HomeMy WebLinkAbout134-89 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. /9 /- No resolution was ever drafted. Attached is a copy of the Board of Director minutes where the resolution was adopted. 408 implications outlined in the letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield, Staff does not recommend approval of the benefits at this time. Linebaugh stated Staff had asked Blue Cross if any arrangement 408.1 could be made to provide coverage for the judge. In this regard, Staff recommends that the judge be allowed to obtain his own single coverage and the City pay the judge the amount paid to Blue Cross for single employee coverage. Green, seconded by Kelley, made a motion to approve the health care 408.2 insurance premiums for the judge equal to the same benefits of the other city employees. Lancaster asked if the money was to be used strictly for health 408.3 insurance premiums. Director Green stated this was the intent of his motion. Vorsanger stated he felt the judge should be treated as any other employee and be provided either single or family coverage whatever he needs. Linebaugh stated the judge had only requested individual coverage. Upon roll call, the motion to pay the equivalent of health 408.5 insurance premiums to the Municipal Judge passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 133-89 APPEARS ON PAGE OF ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION. BOOK 408.4 (HUNTINGDON HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION'""' Linebaugh stated the problem in the subdivision is very complex. The developer is responsible when he puts in a subdivision for the drainage and street construction. At the same time, the City is responsible for making sure the proper drainage and streets are constructed. In this case, the developer had financial problems and did not complete the work. The City is not legally responsible to provide drainage or street work if the developer fails to do so. However, the City is responsible to try and protect the public in this type of situation. When the developer goes through the building process, he is allowed to continue on even though he does not have the drainage or street construction completed and building permits will be issued. In the final plat review, liens are required on lots equivalent to the cost of completing the street and drainage construction before the building permits are issued. In this subdivision, several problems have occurred: (1) There 408.7 appears to have been an inadequate drainage plan that the City approved. This is still being investigated. (2) There were liens that were received on the lots. However, the City failed to sell the lots to complete the construction. The City has requested an engineering study into the drainage problems, and the City is looking into the old engineering study on the drainage plan to see if it had been done correctly and why the City accepted it. Staff is also looking into why the protection system failed on the liens. 408.6 - 4p9 409.1 There are basically three alternatives the City can take: (1) no action; (2) City could accept some responsibility for improvements and seek to defray costs by assessing the property owners; or (3) the City undertake the improvements of the drainage system without seeking to defray the costs. Staff feels that the property owners should be held harmless because they were not aware of the problems that occurred; therefore, Staff recommends the City correct the drainage problems at no cost to the property owners. 409.2 City Attorney Rose stated he has attached to the report a copy of the statute that allows the City to defray the costs of improvements if they so desire. Thereis no legal solution to the problem. The statute of limitations has expired on the liens, so they are no longer any good. 409.3 Director Vorsanger asked what Bank had been involved and he expressed his concern that this problem has been going on for twelve years. Linebaugh stated he understood First National Bank had been involved. 409;4 Rose stated he was not aware of the bank pursuing any recourse against the developer. The last correspondence from the bank regarding this development was about 1981 or 1982. 409.5 Vorsanger liked the Staff recommendation to pay for these improvements from the.CIP budget and asked if this was a legitimate CIP item:- Linebaugh stated it was a valid item, and what would be required would be moving improvements from later years to the current level. 409.6 Kelley asked if there were any legal liability that could be attached to the original developer. Rose stated he would like to say yes, but he was not aware of any lots retained by the developer or of any legal recourse. 409.7 Lancaster asked how the lots had been sold if the liens had been recorded. Rose stated the contract that the City had which established the liens was duly recorded in 1979. The lots have been sold in spite of the recorded contract. In two instances, title insurance was issued that listed the liens as an exception on the title insurance policy, but apparently made no difference to the purchasers. The contract was entered into in 1979, and the statute of limitations has run. 409.8 Green stated his main concern was to make sure that this type of thing does not happen again. 409.9 Marinoni asked what the dollar amount was to correct the drainage problem. Linebaugh stated the City estimate was somewhere around $200,000. Marinoni asked if the City obligated themselves on this issue, would that set a precedent for future failures of streets, water lines, etc. Rose stated he did not feel it would because this is a special situation that has occurred and the circumstances of bankruptcy should not set a legal precedent. There may be a 1 moral precedent set, and the City may get requests in the future based on the fact that "you did it for them, now do it for us." Vorsanger, made a motion for the City to undertake the drainage repairs and the funding come from the CIP budget. This motion was seconded by Kelley. Lancaster stated that the issue before the Board tonight was drainage for the PUD.- What type of problems will be brought before the Board in the future when the developer has defaulted. Linebaugh stated that the regulations for drainage and streets in the PUD were not different than any other development. The streets do have problems, but their repair was already budgeted into the CIP budget. Kelley asked that thenecessary changes to City ordinances and policies that would eliminate these types of deficiencies be brought back to the Board as early as possible in the first quarter of 1990. 410 410.1 410.2 410.3 Upon roll call, the motion passed by a vote of 7-0. Eric Malstrom addressed the Board and thanked the Board for their 410.4 support and willingness to address the problem. He wondered if the Staff was prepared to address specific solutions to the drainage problems. Linebaugh stated that the City has received no plans from the engineer at this point. The engineer has looked at the location and stated there was a considerable amount of work that needed to be done. Malstrom stated that several members of. the neighborhood had 410.5 suggestions on how to solve the drainage problems that they would like to share with City Staff. Mayor Martin stated Staff would welcome the suggestions and cooperation with the subdivision members. RESOLUTION 134-89 RESOLUTION BOOK OTHER BUSINESS APPEARS ON PAGE OF ORDINANCE AND NORTHWEST ARKANSAS RESOURCE RECOVERY AUTHORITY Linebaugh announced that the Northwest Arkansas Resource Recovery Authority would hold a meeting at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 21 at City Hall to discuss filing lawsuits against the third parties that have not signed the tolling agreements. Linebaugh has also asked Walter Niblock to present the Board with 410.7 a report tonight. Niblock is requesting two actions from the Board: (1) approval of the signatures on the tolling agreements and (2) approval to enter into a lawsuit against the third parties who refuse to sign the tolling agreements. 410.6