HomeMy WebLinkAbout15-66 RESOLUTION•
WHEREAS, there are a number of existing unimproved streets in the City of
Fayetteville which are in need of paving and curbs and gutters, and a number of
existing improved streets which are in need of being widened, and
WHEREAS, many of the property owners abutting said streets desire to
contribute toward such improvements, and
WHEREAS, in order to encourage such improvements and provide standards
for same, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to adopt certain regulations,
rules and policies governing such improvements, said rules, regulations and
policies having heretofore been approved by the City Manager and City Engineer.
SECTION 1. Paving of Existing Unimproved Streets (Gravel or Dirt).
Property owners on existing gravel or dirt streets may secure paving of said
streets under the following alternatives and limitations:
A. Concrete curb and gutter; street paving consisting of 6 inch
base and 2 inch asphaltic concrete, having an average width of
27 to 32 feet, where possible.
(1) Construction Standards. All construction shall
meet minimum standards presently established for sub-
division§ as contained in Resolution No. 10-61, September
11, 1961; as amended by Resolution No. 7-65, April. 5, 1965.
(2) No project shall be undertaken unless it consists of.
a minimum of one full block or extends between two street
(3) Petition, Plans and Specifications and Contract.
Petitions must be filed with the City Manager in which the
property owners indicate their willingness to share (on a
front footage basis) the full cost of the project based upon
the contract costs for curb and gutter construction and
base material preparations, together with the cost for
materials of the prime coat and asphaltic surface at ten
cents ($.10) per square foot. A deposit of money repre-
senting 10% of the estimated property owner cost shall
accompany said petition and shall be applied to defray
engineering costs in the event property owners do not
pledge and pay in their full cost so that the project may
be completed. If property owners do fully pay in their
full cost, the deposit will be considered as part of their
payment. Upon receipt of such a petition, the .City _will
prepare plans and specifications for curbs, gutters and
base material and request bids from contractors. The
low bid price, together with ten cents ($.10) per square
foot for the cost of materials for the asphaltic surface,
will be used to determine a per front foot cost. A rep-
resentative for the petitioners shall be notified of the
cost. Petitioners shall then have thirty days within
which to deposit the full amount of money.requirred for
the project with the City. When the petitioners have
paid in to the City the full amount of money required
for the project, the City will let contracts for curb,
gutter and base rnaterials preparations. Good engin-
eering practice will determine whether curb and gutter
should be required on both sides of the street.
In requesting bids as provided above, the City will
also solicit bids for prime coat and asphaltic sur-
face material and work. If contractor's bid for such
material and work is ten cents ($.10) per square foot
or less, City will contract for prime coat and asphal-
tic surface as well, rather than undertake the work with
City personnel and equipment. In such case this lower
cost will be used in computing front footage cost to
property owners.
(4) City Inspection and Work. The City will do all
prime and asphaltic surface work excepted when con-
tracted as defined in A (3), supra. The City will also
inspect the contractor's work and upon completion of
the project will assume full and complete maintenance
of the street.
(5) Priorities and City Contribution to Property
Owner Cost. A project will be carried out if 90%
of the total estimated property owner cost is pledged
and paid in, and in such case the City shall assume
the remaining 10% of the property owner cost. How-
ever, those projects in which 100% of the property
owner cost is pledged and paid in by the property
owners shall receive first priority for construction
and completion.
B. Barrow ditch drainage system; street paving consisting of six
inch base with two inch asphaltic surface, of an average width of 20 feet
to 24 feet,
(1) Construction Standards. All construction shall be in
conformity with Paragraph A(1)., supra, except for the barrow
ditch drainage system, the standards for which shall be estab-
lished by the City Engineer.
(2) Minimum Size of Project. Same as in Paragraph A(2),
(3) Petition, Plans and Specifications Contract: A petition
'must be filed with the City Manager as provided in paragraph .
A (3), supra, in which the petitioners agree to share (on a
front footage basis) the full cost of the project based upon the
contract costs for grading, culverts, drainage system,ditch
work and base materials preparation, together with the cost
for materials of -the prime coat and asphaltic surface'at ten
cents ($.10) per square foot. Upon receipt of said petition,
the City will prepare the plans and specifications, and the
sante procedures and requirements established by Paragraph
A (3), supra, for taking bids, determining and notifying
petitioners of the costs, depositing funds and letting the con-
tract will be followed.
(4) City Inspection and Work. Same as in Paragraph
A .(4), supra.
(5) When Alternative!"B!" May 8e_ Used. The improve=
thent plan provided for under Paragraph B hereof may be
used only when in the judgment of the City Manager such
plan is the only way economically feasible for the street
to be .. a'ved; In the event alternative B is used, a minimum
right-of-way of 40 feet, including drainage systern adequately
bounded by ditches, shall be required: If alterinative B is
used; the full 100% of the property owner cost-inu'st be paid
by the participating property owners,.
SECTION •2: ;Curb, :G'litte'r and Widening for Existing _Paved Streett-.
A Widening Str'eets With Existing Curband Glitter. Where there are
'eicisttng 'paved streets with curb and gutter, and sufficient right=of-way :is
on hand, .property owners' May request widening of the street by filing a petition
as :prescribed in Paragraph A(3) of Section 1, supra. Petitioners Anust
agre'e'to share (on a front footage basis) the cost of removing existing
curbs and gutters,'installing new curbs and gutters and -base mater'ial's
preparation between old pavement and new gutter line. The City will
install new pavement between old pavement and'new gutter line at no
cost to the property owners. The. City willprepare plans and specifi-
cations and the same procedures and requirements established in Para-
graph A (3) of Section 1, supra, for securing bids, determining costs,
depositing funds and letting the contract, will be followed.
B. Installing Curb and Gutter on Existing Paved Street. Where no
curbs and gutters exist on an existing paved street, and sufficient right-
of-way is on hand, property owners may request installation of curbs and
gutters by filing a petition as prescribed in Paragraph A(3) of Section 1,
supra. Petitioners must agree to share (on a front footage basis) the
cost of curb and gutter construction and base materials preparation between
pavement and gutter line. City will install new pavement between old pave-
ment and newt curb and gutter: The City will prepare plans and specifi-
cations and the same procedures and requirements established in Paragraph
A (3) of Section 1, supra, for securing bids, determining costs, depositing
funds and letting the contract, will be followed. Provided, this work ,
will be done only if curb and gutter section can fit in with upper and lower
drainage from curb and gutter section with the paved street section as it
exists. If the curb and gutter cannot be engineered into existing condition,
then property owners will have to abide by the requirements of Paragraph
A of Section 1, supra,which would require complete re -working of the street
with attendant costs to be born by property owners. -
C . City Inspection and Work. Same as in Paragraph A(4) of Section 1.
D. Construction Standards. Same as in Paragraph A(1) of Section 1.
E. Minimum Size of Project. Same as in Paragraph A(2) of Section 1.
SECTION 3. Paving to Major Thoroughfare or Collector Standards.
A. Where existing paved or unpaved streets are designated by the major
thoroughfares plan as collectors or thoroughfares which should be paved
to 40 feet or 48 feet, according to established standards for such streets,
and sufficient right-of-way is on hand, such streets may be widened or
paved in accordance with said standards upon the filing of a petition as
prescribed -in Paragraph A(3) of Section 1, supra. Petitioners must agree
to share (on a front footage basis) the cost of removing any existing curb
and gutter, installing curb and gutter, base materials preparation up to
32 feet in width, together with cost for materials of the prime coat and
asphaltic surface at ten cents ($.10) per square foot up to 32 feet in width.
The City will bear all base and pavement costs of widths over 32 feet.
Upon receipt of the petition, the City will prepare the plans and specifi-
cations, and the same procedures and requirements established in Para-
graph A(3) of Section 1, supra, for securing bids, determining costs,
depositing funds and letting the contract will be followed.
B. City Inspection and Work. Same as provided in Paragraph A(4) of
Section 1.
C. Construction Standards. Same as provided in Paragraph A(1) of
Section 1.
D . Minimum Size of Project. Same as provided in Paragraph A(2) of
Section 1.
SECTION 4. General Regulations.
A. All funds collected from property owners for such work shall be
placed in a fund called "New Construction Revolving Fund " The City will
place in this fund the difference between property owner contributions and
actual costs. All contractor, engineering and material costs for such
projects will be expended from this fund. The City contributions from this
fund will be paid out of the public works fund.
B . All intersections and front footage of City owned property will be paid
for by the City on a front footage basis.
C. All property owner contributions for a particular project must be
paid into the City prior to letting contracts and commencement of work.
D . The front footage cost alongside yards of corner properties, as such
would be determined according to normal subdivision platting, will be paid
by the property owner on the basis of one-half (1/2) the regular front footage
cost for all improvements except curb and gutter; s all front footage of curb
and gutter will be paid fully by the property owner. The City will assume the
remainder of the front footage cost along the side yard.
E . The City reserves the right to limit the Street Improvement -Property
Owner Program (as the same is hereby designated) each year because of
limitation of funds and/or personnel and equipment.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of June , 1966.