HomeMy WebLinkAbout86-89 RESOLUTION4 RESOLUTION N0. 86-89 111 :ler A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR AIRPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES THROUGH THE YEAR END 1991. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. for airport engineering services through the year end 1991. A copy of the contract authorized for execution hereby is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of September ATTEST By: Clerk 7:.:.'.;rte. '' {• , e, _ .yR✓r iS' y te. 1 �ihJy1��1•Itiqi •' 4 ±° , 1989. APPROVED i / j�/may BY: Cl4.az.f.111/l/ / /,(�14 Mayor • AGREEMENT TO SERVICES TO THE DRAKE FIELD, FAYETTEVILLE 1 2.32 MICROFILMED FURNISH AIRPORT ENGINEERING CITY(OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS BASIC AGREEMENT This Agreement made this CY/ day of /¢aft, between the firm of McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC , ereinaffer referred to as the ENGINEER, and the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, hereinafter referred to as the OWNER, wherein the ENGINEER agrees to provide certain engineering services as defined in Article 1 and for the consideration defined in Article 2 herein. ARTICLE 1 The OWNER, having requested proposals from consulting engineering firms for providing airport engineering services, has selected the ENGINEER to provide said services to the OWNER. These services, when requested by the OWNER, will be described in specific Task Orders which will become a part of this Agreement upon execution. The ENGINEER agrees to perform the services described in the Task Orders after execution by both parties to the Agreement. The services provided by the ENGINEER are anticipated to include but not necessarily be limited to studies, investigations, reports, funding applications, design services, preparation of construction drawings and specifications, bidding services, and engineering services during construction related to extension of runway safety areas, obstruction lighting/removal, general aviation ramp and helipads, rescue and fire fighting equipment, security fence,"access road lighting, emergency power generation, surface condition monitoring1system, land acquisition and avigation easements.• ARTICLE 2 The compensation for services to be provided will be specified in each Task Order at the time it is made a part of this Basic Agreement. Compensation will be determined by mutual agreement between the OWNER and the ENGINEER and subject to the approval of the funding agency. When "additional" work is required of the ENGINEER, the OWNER shall have the option of directing the ENGINEER to perform the work in accordance with the Hourly Rate Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit B. Said Hourly Rate Schedule is subject to upward adjustment on each subsequent July 1st in accordance with the annual percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index as adapted to the project location. ij ARTICLE 3 2.33 Payment to the ENGINEER for services provided as described in Article 1 is to be made within 30 days after the date of billing. The amount due will be for services rendered during the previous month, unless prescribed differently in the applicable Task Order. ARTICLE 4 It is further mutually agreed by the parties hereto: 4.1 That, the OWNER will designate a representative to direct and coordinate the ENGINEER'.s efforts who will be the only source of instructions to the ENGINEER and who shall have the authority to interpret the OWNER's policy as necessary to maintain the ENGINEER's work schedule, administer the Agreement, and certify the ENGINEER's payment request. 4.2 That, the OWNER shall make available to the ENGINEER all technical data in the OWNER's possession, including maps, surveys, borings, and other information required by the ENGINEER and relating to his work. 4.3 That, the estimates of cost for the Projects provided for herein are to be prepared by the ENGINEER through exercise of his experience and judgement in applying presently available cost data, but it is recognized that the ENGINEER has no control over cost of labor and materials conditions, so he cannot warrant that the project construction costs will not vary from his cost estimates. 4.4 That, the ENGINEER's Salary Overheads are defined as a percentage of wages or salaries of employees working and premiums measured by or applicable at the time of performance to such wages or salaries, such as, but not limited to, Worker's Compensation Insurance, Social Security, State and Federal unemployment insurance, medical -hospital insurance, salary continuation insurance, pension plan costs, and pro rata allowances for vacation, sick pay, and holiday pay. Direct Salary plus Salary Overhead is defined as Payroll Cost. 4.5 That, the ENGINEER's direct expenses are defined as the costs incurred on or directly for the Project, other than the Salary and General Overhead Costs (as defined hereinbefore). Such direct expenses shall be computed on the basis of actual purchase price for items obtained from commercial sources and on the basis of usual commercial charges for items provided by the ENGINEER. Direct expenses shall include, but not be limited to, necessary transportation costs, including mileage at the ENGINEER's current rate per mile when the ENGINEER's own automobiles are used, meals and lodging, laboratory tests and analyses, and reproduction charges. -2- 41. 2.34 4.6 That, in soils investigation work and in determining subsurface conditions for the Project, the characteristics may vary greatly between successive test points and sample intervals. The ENGINEER will perform this work in accordance with generally accepted soils engineering practices and makes no other warranties, expressed or implied, as to the professional advice provided under the terms of this Agreement. 4.7 That, the ENGINEER shall maintain a level of competency presently maintained by other practicing professional engineers in the same type of work in the southeastern United States, for the professional and technical soundness and accuracy of all designs, drawings, specifications, and other work and materials furnished under this Agreement. 4.8 Either party may terminate this Agreement any time by a notice in writing to the other party. If the Agreement is terminated as provided herein, the ENGINEER will be paid for services actually performed; the amount of said payment shall bear the same ratio to the total compensation specified in the executed task orders as the services actually performed bear to the total services of the ENGINEER covered by the executed task orders, less payments of compensation previously made. 4.9 The OWNER may, from time to time, request changes in the scope of the services of the ENGINEER to be performed hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the ENGINEER's compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the OWNER and the ENGINEER, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this Agreement and subject to the approval of the funding agency. 4.10 That, the OWNER, shall pay for all costs of publishing advertisements for bids and for obtaining permits and licenses that may be required by local, State, or Federal authorities and shall secure the necessary land, easements and rights-of-way as described by the ENGINEER. 4.11 That, all claims, counter -claims, disputes and other matters in question between the OWNER and the ENGINEER arising out of or relating to this Agreement or in the breach thereof will be decided by arbitration only if both parties hereto specifically agree to the use of arbitration in regard to the individual matter in dispute. 4.12 That, in the event of any legal or other controversy requiring the services of the ENGINEER in providing expert testimony in connection with the Project, except suits or claims by third parties against the OWNER arising out of errors or omissions of the ENGINEER, the OWNER shall pay the ENGINEER for services rendered in regard to such legal or other controversy, on a basis to be negotiated. -3- • 2.35 4.13 That, visits to the construction site and observations made by the ENGINEER as. part of his services shall not relieve the construction contractor(s) of his obligation to conduct comprehensive inspections of the work sufficient to 'ensure conformance with the intent of the Contract Documents, and shall not relieve the construction .: contractor(s) of his full responsibility for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all portions of the work under the construction `contract(s) and for all safety precautions incidental thereto. 4.14 That, the ENGINEER shall provide an onsite resident observer and will make reasonable efforts to guard the OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the work of the contractor(s) and to help determine if the construction contract has been fulfilled. The resident observer's day-to-day observation will not, however, cause the ENGINEER to be responsible for those duties and responsibilities which belong to the construction contractor(s) and which include, but are not limited to, full responsibility for the techniques and sequences of construction and the safety precautions incidental thereto, and for performing the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The resident observer shall have the authority to reject both unsatisfactory workmanship and materials. His primary duties are as follows: 4.14.1 Check construction activities to ensure compliance with the Plans and Specifications. Inform the Contractor of any work that is in noncompliance. 4.14.2 Ensure that all testing required by the Specification is performed. 4.14.3 Visit the testing laboratory to determine if it has the equipment and qualified personnel necessary to conduct the tests required by the Specifications. 4.14.4 Ensure that tests are performed at the frequency stated in the specifications. Determine when and where tests will be taken and witness tests. 4.14.5 Review test reports and certifications for conformance with the Specifications. 4.14.6 Maintain a file of test reports and certifications. 4.14.7 Inform the Contractor of deficiencies in order that corrections can be made and retesting performed prior to covering any substandard work with additional material. 2.36 1 4.14.8 Document quantities of materials used on the project by actual measurements and computations in a field notebook or computer printouts retained in a folder. 4.14.9 Maintain a set of working drawings, on the job site, which can be used to prepare "as -built" drawings. 4.14.10 Review payment requests from the Contractor. 4.14.11 Maintain a diary which should contain daily entries made and signed by the resident observer. Each entry should include the following, plus any additional pertinent data: (A) Date and weather conditions. (B) Names of important visitors. (C) Construction work in progress and location. (D) Size of Contractor's work force and equipment in use. (F) The substance of important conversations with the Contractor concerning conduct, progress, changes, test results, interpretations of Specifications or other details. 4.14.12 Submittal of FAA Form 5370-1, Construction Progress and Inspection Report, or equivalent form to the appropriate FAA field office. The frequency or submittal shall be established at the preconstruction conference. 4.15 That, the ENGINEER has the right to subcontract services; however, the OWNER has the :right to reject Subcontractors who perform work on the project in excess of $10,000. 4.16 All documents including drawings, specifications, estimates, field notes and other data pertaining to the work or to the project shall become the property of the OWNER. The OWNER shall not be restricted in the subsequent use of the design, design documents or ideas incorporated in the work. However, the ENGINEER shall bear no responsibility for such reuse of the design unless specifically agreed to in writing. 4.17 That, this Agreement is to be binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto and is not to be assigned by either party without first obtaining the written consent of the other. • r l 2.37 4.18 It is further .agreed that the OWNER, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers and records of the ENGINEER which are directly pertinent to the work hereunder, for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and/or transcriptions. Records under this Section shall be maintained and made available during performance on FAA grant work under this Agreement and until three years from date of final FAA grant payment for the project. In addition, those records which relate to any "dispute" appeal under an FAA grant agreement, or litigation, or the settlement of claims arising out of such performance, or costs or items to which an audit exception has been taken, shall be maintained and made available until three years after the date of resolution of such appeal, litigation, claim or exception. 4.19 In accordance with Executive Order 11246, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity", as amended by Executive Order 11375, and as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations, the ENGINEER agrees that he will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, age, color, sex, or national origin. 4.20 In executing this contract the ENGINEER acknowledges that he has visited the site of the work, that he is familiar with the conditions and characteristics of the site, and that he fully understands the nature, extent and character of the project and the time limitations placed thereupon. He further states that he has discussed the proposed work with the representative of the OWNER. 4.21 The ENGINEER hereby states that he has and will comply with the requirements specified in Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and in CFR Part 7, and Minority Business Enterprise Assurances as explained in Paragraph 17 and Appendix 2 of AC 150/5100-4A, "Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects". 4.22 The ENGINEER hereby states that he has performed planning and design engineering on previous airport projects, as well as other projects of a similar nature, that through his laboratory facilities, he has previously performed pertinent work on other airport projects, as well as other projects of a similar nature, and that he has the staff and capabilities to perform the work described herein, in a professional and timely manner. 4.23 Exhibit A, CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEER, is attached to, and made a part of, this Basic Agreement, per requirement of the FAA. -6- me -4 • 12.36 ARTICLE 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe the same in triplicate. s ATTEST FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTE�VILLE, ARKANSAS BY: (c �y���- (Name (ptle NGINEERS, INC. IM.W.--A -7- i kTittie) • • 4 1 2.39 1 EXHIBIT A TO BASIC AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, DATED CERTIFICATION OF ENGINEER I. hereby `certify that I am a Vice President and duly authorized representative of the firm of McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc., whose address is 1810 North College Avenue, Fayetteville, Arkansas, and that neither I nor the above firm hereby represented has: a. employed brokerage, or person for me or contract, or retained for a commission, percentage, contingent fee, or other consideration, any firm (other than a bona fide employee working solely the above •consultant) to solicit or secure this b. agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this contract, to employ or retain the service of any firm or person in connection with carrying out the contract, or c. paid or agreed to pay any firm, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above consultant) any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind for, or in connection with, procuring or carrying out the contract. I acknowledge that this certificate Aviation Administration of the United in connection with this contract Improvement Program (AIP) funds and federal laws, both criminal and civil. Daae) I is to be furnished to the Federal States Department of Transportation, involving participation of Airport is subject to applicable state and • • EXHIBIT B TO BASIC AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, DATED HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE July 1989 - June 1990 Project Director Project Manager Project Engineer Draftsman Clerk -typist Survey Crew (2 -man) Construction Observer Materials Lab Supervisor Materials Lab Technician $61.80/hr 56.65/hr 41.20/hr 30.90/hr 22.70/hr 46.35/hr 38.10/hr 33.00/hr 18.55/hr FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL. CORRESPONDENCE T0: Scott C. Linebaugh, City Manager V' FROM: Dale Frederick, Airport Manager(J4 DATE: September 17, 1991 1 SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO TASK ORDER #2 AND APPROVAL OF TASK ORDER #4 Attached for your review and approval are the above referenced engineering task orders with McClelland Consulting Engineers. AMENDMENT FOR TASK ORDER #2 AIP #3-05-0020-14 This amendment deletes from Task Order #2 article #2, paragraph 5 item b in the amount of $41,150 for south end safety area construction observation and further lowers Article 2 paragraph 4 item b from $4,500 to $3,000 for construction management related to the south end safety area improvements which were deleted from the work scope. This amendment lowers the City's obligation under Task Order #2 by $42,650 to reflect the reduced scope of work related to deleting the south end safety area improvements. TASK ORDER #4 AIP #3-05-0020-14 This task order provides for additional engineering and construction observation for the fencing portion of AIP #14 that was added at the recommendation of the FAA. Although the original Task Order contained some fencing, the scope of this work has been increased to fence a longer area and add security outriggers to existing chain link areas. This Task Order is for a total of $7,990 and will be forwarded to FAA for review and approval after execution by the City. Please execute all four originals and send three back to the Airport to be forwarded to the engineer and FAA. Attachments: 4 original Task Order #2 Amendment Documents 4 original Task Order #4 Documents AMENDMENT TO TASK ORDER NO. 2 EMERGENCY. GENERATOR, ACCESS ROAD LIGHTING AND SECURITY FENCING DRAKE FIELD FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS This amendment is hereby made a part of Task Order No. 2 dated 26th of April. 1991 which is a part of the Basic Agreement executed September 21, 1989, between McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc., (ENGINEER) and the City of Fayetteville, (OWNER) in accordance with the provision of the Agreement. ARTICLE 1 The OWNER has received a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) AIP 3-05-0020-14 for improvements to Drake Field, Fayetteville Municipal Airport, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Task Order No. 2 is hereby modified as follows: 1. Delete Paragraph 5b under Article 2, thereby decreasing the fee under Task Order No. 2 by $41,150.00. 2. Revise the fee for Construction Management Services under Article 2, Paragraph 4b, for Project II to a lump sum fee of $3,000 to reflect the reduced scope of work by the City's decision not to award the Runway 34 Safety Area Contract. ARTICLE 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe the same in triplicate. SEAL a ;t ATTEST; i 1 SEAL' n • `�i, .., CityGElerk? FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By: a .gid trvvrr.� (Title) thilV I54/1- day of 000 444 1991 FOR MCCLLL.AN ONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. By: 0 C. Dated this I3 day of wit TASK ORDER NO. 4 SECURITY & ISOLATION FENCE IMPROVEMENTS DRAKE FIELD, FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS This Task Order is hereby made a part of the Basic Agreement executed September 21, 1989 between McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc., (ENGINEER) and the City of Fayetteville (OWNER) in accordance with the provisions of that Agreement. ARTICLE 1 The Owner has received a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) AIP-3-05-0020-14 for improvements to Drake Field, Fayetteville Municipal Airport, Fayetteville, Arkansas. The grant from the FAA outlines items of work to be included as follows: 1. Installation of 6 foot chain link security fence to replace 4 foot barbed wire security fence. The addition of barbed wire outriggers to existing 5 foot chain link security fence. 3. Change isolation fencing for Localizer Critical Area from 5 foot barbed wire to 7 foot -10 strand barbed wire fence. The Engineer will provide the design and construction observation services necessary to complete the following tasks under this Task Order. 1. Preparation of Pre -Applications and Grant Applications for Federal Funding. 2. Preliminary Design Report and cost estimates for 6 foot security fence, 5 foot security fence and isolation fence modifications with approval by the Owner and FAA. 3. Preparation of Final Design Plans and Specifications for 6 foot security fence, 5 foot security fence and isolation fence modifications with approval by the Owner and FAA. 4. Bidding Phase Assistance to the Owner for advertising, answering bid questions, receiving of Bids on the various phases of work, evaluation of bids received, recommending award of bids, awarding of contracts with approval by FAA. - 1 - • • of contracts with approval by FAA. 5. Construction Management during the construction process including periodic visits to the site, review of Shop Drawings and samples, assistance with change orders, preparation of monthly contractor pay estimates and the preparation of final "Record Drawings". 6. Construction Observation on a full time basis for the anticipated construction period in accordance with paragraph 4.14 through 4.14.12 of Article 4 of the Basic Agreement. ARTICLE 2 The COMPENSATION for services to be provided in Article 1 above shall be according to the following amounts. 1. For Preparing Application: The Owner shall pay the Engineer for the preparation of Pre -Application and grant Application for Federal Funding rendered under Article 1 above, a lump sum amount of $400.00. 2. For Design Services: The Owner shall pay the Engineer for the Design Services rendered under Article 1 above. The Owner shall pay 35% of the fee upon submittal of the Preliminary Design Report to FAA, 95% upon completion of the Final Plans and Specifications and 100% upon approval by the FAA. a) A lump sum fee of $3,000.00 3. For Bidding Phase: The Owner shall pay the Engineer for the bidding phase services rendered under Article 1 above upon the issuance of the Notice to Proceed by the Owner for: a) A lump sum fee of $ 500.00 4. For Construction Management Services: The Owner shall pay the Engineer for the construction management services rendered under Article 1 above in monthly installments based upon the percentage of construction complete in accordance with the monthly estimates prepared for the construction contractor. The final installment will be due upon submittal of the "Record Drawings". a) A lump sum fee of - 2 $ 750.00 5. For Construction Observation Phase: The Owner shall pay the Engineer for the resident construction observation services rendered under Article 1 above. The fee will be based upon the time worked at the hourly rate not to exceed an amount given below for the construction period stated below and in the Construction Contract or as amended by separate Task Order, should the project time exceed that given below. a) A fee equal to the number of hours worked at the hourly rate given in the Basic Agreement not to exceed an amount of $3,340 based upon a construction period of 30 calendar days. Additional work requested by the Owner beyond the work scope stated above in Article 1 shall be performed only after authorized in writing by the Owner.. Payment for additional work shall be according to the hourly rate schedule. in the Basic Agreement and actual reimbursable expenses or in accordance with a fixed amount agreed upon by the Owner. 1 3 ARTICLE 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe the same in triplicate. SEAL `yt,-,z. `• . -_V AS..+;. L ATTES n•-.... ,,. J• t^,� hhi FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By: Date this rte'. City„ 6�lerkv SEAL day of GE01441i 1991 FOR MCCLELLAND C SUL�TiING I INC. By: .'w V'+Jin Dated this '✓ A (1day of i 0 •`0x c 1991 AP* TASK PROJECT PROJECT ENGINEERING MANPOWER AND COST ESTIMATE MCCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. SECURITY FENCE EXTENSION AND 7 -FT ISOLATION FENCE DRAKE FIELD FAYETTEVILLE MUNCIPAL AIRPORT FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AIP 3-05-0020-14 AUGUST 27, 1991 LEVEL OF PERSONNEL FUNDING APPLICATION MANAGEMENT PROJECT DIRECTOR PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT ENGINEER CLERICAL PRELIMINARY DESIGN PRELIMINARY ENGR. REPORT PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT ENGINEER DRAFTSMAN CLERICAL FINAL DESIGN --AND PLANS MANHOURS COST MAJOR TASK COST $400.00 1 $31.00 4 $88.00 2 $33.00 3 $24.00 SUBTOTAL $176.00 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1 $22.00 8 $132.00 12 $150.00 4 $32.00 SUBTOTAL $336.00 PRELIMINARY DESIGN PREPARATION OF FINAL FENCING PLANS PROJECT MANAGER 2 PROJECT CIVIL ENGR. 8 DRAFTSMAN 16 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPEC. PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT ENGINEER CLERICAL BIDDING PHASE PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT ENGINEER CLERICAL 1 5 4 1 7 4 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL Page 1 $44.00 $132.00 $200.00 $376.00 $400.00 $176.00 $336.00 $22.00 $82.50 $32.00 $136.50 FINAL DESIGN $512.50 TOTAL DESIGN $22.00 $115.50 $32.00 $169.50 BIDDING $169.50 $1,024.50 TASK • ENGINEERING MANPOWER AND COST ESTIMATE McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC. SECURITY FENCE EXTENSION AND 7 -FT ISOLATION FENCE DRAKE FIELD FAYETTEVILLE MUNCIPAL AIRPORT FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AIP 3-05-0020-14 AUGUST 27, 1991 LEVEL OF PERSONNEL CONSTRUCTION PHASE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PROJECT ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER DRAFTSMAN CLERICAL CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION PROJECT ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER DIRECT LABOR PAYROLL EXPENSE (35%) DIRECT NON -PAYROLL COSTS MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES REPRODUCTION. DATA PROCESSING TRAVEL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS INDIRECT COSTS (126%) SUBTOTAL DIRECT & INDIRECT PROFIT TOTALS APPLICATION FEE TOTAL FEE PREPARED BY: MANHOURS COST/HOUR COST 8 $132. 2 $28. 4 $50. 6 $48. $258. CONST. MGT. 1 $16.50 80 $1,120.00 SUBTOTAL $1,136.50 CONST. OBSERVATION SUBTOTAL 00 00 00 00 00 SUMMARY OF COSTS DESIGN $1,024.50 $358.58 $5.00 $1,388.08 $1,290.87 $2,678.95 $321.47 $3,000.42 BIDDING CONST. MGT. $169.50 $59.33 $228.83 $213.57 $442.40 $53.09 $495.48 Page 2 $258.00 $90.30 $348.30 $325.08 $673.38 $80.81 $754.19 DATE: MAJOR TASK COST $258.00 $1,136.50 CONST. OBSERVATION $1,136.50 $397.78 $15.00 $1,549.28 $1,431.99 $2,981.27 $357.75 $3,339.02 g TOTAL $2,588.50 $905.98 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,514.48 $3,261.51 $6,775.99 $813.12 $7,589.10 $400.00 $7,989.10