HomeMy WebLinkAbout95-89 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO, 95-89 S 'CjA RE ® YP A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT WITH JERRY D. SWEETSER, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO A SECTION OF BLOCK AVENUE BETWEEN ROCK STREET AND ARCHIBALD YELL. BE IT RESOLVED BY ,THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Jerry D. Sweetser, Inc., for improvements to the street, sidewalks and storm drain in the section of Block Avenue between Rock Street and Archibald Yell. A copy of the contract authorized for execution hereby is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of October , 1989. ATTEST By:� _A 4,, APPontTcn By: P. v T RESOLUTION NO, 95-89 S 'CjA RE ® YP A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT WITH JERRY D. SWEETSER, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO A SECTION OF BLOCK AVENUE BETWEEN ROCK STREET AND ARCHIBALD YELL. BE IT RESOLVED BY ,THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Jerry D. Sweetser, Inc., for improvements to the street, sidewalks and storm drain in the section of Block Avenue between Rock Street and Archibald Yell. A copy of the contract authorized for execution hereby is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of October , 1989. ATTEST By:� _A 4,, APPontTcn By: r U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT f BID FOR UNIT PRICE CONTRACTS Place: VILLE, ARKANSAS, hereinafter called OWNER. Gentlemen: The Bidder, in compliance with your invitation for bids for the construction of BLOCK AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT No. E-2501 having examined the plans and specifications with related docu- ments and the site of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the pro- posed project including the availability of materials and labor, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies, and to construct the project in accordance with the contract documents, within the time set forth therein, and at the prices stated herein. These prices are to cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the contract documents, of which this proposal is a part. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in a written "NOTICE -'TO -PROCEED" of the Owner and to fully complete the project within 45 consecu- tive calendar days •thereafter as stipulated in the specifica- tions. Bidder further agrees to pay as liquidated damages, the sum of $250.00 for each consecutive calendar day thereafter. Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addendum: I Bidder agrees to perform all the work, described in the specifications and shown on the plans, for the following unit prices: *Insert corporation, partnership, or individual as applicable. HUD -4238D (2-69) Replaces CFA -238-D which is obsolete E-250 1 Date: Project No.: E-250 Bid No. 89-43 Proposal of (hereinafter called Bidder)* a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of ,*-a partnership, *or an individual doing business as To the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE, ARKANSAS, hereinafter called OWNER. Gentlemen: The Bidder, in compliance with your invitation for bids for the construction of BLOCK AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT No. E-2501 having examined the plans and specifications with related docu- ments and the site of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the pro- posed project including the availability of materials and labor, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies, and to construct the project in accordance with the contract documents, within the time set forth therein, and at the prices stated herein. These prices are to cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the contract documents, of which this proposal is a part. Bidder hereby agrees to commence work under this contract on or before a date to be specified in a written "NOTICE -'TO -PROCEED" of the Owner and to fully complete the project within 45 consecu- tive calendar days •thereafter as stipulated in the specifica- tions. Bidder further agrees to pay as liquidated damages, the sum of $250.00 for each consecutive calendar day thereafter. Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addendum: I Bidder agrees to perform all the work, described in the specifications and shown on the plans, for the following unit prices: *Insert corporation, partnership, or individual as applicable. HUD -4238D (2-69) Replaces CFA -238-D which is obsolete E-250 1 nnn ITEMS: All Items Complete in place, including all labor, materials, bonds, insurance, equipment, fittings, and unforseen items, constructed in accordance with theCity of Fayetteville Specifications and Requirements, and as shown on plans, including clearing, grubbing, cleanup, and testing. Subsidiary to other items of the Contract, all damaged yarn as shall be cleared of allrock and debris fertilized, mulcheda covered with 9" Tom 1� seeded, and watered for successful growth. 1, WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION: Furnish and diinstall, per plans and specifications, a Bid tribution mains complete in place. Each Unit Pip shall include all fcleanup, thrusttesting blocks, clearing, grubbing, as follows: dh, a cQso� 00 A. 6 inch CL -51 DI Pipe, 30 L - F, @ F. $ gso 2, TWELVE INCH MAIN CONNECTION: Furnish and Of install, under the supervision af6thMaint tment, Connec- Fayetteville Water Depar tion to an existing 12" Main, including 12" x 6" tapping sleeve and gate valve and box, complete in place, including concrete thrust blocks, con- crete collars, and etc.: 12" Main, A. 6" Main Connection to an a isting d K�j IW DO nA 1 each @ (S j2 0(3 0 p, o (3 ). per ea $ 3, FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY: Furnish and install Fire Hydrant Assembly per plans and City of te- ville's specifications as per Detail sheet No. 8 of these documents, complete in place auxiliary valves, etc. A. Construct a Standard Fire Hydrant Assembly at the Sou haves corners of lock and Rock ,�1 - o 1 nr S.Ait Il Nd ��_ each @ ( 419t � y,� � �y, o ate_ Per ea $ � 1 E-250 .v CONTRACT PART "B" - SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM ITEMS: All Items Complete in place, including all.labor, mate- rials, bonds, insurance, equipment, fittings, and unfor- seen items, constructed in accordance with the City of Fayetteville's Specifications and Requirements as shown on plans, including clearing, grubbing, cleanup and testing. Air testing shall include all 4" service pipe and all plugs. BID ITEMS herein below shall include repairing all damaged yard areas with 4 inch ton soil, seeding, fertilizing,. mulching, and watering for a suc- cessful growth: 1. PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION: A. 8 inch SDR -26 PVC Pipe, -0- L.F. @ per L.F. $ N/A 2. MANHOLES: Standard concrete manholes construc- tion with C.I. rings and lids, including labor, materials, base, testing, grouting, adjustments, etc. A. Vertical Footage from 0' to 101, -0- V.F. B. Raise existing manhole r street grade, 2 each @_E per each $ N/A nd lids to new 3. 4" RESIDENTIAL SEWER SERVICES: (SB -2 Trench Backfill to Subgrade and 1' Back -of -Curb for Street Section shall be paid by ticket in Bid Item No. 4 — PART "B". NOTE: Contractor is responsible for uncovering all 4" Services prior to construction of Storm Sewer and to Construct Repaired and/or Relocated 4" Services inverts at elevations acceptable to the City of Fayetteville requirements. A. 4 inch Service Main Replacement and/4 Repair, 60 L.F.@ .J�� deQ�r� _� C"d w E-250 L, F, $ 4000 CONTRACT PART "A" - WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 4. *SB -2 BACKFILL BASE: Within Street Sections for Part "A" BID ITEMS, A MAXIMUM -NOT -TO -EXCEED of 25 ton @ T I d aL, cw d k'o//u ( S !Ot ° - ) per ton 5 6" GATE VALVE WITH BOX WITH CONCRETE COLLAR, - 0 - each @ ($ ) per ea 6. METER SERVICE SETTINGS: (:PLEASE NOTE SB -2 Backfill within street sections of this Bid Item shall be paid by Ticket in Bid Item No. 4 above): A. Meter Service Tubing Repair and Replacement as eeded, w/o SB -2 Backfill, 100 L.F. @�w r d "011UJ (S per L.F. $ N/A $ 1 00 ° v oV TOTAL AMOUNT BID - CONTRACT PART "A" $ 500 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Truck tickets must be signed on site by Contractor's repre- sentative with date, station location, and use. SB -2 to be used ONLY as Backfill in Street Sections, full depth of Trench to Street subgrade and to one (1) foot Back -of -Curbs NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: A reasonable estimate of SB -2 trench Backfill under street sections have been estimated by the Engineer to be 20 TON, This Contract will pay a unit price per Delivery Ticket up to 25 TON, Additional Amounts of SB - 2 Backfill to fulfill this CONTRACT shall be considered OVER -RUNS and subsidiary to other BID ITEMS of Contract No. 1 - PART "A". E-250 -_ -_ .__ SII =r 2 lH CONTRACT PART "C" - STREET & STORM DRAINAGE ITEMS: All Items Complete in place, including all labor, mate- rials, bonds, insurance, equipment, fittings, and unfor- seen items, constructed in accordance with the City of Fayetteville Specifications and Requirements and as shown on plans, including clearing, grubbing, cleanup, repair of damaged yard surfaces, and testing. All damaged yard areas shall be cleared of all rock and debris and covered with 4 inch TOP SOIL, seeded, ferti- lized, mulched, and watered for successful growth: 1. CONSTRUCTION EARTHWORK: In accordance with plans and specifications for said project: Contractor shall construct rough sub -grade from centerline control in existence at time of BID; Engineer will provide a "CUT -SHEET" from said control. A. Clearing, grubbing, fence removal, disposal, backfill, and backsloping, and classified and unclassified excavation in the amount of approximately 600 C.Y. of which approximately 100 C.Y. is "Classified" Excavated material to be used as ON-SITE "SELECTED" FILL and the remaining EXCAVATED materials to be used for back -sloping within �j�J}�� a limits of f�/.h e project, 600 C.Y. @ rive �F0(11�GJ Qicb� II IJA,"cl cx,. "' lu3 ( ,? Oo, a ) per Lump Sum **B. Compacted "Hillside" sub -base material from OFF-SITE (OFF-SITE identified as material purchased from others than the Owner); unit price per Truck Yard shall include the required "unclassified" Excavation and disposal of soil materials within treet section; 50 Truck Yards @ � ( i &�V (l.6 fico ($ /"r, ) per T.Y. E-250 1 g e�O. (3,0 S 3 i!Lp1 o D