HomeMy WebLinkAbout42-74 RESOLUTIONHRESOLUTION NO. gc2-79 , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: That the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to exercise an option to purchase property from Franklin Williams for thenputpose of extending Fletcher Avenue south to Huntsville Road. A copy of said option, marked Exhibit "A", is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /AL) DAY OF , TZATTEST0 Cf±rt - t* ••• l'a„CITYICLERK ••••:. s APPROVED: ald4411( YOR 414 1 c-froi 1974. c.f 1.1-N. 1J-1 rcliminkionent. of do %%% . itml homestead -. ALL 131" TIIEISEIP11.1ZENTS: That we, Franklin S. Williams and Elizabeth B. Wi Ili ams, husband and wi fe. Bi 11 . Da 1 ton, Trustee for and in consideration Of thc sum of one. and no/100 dol lass to us Arkansas, Paid 1137 City of Fayettevi 1 le, a municipal Corporation do hereby grant, bargain and sell untothe said City .of Fayetteville, Arkansas and its heirs said s.;;zigns the fOowing describsd [and.. situate III Washington Count:1, State of Arkansas, to -wit: A part of the West 1/2 of th being more fully described a north 0° 40' west of the sou north 00 40' west 23.2 feet feet and being 336.4 feet in of a 130 05' curve having a north 369 51' west 340 feet; thence south 36° 51' east 31 of 518.3 feet and being 585. beginning of a 90 36curve thence south 0° 40' east 23. containing 2.88 acres more o QQ RFCORD Jut,73 N. 3: 00 Do not mEm.1.16 e SE1/4 of Section 15, Township 16 North, Range 30 West, and s follows. Beginning at a point which is located 660 feet thwest corner of the said West 1/2 of the SE1-4, and run thence to the beginning of a 8° 28' curve having a radius of 677.3 length; thence north 27° 50' east 341.4 feet to the beginning radius of 438.3 feet and being 495.8 feet in length; thence thence north 40 58' east 32 feet; thence east 74.6 feet; 8 feet to the beginning of a 11° 04' curve having a radius 8 feet in length; thence south 27° 50' west 341.4 feet to the having a radius of 597.3 feet and being 296.8 feet in length; 2 feet; tl-ence west 80 feet to the point of beginning, and r less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD e said a ds .and appurtenanceS thereunto belonging unto the said heirs and assigns, forever. And WE , the said Franklin Wi ems,- El i zabeth B. Wi I 1 i ems, Bill Dalton hereby covenant that we are lawfully seize,ci of Faid land and premises; that the same is unineumbereci. and 1,ve will forever warrant and defend the title to .the said lands against ali legal claims whczteVer. And I, the said Elizabeth B.. Wi lliams wife °I- Franklin S. Wi 11i ems -in consideration of said sum of mOtkey, do hereby release And renuc;uish unto the said Arkansas, a municipal corporation . . all my interest., right, title and dowy er ;Ind convey mhome td in and to said lands. WITNESS our hands and seal s on this\7P ca.- _day tamoty (.1 -A - ._... r---- -4,2z-C-e C.Li,•04.--,pt.- __-.)._.-- _______[ Seal] , City of Fayetteville 19/11 r ;::.) 1 7 62z7- c---r,i2=4!)-a5.1. 1-5. [Soli) . -1 t ---- rt STATE OP Ail.RANSAS County ot._TWA ............ . .1.IE .1T ;eViWiciti,;:;',.:;:fal.% Tiat - • 1 3 day ea13L3 befelt ille undersigned. a NOTARY PUBLIC i . • WiLiiin 1.11 d for the Comity z,aforesaid, cluly COill331011ed and act-- :. ing,"13,te 1:7"greikAiil Di. R la 1 Hams, El izabeth B. Wi 11i ams, Bi 11 0a-lton to-Tgc wil.1/2-knov...!) iels cho f;rnic_01.; it: thr: fi.::-egoipa i)eed, Ind stated that. they.. had erecuted the same or the con:erarri and‘perntati thorein mentioned and set forth. ..4 ... . . -II 1'1 r--- fi n . ruk ,....._:2 . ...2 :.... --i• W...1:11 m-wal N. 'lava iticti -cc;a1 eir; such • , -.I . ki....t..t..“) ....rt. ... ... `-it --t• day of •• • .: t io / -7- • A •': • ..• • • • ..... . • i ....... (1-1,--y;',. L. .116251- ••• •-• • this 173 PAGE 03 (C:=,47-)J{flet-tc44. ...._