HomeMy WebLinkAbout25-89 RESOLUTION• RESOLUTION NO. 25-89 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECTS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. - That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. for waterline replacement projects. A copy of the contract authorized for execution hereby is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of March , 1989. ATTEST By: erk APPROVED By: Mayor • • AGREEMENT TO FURNISH ENGINEERING SERVICES TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS FOR WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PER RFP NO. 89-3 Basic Agreement This Agreement made this c:?•3kri day of 19$? , between the firm of McClelland Consulting engineers, Inc., ereinafter referred to as the ENGINEER, and the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereinafter referred to as the OWNER, wherein the ENGINEER agrees to provide certain engineering services as defined in Article 1 and for the consideration defined in Article 2 herein. ARTICLE 1 The OWNER, having requested proposals from consulting engineering firms for providing engineering services to replace certain existing water lines and after having reviewed the submitted proposals has selected the ENGINEER to provide the necessary services to design and observe construction of the project to serve the City of Fayetteville. These services, when requested by the OWNER, will be described in specific Task Orders which become a part of this Agreement upon execution. The ENGINEER agrees to perform the services described in the Task Orders after execution by both parties to the Agreement. The services provided by the ENGINEER are anticipated to include Design Services (Task Order 1), Bid Phase Services (Task Order 2), and Ser- vices During Construction (Task Order 3). Services to be provided under Task Order 1 shall include: 1. Field surveys as required for preparation of Plans and Detailed Specifications of proposed new facilities. 2. Preparation of Plans and Detailed Specifications for facilities required. 3. Prepare cost estimate of proposed facilities. 4. Preparation of easements and easement plats when necessary. 5. Submission of Plans and Detailed Specifications to the Health Department. V� ce�S eZ 5-- cP-%`_ • • • Services to be provided under Task Order 2 shall include: 1. Bid advertising and sale of Plans and Specifications at the ENGINEER'S cost. 2. Bid evaluation/recommendations. Services to be provided under Task Order 3 shall include: 1. Pre -construction meeting assistance 2. Observation of Construction for Compliance with Plans and Detailed Specifications 3. Review of Shop Drawings 4. Preparation of Change Orders 5. Preparation of Monthly Pay Estimates for Work Completed 6. Preparation of Record Drawings 7. Final Review of Work and Recommendations for Acceptance. ARTICLE 2 The compensation for services to be provided will be specified in each Task Order. ARTICLE 3 Payment to the ENGINEER for services provided as described in Article 1 is to be made within 30 days after date of billing. The amount due will be for services rendered during the previous month, unless prescribed differently in the Task Order. ARTICLE 4 It is further mutually agreed by the parties hereto: 4.1 That the OWNER will designate a representative to direct and coordinate the ENGINEER's efforts who will be the only source of instructions to the ENGINEER and who shall have the authority to interpret the OWNER's policy as necessary to maintain the ENGINEER's work schedule, administer the Agreement, and certify the ENGINEER's payment request. - 2 • 4.2 That the OWNER shall make available to the ENGINEER all technical data in the OWNER's possession, including maps, surveys, borings, and other information required by the ENGINEER and relating to his work. 4.3 That, the estimates of cost for the Projects provided for herein are to be prepared by the ENGINEER through exercise of his experience and judgement in applying presently available cost data, but it is recognized that the ENGINEER has no control over cost of labor and materials conditions, so that he cannot warrant that the project construction costs will not vary from his cost estimates. 4.4 That, the ENGINEER shall maintain a level of competency presently maintained by other practicing professional engineers in the same type of work for the professional and technical soundness and accuracy of all designs, drawings, specifications, and other work and materials furnished under this Agreement. 4.5 Either party may terminate this Agreement any time by a notice in writing to the other party. If the Agreement is terminated as provided herein, the ENGINEER will be paid for services actually performed; the amount of said payment shall bear the same ratio to the total compensation specified in the executed task orders as the services actually performed bear to the total services of the ENGINEER covered by the executed task orders, less payments of compensation previously made. 4.6 The OWNER may, from time to time, request changes in the scope of the services of the ENGINEER to be performed hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the ENGINEER's compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the OWNER and the ENGINEER, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this Agreement. 4.7 That, the OWNER, shall pay for all costs of publishing advertisements for bids and for obtaining permits and licenses that may be required by local, State, or Federal authorities and shall secure the necessary land, easements and rights-of-way. 4.8 That, all claims, counter -claims, disputes and other matters in question between the OWNER and the ENGINEER arising out of or relating to this Agreement or in the breach thereof will be decided by arbitration only if both parties hereto specifically agree to the use of arbitration in regard to the individual matter in dispute. 4.9 That, in the event of any legal or other controversy requiring the services of the ENGINEER in providing expert testimony in connection with the Project, except suits or claims by third parties against the OWNER arising out of errors or omissions of the ENGINEER, the -3 OWNER shall pay the ENGINEER for services rendered in regard to such legal or other controversy, on a basis to be negotiated. 4.10 That, visits to the construction site and observations made by the ENGINEER as part of his services shall not relieve the construction contractor(s) of his obligation to conduct comprehensive inspections of the work sufficient to ensure conformance with the intent of the Contract Documents, and shall not relieve the construction contractor(s) of his hill responsibility for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all portions of the work under the construction contract(s) and for all safety precautions incidental thereto. 4.11 That, the ENGINEER shall provide on-site personnel and will make reasonable efforts to guard the OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the work of the contractor(s) and to help determine if the construction contract has been fulfilled. Their day-to-day observation of work will not, however, cause the ENGINEER to be responsible for those duties and responsibilities which belong to the construction contractor(s) and which include, but are not limited to, full responsibility for the techniques and sequences of construction and the safety precautions incidental thereto, and for performing the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 9.12 That the ENGINEER has the right to subcontract services, however the OWNER has the right to reject Subcontractors who perform work on the project in excess of $5,000. 4.13 All documents including drawings, specifications, estimates, field notes and other data pertaining to the work or to the project shall become the property of the OWNER. The OWNER shall not be restricted in the subsequent use of the design, design documents or ideas incorporated in the work. However, the ENGINEER shall bear no responsibility for such reuse of the design unless specifically agreed to in writing. 4.14 That, this Agreement is to be binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto and is not to be assigned by either party without first obtaining the written consent of the other. -4 ARTICLE 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe the same in triplicate. FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS � /// / BY: (t/C�lar� (Name) FOR McCLELL By: ND CONSU r. / "Title) NG ENGINEERS,``INC. V P - (Title) Id( , 192 : 1 Dated this l day of ATTEST: - 5 - TASK ORDER NO. 1 DESIGN OF WATER LINE REPLACEMENTS This Task Order is hereby made a part of the Basic Agreement executed a3 , 1989, between McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, NC. (ENGINEER) and the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS (OWNER) in accordance with the provisions of that Agreement. ARTICLE 1 The City of Fayetteville has indicated its readiness to replace existing water lines and appurtenances as noted on Exhibit A of this Task Order. Water line replacements are expected to consist of the following, approximately: Approximate Location Size Length Mt. Comfort Road 8" 2,000' Addington Avenue 6" 400' Rose Hill Addition 2" 3,000' Rose Hill Addition 6" 6,500' Services to be provided under Task Order 1 shall include: 1. Field surveys as required for preparation of Plans and Detailed Specifications of proposed new facilities. 2. Preparation of Plans and Detailed Specifications for facilities required. 3. Prepare cost estimate of proposed facilities. 4. Preparation of easements and easement plots when necessary. 5. Submission of Plans and Detailed Specifications to the Health Department - 6 ARTICLE 2 Compensation for services to be provided in Article 1 under Item Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5 is to be a lump sum of $6,060. Compensation for services to be provided in Article 1 under Item No. 4 is to be based upon the Hourly Rate Schedule attached as Exhibit B of this Task Order. ARTICLE 4 The Engineer will endeavor to submit the construction documents for the Owner's and State Agencies' reviews within seven (7) weeks of the Owner's Notice to Proceed. ARTICLE 5 IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe the same in triplicate. FOR THE /CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By: IJ� ( amed 7n47 -,:n7 71%,L. 1 Dated this 734 day of 1989 FOR McCLELL ND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. By niv. • \\lfrtitAA/V\ AYI Dated this 1 day ofldi , 1989 ATTEST: - 7 UNIVERSITY . ARKANSAS b a PROPERTY V w s Proposed W/L Replacementc Approx. 400' of 6" LHENDRIX Proposed W/L Replacement Approx. 2000' of 8" 2%4 Rp • liiii HOLLY ST I toml% 61 HOLLY ST • 1 1 mans J4MES $T. 0 z c J c c 0 HAZE L L_ PA W r4• 1 Proposed W/L Replacements Approx. 6500' of 6" BERRY Ir PF CLEVELAND DOUGLAS ST. II MAPLE ST. Tie .Exist Fire Hydrants To Exist 6" Waterlines University -Owned Lines Not Shown 1"=500' r 1 ROSE HILL ADDITION EXHIBIT A 2 • �� • HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Staff Position: $/Hr. Principal 70 Senior Engineer 60 Staff Engineer 40 Construction Observer 25 Chief Draftsman 40 Senior Draftsman 30 Junior Draftsman 20 Survey Crew 50 Clerical Support 20 EXHIBIT B MC[I011ana est o rve Consulting Engineers Incorooratea Fa)erleville, Arkansas • • TASK ORDER NO. 2 ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING BID PHASE FOR WATER LINE REPLACEMENTS This Task Order is hereby made a part of the Basic Agreement executed between McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. (ENGIBLEER) ,and the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE (OWNER) on the a3rnf day of 1989. ARTICLE 1 In order to assist the OWNER during the Bid Phase of the recommended improvements generally described in Task Order No. 1, the ENGINEER will complete the following tasks under Task Order No. 2: o Bid advertising and sale of Plans and Specifications at the ENGINEER'S cost o Bid evaluation and recommendations. ARTICLE 2 The compensation for services to be provided in Article 1 is to be a lump sum of $485.00. ARTICLE 4 Compensation set forth hereinbefore in Article 2 is based upon a bidding period of 30 calendar days. - 8 • ARTICLE 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto subscribe the same in triplicate. ATTEST: FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE By: ( diedriU ame) Dated this AT ST: day of (tid% , 1989. FOR MCCLELL7. D NS ING ENGINEERS, INC. GwwN\ , V r (Title) By: Dated this ` day of GV (4 , 1989. 9,lrrGs� TASK ORDER NO. 3 ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR WATER LINE REPLACEMENTS This Task Order is hereby made a part of the Basic Agreement executed between McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ()ENGINEER) and the 2ITY OF FAYETTEVILLE (OWNER) on the 47,34 day of ��/'ipkt , 1989. ARTICLE 1 In order to assist the OWNER during the Bid Phase of the recommended improvements generally described in Task Order No. 1, the ENGINEER will complete the following tasks under Task Order No. 3: 1. Pre -construction meeting assistance. 2. Observation of construction for compliance with Plans and Detailed Specifications. 3. Review of Shop Drawings. 4. Preparation of Change Orders. 5. Preparation of Monthly Pay Estimates for work completed. 6. Final review of work and recommendations for acceptance. 7. Preparation of Record Drawings. ARTICLE 2 The compensation for services to be provided in Article 1 under Item Nos. 1 through 6 is to be a lump sum of $8,115.00. The compensation for services to be provided in Article 1 for Item No. 7 is to be a lump sum of $210.00. ARTICLE 4 Compensation set forth hereinbefore in Article 2 is based upon a construction period of 60 calendar days. In order to meet this con- struction time limitation the ENGINEER will specify that the Contractor operate two (2) separate construction crews simultaneously. - 10 - • ARTICLE 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto subscribe the same in triplicate. FOR THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE By ��A• g/V /Y�Gfn/ 77 ame) y(/ Dated thisnrid day of ATTEST: ATTEST: e) , 1989. FOR McCLEI,I,A$D C(-ISU4y G ENGINEERS, INC. By: Dated this �iULCGGaz ae zzol L/L day of (Titl'e) C \ , 1989. • • • • • • AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO TASK ORDER NO. 3 ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR WATER LINE REPLACEMENTS • This Amendment is hereby made a part of Task Order No. 3 to the Basic Agreement between McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. (ENGINEER) and the City of Fayetteville, (OWNER), dated March 23, 1989. ARTICLE 1 The scope of services required is expanded for work item No. 2 (construction observation), No. 4 (preparation of change orders), and No. 5 (preparation of Monthly Pay Estimates) as necessary to administer the Project for an additional construction period of 75 calendar days beyond the 60 calendar days listed in Task Order No. 3. ARTICLE 2 The additional compensation to be paid to the ENGINEER for this expanded work scope is to be $10,135 lump sum, billable as the work is performed. ARTICLE 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto subscribe the same in triplicate. ATTEST: FOR THE CI OF FAYETTEVILLE By: .e�,�CGs�T/� (Name) le) Dated this 6th day of November , 1990. ATTEST:r)abt/ IJC FOR MCCLELLAN. CONSULTI By: C ( Dated this NGINEERS, INC. f'• (Title) 1990. day of