HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-31 RESOLUTION%8�*,sus!ss,'^�"r*.'.•'�$�s�lS��.i#+.F3E�.�k whip: 'T-aii�ajr �� f I � I R E S O L U T I O N. WHEREAS: - - - Therreal^ property -he••reinafter -described,is,embraced--in •.T -- School Avenue Improvement District Number One of the City of Fayetteville,and WHEREAS: said real property is also embraced in an Improvement District known as Paving Improvement District Number Forty- five (45),and 6vHEREAS: the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas,has by its City Council, agreed to assume the payment of the benefit dues assessed against said hereinafter described real property in said before mentioned School -Avenue Improvement District•Number One of .the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas for the years 1930,1931,1932 and 1933 on condition that said Paving Improvement District Number Fort y -five be formed and carried out;(it being understood that. one condition of said formation of said district is that the Highway Department of the State of Arkansas shall assume one-half the cost of the improvement to be made); Now, THEREFORE,BE IT EESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF -�-FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS, SECTION ONE: That the assessed benefits against the following real property,as said benefits are shown in the assessment of benefits in the records of said Se2dob School Avenue Improvement District Number One of the City of 'Fayetteville. Arkansas. be, and the same are hereby assumed by the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas,and the Mayor and the City Ckerk of said City be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants for the payment.of the same when and as they become due and payable, said warrants to be issued against the Street Fund of said City,and made payable to the Collector for said Improvement District, SECTION TWO: That in case any of the ovmers of any of said real property sgall have paid said assessments before 'this resolution+3 becomes effective,then,and in that case the said Mayor and City Clerk shall issue such warrants in the sum or sums so paid,and payable to the party or parties who have so paid such assessments. SECTION THREE: --: m � =-^ That �.th6sures6lut3on�osha11"',bec6me effective only on'� the following conditions,to-wit;- 1. Said Paving Improvement District Number Forty-five shall be formed, and perfected. 2.The SAkte Highway Department shall assume:.in due legal form,the payment of one-half the cost of the proposed improvement, as set forth in the petition for the formation of said District. 3.The District shall issue and sell its bonds,and enter into a contract for the construction of said improvement,said contract to be approved by the City Council of the said City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ' S f3Dti �%f 1R}�o$�4r�%mtN�<#ha�s; take#�f.-f eo�,.asie�%�he%r4n�<f�a3^tt�as� tres�3%t Gk%`�'€ U�e2�%'�'t?ft'�pE[�#�'�; �'%`�'�k�'%�'f3pist3tlEE$-�'6t�E�� ; �i'Eit�F'�f.-tk� fC'k $ $t��st�: KtSi%�Cik�'•�'btkxa: of d•#tuff%���t%�€-rart�t;<2st��e+t%8cs�t;�T2tn�e�2��r�asf•�:�cstd,att-i�a;-c���st�3�arrs•x;%rr.< • SECTION FOUR: The real property heretofore mentioned in Sections One and Two hereof is as follows,to-wit; Block Thirty-three (33), Original Town of Fayetteville,Arkansas, Lots Three (3) and theEast Twenty-five and one-half (253) feet of lot Six (6)„ Four,(4),Six (6) and Seven (7). B1ock,Thirty-four"(34)-Lots-One41),-Two e(2),Eight-._(8);--Eight=A- (8a)- Nine (9) and Ten (10). - Block Thirty-seven (37), Lots Five and E* of Three (3),Four (4) and Six (6). Block Thirty-eight (38), Lots One (1), Two (2), Four O (4), Five (5) Six (6) and Seven (7). FERGUSON'S ADDITION: Block Eleven (11), LotsN. 20 feet of Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven. (11) and Twelve (12). Block Twelve (12), Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve (12). Block Thirteen (13), Lots -One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (S), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9). Said real property is further set forth and described in the petition for the formation of said Paving Improvement District Number Forty-five (45), of the City of Fayetteville,Arkansas. SECTION FIVE: That this resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval,subject to the conditions set forth in Section Three hereof, and all resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Attest; Alterman d. Passed and approved this e.77 -day of January; -1931.'' �ty Clerk. Mayorc a ..,-+�__ • •