HomeMy WebLinkAbout114-89 RESOLUTIONRESOLUTION NO. 114-89 "3/44.4---4 a A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT INT HE CASE OF UNITED STATES FIDELITY & GUARANTY COMPANY V. CH2M HILL SOUTHEAST, INC. V. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, U. S. DISTRICT COURT, WESTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS, FAYETTEVILLE DIVISION, CIVIL NO. 88-5204. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Mayor or City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a settlement agreement with United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company and CH2M Hill Southeast, Inc., in the amount of $134,004.00 and dismissing the case against the City. A copy of the settlement agreement authorized for execution hereby is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the Board of Directors hereby approves a budget adjustment in the amount of $134,004.00 to pay the remaining contract balance in the wastewater treatment plant construction project. A copy of the budget adjustment approved hereby is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of November, 1989. APPROVED: By: MAYOR RECEIPT AND RELEASE AGREEMENT This Receipt and Release Agreement ("Agreement"), made and entered into by, between, and among the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company ("USF&G"), the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ("City"), .and CH2M. Hill Southeast, Inc.' ("CH2M Hill"), is as follows. WHEREAS, Olson Construction Company ("Olson") and City entered into a contract ("Olson Contract") on or about December 28, 1984, which required that Olson construct a project known as "Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements for the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas" ("Project"); WHEREAS, the original Olson Contract amount was $21,232,000.00; WHEREAS, USF&G issued a performance bond..anda,payment bond, each in the amount of $21,232,000.00, naming Olson, as principal, and City, as obligee; WHEREAS, the Project was designed by CH2M Hill and McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. ("McClelland"); WHEREAS, CH2M Hill and McClelland performed project manage- ment services on the Project; WHEREAS, in August 1987, Olson acknowledged that it was unable to complete the Project due to weakened financial circumstances; WHEREAS, on or about September 21, 1987, City, USF&G, and Huber, Hunt & Nichols, Inc. ("HHN"), entered into a tri -party agreement to complete the Project; • WHEREAS, HHN.:substahti'ally completed the Project in March, 1988; WHEREAS, City has accepted the Project, but has certain requests for warranty or other work detailed on the attached Requested Work Listing; WHEREAS, City paid certain funds remaining in the Olson Con- tract to HHN for work on the Project; WHEREAS, USF&G paid to HHN for work on the Project certain monies over and above what City has paid to HHN; WHEREAS, on or about December 22, 1988., USF&G filed the suit against City and CH2M Hill styled United States. Fidelity & Guar- anty Company vs. CH2M Hill Southeast, Inc., and City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Civil Action No. 88-5204, in the United States District Court for the Western District ,of Arkansas, Fayetteville Division ("Suit"); WHEREAS, USF&G has alleged in the Suit that certain acts or omissions by City and/or CH2M Hill were proximate causes in USF&G's incurring extra costs to complete the Project; WHEREAS, City and CH2M Hill responded to USF&G's Suit and have denied any responsibility for USF&G's alleged damages; WHEREAS, City filed a cross claim against CH2M Hill for indemnity from USF&G's claims; WHEREAS, City filed a counterclaim against USF&G for liqui- dated damages and extra engineering charges; WHEREAS, CH2M Hill filed a cross claim against City for indemnity from USF&G's claims; WHEREAS,: all: parties have -denied and .continue to` deny responsibility for any claims relating to the Project: - WHEREAS, USF&G, City, and CH2M Hill now wish to settle and fully resolve all claims between and among themselves, on the following bases: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the settle- ment monies to be paid, the releases and covenants set out below, and other good and valuable consideration, USF&G, City, and CH2M Hill agree as follows: 1. City will pay to USF&G the sum of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY- FOUR THOUSAND FOUR AND NO/100s DOLLARS ($134,004.00) with certi- fied funds within seven (7) days of the approval and execution by all parties of this Agreement. City does not have to pay such sum until such time as USF&G or HHN has provided the Affidavit required by Paragraph 74 of the General Conditions of the Olson Contract. 2. USF&G, individually, and as assignee of the rights of Olson and HHN under their contracts with City or with respect to the Project, does on behalf of itself, the rights assigned from Olson and HHN, and its and their insurers, reinsurers, agents, attorneys, bankruptcy trustees, successors and assigns, fully release and discharge City, and the agents, representatives, employees, attorneys, and insurers of City, of and from any and all rights of action, claims, remedies, or causes of action at law or in equity that (1) arose from the Project; or -3- • (2)' -pertained to:.the Olson Contract or Olsbn's work or defective work under the Olson Contract; or (3) pertained to the adminis- tration or inspection of Olson's work on the Project; or (4) pertained to payments to Olson on the Project; or (5) were set out in USF&G's Suit; or (6) pertained to USF&G's Suit or the allegations of the Suit. 3. USF&G, individually, and as assignee of the rights of Olson and HHN under their contracts with City or with respect to the Project, does, on behalf of itself and Olson and HHN, and its. and their insurers, reinsurers, agents, attorneys, bankruptcy trustees, successors and assigns, fully release and forever dis- charge McClelland, CH2M Hill, and the parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies of CH2M Hill, and the respective agents, representatives, employees, attorneys, and insurers of McClelland; CH2M Hill, and the parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies of CH2M Hill, of and from any and all rights of action, claims, remedies, or causes of action at law or in equity, which pertain or relate to or arise from any or all acts or omissions, whatsoever, whether known or unknown, occurring prior to the date of this Agreement, even though the effects of such acts or omis- sions may not be felt or become manifest until on or after the date of this Agreement. 4. USF&G covenants that neither it nor its insurers, agents, attorneys, and assigns shall in the future, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, raise or prosecute any affirmative claim against City, CH2M Hill, or McClelland, or the insurers, agents, .attorneys parent,' subsidiary or affiliated companies of City, CH2M Hill, or McClelland, for any acts or omissions occurring prior to the date of this Agreement which pertain to the Project; provided, however, notwithstanding any- thing to the contrary in this Agreement, in the event USF&G is sued by any party in the future for any reason whatsoever for any matter "or claim pertaining to or arising from the Project, then the above covenant not to raise or prosecute any affirmative claim shall be modified to allow USF&G to assert such claims against City which pertainto the time HHN was on the Project, or to HHN's work on the Project, or to administration or inspection of HHN's work, or to payments made to HHN on the Project. 5. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agree- ment, particularly notwithstanding Paragraphs 2.or 3. above, the above releases and/or discharges by USF&G are not intended to preclude USF&G from seeking indemnity and/or contribution from City, CH2M Hill, and/or McClelland should USF&G be sued by any party in the future for any reason whatsoever pertaining to the Project or USF&G's having issued performance and/or payment bonds on the Project. The scope and extent of USF&G's indemnity and/or contribution from City, CH2M Hill, and/or McClelland will be lim- ited to the liability of USF&G to the party bringing such suit against USF&G, and such indemnity and/or contribution claims will not include orbe based on any affirmative claims for damages set out or sought in USF&G's Suit, or exceed USF&G's liability to such party bringing such suit. The scope and extent of USF&G's -5- indemnity -and/or contribution from CH2M:Hill and/or McClelland shall be' further limited to claims for design defects other than any defects in the design of (a) clarifier topping slabs; (b) clarifier walls; (c) clarifiers; (d) aeration basin expansion joints; (e) aeration basin column -floor connections; (f) aeration basin; (g) return activated sludge pumps; (h) DNR pumps; or (i) landscaping. 6. Should USF&G bring an action against CH2M Hill for indemnity or contribution, CH2M Hill may issue an offer of judg- ment to USF&G. If USF&G does not accept the offer of judgment within ten 10 days of receipt by USF&G, and if the final Judgment against CH2M Hill is more favorable to CH2M Hill in terms of money damages awarded than its offer of judgment, then USF&G shall reimburse CH2M Hill for all of CH2M Hill's -expenses and costs incurred as a result of such litigation including any appeals (including, but not limited to, attorney's fees) attrib- utable to USF&G's indemnity or contribution claim. Such reim- bursement,' shall be due and payable in full within 30 days after final judgment has been entered, and appeals of the final judg- ment have run their course. Such reimbursement shall not include the money damages awarded in the final judgment. If on appeal, or following a new trial, the judgment against CH2M Hill is modi- fied, vacated, or altered, and the new final judgment becomes less favorable to CH2M Hill in terms of money damages awarded than CH2M Hill's offer of judgment, then USF&G is not required to reimburse CH2M Hill for any of CH2M Hill's expenses and costs • • (including, --buts not limited to, atto'rney's fees and costs and • expenses in any appeal) attributable to USF&G's indemnity or con- tribution claim. Should USF&G bring an action against McClelland for indemnity or contribution, McClelland may issue an offer of judgment to USF&G, and receive the same benefits described above for CH2M Hill, under the same provisions and restrictions listed above for CH2M Hill. 7. USF&G, City and CH2M Hill agree, and authorize their attorneys, to file a Joint Motion to Dismiss and an Agreed Order of Dismissal, dismissing the Complaint of USF&G, Counterclaim of City, and Cross Claims of City and CH2M Hill, with prejudice, each partly to bear their own costs and attorneys fees, following receipt by USF&G of all settlement monies. 8. City, on behalf of itself, its insurers, employees, agents, attorneys, successors, and assigns, fully releases and forever discharges USF&G, Olson, and HHN, and the respective employees, agents, insurers, reinsurers, attorneys, bankruptcy trustees, successors, and assigns of USF&G, Olson, and HHN, of and from any and all rights of action, claims, remedies, or causes of, action at law or in equity, including any claims what- soever of. bad faith surety or claims practices, which pertain or relate to or arise from any or all acts or omissions, whatsoever, whether known or unknown, occurring prior to September 21, 1987, even though the effects of such acts or omissions may not be felt or become manifest until after September 21, 1987. City also releases 'HHN and USF&G for any and all of the items on the attached -one-page .Requested Work Listingrwhich is incorporated by reference as if fully set out in this Agreement. Without lim- iting the general nature of the foregoing release, it is under- stood that the release includes, but is not limited to, any and all rights of action, claims, remedies, or causes of action aris- ing from or pertaining to (1) City's Counterclaim against USF&G; (2) work performed by Olson; or (3) acts or omissions by Olson; or (4) claims of bad faith surety or claims practices; or (5) the performance bond and/or the payment bond that USF&G issued for Olson or HHN; or (6) any entitlement or right under the perfor- mance bond or payment bond that USF&G issued for Olson or HHN or (7) any obligation on USF&G relating to the performance bond or the payment bond that USF&G issued for Olson or HHN. 9. :Except as hereinafter provided, City, on behalf of itself, its insurers, employees, agents, attorneys, successors and assigns, fully releases and forever discharges McClelland, CH2M Hill, and the parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies of CH2M Hill, and the respective employees, agents, insurers, reinsurers, attorneys, successors and assigns of McClelland, CH2M Hill, and the parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies of CH2M Hill, of :and from any and all rights of actions, claims, reme- dies, or causes of action at law or in equity., whatsoever, whether known or unknown, occurring prior to the date of this Agreement, even though the effects of such acts or omissions occurring prior to the date of this Agreement may not be felt or become manifest until later. Without limiting the general nature of the foregoingrelease it is understood the release includes, but is not limited to, any and all rights of action, claims, rem- edies, or causes of action arising from or pertaining to (1) work performed by HHN; or (2) acts or omissions by HHN; or (3) admin- istration of the HHN Contract and/or HHN's work; or (4) inspec- tion of HHN's work; or (5) preparation, submission, evaluation, and payment of HHN payment applications; or (6) any of the mat- ters or problems listed on the Requested Work Listing attached hereto; (7) work performed by Olson; or (8) acts or omissions by Olson; or (9) administration of the Olson Contract and/or Olson's work; ory(10) inspection of Olson's work; or (11) preparation, submission, evaluation and payment of Olson's payment applica- tions; or (12) design of (a) clarifier topping slabs, (b) clari- fier walls, (c) clarifiers, (d) aeration basin expansion joints, (e) aeration basin column -floor connections, (f) aeration basin, (g) return activated sludge pumps; (h) DNR pumps; or (k) land- scaping; provided only, however, it is expressly understood that City has;not and does not release CH2M Hill from liability for any design deficiencies not released in this paragraph; and, City expressly' retains all rights, remedies, claims and causes of action it may have against CH2M Hill for any such design defi- ciencies not released in this Paragraph. is 10. It is expressly understood that City has not and does not release, but instead has expressly retained, any rights not released above that it may have whether known or unknown against HHN. 11:: .It :is :further expressly understood that, should City make a demand or assert a claim against HHN or USF&G, USF&G has retained all of its suretyship defenses, and any defenses of its } principals to such demand or claim. USF&G agrees that such retained defenses will not include or be based on the affirmative claims and causes of action released and discharged in Paragraph 2 above, and that such affirmative claims and causes of action will not be pleaded as a setoff to any demand asserted by 1 City against USF&G or HHN. 12. CH2M Hill, for itself and its insurers, agents, attor- neys, parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, successors and assigns, releases and discharges, City and USF&G, and the repre- sentatives, employees, agents, insurers, reinsurers, attorneys, successor's and assigns of City and USF&G, of and from any rights of action, claims, remedies, and causes of action at law or in equity that pertain to the Suit or to USF&G's filing of the Suit. CH2M Hill covenants that neither it nor its insurers, agents, attorneys, parent, subsidiary or affiliated companies, succes- sors, and assigns shall in the future, except as otherwise pro- vided below, raise or prosecute any affirmative claim against USF&G, HHN, Olson, or City for any acts or omissions occurring prior to the date of this Agreement which pertain to the Project; provided,however, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in the event CH2M Hill is sued by any party in the future for any reason whatsoever for any matter or claim pertaining to or arising from the Project, then the above releases and covenant -10- e not. to raise or prosecuteany.affirmatige claim shall be nulli- fied and:set aside for the limited purposes: of allowing CH2M Hill to seek,'..and shall not preclude CH2M Hill from obtaining indem- nity and/or contribution from USF&G, HHN, Olson and/or City. The scope and extent of CH2M Hill's indemnity and/or contribution from USF&G, HHN, Olson and/or City will be limited to the liabil- ity of CH2M Hill to the party bringing suit against CH2M Hill and will not include any affirmative claims for damages in excess of CH2M Hill's liability to such party bringing such suit. 13. USF&G, City, and CH2M Hill acknowledge that the work- manship on the Project is not perfect in all respects, and that the City has accepted the Project, subject to any continuing obligations of warranty or otherwise of HHN. 14. In the event of warranty or othermatters in the future, City will provide reasonably prompt notice of such war- ranty or other matters to HHN and USF&G to allow HHN and USF&G to investigate the facts and circumstances of such warranty or other matters. 15. City warrants that as of this date City does not con- template, and has no plans for, asserting a demand or claim in the future (1) against CH2M Hill for any reason or (2) against HHN and/Or USF&G for allegedly defective work or materials on the f Project, except for the warranty or other work detailed on the attached Requested Work Listing. 16. City and CH2M Hill on behalf of themselves, their respectiv'e insurers, employees, agents, attorneys, successors, -11- and assigns, fully and -completely releaseand forever discharge the cross claims City and CH2M Hill have filed against each other in the Suit. 17. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, should an employee or former employee of USF&G, City, CH2M Hill, or McClelland sue or make demand against one or more of USF&G, City, CH2M Hill, McClelland, Olson, or HHN, concerning anything per- taining to or arising out of the Project or USF&G's Suit, then any release or discharge of such employee granted by the party (or parties) against whom suit is brought or demand is made is rescinded, null, and void, and the party (or parties) against whom suit is brought or demand is made is fully restored with all i rights, claims, remedies, and causes of action that such party had or may have had against such employee. All other releases and discharges would remain in effect. 18. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agree- ment, it is understood that USF&G has reserved, and has not released or discharged, its rights and claims against HHN and Olson and any parties aside from those released in Paragraphs 2 and 3, above. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement,. it is understood that CH2M Hill has reserved, and has not released or discharged, its rights and claims against any parties aside from those released in Paragraph 12, above. 19.; It is acknowledged that the releases in this Agreement are intended for the direct benefit of third persons or entities released therein, including McClelland, HHN and Olson. -12- 20.':Any payments herein are made without any .admission of liability on the part of any party or non-party, and are made solely for the purpose of compromise and avoidance of further litigation. 21.The terms of this Agreement shall be binding on City, USF&G, and CH2M Hill, and the respective agents, representatives, assigns,:and attorneys of City, USF&G and CH2M Hill. 22. The undersigned persons executing this Agreement respectively warrant that each has been fully authorized to enter into this Agreement. 23. City warrants that its Board of Directors have passed a resolution authorizing and empowering the person signing for City to execute. this Agreement. A copy of that resolution is attached to and made a part of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreementen�has been executed in mul- tiple originals, this 7"day of �/(�u.444. , 1989. WITNESSES:<, �"/�'Oihhu ��<GLFtmao =/pq�,, re _4 A•et 00% etjte- -13- CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Title: 4 CH2M HILL SOUTHEAST, INC. By: X17 fron Title:f/%ce rr&31ht e-ej,on /tTasrir ATTEST / t ..r. _'c • Asses ;aitt Secretary A ft rc:STATE'O F,(ARKANSAS n - COUNTY OF WASHINGTON This instrument was day of i049,r J,,fne ,i5 the Agent on behalf of CI STATE'OFIALABAMA 5 5 _UNITED STATES FIDELITY & GUARANTY COMPANY By: Assistant Vice President ACKNOWLEDGED be ore me on this the 1989, by TY OF FPrY\ETTEVILLE,(ARKANSAS. 5 5 COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY J2 ) IIry Public, Stafe of Arkansas �J Ud / /N»E Mg -L ' Printed Name of Notary Public This,`y�nstrument was ACKNOWLEDGED,_,bbefore me day of /1014 -ME/? , 1989, by /0,)//1/0/17,0D/t of CH2M HILL SOUTHE ST, INC., a tion, on behalf of said corporation My commission Expires: 92 on this�,, the /5'Tf r /oAP% /f , Florida corpora - Nota • Public 777 S te of Ala .Printed Name of Notary Public -14- ma • STATE OF MARYLAND 5 5 CITY OF BALTIMORE 5 This instrument was day of November Asst. Vice Pres.of UNITED Maryland'corporation, on [S E A L] \'-7‘17'.4t, ''1% My ,Comm'issaeoni,Exp i res : r- `tea 24708909IT8AAA.00 ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this the- , 1989, by Stephen J. Trecker STATES FIDELITY & GUARANTY COMPANY, behalf of said corporation. 15th Mary Pub ic, State of Ma and John T. Wilkins Printed Name of Notary Public -15- a United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21203 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company at a meeting held on April 28, 1982, at which a quorum was present and voted: RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board, the Pres- limiting the foregoing, any and all bonds, guarantees, under- ident, any Vice President, or any Assistant Vice President, in takings. recognisances, stipulations, policies of insurance, deeds, conjunction with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, shall leases, mortgages. releases, satisfactions and agency agree - have power on behalf of the Company: ments; (a) to execute, acknowledge, verify and deliver all (b) to appoint one or more persons for any or all of the contracts, obligations, instruments and documents whatsoever purposes mentioned in the preceding paragraph (a), including in connection with its business, including, without affixing the seal of the Company. and that the foregoing resolution is now in force and effect. I certify, further, that the following are duly elected officers of United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company and hold positions as: JACK MOSELEY Chairman of the Board PAUL J. SCHEEL Executive Vice Presidents President E. DONALD BANGS JAMES V. HARRINGTON DAVID H. MEEHAN W. MINOR CARTER Vice Presidents: LANDON V. ALEXANDER JOHN A. ANDRYSZAK CHARLES W. BOONE MICHAEL B. CASEY B - STEPHEN.. COOK (Controller) ROBERT E. DENIKE JEROME. W. DOBBYN • MICHAEL A DODGE CECIL E ESTES ROBERT FARROW Assistant Vice Presidents: PATRICIA A. ALUISI MICHAEL J. ANKERSON FRED C. BOSSE JAKIE BROWN, JR. KRIS DALY RONALD L DEHAMER NANCY G. DJORDJEVIC CHRISTIE A. FEENEY KENNETH I. FORD WILLIAM J. GENTZ JOHN R. HAMMOND MICHAEL P HAMMOND DEXTER G. HESS Senior Vice Presidents JEANNE H. EDDY URBAN E. LEIMKUHLER, JR. •ROBERT C FREEDY NANCY M. HARAGAN RAYMOND M. HASSETT L. LEE HUPFER GLENN H. KEATTS (and Actuary) JOE I. KIRK JOHN G. LISKA JOHN A. MACCOLL (and General Counsel) RANDOLPH L. ROHRBAUGH WILLARD R. HOLLEY RICHARD A. HUGHES JR JOHN A. Huss EDWARD C. LEBER. JR. THOMAS LONEGRO MICHAEL T MCCARTY RUTH MCCLELLAND B. JAY NCNAMARA (and Assistant General Counsel) T. HARTLEY MARSHALL DORIS MARTIN ALLYSON L. MEADS JAMES G. MERCER PAUL W. SCHLOUGH RICHARD H. SNADER (and Corporate Actuary) WILLIAM J. D. SOMERVILLE, JR. WILLIAM F. SPLIEDT (Secretary) W. BRADLEY WALLACE RONALD E WOHLUST KATHLEEN F. WYCOFF (and Treasurer) CHARLES D ZIMMERMAN, III PHILLIP F. NELSON ROBERT E. NEUBAUER THEODORE G. PARKS DOUGLAS C. PERRY PATRICIA J. SCARFF KEITH T. SHOEMAKER BURDETTE L. SHORT DENISE M. SORTING WALTER E. STEWART, JR. JOHN W SULLIVAN BRENDA M. TOMEC STEPHEN J. TRECKER FREDERICK F WILLEY t Assistant Secretaries: THOMAS L. ALLEN JOHN HOFFEN BRIAN A. ROWLAND BERNARD G. BACINSKI FRANK G HOLLENBECK (and Counsel) DAVID G. BAKER JONATHAN R. JESCHKE A. LOUISA RUSH DOUGLAS R. BOWEN HARRIETT LITTLE CARL R. SAAR DAVID W. BRYDEN KATHLEEN S. LUMSDEN DIANE E. SCHAEFER JAMES M. CARROLL EDWARD S. MAJGRAF DAVID J. SVEC EDWARD A. CHAMBERS, JR. TERESA J. MARECK MICHAEL W VANN CHARLES H. CLEMENS JANIS MAXWELL -ROBERT J. WHITE ,.,WILLIAM J. DUFFY RICHARD L. NAUMAN JOHN T. WILKINS :EL"IZ-ABETH DUNN DAVID G. OLSON FREDERICK J. WILLEY -GEOROER. GARDNER FRANCIS X. PHELAN, JR. DICK E. WILT MICHP:EC O. GRAY THOMAS O. PRESLAR DAVID P. WINGER THOMNS.G. HEIDENREICH -CHARLOTTE RHEINHARDT RONALD R. WIRSING 1 � JUDITH^C.`-HIMPLER - ;certify— �further;`that the signatures' affixed'to the attached instrument are genuine and affikedkthereto by virtue of the recited authority. ".„.........;;;:),•iGven under my hand and the seal of the Company, this \ 0 -\ day of \INC-u''rt\ ' , I9 Executive 30 (7-89) • .:~ Z • 1 �� Assistant Secretary • h REQUESTED WORK LISTING As of November 9, 1989, City and Operations Management International, Inc., have requested that the following four war- ranty or other work items on the Project be performed by HHN and/or USF&G: 1. : Correction of a ponding of water problem on East-West Road in the Northern portion of the Project between the :.Aeration Basin and the Clarifiers. 2. Correction of a blistering problem on the outside sur- faces of the Primary Clarifiers. 3. ;.Correction of a vibration -related problem with the Lamson blowers in the Blower Building. 4. Miscellaneous touch-up painting. USF&G agrees to pay to City up to and no more than SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100S DOLLARS ($7,500.00) to resolve the items listedanddescribed on this Requested Work Listing. Should the cost of resolving these items amount to less than SEVEN -THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100S DOLLARS ($7,500.00), USF&G will pay the actual costs incurred. City agrees to submit to USF&G itemized cost accounting records, invoices, and such other reasonable verification as required by USF&G to document the costs incurred. City agrees that°all work on the items con- tained on. this Requested Work Listing will be completed on or before December 15, 1989, weather permitting, and that USF&G will owe no money for work on such items after December 15, 1989, or such extended date to complete the work as is necessary due to adverse weather conditions. City covenants that it will complete the above listed work as expeditiously as possible, weather con- ditions permitting. 247:D8909'18AAA.00 RESOLUTION NO. 114-89 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT IN THE CASE OF UNITED STATES FIDELITY & GUARANTY COMPANY V. CH2M HILL SOUTHEAST, INC. V. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, NO. CIV 88-5204. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the Board of Directors hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a settlement agreement with the counsel of United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company in the amount of $134,004.00 and dismissing the case against the city. A copy of the settlement agreement authorized for execution hereby is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the Board of Directors hereby approves a budget adjustment in amount $134,004.00 for paying the remaining balance in connection with the wastewater treatment plant construction project. A copy of the budget adjustment for approval is hereby attached hereto and made a part hereof. 1�' • • -1,'10, ATTEST:, hi PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of'Nodember , 1989. City1,C1 '1111111111 APPROVED: Mayor