 1)la Ihc Uw iter --as el oar( I ( ver the . 1,: , 1 labs ,r materia' or ccu.prit 1)l cr e r :`t (n:oral t )r s r. t til d' determining hid p: v es. a I :vet co-npet itis e h dna .g 113. ht t •Ir ncgo:rating conditl(n'. Ar( o:.1'ngp the \r: trate; t t :1111)''1 1"d dues not warrant ur represrrt 1111 bads or neg.nra:ed brat es will not + an- Iron :ht : )w -et s Pl.I't. 1 budg: t t r f• nn an, esten11e cY Lu -s: -, n (1:,t or el al..a:.n:. ]';tar: .1 (,-..greed :1: I•) the k-( hrec- 5.2.2 Ni tier d r: ell r•1 r 1)'s tul.n ( 114 shall ',e cstahlished as A ,.,ndai(.n of Iters Agee:lie:a by II,: •:Irl s-rg. ?rt.p( sal n- estahI.s!-ment of a 1':.rt(1 b,:dge• un css sit.: 1 xed 11111 t has ',ecu agret :l ul•an In v ming 4111. sl$..c d h+ 111 Ira-: es 1 erelt It such a fixed lint ha bee: rsta d r( Architect s al lir Penn tnsd A I include t o::tingem t s In[ 1.1 s'gI1 •,1).d ng -nail rime escala(:o.:.:( deft:mime \Ally matt nils 1141111/1111 -1, (1.1 • f+o::rn: sl stems alhl h pes t 1 u'nsma::n• a: e 111 h: un lade:. n 'LC Li 11urac• 1).,etrne• is tat make reaso::ih,t adn)stn revs n Ihc sus cpe cf the Protea and to ne ucc r the ,loot: Pot.: 111r::t' .il[t t[tillr •vis to 34'1%'1 :•'t l nn•tmc::: r: l ns; p 1 ;,a :heti 1:1111 11xed llml:., If An., slat •,e in re as( dr: -e ants girt( I an Increase 111 the ( antra.: '11111 at nlrrrg .:Iter cxec.:ti(ti '11 the i( n: -act :1)r (.rnsauc lP tl1. 5.2.3 11 the Bidding c Negotiant n }chase has not t Dinar nced a -Bets vu days atter to Arch:tet t submits the CenMnlcti.n Doe :n:ent' to the ( nu. anv ]'r.) tt t 5i1Iget n: !ixed .Inc rat Ct Inst nuc: n- ( shall ',e adiu,t cd in reaec: thong:, m the gem nil In el n• 'men - •-e consrruc::l r .ndustn be:v eel the date o: snhnl','ICn tr the :.Utlslt'1. ltt.n 1)c. Lmcnl' 'e the l,wrtr and the tate ou w h:t h j•1) p(sals art s: 11g::t 5.2.4 If a fixed lima a: construct': ('.,s• (ajlILS' d as :+n• v.ded :n subparagraph 5 2 it s extt cried h' the Icw t .1 hong file bid or negt +bated : n:pos„I. ':u (:a 1)r- shall .1 git e R rule: appro' al I.1 an :no rase .11 mit '• fix: .1 ling: .2 autht r:7e uebide-mg rat lent gotta: ng .): the Piller: reasi'nah,e lint . .3 is the Protect r, ahalldl+lei . termlll'mte In iccor.lent-c w tt.`: Paragraph 8 A. or .4 el n: trate :n in using :"e P^• ope u.nt. 11 rA Ih rens red to rcCutC 111: ( irsir;ttii ❑ (: 15: 5.2.5 1 the Owner thin se, to pttu red under l' at se 5.2. • the Arc` i:ro w lib Int adcational t hegr, '"all • lndi•1 :h: (i in tract Do, t melts as net es'aer rl L irnplp wr:` u'e thee. 1111 1: r. es:..blI,hed as a t nit: o- o: 1111s Ager -neral 1 he n-odifit anon of ( ultras: 1; )c n;enls scall be the lin-i: „1 the Art bi:et l's responsibility arising oat of the csla:+I Ymlent .,• a :heti 11111: 1 he A:L I:ett shall he entnk .1 n:. mipen,al.L); in at: .): t.an( e u r.. th s Agreement 1.0 all se -r 10 11" per•( rmed \A CI he 1:1 11111 the ( "myrrh ;rase. Prase Is rorurrnece as ARTICLE 6 USE OF ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 6.1 :ht I),:.a u.gs, spy. M eavons and cher do„ men:, pre pared 1-) :`e Alt thee( l :I .r :'•i, Fnlurt .:re mstrur"tnn if: 1' e Art I1.tet Cs ser' t ft 11 use adch with ,xshett ,I 1 :••Is P1111111 and. unl: ss I,I heal tse:mr n ICANI the Art -no ' -:.al: hr der: net. the at lhl .r o: these di st uple:'h a: al] retat- all +.un:a.rn ]an aamit:rt. and other resets ed rlgh:s. including tr e ,h, rlgh: 1 he ( 11e- '"all `+( permitter::,, :Cram ,.)I' ies. i^t lading repro daulac cc .pits..'' the Arc hire;: s I,r..wings. ',net nit a:::E' arlt: .r:..e r docurlents for.,i 11mlal11in and tete:epee Ir.. t o::net1.1) w ch :Ix l ,nn: r', se and r.; c,.pan, l 111 :.`.e ]'u IC(1. '. Iu An. hi tc, t s Draw is gs Speaficatit ns I r :xht r Jo, laments ,hall ni Pe use:.'n- the ( vnt- ir then( n:ht r:rt fens fur auditions o, rh's Protect o- t• ,r a n jaelit In •,I ihs Protea hl it hers unless the Art h'tt. t Is acludged :r he n dehtu.t , rater this Aga, a nl xerpt iffy agree rr.en: 'n w'r erg and "1111 ,app''' q1 -1..n r' )1111501 sant al :o the 'V1:1111:1.. 6.2 su'nulssIon or dlslrh.Ri( n of di 1 .111 ena Ie meet cif:: of rt gu a:: Iry regal:events rr 111 stmila: pulp met. 1:11 o::1)''t ut In a 1111 the Pro et t Is nt.t b, he t t):s:r..ed as .,ul•I t ata,:- .n dr:.rga :1):n of the Arct-recl s reserved rights ARTICLE 7 ARBITRATION 7.1 ( Iau::s d'spul es rr o:•'er platters in g,.estic between parties :o :'- is kg:et• ing arising erg o• .r relax. ng 11) this Agree 'lc rut 1,r `creat h the:CI if ,hall hr,,.h,rrt :o a -d dee der •,v arb. :-a"1)- In aco rdante w it.`.:.`.t (.onntna::o.. I t1.:,Iry \rfnlr. :.u:. Rule, of the A-ienc.:n 4 bitra[.n:; Ass.x 1a:'1 ;111: erih ekes l u :less ::1t 1/11111C• mutual y ,.gree ( Meru .se 7.2 1N -ria -51 for ,.rri:ration shad. ',c :fled :n ' imng with :••< other Earn 1c tics Agreement .and w di the Airieran Ar•rt:a ti( n Asxx 1auan A trntartl: L ar a-hltra: on ,hall he made w ithir. a reasonable time after the :lam]. dt :'u•c or +the- matter in question has arisen :n no e1 t nr shall the urrilant. 'r.r ar i:-au:in he made ager the date w ::en Ins: mean of .(gal or coon ah :c proccedings `+ped urn such Cann Jlsputt lit of ht r :nano in duesuoti wnu d he band h\ the app:lt a,le 14,01111:1) :1 Iran Iati(a 7.3 No a: hitral.or' rinsing cut Lt .r rclatirg tc this Agreement shall include. 5y t n i' lutLn tun. pflier 1 r in amt ther mania r, an adtjta :al person. I.1 r •u:v 11.11 a party to this Agreement. AIA DOCUMENT Bill • I )' N:P-AP: 11:1 Ell AGREEMENT • FO: PTEENTH EDITION • A:As • ' p4'r .it• 1McHI( t s1:11.h(IFAR: N[T E(.1 S. 1'1S NEW YORK AVENUE, N V WASIHINGTON.; n' 2'10011 WARNING- Unlicensed photocopying v elates U.S. copyright laws er.d Is subject to legal prosecution. B141-1987 6 except by written consent containing a specific reference o this Agreement signed by the Owner, Architect, and any other person or entity sought to be joined. Consent to arbitration involving an additional person or entity shall not constitute consent to arbitration of any claim, dispute or other matter in question not described in the written consent or with a person or entity not named or described therein. The foregoing agree- ment to arbitrate and other agreements to arbitrate with an additional person or entity duly consented to by the parties to this Agreement shall be specifically enforceable in accordarce with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 7.4 The award rendered by the arbitrator or arbitrators shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. ARTICLE 8 TERMINATION, SUSPENSION OR ABANDONME T 8.1 This Agreement may be terminated by either party u on not less than seven days' written notice should the other p ty fail substantially to perform in accordance with the terms of his Agreement through no fault of the party initiating the termination. 8.2 If the Project is suspended by the Owner for more th 30 consecutive days, the Architect shall be compensated for '-r- vices performed prior to notice of such suspension. When Project is resumed, the Architect's compensation shall be e Lir tably adjusted to provide for expenses incurred in the inter tion and resumption of the Architect's services. 8.3 This Agreement may he terminated by the Owner u not less than seven days' written notice to the Architect in he event that the Project is permanently abandoned. If the Pro ect is abandoned by the Owner for more than 90 consecutive d. the Architect may terminate this Agreement by giving wri en notice. p 8.4 Failure of the Owner to make payments to the Architec in accordance with this Agreement shall be considered substan ial nonperformance and cause for termination. 8.5 If the Owner fails to make payment when due the Ar hi- tect for services and expenses, the Architect may, upon se en days' written notice to the Owner, suspend performance of vices under this Agreement. Unless payment in full is recei ed by the Architect within seven days of the date of the notice, he suspension shall take effect without further notice. In the ev-nt of a suspension of services, the Architect shall have no liabi ity to the Owner for delay or damage caused the Owner beca se of such suspension of services. 8.6 In the event of termination not the fault of the Archit ct, the Architectshall he compensated for services performed p for to termination, together with Reimbursable Expenses then tae and all Termination Expenses as defined in Paragraph 8.7. 8.7 Termination Expenses are in addition to compensation Basic and Additional Services, and include expenses which directly attributable to termination. Termination Expenses s be computed as a percentage of the total compensation or Basic Services and Additional Services earned to the time of er- mination, as follows: .1 Twenty percent of the total compensation for B is and Additional Services earned to date if terminat on occurs before or during the predesign, site analysis or Schematic Design Phases; or 7 8141-1987 AIA DOCUMENT THE AMERICAN I, WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying viol . 2 Ten percent of the total compensation for Basic and Additional Services earned to date if termination occurs during the Design Development Phase; or . 3 Five percent of the total compensation for Basic and Additional Services earned to date if termination occurs during any subsequent phase. ARTICLE 9 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Unless otherwise provided, this Agreement shall be gov- erned by the law of the principal place of business of the Architect. 9.2 Terms in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as those in AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Con- tract for Construction, current as of the date of this Agreement. 9 3 Causes of action between the parties to this Agreement pertaining to acts or failures to act shall be deemed to have accrued and the applicable statutes of limitations shall com- mence to run not later than either the date of Substantial Com- pletion for acts or failures to act occurring prior to Substantial Completion, or the date of issuance of the final Certificate for Payment for acts or failures to act occurring after Substantial Completion. • 9.4 The Owner and Architect waive all rights against each other and against the contractors, consultants, agents and employees of the other for damages, but only to the extent cov- ered by property insurance during construction, except such rights as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance as set forth in the edition of AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, current as of the date of this Agreement. The Owner and Architect each shall require similar waivers from their contractors, consultants and agents. 9.5 The Owner and Architect, respectively, bind themselves, their partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, succes- sors, assigns and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither Owner nor Architect shall assign this Agreement without the written con- sent of the other. 9.6 This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agree- ment between the Onner and Architect and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either writ- ten or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both Owner and Architect. 9.7 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contrac- tual relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a third party against either the Owner or Architect. 9.8 Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Architect and Architect's consultants shall have no responsibility for the discovery, presence, handling, removal or disposal of or expo- sure of persons to hazardous materials in any form at the Project site, including but not limited to asbestos, asbestos products, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) or other toxic substances. 9.9 The Architect shall have the right to include representa- tions of the design of the Project, including photographs of the exterior and interior, among the Architect's promotional and professional materials. The Architect's materials shall not include the Owner's confidential or proprietary information if the Owner has previously advised the Architect in writing of 141 • OWNER -ARCHITECT AGREEMENT • FOURTEENTH EDITION • AIAe • ©1987 TITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 s U.S. copyright laws and Is subject to legal prosecution. the •pet IDI 1. 1urnlatit'[1 a n•ICt red `1 the ovv•t r 1.11.3. I I1aL de -nil in p-• Iprie:ary The Oacne: •11.21 ;ti l .1'1dc 1"1'•I1c••1r 11.] t 110111 li the Archer( t .in .•.t CI 111.11111'„•,I?n a: d 111111c in • ay nl.rlal n'atetuds II 1: the 1're iet 1 ARTICLE 10 PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT 10.1 DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSE 10.1.1 :>rrc' Pers n1m•I ].\I/e1''(' i t 11111.d :.• ... ,1 :et t ,a.aIic• e.1'::3. A-c•'itec: • pe1•01111+1 t ngaged 1 11 the P- 1j;,; and the :•o:lien of :ht o 1•: i't c "dale 3r) ani:. ,,•a ran 11111 ,nen• a -d 'sent•:in 11'•.4 e. the 1'a . 'All .1, Lint I n went ta\es ..tit. o: c -r •:::111': :IV 1 mal 1. CC :•t nril,, in,u:a:.t. •i'k It ;,t r • uhd..: •. \a a: 11111, pen•: ,' • a:.d sun tar , mtr1 4: • 1' d hC11C11t, 10.2 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 10.2.1 Itemi,u sahlt 1.1' �ur•t• Alt 11 . d..111t.11 3..I 1 nnarusa 11, n v r ]- t It :au Ads r 11•'.11 Sen n r• an.i un 11 de exprnsc• 1111111- •,t tilt An hnrt1 ant' Ar( h11ct(s cni'iInee• .1 .1m • u tains 111 the intt rr1/41 3 1 the I'-•IIe.: a• dr.,:C 3.0. r'."ca.-1•a mg ( lau,e• 1 xper••e • 11:.usp• 11 . non a ort, uc a t, th u e PI( Irl I cxpcn•c• 1:1 . 111111'111 111 a th a, th< 'illil 1.111 Ir on: ' : lvr :1111?CI•I2 ct0::n irk .311 Ills ,nC lit• 1.11 ti t• it •t„r •v.,1 1 an:•''nt'a• liFb n? 11':•,.1,: o:. ,•. 1 •t PrI •rt' Ex 13.n,t I d an d..: nI n• p' n•agc .t 'C h.:u.iling 1 : :L71+ink• 51':. Int 311.11• .,1'l l ( thrl t.:. , nlcnth 11 al.ih' Hurt '1'l at;kik 1' by the Un 11C. e\pen•/ 1 1 3..v eel In. c )1.tH k :e. tering "arta- :cg. !a: •a:e'. Flax -rice o' mot is -ng• ... xie • anti 11 . k 1:p• retI lr•teti to 1111 c )\v--er. Lxpc_•r til addC:n a] 1 •:rant 11 rt a?c 11 .1'1111• .n, lading j1' Ie''l 1114 I:a'»]1n 1-3411 2111 c r: Ila( 'It d 1•1 Ihr ( 'c3. In ex. c,• ( t r'dt n( nn.J.t I : r 1 d 'n 'ht A:,:.ort ...t. A'• •1..e\ • t I,ihtl 1'a" r• Fxnense 1• t rnpu: e• .aded 3..r1/4:1..11 ari r, 1r1'•t, cyulpmc 111-13. a he-. u•: .I :11 tI,n:.rt le 111 v'1111 the : n.IQ: 10.3 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF BASIC SERVICES 10.3.1 An inr:a. paer:t n: a• •t 1 fi Ir:h in Para: p•• 11 1 s •ht nunml,:n; La) n.'3. n• ::neer 1h1• Agri: t en: 10.3.2 Suh•ft. ue.1 p:nmc: is a •r Lias]. 1'n. r, •-a11 hr til :de Int .n::11; anC. v4 herr app icih]c. ,"ali he r• prim. 3: nen a1 sr: x t • p_ 1 f: r..icJ a rth:n 1'.4 11 aha•e .11 sen it c 1.11 1he oasis se 1:,:1:. 111 •41):-Laragraph 11 2 2 10.3.3 It an.i (4) the extent the t I!•1' time :n Bally e'tal9 slit d I: S,.h1•u..gra;•ti :..S 1 id this Agrcrmen; L, 1'u retied x ex;ni: t. :'v:ug11 -o fault t 1 'ht Arcl'I:ecl. a n.j 11.1111.111 arc:' set n e -tiered d,.ung the ,:dditicand pt ri' id 111 time • • il] 11 I I •n;piled 111 the manner sit t r.:•' 1. S;h;'aragra.,h :1 i 10.3.4 U :art a n'pesauon n ha,cd :r• a percentage 1 1 (.r: 4:9111/ Ili111 (.c:,3. arid an) :,Dint n• (1 the 1` q:,: an de:/ted ,); "ernn(' net Ct mtnit itlt, t,-1pCn•,11t 11111: •h.ne j• )::.11_• of the Prnlecl •h.d. ht pavlh]e It the CAI( 111 sen 1 A• an pc' - 10•1^.3..1 L1•' t1111µ• j1 11'10''• Il: at(c•rdan.: vx 3.h tlhe •t :1( d fie so t.1':•• m S:1h1'a:ag:a-ill 1: i 2. ha•e.1.al (1 :"c na est :1.1"'.1 hhie halt r neg' dialed ;til .j s.:l. t r := 11 n31 11 hid ii 1ti1:11•al n It 1 : r:rt., :•'e c.l 1.11:, ert p: e.ir.t an 1 •::n'.lte t 1 (41n,tnle :1•• 1•: i.1' ,.etalk d tsar a;1' tit t.en•11t11 11 111 t n,: Ire s.:, h pl •r I1 .• .11 the Prl .let 10.4 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES 10.4,1 Fav n cn:, ,In an). n: t t :-t .5.1 3. hat.1 • 133„14u n,31 he") it e• ane. •l,i Rem I:, ni •Ie Fxt n,e• .all l•c made nit.mh]V 1111111', Lre•enta::n• of h 1rt h is: t'• ,latt: a 111 •t ,t c4 t: • ren del:d 1,1' expcnsr, •(11 reed 10.5 PAYMENTS WITHHELD 10.5.1 \n de.!ut roy's ,••all ••t -1JCr t: nn the .111 NIecl , n'm Den,atic n lin at a 41111 0' arnalty. 1 y..n.ate.i da •iagc• n: other ,11.11, a nhheld fuel •al nient•;'1 ultra.:in• In I•n a..• 111-1 111 •"e ; o•; i It c 111::kr, r• t• r t1.3r•(t then than 1;; tit •i1' a • n •.:•.i t',•'i.L1 "a., he:.: Halo it; he .1.1191' 10.6 ARCHITECT'S ACCOUNTING RECORDS 10.6.1 :in or.is 111 Be rnhur•i9e 1-\13r11•es rd t>1':r'e, Lel 14i -i ng 111 A.I111 r ma Sen'i:r• 1111) ,el 11( e• pc t 11' ortt in the ha•i• of 1 :•:uln]lc ,11 la:c'c: per• mild 1 \pe -se •hall •'c avail 11111 t 11110 11a::: r.v- t )vv nen nut r at J lr]ti 3.4-111 1.11. e a' nnti.ally eon) e IC 1 11-1( • ARTICLE 11 BASIS OF COMPENSATION 1 he Uvv tier •h:lll t t n pet.•a1e the \r; h tt, t a• fo Ina 11.1 AN ]5111 JAI. 1•A) VFN']'I,1 zero ...IA.' he mads "Ton exon u:n:u 1 t (h • 1g:c4: It 111tit. creel'« 11.2 BASIC COMPENSATION 11.2.1 FUR BAS ( 11R\-11 FS a, de‘, 1: 3111 :11 Ant. le : m.lensatlon •11:11 he, nn ,u:rd a mil. 3,44. •r -1'.r• , rep r.•, 1 m I.,,Iel,.? 4. 11'1 .1 •r.•. 1 1 1d a1', i$0 1 Ihr 1 iv. no: • 1cec:.n: tit Ii na] '•11111,1'11: a'dens 1 tC(1 •CI\ t t s Int Wed :n AMt t nal: •11 B1,a •t ry a t •. B:.•t +....i .o. ...., .,i, •. I ,.ell :.:•hi'tj e,..2' • 13 . c <Y.. • Stipulated sum of thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000). AIA DOCUMENT B141 • /4..N10 Aht:'i' 11t,4rl VI xT•: ('1 HT: 1 NT• 1:11TION • MA'• • 1111 INF NI( 4":8•:1 1 \83. • 1'1 11/4 .- 2C Nl\1 TnFK %\ • N. 1 \0.R 441 \41(1\ 1)1 WARNING Un icensed photocopying violates U 5. copyright laws and is subject la legal prosecat an B141-1987 8 11.2.2 Where compensation is based on a stipulated sum or percentage of Construction Cost, progress payments for Basic Services in each phase shall total the following percentages of the total Basic Compensation payable: (Insert additional phases as appropriate.) Schematic Design Phase: Design Development Phase: Construction Documents Phase: Bidding or Negotiation Phase: Construction Phase: $3.500.00 $5,250.00 $17,500.00 $1,750.00 $7,000.00 Total Basic Compensation: 11.3 COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICE 11.3.1 FOR PROJECT REPRESENTATION BEYOND BA puted as follows: percent (1 0%) percent (1 5%) percent (50%) percent ( 5%) percent (20%) one hundred percent (100%) C SERVICES, as described in Paragraph 3.2, .compensation shall be com- Actual time computed at the hourly rates listed under Article 12. Changes to the amount of the contract are made with a Change Order only when agreed upon by both parties. 11.3.2 FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF THE ARCHIT CT, as describes] in Articles 3 and 12, other than (1) Additional Project Representation, as described in Paragraph 3.2, and (2) ervices included in Article 12 as part of Basic Services, but excluding services of consultants, compensation shall be compu ed as follows: (Insert basis of compensation, including rates auditor multiples of Dir rt Personnel Expense for Principals and employees. and identify Principals and classify ernplovees If required. Identify specific services to wbicb particular vetbods of compensation apple if necessary) Actual time computed at the hourly rates listed under Article 12. Changes to the amount of the contract are made with a Change Order only when agreed upon by both parties. 11.3.3 FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF CONSULTANTS, including additional structural, mechanical and electrical engineering services and those provided under Subparagraph 3.4.19 or identified in Article 12 as part of Additional Services, a multiple of one ( 1 ) times the amount billed to the Architect for such services. (Identify specific types of consultants in Article 12, if required) 11.4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 11.4.1 FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES, as described in aragraph 10.2, and any other items included in Article 12 as Reimbursable Expenses, a multiple of one and one-tenth ( 1 .1 ) times the expenses incurred by the Architect, the Architect's employees and consultants in the interest of the Project. 11.5 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 11.5.1 IF THE BASIC SERVICES covered by this Agreement have not been completed within twelve ( 1 2 ) months of the date hereof, through no fault of the Architect, extension of the Architect's services beyond that time shall be compensated as provided in Subparagraphs 103.3 and 11 3.2. 11.5.2 Payments are due and payable thirty ( 30 ) days from the date of the Architect's invoice. Amounts unpaid thirty ( 30 days after the invoice date shall bear interest at the rate entered below, or in the absence thereof at the legal rate prevailing from time to time at the principal place of business of the Architect. • (Insert rate of interest agreed upon) • Zero percent (0%) interest. (Usury laws and requirements under the Federal Tndh in Lending Act, s+milar state and local consumer credit lams and other regulations at the Owner's and Archi- tect's principal places of business, the location of the Project and elseutere may affect the validity of this provision. Specific legal advice should be obtained with respect to deletions or modifications, and also regarding requirements such as written disclosures or waivers.) 9 8141-1987 AIA DOCUMENT B141 • OWNER -ARCHITECT AGREEMENT • FOURTEENTH EDITION • AIA® • ©1987 THE AMERICAN NSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 • WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and Is subject to legal prosecution. 11.5.3 The rates and multiple, set forth for Additional services stall be annually adjusted in accordance with normal saiaryy review practices of the Architect ARTICLE 12 OTHER CONDITIONS OR SERVICES lintof desi if ti',ns 7f other sen Ices identify Additional 'en tle.• rnllaied ulthtn Pain Compensation and modlf11ation% to Thi pav nenl ana:umhn.anr'n !erns Included In an.. Agreement) See Exh;bit "B" for the Schedule of Hourly Fees. This Agreement entered into as of the day and year first written above. OWNER CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARC1Ill ECT PERRY L. BUTCHER AND /i AS IATES, ARCHITECTS, P.L.L.0 9 ) /St Fred Hanna, Mayor, City of /Prentea name and tare/ Fayetteville, Arkansas Perry L. Butcher or John T. Mack. (Punted name and dtkt Members AIA DOCUMENT 8141 • owNER-ARCHn EI.1 AGREEMENT • FOURTEENTH En1'IoN • AlA® • ]9W HF AMER;( AN j"$] I I ; It CF ARCM El.1 '. 1-35 NEW YORK MEN. E NW , WAFHINI;TON. 1) (. 10016 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyrighl taws and rs subject to Legal prosecution. 8141-1987 10 EXHIBIT "A" Crystal Springs Softball Field Fayetteville. Arkansas The scope of services for the project is as follows: 1. Provide the site grading plan and the drainage plan. 2. Calculate cut and fill quantities 3. Prepare construction documents for concessions. toilets, dugouts for three (3) fields, parking, fencing, and sidewalks, plus design a fourth softball field on the school property - 4. Provide geotechnical investigation and report as required. 5. Make provision for scoreboard and lawn irrigation systems. 6. Design night lighting facilities. 7. Provide a boundary survey showing all property lines with monuments to be set at all property corners. We will show all easements and rights-of-way as defined by documentation to be provided by owner. 8. Locate the existing utilities as marked by the utility companies via One Call and show these utilities on the site plan. 9. Handle bidding and construction administration. Additional service. should it be necessary, shall be at a cost of $2,950.00 and include: 1. Perform a radial TOPO of the existing site on a +/- fifty -foot grid. which will include the west edge of the pavement of Salem road. 2. Provide a reproducible topographic map at a scale of 1" - 50' with 1 -foot contours, all utilities will be shown with a legend of symbols. This map will be tied to FEMA elevations with at least one temporary benchmark on site. If the existing topographic map is not done from the ground and was made by photometry, it will not be accurate enough for this project. END OF EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT "B" Perry L. Butcher & Associates, Architects, P.L.L.C. P.O. Box 2076 Rogers, Arkansas 72757 (501) 636-3545 Schedule of Hourly Fees ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION The fees for architectural eng neenng. design and cons:vcticn observation a -e charged in accordance wi;n the fcllowinc schedule: Technical Coad nato- S 24.00 Draftsman 28.00 Engineerng Tecnr.ic:an 30.00 Project Cbserier 35 00 Engineer-ir-Train ng 45 00 Senior Draftsman 40.00 Mechanical Ergineer 60.00 Staff Arch teC #' 55.00 Staff Arch sect #2 60.00 Associate Arch tec 75 00 Structura Eng nee- 75 30 Principal Arcnfect 100.00 'ees dao rev 121.95 1 AGENDA REQUEST _ CON RAC: R.vv:zw GRANT R. V:EN :or the Fayetteville City STAFF REV: W - FCRM Ccunc:'_ meetinc cf - FROM: Dale D. Clark Name Darks and Recreation nr1h1'r Y;nrks DivIsl.= Department ACTION REQUIRED: Cahnge design and construction 51,750 reimburseable co phasing of the oroiect. order to increase Perry L. Butcher & Assoc contract for supervision of the Girls Softball Complex by $4,750 plus sts. Change due to Large Scale Developrnen_ costs and CCS. TO CIT:: $ 6,500 Cost this Request 2250-9250-5806-30 Account •Nu-,:,er 96093 Prot etc Numoer 5530,000 Category/?ro-ect Bridget f'i -] a Scrag -ha" ' rnnp- ex Category/Pro: ect Sar. e $ 345,600 Park Imnrovernent Funds Used To Date $ 184.400 Reza ring Balance Program Name Advertising & ?ronotion HMR & Green. Space Fund BIIDGBT ce IEW: ...Ordinator x Budgeted :ten Budget Ad; ust:nert Attached Adrainastrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: Accountingsaged Cate 1. /�1/ /4�i �'rS� eyi Date Iat. Pal Auditor GRANTING AGENCY: dinatci • Actor= Purchasing Officer Date a Date /6-1/-91t Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: E-ZaccA.1 10-10-96 Date Department Director Admin] crative Se 1 Mayor el s Director Date ! LV I SJ,e Date ' it i /A Date Cross Reference New Item: YSS No Prev Ord/Res *: r' Orig Contract Date: To: Key n Cresson, Pub c W'cres Director From: Nancy Dugwyler Subject: Change Orcer `cr Date: October 0, 1996 s Softba I Corp ex • MEMORANDUM VJe wouic 1 ke tc re Guest a change order `cr design aro construction supery sten cm Perry L Butcne-& Assoc. for $4,750 p'us 51,750 re~,e,.rsahle costs. s charge s req.,ested cue to the acded cost t -a: Large Sca.e Development-eq..rerrents added. These changes inc uded widen rg of Salem Read, 'a^.dscao ng a ong Salem Read and so 1' lighting retiwrerx: ;s. Additional cost for cut and fl w•c•K was nvolvet Joon further nvestigaticn .ff tl e a ea sells ar the ne gnt of the 'ightirg pees. Nego: at cns w to the school system concern rg using school and for adci: ona' park ng a sc adder to the des r ..c,sts Upon d scovering that tne project would reqd re more furding tar was avai ace it 996, the decision was made t;y t^e Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to complete :ne projec: in three phases_. Th s also added to he cesigr costs. ■ PRINC PM.S PERRY L BUTCHER. A 1A NCAPB CERTIFIED • J OHN T. MACK. A.A NCAR8 CERTIFIED ASSCZIATCS MIKE MAIMING. J/WE5 MAYER. D EL W N NRION. .LENSED ALABAMA *monist ARKANSAS COLORADO FLORIDA GEORGIA ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEW MEXICO N EW YORK N ORTH CAROUNA OHIO OKLAHOMA SOUTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE TEXAS WISCONSIN WYOMING AIA AIA AIA 116 MUTH'''RST 5' HES. P o. 23X 2C26 P 3 BOX 1651 PERRY L. BUTCHER & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS August 27. 1996 Dale Ca -l< 915 California Blvd. Fayetteville. AR 72701 RE Crystal Springs Softball =ielcs Job* 95135 Dear Mr Clan( The fol.owing s our proposal concerning our change in serv'ces for Crystal Springs Softball Fields which are to be constructed in three phases. The scope of the project las been challenging with some duplication of services, ncluding bidding and distribution of the plays and specifications and with constructicr. administration Ir addition, the estimate approximately doubled, for the cost of construction and the extent of production work for the drawings from what was onginally anticipated at the time that we gave the lump sum propose: in ,tune 1995. The following are the major items which contnbuted to the changes in the scope of the project which couldn't be anticipated: 1. The requirements which came from the Large Scale Development Review were much more extensive than could have been anticipated which increased the project scope. a Widening the street b. Landscaping Plan c. Several restrictions regarding spill and glare from field lighting 2. Tie Nature of the existing soil not being suitable for a constructicn of this type cf playing `field which was discovered after preliminary ihvestigar on with a backhoe which led to further soil investigations to determine the actual soil bearing capacity. Further soil investigations were required because of the depth of pocr soil and the extreme height of the :ight poles, necessitated by the spill and glare restnctions. Additional site section drawings of cut and fill were required because of the exter.t of cut and fill. ROOERS. ARKANSAS 72756 ROGERS. ARKANSAS 72756 rAm i c 1L1E AF C NSAS 72702 :5011 5364599 ;501)536-3545 :50114434435 FAX 1501 FAX 1501 FAX 1501 A•I•A 626-7511 626-:2CE 443.9464 Perry L. Butcher and Associates Subject: Crystal Springs Softball Fields August 27, 1996 3. 'Negotiations to obtain adciticnal land was necessary to accommocate :ne four large fielcs (40% larger than a typical softball Feld; and barking lo'. Dunng that process it was deciced to locate the parking cn the adjacent school property which required coordination with the ocation of existing faclities on the school's property. The concession facility was detailed to compliment the schools building materials which a so increased costs. 4 Tie project was to be designed so that the fourth field could be accommodated at a later date in the original scope cf our services After beginning the oroject we were instructed to irclude the fourth field in our set of construction documents. Ir January 1996, when PLB&A mace an estimate of construction cost, it was realized that the project was over the cost originally anticipated. A suggest.on was made to the Parks Committee to recuce the cost by constructirg only two fields at this time: however, PLB&A was nstructec tc proceed with construction documents to nclude four fields. 5. The irrigation system. as detailed, and requested by the Owrer. includes an auxiliary pumping system to water fields from a nearby pond. Phase I induces work dcne for changes in the scope of work that are listec above and were not included in the original contract. We feel this is equivalent in value to the work to be .ncluded in our original contract which is to be postponed until Phase II anc II plus 541750 00 additional cost to modify the drawings and re -bid Phase I. It is our hope that the City will commit to use PLB&A for Phases 'I and III at a later date when funds become availab.e to complete the project. I have enclosed an Amendment to our original contract with the itemizeo costs. Page 2 of 3 Perry L. Butcher and Associates Subject: Crystal Springs ScftoaII Fields August 27, 1996 You had requested the printing costs, which are reimbursaole, they totaled $1.242.91 This did rot incluse reornting, as required, to issue Phase I work. The printing cost for Phase ' s estimated betweer 5450.00 to $5C0.O0 have delayed this proposal to you .n order to calculate more closely the time spert :n revising the bid document for Phase I. Please contact me should you have any questiors concerning this proposal Sircereiy, PERRY L. BUTCHER AND ASSOCIATES her Date Clark, City of=ayettevil'e Page:3 of 3 /B -24 46 Date AMENDMENT TO CCNTRACT Gated June 7 1995 ADCI'IONAI SERVICES FOR PHASING PROJECT August 27, 1996 Crystal.Spnngs Softball Field Fayetteville Arkansas Phase I (Additiorai payment cue after bidding of croject;• Modify original bid documents to include work required by Large Scale Development and rough gracir.g for softball comp ex as brcken cut for Phase .. Re -issuing modified drawirgs for bidding of project and bidcirg for Phase I. Phase II (Payment due durirg Phase II) Payment for work done to produce bid documents to include finish gracirg. corcessiors, toilets and dugouts fences. wa.k surfacing, and utilities as broken out for Phase II. Bidding of project for Phase II. Construction Administration for Phase!! Phase III (Payment due during Phase III) Payment for work done tc produce Did documents to include lighting as broken out for Phase 11! Bidding of protect for Phase . Construction Administration for Phase III. 53, 000.00 $1,750.00 $15,000 OC 51,750.00 $6,000.00 $6,000 00 $1.000.00 $3,000.00