HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-89 RESOLUTION• • RESOLUTION NO. 92-89 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REQUEST OF THE REGIONAL NATIONAL CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION FOR FUNDS TO PURCHASE LAND. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Regional National Cemetery Improvement Corporation for $25,000.00 to purchase land to expand the National Cemetery in Fayetteville. A copy of the agreement authorized for execution hereby is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. F . , PASSED AND APPROVED this c". 4� 1. rwle ATTEST" 19th day of 1 September , 1989. APPROVED / Mayor By: • • REGIONAL NATIONAL CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION P. 0. Box 4221 28 South College Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702=4221 April 12., 1989 Mayor Bill Martin City of Fayetteville Dear Mayor Martin: The National Cemetery in Fayetteville is about to run out of burial spaces. As of April 3., 1989.; there were only 123 spaces left., and this includes the 35 spaces that will become available when the old lodge building is removed. This cemetery serves the entire Northwest Arkansas area., not just this local area. For the past several years the annual burial rate has been 1201, which means by this time next year we must have more burial spaces. The above named corporation was formed solely for the purpose of raising funds to purchase land to donate to the Federal government to expand the National Cemetery. We have purchased three tracts of land which will'be donated as soon as we get them ready and this should alleviate the immediate crisis. However., we need money to purchase more lands. It is hoped the attached data will explain the situation in more detail. If you need further information please call me at 442-2389. or write me at 5688 E. Huntsville Road,, Fayetteville., AR 72701. In the name of the above named corporation I hereby request the sum of $25,,000.00 as a contribution.; or grant., to be used exclusively for the purchase of land to expand said cemetery. Either I,, or an authorized representative., stand ready to meet with your particular bodyof government at the earliest possible time. Sincerely,; aZe f Elvie P. Heiney President .Attachments 9.O REGIONAL NATIONAL CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION P. 0. Box 4221 28 South College Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702-4221 3 April 1989 The sole purpose of the Regional National Cemetery Improvement Corporation (hereinafter.referred to as "RNCIC") is to raise mon- e y to buy land for the expansion of the National Cemetery in Fay- e tteville. The federal government will not buy land for the ex- pansion of any existing National Cemetery, however, they will accept donations of land providing it is contiguous to such a cem- e tery. There are certain details and procedures we must follow which are too numerous to mention here, but we will be able to Com- ply with said procedures, it is just a matter of a lot of hard work. :HISTORICA,L DATA: The Fayetteville National Cemetery was established in 1867 with the purchase of two lots for the sum of $350. The first burials were brought in from the battles of Pea hidge, Elk Horn Tav- ern, PPairie Grove, and the many other battle sites in this area. Thererr l0 Unknown U.S. Soldiers interred there. The original cem- e tery is arranged in the likeness of a wagon wheel, with the flag pole as the hub. The graves of the Unknown Soldiers are the three rows that make up the outer part of the wheel. There is a hand molded brick wall surrounding the cemetery, which was erected in approxi- mately 1873. This wall is now on the National Historic Preservation List. A Gettysburg Address plaque is at the entrance. The cemetery consists of 6.11 acres (266,151 sq. ft.).. There are a little over 4,200 veterans (some with their spouses) interred here at the pres- e nt time. There were only 123 burial spaces left as of this dat'. '4lember§hip (participation) in the RNCIC has only one requirement and that is "one must be interested in the expansion of this cemetery". The RNCIC is not limited to veterans, or members of any veterants organization. As a matter of fact, our vice-president is not a vet- eran. Our meetings are open to the public. At times it may appear that we are a part of the American Legion, this is not true. All of the veteran's organizations in Northwest Arkansas have contributed time and money to this project for which we are grateful. Post #27 here in Fayetteville permits us to use their building for meetings and they pay our admirjstrative expenses. Our officers, directors, and workers do not receive any compensation. Anyone wishing to make a contribution may do so by making their check payable to "HNCIC" and mailing it to P.O. Box 4221, Fayetteville AR 72702. We were organized within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal hevenue. Law, our IRS number is 58-1598155. Contributions are tax deductible under these provisions. If you have questions pertaining to contributions, or any other part of RNCIC call Elvis P. Eeiney at 442-2389, or Ken Gibson at 442-5291 on Tuesdays & Thursdays. 9.C2 ' alvie P. Heine ?resident REGIONAL NATIONAL CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION P. 0. Box 4221 28 South College Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702-4221 3 April 1989 I1� ORE• ATION SHEET: The following remarks pertain to individually owned tracts of land we have under consideration to purchase, or have purchased, for expansion of the National Cemetery at Fayette - villa providing we are able to raise sufficient funds. As of the above date there were only 123 burial spaces loft in the cemetery. The numbers referred to below are circled on the attached plat. Plat is not to exact scale. Tract #1: 139'x152'. Purchased at a price of 440,000 plus costs. Tract #1-A: 581x1151, plus a 10' abandoned eastment on the East end and a 20' closed alley on the West end. Purchased at a price of :5,000 plus costs. Tract #2: 114.51x1601. Old residence converted to a duplex thereon. Estimated price X$40,000. We need this tract and hope to raise the money very soon to purchase it. Tract #2-A: 30'x114.5'. Estimated price 42.,000 plus costs. Owners say they will sell to us. Tract pires Tract pires Tract pires #3: 98'x190'. 3 march 1991. #4: 50'x190'. 3 March 1991. #5: 74'x190'. 3 March 1991. No improvements. Have taken option which ex - $23,304 to exercise our option. No improvements. Have taken option which ex - S11,900 to exercise our option. No improvements. Have taken option which ex - s17,352 to exercise our option. Tract #6: 74'x190'. Residence thereon presently rented for 5200 a month. Have taken option which expires 3 March 1991. 419,000 to exercise our option. Tract #7: 931(4)x152.781. Occupied residence thereon. Have taken option which expires 23 Sept. 1989. 431,000 to exercise our option. Tract price Tract which #10: 83'x160'. Owner -occupied residence. Purchased at a of .430,000.00. #11: 142'x208'(hst.). expires 3 March 1991. Square footage: Purchased Optioned Univ. Ave TOTAL No improvements. k-iave taken option 429,000 to exercise our option. . 41,078 119,667 ▪ 29,224 189,969 Estimated Number of Burial spaces: 4,452 Amount of money needed to complete this project: X199,556.00. Includes money borrowed to purchase Tract #10. Elvie P. he ine President 9.03 / REGIONAL NATIONAL CEMETERY IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION P. O. Box 4221 28 South College Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702-4221 3 April 1989 MONEY NEEDED Amount Purpose When Needed v`r 40,000.00 To purchase Tract #2 Yesterday 32,000.00. " 11 " #7 31 August 89 25,000.00* u pay-off interest free loan March 90 23,304.00 it exercise option on Tract #r3 3 u 91 11,900.00 11 n 11 u 11 #4• 11 n u 17,352.00 n It n u u #5 n 11 11 19, 000.00 u u 11 11 11 ,#6 n. u 11 29,000.00 ii " " " " #11 " " n 2,000.00*: L u 11 n u #2-A VD$en??? 5199,556.00 TOTAL -*-Used to purchase Tract ir10. *-Estimated. 9.04 j ECONOMIC IMPACT County for FY 1987 Estimated VA Expenditures By 0)I- 04• • -3 cd i En rl i-1 r♦ d ctl o rtt O O U U rl 23'O m m C > ctl +i w 0) CD Cr) C- V) V) N N CO CO • w O O N itk 08 m CD W O) 0) P O ri m •8-1 COO) 0) N O W 44 N U 4 N W dr - 0) CO N N C r w + w + w al co M tO N dr tc) c0 fr CO 0 :O CO 10 O O 0 m 40 N ri OJ in b w 0 C H H 03 it) 01 0 3.) ri rl C ct +-) m C at ;7 O) - ri c0 ri do E O 10 .44r CQ N c0 O ri O iz rr rl W a) r) ri tf) N N no r O O R O W d0 CO dt 4-1 O c0m > m m H rl X as :4 U3 ;f3 • a .141 01 VD .14 Z coo (0 CO N too cu 4.3 O 0 r1 10 N 0 H tO (Q rl w w w et w w w M m dr CO N :.V t) 0) O C C ri t7 (0 0) CO LO U) CD m P ^ O W O tq O CLW w w w w el 0 w L.. t7 N ri H @ t0 O .? N U } ry} • 1 1` .--I ri W Se O CO ri 1 CO CO CO M do t.... O c0 - Cr) n dr ri tO ri O] ri M) ri 11 N N 0 N N N c0 ri CO to yl +• w w w O Cp t4) N r1 H N O • C O 2 r-1 ri C t0 -s }t 0 m 0 N 0 rl O w +' C f, ,i ,0 E m o 0 C-4 07 m .�i U po =T7 0 R. Costs - $915,371 County: Construction & Related Washington 9.05 • r • MONEY TO & County Benton Boone Carroll Madison Newton Washington. TOTALS.. (VETERAN POPULATION AS OF 3-31-88 County Benton 11,500 Boone 3,500 Carroll.. 2,500 ,Madison 1,500 Newton 900 Rounded to nearest 500 Washington 13,000 TOTAL 32,900 REQUESTED FR01i EACH 2nd Column Of Economic Data 7,714,065 3,339,169 s 2,062,593 1,492,276 1,083,054 9359,169 425,050,326 Benton County: County -425,000 Rogers -420,000 Bentonville -412,500 Madison County: County -46,000 Huntsville -41,500 COUNTY IN Number Of Veterans THE 11,500 3,500 2,500 1,500 900 13,000 32,900 SUGGESTED BREAKDOWN Boone County: County -412,500 harris on -%;'5, 000 Newton County: County -44,500 Total Cities-??? SIX -COUNTY r` ;T -A At S5 Per Veteran S 57,500 17,500 12,500 7,500 4,500 65,u00 $164,500 Carroll County: County -012,500 Total Cities-??? Washington County: County -$25,000 Fayetteville -425,000 Springdale- ;15,000 9.06 j 3/e 1. • • a:S ` 9 ^ :;8 : 0L\ lc? " 0 -S 15)— IO»I I. off. 13° 12 - PURCHASED" 144,115 //S' /ad 1 1 OPTION T'UQ N 52` t‘c • PURCHASED V i" • H Z W Z cc W s O �.#j0 PURCHASED 1.0 /90.0' CPTION TAMN 2.t I I OP`i'IOt TAKEN lel 310 10 -OPTION TAKEN 4 41 r5R^8 CPTICN TAKEN asincIS In lip QC /90./ > MJ 11-, N NATIONAL NATIONAL CEMETERY Fayetteville, Arkansas t 26.2 482 • 3' CoLoRED CEMETERY ST r efi_oiatti,51-om Ne MICROFILMED CORRECTEA: BILL OF ASSURANCE This declaration of a Bill of Assurance made this 1 C', qday of 198/, by the undersigned owners of the following described real estate located in the"City of Fayetteville, Washington County;.Arkansasta UP m and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: m C r n,C 071 �x o O Z N `T1 r c� o o" SEE PAGE TWO - r 0 pa rn z 3 m .. C') O• -..t 73 O p O WHEREAS, the aforesaid owner of the real property described above hag' w 0 secured the apprbval of the Fayetteville City Board of Directors to amend the Fayetteville Toning map and rezone the above described property from and WHEREAS, the owners have promised and agreed to subject the development of said real estate pursuant to certain covenants and restrictions pertain- ing to same; and WHEREAS, the owners are desirous of making a declaration of the same in the form of this Bill of Assurance with the intention of guaranteeing the • preservation of certain values and amenities in the community and to bind themselves, their successors and assigns and the aforedescribed real estate 'and its subsequent owners with the obligations and restrictions hereinafter set forth for all:present and future development and use of said property. NOW, THEREFORE, the owners declare that the above described real pro- perty shall be held, developed, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied , subject to the covenants and restrictions herein set forth: The use of said property shall be limited to cemetery use only. WITNESS my hand and seal this • 1stday of May -NOTICE: This Bili'of Assurance is -to replace a:*BilicofeAssurance filed May 1, 1989 at 2:20 pi. with an incorrect legal description: Book 1316, Page 248, 249. LIBER 1326PAGE 568 8 r STATE OF ARKANSAS ) )SS: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day came before the undersigned, a Notary Public, within and for the County aforesaid, duly commissioned and acting, to me well known, who acknowledged that they hao executed the foregoing Bill of Assurance for the consideration and.purposes therein mentioned and set forth. WITNESS my hand and seal as such Notary Public this I .day of , 1981. :o ss'on Expires: �r 11n.I5bbION Explii55 APRIL 18,1996 R89-12 LEGAL DESCRIPTION CORRECTION: •Part of thel"Northeast Quarter (NE4) of the Northwest Quarter (NWt) of Sectioh'ST nOri one (21) in Township Sixteen (16) North of Range Thirty (30?&,.V5of the 5th Principal Meridian and being more partic- ularly describWts follows, to -wit; Beginning at a point which is 6.68 c1442:Vorth�,and 635.04 dh4 n s East of the Southwest corner of said 40'acre tract and running thence North 104.28.feet; thence East 142 feet; tHence.,puth 104.28 feet; thence West 142 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO, Beginning at the Northwest corner ,of the afore- . -. mentioned tract, and running, thence Northone:(1) chain and -fifty- eight ifty- eight (58) links (104.28'); thence East one -hundred and forty-two feet (142'); thence South one (1) chain and fifty-eight (58) links (104.28'); thence West one -hundred and forty-two feet (142') to the place of beginning. • NOTE: Bill of Assurance Correction i.- This is to correct the previously filed Bill of Assurance -Legal Description.which was -filed May 1, -1989:at:2:20 n: Book 1316, Page 248, 249. - io S I3Z6PAGE 569 I— r r • °rr•'r4ulpn• ....11•4• ig 1 • I, Alma Kolimeyer, Circuit Clerk and En -officio Recorder for Wash.rgton County, Arkansas, do hereby certify that this in- tInsm ns was filed for record n rr (ice M indicated hereon and the same is now dldy recorded with the ackn.>wledg, wont and certificate thereon in Record Book and Papa as indicated thereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herewtto Mt my hand and affixed the seal of said Coot an the data indicated hereon. War Kohtaeyr 1:tatlt Clark and Stab int fY by FLED FOR 89 ifl RECORD BILL OF ASSURANCE � PPI 2 20 wASH1NC This declaration of a Bill.of Assurance made this 1 S} da,4 9f0 0 AR EY R , 1989, by the undersigned owners of the following described real estate located in the City of Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: (R89-12) Beginning at the Northwest corner of the:NE 1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 21, Township 16 North of Range 30 Westof the 5th P.M. and running, thence North 1 chain and 58 links (104.28'); thence East 142'; thence South 1 chain and 58 links (104.28'); thence West 1.42' to the place of beginning containing .38 acres. WHEREAS, the aforesaid owner of the real property described above has secured the approval of the Fayetteville City Board of Directors to amend the Fayetteville zoning map and rezone the above described property from R-2, Medium Density Residential to A-1, Agricultural. and WHEREAS, the owners have promised and agreed to subject the development a of said real estate pursuant to certain covenants and restrictions pertain - >111 -1F ing to same; and ua a WHEREAS, the owners are desirous of making a declaration of the same in Fthe form of this Bill of Assurance with the intention of guaranteeing the U preservation of certain values and amenities in the community and to bind themselves, their successors and assigns and the aforedescribed real estate and its subsequent owners with the obligations and restrictions hereinafter set forth for all present and future development and use of said property. NOW, THEREFORE, the owners declare that the above described real pro- perty shall be held, developed, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants and restrictions herein set forth: I. The use of said property shall be limitedto.cemetery use only. WITNESS my hand and seal this 1 day of incli ,198q. --/117 C►� IIBfR1316PAGE240 2 STATE OF ARKANSAS ) )SS: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day came before the undersigned., a Notary Public, within and for the County;aforesaid, duly commissioned and acting, to me well known, who acknowledged that they no executed th'e foregoing -Bill of Assurance for the consideration and purposes therein `mentioned and set forth: day of WITNESS my hand and seal as such Notary Public this WA. ,1981. My Commission Expires: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AP MI. 15, 1996 dam. LIBER 1316PAGE249 • • • Eƒ 0. • • • BILL OF ASSURANCE '89 FM 1 PM 2 20 WASHINGTON CO AR A. KOLLMEYER This declaration of a Bill of Assurance made this - `S} day of , 1989, by the undersigned owners of the following described real estate. located in the City of Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: (R89-15) Lot 14, in Dowell's Addition. WHEREAS, the aforesaid owner of the real property described above has secured the approval of the Fayetteville City Board of Directors to amend the Fayetteville zoning map and rezone the above described property from R-2, Medium Density Residential to A-1, Agricultural. and WHEREAS, the owners have promised and agreed to subject the development U: of said real estate pursuant to certain covenants and restrictions pertain- Fi ing to same; and WHEREAS, the owners are desirous of making a declaration of the same in N Fthe form of this Bill of Assurance with the intention of guaranteeing the wpreservation of certain values and amenities in the community and to bind themselves, their successors and assigns and the aforedescribed real estate and its subsequent owners with the obligations andrestrictions hereinafter set forth for all present and future development and use of said property. NOW, THEREFORE, the owners declare that the above described real pro- perty shall be held, developed, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants and restrictions herein set forth: The use of said property shall be limited to cemetery use only. WITNESS my hand and seal this day of al ,1989. A LIBER 1316PAGE254 • 2 STATE OF ARKANSAS ) )SS: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) • BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day came before the Undersigned, a Notary Public, within and for the County aforesaid, duly commissioned and acting, to me well known, who acknowledged. that they has executed the foregoing Bill of Assurance for the consideration and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. WITNESS my hand and seal as such Notary Public this S'F.' day of ilyy Commission Expires: PAYCOMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 18, 1996 ....,,,,, I. .I... wa0 ry yy T14 ~1. mm.ptS. Pt] L1 `' t o • [BEE 1316PAGE255 50. "} „ n> n x q n c. m a 0 3 e a" ' 3 iirn _ c o _ a Z n n. _ 5. n Fi o g y $ ‘14 r n (0 . 0 3 S 7 n t n A d y y S 6 O_" 0) d U 0 2 ti VY 0 co 0 (L S O Q h d Q. N� ry -, _ .. r 1 r SFB d<_n S O c n}v '� < _ m :.9., n a . • c_. Pn 3 .• i it w It n n pi- 3 c n o Li`r Z 00 0 MICROFILMED BILL OF ASSURANCE FILED FOR RECORD. '89 PM? 1 Pfd 2.20. WASHINGTON CO AR. This declaration of a Bill of Assurance made this'KOL,Lay of , 1981, by the undersigned owners of the following described real estate located in the City of Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit:(R89-14) Beginning at a point where th West boundary of the U.S. National Cemetery road joins the North boundary line of the U.S. National Cemetery grounds, thence running West with the North boundary line of said Cemetery. 160', thence North 83', thence East 160' and thence South 83' to the point of beginning, all situated in the NE1/4 of the NW1/4 of Etc l Section 21, Township 16 North, Range 30 West, Washington County, Arkansas. WHEREAS, the aforesaid owner of the real property described above has secured the approval of the Fayetteville City Board of Directors to amend the Fayetteville zoning map and rezone the above described property from R-2, Medium Dehsity Residential to A-1, Agricultural. and WHEREAS, the owners have promised and agreed to subject the development of said real estate pursuant to certain covenants and restrictions pertain- ing to same; and WHEREAS, the owners are desirous of making a declaration of the same in the form of this Bill of Assurance with the intention of guaranteeing the preservation of certain values and amenities in the community and to bind themselves, their successors and assigns and the aforedescribed real estate and its subsequent owners with the obligations andrestrictions hereinafter set forth for all present and future development and use of said property. NOW, THEREFORE, the owners declare that the above described real pro- perty shall be held, developed, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants and restrictions herein set forth: I. The use of said property shall belimitedto cemetery use only. WITNESS my hand and seal this I S+ day of rincui ,1981. LIBER 1316rf:Gc252 STATE OF ARKANSAS ) )SS: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day came before the undersigned, a Notary Public, within and for the County aforesaid, duly commissioned and acting, to me_well knowI,._who acknowledged that they has executed the foregoing Bill•of-Assurance for the consideration. and purposes. £herein mentioned and set forth. WITNESS.my-hand and. seal as such Notary Public this 196e1. My._G9mmission Expires: ffepOMMISSION EXPIRES Pfr.w 129 n^P N`t ry vubliC6 51 day of LIBER 13i6EIGE253 g' n> Pa d$ a OP to c' a 3 m d n. 3 a n m- C y' 0 5. n o C. 3 j d0 d Jo Oi IJ d 9 n i. O A O Q' C' m a. . i o IT a. 3 71 _ -• CL O` N (Y T —▪ - m s ° 3 - n m d P o° r 0 co a 3 Su a k • •