HomeMy WebLinkAbout214-91 RESOLUTION• RESOLUTION NO. 214-91 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EXPENDITURES OF THE 1992 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TOTALING $512,850. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Board of Directors hereby approves the following expenditures for the 1992 Community Development Block Grant totaling $512,850 as follows: The preliminary activity allocations: Residential Rehabilitiation Public Improvements Parks & Recreation EOA Weatherization Administration Cost Allocation TOTAL Public Services: Elderly Taxi Program Sang Avenue Senior Center $175,000 192,850 55,000 10,000 42,646 14,354 10,000 13.000 $512,850 PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of November , 1991. APPROVED: By* ATTEST: By Mayor Funding Approval Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act (Public Law 93-383) HI -00513R U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and Development Community Development Block Grant Program air 1. Nam* of Grantee City of Fayetteville 2. ProiecuGrant No. B -92 -MC -05-0001 3. Grantee's Address (include Street, City, County, State and hp Cod*) 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 S. Data of Subnasion 11/25/91 5. a. Date of Hiro Receipt of JY9aaifoissbn 27/91 b. Data Grantee Notified: c. Start of Rifler Ver: 1/1/92 3a. Grantee's Tax identification Number (TM) 6. 21 Original Funding Approval n Amendment Amendment No. A8 section references below an to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, unless otherwise Indicated. 7. Category of Title I Assistance for this Funning Action (Check only one) a. ®( Entitlement (Sec. 106(b)) b. ❑ State -Administered (Sec. 106(d)(I)) e. ❑ HUD Administered Small Cities (Sec. 106(dX2)(B)) d. ❑ Secretary's Discretionary (Sec. 107) e. ❑ Section 108 Loan Guarantee (Sec. 108) I. 0 Surplus Urban Renewal Funds (Sec. 112(b)) HUD Accounting Use Only 1 38 TAC 1 5 3 1 7 6 4 Ricer Arse Dann Nn 7 0 8 2 9 12 13 14 16 18 Amount 1 41 45 50 Effective Dee 54 Amount 2 l 60 61 65 70 rrn 74 79 )ate Entered: PAS LOCCS Balch No. Transaction Code Entered by: Verified by: 9. Amann of loan gu mmee corwnlllnent now beer° approved: $ 10. Recipient of los guarantee (Check applicable box) a. O Grantee identified in bbdk No. 1 b. 0 Public Agency designated to receive ban guarantee (Name and address) * 11. Special conditions (Check amicable box) a. n Not applicable b. CI Sea attachment(s) Previous Editions are Obsolete Page 1 of 2 form HUD -7082 (891) 24 CFR S70 B. Amount of Community Development Block Grant a. Amount of CDBG Funds Currently Reserved for this Grantee b. Amount of CDBG Funds Now Being Approved for this Grantee c. Amount of Reservation to be Cancelled (Otte 8a minus 8b) FY 1992 FY FY $ 490,00 $ $ $ 490 000 $ $ $ — 0 — $ $ HUD Accounting Use Only 1 38 TAC 1 5 3 1 7 6 4 Ricer Arse Dann Nn 7 0 8 2 9 12 13 14 16 18 Amount 1 41 45 50 Effective Dee 54 Amount 2 l 60 61 65 70 rrn 74 79 )ate Entered: PAS LOCCS Balch No. Transaction Code Entered by: Verified by: 9. Amann of loan gu mmee corwnlllnent now beer° approved: $ 10. Recipient of los guarantee (Check applicable box) a. O Grantee identified in bbdk No. 1 b. 0 Public Agency designated to receive ban guarantee (Name and address) * 11. Special conditions (Check amicable box) a. n Not applicable b. CI Sea attachment(s) Previous Editions are Obsolete Page 1 of 2 form HUD -7082 (891) 24 CFR S70 Straus d Auledud Chari • Grant Agreement and Loan Guarantee Acceptance Provisions U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and Development Community Development Bbdc Grant Program 1 Grant Agreement This Grant Agreement between the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and (name of the Grantee) the City of FayTeville. Arkansas 5 made pursuant to the authority of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq). The Grantee's submissions for Title I assistance, the HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 570 (as now in effect and as may be amended from time to time), and the attached HUD Funding Approval, form HUD -7082 (the Funding Approval), including any special conditions, constitute part of the Agreement. Funding to the provisions s d this Grant Agreement, HUD will make the funding assistance for Fiscal Year 19 92 specified in the Funding Approvalal available to the Grantee upon execution of the Agreement by the parties. The unding assistance specified in the Funding Approval may be used to pay costs incurred after , Provided the activitiesto which sudi costs are related are carried compliance with all appliunless cable requie authorized ODther rpre-agreement ocosts s may not be paid with funding assistance specifiedFunding Approval by waiver and fisted in the special conditions to the Funding Approval. The Grantee agrees to assume d of the responsibilities for environmental review, decision making, and actions, as specified and required in regulations Issued by the Secretary pursuant to Section 104(g) of Title 1 and published in 24 CFR Part 58. The Graded further acknowledges its rnponsbfiltyfor adherence to the Agreement by subreclpieM amities to which it makes funding assistance hereunder available. U.S. Daps msnt.tI4ousing s jl rban DevabpmaM Signior* J' Manager, Little Rock Office Dar MAY 2 2 1997 tis Mayor, City of Fayetteville Iver Loan Guarantee Acceptance ProvIslons (Use only for Section 108 loan Guaradae Assistna to design rd pubic agency) d Housing and Urban Devebpmdra on The public agency hereby accepts the Grad Agreement executed by the Department with reaped to grant number as Grantee designated to receive loan guarantee assistance, and agrees to comply with the terns and conditions of the Agreement, applicable regulations, and other requirements of HUD now or henesher in effect, pertaining to the wNtance Provided k Nem d Pubic Aasrerftlnrre - I Pape 2 of 2 HUD -70s2 Instructions for Completing Funding Approval Form HUD -7082 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and,Development Community Development Bbd Grant Program mir Block No. 1. Enter the Grantee's name as shown in Item 5 of Standard Form 424. 2. Enter the Applicant Identifier shown on Standard Form 424, and indicate the fiscal year for which the funding is to be made. Note: II reallocated funds are being made available as a supplement to an existing project/grant, enter in addition to the project/grant number for the current fiscal year, the project/grant number for the grantee applicable to the reallocated fund (i.e. if the grantee's FY 1991 project/grant number is B -91 -MC -99-0001 and the grantee will also receive allocated funds appropriated in FY 1990, also enter B -90 -MC -99-0001). 3. Enter the Grantee's complete address as shown in Item 5 of Standard Form 424. 3a.Enter the Grantee's 9 -digit Tax Identification Number (TIN) to establish the recipient's line of credit. 4. Enter the date of submission or amendatory shown in Item 2 of Standard Form 424. 5. (a) Enter the month, day and year that the submission or amen- datory was received, provided that it was judged to be complete. R the submission was incomplete, enter the datethatthe additions which made it complete were received. (b) Enter the date that the Grantee is noted of funding approval. This will be the date appearing on the letter transmitting the HUD - 7082 to the Grantee and is considered the point of obligation for accounting purposes. (c) Enter date program year starts. 6. Check the appropriate box. Check 'Original Funding Approver for the first funding approval form executed under the project/ grant number shown in Blodk No. 2. Check "Amendment" for subsequent funding approval forms executed under the same project/grant number. Number amendments under the project/ grant number consecutively starting with "1: 7. Check the appropriate box. 8. The amounts entered in this block shall pertain only to funds ap- propriated to CD Block Grants and Surplus Urban Renewal or NDP funds. If grantee is to receive reallocated funds from prior fiscal year(s) in addition to its formula amount from the current fiscal year, complete one column for each separate fiscal year; otherwise leave the first two fiscal yew columns blank. (a) Enter the amount of CDBG funds currently reserved for this Grantee under the project/grant number shown in Block No. 2. If amendment, enter the amount of CDBG funds which have been reserved since the completion of the previous funding approval form. (b) Enter the amount of CDBG funds now being provided to this Grantee. If amendment, enter only the increase (+) or decrease (-) in the amount of CDBG funds approved for use by this Grantee under the project/grant number shown in Block No. 2. (c) Subtract the amount on line 8b from the amount on line 8a and enter the difference on this line. 11 surplus grant f unds remained after the financial settlement of urban renewal and/or NDP project(s), and those funds have been reserved to this Grantee Reference: 24CFR 570.801. (a) Enter the amount of surplus U.R. funds reserved for this Grantee. Verify this amount with the Regional Accounting Divi- sion. On the first funding approval form in which this block is completed, enter the total amount of surplus U.R. funds reserved for this Grantee via form HUD -718. On subsequent funding approval forms, whether original or amendment, enter the bal- ance of surplus U.R. funds available for future use, as shown on the previous funding approval form, plus any additional amount of surplus U.R. funds reserved for this Grantee via form(s) HUD - 718. (b) Enter the amount of surplus U.R. funds now being approved for use by this Grantee. This amount will be disbursed through the grant payment system being used for CDBG funds (e.g., line of credit). (c) Subtract the amount on lino b from the amount on line a and enter the difference on this line. 9. Enter the amount of the loan guarantee commitment now being approved for this Grantee. 10. Check the appropriate box. If applicable, enter the name and complete address (Street, City, County, State and ZIP Code) of any public agency designated and attach special Acceptance Provision. 11. Add Special Conditions, d applicable. Grant Agreement and Loan Guarantee Acceptance Provisions: The date to be used in the third paragraph as the effective date (the date after which costs may be incurred) is the program year start date or the date the Final Statement was received by HUD, whichever is later. Previous Editions are Obsolete Page HUD -7092 (Mt ) • • E.O. 12372.- SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITION Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement, no funds provided under this agreement may be obligated or expended for the planning or construction of water or sewer facilities until receipt of written notification from HUD of the release of funds on completion of the review procedures required under Executive Order (E.O.) 12372, Intergovernmental Review•of Federal Programs, and HUD's implementing regula- tions at 24 CFR Part 52. The recipient shall also complete the review procedures reauired under E.O. 12372 and 24 CFR Part 52 and receive written notification from HUD of the release of funds before obligating or expending any funds provided under this agreement for any new or revised activity for the planning or construc- tion of water or sewer facilities not previously reviewed under E.O. 12372 and implementing regulations. • ,..•iw,r4 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 6". Little Rock Office, Region VI e • IV,1'PhI 10 523 Louisiana Street, Suite 200 °�...� Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 000 June 4, 1992 Honorable Fred Vorsanger Mayor, City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Mayor Vorsanger: I am pleased to transmit to you the Fiscal Year 1992 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the City of Fayetteville in the amount of $490,000. The Program Year for Fayetteville began on January 1, 1992. Enclosed is the Grant Agreement and Funding Approval (three copies of HUD -7082), which constitutes the contract between the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the City of Fayetteville. You should note the special condition included in Item 11 of the Funding Approval. Failure to execute and return the grant agreement within 60 days of the transmittal date may be deemed to constitute rejection of the grant and cause for HUD to determine that the funds are available for reallocation to other grantees. Your final statement includes funds for the planning or construction of water or sewer facilities which are subject to review under Executive Order 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs, and HUD's implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 52. The Grant Agreement and Funding Approval includes a special condition which restricts the obligation or expenditure of funds for the planning or construction of water or sewer facilities until receipt of written release of funds for such activities. You will receive a separate notification regarding the release of funds for such activities. Note that the special condition also applies to water or sewer activities not previously submitted for E.O. 12372 review that you may add through an amendment or other revision to your final statement. In order to establish a Line of Credit for the Fiscal Year 1992 grant, it will be necessary for you to execute and return two copies of the Grant Agreement. In addition, if there is a need to delete or add individuals authorized to • • • 2 access the Voice Response System (VRS), a VRS Security Access Authorization Form (HUD -27054) must be prepared, notarized, and returned to this office with the Grant Agreement. Also, if there is a need to establish or change the depository account to which these grant funds are to be wired, a Direct Deposit Sign -Up Form (SF -1199A) must be completed by you and your financial institution and mailed to this office. You are reminded that CDBG entitlement funds must be drawn on a first -in -first -out (FIFO) basis. This means that before requesting CDBG entitlement funds from a newly established line -of -credit, you should have first drawn all the funds from the previous years' line(s)-of-credit. Please note that the FIFO method only applies to CDBG entitlement program funds. Upon receipt of the executed Grant Agreement (two copies) and other forms required to establish your Line of Credit, HUD will transmit to you the assigned Voice Response project number for this grant. You are reminded that certain activities are subject to the provisions of 24 CFR Part 58 (Environmental Review Procedures for the Community Development Block Grant Program). Funds for such activities may not be obligated or expended unless the release of funds has been approved in writing by HUD. A request for the release of funds must be accompanied by an environmental certification. If you have any connection with this CDBG program, please at 324-6375. Enclosures cc: Ms. Jan Simco questions or desire assistance in letter or other items related to the contact Jim Slater, Financial Analyst, Sincerely, cAre n T. Suskie anager