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Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville,
Section 1. All elected officers of the City of Fayetteville,
Arkansas shall have two weeks vacation with pay during each fiscal year.
Section 2. The City Engineer;,and the assistant City Engineer shall
have two weeks vacation with pay during each fiscal year.
'Section 3. All uniformed employees of the Police and Fire Departments
,of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas shall have two weeks vacation with
pay during each fiscal year.
Section 4. All other employees of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas
on either an hourly basis or monthlywage scale shall have one week
vacation with pay during each fiscal year after the first year of
Section 5. All employees set forth in Section 4 hereof shall be
entitled to a one week sick leave subject to proper certification, during
each fiscal year, which sick leave shall be accumulative for a period of
not exceeding two weeks.
Section b. All City employees shall be entitled to necessary military
leaves for active service up to and including fourteen days during each
fiscal year and in the event military leave is granted or taken under this
section and the pay from -military sources is less than that received from
the city::by;rsirch:;eaiployee oreemployees, the City shall pay the difference
between the military pay and the regular salary of such employee to the
employee; provided further that if the military pay is equal to or
greater than the pay received from the City, the City shall make no
payments to such employee.
Section 7. The Mayor of the City of Fayetteville shall have
authority to grant emergency leaves not exceeding two days to employees
for such emergencies as death or serious illnesses in the immediate
family of such employee and no deduction shall be made from such employee's
wages or salary as the case may be, in the event such leave is granted.
Adopted this 9th day of May, 1949.
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Clerk ayor